The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 24, 1917, Image 6

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Howmany hours
! do you sleep?
All the other houra-at least two-thirl3
of the time yoi are using your eyes.
Is it to be wondered at that nervousness,
headaches, exhaustion and serious illness
come from eye strain?
Think of keeping muscles under constant
strain for 16 hours out of 24. It is easy
to see how properly fitted glasses, which
remove the strain, improve efficiency,
health and disposition.
Have your eyes examined at Clinton's
Graduate Optician,
At Uio Sign o! tho Dig King.
Tho Dig Removal Salo la now on In
full blast at BLOCK'S.
Mrs. A. J. Frazlor loft at noon Sat
urday for Omaha to visit friends.
Try Dr. Smith, tho
Chiropractor. BOtf
Miss Katlo Miles has accopted n po
sition In tho local tolcphono office
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
Miss Gladys Bird left Saturday morn
ing for Sutherland to visit frlonds for
a weok"
Halgar Nelson, of St Paul, Is visit
ing with his slstor Mrs. Vigo Clujs
tlanson. '
Dodgo Brothers Motor Car for long
llfo and oconomy. J. V. Homlgh,
doalor. C3-5
Mrs. J. W. McOraw loft Saturday
morning for Halg to visit friends for
a short time.
Mrs. ChrlB Paulson, who visited In
Omaha lost week, roturnod homo Sat
' urday afternoon.
Wanted Hay swoop, must bo In good
condition; glvo lowost cash prlco.
McDonald, phono 782F31. C3-2
Division Master Mechanic Beory, of
Grand Island, spent tho week end
horo on business.
Mrs. Clyde GIddeon ' loft Saturday
morning for Grand Island to visit rel
atives for a wook.
Miss Cathorlno Brotzor, who spent
sovoral days In Omaha, camo homo
Saturday afternoon.
Minn 31. Sicilian, stonm baths and
Swedish Massage, gentlemen and la.
dies, l'liuno 81)7, lirodbeck building.
Mrs. E, S. Wlckwlro loft Saturday
nftorlioon for eastorn points to visit
relatives and friends.
Miss Bortha Thoolocko camo down
from Mclroso yostorday to spoaid a
wook with rolatlvos.
0. H. Thoolocko returned Sunday
from Omaha whora ho transacted bus
iness for sovoral days.
Children's Drosses, rdgular vnluos
up to 85c, Itemoval Salo Prlco 49o at
Miss Fayo Eldor, of tho county
superintendent's office, and slstor Es
ther Eldor, of Uio Dally Tologrn'ph,
loft tho latter part of laBt wook for
Buffalo, Wyoming, to visit lelatlvos
for two wooks.
If you want to como down town,
phono Donald Nowton, 201. Ho will
'bo aftor you quick You ivnpt tho
ruio, ho wants tho 10 coins. Mosson
gor Car Sorvlco. Gltf
Spoclal salo on Ladles' Dross Skirts,
Silk Skirts and Wash Skirts, also tho
wool SKirts. ThlH lB nn opportunity
to got a skirt at unusually low prices.
Bruco Brown of Brady, formorly of
this city, who hroko his urm sovoral
weoks ago, re-broko tho arm again
ton days ago. It had not 'nronorlv
knitted and whllo busy with lino work
iracturcu it again.
Thirty-two Boy Scouts In command
of Scoutmaster J. C. Hollman will
leave Saturday for Lamplaugh lake
whoro thoy will remain In camp for
nlno days. Tho camp will bo locatod
on Uio hlllsldo west of tho lake, a flno
locution sufficiently far from tho water
to oscapo tho mosquitoes, and yet near
enough to pormit of an early morning
bath. A sufficient number of tonts
and othor camp cqulppago has been se
curod, and tho boys will bo comfort
ably housed and provisioned. It will
not bo all play for tho boys, as Scout
muster II oil man has dovlsed a dally
program that will glvo them plenty of
oxorclso. Tho day's activities will bo
gin with rovlllo ot 5:30, a sotting up
oxorclso, a bath in tho lako and then
breakfast- Camp work will follow",'
then a hlko. Sports of dlftoront nature '
will bo hold, and altogether tho boys'
will bo kopt busy, though not ovor-J
workod to tho extent that their camp'
llfo will bqoomo lrksomo. Scoutmas-j
tor Hollman will bo glad to lmvo par
ents and friends of thoboys visit tho
camp, but suggests that thoy do not'
como in too big a number at any one'
Saturday, July 21st to July 28th.
Economy is the keynote of this sale. It has been planned with a definite purpose,
and it carries messages of thrift tliat you cannot afford to overlook. The timely import
ance of this "Week of Specials," and the summing up of our best efforts to boost busi
ness at a time when REAL VALUE is the thing you are most interested In, Is best
evidenced In the following Items.
