The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 27, 1917, Image 5

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    r"' ' 1
jE are not only luxury but a iy
y Sae Investment If
SI they are constantly raising in IS
01 PRICES 58 to $500.00.
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Bunk.
Clarence Wright left Wodnosdny for
Choyenno to attend tho celobration.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist,
r Fred Harrison has boon spending
this wook with friends In Lexington.
Try Dr. Smith, tho
Miss Ethel Wingot has gono to Col
orado Springs to visit friends for two
weeks .
C. S. Clinton returned Tuosday af
ternoon from a business trip !to
G. W. Adams, of Omaha, sont Uie
foro part of tho wook with 0. II.
Harry Plzor has been In Cheyenne
this week visiting menus anu auonu
Ing tho celebration.
Engineer Tom Guthorloss loft Wed
nosday morning for Choyonne to at
tend' Fiontior Days.
Investigate tho Dixon-Porfecto noil;
broakablo glasses
Mrs. Floyd Iticheson has been vis
iting friends in towns on tuo isorin
River branch this wceit.
Tim Pun Hellenic Society was en
tortained Wednesday afternoon by
Mrs. Georgo Zentmeyer.
w nnil Mrs. J. A. Ward loft
Wednesday for an extended visit with
relatives in Ottumwa, la.
Miss Burke, of Lexington, arrived
Tuesday to accept a position in the
Wilcox Department Store.
Mrs. Win. Borton and daughtor loft
Wednesday for Chcyonno to visit
friends for several days.
G. E. Nelson, formerly with tho
Davis Auto Co.. has accepted a posi
tion with tho Romlgh garage.
Mm A. E. Hunijlngton roturncd
Tuosday evening from Paxton where
she visited her son for a week.
Mrs. II. N. Smith returned home
last evening from a week's visit with
tho Pushraan family at Melrose.
vura Aiinn Tift camo down from
Archer. Wyp..
week and loft
Mis Emma Stoffregan. of Blue Hill
who had been visiting her brother Ed
Stoffregan and wife, left Wednesday
morning for Scotts Bluff.
Albert Blankenburg spent Wednes
day in Kearney on business connected
with the races to he held In connec
tion with tho comity fair.
Miij'es Ethel and Haton Sender,
who had been visiting relatives at
eastern points for five weeks returned
homo Wednesday morning.
Mrs. Margarot Hall, who has been
visiting hor daughter in Long Bench.
Cal.. fori two woeks is expectod to re
turn tho early part of next wook.
FOR SALE Saxon roadster. A
handy , car for any one. In good me
chanical condition.
Forrosl Hendrickson and Miss Ma
bel Goldon, of Gothonburg, were mar
ried at tho court house Monday after
noon by County Judge French.
Missos Ada Hall, of Staploton, and
Ruth Wallace of Omaha, who were
visiting in town for soveral days, loft
yesterday afternoon for Stapleton. .
Buy your Alfalfa Seed of Johnson
Seed Co, Grand Island, Neb. Thoy
have strictly dry land, 191G crop re
cloanod and government tested seed.
Writo lor samples and quotations. 48-S
Mrs. J. P. Stout and baby, of Om
aha, arrived a few days ago to visit
tho Huntington family. Mrs. Stout
wns formerly Miss Pearl Wooks of
this city.
Mfte. T. H. Smlthors. of Lincoln.
.will arrive hero this week to make
hor home. Mr. Smitheirs recently
camo horo to accept a position in tho
Rexall drug store.
Farm and Ranch leans nt lowest
rales and best (onus. Money on hand
to close loans promptly.
A baby girl was born tho first of
this week to Mr. and Mrs. George
Huntington, formerly of this city,
Baby and mother arc reported to bo
gottlng along nicely
Miss Amanda and Alvin Weingand,
who havo'been visiting relatives in
town for a month or more, will leave
for their homo iii Rossville, 111., the
early part of nort week.
Sneclal sale on Ladles Dress Skirts
Silk Skirts and Wash Skirts, also the
Wool Skirts. This Is an opportunity
to got a skirt at unusually low prices,
It will pay you to visit tho McVick
or Milllnory Parlor (at Tho Leader)
Saturday, July 28th. Every Triml
nfJvVr Omnlr less thnn wholesale price. Nothing
Tuesday for Omaha. ; ro3(jrYe(1 For ono (lay only.
