The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 07, 1917, Image 3

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Mrs. Quinn's Experience
Ought to Help You Over
the Critical Period.
xo wow. raoBs. r or me lost three
years I have been troubled with the
t tf m a-ry 11 . .
unange ot Ufo and
tho bad feelings
common at that
time. I was in a
very nervous condi
tion, wifh head&chna
and pain a good
deal of the time so I
was, unfit to do my
work. A friend
asked mo to try
Lydia E. Pinkhamrs
V otrotahln Ram.
Ti t, 'ponna, wntcniaia,
End it fins nulnArl ma In twamr wmr
am not nearly so nervous, no headache
or pain. I must say that Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound is the
best remedy any sick woman can take. "
Mrs. Margaret Quinn, Rear 259
Worthen St, Lowell, Mass.
Other warning symptoms are a sense
of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches,
backaches, dread of impending evil,
timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation
of the heart, sparks before the eyes,
irregularities, constipation, variable
appetite, weakness, inquietude, and
If you need special advice, write to
the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Go.
(confidential), Lynn, Mass.
lngton.O.O. Sooksfres. nich
ed refereuses. Best results.
A Philadelphia Idea.
Music mid cleaning the parlor him'
never been vary cloudy associated.
When the housewife wants to play tin
pltino she generally waits until she
has cleaned the parlor, taken a bath
and dressed herself In party clothes
Now a I'hlladelphlan has patented n
dusMUterlug attachment which can bi
attached to the,player-plano, and the
ordinary housewife can now seat her
self at tho plnyer-plano, obtain music
via the keys, work the pedals for all
she Is worth and, with her child to
run the vacuum cleaner about the
floor, she can have It clean In ifjlffy.
The bellows of the player are attached
to the vacuum cleaner by means of
a special pipe, and In this manner tbe
needed vacuum Is created for cleaning
Splendid Medicine
For Kidneys, Liver
and Bladder
For the past twenty years I have been
acquainted with your preparation, Swamp
Root, and all those who have had ocea
lion to use such a medicine praise the
merits of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root; spe
cially has it been very useful in cases of
tatarrh or inflammation of the bladder. I
firmly believe that it is a very valuable
medicine and recommendable for what it
la intended.
Very truly yours,
Oct. 26, 1910. Alanreed, Texas.
Prove Whit Swamp-Root Will Do For You
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
fiinghamton, N. Y., for a sample size
bottle. It will convince anyone. You
rill also receive a booklet of valuable
Information, telling about the kidneys
ind bladder. When writing, be sure and
mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent
and one-dollar size bottles for tale at all
drug stores. Adv.
The Ideal'
A prospective bridegroom made his
first call on bis future bride In com
pany with a marriage broker nnd while
In the parlor waiting for the appear
ance of the fnmlly tbe broker drew
the young man's attention to a glass
closet containing a handsome sliver
"Just look at these things," he said.'
"You can see how wealthy these peo
ple are."
"But Is It not possible that these ar
ticles were borrowed for tbe occasion,"
Inquired the suspicious young man,
"so as to give an appearance of
"What an Idea !" answered the agent
reprovingly. "Who In the world would
lend them anything?"
Natural Study.
Tho teacher was hearing the class
In nnture. Trying to Impress upon
the children's minds the horror of cru
elty to animals, she told the following
story :
"Once a farmer went out to milk a
cow nnd n little calf switched the man
In the eye with Its tall. The man
took out his knife and cut off the
calf's tall. Now, children, what verse
In the bible should that man have re
membered?" Of course- she had referred to
"Blessed are the merciful," but Philip
had another answer:
"What God hath Joined together, let
no man put asunder." Exchange.
If a woman were satisfied with na
turo's handiwork there would be fewei
toilet preparations on the mnrket.
are the newest and
best in corn flakes
Crop of Corn Depends on Farm
er's Skill to Keep Rainfall.
Description of Implement That Will
Make Best Mulch With Least In
Jury to Plants Device Is
Dragged Over Surface.
The farmer's supply of moisture for
maturing n crop of corn often depends
upon bis skill In preserving the rain
fall. This may be done by keeping a
Just mulch or "dust-blanket" over his
cultivated field. With this aim In
view, some farmers drag a mower
wheel between the corn rows. While
this is successful In a large degree, It
has been found that tho wheel often In
jures the brace roots of the corn.
