The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 24, 1917, Image 10

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    UU..L. BARK, Editor nnd Pnblliher.
One Year hi Mn!l la Adiuice. ..L8v
One Year by Uurrlcr In Admuce. .$L50
Entered nt North Platte. Nebraska,
Poatofllce as Becoud Class Matter.
TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1917.
Bolow Is printed tho name of ovor
400 Lincoln county men wlio uro Bub
loot to call boforo tho oxomptlon board
In tho rotation In which thoy woro
drawn at Washington last Friday and
tho rotation In which they appoar In
Uiobo columns. Tho quota apportion
ed to Lincoln county Is ono unl
and nftoon, and starting with the first
appearing on tho list uio "" "'"
near In consecutive order until the , no
cosoory 115 lmvo boan solocted. It is
ilgurod that fully fifty por cent wilt
(havo valid claims for oxomptlon, and
it is thoroforo probably that not more
than 250 will bo called beforo the
t,oard for tho first call. Tho others
will bo subject to. a lator call -which
will probably bo made within nlnoty
Tho dato for a'ppoaranco boforo tho
board has not yet beon named, but
probably within ton days. Cortlnftd
lists of tho numbers drawn will bo sont
from Washington to tho county t
district boards today.
2C8 Nols C. Nelson, Fox Crook
458 Goorgo Wing Millor
143G John Haas, Sutherland.
864 WHbor Lyons, North Platto.
1095 By W. Colo, North Platte.
1455 Ilay It. MUlor, Sutherland.
783 Goorgo R. Tlgho, North Platto
1117 John P. Eves, North Platto.
1572 Itoy II. WIdnor, Sutherland.
1748 David C. Feather, Maxwell.
837 Cuy C. Granger, North Platto.
337 Herman Tlnunor, Hall.
C7C Mllo M. Dancer, North Platto.
275 Airrod R. Larson, Brady.
509 N. W. Scott, Myrtlo.
1185 Otillo Lodonia, Nortfi Platto
fifl4 Earl J. Eshlomnn, Ilorshoy.
954 Chester Ellswotth, No. Platto
C96 Herman LUns, Nichols
1207 Arthur Wlmborly, No. Plntto.
53G Harry A. Pottor, Nowoll.
1495 Elmer E. Crosby, Sutherland.
548 Qoorgo D. Becker, Horshoy.
120 Louts C. McNool, Suthorland.
1079 Ocorgo Twtalcy, Dickons.
1237 Robert Sallcottl, No. Platto.
784 John W. Tlgho, No. Platto.
1732 U. G. Phillips, Wallace
755 Horman A. Surbor, No Platot
107 Loltoy Tostor, Buchanan!
154G Frances Palmer, Suthorland
1503 John Thom'pson, Suthorland.
1309 Boyd McQulro, Plant.
010 Alfredo Rodriguos, Nichols.
373 Qoorgo A, Morgan, Hookor
1070 Josso A. MUlor, Willow.
"JtiHi lit vruinuii nii i iuuu
775 Ralph R. Sawyor, No. Platto.
480 Ralph 1). Miller, Medicine.
093 Note Forstedt, North Platto.
COO Wm. S. McCordi Ilorshoy.
810 Josoph C. Baker, No. Platto.
1539 Martin C. Moyer, Sutherland.
1082 Ouy W. Yohc, Willow.
007 Harry E. Leo, Myrtlo.
309 Waltor L. Falk, Hall.
420 Frank D. Knapp, Maxwell.
. 1014 Arlc Potorson, North Platto.
" ' 1178 Ray A. Lincoln, North Platto.
1 514 Wm. Gregory, No. Rosedalo.
1 433 Qcoi W. Robot ts, Maxwell.
1329 Frank E. Wyman, Payn0
10 Albort Erickson, Antolopo
1045i-Wm. C. Woodrlng, No. Plntto.
1031 Claronco E. Slinul, No. Platto.
4'47. Clifford Schoolcraft, Maxwoll
1324 Elmer Shnnor, Osgood.
004 John Matsuso, Horahoy
43 Nick Cauiblln, Brady.
1548 Franclscus Pahoa, Suthorland
1204 Bort E. Wnrd, North Plato.
10G0 Archlo Bradley, No. Plntto.