Miss M. Sicilian, steam baths ami 1roon eyo giasg lenses can bo re-
Swcdlsli Massage, gentlemen and la- placed tho sam0 day as order Is given
dies. Phono 897, Brodbcck building. in our lonso grinding department.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrow, form-' HARRY DIXON & SON,
erly of this city, came a few days ago tf Graduato Optometrists.
tn visit their daughter Mrs. Jack Pal
to visit tnoir uaufaiiin IUnman IIoUB0 waa entered
m r" , wl Monday evening by soma unknown
Elmer Taylor, of Elm Crock, army- party wi,0 entered a room occupied
ed here the early part of tho week to by a Uulou paciflc brakoman and six
tako a position in tho Liork-Sandall (i0nara in money, two suits of clothes
Miss Betty Doyle, or Lincoln, ar
rived in town Wednesday morning to
visit hor sister Mrs. Capt. Rolfo Hal
ligan. Mrs. Joseph Wooks, of Grand Isl
and, camo tho first of tho wook to
visit tho Huntington family for n
Miss Adah Hatfield returned to
Hastings Tuosday evening aftor visit
ing at tho Oglor homo for several
An Associated Pross wire from
Washington dated Wednesday says:
No attempt te mado here to minimize
the seriousness of tho situation In the
war thoatres In Europe
The United States Is in the war ami
will go through with It but any
hope of a short struggle has gone
glimmering with Uio apparont almost
complete collapse of the Russian war
machine. '
The development was not unexpect
ed by many army officers. When the
orTemtlvo of July 1 was started by tho
Russian forces, the most frequent
comment heard hero wns that It prob
ably was the dying kick V of the old
Russian machine.
For the United States th Russian
collapse may have an immediate and
direct bearing. It will, If the Gorman
general staff presses Its advantage
release additional German forc
es to twister up the western front,
where American troops are to bo en
gaged. The German line in the west has not
been seriously Impaired at any point,
offiHals here believe. It has been
noted, in fact, that the one strategic
advantage gained in' recent fighting
was gained by the Germans..
Many officers here lxlievo that
when a small sector of the British line
In Belgkiin waa overwhelmed, the
Germans improved their weakest
front materially. That view Is based
on ooinion that the only hope of de
cisive attainments for the allies in
the west lies In rolling up the Ger
man flank where It reaches the sea
In Belgium.
: :o: :
and other articles taken. Tho thief
has not been apprehended.
Immediate dolivory on Chovrolet
490s. By a great deal of telegraphing
and some luck too, I think, I have
boon able to get another carload. of
these dandy small cars. Thoso aro
tho last of tho 490s that will bo sold
at tho prosont prices. $85 advance
by August 1st. Get yours now.
J. V ROMIGII, Dealer.
A colored laborer was arrested
Tuosday ovonlng for stealing a watch
from Master Frank Moonoy nt the do-
pot. Frank was at tho dopot wltn
non no
was takon.
a t n Rawvnr Js vlsltlnc in
Choyenno and from thoro will go toj sovornl boy friends and w
- i onmwl tWft WnnkS With 1.1c l.nnV TOIltdll WI1 0
IJUMVUl tU pjUiln w. w . till MUM UIO i.w. ...w...
friends. I by tho nogro who had been acting in
' , ,,nJ Two moro slackens wore nrrostod
houso Tuesday
Mrs. C. H. Stamp pleasantly enter
tained tho mombers of tho Mothors'
Club at a kenslngton Wednosday af
ternoon. On account or tho increase in his
transfor bualneas C. H. Spicor has
added anothor five pawongar car -to
his outfit.
Mrs. M. V. Mitchell, who left two
woeks ago for Long Beach. Cal.. for
the benefit of her health, Is already
much improved
coin. Arnold Kiory ago was Uis-
covorod In tho railroad yards tliero
and refuses to givo any explanation
for not registering. Alox Coloman,
who was arrosted for loitering around
the streets. kIvos his ago as nlnoteon
and states tlint ho waB a membor of
Co. C of .tho Eighth roglmont. in
quiries aro being made concerning his
Mrs. P. J. Norrls and daughter Mil
dred returned Wednesday evening
from n three woeks' visit in Excelsior
Angus McLane, formerly of-this city
Is spending this wook In town while
enrouto to California to accept a po
sition with a railroad icompany.
Special sale all this week on LudiesM
Drosses silk and all the Huinmor
dresses aro included in his sale.