We've tried to include in each day's offerings the things you want right now
and the rest of the story is told in the remarkable prices named below. Eacli
item will be on sale for one day only according to the schedule here given.
Mrs. Goorgo Arguo and daughter loft
tho lattor part of last week for Chey
enne to visit rolatlvos and frlonds for
ton days.
Those In need of painting, paper
hanging and docoratlng aro assured
satisfactory work if thoy omploy Julius
Hoga. Phono Black C92. 38tf
Miss Grace Itow of Davonport, who
had boon Uio guest of Attorney and
Mrs.' M. E. Crosby, left for Denver
Friday afternoon.
Tho electors of Suthorlnnd will vote
today on tho proposition to issuo $36,-
000 bonds for tho erection of a mod
orn school building.
China Silk and Tub Silk Waists,
uvery ono (tlila seasons eOyloJ big
collars, rogular values up to $3.50,
Removal Prlco $1.98 at BLOCK'S.
Miss Laura lUioadcs, ot Lincoln, a
former rcsldont, who has boon visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Swopo for two
wooks, loft Saturday morning.
Tho J. C. Penny Co., owners of tho
Golden Hulo store, whn havo boon oc
cupying th Brodbock room, will move
Into tho Twlnom building July 31st
Miss Tholma Thompson returned
Frldny from Tryon whoro sho was
callod by hor mother's death and loft
that ovonlng for Cozad to visit hor
slstor for sovoral wooks.
Buy your Alfalfa Seed of, Johnson
Soed Co, Grand Island, Nob. Thoy
havo strictly dry land, 191G crop ro
cloanou and govornmont tostod seod.
Wrlto for samplos and quotations. 48-S
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Coatee and chil
dren and Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Hoag
land and chlldron loft Sunday by auto
for Estos Park, whoro thoy havo rent
ed cotlagos and will remain for ton
Miss Ilolon Iloxto has accepted tho
position of doputy clerk of tho dla
rlct court beginning tho work yes
torday. Miss Iloxio sovoral years ngo
hold tho samo 'position for a numbor
of mont.Hs. , : .
Brokon oyo glass lenses' can bo re
placod tho Bamo day oa ordor Ib glvon
in our ionso grinding department.
tf Graduato Optomotrlsts.
Rooms at Sutherland occupied by
fliosBrs. unno and llarlght woro outer
cd last Thulrsday night and Uiroo
suits of elothofl, Bovoral shirts and a
gold watch takon. Suspicion points
to local talent.
Mrs. Clara Cornfield, wlfo of P. II.
Cornfield, of Grand Island, who mndo
hor homo horo a low years ago, dlod
last wook after an illness of sovoral
months. Sho. leaves to mourn hor, a
husband, daughter Floronco, son
Roubon, paronts Mr. mid Mrs. T. M.
Halnllno, brothor Walkor Halnllno and
slstors Mi's. C. C. Halnllno of Lincoln,
and Mrs. Wood Whlto of this city.
Real EhIiiIc mid Insurance.
Como and sea us for town lots In
dlfforont parts of tho city. Good ln
vostmontR oh ensy torniB. Houses for
salo and rent. Wo havo also good bar
gains In farms and ranchos.
V. J. MRNUIt Hi CO.,
Cor. Front and Dawoy Sts-, upstairs.
Will Transfer Men
Captain Halllgan haB boon directed
by Col. Paul to transfer sixteen of
his men to th'o Gothenburg company!
which has but eighty men. This will'
reduco Company E to war stiongth'
aB it now stands. A socond physical'
examination, which will bo moro rigid 1
that tho first, will probably lesson tho
numbor of niombors by a few.
- liott
Corn In Bad Shape
Frank Hengon, who was up from
Wallacci precinct yesterday, said farm-
ors of that section aro Just on Uio
vorgo of giving up hopa of getting
crop of com. With no rain for a long j
tlmo, tho hot sun has extracted about
all Uio molsturo in tho ground, and
Uio corn stalks begin to ossuino that:
look which moans llfclossnoss if rain
doo3 not como within a day or two.'
"It'a tho llrat tlmo slnco I moved to1
Lincoln county," said Mr. Hongoa, "that
i navo lost heart."
Boys' Wash Suits, we offer a very com
plete line at 71)c to $1.18
Boys' Hats, Heid brand, regular 75c qual
ity 49c; $1.00 quality 79c
For this day we will offer a very com
plete line of Children's Gingham and
Percale Dresses, sizes 2 to 14 years at
19c, 80c, 79c
1 1 m '
Legitmate Debts
For Farmers
The farmer who will consult the
McDonald State Bank on any prop-,
osition requiring a loan can &et it
promptly on the best terms that con
ditions warrant.
If money will brinfc greater profits
out of your farm, we will help you.
If you have surplus money brin& it
hero and our Certificates of Deposit
will pay you well.
