The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 10, 1917, Image 4

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    Just plain carelessness
That is what ruins a good watch ; .
You can safely let your watch run a year
without having it cleaned and oiled.
When you wait longer, you're damaging
your watch.
Bring it to Clinton's today and have it
examined. If it needs any attention it
will be saving money to have it done
It is always economy to have Clinton
do your watch and clock repairing because
you get perfect work guaranteed and the'
charge is the lowest for which perfect
work can possibly be done.
Graduate Optician,
At tho Sign or Uio lilg King.
Mr. and Mrs. Wllbor Wlnquwst spent
yesterday with frlonds lioro.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
Edward Thompson who has boon ser
iously 111 for sovoral days Is Improv
ing. Mrs. S. R Dorryberry loft yesterday
morning for David City to visit rela
tives. '
Mr. and Mrs Herman Sohloutor will
leave Sunday for Grand Island to visit
Mrs. Lyman Gregory and Mrs. Ella
Smith began work in tho Union Cafo
Wbdnosday morning.
Miss Laura Murray who spont soV'
oral weeks in Chicago returned homo
"Wednesday ovonlng.
Miss Edith Gantt will loavo Sunday
afternoon for Now York City to finish
hor cburso In library work.
I now have funds at 56 por cent
on cholco bottom tablo land. Gono
Crook, Room 4, Keith thoatro Bldg.
MIbsos Irma Barraclough and Ruth
Carroll, will leavo noxt weok for Om
alia to .visit friends for a week or
Miss Margaret Sullivan, of Grand
Island, who has been visiting hor sis
ter Mrs. Horman Schloutor will leavo
For Salo Improved soctlon, 15 miles
northeaBt of North Platto; prlcp $3000.
Inquire of L. A. Cambrel, 703 west
Eleventh. 59-3
Julian IV Calkins and Miss Dora G
Coykondall of Maywood woro married
horo yostorduy mbrnlng by County
Judgo Fronch.
Save your ponnlos. They will bo
wdruVlup to $2 at' tho Roxall Drug
Storo'a Ono Cont Balo August 1G, 17 and
Mrs. Clara Robbine, of WlUIamsport,
Pa,,' will arrlvo hoto tills evening to
attond tho funeral of hor mothor Uio
lato Mrs. J, C. Fodorhoof.
Mrtf. Whoolor Gotty and threo chil
dren of Lincoln aro .cxpoctod horo
noxt .wcok to visit Mr. and, Mrs. II. M.
Gotty for a wcok or longor.
Thoso In nood of painting, paper
hanging and decorating nro assured
satisfactory work If they employ Julius
Hoga. Phono Black 692. 38tf
Mr. and Mrs. "William Snolllng and
chlldron of Los Angeles arrived horo
tho first of this wcok tor visit for somo
tlmo with tho Kloin, Eldor and Baker
John Norrls loft a few days ago for
Hoffman, Neb., to visit his brother.
Miss Ella "Weir, of Sterling, camo a
fow days ago to visit with Miss Jennlo
Mrs. J. C. Fodorhoof. who was tnk
on' ill (SatulrxVay cforflng with gnll '
stones, died at eovon o'clock Wednes
day morning. Sho had Buffered with
this troublo for n nlumibor of years and
recontly tho attacks becamo moro fre
quent and sorlous. The best of medical
skill was obtained and her suffering
rolloved for a tlmo but hopes for a re
covery were abandoned. For several
days boforo her death sho had boon
unconscious, but a, few moments be
fore tho end camo sho spoke a few
wdrds to tho rolatlvos at her bod-sldo.
Mrs. Fodorhoof was a pioneer resi
dent of this city, a woman who was
loved and respected by every acquaint
ance, and whoso desire In life was to
do good for othors. Her death, will
bo deeply felt by hor many friends.
Threo children survlvo her; they ate
Mrs. Amanda Huffman. Martin 0.
Fodorhoof of this city and Mrs. Clara
J. Robblns, of Wllllamsport, Pa.
Sophia Moyers was born in Bremen.
Germany, February 20th, 1852. Hor
girlhood was s'pont In eastern cities
and sho was married In Washington,
D. C, to J C. Fedcrhoof, who died
In this city' eight years ago. After
their marriage they mode their home
in Montourovllle, Pa., and camo to
this city In 1881. Mrs. Fedcrhoof
-was prominent in chulrch work and
took an activo part in tho work of tho
Luthoran aid society. Tho funeral
services will bo bold at tho Lutheran
Two boxes of linen stationery for
2Go at tho Roxall Drug Store noxt
Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Tho MUSIC SHOP for high grade pi
anos. Open ovonlngs by appointment.
Phono 871 or Rod G17.
