'yj )fc 5 - IS..'. Hi DIAMONDS aro not only luxury but a Safe Investment they are constantly raising in price. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. PRICES $8 to $500.00. HARRY DIXON, Jeweler. ihhhh i ii.i i 1 1, .ur.il lAl (JUT HICH THROUGH MINK From a Douglas (Ariz.) naoor It Is loamoU that thoontral Butto Mining uompany, in which a numbor of North PilnttomenJaro Interested, has opened a mlno, known as tho ConimonwealUi, showing ononnous volns of oro that assay from $1G5 to $529 per ton, with occasional samples so rkJi In gold as to be estimated to run $100,000 por ton. Tho company has boon somowhat handicapped by lack of capital, and tho dovolopmont of tho vein has boon progressing slowly. A short distance from tho Common wealth is a mlno from which $43,0Q0 000 has boon takon, and It Is believed that tho Comonwoalth, wlion fully de veloped will provo a very rich mlno. Tho 'property Is located within two miles of tho Southern Pacific railroad, which insuiros cheap transportation of tho oro to tho smolters. -: :o: : DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Harry Cramer left tho latter part of last week for Sldnoy on business. Dr. Smith, Chiropractor, . Building &tLoan Building.. 50tf George Huntington, of Paxton, vis ited here last week with his mother. All Silk Parasols at 20 OFF at BLOCK'S Removal Sale. Misses Florence and Mario Stack spent Sunday In Sldnoy -with friends. For quick action and satisfactory sale list your land with Tlioclcckc- tf Mrs. M. E. Roynojds, of Sholton, is tho guest of her daughter Mrs.Cash Austin. Frank Bechon left Friday afternoon for Omaha to spond ten days visiting relatives. Mrs. John Tlgho left at noon Friday for Lexington to visit her1 daughter for a week. For Sale Have threo new aream separators will sell cheap. 203 south Dewoy. 54-4 T. M. Collagen left a fow days ago for Pittsburg as delegate to tho Moose national convention. Dr. Morrill. Dentist. Charles Liston, of Dickens, was hero Saturday to attend tho funeral of tho lato Mrs. C. H. Walter. Mrs. Ralph German left Friday ev ening for Malvern, Iowa, to visit rel atives for a short time. Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. Aleck Potric, of Shol ton came a fow days ago to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Cash Austin. Silk Taffota skirts in black and fan cy stripes, regular $8.50 values, Re moval prfco $4.98 at BLOCK'S. Dr. J. S. Twlnpm returned Saturday morning from Omaha whoro ho accom panied J. R. Shaw last week. "Wo closo out our Wash Skirts very cheap. Do not fall to seo them. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Robert Redenbaugh, of Tabor, Iowa, arrived hero a few days ago to visit with Mr. arid Mrs. M. M. Redenbaugh. Mrs. Harry Fleishman was called to Omaha tho latter part of last week by the serious condition of her mother. Experienced man and wifo wanted on ranch. Permanent position. Ad dress Box 74, LeMoyne, Neb. 53-3 Mr. and Mrs. Moore, of Omaha, who were visiting with Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Pritchard, left the latter part of last week. Miss Alblna Hahler, who recently accepted a position in Sidney, left re cently for hos Angeles to make her homo. Poor glosses simply make eye strain worse: correctly fitted glasses will eliminate the cajuso. See Harry Dixon & Son. . Mrs. A. G. Wossburg, wlio spent sov. era! weeks In Ogden visiting her daughter, returned home Friday af ternoon. After visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. ' O. Simpson for some time R. O. Simp son returned to Melberta Saturday 1 morning, If. CVs Will Rnlso $1,000,000 Local members of tho Knights of Columbus havo been notified of a "n-tlpn-wldo movement to ralso ono mil lion dollars among monibors of tho or ganization to bo used to furnish recre ational and social facilities at tho var- lous military camps to all men re gardless of creod and for tho safe guarding tholr morals- This cam paign tp ralso tho ono million started yesterday and will end next Sunday. It is expected that oach Knight will contribute two dollars, and this will ralso tho desired amount. Wind, Hall and Rain Another wind storm struck North Platto Saturday evoning, which strow ed lawns