The Implement that will make the
best mulch with the least injury to the
corn is the one described. Procure
two boards 5 feet long JO Inches wide,
and 2 Inches thick for the frame Be
neath this frame run cross sections of
2-by-4-lnch matcrinl about V2 Inches
apart diagonally with frame of drag.
Let tho back ones be longer than the
front ones, nnd extend toward the in
side of the frame. The fniine Is fas
tened together at the front end with an
eye-bolt bent In U-form so it can be
Dust Mulch Cultivator.
fastened through the frame. This al
lows the drag to, take an A-fonn if
the chain hitch Is fastened on the out
side corners. Across the rear end Ip
nn adjustable chain for regulating the
width of the spread. This Is used to
allow the drag to spread and close, so
as to accommodate itself to the width
of the corn rows. It works all the
ground between them, nnd does not in
jure tbe brnce roots. The Instrument
Is especially needed after the corn hns
become too lnrge to cultivate with a
cultivator. Itnlph A. Page, in Popular
Science Monthly.
Cultivate Often and Thoroughly, Keep
ing Surface Soil Loose Kill
Weeds at the Start.
(By It. S. MACKINTOSH, Minnesota Ex
periment Station.)
Cultivate your war garden often and
Cultivation means the keeping of
the surface soil, the upper two Inches,
Cultivate more in dry weather than
in wet.
Cultivation makes a dust blanket
and prevents the loss of soil moisture
by evaporation.
To know the tricks of the enemy Is
half the battle. Know the Insects and
diseases wJilch attack your vegetables
nnd you will know how to fight them.
Sod when thoroughly broken up
makes the soil richer. Tbe Job Is to i
get It broken up and worked Into the
The easiest time to kill weeds Is
Just as they begin to start. There
fore, start the garden hoe and the Cul
tivator early. 1
Skin Is shown and good results ob
tained when the gardener does each
job at the right time and In the right
Garden Truck Should Not Be Allowed
to Wilt or Lose Flavor Store In
Cool, Dry Place.
Don't let fresh vegetables or fruits
wilt or lose their flavor or begin to roc
because they are handled carelessly.
Keep perishable vegetables In cool,
dry, well-alred, and for most vege
tables, dark rather than light places.
Learn how to store potatoes, cab
bages, root crops, fruits, and other
foods so that they will keep properly
for later use.
Don't think that any place In tho
cellar or pantry Is good enough to
store food.
Heat, dampness, poor ventilation,
bruising or breaking will rapidly make
many, vegetables rot, ferment, or spoil.
Warmth and light make vegetables
uprout and this lowers their qrollty.
Root of Tap-Root Type and Does Not
Spread, Hence Plant Is Propagated
Only by Seed.
Wild enrrot Is a blennlnl or ivo-year
plant ordlnnrlly; that Is, It normally
blossoms nnd produces seed the second
yenr after germination and then dies.
Occnslonnlly a plant matures seed the
first year, or, on the other band, It may
live for several years If seeding Is pre
vented each year. The root Is of the
tap-root type nnd does not spread,
hence the plant Is propagated only by
Its seeds. For this reason the weed
can lo exterminated If seed production
Is prevented.
limitation on crop yield
Good Farming Requires That Lack of
Lime Be Supplied Amount to
Apply Will Vary.
Crop yields are limited by a lnck of
llmq. Good farming requires that the
lnck bo supplied. The tendency of
soils to lose their llinc results finally
In cjover failure and gives opportunity
to sorrel, plantain and other worthless
plants which thrive with n lower per
centage of lime in the soil.
Tho nmount of lime that should be
applied to land varies. If a soli Is a
tenacious clay and physical Improve
ment is desired, an application of two
or three tons of stoiio lime may be
profitable. Ordlpitrlly, lime Is applied
to mak6 a soil friendly to clover and
other plants; and the equivalent of
one to one and one-half ton of stone
llmo per acre, applied once In each ro
tation, is usually a maximum amount.
In many instances 1,000 pounds per
acre will accomplish the desired re
sult, and smaller amounts may be suf
ficient. The' equivalent of 1,000 pounds
of stone lime represents between 1,
:!00 nnd 1,850 pounds of slacked (hy
dratcd) lime, or a little less thnu one
ton of raw limestone reduced to u
I powder.
! Whllo somo experiments seem to
I show that ground limestone has glvcri
i a little better return than the caustlo
forms such returns are not usually
sufficiently greater to justify the uso
of ground limestone nt a disproportion
ate price.
To Improve Texture of Animal's Coat
and Its Appearance, Skin Should
Be Cleaned Often.
