The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 10, 1917, Image 1

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lte Moult 13 latte cmiriiitceljljj nbtific.
No. 60
COST $173,000 LAST YEAH.
The one big Item in tho taxes the
tpcoplo of Lincoln county pay Is the
support of schools. Last year tho cx
ponso of conducting tho schools was
$172,973.50. With a population estima
ted at 19,000, tho cost of school Is a
llttlo over nino dollars tier capita, and
tho cost per pupil por year exceeds
thlrty-ono dollars.
Tho valu,o of school proporty in tho
county is ?38G,000, and tho total bond
ed Indebtedness is $174,375. There are
130 school districts in tho county with
150 school buildings, and last year
230 teachers woro employed. Tho num
bor,of pupils is 5,573.
Nineteen of tho 130 districts havo
torms of nino months, forty-nine have
oight months, fiorty-soven have sovon
months. Last year tho average Sal
ary paid teachers was fifty por month
but this year salaries will bo increased
and tho avorago monthly wage will
be sixty dollars.
Total of salaries paid last year were
$107,935. 6G.
During tho 'past year seven new
buildings woro orclcted.
This data is obtained from tho an
nual report Just (amplcted by Co.
Supt. Gantt.
Every man who has enlisted in
flio Army or National Guard, or
-who was drawn .In the .draft,
should make a provision for his
wife, mother, slslcr or protect
his business interest that ho Is
lcavltig'by taking nut an Old Line
Life 1'olicy at once. They aro
worth their face In Europe; no
extra premium charged as long
as insured remains In territory
limits of tho United States. Pol
Icics limited to $2,000 on any one
man. Sco or phono
J. E. SEBASTIAN, State Agent,
Brodbcck BIdg., North Tlntte, Nob.
with Old Minn. Mutual Life Insur
nnce Co.
Draft 3Icn Soon to be Called
Washington -dispatches appearing in
yostorday's papors stated' tha."ono
. third of the ollgiblos under tho select
ive draft will -bo called to the colors
September first, and that between Sep
tember 5th and 15th they will bo sent
to tho mobilization camps which are
being prepared by tho government. It
is probablo that this first Icall for 229,
000 men will bo apportioned among all
tho states and tho counties of each
stato and Lincoln county's quota will
bo thirty-eight or forty men. Tho other
two-thirds will bo called as rapidly as
the government can take care of them
at tho concentration camps.
M. K. Barnum, a formor district
foreman at this terminal and now sup
erintendent of motlvo power on the
Baltimoro & Ohio road, is expected
to arrive in North Platto today for a
brief visit with friends.
Tho niftiest line or fall hats can bo
found at tho Hub.
Tho Hub has just recolvod a beauti
ful lino of fall millinery.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
AUGUST 16, 17 and 18th.
Your one real opportunity to reduce the High Cost of Living.
Watch for our big add in next Tuesday's Tribune.
Rexall Drug Store,
North Platte's Busy Drug Store.
Some of tho New Teachers.
Herbort Nowman will havo charge
of tho dopartmont of manual arts,
teaching manual training and mechan
ical drawing. Ho Is an Englishman,
having Borved his apprenticeship as a
cabinet-maker in England. Ho hns
been an assistant in tho engineering
collogo at tho University of Nebraska
for two years, while doing some regu
lar collego work there. Ho Is a mar
ried man, above tho draft ago and
conies well Tccommendcd.
Miss Iva Layton will havo charge
of tho household arts department. Sho
will toach cooking and sowing to tho
girls. Miss Layton -a homo is in Be
atrice. Sho has attended tho Unl
vorslty of Nebraska and Kearney Nor
mal, from which sho graduated and
has boon teaching there during the
summor school.
IIss Ina Dloner, whoso homo Is In
North Platto, will teach ono of the
intermediate grado rooms. Slnco hor
graduation from our high school sho
has graduated from tho Kearnoy Nor
mal and has taught four years. Last
yoar sho was in tho schools at Max
woll, whore sho did very good work.
Miss Dorothy Buck, of Superior,
Nob., will bo ono of tho now teachers
in tho Junior Hlght eschool. Sho is
a graduate of tho Hastings collego
and has oxporlonco In grado and high
school teaching
Sho will probably,
havo chargo of tho work In history.
Miss Viola Myrburg, whoso homo is
at Stromsborir. will teach In ono of
tho intermediate grado positions. Sho
Is a graduate of tho normal training;
dopartmont of Grand Island Collego
and has had both rural and crade.
