;mm333ccklu tribune. OIK. Ji. DARE, Editor and FnbllRher. SUBSCRIPTION HATES: One Ycnr by Mall In Admnoo One Ycnr by Carrier iu Advance. .$1.50 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Postofflco as Seconn CUbs Matter. FJtlDAY, JULY SOth, 1017. SOME rUlVUKH FI103I TUB UNION PACIFIC'S JtBl'OKT Tho roport of the Union Pact lie rail road company for the your ending De cember 30, 191G, lias just been filed with tho state railway commission. Tho loncth of tho uioad Is 3.GG0 mtluH and tho avorago invostmont per mllo 1h $83,243.49. The main lino mileage Is 1,827.50, Tho company reports a total Invest mont of G22,G73.3GC and total assets of $075.973,977., It lias a capital stock of $821,835,100 and paid during the year 10 por cont on its common stock and 4 por cont on Us prororrcu,, Tho total dlvidond paid waw $20,210, 900, of which $4,495,832 was paid out of tho surplus, which now amounts to 11G millions,. The company has a funded debt of 192 millions. It is a heavy holder of securities tn otlior roads and ontorprlsos, 198 millions in roads affiliated with it, 125 millions in companies not nfflliatod and 18 millions in nou-carriors., Tho company purchased practically no now oqulpmont (Inning tho year, ad ding but 28 units and retiring 1227 froight cars,. Tho cost of tho equip ment rotlrod was $1,020,421, while the money spent for additions and bottor- monts waB but $810,207. Tho company owns 527 locomotivos, 398 passengor cars, 10.83G froight cars and 178 work cars. Tho value of tho land grants unsold itt $13,500,000. Tho acreage Is 900, 000. Tho company was originally granted 18,GG0,577 acres and has sold 17,000,224, Tho n mount roalized was $20,225,104, but tho entlro rocords aro missing, presumably having boon dos troysd In a flro In Omaha in 190G. Tho total land grant to tho road in No lJiriaska was 4,857,342, of which only 20,904 acres remain unsold. Tho lncomo of tho company from op. orating rovonuo was $G8,0G3,373, and dtB oporating orpoiiBOS $37,302,007. This was an incrcaBo of $14,491,093, and gave a not rovonuo of $31,304,300, or a not increaso of $8,007,250. Its , non-oporating income was $20,013,013, an inoroaso of nearly two millions. Its not lncomo from all sources was nearly 40 millions. Tho lncomo was disposed of as fol lows: Paid in dividonds $21,705,008, dnvostcd in physical property $3,221, 210, passed to profit and loss $14,417, 309. Tho freight rovonuo of tho ontlro system was $51,277,211, tho .passenger $.jbu,u;iu, switching $387,314, oxcoss .$380,039, switching $387,314, orccss oaggago $152,018. : :o: : Lutheran AniioiincciiicnfN 9:45 a. tn. Sunday school sorvlco 11 o'clock, morning worship. Sor- mon -uoiuy omtontmont. A con grogatlonal mooting to consider tho plans for tho now church, following ino morning rcrvico. All membors aro urged to bo prosont. Any ono will oo weicomo. Tho "Johloda Ohost" will also bo sot out, to again rocolvo tho monthly offering. to tho now church fund. As thoro will bo no evening sorvlco.lt is nopou tnnt 'tnoso Who mako an ovon ing offorlng and cannot bo out in the morning will sond tho r c ft. All who bavo kindly consented to assist in tho singing for tho colobra Uon no'xt month will please moot at uip nioiuouisi cnu.Toh this ovonlng at O CIOCK. , Thoro will bo a Joint mld-wcok sor vlco noxt Vodnosday ovonlng at tho Aiqtuouist cliuroh. To this sorvlco Co. K and all tho noldiors in tho city will bo lnvitod. Wo bollovo that tho poopio of tho nbovo church will bo aa faithful in attondanco of this sor vlco as thoy woro of that on Indepen dence day m tno ovonlng. : :o:: PKltSONAL aiENTIOX. linrloH Bluo has roturnod from n brio, visit in Columbus. Furnished rooms for ront! innuiro 321 oast Sixth or phono Illaclc 300. Tio Big Removal Salo Is now on in full blast at BLOCK'S. Mrs. Albert Schatz will leave short ly for Colorado to visit for a couplo of wooks. Miss Font Wilson went to Gothen burg Tuosday aftomoon to visit with tho homo folks. Miss Ruth Loan has accoptcd a po sition as sionograpiior in tno llollman .