The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 27, 1917, Image 4

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    How many hours
do you sleep?
All the other hours tit least two-thirds
of the time you are using your eyes.
Is it to be wondered nt that nervousness,
headaches, exhaustion and serious illness
come from eye strain?
Think of keeping muscles under constant
strain for 1G hours out of 24. It is easy
to see how properly fitted glasses, which
remove the strain, improve efficiency,
health and disposition.
Have your eyes examined at Clinton's
. Graduate Optician,
At tlic Sign or flto lg It lug.
Dr. Morrill. Dentist.
MIbi Jeanette Allien came Tuesday
evening from Lincoln.
Dr. Smith, Chiropractor,
. Building & Loan Building.. 50tf
Vanoe Mwrltt want to Cheyenne
Tueedny to attend Frontier.
For Sala LndlaY wheel. Inquire
310 wont Fourth or call BUc 867.
Vor quick action and satisfactory
snlo list your land with Thookckc. tf
J. B. I'lelBtlckor, ot Dickens, vlBitwl
with hlB hrotlier F. C. Plolstickor this
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Murphy viBltou
A. h. Konold of Laramie, was here
Wednesday on business connected with
the B. of L. 13.
Misses Katharine and Prlscilla Klser
of Lincoln, arrivod horo u fow days
ago to visit at the Aldon home.
The Swedish Luthoran aid society
will be entertained this afternoon by
Mrs. Stonvall. All are welcome.
Dr. Brock, Duntlst. ovjr Stone Drug
Mrs. J. S. Sims and children left
yestorduy morning for Kates Park to
romaln for a couplo of .weeks.
All Ladles' Drossca and Skirt are on
sulo all this week.
Jamofl Flynn, of Arthur county, has
f Hands at Keystone for a day or two been In town for n weak visiting his
rnmny ana transacting nusinoss
Dr. Mario Amos and Mrs. Henry
this woek
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mason nnvo ro
tuirnod from a ton d&yV stay at Netli
orland. Col.
Mrs. Elizabeth "Wilson loft yoster
day morning for Omaha to visit for
sorornl days.
Wo close out our Wash Skirts vory
chain. Do not Tail to eeo thorn.
Archdeacon Bowkor will leavo Mon
dya for tho wostorn "part of this state
to spend a wook.
Mrs. Etliol Hall and Olilldron re
turnod Monday for a two wcoks' via
It at Council Bluffs.
Mrs. M. A. Bonhnm nnd Clarlco
Gajnmaii havo beeti visiting frlonda In
Snrbon this wook.
For Snlo Havo thrao now aroam
soparntors will soil choap. 203 aoutli
Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. DoQraw loft
Wodiioadny morning for Choyonno to
attend Frontier Day.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Atkinson, of Book
man, undo and aunt of I'orry Carson,
visited horo this wook.
Mrs. John TIghe returned AVodnos
day from a weok's visit with her
daughter in Lexington.
MIhh Elonora Duggott, of Brulo, ro
turnod homo Tuesday aftor visiting
with Mrs. Clifford Martin.
Dr. Mario Amos loft Wednesday af
ternoon for Kearney to. vllt with
frlonds, returning yostorday.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Potorson wont
to Choyonno Tuoaday to attond Fron
Uor days and visit frlonds.
Dodgo Brothors Motor Car for long
llfo and economy. J. V. Romlgh,
doalor. G3-5
Mr. and Mrs. Allison Wilcox enter
tained a nuinbor of Co, H boys at
dlnnor Wednesday aftomoon.
TIioh. O'Nell roturnod last ovonlng
from Lincoln whero ho hnd boon vln
ltlng his paronts for a wook.
Clnudo Frator, ot Loxtngton, apont
tho tlrst of this wook visiting his un
clo Ccorgo Frator and fiunlly.