Mrs. Leonard Stirou, of Omaha,
formerly of this city, who had hoon
visiting her paronts Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Hlbnor, loft Wednesday even-1"S-
. .
Frank Crutchslnger, who is in charge
of construction work at the new do
pot, returned yesterday morning from
Omaha with eight mon to assist in tho
Soo tho special prices for Saturday
only on tho Muslin Undcrwoan dis
played in our windows. Wilcox De
partment' Store.
Mr. and Mrs. Logan Marcott, ot
Brady, aro visiting in town with lo
cal friends. Tho fornior was assist
ant in the county superintendent's of
fice three years ago.
Mrs. William McGlone and childron,
of Donvor, formerly of this city, aro
oxpoctod, horo tho first of next month
to visit her mother Mrs. Anna Sey
forth for two weoks.
The Missos Cohagon and Schott held
a dancing party at tho homo of the
fciner Wednesday evening. A num
ber of local young people attended and
spent a pleasant evening.
It will pay yui to visit the McVlck
or Mllltnory Parlor (at Tho Leader)
Saturday, July 2Sth. Every Triml
mod Hat in the store to bo sold at
loss than wholesale prlco. Nothing
rosorved. For ono day only.
Dr. Fred J. Wurtolo went to Donver
last night on business connected with
the call he has received from tho fed
eral government to become a member
of the medical iriesorvo corps. It Is
probable that tho Doctor will soon bo
called Into the soryice.
Two Omaha mon driving a Piorce
Arrow car left that city Wednesday
ovening at eight o'clock, arrived here
at seven yosterday morning and ex-
pectod to reach Cheyenne 'before six
last evening, making tho 510 miles In
twenty-two hours.
Wynn Cox, of Hershey, in remitting
a couplo of years' subscription, sug
gests that, as wo wish to go fishing,
wo had betten take a fork and go to
tho South Platte, nnd then If we still
feel like fishing, go ahead on the trip.
Thanks, Wynn, wo may take your ad
Tom Graon, of this city, who leaaed
tho Apploford ranch on tho Island
south of Kolth siding, had nearly ono
hundred "acres of corn practically des
troyed by hall tho early part of the
week. Ho said that before tho storm
his corn looked as fino as any ho had
over seen.
During tho past wook County Clork
Allen has been boselgod by men who
make Inquiry rolntlvo to tho federal
drawing, and who will and who will
not bo exempt. In rogard to exemp
tions, Mr. AUon could glvo no Infor
matlon because ho had not. as a mom
bor of tho oxamlnlng board, recolvod
His full instructions.
Writing from Lako Louise, Alberta,
Canada, under dato of July 20th, W. E
Shumnn says: "Dorothy and I nro In
the heart of tho Canadian Rocklos
wearing, ovorcoats mornings and ovon
Ings to keep wann. Logs aro kenr
burning in llro plncos throughout tho
hotel all day long. Tho plnco is uir
roundod with mountnlns and gla
ciors." A rocont issuo of the Chicngo Trlb
uno contained a picturo of Miss Irma
Huffman who Is appearing on a chau
tTUiqua circuit as one of the principals
In tho comic opera "Mikado." On tho
same circuit Is Col Brynn and Ex
Pnosident Taft, evidence that Miss
Huffman Is on one of tho most ox
'pon.'lvo circuit. Sho appeared In
Chicago last week.
Notice to Wator Consumer!!.
In order to do what wo can to holp
out on the food problem, tho Water
Department has decided to allow wn
tor to be tnkon from llro hydrants to
water gardens on vacant lots whoro
there Is no city water on tho lot or
where sufficient water cannot bo ob
tained from private source nnd whore
thoy m be reached from tho city fire
hydrants, provided tho following reg
ulations are conipllea with:
First. Wntw must bo used between
tho hours of 10:00 A. M. and 4:00 P.
M. and 9:30 P. M. and"l2:00 P. M.
Second. Water l3Mirtment will
furnish a man to turn on and turn oft'
water and be on the ground while wa
ter In being used. The party using
water will be charged for the sorvken
of this man.
Third. The Water Department will
furnMi one length of fire hose, ripe,
trw'ln or ditches to get water on tn
gardens. j
Fourth. A deposit of FIVE DOL
LARS IN ADVANCE will be required
of all parties applying for service.