& Sebastian ofllco. ' Mrs. Georgo Loan and two daugh- tors roturnod tno llrst or tho wook from a visit in Donvor. Mrs. Win. .ToITers, of Omahii, Bpont tho first of this wook at tho homo of nor brother A. A. Schatz. For quick action and Milisfactorv salo lUt your land with Thnolocke. tf Mis Margarot Barkor oxpocts to loavo shortly for Uonvor to spond two . w'OofcB Visiting hor nloco. Edward Hudson has returned from Gothonburg whoro ho had beon em ployed for sovoral woks. Do not fall to sco our Spoeial Bar , gains on salo nil this wook. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Mrs. Guy Drako, who waB taRon to ono of tho local hospitals last wook, has rooovorod and roturnod to hor homo. Mrs. Davo Dlckorson, of Qibbon.who canio to attond tho funoral of tho lato Graco Oglor, roturned homo Tuos day aftomoon. Ileal Ebtnto and Insurance. Como and sco us for town lots in different parts of tho city. Good In vestmontfl on easy terms. IIousos for salo ana rent. Wo havo also good bar gains In farms and ranches. r. j. dii:ni:r & co., Cor. Front and Dcwoy Sta-, upstairs, COJOIISSIONKItfy .rJtOCKKDIXGS. J July 10, 1917. Board of county commissioners mot pursuant to adjournment, prosont, Sprlngor, Honnlngliaoson and Koch, nnd county clork. Claims wero allowed as roiiows: Maxwell Tolopost, printing, $20.85. Sundry 'persons, rond work Distict No. 36, $42.00. August Larson, road work, $i2.&u. Farmem' Co-Opor. Assn., coal, etc., $170.20. C. W. Burklund,,, road work, $24.00. Jamos Hochnn, road work, $30.00. Potor Jcpson, care Burnott, $40.00. Claims for damngos Road No. 391 woro nllowod ns follows: Christina Schick allowed for $20.00 and disallowed for $40.00. II. J. Shurvlngton, allowed for $20 and disallowed for $00.00 ....... m t.,d,. n,..n,i rv,r ir.unn and disallowed for $017.50. ! tS Salralloll for $60.00 and disallowed for $57.00. Christian Martonsen allowed for $50.00 and disallowed for $25.00. I Peter Jepsen allowed $20.00. I Tolm Muirhoad draining roads, $10.' f,iSSti & the , county treasurer. It. C. Burke, assoalng Brndy pro duct, $90.40. Josao Foster, bridgo work, $20.00. Fanners' Co-Op. Assn., mdsc, $8.00. Win. Montgomery, road work,, $47.00 Glon Smith, road work, $11.00. Hoitry Ilolllngsworth, Jack scrows, $5.00. Shorm Wllbergcr, Jack screws, $4.50 John Nugent, assessing Maxwell procinct, $93.50. John W. Murphy, assessing Walker precinct, $51.00. A. K. Mcintyro, nssosstng wanaco 'procinct, $124.50. II. C. Rldingor, road work, $3.00. Ray Rldingor, road work, $25.00. J. F. Snydor, road work, $30.00. C. L. Grant, road work, $40.00. Elinor Smith, dragging roads, $03.00. Ilaatings-IIatclior Co., lumborJ$87.55 J. J. Ginapp, assessing Gaslln pre cinct, $54.00.. C. A. Orrln, refumd of poll tax, $2.50 L. W. Sadie, road work, $10.00. A. B. Iloaglaild, labor, etc., $440.74. F. D. Wostonfcld, mdso for poor, $10.95. Sundry persons, surveying, $20.30. C. J. MoNamara, surveying, $47.50. A. Aborcromblo, road work, $102.50. Jacob Bristol, Jury Borvice, $4.70. Raymond Wood, riad work, $55.50. Palmer Bros., bridgo work, $17.50. Mrs. Bakor, caro of .Grey, $20.00. Farmers' Co-Op. Assn., lumber, $1,195.00. The county survoyor Is horoby di rected to survey iroad No. 389. F. L. Neu, damagos road No. j89, $35.00. A. D. Allon, road dragging, $5.00. Adjourned until toinmorrow. July 17, 1917. Board Bpont day south of Dickens vlowing roads and bridges. Adjourned to July 18, 1917. .A. S. ALLEN, Coumty Clork -::o::- (lernrd In Germany. At Inst tho world Ib to hear tho in Bldo fncts of what happoned to Gor- ard In Gormany. Ills book, "Four Yoars In Gormany," will nppoair ex clusively in this territory In tho Lin-i coin Dally and Sunday Stato Journal, coniniocing August 5th nnd will lie' contlnuod in llboral daily installments for about two months until tho whole of tho wondorful story of intrigue la laid baro.v Sond ono dollar to tho1 Stato Journal and havo tho daily and Sunday Issujos sont to you during this two months nnd follow this most in tonsoly interesting story that recites tho facts loading up to war, as no ono olso can ell thorn. ::o:: Personal Mention. Miss