Moving tho Ames Monument.
Out on tho summit of tho Rocky .
mountains, whoro tho Union Pacific
crosses tho backbone of tho continent,'
workmen aro preparing to movo the,
Amos monument erected thirty-seven
years ago to tho memory of Oakos
Amos and Oliver Ames, tho construct
ors of the Union Pacific. Whon tho
now lino of road was built this monu
ment was loft standing five miles from
tho present track, and it 1s now pro
posed to movo it to a point along the
Union Pacific now lino. Tho monu
enmt is built in tho form of a pyra
mid, sixty feet square at tho base and
sixty feet high. It will bo taken down
stcie at a time and carried in wagons
to '.iz new slto Jufct cast of tho station
at Gho"- rsm .
: :o:
Tho work of the Woman's Commit
tee of National Dofenso in this county
has been turned over to the Twentioth
Century club. T. C. Patterson is
chairman of tho committee of National
Dofenso in this county.
Master Raymond Murray, of Omaha,
arrived hero a fow days ago to visit
his aunts Miss Laura Mvfnray and Mrs.
P. R. Halligan.
Ladles aro invited to tho Hub whoro
tho latost stylos In fall millinery aro
being displayed.
Mrs. Clyde Giddoon and baby, who
spent soveral weeks In Donaphln, re
turned home last evening.
NEKHASKA TJtOOPS OltDKUED Lutherans Open Celebration
TO ENTUAIN FOIt DEJIING, Tho colobratlon of tho few hun-
I drodth annlvorsary of tho Information
Today's Beo says: Tho Nobraska ng opondod last ovoning by a sor
brlgado of G.OOO mon will begin to en- vico at tho Methodist church at Which
Drain for tho great concentration camp, tho attondanco was largo. Tho spoak
nt Doming, N. M., tomorrow. The, or 0f tuo ovoning was Rev. Dr. lialtz
ordor comes from tho United States' iy, 0f Omaha, and ho dollvorcd a strong
army general staff at Washington.
No announcement hns been mado,ns
to which troops will bo tho first lo
movo, and to a cortaln cxtont tholr on
tralnment will dopond upon trans
port. Ordora for Uio cntralnmont of tho
troops havo boon in the hands of tho
mustorlng officer, Major James W.
Hoidt, of Lincoln, for weeks. They
woro sealed and not to bo opened till
August '1. They sot tho dato of ou
tralnment for August 10, or as near to
that dato as could bo managed.
Soma of tho troops may bogln to
movo ovon earllor, others will bo li
fow days later. But within a week tho'
last of tho Nobrnska brlgado will have
loft Nebraska soil .
As lato as nino o'clock this morn
ing Captain Halligan, of Company E
had recolvod no ordors to movo,
though ho thought it probable ho Avould
rdeelvo somo ward during tho day. Ho
can get his Company in shapo to en
train within a fow hours.
It Is understood that the Union Pn-
clfic is prepared to furnish transpor-
tation equipment for tho company on
short notice.
Married at Crole
Eugene Ray Marovlsh and Miss
Mario Kostoryz woro married at imp-'
ai nign mass m sacreu neart cnurcn;.
iCrotc, Nobraska. August 8th, by Rov. I
Fathor Moshlor. They were attended
by Joseph Kostoryz and Ml&a Mar-
guicrito Hyer.
'1110 Ureaictast and re-.
coptlon woro hold at the homo of tho
bride's parents whoro many boautlful
gifts wcro displayed. Mrs. Marovlsh
Is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Kostoryz, of Croto, and has been a
successful school teacher and a pop
ular young lady. Tho groom is tho
son of W. Mnrovish of Garfield, was
born and raised in Lincoln county and
resided hero for many yeains. Ho
counts his friends in largo numbers.
Rolatives from Lincoln, Milllgan and
North Platto attended tho ceremony.
After a wedding trip In eastern points
they will be at home in Garfield.
: :o: :
Episcopal Church Suiulny, Next
Each communicant Avill .have thy
privllogo of making a commlunion.
Thoro will bo threo sorvlcos ar
ranged, each about forty-flyo minutes
in duration, 8 a. m., 9 a. m. and 11
a. m. Thero will bo no sermon. All
try to attend ono sorvlco. Archdea
con Bowker will romaln in tho city to
offlclato at these services.