024 Ernest R. CaBoy, No. Platto,
1705 iBnnc C. Harris, Wallaco.
1331 V. E. Atkinson, Peokhaiu.
1085 Louis W- Bennett. AVallaco
487 Roy Manor, Modlclno. .
1282 Jin Ynma, North Plntto.
1323 C. H. Schlmmol, Maxwell.
797 Major Walz, North Platto.
140 Ira M. McCalg, Cox,
153G Potor N. McKlnloy.Suthtrlnnd
1723 Jeff onson Newman, Wallaco.
1230 Frank C. Stuart, North Platto
432 Vernon E. Roberts, Maxwoll.
18 Ralph Holborg, Antolopo
0B2 John Blcklng, North Platto.
727 John Carlson, North Plntto
1481 Ray Boatty, Sutherland.
739 John Nolan, North Plntto.
1551 Franelsn-o Racs, Sutherland.
001 Mark McOonnoll, Nlohjola.
1322 Edward T. Snmoteon, Payne.
1140 Josus llormnndoz, N. Platto
1103 Geo. H. Duko, North Platte.
1395 Loroy Carrlgan. Sollars.
000 Ilonry Millor, Nichols.
182 Blydo W. Dark. Dickons.
ii glass of our lemon soda, glngor nlo.
etc, la always refreshing. Aftor n
dnhoo-lt quonahoH thifst nud cools tlio
systom. Tho best hostossos uso It at
tholr funotlous nud in tholr homo lifo
aa woll. A trial box will provo Ub
"oxoollanco to you.
618 Roy V. Gaunt, N. Rosedalo
40 Carl J. Cornelius, Brady.
1020 Amos A. Ross, North Platto.
1051 Carl A. Larson, Walker.
1030 Leonard S-Bakor, Walker
1099 Jnp. M. Dodkor, No. Plntto.
228 Stfvo Colt, East HInninn.
1441 Albort McCrongor, Someraot.
117 Bon P. Dlkoman, Blrdwood.
G02 Chas. L. McKoan, Nichols.
390 Harvoy V. Vlan, Joffroy
. 75 Evorott L. Petltt, Brady
772 Saml. Southordon, No. Platto
145G Chas. Poters, Sprlngdalo
721 Jack McCrary, North Platto.
1419 Will J. Luschen, Somorsot
78G Win. R. Todd, N. Platto
1549 Jullun Puros, Sutherland
147(jCarroll F. Bliss, Sutherland
280 Gumor C. Young, Gnslln
1292 Eruost McCord, Osgood
' 972 Win. D. Jones, N. Platto
9S3 Axol C. Larson, N. Platto
757 Jamos E. Sebastian, N. Platto
9GG John C. Hollman, N. Platto i
808 Harloy L. Pennington, N. P.
332 Geo. Slvltts, Hall (
379 Ralph H. Dempsy, Jeffrey
15G0 Roubon A. Scott, Suthorland,
542 Christian P. buttor, Nowell
l'Jl uiaronco 11. wowninn, uicitons
847 Leonard B. Redmond, N, P. '
552 Geo. V. Brownnold, Nichols
1300 Elmer R. Smyth, Osgood
1G73 Orlan D. Lum, Willow
298 Claudo R. Bailey, Hall
075 Richard II. Dill, N. Platte
1294 Homor Mylnndor, Osgood
1148 Jamos Hnlbus, North Platto
1047 Otto Oowecko, Walkor
1350 Molvln Brantlng, Plant
343 Frank Barnes, Hlnman
1G13 Chas. G. Russell, Woll .