You can use some of our service
and we arc always ready to serve
McDonald State Bank.
Soldlor Hoys Enjoy Siiiinor.
Nearly two hundred soldlor boys en
joyed the auppor served In tho Presby
terian church basement by tho lndio3
of Uio various church societies, and
swept tho platters clean. Tho menu
was about all that a hungry man could
desire, ending with ico cream and
cake, and was well prepared and
spoodlly Borved. Includod in tho num
bor woro members of Co. E, sovoral
from Co. L, and the eight North Platte
boys who havo enlisted In tho navv
hut havo not yot boon called. Quite
a fow of tho Co L men had gone homo
on a visit, olso moro of ttiom would
was organized last weok rondored sov- urcakaul glasses,
oral soloctlon. I Georgo Wclr of Grand Island, spent
::o:: the tyast two days wIUi local frlonds.
E was thoroughly approbated by the'. ' Mrs. Taylor of tho Block storo, Bpont
mqmbors. Tho full membership of the tiio wook ond with rolatlvo3 in Kear
compnny wds not present duo to tho iiey.
fact that qulto ft niunbor had gone w vt n WnmiimrRt. inft. voatordav
ML- - Sumln:- Archdoacon aftonioon for Grand Island on busi-
uuivnui uuiivuiuii u apiuiuim Bormon, ncss
full of patriotism and ironrf ndvl on tin
to kooplng allko unsullied the ling of C. S. Clinton left Saturday evoning
tho country and tho souls and hearts for Omaha to spend sovoral days on
or tho soldlors. Spo?Jal music by tho business
ciioii was appreciated ami tho sor-i Frod Elliott roturnod last ovonlng
aH,n. WA,ol. woro h,ghly com" from Omnha and Lincoln where ho vls-
j.umuiuuil y U10 uoys. fted hj8 BonB
JlressmiikhiL' Cathorlno Garrison will leavo Sat-
Plaln and fancy sowing done by day urday morning for Paxton to visit with
at your liomo. Mrs. J. N. Olson, 300 irionus lor a, wcok,
oast Tiuril St. Phono Rod 1051. 55-4
Tho functrnl services of the lato
Mrs. Charles II. Waltor woro hold
Saturday morning from tho Mothodlst Miss Wllma Bylsma, who spent sov-
church and nttonded by many friends o;al monUis nt tho Oglor home, left
ironi tins city and Wallace. Floral ua morning lor uonvor.
, i . nUI"luI nml Mrs. D. O. Congdon, who had been
r" ':" " Vi "S. ii T: visiting her mother in Hastings, re-
, V, , ' u.ui rmui! turned homo last ovonlng.
comctcry. Pall boarors woro Charlo3
Ilaydon, Charles Ldston, F. C Piol- Chaa. P. Ross, of Omaha .spent yes
stlckor, Ncalo Tuirplo J. S. Davis and torday In town whllo onroute west on
John Knox. buslnoss for tho Union Pacific.
MIsb Margarot Doran, who had been Honry Mohlmann, of Donver, has
visiting In Sterling for a coulplo of been in town for a few days visiting his
wooks roturnod homo Sunday ovonlng. son Roy Mohlmann and family.
viiWi?: Fra?.k Sulllvn"' who hns b0011 Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Groves, who re-
Jm i'J?,.1" r0Tnt f?r 90Voral wooUg' contly moved to Bayard, returned to
will return next weok. Mb 'clty laBt- WMk' to mnkc thBir
Frcil Wolngand roturnwl to Omaha homo.
Friday aftonioon nftor attondlnir Uio t..i. t.iui, nr t..
(,nl.Min,, p .1, tit, . m ... ... u wo u ii i uiivtiiui, ui vvrab x unit, in-
t ounlon of tho Wolngand family In this rlvod lloro a fcw dnyB ng0 to aQVt
' a position as shoo ropalror wIUi tho
Misses AHco Sloman, Elslo Wnlto- Fluk shop.
iK'Vnr"! mHJISB.IiUY1 f101"' Mr. and Mrs. ArUiur Fink, Mr. and
& Pnrv tW WCOkS 8tay nt Ghor- Mra. Maurico GutlHamo and Mrs. Anna
Kto i nrrc. j GutlHamo spent Sunday in Garflold
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Nutlor, of Burr wUi frlonds.
villi SSTmS0- (My8 T ,t0' You wl11 foret about tho war
visit tho lattor s artstor Mrs. Andy nd ti,0 high prcos or nil commodltloa
Iwhon you seo tho many real llvo bar-
AVaBli Skirts troducod from ono-flfth gains nt tho Big Romoval Salo now on
to ono-thlrd at BLOCK'S Removal at BLOCK'S.
Salo. I
,1 t j.