Another slacker was brought down
from Sidney last night and placed in
tho North Platto fedoral prison,. Ills
namo Is James McCann, thirty years
old and halls from Mllford, Mass. Ho
was arraigned before tho U. S. Com
missioner in Sidney yostorday and
placed under $500 bond. Unablo to
furnish sureties, ho was brotaght hero.
address on what tho reformation
moant to tho world. Splondid music
was rondorod by a spoclnl choir and
This afternoon beginning at twolvo
."o'clock a picnic will bo hold at the
ilty park and a basket dlnnor sorved,
and following this addresses will bo
dollvorod By Prof. Kreugor of tho
Wostorn Theological Seminary and
Rev. Borgln.of Kansas. Tho Munici
pal band will give a concert tho early
part of tho nftornoon.
J At tho Methodist church this ovoning
he final sorvlco will bo hold with an
address by Rev. Hoover, of Carthago,
Illinois, on tho subject of "Roviving
the Reformation." Special music will
bo rondcred by tho choir and orches
tra . .
: :o::
Childron's market day will be hold
at tho Crystal theatre tomorrow morn
ing. Mrs. Arthur Fink will ontortaln tho
Et-A-VIrp club next Wodnosdny af
tdmoon .
Mrs. J. B. Critchfleld, of Omaha,
camo last ovoning to mako hor homo
with fl'r. and Mrs. Loo Critchfleld.
Mrs.Glddoon nnd daughter Ruth, of
Donnphln, nrrlvod hero last ovoning
vlgU C1 . Wl
rointivos in town yostortiay wnuo on-
routo home from a business trip to
vnr nmit Moilnrn fnrnlnhod rooms.
ni0(iorn furnished homo and garago.
jirg qCOi q. Troxlor.
Dr. J. B. Rodfiold roturncd yoster
day from Tryon wharo ho oxnmincd
olghteon men who woro recently draft
ed. Thoro woro six rojocted and eight
filed exemptions. Tho quota is nino
Weather forecast for Nortli Platte
and vicinity: Partly teloudy and warm
er tonight; Saturday showers and cool-
or. Highest tomporaturo yostorday 73,
a year ago 97; lowest last night 52, a
year ago G3.
County Commissioners Springer,
Hormlnghauson nnd Koch returned this
morning from Fremont, whoro thoy at
tondod tho tractor show. It is prob
ablo that tho dounty will invest in an
othor tractor for road grading pur
poses, and tho commissioners went to
Fremont to inspect tho various makorf
and models.
ojMrs. Laura Borgman died early this
morning after an illness of threo
weeks duo to heart trouble Sho
loavosa husband and two daughtors
Cathorine and Mrs. D. J. Etzol of
Portland, two sons E. R. of Salt Lake
and John of this city; sisters Mrs.
Wm. Hoyso of this city and Mrs
Marcott of Horshoy, and two brothers
William and Charles Gorkin of May
wood. Funoral arrangements havo
not bcon made.
Call at tho MUSIC SHOP and Inspect
tholr now lino of pianos Just received.
Claudo Woingand, Jr., has accopted
a position in tho Samuolson furnish
ing storo.
E. R. R. Sadler and Wm. Chambor-
lnln, of McCook. visited with J. E.
Nolson Tuosday.
Mrs. J, L. Murphy loft tho first of
tho week for Koystono to spond a fow
lays with frlomls.
Tho Rowona Circle will moot with
Mrs. Loss, 120 oast Third stroot, next
Tuosday afternoon;
Mr. and Mrs. Will Friond aro plan
ning a visit to Colorado and Wyoming
points, in tho near future
Mrs. Emma Poorvhaa returned from
a visit in Grand Island nnd roaumcd
her dutTos at tho Loador.
Miss Irma Johnston has roturncd
from Donver, whoro Bho was called
by tho death of a relative.
Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Husband loft
Puosday for Iowa to visit thoir daugh-
tor for a couplo of wooks.
Mrs. Clara Robb at Loxlngton. who
vlBltod hor dnughtor Mrs. Crawford,
In this city, has returned homo.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cottroll will loavo
noxt wcok for South Dakota to visit
relatives for a couplo of wooks.
Soo tho nifty lino of early fall hats
now on display at McVIckor's, at Tho
Leader. 59-2
Mrs. Goorgo Hlgboo, of Gandy, who
was visiting Mr. ami Mrs. wiuiam
Dlonor returned homo Wodnosdny.