See Julius Mogonson for nil klndB
of P. &0. farm lmplomont3 nnd wag
Hogiiii Attempts Sulcldo
Tom Regan, better known an "Fin
gorloe Tom," who had boon in tho
Pulvor hospital for somo tlmo nnd -was
recontly romoved to tho county Jail,
had boon a victim of dolerium tremens
for several days past and on Tuesday
evonlng " attempted to cut hlo throat
with a ploce of glass.
: :o: :
Kecf lVnnts a Federal Position
A Bpoclnl to tho Boo Tuesday stat
ed that Jamen T. Koefo, of this City,
va in Washington with a view of ac
cepting a position In the departmont
of Juetk-e. Mr. Koefe, who nttondod
the B. P. 0. Elks' convention in Bos
ton, stopped over In Washington while
homeward bound.
While wo would dlullko to lowe Jim
as a citizen, Ave hope he may bo able
to land a lucrative position.
: :o: :
North Plitlto (!lrl Murrlctl In Denver.
Mlas Sadie Sheedy. of this city, and
MadlBon D. Maynard. of Grnnd Isl
and, wero married last week In Den
ver whore they will make their home
until fall when they will locate hi
Chand Island. Mrs. Maynard Is the
daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. David
Sheedy and left u few months ago to
accept a position In Denver with the
Denver Dry Goods Store. The groom.
Is a train Inspector at Grand Island
ami wU known In that city.
: :o; : :
An HdHor who is a lecturor.
One of the feature of the North
Platte Chautauqua program will be
Lhe lecture by Thomas Brooks Ftetch
. given the second day of thai
Chautauqua. Mr. Fletcher Is tho edi
tor of itiia Martjon, Ohio, Tf).uuue.
Though one of the highest paid lec
turers on the American platform and
one of the busiest, Mr. Fletcher gtlll
finds time to edit his paper while on
tho road.
At Pueblo. Col., last week Mr.
Fletcher addressed a combined meet
ing of the rotary club, the chamber of
commerce and tho Lion's club. This
adlros6 'was given at a luncheon in
his honor.
An effort 1b being made to secure
Mr. Fletcher to address the Chamber
ot Commerce the day he Is hero. 1
Hoys Scouts' Ciunp Llfo j
Scoutmaster J. C. Hollraan has Is
sued tho following ordor of tho dny
to apply during tho oncatnpmont ot tho
Troop No. 1, Boy Scouts, who leave
tomorrow for Lamplughs' lnko:
6:30 a. m. Rovolllo.
5:40 Flag raising and salute. I
5:50 Setting up exprclses and morn
ing plunge. 1
0:15 Policing camp, airing and
sunning beds, etc.
7:00 Moss.
8:30 Instructions, first aid, bandag
In, cooking, etc.
0:30 Making up beds and cleaning
up tents. 1
0:15 Assombly Troop drill.
10:15 Swimming. . i
10:15 Recreation.
12:00 Moss. I
1:46 p. m. Assombly Field Instruc
tion, signaling, tent raising, contests,
hikes and nature study. .
4:30 Swimming and water cpn-(
tests, lift saving and resuscitation.'
6:00 Mess.
7:30 Scout games.
8:30 Aseetnbly Campfire council.
9:30 Lowering flag and salute.
8:40 Guard mount.
9:50 Call to quarters.
10:00 Taps light out.
Canro Rules
Camp shall be kept sanitary at all
No Scout shall leave camp without
permission of the Scoutmaster. I
Swimming and field work Bhall be,
engaged In only at proper limes andi
in the presence of the scout Master
nnd assistants.
All lights must be out and canVp
quiflt upon the sounding of "Taps."
Infraction of camp rules, on Insub
ordination shall be grounds for dis
missal from camp. J. C. IIOLLMAN,
Schott entertained eight membors of
Company E at a dinner yesterday.
I now havo funds at 5V& per cent
on choice bottom tablo land. Gono
Crook, Room 4, Keith theutro Bldg.