(By C. II. M'EnitOY, -Oklahoma Experi
ment Station.)
In many ways tho skin of an ani
mal Is like that of a man, except that
It Is more densely covered with hair,
which affords protection, but leaves n
place for the lodgment of dust, bnc
teria and filth, and these are retained
by persplrntlon. To improve the teX'
ture of the coat, and the appearance of
the animal, the skin should be cleaned
frequently. This is probubly best done
by the use of a brush and metal comb,
The comb is used to remote the hard
material, and care should be exorcised
to use the comb lightly. Then uso the
brush vigorously.
Animals should be groomed Imme
diately after exercising, thus removing
perspiration that tends to dry on the
skin. After all coarse material Is re
moved, the loose material can be re
moved from the hair by using a moist
cloth. Manes and tails can be cleaned
by using a coarse brush (mnne brush),
using care to work only a small por
tion at a time. Manes nnd tails should
be washed once In each month nnd
brushed out straight, with the addition
of a blend oil, and keep it soft. In
warm weather wash the horse, using
wnter from which the chill is removed,
and at this time rub the skin. Then
dry and brush the bnlr straight.
Heads of .Plant Clipped Off to Secure
Seed Contained In Them Blow
Into Receptacle.
This clover seed-harvester works
partly on the prlnclplo of a vacuum
cleaner. An engine drives a powerful
rotnry-alr fan to produce a blowing
nnd a suction blast of air. The "blow
ing" blast Is driven under the clover
as tbe machine Is driven across the
field to lift up nny tangled and "down"
clover so tbe cutting mechnnlsra enn
get nt it. A cutter is provided to clip
off the heads of the clover plants. Then
Clover Harvester.
tho suction current of air seizes the
clipped heads of clover and cnrrles
them up into a receptacle of some kind
or other provided on tho body of tho
hnrvester. Thus only the bends of the
clover are clipped off to secure the
seed contained In them, the rest of the
plant being left to bo cut as liny or
used in any other way desired. Farm
ing Business.
While Little or No Difference la Found
With Hogs Dairy Cows Prefer
Ground Feed.
While feeding experiments which
have been conducted by several sta
tions show thnt pigs do Just as well
on shelled as ground corn, tests in
the feeding of dairy cows show that
grains commonly used ns feed for milk
cows, If ground, result in an Increase
In milk flow of close to 10 per cent
nbovo that obtained If the grains are
fed In tho natural state.
Lack of Exercise Is Cause of Much
Loss Among Young Pigs Push
for Early Maturity.
Thousnnds of young pigs nre annu
ally lost through lack of exercise.
The cost of the product Is lessened
by pushing the pigs for early ma
turity. A liberal feeding of roots to the
brood sows Insures healthy pigs.
Early maturity decreases tho risk
from dlsensp
Until Recently Product Has Been
Paid for Without Regard to Qual
Ity Farmers Organizing.
Discussing the cost of producing
milk by dairymen and tho cost of dis
tribution by dealers, Prof. Fred Has
miissen, head of the dairy husbandry
department ut the Pennsylvania stuti
collcge, recently asserted that milk
has until very recently been paid for
without regard to quality, the cheapest
anil poorest milk determining the
price. The farmer, he said, has not
made usu of collective bargaining lu
the sale of milk, and us an Individual
bus accepted whatever price was of
fered. "The fact that milk bus always been
obtainable farther away from the mar
ket at less price than the difference
in the cost of transportation," said
Professor ltasmussen, "has made It
difficult to get a rise in price of milk
for the fanner. The farmer as a class
Is slow to change and slow to organ
ize. It has been the history through
out the world that co-operation among
farmers develops only under economic
"The fact that milk producers In
the eastern part of the United States
are today organizing to save their In
dtistry from financial ruin Is the best
evidence of the economic pressure the
Industry Is suffering. In thr solving
of the crisis in the milk business today
many adjustments must be niitde."
Labor-Saving Device Easily Put To
gether Greatly Assists With
Chores Around Stables.
The dally toll about the barn In do
ing chores can be lessened If a few labor-saving
devices nre Installed. One
of these devices Is a manure carrier.
I made one as follows: The body of
the carrier Is made of pine boards for
the ends, shnped as in the sketch, and
onto these ends I- nulled sheet-Iron
sides and bottoms, as shown, says a
South Dakota writer in The Farmer.