982 Jos. P. Larson, North Plntto
720 Thomas T. McCabo, N. Platte
15 Henry Gaum, Antolopo ,
905 Harry Booglo, North Platto
933 Harry A. Conklln, North Platto
1631 Horbert A. Loath, Suthorland
1288 Warren Doollttle, Osgood
152 Chas. L. Porkins, Miller
356 Konal Mizund, Hlnman
630 Wm. J. Huobner, Nowoll
809 Maurice It. Buefhtol, N. Platto
1114 Walter Esholman, N. Platto
1470 Julian Audrado, Suthorland
G45 Ooo. II. Bacon North Platto
218 Earl C. Stcnnollo Door Creek
G20 Goo. F. Saunders, Nichols
1334 David A. Clark, Pcckham
550 Salvador Bronnus, Nichols
1011 Ernest Rlchigor, Woll
574 Joso Gonzaloa Nichols
31 C. L. McClollan, Antolopo
1432 Richard Doughorty, Somerset
1727 Ray Pottljohn, Wallaco
981 Qoorgo W. Klenk, N. Platto
G77 Francis J. Dunn, ,N Plntto
749 Goo. E. Shlltz, North Platto
1570 Harold P. Wiig Sutherland
770 Claudo A. Sheets, N. Platto
882 Oscar J. Sandall, N. Platto
1509 Illpallto Gonzales, Sutherland
1211 Patrick T. McEvoy, N. Plntto
526 Wm. F. Hudson, Nowell
1417 Andrew Jenson, Somorsot
1574 Floyd M. Young Suthorland
700 Loroy F. Sowlos, N. Platto
183 Uonry Dovony, DlckcnB
5G John E. Oilman, Brady
127G Carl Wostonfold. N. Platto
792 Edwin E. Wright, North Platto
i) sotn uorgstrom, Antolopo i
350 Loroy W. Halligan, Hlnman
1580 Nathan Forsborg, Vronian
54 Isaac Foulk Brady
870 Saml G. Pouloa, North Plntto
1714 John W. Kldwoll, Wnllnco
549 Alannclo Bolnzquoz Nichols
1132 Eldon C. Harbonbrock, N. P.
440 Joiomlnh Snyder, Maxwoll
1485 Joso Compns, Suthorland
1074 Auirll V. Larson, Willow
741 Byron B. Oborst N. Platto
1054 Losllo R. Wood N. Plntto
1275 Thos. E, Wnugh, N. Plntto.
711 K. ICorl, North Plntto
1022 Wlllam J. Rath, N. Platto
841 Ell W. Hanson, N. Platto
038 Frod A. Anderson, N. Plntto
1032 Loon C. Sawyor, North Platto
U23 Will D. Spurrier, Nichols
209 Albort A. Glnapp, Gnslln
085 Loo Fountain N. Plntto
1141 Aublo A. HotchklsB, N. Platto
1314 Howard B. Combs, Pnyno
101G Lloyd Powor, North Platto
1G88 Ernest L. Borry, Wallace
335 Roboit E. Stobblns. Hull
1430 Frank M. Aronsdorf, Somorsot
493 Bay Smith, Modlclno
1358 Howard Dloiior, N. Platto
923 Ohns. C. Clinon, N. Plntto
1305 Paul J. Thomson, Osgood
311 Gilbert V. Anderson, Hlnman
1007 Bort Millor, N. Plntto
391 Watson Kunklo. Kent
353 Jas. W. Inman, Hlnman
970 Noah F. Harrison, N. Plntto
G37 Goo. A. Anion, N. Plntto
1G75 Clnronco L. Llston, Willow
3G0 Rnyo Rnzo, Hlnman
1G57 Oscar C. Oman, Wnlkor
1217 Frank Olcott North Platto
571 Alfrod Franson, Nichols
488 Joss A. Robinson, Medlcltio
1543 J. P. Nnftzlngor, Suthorland
701 Georgo Harton, N. Platto
72 Thos. D. Ogdon, Brady
1053 Nols Wintor, N. Plntto
1709 Wm. J. Irwin. Wnllnco
350 Geo. T. Meyers, HInninn
112 Lawronco Zollnrs, Buchnnnn
1070 Conrad L. Basklns, N. Platto
1175 Chas. Llork. N. Plntto
Like New Mown Hay
Is tho fragrant odor of our flno print
buttor. And tho tiiBto is jiiBt as flno.
You havo only to try it onco to roaUzo
what suporlatlvo buttor la. Try a
pound' today and -wo will loavo it to
tho buttor ItBolf to mako you a Btoady
mflor of it. Ask for arid got Alfalfa
Uuoon Buttor,
North Platte Creamery.
North Platte Light & Power Co.