Marguorlto Roddy is visiting frlonds in Girnnd Island. Houso Drossos, rogu.lar $1.25 val ues, Romoval Prico 79o at BLOCK'S J. J. Ilorrlgan camo up from Grand Island Wodncaday to visit his family. F. J. Dunn spent tho foro part of this weolc with relatives in Wood RIvor. Miss Rogls Raugh has gono to Don vor to visit relatives fob' a couplo of wooks. Win. Strauss, who had boon visiting uio nomo ioiks m Loxlngton, returned Tuosday. I WE RECOMMEND AND OFFER fX90O?000 M. E, Smith Comp V Wholesale Dry Goods, Omaha Per Cent FIRST PREFERRED STOCK TAX EXRMPT IN NEBRASKA QUAKTIIIUA' DIVIDENDS GURANTEED REDEMPTION $50,000 Ycnrlft 1021 to 1038 Price, $100 To Not 7 lntorest From Date, Amounts $100 or aioro Burnes, Brinker & Co., INVESTMENT SECURITIES 110-152 Onmlia NnUonnl Bank lUdg. Telephono Douglas 805 Omnluu Nobr. SPECIAL INFORMATION nnd CIRCULAR ON REQUEST. "Llttlo Women' Is Genuine Piny "Llttlo Women" tho play to bo pro duced at tho North Platto Chautauqua, Is attracting crowded houses whdrovcr It appears. Tho El Paso Morning Times said of it: "Theatre 'goers who woro fortunate onough yostorday to Join tho throng that craves amusomont and attonded tho presentation of Louisa Alcott's "Llttlo Womon," by tho Redparth Chautauqua Company, aro congratu lating thomsolvcs today. Few per formances of any kind have boon pre sontod in El Paso which have been bettor cast and more kconly dosorving of praiso for splendid acting." : ;o: : Notico of Canning School. A sorios of canning schools will bo hold in tho basement of tho Franklin building boginning Thursday and Friday. July 12 and 13 Tho second canning cchool will be held July 10th and 17th, the third July 18th and lOtl, the fourth July 20th and 21st and will continue unti ovory one who cares to loam tho "Cold .Pack method o canning has boon able to do so Thoro will bo morning sessions only. whU i begin at nine clHoch person will furnish hor own vogotablos and also bring a medium sized pan. paring knlfo and spoon and jars for canning. Mason Jars and rubbers can bo purchased at tho school. Tho first morning two vegetable-! will bo icannod, olthor boots or beet tops and cither peas or beans. The Bocond morning olthor carrots or to mntoofl will bo canned nnd ono of the following: rhubarb, gooseberries or cherries In ordor to demonstrate this mothod of canning fruit Tho fco for attending tho school will bo twenty-flvo cents. Anyono desiring to attend can do by notifying Miss Allcon Gnntt. 52-3 Never Hold a Party-Line Telephone Over Five Minutes When two or moro telo phono users are on a pnrty line, euch Is entitled to equal service. Tho telephono company would savo work If party lines were used by ono party for long periods. That, how ever, would bo unfair to tho others on tho lino. It Is not n kind act to com pel your neighbor on the purty lino to wait moro than live minutes unless your conversation Is very Import ant. A cnll for a doctor or nn Important business transac tion may be (hdnyed by your holding the lino. "Do unto others ns yon would bnvo them do unto you" Is a good rule. Notice for Bids. Scalod bids will bo received by tho Mayor and City Council of tho city of North Platto, Nobraska, for tho con struction of side-walks and cross walks, tho samo to. conform to tho specifications ns laid down In tho or dinances of said city, up to tho 30th day of July, 1917. Tho Council reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. O. E. ELDER, 52-4 City Clork Ofllce phone 241. Rob. phone 217 L . C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ot Postoflice. Phone 58 A modern institution for the ?ciontific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent, H. D. Y. Lucas, H. D. J. B. Redfield, M. D. J. S. Simras, M.D DR. HAROLD ,. FENJfER Osteopath. Helton iuildiii Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Phones Office Black 333 Res. Black 1020 OLD LINE LIFE Policies ON EASY TERMS T. E. SEDASTLlJf. State Mffr. M Hl 1 I I f lnn.Mutiial Lire Ins. Lo. Phone Office Red 612 Residence Red 348 NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Holstein Cows. I will have n carload of Holstein Cows about July 1st. They arc as good as money can buy. If you need Am snlllnir all kinds of cnttlo In nny liumbor desired, In addition to niiying nogs. Phones: Office 159 Houso Red G3G. C. H. WALTERS. DERRYBEERY & FORBES, Licensed Erubalmcr Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phono Black 688. LET US INTRODUCE QUALITY TO YOU fi,,-iu i ni . , v.