The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 20, 1917, Image 1

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T t i
j r-B nun w
No. 54
Tho Rock Springs (Wyo.) Minor
of July 13th, contains tills ltom:
A quiet wedding occurred In Green
Rlvor on Thursday afternoon, at
which tlmo Mr. Arthur Qualloy and
Miss Hazol Calhoun, botli of North
Platto, Nebraska, woro united In mar
rlago by Rov. S. A. Webber. Mr. and
Mrs. I. E. Qualley, of this city wore
tho attondants. Following tho coro
nipny, tho wedding iparty returned to
tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Qual
loy in this city, whoro an elegant wed.
ding dlnnor was sorved.
Tho groom Is a prosperous farmer
of North Platto, .Nebraska, who has
boon hero for sovoral months visit
ing his brotlior. I. E. Quallev. His
sweetheart arrived from North Platte
on Thdrsday morning and tho wed
ding qnlckly followed. Tho happy cou-
'plo expect to onjoy tholr honeymoon n
mong tho lakes of Fremont county in
tho Plnodalo section, after which they
will return to tholr homo near North
Platto. The peoplo of Rock Springs ox.
tend congratulations and good wishes.
"Where Consistency is n .Towel.
If some ono will givo The Tribune
man a buhi of money equal to that
which will bo spent In Lincoln county
during tho year 1917 for now cars and
tho operation and upkeep of old cars,
counting in depreciation, ho will agree
to put u'p a court house costing
$125,000, build a $250,000 hotel, giving
tho first to tho county and tho second
to tho city, and havo loft enough mon
oy on which to extravagantly llvo for
tho remainder of his life. And yet tho
people of Lincoln county by their vote
in tho past havo said that they cannot
afford to bo "taxed to death" for . tho
sako of having a court house and the
court house is needed a hundred times
moro than any ono man or any 2000
mon in Lincoln county need a car. The
Union Pacific railroad company, which
would pay in taxes about one-third tho
cost of a now court house, is perfect
ly wining to 'pay its share, but tho man
whose sharo of tho tax would bo less
than $5.00 a year hollers because the
tax will bo "burdensomo" and yet he
pays Crom twenty to forty times that
amount for tho privilege of .owning a
piece ot macninory that at best is only
a money burner.
The men of Lincoln county aro cer
tainly a consistent (?) bunch of crea
tures. :o::-
Wlilto Buys n Speedster.
Piatt Whito has ordered a Hudson
super six of tho speedster model, a
car that will develop eighty mllo'san
nour on mrt roacis, ana over a Hun
dred on permanent roads. This would
. indicato that nothlng'but tho swiftest
is swift enough for Piatt. Tho car
will be hero In a week or ten days.
Life insuranco agents should inter
view Piatt before he gets tho car
warmed up.
::o: :-
3Iuclf Cns Is Used.
Ono North Platto garago sold twelve
thousand gallons of gasoline during
the month of June. If tho other flvo
garages each sold half as much the to
tal sales woro 42,000 gallons. Basing
tho mileage at twolvo to tho gallon,
that means a half million miles on one
month's salo of gai, and that san cost
tho consumers over ton t'."u'and dol
Mrs. Lou. J. Knoll, of Lebanon, Kan.,
formerly Miss Mario Von Gootz of this
city, camo Wednesday oveningto visit
her paronts for two weeks or 'longer,
Ford Contract Year
Ends July 315 1917v.
No one knows what the price on the Ford
will be after that date. All other cars have
raised in price once and many have made two
and three advances.
Place your order at once and we may yet
be able' to furnish you a car at present prices.
Touring Car $360, Runabout $345, Sedan $645, Town Car $595,
Coupelet $505 f. o. b. Detroit. On display and for sale by
Miss Ruth Elder has been visiting
friends in Sidney this week.
All Silk Parasols at 20 OFF at
BLOCK'S Removal Salo.
Tho Happy Hour club will bo entor
tained this afternoon by Mrs. Mang.
Mrs. Chris Paulson loft yostorday af
tomoon for Omaha to visit friends for
a wcok.
A boy was born this wcok to Mr.
and Mrs. Fay Dolnis, who llvo on east
Sixth street
W. A. Ronton wont to Cheyonno yo
terday morning to spond a couple of
days on busless.
Miss Cathorlno Brotzor loft yostor
day afternoon for Omaha to visit for
a week or longer.
Miss Dorothy Hinman will leave
Tuesday morning for Denver to spend
a couplo of weeks.
Mrs. A. E. Huntington left a few
days ago for Paxton to visit her son for
a week.
L. D. Duko has rocoivod tho con-i
tract for tho Interior decorating of tho'
public library.
Miss AHco Fltzpatrlck, who had been
vlsting in Omaha, iroturned home Wed
nesday evoning.