Mrs. George M. Smith roturnod
Wodnosday from a two( weoks' visit
with rolatlvos in Omaha and Grand Is
land. Mre, Ralph Gnrmnn, who hns boon
vlutting her mothor at Malvorn, la.,
for a woek. will return homo tomor
row. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Itanium, ot Lin
coln, who woro visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. G. A. DeGraw, loft Wodnosday for
A party of boys Saturday scoopod 400
fish out of the pools In tho South
rlvor. Thoso woro carp, bullheads
and hUii, fish.
Wo aro clonnlnc up our suiiimor
stock, getting ready for fall morchnn
(Hbo and wo aro offering real bargains.
13. T. TRAMP & SONS.
Mr, and Mrs. John Knno and A. F.
Kano, of Rutthorford, N. Y., arrived
horo a fow dnya ago to visit with Miss
Clarissa Kano.
Mr. and Mrs. Porcy Loudon nnd
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Mogonson motor
ed to Choyonne Tuesday to attond tho
Frontlor Days.
Miss Lula Groff, ot (tho Rlnckar
drag storo, loft yostorday morning for
Falrbury to spend a wook with rola
tlvos and frlonds.
Man and family wanted to work on
ranch. Call 790FO31 nt 7 a. m. or 7
p. m or address Rnnch, caro of Trl
buno, North Plntto.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonklus.of Minnesota,
who camo to nttond tho funornl of tho
lata Mro. C. H. Waltor, rotutrned to
tholr homo Tuosday ovonlng.
Thcodoro Tottonhoff, who has boon
employed In tho U. P. shops at Omaha
for Bovorul months, bus 'returned horo
to resume his fonnor position.
Bunco nt llcrshey
Evory Saturday night, starts Im
mediately aftor tho plcturo show. 9
to 12 n. m. Grind Unnr. cooil music nnd
3tf a good tlmo, Tlckots 50 cents.
Mies Ellon McCarthy spont yesterday
in Maxwell.
L. C. Dean loft a few days ago for
Cheyenne to attend Frontlor Duys
Mr. ami Mrs. Harry Wells will apoujt
Sunday with rolatlvos In Loxlngto,n. '
Percy Schott, second lioutonnnt of
Co. E, wont to Lexington last evening.
.Tosanh Schatz and lister Miss MarU
will loavo shortly for Donvcr to visit
F. J. Dunn will loavo tomorrow ov
onlng for Wood Rlvor to visit with tho
1. f.tlla
Miss Ellznboth Weir, of Grand Is
land, camohere Wodnosday ovonlng to
visit frlonds.
Mre. Loivlso Potors and son Claudo
Inivta gono fio Choyonno to attond
Frontier Days.
Miss Mario Tolle roturnod yoster
A strnngor who broko quarantine
for small pox at Chnppell tills wook
was tnken off train No. 12 Tuosday
evonlng and placed in the Pulvor hos
pital. Mr. and Mrs. Worth Mlllor and
Hugo Eyoman, of Ognlalla. wore
in town tho early part of the woek at
tending tho services held for Compa
ny E.
Misses Nellie Atkinson and Mary
Enrler. of Loxington, returned homo
the first of, the week after visiting at
tho home of air. ami, airs. .uonry
If you want to como down town,
phone Donald Newton, 2G1. IIo will
bo after you quick you want tnc
ride, he wants the 10 cents. Messen
ger Cur Service. 51tf
C. C. Hupfer loft yostorday morn
ing for Laramie, whero he will Join
Henry Rebhausen In a fishing trip.
Mr. Hupfer wnst compelled on ac
count of asthma, to leave earlier on
the trip than lie Intended.
Members of Company E havo not
been slow to accept the courtesy ot
the Elke' honle. Any aftornoon when
not drilling the rooms are filled with
the boys some rending, .somo play
ing billiards, other listening to the
Victrola and still others etretchod out
on the couches sleeping.