Then I bent an ordinary one-Inch gas
pipe Into U sbnpe, forming the frnme,
and bolted It to the body of tho car
rier, as shown. Then to the top of
the gas pipe frame I fastened two piv
oted sheave wheels, diameter six
Homemade Litter Carrier.
Inches. A little retaining or trip lever
was also fastened to the frame and
engages In a suitable slot In the end
of the carrier body. This lever Is
shown In the sketch, and it Is to keep
the carrier body in place when loading,
and to release the body so that it will
swing on tho pivots In unloading.
The next thing wns to put up the
track. I used round steel cable pur
chased from the local dealer nnd fas
tened this to a post In tho barnyard
suitably guyed and anchored. The
other end of the cable I ran through
the barn door to the opposite side.
There I fastened It to the wall securely
and stretched It tight. Then I hung
the carrier in place and the Job was
completed. It works fine and Is about
as good as a more expensive one.
Five Practical Suggestions Made by
Clemson College for Best Man
agement of Herd.
i (Clemnon CoIIcko Bulletin.)
1. Have the herd examined at least
once a year by a competent veteri
nnrian. Promptly remove animals bus
pected of being in bad health. Never
add an nnlmiil to the herd until cer
tain It is free from disease, partlcu
Iarly tuberculosis.
2. Never allow n cow to be excited
by fast driving, abuse or unnecessary
disturbance. -
3, Clean the entire body of the cow
dally, Hair In the region of tho udder
should bo kept short by clipping.
4. Do not allow strong-flavored food,
I like cabbage or turnips, to bo eaten
except immediately after milking.
Clmnges In feed should bo made grnd
R. Provide fresh, pure drinking wa
! ler in abundance.
In Single Year She Produced Enough
Protein for Three Steers and
Fat for Two.
Dairy products, like everything else,
nre increasing in price and we find
now ns never before an Increasing de
mand for the dnlry cow. If we stop to
consider a few of her performances
we -will find that in a single year she
will produce enough protein for three
steers, enough fat for two, ash enough
to- build the skeletons for three, over
fflO worth of milk mignr, and mnnure
vulucd at ?:?0.
Mcntnr Exercise.
"Do you en Joy modern poetry?"
"Very much. It's such good fun try
ug to figure out what It nu .ms."
Our respect for old age depends a
gient deal on whether It Is to be ap
plied to men and women or bonrdlng
Ikmsh poultry.
Don't Poison Baby.
FORTY YEARS AGO almost ovory mother thought her child must hav
PAREQOIUO or laudanum to niako it Bleep, Thoso drugs wiU produco
Bleep, and a FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produco tho SLEEP
FROM WHICH THERE IS NO WAKING. Many nro tho children who
have boon killed or whoso honlth has been ruined for lifo by paregoric, laiida
num and morphine, each of which is n narcotio product of opium. Druggists
are prohibited from selling either of tho narcotics named to children at all, or
to anybody without labelling thorn poison." Tho definition of narcotio"
is : "A medicine which relieves pain ami produces sleep, but which in poison'
mis doses produces stupor, coma, convulsions and death." Tho twato and
smell of medicines containing opium arc dlsguisod, and sold under tho names
of Drops," Cordials," ' Soothing Syrups, oto. You should not permit any
medloino to bo given to your chlldroa without you or your physician know
oi wnac ic is cotuposoa. uabtuiua.
or unas. li. i letcner.
Genuine Castoria always boars tho
Canadian Farmers
Profit From Wheat
Yon can get a Homestead of 160 acres FREE
and other lands at remarkably low price. During many
years Canadian wheat field have averaged 20 bushels to
v. . ...... -t.t 1. 1 i. .c i i. i ... u
wu iiiuitjr jritiun na
1 Wonderful crops also of
-muK Mixcu fanning as
wK 1 iic exceuene KraHca iuii ui nuinuon are me only
food required for beef or dairy purposes. Good schools, convenient, climate excellent.
There Is an extra demand for farm labor to roplace the
many younii men nbo baro volunteered for tbe war. The
OGYcranietit Ii Drying farmer to put extra acreage Into
grain. Write (or literature and particulars as to reduced
rallnar rates to 8upu ot Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or
Room 4, Boo Dido., Omahe. Nob.
3rd Floor Paxton Olsek
lOtliiFarnamSti., Omaha
1U,I qulpp.d P.nt.l Ofllc,!
In Omtbt. kattontbl prlrti.
SpccUl dUtouDt to til popU
lltlni ouUld at Onilii,
Hotel Castle
YVk, 032 S. 10th Street
Omaha, Neb.