Mrs. Ralph Hanson, who had boon
visiting in Omaha fn sovoral weeks,
returned hero last ovoning.
Mrs. Hoyt Lako and son loft at noon
yostorday for Lawrence, Kansas, to
visit relatives for a fortnight.
Lpst about a week ago, gold rosary.
Findor will bo rewarded by returning
to Mario LeDIoyt, phone Red 2GG.
Children's Dresses in ginghams
cheaper than you can buy tho mate
rial to make them.
Miss Mata Paulson left yesterday
aftornoon for Omaha to take a courso
in nursing at tho Wlso Memorial hos
pital. Mrs. Andy Main has taken charge of
tho Mitchell rooming' house during the
absence of Mrs. M. V. Mitchell in Cal-I
nla. 1
ts. A. J. Salisbury and Miss Hazol
pson, who spent tho 'past month in
a, Omaha and PlattsmouUi, have
returned homo.
Dr. Morrill. Dentist.
President Wilson said "Save!"
Save all you can these days tako his
advlco and bo saving by attending
tha Big Removal Salo now on at
Miss Maymo O'Rourke, of Fleming,
Col., who has beon visiting tho Don
egan homo for tho past week, left yes
terday to visit friends at Kearnoy and
Brady. Miss O'Rourko is now assist
arr prlncljrl cf tho Fleming city
tho t'Mir'--, in torn yester
rtiv wna " "idi nTM fvn women en-ro-ito
;'roni Iloto'i to Seattle driving
a Ford. They had been on t'no road
twenty days and had covered about
twenty-seven hundred miles. Follow
ing out this Ford was an Immenso
four-seated Pathfinder roadstor on
routo from Chicago to California.
Broken oyo glass lenses can bo re
placed tho same day as order is given
in our lenso grinding department.
tf Graduate Optometrists.
C. O. Dodmoro has returned from n
business visit In Loxlngton.
Georgo Vroman has returned from
a visit with his son in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Cox returned yos
torday from a visit in Sioux City.
TyronoFrnzlor lott this week for
Minnesota to rfpoml two months with
hor fathor.
Miss Gladys Johnston loft Wednes
day ovoning for Gothonbuo-g to spond
a wook with friends
Silk Taffeta skirts in black and fan
cy strlpos, rogular $8.50 values, Re
moval price $4.98 at BLOCK'S.
Charles Tollo, Jr., has accoptod tho
position in tho local machlno shops
mado vacant by tho resignation of P
S. Evans. '
You mon who don't Hko to wear or
dinary overalls got a pair of khaki
trousers at $1.45; all sizes, now at
Tho Leader Mercantile Co.'s.
Mrs. W. T. Aldon loft Wednesday
for Chicago to visit hor son Ralph for
two weeks and ilator will visit in
sotithcl.m Illinois.
Mrs. Win. Mcintosh and two chil
dren, of Gothonburg, who spoilt a
week visiting her sister Mrs. R. E.
Anderson, left yesterday afternoon.
E. A. Duggan, of Elsie, camo hero
yesterday morning to attend tho mili
tary mass at St. Patrick's church and
to visit his mother Mrs. Mary Duggan
for a few days.
You will forget all about tho war
and tho high prcos of all commodities
when you soo tho many real llvo bar
gains at tho Big Removal Sale now on
Mr. and Mrs. J. Shnrploy Thomp
son, or Horshoy, woro in town this
week whllo enroute homo from Kear
ney whoro tho latter had boon tak
ing treatment In a hospital
Mr. and Mrs. William Maloney, Sr.,
Mrs. J. J. Horrigan and son and Mrs
W. R. Maloney and daughter Maurlne
will go to Sidney by auto tho first of
noxt week and boforo returning Avill
v,sit ro,atIvea on tho branch road
You women should seo tho gfoat
bargains that aro boilng offered in
bargains that aro bolng offered in
J?r,fnwhL "P H'
nnotlT lotV atf ?L9? worth .up to
J-5,0; a manufacturer's saniplo lot
with some of our own stock, sizes 10
to 40 only: in all tho dlfferont wash
materials, plain white, colors and fan
cy dollar value for pennies. Reason
pf low price a little mussed from hand
Mrs. Minnie Ferbrache, wifo of
Georgo Ferbracho, of tho Birdwood
vicinity, returned a few days ago from
McPhorson, Kan., whero sho went to
attend tho unveiling of tho statue of
General McPhorson, who was hor llrsi
cousin. Whllo in Kansas sho was tho
guest of ihonor at several entertain
ments given by tho Historical Society
of Kansas. General McPhorson wns a
union general in tho civil waV and
Mrs. Forbracho has In hor possession
a numbor or rolics and lottors written
by tho goneral, also a lptter of sym
pathy written to relatives by Gcnoral
Grant after General McPhcrson's
Three modern furnished rooms, six
bods, thrco double and three single.