A train each way overy hour of tho
day is tho mannor ono railroad man
described traffic at present. For July
business, that should provo satisfac
tory to Genl. Manngor Joffors.
Thoso In. nood of painting, paper
hnnglng nnd docorntlng aro ussurcd
satisfactory work If thoy employ Julius
Hoga. Phono Black G92. 38tf
Bishop Goorgo A. Boochor of Hast
ings, who wns to bo in chargo of the
services at ho Church of Our Saviour
Sunday, will bo unnblo to come and
Rev. .Ives, of Sidney, will act as sub
stitute. FOR SALE Used Dodgo touring
car, with scarcely a scratch on it.
Best 'of condition. Will now outwear
two cheap cars. All ouT used Dodgos
guaranteed for thirty days.
There will bo no sorvlcos at the
Lutheran church Sunday oxcept tho
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Tho
pastor will bo absent from thp city,
down at Stamford, Nob., taking part
In a four hundredth anniversary ser
vice. He expects to return Monday
Call 125 for Taxi day or night.
Also five or seven passongor car for
funeral service.
Chandler & Elcar Agency,
Corner Eighth and Locust Sts.
: :o:
Knocked Down by' Car
Don Ducella, ot Lewellon, brother-in-law
of N. F. Clough, was knocked
down and dragged byl the W. JT. Green
car at the corner of Fifth and Dewey
Wednesday evening. He was taken to
a local hospital whero it was discov
ered that In addition to other Injuries
his Tight hip was dislocated. Mir.
Ducella hod just loft tho Fink harness
shop ai;d was turning west at tho
crossing when the car struck him.
; :o: :
Mrs. Norman Loudon and daughter
returned Wednesday evening from
Denver and other Colorado points.
Misa Katherlne Soyforth, of Oma
ha, is oxpoctod here next week to visit
with her mothor for a woek or longer.
H. A. Ilarnian, of Topoka, Kans.,
who sipent the past throe weeks with
his sister Mrs. E. A Surbor, left at
noon yesterday.
Miss Ruth Moore, of Tho Lendor,
who has boon visiting in enstorn
points for several woOlCS, is oxepocted
to return Monday.
Dr. Adams retu mod yosterday morn
ing from Lincoln whore ho made ap
plication for a position with tho Sixth
Nebraska regiment as dentist,
Ileal Estate nnd Insurance.
Come and see us for town lots in
illlTnront riarfa nf tlio Htv fSnrvl In-
day morning from an extended visit . vostmqntR on easy terms. Houses for
in KnnsnB City. sale and rent. We have also good bar-
It. L. Gravos arrived in town yos-iK.ii 'uJttr;
Founded on a Rock
is the McDonald State Bank. That
foundation is the rock of careful
management, sound banking, extreme
courtesy, lonfc record of fair dealing,
ample funds and the entire confi
dence of this community.
Today, with the nation at war and
unusual Remands beinfc made upon
the entire population, this bank is
not unmindtul of its obligations to
its customers, and is prepared to
serve them with an efficiency and
devotion that cannot be surpassed.
We invite you to use one or more
of our free services.
McDoiiaid State Bank.
tordny and will visit frlonds for a
couplo of days.
Honry Ilulpfor left tho first of this
wook for Cheyonno to attond tho Fron
tier colobratlon.
Swedish Luthoran services next Sun
day at 8 p. m. at tho church corner
TQiith and Willow.
A. E. Tlmmorman has gone to Choy
onne to visit friondB and attond the
Frontlor celebration.
Mrs. L. C. Stroup loft for Chicago
Wodnosday ovonlng, aftor visiting hor
paronts for a fow days.
J. H Ilogarty returned yostorday
morning from Omaha whoro ho trans
acted business this week.
Miss Holen Smith will loavo tomor
row morning for Wood Rlvor to visit
friends for a wook or longer.
Mrs. Con Norris, of Omaha, arrived
hero Wednesday ovonlng to visit with
Mra. P. J. NorriB and family.