814 Roy E. Banks, N. Plntto
1339 Roy L. Callaway, Peckham
G5G Roy F. Cottorell, N. Platt0
919 David M. Brooks, N. Platto
1010 Leo D. Nowton, N. Platto
92G Doan B. Case, N. Platto
950 Barltios Fannakis, N. Platto
320 Jamos Pitts, Hall
1098 Oscar P. Eckloff, Wallace
974 B. F. Jones, North Plntto
3G8 Goo, F. Starr, Hlnman
1101 Fred II. DoTombo, N. Plntto
1151 Louis Hare, North Platto
1002 Glonn A. Moore, N. Platto
1425 Forrls Soeley, Somorsot
321 Arthur M. Qualloy, Hall
297 Clifford Anderson, Hall
1195 Win. It. Murphy, N. Platto
1250 Thoodoro Sandall, N. Platto
700 Geo. II. Hemmerrlto, N. P.
1337 Ray Coleman, Peckham
707 Win. R. IIuKourt, N. Plntto
1G28 Leo V. Fay, Whlttior
73G Waltor II. Maizo, N. Platto
90G John M. Baker. N. Platto
1715 Jacob A. Law, Wallaco
222 Jnmos A. Baker, E. Hlnman
1G39 Dol'phis Clamntro, Walkor
939 Stowart L. Dopuy, N. Platto
G42 Matthow M. Baker, N. Platto
122 Arthur W. Hawley, Blrdwood
1G77 Don S. Milton, Willow
944 Albort L. Ellison, N. Plntto
57G Florontlno GutterQg, Nichols
134G Mearl Jacox, Peckham
705 R. B. Henderson, N. Plntto
850 Fay H. Mudgo, N. Platto
588 John W. Jackson, Nichols
1712 Chas. II. Kidwell, Wnllaco
11G0 Greeley Jacobs North Platto
383 Thos. W. Jordnn, Jeffrey
889 Max VonGootz, North Plntto
392 Frank H. McDonald. Kem
1730 Frod Powell, Wallaco
519 Lowls O. Bostwlck, Nowell
400 Moso L, Chappoll, Maxwell
G08 Albert II. Mooro, Nlchols--
773 Josao E. Smith, North Platto
1710 Wm. E. Light, Wnllnco
1423 Win. R. Pnrcell, Somorsot
388 Shllllo G. Schneider, Jeffrey
199 Loroy E. Slppel, Dickons
30 Earl McClollan, Antielopo
1073 Rny R. Bnrnor, N. Plntto
1250 Chns. Thomn3, N. Plntto
1057 Lloyd II. Arnold, N Platto
717 Gorgo Loan, North Platto
51 Holgo F. Blander, Brady
1281 J. C. Woodfln, Jr., N. Platto
154 John F. Connolly, Cottonwood
15G5 Wm. V. VanArsdale, Suth'd
55G Ward M. Cary, Nichols
1G23 Josso R. Carllslo. Whittlor
1102 Roll Davidson, N. Plntto
1221 John W. Poters. N. Plntto
ISSS-rEnrI C. Leaf, Vroman
103 Gustavo Rothmoyor, Buch'n
1355 Harold E. BrooAA., Plnnt
1595 Goo E. Browning, Woll
345 H. M. Clomens, Hlnman
1112 Nick Economopoulos, N. P.
1744 Paul C. West, Wallaco
1557 Thurman C. Shano, Suthorl'd
957 Chas. Greon, N. Platto
1722 Wm. A. Norlnn, Wallaco
1448 Lou J. Coggoi, Springtlnlo
93 Julian T. Calkins, Buchanan
004 Georges Chlrros, N. Platto
327 Ernest C. RIdlngcr, Hall
0 Goorgo Cumpton, Antolopo
1412 Josso B. Harris, N Platto
1287 Cyril P. Donogan, N. Platto