Two pounds of coffoo for 39c at tho
Roxall Drug Storo, Augus 1G. 17 and
18, Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
Mrs . Taylor has roturncd from Kear
ney and rcsumod hor duties in tho al
teration dopartmont of tho Block storo.
Miss Lois Moore, of Lincoln, who
had bcon visiting ho sister Miss Ruth
Mooro for somo time, hns returned
Goorgo Freed oxpects to go to Om
aha noxt week to spond a fow days .bti
foro going to tho training camp at Ft.
Miss Margarot Mottin, who hns been
visiting in Portland for soveral weoks,
Is cxpoctod to return homo tho first of
next week.
For Sale Copper Klad range almost
now, also RIvorsldo hard coal stovo in
good condition. C. W. Edwnrds, 303
west Fourth street.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fleishman ro-
t'urnpd tho early part of tho wcok
from a vlBlt in Omaha, making tho
trip In their car.
Wo aro Avllllng to loso money to got
you acquainted with our goods. Wo
will show you at our ono cent salo.
Roxall Drug Storo.
Mrs. John Mullck Is spending a few
days hero with frlomls whllo enrouto
from Choyonno whoro Mr. Mullck was
roqontly transferred.
Mr. and Mrs. Glon Millor and two
children who woro visiting rolatlvos
In eastom points returned homo tho
first 'part of tills wook.
Mrs. F. W. Rlnckor ontcrtalncd at
dlnnor last ovoning in favor of Misses
Betty Doylo and Sarah Rlsdon, of Lin
coin, who aro guests of tho Halligan
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tiloy and Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Dickey returned Wcdncs
dny ovoning from Estos Park. Making
their homo in a rontod cottago and
taking sldo trips to points of intorost
In and near tho park, thoy spent ton
dnys vory onjoyably.
The Smile that has made a nation happy
is the smile that
Douglas Fairbanks
uses early and often in
"In Again Out Again"
One of the cleverest photoplays of recent times.
Monday and Tuesday.
August 13 and 14.
Madison Mayard. of Donver, is cx
poctod horo Sunday to visit his fathor
ln law David Shcody. Mrs. Maynard
camo last week.
Mr. and Mrs.Josoph Karbush, of Chi
cago, aro expected horo in a fow days
to vlsjlt tho , lattor's mother. Mrs.
Karbush was formerly Miss Antonotto
Landgmf of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira LoMnstor, of Don-
vor, havo bcon spondlng this week
with rolatlvos and friends in town.
Mr. LoMastor is employed in tho Ford
assembling plnnt in Donvor.
Brokon oyo glass lonsos can bo re
placed tho samo day as ordor is given
in our.lonso grinding dopartmont.
tf Gradunto Optometrists.
Doputy Shorlff Roy Wilson will ro
turn to"Hay from Hardon, Mont., with
A. Owons, who was recently located by
tho pollco. Tho latter will appear in
tho court horo to-nnswor to a chargo of
statutory ra'po.
Tho clorlcal work tonnoctod with
tho board of examiners of tho solect
lvo draft is such that it will keep tho
members busy for sovoral days aftor
tljp exemptions havo bcon passed up
on. It has niudo.much work for Comi
ty Clerk Allon, -who by tho timo every
thing Is cleaned up will havo given
practically a month's timo to tho work.
Real Estate, Fire, Tornado and Hall
Insrimncc Special Agents Globo
Life Insuranco Company.
Cornor Front nnd Dowoy Sts., Upstairs
l'linno Rod r72. North Platte, Neb.
Dodge Brothers
Cars Do Stand Up.
They go and como buck, easi
ly, comfortably and very eco
nomically. They sell at a reasonable and
fair price, tho same price tho
world over, with no rebate or
discount anywhere,.
Their owners havo tho. bene
fit of Dodge sorvice, with repair
parts on hand at very reasona
ble prices, at every point where
Dodge cars are sold,.
Such honesty of building and
thoroughness of after service
causes the result which might
havo been expected, a largo and
increasing over demand for the
car everywhere,.
The only way to make sure
of a Dodge Brothers Car is to
get your signed order. in today.
Do not bo satisfied with a lesser
car because you can obtain im
mediate delivery, for many of
theso cars sell best only when
Dodges and Fords are not to
had,. It will readily pa.y you to
wait for your Dodge Car,.
J. V. jRomigh,