Mrs, W. S. Walters loft yostorday
morning for Moxlco, Mo., to visit rola
tlvos for two weeks or longer.
Miss Clara Soronson, 'who had been
visiting In Grand Island with friends,
roturnod homo Wodnosday evening.
Miss Mndgo Turner, of Ord, come
yostorday morning to spend two weeks
as tho guost of Mrs. J. R. Glasgow.
Miss Hazel Simpson returned yos
torday morning from Iowa whore she
spont sevoral wooks with relatives.
I. K. Ncoly, of La Salle, 111., has
boon spending this wook In town vis
iting frlonds and trausuctlng biminoss.
Romombor tho Wilcox Department
Storo has a fecial on Shirt Waists and
Middles for today only.
Miss Gortrudo Horrod, of Colum
bus, who spont tho first of tho wook
in Sldnoy, is a guest ut the Murphy
A rldo In a Chandlor car will
!1ouboi you. Wo aro domonstraWng
ono of tho now models this wook.
5G-2 J. V. ROMIGH, Doalor.
Rev. Ilorbort Covillo. of Now York
City, who hud boon visiting his moth
or for sovoral weoks, loft yostonlay
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sullivan and
chlldron camo from Holonn, Montana
yostorday to visit tho formor's father
P. H. Sullivan.
Row Harninn left yostorday morn
ing Tor Stamford, 'Nob., to assist In a
Luthoran church annlvorsary. He
will return Monday.
Gonl. Mnnagor Joffors puasad oast
Wednoday, having beon nt Ogdon on
buslnoss connocted with uw newly i
cuoated Utah division.
Rov. B. A. Cram and family loft the
oarly part ot tho week on an auto
trip to points In Colorado, expecting
to bo absent two wooks. ,
::o: : ,
Plain and fancy sowing dono by day
at your homo. Mrs. J. N. Olson, 30G
oast Third St. Phono Rod 1051, 53-4
Cor. Front and Dewey Sts-". upstairs.
.General Hospital..
One Hall Clock North ot Postoftice.
Phone 58
A modern institution for the
pcientific treatment of medical,
Burgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. Y. Lucas, M. D.
J.B. RedfieId,M.D. J. S. Simms, M.D
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
L . C . DROS T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Helton Building
Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
7 p. m. to 8 p. m. "
Office Black 333 Ros. Black 1020
. . ill s"XW Ti.k ,Ji . .' i i
One Naturally Feels Chagrined
to see his neighbors making improvements,
which are just as badly need on his own
premises. The thing to do is to follow
suit. You'll feel better and your property
will be benefitted. Keep pace with the im
provement of the day and see us for
Lumber and Building Material
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.
Like New Mown Hay
Is tho fragrant odor of our lino print
butter. And tho tasto is Just as fine.
You havo only to try it onco to realize
what superlative butter is. Try a
pound today and wo will leave it to
tho buttor itself to mhko you & steady
user of It. Ask for and got Alfalfa
Queen Butter.
North Platte Creamery.
Closing Out
Our Sewing Machines.
All Makes $3.00 to $12.00.
Now Hugs, heavy $5 to $20. .
Bicycles $7.50 to $.15.00.
Oil Stoves, Ovens, Rubber Hose,
Tents, Camp Gbods.
2 quart Glass Jars 45c per dozen.
1 quart Glass Jars 35c per dozen.
Fresh Groceries Every Week.
Echelbery, 600 Locust
flji sjp ijjp ip up I
Here are the Self Starters
innocent looking typewriter
keys that force an automatic
speed gain of 15 1 to 25 1 on or
dinary correspondence.
A built-in part of the new
TYPEWRITER Prize Panama-luaftc Exposition
You must see this time saving
invention for yourself. Let us dem
onstrate it in your oflice on your own
work, or send for literature today.
Write, or 'phone
q ITWWf Hi WK-gTC ..W
Omaha, Nebraska.