3G3 John Schneider, Hlnman
1017 Losllo D. Sims, Woll
900 Arthur W. Bullnrd, N. Platto
11 Clifford Anderson, Antolopo
805 Leo W. Bird, N. Platto
G79 Jamos R. Dorram, N. Platto
12S York E. Saxton, Birdwcod
10G7 John R. Babbitt, N. Platto
738 John II. Nunn, N Platto
11G7 Ilonry D. Kahlor, N. Platto
1097 Dowoy Crolghton, N. Platto
1191 Georgo Marus, N. Platto
1234 Jacob Rasmusson, N. Platto
13G0 Warron O. Dlonor, Plant
S48 Bon M. JohiiBton, N. Platto
1118 Amos C. Frank, N. Platto
121 Archlo E. Hnwloy, Blrdwood
221 W. W. Adklns, East Hlnman
1537 Goo R. McMlnn, Suthorland
1474 Elvo A. Ballard, Suthorland
1414 Jossob Gartroll, Somorsot
1C1G Noll A. Schrocongost, Woll
292 Potor F. Ilughos, Harrison
822 T. C. ChrlstlaiiBon, N. Plntto
504 Edward L. Hill, Myrtlo
10Gl--Joeus Aronas, N. Plntto
1205 Thos. F. Mongol, N. Platto.
1510 Frank Gnnnnn, Sutherland
1091 Claronco E. Coopor, N., Plntto
470 Dorry Conklln, Modlclno
312 Lon S. Godboy, Ilnll
1607 Hugh W. Fry, Suthorland
1729 Richard M. Parker, Wallaoo
102G Ilonry L. Cnsoy, Whittlor
1284 Howard O. Becknor, Osgood
90 Clalro II. Bacon, Buchanan
191 Ohns. F. Lavollo, Dickens
477john E. Hall, Modlclno
1187 Clirls Logns. North Platto
1170 Haralnmbas Knlonls, N. Plntto
753 Josoph J. Schntz, N. Plntto
130 Edwin B. Scott, Blrdwood
1GS Harry Polandor, Cottonwood
1023 Floyd S. RIchoson, N. Plntto
424 Cordlo B. Lowls, Mnxwoll
840 Morton O. Harris, N. Platto
1347 John H. Jordan, Pockhnm
1511 Harland M. Guffy, Suthorland
1188 Emil Morschlcd, N. Platto
057 Frod Cox, Nichols
175 Win. I. Applogato, Dickons
300 LoRoy I. Bayno, Hall
278 Thos. L. Marcott, Gnslln
1021 Wm. M. RItnor, N. Platto
1022 Honry L. Waltemath, "Well
An automatic Water Heater gives you
hot water at the turn of the faucet. You
merely open the faucet at any time, day
or night, and you have hot water, one
gallon or a thousand. Plenty of hot
water for any purpose all the time.
524 Elmer F. Ecklund, Nowoll
911 Richmond D. Blrgo, N. Platte
1172 Ralph II. Luthultz, N. Platte
532 Wm. M. Knotts; Nowell
1517 Poter Hornandoz, Sutherland
1139 Fred E. Harnlsh, N. Plr.tto
1214 Isogi Okomato, N. Platto
33G Fred Schick, Hall
212 Win. C. Hill, Door Creole
1357 Fred C. Diohl, Plant
49 Harly A. Ditto, Brady
8 Frank H. Compston, Antolopo
1707 Carl Heath, Wallaco
11G0 Irviifg O. Johnson, N. Platte
1000 Lloyd E. Peterson, Walkor
305 Orson II. Covlllo, Hall
1143 Leo E. Hamm, N. Platto
1G52 Leonard E Lnrson, Walker '