After service la rendered the charges
for same will he taken from tho $5.00
on deposit and the balance, if any.
returned to the party making the de-
IM CHairges or this service
will bo as follows: Man furnished by
Water Department rrom 10 A. M.
to 4 P. M.'at 30 cents ter hour, and
from 9:30 P. M. to 12:00 P. M. at 45
conts per hour.
Water through 2& inch hose 'per
hour $1.50.
Water Commissioner.
I'xtremu High Temperatures.
Tho tomperatmro in North Platte
during the past seven days has beon
extremely high, reach Ing above ninety
each day. Starting with last Friday
it registered 93, Saturday 100, Sunday
92, Monday 93, Wednesday 94, Thurs
day 9fi However, the nights have
been comfortably cool, nnd as a rule
It has b4en pleasant during the day In
tho shade, as a breozo has provailed
nonily all tho timo.
: :o ::
R. E. Getaborgor, who was in from
Somerset product yosterday, said corn
was standing the dry wonthor woll,
but rain must come within n fow days.
Ray C. Langford and son Russell
returned yesterday from n threo weeks'
visit in Boston, Now rk, Washington
and othor oastorn cities. In Boston
Mr. Langford attondod tho annual con
vention of tho B. P. O. Elks.
Wm. Whitlotck and George Wlnko-!
An automatic Water Healer gives you
hot water at the turn of the faucet. You
merely dpen the faucet at any time, day
or night, and you have hot Water, one
gallon or a thousand. Plenty of hot
water for any purpose all the timo.
North Platte Light & Power Co,
AUGUST 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. I
Five big days of power farming; 3,000 acres of
land to he used in demonstrations; CO manufadt-' B
witch returuod yesterday from En
campment, Wyo., whoro they spent
sovornl days trout flBhing. Thoy
found fishing oxcellont and caught
many of the speckled boautles. i
Just a sprinkle of rnln roglBtorodi
at the woathor bureau a one ono
hundredth of nn Inch, fell Wednosday.
night. In. a strip of country botweon
tho Wilson farm and the Bnkor school
houso the rain was quite hoavy. j
Ray Tlgho rotiarnod yosterday inorn-j
Ing from Lincoln where ho took the,
examination for tho officers' training
icanfp. Ho successfully passed and
wns told that he' would would prob
ably bo called some time next month. I
urers represented; entertainment better than ever.
From West INTO FREMONT From East
Branch line service to connect with
these trains.
Local Union Pacific Agent will be glad to givo you
1 train service and rate information.
Machinery for Snlo
Reaves 40-G5 Koroeene tractor, 10
bottom plow, Twin City tractor, 15-30
II. P.. one Burdsell hullor, three blnd-
MIss "VVilholmlna Evars, who visited era with engine hitches, ono six diso
wit M? ami Mrs J. D.' Sawyer for plow, two self rake., two Mcla.o ha-
sevoral -months, returned to lier home. ro,. vl hPatoM
m. -u;,inw,i!iv S.j-2 .Nortti i lane, . 0.
Tho .manager of tho skating rink in
tho south part of town has donated a glass of our lemon sodn, gingor ale,
the proceods of the past, throe ovon- 0tCii j3 always refreshing. Aftor a
S ZSo It queuche, thirst and cools the
tho sixty dollars received from this systom. The host hostossos uso It at
soUnco. their functions and In tholr homo llfo
Wanted ns well.- A tilnl box will provo Hb
A young lady for position of cashier oxcollonco to you.
nnd bookkeeper. One with some,
knowledge of typewriting will bo glv-. . . .,,,..,,
lemon" vry
uoiiy urows up
"She'll have a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove
just like mother's."
2,500,000 modern housewives are using the
New Perfection.
It's the stove of steady habits never cranky, never out
of order. The flame stays put, wherever you put it.'
You can have any amount of heat you want, and all the
heat goes into the cooking. Your kitchen is cool and
comfortable no coal hod to fill, no ash pan to empty.
A new and exclusive feature the reversible
glass reservoir.
Perfection Kerosene gives best results.
Taken up on or about tho Oth day
of May, 1917, on my farm aovon mllos
southwest of the city of North
Platte, one rod cow, six or sovon
yesrg old, branded on loft hip but an
imal so wild that brand cannot bo
described. Ownor la roquostod to
call, prove property, 'pay chargo and
tako animal away. H. P. LARSON.
5G-5 Route 3, North Platto,
i i m ii ii mttim i irr r mm mrun Trrm i -rv TnyTTrT ti