Ladies' Waists made of Voiles and
crepes, fancy collars 48c and 08c
Ladies' and Children's Middies, a large
variety of styles at 89c, G9c, 98c
Muslin Underwear, Skirts, Corset Covers,
Combination Drawers, etc., You will
find just what you need at prices cheaper
than the present price of materials.
Each Day a Bargain Day Come Every Day.
Wilcox Department Store
. .Tosonh EHaB. of Grand Island, camo
tlfo lattor part of last wook to visit at
Uio Math. Ellas home.
Carl McGrew began work as assist
ant in tho post offico a fow days ago.
Mr and Mrs Nicholas Klein who
havo been vjslting in Red Willow coun.
ty with relatives for two weeks, will
rotulrn tomorrow.
Attorney and Mrs. Albert Muldoon
oxpoct to leavo Thursday by auto for
Wyoming and Colorado whoro thoy
will romaln several weeks.
Miss Josephine McGinloy, of Coun
cil, Ida., arrived tho lattor part of last
week to visit with Mr. .and Mrs. Jack
Boal and other local frlonds.
Airthur Goyert who had fboon In
cliargo of Uio workmen on tho now do
pot sito for sevoral monUis, loft for
Omaha tho latter part of lost week.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schatz and Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph B. Hayos, of Oinaha,
expect to leavo tomorrow by auto for
a two weeks' stay In tho mountains.
J. A. McDonald, of tho Davis garage
had his forehead badly cut yostorday
when ho was hit by Uib crank handle
while attempting to turn over tho n
clnn of Mm flharlnv H.nmfor olr?lit-ivl-
J inder Oakland.
Mrs. aahagan, of Koarney, who had
beon visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Davis, loft Friday aftonioon.
Homo Proof, Horo, There nnil
When you boo Doan's Kidnoy Pills
rocommondod In this paper you most
Houses For Trndo
I oi,Mi town and city nronortioa
which I wish to trado for Nobraskn nlwiiys find tho reconimondor a North
land. Wrlto doscrlptlon and prlco. L.lPlatto rosldont. It's tho samo ovory
E. Tnlt 1C4G Washington St., Lincoln J whoro In 3,800 towns In tho U. S.
Nebraska. 52-1 Forty thousand noonlo publicly thank
Doan s. What othor kidnoy remedy
can glvo this proof of morlt, honosty
and truth? Homo tostlmony must bo
truo or It could not bo published horo.
Rend this North Platto rocommonda-
tlon. Thon insist on having Doan's.
You will know what you aro getting:
Mrs. Frod Elliott, 421 E. Socond St.
North Platto, Says: "Wo always koop
Doan's Kidnoy Pills on hand and
wouldn't bo wlUiout thorn, I havo
bofiji subject to frequent attacks of
kidnoy dlsordor when I was hardly
ovor freo from lnmoncss in my back.
Thon, too, my kldnoys havo acted ir
regularly. By using Doan's Kulnoy
PJUs whenever I havo folt any signs
of that troublo, I havo boon ilxod up
in Rood shapo, I fool by ondorslng
Doan's, I may help many othors who
havo similar troublo,
Prlco 50c from all doalors. Don't
simply nsk for a kidnoy remedy got
Doan's Kidnoy Pills Uio samo that
Mrs. Elliott had. Fostor-Mllbuxn Co.,
Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
Closing Out
Our Sewing Machines.
All Makes 3.00 to 12.00.
New Rugs, heavy S5 to $20.
Bicycles $7.50 to $15.00.
Oil Stoves, Ovens, Ruhher IIosc,
Tents, Camp Goods.
2 quart Glass Jars '15c per dozen.
1 quart Glass Jars 35c per dozen.
Fresh Groceries Every Week.
Echelbery, 600 Locust
One Naturally Feels Chagrined
to see his neighbors making improvements,
which are just as badly need on his own
premises. The thing to do is to follow
suit. You'll feel better and your property
will be benefitted. Keep pace with the im
provement of the day and see us for
Lumber and Building Material
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.
Special Teachers' Exnmlnutlon.
A special toachors' examination will
bo hold Friday and Saturday, July
27th and 2Sth, at North Platto, Nob.
Tho Beading Clrclo examination will
also bo glvon nt this tlmo. Teachers
who wish to ronow tholr. certificates
for tho coming year and havo not dono
so already, aro urged to tako notlco
that this Is tho last Roadlng Clrclo ex
amination to bo glvon this year. 52-4
Office phone 211. Res. phone 217
L. C . DROS T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Bolton Building
Office hours 9 a, m. to 5 p. m.
7 p. m. to 8 p. rru
Offico Black 333 Res. Black 1020
..General Hospital..
One Hah Block North ot Postoflice.
Phone 58
A modm Institution for tht
dentine treatment of medical,
urgieal and confinement caaee.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lncas, H. D.
J. B. RedSeld, ML D. J.S.Simms, H.D