- ,. Quality in Cigars has has beon our aim since iwo bogan making cigars in F,ounJy; MNebrilfl.a' v&?, stnx, "j116 . . . l'o Southeast Quarter (SE1) of Soc- North Platto OVOr thirtv voarfl aco. tlon Elcrhtcen fl81. Townshln Tn MO.. Wo put quality in tho flrst cigars we mado, and that samo quality is In tho cigars wo mako today. Schmalzriod's P.lenra liavA Hlnrwl tlm tost nf ihnan Uigars nave stoou tuo test ot tnoso moro than thirty years. What greater "I ovidonco of quality could you desire? If you havo not been smoking Sshmalz- dtnd'R pleura trv .linm tlinv nrn rir- . , . , i a ni iu piuaau J. F. SCHMALZRIED. Notico to Creditors. Estato No. 14S9 ot Thomas Henry Sullivan, deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nbraska. Tlio Stato of Nobraska, ss: Credi- tora of saldeTtato will tako notico that tho tlmo limited for prosontation and filing of claims against said estato Is February 10. 1918. and for BOttlomont of said estato 1b July B, 1918; that will sit at tho county court room in said' county, on August 10, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m.. and on Fobruary 10, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m., to rocolvo, oxam Ino, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly fllod. GEO. E FRENCH, J10-4w County Judgo. E. IV. FETTEIl, rhysicinn i X HAY Office: First NntlomU Dank Building. Phono 308 ALIJERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building , North Platte, Nebraska. The Nurse Brown Memorial Homeopathic Hospital 100S West Fourth Street. For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical Patients. JOHN S. TWINED, 31. D. , I. B. BEPFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SUItGEOK Successor to PHYSICIAN&SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfleld & Redilold Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 676 DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLEI. . . Practice Limited to Surgery and Radium Tliorapj mrn in . . T"i tt f 1 .1 1 (-a uitj iauoiiai iniiH jinuuuig. Onialia, Nebraska. Hospital Phone Black 633. House Phone Black 633. W. T. PIIITCTIARD, Graduate Veterinarian Bight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St., one-halt block southwest of the Court Housi? IVOTICI3 TO CIlIOIMTOItS Estate No. 1483 of Estella Belle Slmms. deceased. In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tne state or Neurasua. ss: creditors or said estate will take no.tlco that tno tlmo limited for presentation and 111- inir ot claims atralnst said Kstato is February 27, 191S, un.l for settlement or nam ustato is June , iuis; tna: i win sit at t ie county coun room in said county, on July 27. 1917. at 9 o'clock a. in., and on February 27, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, hoar, allow, or adjust all claims and objections ciuiy nieti. GEO. E. FltENVIL J2C-4W County Judge. Sheriff', Sale By virtue of an order of Bale Issued from the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said Court wherein The Beatrice Building and Loan Association of Beatrice. Nebraska. is piaintirr, ana Clark Long ot ai are defendants, and to mo dirocted, I will on the 14th day of July, 1917, at 2 o'clock P. JI. at the east front door of tho Court House in North Platte. Lin rnln Pnnntv. Nohmskn. raII nt Pnh He Auction to tho highest bidder for ciiBii, iu BULiaiy uu uecree, nnureai and costs, tho following descrtbed property, to-wlt: Lot Ono (1) In.Block smj& origmai town, now City of North Platte, in Lincoln Coun ty, woorasKa. Dated North Platte, Nobr., Juno 7, J12-J13 A. J. SALISBURY, Shoriff, Sale of Goods on Execution. Notico is hereby given that by vlr tuo of an execution Issued by Geo E French, County Judxe, In mn.i for Lincoln county, Nebraska, in favor of Paxton & Gallagher Co. and against Ularonco J. Vroman and to mo direct ed, I will at 2 o'clock P. M on tho 23d day of July, 1917. at 120 west Sec ond stroet, In North Piatte, Lincoln cmintyrNebVaskaT oltoV for' saieat oimttnio n-.