New, absolutely fireproof.
With prlvato toilet 11.00)
with private bath 11.50.
FRED A. CASTLE, Proprietor
1007 Mnrney St. Omaha, Neb.
70(OburrySt. Des Molues, lu.
Distributors for General Kloctrio Co.i American
UloctrloCo.,Te!ephoDi-8i 0. A. Wood l'reserror Uo.
VST A good stock o(gonoral supplies, both cities
nnd auDDllen.
Mount! in tun Trent. All
EE&SlCMIfJfi Kuatmau Roods. Wn pay re-
r I II I v is 1 II u turn poatuge on nniHiung.
Eastman Kodak Co. Omaha, Neb.
Take Dodge Street Car From Station
Tcioo J $1.00 up without bath,
XtULCb $lt50 up wltn batn
Tito Hotol With a Reputation
R. E. BRYANT Proprietors O. E. CARNEY
Athletic Goods, Basobnll, Tennis, Golf,
Outing Clothing, Camping Supplies,
Kodaks, Fishing Tnclcle. SEND FOR CATALOG.
1514 Farnam St. OMAHA, NEU.
Gravel, Asbestos, Asphalt, Slate and Tile
Quotations on requatt
510-11 Ware Block OMAHA, NEB,
RAWT Live stock
DU W JLsJUO Commleaion Co.
$100,000.00 CAPIpTAAib STpOCH
South Omaha Chicago Kaa. City
GRINDERS Sunderland Machinery & Supply Co., Omaha
Hess & Swoboda
Special attention to outside
orders tor floral designs bjr
mall or express. Quick seme
Our Nation Stirred
To Its Very Foundation
MEN WOMEN MONEY nro being mobilized for protection of our homes.
The Strongest Defense for the homo is a certificate of Life Insurance in the
Woodmen of the World
850,000 Met .bers; $33,000,000.00 Assets. Ask any member or write
W. A. FRASER, Sovereign Commander
V. O. W. DuMdlng ... Omaha, Nebrasha
..d'Muii.iwiiii'r .inriii : :ir.M'KH;iMi!MMJTiiit!fMlT;r,tHiHi!MM,:'inijMnni! iHiM:i(ri,nr'iJ
A Guarantee.
"You sny you iwu offer mo a for
tune, but la It all clean money?"
"It ought to be; I tnnde it In soap."
A wise spinster says It's better to bo
laughed at because yon are not mar
ried than not to be able to laugh be
cause you nre.
voim nur
The war's devastation of
European crops has caused
an unusual demand for grain
from the American Conti
nent The people of the world must
be fed nnd wheat near $2 a bushel
offers great profits to the farmer.
Canada's invitation is therefore
especially attractive. She wants
settlers to make money and happy,
prosperous homesfor themselves by
helping her raise immense wheat crops.
Jiittil as J uusucis lu uic Able.
Oals, Barley and Flax.
3 .
profitable nn Industry as grain rate-
uovernment Arnt
Amateur Photographers I
Prints to SH'tyi, u each; to 3MxiMt
4a each; 8HaoVi and post cnrda,6oeaob.
1007 Howard St. Omaha, NaV,
Whta Prints Are Ordered
Prlnt2Mx3U,ncents;3Hxi)i, 4 rental
postal curd atze, 0 cents, postpaid.
Beaton Photo Supply Co.
16th & Farnam SU. Omaha. Nsb.
Ask us to put your name on
our quotation list that you may
compare our prices with others
U hoosswshbip STOCK VATOS-OMAHAj
Markst Tour cream whero It will not jou tbe most
money. The Fulrinoiit tjreamory Company
i offon joutbbnHtU"uf Its tbirtj-four years ot ex
perience. Vj shipping yourcream to this company
you will reccWo full market value In paywentl
your check nil! be sent you dally) you will sate ex
press charges ana jour cans will pa returned mora
promptly. Batlsfacilon Is guaranteed". Ship to the)
nearest Nebraska factory. Factories are located at
Uiuulia, vreto ana uramu Isluud, 4
Done promptly. Free price list,
3rd Floor Brown Bldg. Omaha, Neb.
Plonso order through your noareat
j doalor. Quick ahlpmontB our hobby
I Write, wire or phone
For correct quotations on
live stocK. ESTABLISHED 1867.
in'ru'ij'iiiPtiiniTirii Lri!i,ii!f!H4NM;TiMft.nft':tii?itFiij'iriinn-Hi-(-ju'tiriririiiTi