Until, electric lights, gns, etc., close
In. Will rent on a per cent basis to
right party.
t-C. D. Tlnslov. rnnrosnntlnir tho Su.
norlor Film f!n.. nf Una Mnlnn.u. In..
returned this wcok to completo tho
films for tho local photoplay which
will bo produced at tho Keith thoatro
Wdliosdav. Thursdnv anil Frlilnv. An.
gust 8th, Dth and 10th. Tho tltlo 0f the
piny is mo "upon switch," a railroad
story In which is intorwovon local
scoues and opteodos, including a wed
ding, In which local pooplo appear, an
auto collision at the corner of Sixth
and DnWOV. a ncnlln nt (1if nnmlmnn
if. - - w " wwaw v bliu V4 uuuiitllll i
rosiuonce, and a numbor of scenoa In
thb rnllrnml vnnla Ttmlmlxit in tl...
. . ...... j ... . , . j , . .i v . ...v. ... kllu
films will bo sccnos of tho acmi-gon-
tdnnlal parade.
Yo8tordav the woddlnir srono. ntul
tho eplsodo at tho Goodman rosldonce
were taken, and today scnos will bo
taken Int ho railroad yards and on tho
r. ....... .
lTho Dlot of thn nlnv will lin mil,.
lifihod In a future lssuo.
tt ;:o:;
Mrs. Walter Dies nt Omaha,
ilMrs. Charles Wnltrir. nf Mils rtv
died Wednesday aftornoon in tho Lord
Lister hospital in Omaha wlioro sho
had gone a week ago to tako treat
ment and submit to an o'poratlon. Mrs.
waiter was takon ill two months ago
with typhoid fovor which left, w In n
vqry weakened condition. An opora-
uon was ativised winch It was thought
would aid in tho gaining of hor form
or strength. Tho operation was per
formed Wodnosday morning and
dpath followed ten hours lator. Tho
remains woro brought t0 this city last
OVnnlnir nniT finmrnl cnfvtnna i.n
. tn ...... ........ ... wv, Mvvo lull uu
hold at tho Methodist chuirch tomor
row morning at half past ton.
J Miss bophronla Hnhn wnB born in
Canton, Mo., April 27th, 18G4 and mar
ried thoro in 1887 to Charlos H. Wal-
tor. who survives hor. T-nrpr nlm
mnde hor homo in Massena, Iowa, and
iur ten years was a resiuent or Wal
lace With hor husband and family
sho camo to this city six years ago
and had mndo mnny friends. She
Was a member of tho Eastern Star and
tho Methodist church and was known
by tho Christian manner In which sho
lived. Surviving nr0 eight sisters and
ono brothor who, rcsldo In eastorn
'points, throo daughters, Mabel, Lola,
Cathorino and two sons Charles, Jr.,
and Ivan.
:o: :-
Buy Coal Now.'
Tho wholosalo coal dealers of Oma
ha aro preparing to tako up with tho
uouncll of Doronso tho coal situa
tion in Nebraska. They dcslro that
tjppubllc bo informed of .tho'iiecossity
or laying in a winter's supply nt tho
earliest possiblo timo. Tho Tribune
has sounded a noto of warning rola
tivo to tho need of such action, but tho
North Platto public seem to have
looked upon tho warning as an ad
vertisement for tho coal doalors,
which, o,f course, it was not. All
this fall and winter tho railroads will
bo busy hauling government traffic,
and will not haul coal. When the
prosont stock hold by tho local doal
ors which Is now about as great as
they can handle Is oxhaustcd, thoy
don't know whether thoy will bo able
to get shipments. If you don't lay
in your stock now, don't holler If you
run short when twenty-seven below
zoro noxt winter.
-: :or :-
Bill and George G Fishing.
Tlioso two moro or loss noted fish
ormon, Bill Whltlock and Goorgo Wlnk
owltch loft last ovoning for Encamp
ment, Wyo., on a trout Ilshing trip. As
wo saw thorn ontrain with trod and
creel wo got tho Itch ourselves, but
consarn It only about a dozen of tho
100 -who woro expected to contrlbuto
dollnquont subscriptions to tho ex'penso
fund of our trip havo stopped up with
a smllo nnd said "Horo Bare, is my
sharo toward that ton-day vacation."
Wo nro hoping that othors "will yet ire
spond If thoy don't, no trip.
Fred Elliott loft this morning for
Omaha tp visit his son for a week or
Mrs. H. N. Smith loft this morning
for Lowollon to visit frlondB for a
Mr, and Mrs. Ralph L. Tylor and
children roturnod thlB morning from
1 a visit with friends In Denver.