-.-u. nn Sni.ui.. nin,,n 0no table, ono music rack, three rock- ing chairs, ono leathor armed, chair, ono half dozen dining room chairs, ono table, ono buffet, one sanitary couch, ono 9 by 9 rug, two small rugs, one 9 by 12 rug, ono wood bedstead, one iron bed, dresser, ono chilfonier, one JIoos lor cabinet, one Extornal rango, cno Kitcnon tauie, one ico box; taken on said execution as tho ivroDerty of Ularonces J. vroman. To bo sold subject to lrst lien in favor of w. R. Malonoy Dated this 7th day of July 1917. A. J SALISBURY J10-17 Sheriff. NOTICK To the heirs of H. A. I.ozlnr. TTnnrv A. Lozler; tho heirs of Henry A. Lozler; Stato Loan & Trust Company of Oga llala, Nebraska; Eastern Banking Com- puny; nenry . iozior ec (jompany, a corporation organized under the laws of the Stato of Ohio; Mary M. Lozler; George M. Lozler; George Sparks Lo zler; Fannlo Lozlor; Lllllo Lozler; Mecca Lozlor; Henry Sutton; An nie Sutton; Elizabeth Thomas; .Mabel Thomas; Pearl Thomas; Thomas, child of James Thomas; Thomas, child of Jamos Thomas; Thomas, child of James Thomas: Fan- nio iiasKen; lienry I'auu; uon Robin son; Lewis II. Bill; Jonas Felghnor; Fred Ensworth; Harry A .Lozler, Jr.; Bossle P Lozler; Edwin R. Lozler; Jo soph T. Lozlor; George Popo.yRocolvor of tho Popo Manufacturing Company, a curiiuruuuii; nnu xne .rope Aianurac turlng Company, a corporation, and Tho American Bicycle Company, a cor- norauon. vou anu eacn or you aro noreuy no tified that on the first day of Novom- bor, A. D. 1915, Bertha Thoolecko pur- cnn'sed of tUe' treasurer of Lincoln SlurMn0. rasKa. saiu mnu was assossed ana to, and in tho name of tho Heirs of H. A- Lozler; that, I purchased said tax certuioate, and all of the rights ac- cruing tnoroon, anu now nmu an as o rrnmnnt t ex . nt tl.nt- off i- nv piratlon of three months from tho date ?rf0aC VuntTroaB'ilSr of sahi Lin! coin County will bo nnnlled for. Tho time for redemption from said tax salo will expire with tho flrst dav or iMovemuer a, u. ium. Certlflcato No. 8098. ARTHUR C. MAYER. Asslgneo of Bertha Thoelccke, purcnasor. Notico Loslio Karr will tako notico that on tho 13th day of Juno, 1917, Paul G. Moyor, a Justice of tho Peace ot Lln- coin County, Nobraska, issued an or- dor of attachment for tho sum of $45.00, in an action ponding boforo htm, whoroin Chas. C. Hupfor Is plaintiff nnd Loslio fCarr Is dofondant. I that property of tho dofondant, con- sisting or wagos, er.rnoa by nun in tho servico of and now in tho hands of tho Union Pacific. Railroad Company, a - corporation, nas been attached under said ordor. Said causuo iwas contin- uod to tho 30th day of July, 1917, 9 o'clock a. m. CHAS. C. HUPFER, Plaintiff. SCRAP IRON $6 per Ton. North Platte Junk House. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Suigery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building l00 Office 130 Pnone8 Residenc. 115 S(n(cnient of the Conilllloii of the WUTIJAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION, of North Platto, Nebraska, on tho 30th day of June, 1917. icrtiuvnio no. ;i- ASSETS First mortgage loans S22,600.00 Loans in process of foreclo sure 2.200.00 Loans on stock or pass book security o.uuu.uu Ileal estate, olllce 30.321.80 Cash 12,G40.G8 Delinquent interest, lines, etc. 787.au Furniture nnd fixtures 1,017.37 Foreclosure account 04.94 Total J87C.222.09 LIABILITIES Running stock and dlvidcnds.$403,G91.84 iJai(i-up stocic ana uiviuonus. ji7.buu.uu Roservo fund 19.500.00 Undivided profits 35,114.45 unearned premium, advance lntorest 116.80 Total S87G.222.09 ItecelptN nnd K.vpondUureM for the Ycnr HIHllllK .111 IK' ;tl), 11117. RECEIPTS Cash on hand last report....? 