1433 Arthur W. Elfoldt. Somorset
1640 Fred R. Gass, Walkor
G22 Emanuel Schnoldor, Nichols
585 Albort T. Johnston, Nichols
14G4 Carl B. Now, Tabl0
1257 Levi Towers, N. Platto
1077 Honry C. Brotzer, N. Platto
781 John W. Tucker, N. Platto
1415 Waltor C. Gartroll, Somerset
1192 Pedro Martinez, N. Platto
1035 Ferdinand Streltz, N. Plntto
1034 Constantino Walz, Whittlor
958 Chas. L. Gordsoll, N. Platto
323 Hans Rnsmussen, Hall
1439 Guy M. James, Somorset
855 W. L. Metcalfe. N. Rlatto
1554 Goorgo Robb, Suthorland
1303 Wm. F. Saunders, Osgood
903 Elinor M. Howard, N. Platto
438 Arthur M. Snydor, Maxwoll
878 Elmer Seller, North Platte
1059 John Allen, North Platto
441 Wm. C. Vashulz, Maxwoll
880 Floyd Stryson, North Platto
357 Lowls Norman, Hlnman
23 Bon A. Johnston, Antolopo
1173 John B. Lincoln, N. Platte
331 Ralph M. Sopor, Hall
1108 Geo. B. Easton, N. Platto
492 John Styskal, Medicine
1201 Freeman E. Mlllett, N. Platto
605 Bernardo Esplnoza, Nichols
800 K. Yamaguchl, N. Platto
1747 James E. Yonker, Wallaco
1447 Peto Brodarlch, Sprlngdalo
1049 Henry W. Welch, N. Platto
1442 Wm. E. Moyers, Somorsot
715 Roy C. Kelly. North Platte
J. ' E. SEBASTIAN. State Mtrr.
Minn.Mutual Lif elns.Co.
Phone Office Red 612
Residence Red 348
Hokein Cows.
I will liavo a cnrlond of Holstoln
Cows about July 1st. 'Xlioy nro us
good ns money can buy. If you need
ouo or more see mo
Am selling' nil kinds of cnttlo in
any unmoor desired, in addition to
buying Hogs.
Phones: Office 450 Houso Red C3G.
Licensed Embnlmors
Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Phone Black 588.
Quality In Cigars has has been our
aim sinco wo bogan making cigars in
North Platte ovor thirty years ago,
Wo put quality In tho first cigars we
made, andthat same quality Is in tho
cigars we make today. Schmalzrlod
Cigars havo stood the test of those
moro than thirty years. What greater
ovidonco of quality could you doslre?
If you have not been smoking Sshmalz
dled'a cigars, try thorn they are cor
tain to please.
Notlco for Bids.
Sealed bids will bo recolvod by tho
Mayor iandi City Council of tho city of
North TPlatto, Nobraska, for tho con
struction of sldo-walka and cross-
mJalks, tho same to conform to tho
specifications as laid down In tho or
dinances of said city, up to the 30th'
day of July, 1917. I
Tho Council reserves tho right to
rojoct any and all bids. '
O. E. ELDER, !
City Clerk
Office: First National Bank Building.
Phono 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building
North Platte, Nqbraska,
The Nurse Brown Memorial
Homeopathic Hospital
1008 West Fourth Street.
For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical
and .Obstetrical Patients.
Successor to
Drs. Redneld & Redfield
Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 676
Practice Limited to
Surgery nnd Itndium Therapy
28 City National Bank Building.
Omulia, Nebraska.
Hospital Phone Black 633.
House Phono Black 633.
Graduate Vetorinnrliw
Eight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218-south Locust St..
one-half , block southwest of the
Court Housb.
Notice to Creditors.
Estate No. 1489 of Thomas Henry
Sullivan, deceased, In tho County
Court of Lincoln County, Nbraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Credi
tors of said estato will tako notice that
tho timo limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said estate is
February 10, 1918, and for settlement
of suld estato Is July 5, 1918; that I
will sit at tho county court room In
said county, on August 10, 1917, at 9
o'clock a. m., and on February 10, 1918,
at 9 o clock a. m., to rocelve, exam
Ino, hear, allow, or adjust all claims
and objections duly filed.
10-lw Countv Judxro.
Notlco of Petition.
Estato No. 1491 o: Homer F. Fort.
deceased In tho County Court of Lin-
coin county, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all nor
sons interested in said estato tako no
tlco that a petition has been filed for
tho appointment of Mlnnlo Scott as
administratrix of said estate, which
has beon sot for hearing herein on
August 10, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Dated July 1G, 1917.
17a7 County Judges.
Estato No. 1483 of Kstnlln Hollo
Slnnna. deceased, in tho Countv r?nurt
of Lincoln County, Nebraska.
uno state, or wenraska, ss: Creditors
of said estato will tako notice that the
time limited for presentation nnd til
ing of claims against said Estate Is
i-'ouruary 27, 1918. and for settloment
of said Estate is June 22, 1918; that T
Will Bit at tho countv comt rnnm In
said county, on July 27. i917. .t 9
o clock a. in., and on February 27, 1918,
at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine,
hear, allow, or adjust all clalmw ami
objections duly flled.