with branches of trees, fell ed a tree In the court houso yard and did further damage to tho grand stand at the fair ground. Hero In town tho rainfall, together with a showor which camo later in tho night was a littlo over a quarter of an Inch. SouUi of Suthorland tho rain was heavier, "and was accompanied by hail, Which damaged crops to sonio oxtent. Northeast of town tho hall was vo-y destructive, practically destroying corn and bean fields, and a small sec tion east of Blgnell was also dam aged to somo extent by hall. : :o: : Cut-off on Lincoln Highway C. H. Lindburg, of Polk, spent Fri day III town Interesting auto men In a proposed cut-off on tho Lincoln highway which would shorten by twenty imllos tha distance between Omaha and Central City. This cut off starts at Valley and drops south to Valparaiso and thoneo straight west through ulyssos, Stromsburg nnd Polk to Contml City. This avoids tho big end at Fremont and North Bend. This cut-off, however, does not supersede tho regular Lincoln Highway route from Omaha via Fremont, but simply .shortens the routo for those who care to take advantage of tho cut-off, and It Is bolloved will make the Lincoln Highway a stronger competitor with tho O. L. D. route for tho Denver travel. FOR YOUR AUTO SERVICE Call 125 for Taxi day or night. Also five or seven passenger car for funeral service. MOGENSEN-LOUDEN AUTO CO-, Chandler &. Elcar Agency, Corner Eighth and Locust Sts. LOCAL ANH. PERSONAL. i Mr. and Mrs. Alox Brooks who wore visiting In Kansas City last wook, cnnio fipmo Saturday morning. IMra. Harry Cramer roturnoJ' a fow (lays ago from St Paul, Nob., and loft Saturday for Lexington. - I now have funds at 54 por cent on cliolco bottom table land. Gcno Crook, Room 4, Keith thcatro Bldg. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Inman roturnod Saturday morning from a visit with rolatlves In Parsons, Kansas. Miss Marian Huxoll loft Saturday evoning for Grand Island to visit with friends for a week or longer, Mrs. H. A. Lawhcad returned Sat urday morning from Koarnoy whore sho had been visiting hor mother. One lot of Vollo Waists, odds and onds. regular values up to $1.50, Removal Price G9c at BLOCK'S. Leo Pass, of Washington, D. C, ar rived Saturday evoning to visit his paronts Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pass. Boy 12 years old wants work, nnd wants his board and washing and $10 por month. Call 2100 cast 4th. 55-3 Charlos Haydon, of Wallnco, came tho latter part of last week to attend tho funoral of tho lato Mrs. Charles Walter. Mrs. Leo Tobln, of Kokomo, Col., loft Saturday morning after visiting for a month with hor father E. F. Seo borger. INIIss Mabel Day who has boon vis iting her paronts for four weeks, will leave tho latter part of this week for Portland. Mrs. Will Blood and children, of Portland, arrived hero Saturday aftor. noon to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Dorr Tarkington. Seo Julius Mogonson for all kinds of P. &O. farm implements and wag ons. 34 tf Miss Gertrudo IJorrod, of Columbus, who was visiting at tno Aiurpny iiome, left Saturday evening for Sidney to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Vernon and baby returned snturuay morning irom Grand island and other oastci:n Ne braska towns. Mrs. Thomas Axtoll, of Haig, for merly of this city, loft Sunday morn ing aftor visiting at tho Oglor nnd Mc Grjiw homes. ,Wo aro cleaning up our summer stqck, getting ready for fall merchan dise and wo aro offerlngroal bargains. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. May Arleno Thoelccko roturned to Omaha Saturday afternoon aftor an oxtontled visit with her undo O. H. Thoolecko and family. Tho Presbytorlan aid society will bo entoralned In tho church parlor Thursday afternoon -by Me3damos Miltonberger, Crosby and Wyman. Special salo all this week on Ladies' Dt'easesV silk and all tliia iluinmor dresS03 nrd included Mi his sale, E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Harry Dixon & Son havo nn opto metrlst who devotes his entire atten tion to tholr optical work, and for that reason can glvo tho very best of service. Work Not Vet Suspended Work on tho now Nunlon Pacific dcHot has not boon suspenddtli