19.S2S.S2 uues utunning stocit) iii.iij.uu Paid-up stock 70,100.00 -Mortgage payments z,zis.'j Stock loan payments 2,415. CD Real estate sales 1,834.70 Intorost 59.92G.20 Premium, Taxes and Insur ance SiiU.ll Fines G17.30 Rents, ofllco building 1.1G2.21 .Memuersmp ana iranster lees Total $3G6,4G3.37 DISBURSEMENTS Mortgage loans $199,300.00 Stock loans 800.00 Withdrawals running stock and dividends 33,809.49 Withdrawals paid-up stock 88.200.00 Withdrawals dividend on nald-up stock b,8.it.4i Salaries 2,550.00 Other expense 415.15 Real estate account uuo.ay Cash on hand l, 040.08 Taxes and Insurance 885. G5 Total $3GG.4G3.37 State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. I, Samuel Goozee, Secretary or tne above named Association, do solemnly swear that tho foregoing Statement of tho condition or saiu Association, is truo and correct to tho best of my knowledge and belief. SAMUEL (iUUZUK, secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of June, 1917. Notary Public. My Commission Expires June 9, 1919. Approved: thus. i. 1'jv.l riiiitsuiN, WILLIAM R. MALONEY, IRA L. BARE, Directors. Lcjral Notice To Fred J. Malone, deceased, and the unknown heirs of Fred J. Malone, do ceased, and all other persons interest ed in tho estato 'ot Fred J. Malone, deceased, and tho unknown owners and unknown claimants of lot sovon (7), in Block thirty-six (3G), of tho original town of North Platte, Ne braska, you and each of you will iiero by take notico that on the 3d day of July, 1917, Tho Mutual Building & Loan Association of North Platto, Ne braska, a corporation, plaintiff, flled Its petition in the District Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, against said defendants and' each of them and against Julia Malone, a defendant In said action. . Tho object and prayer of which pe tition aro to forcloso a certain mort- gago deed upon Lot seven (7), in Block Thirty-six (3G) in tho original town of North Platte, Nebraska, execute by uio uoionaants 'roa J. Malone and Julia Malone, on Juno 20th, 1914, to securo one certain bond executed by uio tieienuants to tno plaintiff or even date with said mortgago in tho sum of $700.00 ani on which said bond and mortgage thero is duo tho sum of S590.50 with interests at 7 2-10 from May 2C, 1917, and to forcloso and cut off any intorost of tho said Fred J. Ma lono and tho unknown heirs of Fred J. Malone and all others norsons In terested in tho estato of Fro,, J. Ma lono and any interest of tho unknown owners and mmknowm claimants of lot sovon (7), block thirty-six (3G), in the original town of North Platte, Nebras ka; and to havo an accounting of tho amount of money duo tho plaintiff from tho defendants on said mortgage, and to havo said real estato sold upon uio juuuro or uio uoronuants to pay tho amount found due on said bond and mortgago within 20 days from tho uaio or saiu decree, and for genoral equitable relief. All of Baid defendants aro rnnirirnr. to answer said petition on or beforo the 13th day of August, 1917. rtlU MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION, By WILCOX & HALLIGAN, Its Attorneys. Notice to N'on-Rcsldciit Defendant. Sadio L. Bruce, alias Sadlo L. Strom borg: Tho above named will tako notico that on tho 30th day of June, 1917 Georgo E. Fronch, County Judgo of Lincoln county, Nobraska, issued an ordor of attachment for tho sum of $88.28 in - tho enso ponding In said court whoroin C. F. Blanko Tea & Cof foo Company, a corporation, is plain tiff and you aro defendant; that prop erty of tho dofondant consisting of ono table, ono largo box of goods, ono erato of bedding and glass, ono pi ano, throe pieces of furniture crated, ono bundle of chairs, otc ono trunk and suit easo, ono bundle of rugs,, one heating stove, ono brass bod, ono sow ing machine, ono top rango, ono roll of mattrossos, ono box ot dishes, ono Ironing board, ono cook stovo and ono heating stovo, altogether fifteen (15) bundles and crates, havo been at tached under said order. That Bald case waa continued to tho 21st day of Aucust. ini7 n. o 1 -1. " ' " at C. F. BLANKS TEA & COFFER rrm I PANY. wn-uig iOM- By Muldoon & Oborst, its Attorney-.. i- X 4 I