., , GEO. E. FRENCH,
J20-4w County Judge.
To the heirs of II. A. T.ozior. Uonrv
A. Lozler; tho heirs of Henry A. Lozler;
State Loan & Trust Company of Oga
llala, Nebraska: Eastorn Banking Com-
jj.iuj' i noiiif .n.. cozier cc (jompany, a
corporation organized under the laws
of the State of Ohio: Mary M. Lozler:
George M. Lozler; George Spurk3 Lo
zler; Fannlo Lozler; Lilllo Lozler:
Mecca Lozler;. Henry Sutton; An-
nJ, , J?utton! Elizabeth Thomas;
Mabel Thomas; Pearl Thomas; .
Thomas, child of Jamos Thomas;
Thomas, child of James Thomas;
Thomas, child of James Thomas; Fan-
niu iiutjiiuu; nenry i-auu; ijon Jlouln
son; Lewis H. Bill; Jonas Feighner;
Fred Ensworth; Harry A .Lozler, Jr.;
Bessie F Lozler; Edwin R. Lozler; Jo
seph T. Lozler: Goorgo Pope, Receiver
of tho Popo Manufacturing Company, a
iiiuiuiimij uiiu xiio i-opo Mnnuiac
rinc Comnanv. n. enrnnmtinn on.i
The American Bicycle Company, a cor-
You and eacli of you aro hereby no
tified that on the ilrst day of Novem
ber, A. D. 1915, Bortha Thoolocke pur
chased of f.ho Troasuror of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, at public tax sale,
tho Southeast Quarter fsm! nt
tlon Elehtoon (18), Township Ten (10),
North, Range Thirty-ono (31), West of
uiu uiu x: iu. in Lincom uounty, Ne
braska. Said land was nssessed nnd
taxed for the years 1914, 191R and 1910
to, nnd In tho name of the Holra of it
A .Lzl?ri that. I purchased said tax
uui wuutiiu, uiiu nil ot uie rignts nc
crulng thoreon, and now 1k -l an as
o.Biiiuuiib iiimuui; mm aiu-r mo ex
piration of throo monflis from tho dato
of service of this notice, a tax deed
ii uiu uiu i reasuriT ot said Lin
coin County will bo nnnllnd fnr
Tho time for redemption from hoM
J"110 Ym "P'ro with tho nrst day
Cortincato No. 8098,
ARTllun n. M.irnn
Asslgnoe of Bertha Thoelocko,
Losllo Karr will tako notlco that on
tho 13th day of Juno, 1917, Paul G.
Moyer, a Justlco of tho Peace of Lin
coln County, Nobraska, Issued nn or
dor of attachment for tho sum of
$45.00, in an action ponding boforo
mm, wuerom unas. c. Hupfer is
piuiuuii anu losiio Karr Is defendant.
mm prupuriy oi mo defendant, con
Bisung or wages, earnml hv him in
tho sorvlco of and now in tho hands of
Uio Union Paclflo Railroad nnmnnnv
corporation, haa boon attached under
aiuu oraor. aaia caustfo mtas contin
ued to tho 30th day of July, 1917, at
f 14 WVj IV U Hit
.k.-vJ?18, HUPFER, Plaintiff.
$ 6 per Ton.
North Platte Junk House.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon
' Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
O flics: Building and Loan Building
Office 130
$ Residence 115
Statement of the Condition of the
of North Platte, Nebraskn, on tho 30th
day of June, 1917.
Certificate No. 33
IKX'KS f;,v'oio:?S22'G00-00
sure : 2.200.00
Loans on stock or pass book
security u.ouu.uu estate, ofllco 30.321.80
Cash 12,640.68
Delinquent interest, lines, etc. Y8.3U
Furniture and nxtures 1.017.37
Foreclosure account 54.94
Total $876,222.09
Uunnlne stoclc and dlvldends.$403,691.84
Paid-up stock and dividends. 417,800.00
Unserve fund 19.500.00
Undivided pronts 35,114.45
unenrnen premium, auvanco
Interest im.80
Total $876,222.09
Itcci-lptN nnd ISxpcmlltiiren for the Year
Hiiuini; .nine ;tu, lun.