Mrs D. P. "Wilcox roturned to Cozad
yostorday afternoon aftor visiting at
Uio Cottcroll homo for sovoral days,
Mrs. CM, Nowtonand son Donald
and Joo Pizor who had been touring
Colorado for ton days by auto, re
turned homo yesterday aftornoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Alox Brooks and son
loft yesterday aftornoon for Colorado
by auto to spend a couple of weeks,
Miss Flo Johnston roturned yostor
day aftornoon from Donvor and othor
points In Colorado whoro sho spent a
M)fs. Sebastian Schwalgor and
daughter loft a fow days ago for Port
land, Oro., to visit relatives for sovoral
Miss Fayo Eldor of tho county sup
orlntendcnt's offlco who spont tho past
threo wooks In Buffalo, "Wyo., will re
turn today.
Baby' Mario Osborno in "Told at
Twilight" with a two reol Sonnot com
cdy "Maggie's First Falso Step" Cry
stal tonight
Mr. nnd Mrs. 'Thorp, of ChllllcoUio,
who havo boon visiting their daughter
Mrs Roy Cottrcll for sovoral weeks
will leavo "Monday.
Farm and Ranch loans at lowest
rates nnd best terms. Money on hand
to closo loans promptly.
Lewis Micholson, of Odessa, Wash.
who visited at Uio Burko homo this
wook. loft Wednesday aftornoon for
Schlujylor to visit his sons.
Found Blcyclo on oast side of tho
fodoral building. Owner can havo samo
by proving proporty an paying for
UUs notlco. P. II . McEvoy, Post
Tho Club Novlta was ontortalncd
Wodnosday aftornoon by Mrs. Charles
Llork. Jr. Guests of tho day woro Mos
daiiios Covor. Johnston. Llork and
Lugpr of Lexington.
Miss Myrtlo Boolor ontortalnod
number of frlonds at a picnic Wednos
day afternoon in honor of Mies Dap
hno Stickler of Koarnoy. Yostorday uf
tomoon a group of young ladles woro
hor guosts at a sowing party.
church at 2:30 tomorrow aftornoon.
Discharged for pliyslcnl Disability.
Following aro thoso who failed to
pass tho physical test beforo tho board
of oxaminers of tho solctativo draft.
Any or all of these arc subjoct to recall
should tho government so direct.
Guy Granger, NorUi Platte, Nobr.
Alfred Larson, Brady.
Nathan W. Scott, Staploton.
Georgo W. Teasloy, Dickens.
Robert Salcottl, North Platte.
Leroy Teeters, Mooreflold.
Ralph R. Sawyor, North Platto.
Frank Wyman, North Platto.
Ira McCoIg, Maxwell.
Vernon E. Roberts. Maxwoll.
Ralph Holborg, Brady.
Ray B. Bcatty, Sutherland.
Theodore E. Samelson. North Platto,
Jesus Hermndos, North Platto.
Albort McGregor, Sutherland.
William R. Todd, NorUi Platte.
James E. Sebastian, North Platto.
Harloy L. Pennington. North Platte,
Ralph H. Dompcy, Sutherland.
Reuben A. Scott, Sutherland.
Homer Mylander, North Platto. '
Molvin S. Brantlng, North Platte.
Henry Gaum, Brady.
Harry Beoglo, North Platto.
Earl C. Stlnnottol Moorofield.
Earonst F. Richlger, Denmark.
I. C. Pottljohn, Wallace.
Harold WHg, Sutherland..
Jamos F. Dunn, North Platte.
Andrew Jensen. Wolllleot.
Henry Dovony, Dickens.
Loroy W. Hnlllgaii, North Platto.
Nathan Forsbcrg, Brady.
John Kldwoll, Wallace
Eldon Ilardonbrook, North Platto
Fred A. Anderson, North Platto.
Joso Compas, Suthorland.
Frank N. Arensdorf, Sutherland.
Watson Kunkol, North Platto.
Al.fred Fransen .Ifershey.
Georgo Hanlon, North Platto.
York E. Saxtan. Suthorland.
This Bank and its value
To You
It depends entirely upon how yon use it.
It means stability, constant wise advice,
a standing both inside and outside your com
munity, a means of transacting your business
to the best advantage and many other things
of value.
All this can be done best by connecting
yourself with the McDonald' State Bank.
We solicit your patronage.
McDonald State Bank.
Occupies Now Oarage.
J. V. Romlgh took posaoslon this
weok of tho now building nt Uio corner
of Sixth and Locust which was orocted
by Julius Plzor especially for garogo
purposes, and is theroforo vory com
ploto In its details On tho ground
floor provision Is made for a show
room, office, storago space and wash
room for cars, with nn oloctrio olova
tor convonlontly placed. Tho second
lloor Is used ns a machlno shop and
for car storago. Both floors aro ex
ceptionally woll lighted and ventilated
and a wash room and tollot aro In
cluded In tho convonlencos.