us was currently roported Saturday, but such work may stop If tho Union Pacific ooncltidos to carry out in full tho recommondatlons mado by tho Fedoral Railroad War Board. Tills board has recommended that during tho war only such improvonionts bo mado that aro absolutely essontlal for wnr 'purposes, undor which head U10 completion of tho depot would not como. Construction Englnoor Crutchslnger stated yostorday that ho had no Inti mation of a cessation of work on tho depot. On tho contrnry ho had put threo moro brlcklayors at work yostor day morning, making a total of fiftoen men thus employed. Tho pay roll of tho StownH Co. now rums between $1600 nnd $1S00 por week, and should work on tho dopot bo halted between fifty and sixty moii would bo thrown out of employment nnd that fowor men would bo spondlng moro or less monoy in North Platto. For this reason and for tho further reason that wo aro all anxious to havo U10 depot completed, wo hopo tho construction work will not b0 halted. Practically all tho ma terial nooded for tho building is on the ground. CITY AND fiOiTNTY NEWS. Dr. W. T. Pritohard transactod lius Inoes In Kimball yostorday. l'nlm Bench Suits, regular valuos up to $i:j.6U, Removal Price $4.98 at ULOUK'H. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson left Sunday morning for Chnppoll to visit tneir sons. Missos Lydla and Sarah Adams loft yostorday morning for Suthorland to visit mends. You owo it to yourself to nttond tho only snlo in tho city now going on at Mrs. James Adamson loft yostorday morning ror Northport to visit with frionds for a week. Any silk sunimor taffota suit in tho store vnluous up to $35, Romoval Price $10.48. BLOCK'S. Mr. nnd Mrs. Nenlo Turpio and chil dren left yostorday morning for Don vor to visit for a week. John TIglio Jr.. who has been 0111 ployed In Lexington for several months spont the past fow days horo. Mrs. J. T. Stuart and daughtor lrono, who weo visiting friends in Storllng, roturned homo Sunday evening. You havo tho bonollt of tho oxporl euco of a specialist when your glasses aro fitted by Harry Dixon & Son. Theodore Tottonhoff, who has been omployed In Omaha for several weoks post, camo Sunday morning to visit his family. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins, of Minnesota, arrived hero Fittday afternoon to nt tond tho funernl of tho lattor's sister, tho lato Mrs. C. H. Walter. Lisle, S'illO Boot -anil Flbro (Silk Hose, 25c, 35c and up to 50c values, now going at 17c at BLOCK'S Ro moval Salo. : :o: : FOR SALE 2 mowcrK, 1 rake, 1 swoo 1 slack er, nil nearly new and in first class condition. 52-3 LEYI'OLIIT & PENNINGTON. We try never to use superla tives, regardless how strongly we feel concerning the long life antl the ultimate value of Dodge Brothers car. But some of our owners and others who are sitting on the side lines watching the performance of the various cars do sometimes give word to their icelings. For instance, today an old automohile man said to me, "For every day and an all around car, the Dodge car is in a class hy itself." Such testimony as this sounds good to the dealer, but more pleasant still arc the voluntary statements made to me dozens of times right here at my place, by men driving other cars, that "My next car is going to be a Dodge, they stand up". An early order is your only protection on an early delivery. J. V. Romigh, DEALEIt., All Ladles' Dresses and Skirts aro on salo nil this wook. E, T. TRAMP & SONS. Miss Annnbcllo Soilor, of, Carroll, Iowa, who spont sovornl weeks with hor unolo F. C. Piolstlckcr and broth er Elinor Soilor, loft yostorday morn ing. Farm nnd Ranch loans nt lowest rates nnd best terms. Money on hand to closo loans promptly. . 43tr BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. 11. McKnlo returned Sunday ovoning from an oxtonded vis it in eastern and southern- cities. Tho former resumed his duties in tho Wost orn Union oft'ico yostorday morning. All tho Wnsh Dresses in tho store, Voiles, Ginghams, Silk Pongees and TusBnh Silks, oi now going at ac tual cost and loss. Just drop in nnd see thorn nt BLOCK'S. THE PINAFORE C AMY C OMIN G TO CHAUTAUQUA See Pinafore at North Platte. Wednesday Evening, August 1st.