Cash oiv hand last report....? 19,828.82
Dues (Kunnins stocK) ik.hj.uu
Paid-up stock 70,100.00
Mortgage payments ........ 92,272.49
Stock loan payments 2,445.69
Real estate sales 1,834.70
interest 59,;i2G.20
Premium, Taxes and Insur
ance 830.71
Fines 4317.30
Rents, office bulldinp 1,162.21
Membership and transfer fees 332.25
Total $366,463.37
Mortcaire loans ...$199,300.00
Stock loans r. . 800.00
Withdrawals running stock ,
and dividends 33,suy.i:u
withdrawals paid-up stock ss.zuu.uu
Withdrawals dividend on
paid-up stock jo, 3.50. j.
Salaries 2,550.00
Other .expense 415.15
Real estate nccouni aoo.ja
Cash on hand 12,640.68
Taxes and Insurance 885.65
Total $306,403.37
Stato of Nobraska, Lincoln County, ss.
I, Samuel Goozee, Secretary of the
above named Association, do solemnly
swear that tho foregoing Statement of
the condition of said Association, Is
true and correct to tho best of my
knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 30th day of June, 1917.
Notary Public.
My Commission Expires Juno 9, 1919.
Legal Notice
To Fred J. Malono, deceased, and the
unknown heirs of Fred J. Malope, de
ceased, and all other persons-interested
in tho estato of Fred J. Malone,
deceased, and tho unknown owners
and unknown claimants of lot seven
(7), In Block thirty-six (3G), of the
original town of North Platte, Ner
braska, you and each of you will here
by take notice that on the 3d day of
'July, 1017, The Mutual Building &
Loan Association of North Platto Ne
braska, aj corporation, plaintiff, filed
its petition in tho District Court of
Lincoln County, Nobraska, against said
defendants ana each of them and
against Julia Malone, a defendant in
said action.
Tho object and prayer of which pe
tition aro to forcloso a certain mort
gage deed upon Lot soven (7), in Block
Tiiirty-slx (3G) in tho original town
of North Platte, Nobraska, execute, by
uio aeionaants 1'TOd J. Malono ana
Julia Malono, on Juno 20th, 1914,
to secure one certain bond executed by
tno uoronaants to tno plaintiff of even
dato with said mortgage In tho sum
of $700.00 aniji on which said bond and
mortgage there is due tho sum of
$590.50 with Interests at 7 2-10 from
May 26, 1917, and to forcloso and cut off
any Intorest of tho said Fred J. Ma
lono and tho unknown heirs of Fred
J . Malono and all others 'parsons In
terested m tno estate of Frei J. Ma
lono and any interest of tho unknown
owners and mmknown claimants of lot
seven (7), block thirty-six (3G), In the'
original town of North Platto, Nebras
ka; and to have an accounting of the
amount of money duo tho plaintiff
from tho defendants on said mortgage,
and to havo said real estate sold upon
tho failure of tho dofendants to pay
tho amount found duo on said bond
and mortgage within 20 days from tho
dato of said decree, and for general
oqultablo relief.
All of said dofendants aro required
to answer said petition on or beforo the
13th day of August, 1917.
Its Attorneys.
Notice to Non-Rcsldcnt Defendant.
Sadlo L. Bruco, alias Sadlo L. Stroin
borg: Tho above named "will tako notlco
that on tho 30th day of Juno, 1917,
Georgo E. French, County Judge ot
Lincoln county, Nebraska, Issued an
order of attachment for the sum of
$88.28 In tho case ponding In eald
court wherein C, F. Blanko Tea & Cof
fee Company, a corporation, is plain-
.v, uu VJ UUIUIIUUU v lUUb
til l v in 111(1 n nrnn nnnt tnnaiatinir f i
uiiu iiiiiiit. mill iti rirn rinv nr rrniiiiu
ntlft tinmlln rf nnKa n nun trim
noating stovo, ono brass boa, ono sov
b AUUUlllllU, U11U IUU l UUKU) Ui'H w .
Ironing board, ono cook stovo and onl
ueatinrr Btovn. aitoiroiner nuuuu iiui
tached under Bald order.
That Bald caso waa continued to
tho 21st day of August, 1917, at 9
o'clock a. m. "
PANY. By Muldoon & Oborst, its Attorneys