Mr. Romlgh, who handles tho
Dodgo, Cliandlor, Elgin and
Chovrolet cars, has boon han
dl'avppod by limited garngo fa
cilities during tho past year, novor
tholoss his business has boon vory sat
isfactory. Now that ho has ovoryUiing
about ns ho noeds and desires it, an
oxpanslon of his business must nec
fcssarlly follow.
Ralph Vroman spont Uio first of this
wcok in Omaha on buslnoss.
Would you rathor bo In Jail or out of
It? It aocms iv foolish quesUon and yot
in "In Again Out Again," coming to
tho Kolth thoatro noxt Monday and
To-day "Doug" Fairbanks proves Uint
ho'd raUior bo bohlnd tho bars than
living Uio llfo of froodom. However,
porhaps you would also bo in tho samo
framo of mind If you know tho causo.
but then tho Artcraft plcturo will dls
closo all.
Nollco to Hunters
Notlco Is horoby givon that no hunt
ing or trospasslng will bo allowed on
lands owned or loasod by us cither bo
foro or during tho hunting soason.
is now on in full blast, with greater bargains
and reductions on all summer apparel than
ever before, for the reason that Mr. Block is
determined not to move a single garment into
his new store.
This is the way we are going to clean up all that's
left of our summer stock.
All Silk Pongee Dresses values up
S15.00, what s left of them
All of our highest grade Silk Suits, values
up to$40.00, what's left of
them going at
White Gabardine! Wash Skirts formerly
sold up to $4.00, what's left (J 4 Aq
Your choice of our highest grade of Wash
Skirts, values up to $7.50, (tt'j fiQ
what's left of them going at. . sJ
Mr. Block while in N. Y. City succeeded in buying up the
entire surplus stock of summer Voile, and Silk Waists from the
West Point Waist Co. at 119 West 27th. St. N. Y. City at 50c on
the Dollar spot cash, we have just unpacked them and placed them
on sale in 2 Lots as follows:
LOT l.
Dozens of New Voile Waists embrodiered and
lace trimmed large collars values
up to $2.00. liemoval rnce.,
LOT 2.
25 doz. of beautiful Silk Waists, in white and
flesh only all with large collars and made
up to the minute in style and rt 4 q
worth up to $4. Removal price j , 7Q
Ladies" Outfitting Store
Baptist Church Notes.
Sunday school 9:45.
Prealclhing service 11 o'clock.
Mission Sunday school 3 o'clock.
B. Y. P. V. 7 o'clock.
Preaching sorvico 8 o'clock.
Rev. Pope of Grand Island, will
proach both morning and evening.
X E. Church.
( Tho Passion Play will be given nt
tho Methodist church Sunday evening
at 8 o'clock.
Beautifully colored slides will tell
the story of Christ's trial and erucl
flxtlon. At 11 a. m. tho theme will be, "Tho
Llfo that was Manifested."
, Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Epworth league 7 p. m.
Prayor meeting Wednesday ovonlng.
ltcluir tho General Levy of Taxes
011 tho Property 01 uio uuy ot
North Platte, Nebraska, for Revenue
Purposes, During tlio Flsenl Year,
Commencing the Second Monday In
August, 1917.
Tin nrdnlnnrt hv tho Mavnr and Coun
cil of the city of North Platte. Nebraska:
Snc.tJon 1. Taxes aro hereby lovied
on all of tho property within Uio limits
or Uio city or wqrtn natto, uncoin
rtimtv. Nhlirnskn. nt tho rata of five
mills on tho dollar of tho assessed val
uation thereof, for Uio purposo of pay
ing intorost and principal on tho Ono
Ilundrod 'filiouisanu uouar water
Bonds heretofore issued by said city.
Riv.Mnn 2. Taxes niro hereby lovied
on all of the property within Uie limits
of said city at uio rato or two uiiub
on Uio dollar of tho assessed valuation
for Uio purposo of paying tho interest
tinil nrinciniU on the Twonty-llVO
Thousand Dollar Sowor Bonds hereto
fore Issued by said city.
RnrMnn 3. Taxes aro horobv levied
on all of Uio propdrty wlUiln tho limits
of said city nt Uio rato of one-half
mill on tlio uonar or uio assessed vui-
uaUon Uioroof for Uio purposo or pay
ing tho interest on Twolvo Thousand
Dollar Brldgo Bonds horetoforo Issued
by said city.
Section 4. Taxes aro lierony levieu
on U of Uio proporty within tho limits
of ald city at tho rato of ono-half mill
on, tho dollar1 of Uio assossod valuation
Uioroof, for tho purposo of paying Uio
Intoreat on Ton Thousand Dollar
Brldgo Bonds horotoforo Issued by said
Soctlon 5. Taxes aro horoby lovied
on all of Uio proporty within Uio limits
of said city at tho rato of ono-half mill
on Uio dollar ot tho assessed valuaUon
Uioroof, for Uio purpose of paying in
torost on tho Twolvo Thousand Dollar
Flro Station Bonds horotoforo issued
by said city.
Section 6. Taxes aro horoby lovied
on all of Uio proporty within tho limits
of tho said city at Uio Tato of ono-half
6 W al n T mm
Like New Mown Hay
VvSK rragrant odor of our flno print
uuutu-. jolwx uiu uxsio is just as nno.
SPSivBK tv ""- uuij to uy ii uuut) io realize
'UTTrtl ttsWy pound today and wo will leave it to
'user of it. Ask for and got Alfalfa
Ju? IkJ wm um'-
mump M..iL - ,
iiimii riant itrpmprv
At a meeting of tho Council of tho City of North Platto. Nebraska, held
August 7, 1917, the following estimato was made of fecpenses for Uio en
suing fiscal year:
For Payment of interest on $100,000.00 Water Bonds $5,000 00
For 'payment of intorest on $ 25,000.00 Sower Bonds 1-.040.00
For payment of principal 1 sowor bond l 000 00
For payment of interest on $ 12,000.00 Bridge Bonds GOo'oo
For payment of intorest on $ 16,000.00 PavlngBonds 800 00
For payment of Intorest on $ 12.000.00 Park Bonds GOo'oo
For payment of Interest on $ 12.000.00 Fire Station Bonds " G00 00
Fqr payment of Interest on $ 10,000.00 Brldgo Bonds 50000
General Fund, Streots and alloys . $ 6500 00
Salaries 5000;00
Incidental Expenses 5000 00
Sower Maintenance and Flushing , 2500 00
Street Lighting mo'M
Library Fund 2000 on
Fund ; gjjj;
Water Fund ; 20000 00
lroFun1 7000.00
Coniotery 2500.00
Attest: i,T' ,
O. E ELDER, Mayon
(SEAL) City Clork.
mill on the dollar of the assessed val
uation Uioroof, for tho purposo of pay
ing Uio interest on tho Twelvo Thous
and Dollar Park Bonds heretofore Is
sued by said city.
Soctton VII. Taxes aro horeby lov
ied on all of tho property within Uie
limits of Uio said city at tho rate of one
mill on tho dollar of tho assossod valu
utlon Uioreof for tho purpose of pay
ing Uie Intoreat on1 tho sixteen Uious
and dollar paving bonds herotofoiro is
sued by said city.
Soctlon VIII. Taxes aro horeby lov
ied on all of Uio property within Uie
limits of Uio Bald city at tho rato of six
and ono-half mills on tho dollar of Uie
assessed valuation thereof for general
rovonuo purposes of said city for tlio
fiscal yoar boginning Uio second Mon
day of Augaijst, 1917.
Soctlon IX. Taxes aro hereby lov
lod on all of Uio property wlUiln Uio
limits of tho said city at tho rato of
two mills on Uio dollar of Uio assessed
valuation Uioroof for tho public library
fund to bo oxpondod in tho mainte
nance of Uio freo public library of
said city for said fiscal year.
Section. X. Taxes aro horeby lev
led on all of Uio proporty within Uio
limits ot said city at Uio rato of two
mills on Uio dollar of Uio assessed val
uation to bo oxponded for tho malnto
nnnco of public parka in said city for
said fiscal year.
Sction XI . Taxes aro horeby lovied
on all of tho property within tho limits
of said city at tho rato of four and one
half mills on tho dollar of tho assessed
valuation Uioreof for tho payment of
the lighting of streets and alleys of
said city for said fiscal year.
Section XII. Taxes aro horoby lev
ied on all of tho property within Uie
limits of said city at the rato of two
and ono-half mills on Uio dollar of tlio
assessed valuation Uioreof to bo ox
ponded in tho maintenance and flush
ing of sowors.
Section XIII. Taxes aro horoby
levied on all of tho property within Uio
limits of said JcJty at tho rato of seven
mills on Uio dollar of tho assessed val
uation thereof for tho flro dopartmont
and tho paying for flro protection for
Bald fiscal yoar.
Soctlon XIV. Taxes aro horoby
lovied on all of Uio proporty within
tho limits of said city at Uio rate of
two and ono-half mills on tho dollar
of tho assessed valuation thereof for
tho cemetery fund to bo oxponded in
Uio maintenance and up-koep of Uie
cemetery for said fiscal yoar.
Section XV. This ordinance shall
tako offoct and bo In forco flrom and
aftor its passage, approval and publi
cation according to law.
Passed and approved this 7th day of
August, 1917.
Attest: O. E. ELDER, City Clerk.