Julius Hahlor loft tho. first of tho
wook for Excelsior Springs to tako
troatmont for rheumatism for several
Miss Graco Burke, who had boon
i attending a musical school in Denver
i for several months, roturnod homo the
I first of this week.
i Miss Gortrudo Ilorrod of Columbus
formerly of thin city, camo Wodnes
day aftornoon and will bo tho guost of
i Miss Lorotta Murphy and othor
locnl frlonds.
i Citizens gonorally aro asked to pat-
ronlzo tho vegotnbio maruot to no held
tomorrow foronoon by tho boys and
girls' gardon club In tho lobby of tho
' Crystal thoatro.
1 A big showing of Wash Goods In
ourr; Dry Good Section, Organdies
! Vollos, Lawns, Ducks, Ltnoncs, in
i . lain and fancy colorings; a ldg
s lowing at 12Vj, 15, 18 and 23c, all
.-ecials at Tho Loader Morcantllo Co
Milton Saunders, tho nlnoteon year
i M son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saun
d rs, of Wolltleot, was drowned in tho
i ung lako near Wolllloot last ovon
imr whllo Bwlmming with sovoral
conpanion. Ho was rescued from tho
wi'ir and at last reports it was
the ught ho might recovor.
Wo wish to express our a'pprecla
tlon to tho numorous frlonds, B. P,
O. E., Yeomen, Robokaha and nolgh
bors for tholr beautiful floral offer
ings and kindness during tho illness
and at tho death of our lovod ono
MR. and MRS. E. N. OGIER,
Francos N'orrls, who had boon visit
ing In Excelsior Springs for sovoral
wooks, camo homo this morning.
Tho Lutheran lndlos will havo an
Ice croam bonollt nt tho North Platto
Candy Kitchon, July 23. Tho public
Is Invited.'
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coatos loave
shortly on an auto trip to Dcnvor, Col
orado Springs and othor Rocky Moun
tain resorts.
Christian Solonco sorvico Sunday 11
o'clock. Building & Loan building,
room 25.
Tho Public Library will bo closed
Monday, Tuosday and Wednesday,
July 23, 24 and 25, whllo it is being
cleaned and ro-docorated.
Mr. and Mrs. D. McNicol and daugh
ter Mrs. C. A. Mooro havo roturnod
from Lincoln whoro thoy woro called
by tho death of tholr son and brothor
P. MoNlcol. .
Wash SklrtB ircducod from ono-flfth
to ono-thlrd ut BLOCK'S Removal
Rov. Soundy, of Gothonburg, will
preach Sunday morning at tho Pros-;
oyiorian cnurcn. tho puipit win oo
doclnrod vacant at his service. Lot
all mombors and friends bo present.
Ono lot of Voilo Waists, odds and
ends, regular valuos up to $1.50,
Romovul Prlco 09c at BLOCK'S.
Passenger traffic on tho Union Pa
cific, both east and west bound, Is ex
ceptionally heavy at prosont. Wed
nesday and yostorday oxtra sections
of train No. 20 woro nocossary to ac
commodate tho ovorflow.
A now lot of fancy Dross and Waist
Silks aro now being sold at Tho
Loader Morcantllo Co.'s.
Rov. Harman visited tho Ed Hogg
farm south of Horshoy last ovoning
and brought in samples of wheat
which will bo roady for cuttig noxt
week. Mr. Jlogg has 220 acros and
his fnthor-in-law Honry Cordos sixty
acres that promises to yield from fif
teen to twonty bushols por aero, much
moro than was expected last spring.
You owo It to yoursolf to nttend tho
only salo in tho city now going on at
n glass of our lemon soda, ginger ale.
etc., Ib always refreshing. After, a
danco It quonchos "thirst and cools the
system. Tho best hostesses uso it nt
tholr functions and in their homo Hfo
as won. A trial dox win provo its
oxcollonco to you.
Conltlnl EiM
u . -.
MOTOR ijiaMH 1 . ,-ji4.:
ill: oils :
m !
Pla , ..;
If ' 1 , : - J,
You keep your car for your comfort avoid the trouble and expns
of a friction-crippled motor by using
'Mm nun i i I
Hold Its body ut any cylinder heat or engine speed. Ends carboni- I
witlon, overheating, and scored cylinders. Every drop pure. I
Look for tho Polarlno ltn-tt standi for a Mllabla dealer who will nlvo ou B
what you aik for. ,Uie Ked Crown Qaiollne, the power-full motor fuel.
(Nebratka) OMAHA
O. H. Thoolccko la transacting bus
lnoss in Omaha this week.
Honry Heckor returned yesterday,
morning from an oxtonded visit In
Joseph MoMichnol returned last ev
ening from Wollfloot whoro ho visited
tolntlvos and transacted business.
Mrs. William Hubbaul nnd dnughtor
Ruth iinvo roturnod from Konrney
whoro thoy vlsitod Miss Dorothy Hub
brad for a wcok.
Mrs. Thoodoro Tottonhoff and
daughtor Marguerite havo returned
from Omaha whoro thoy visited Mr.
TottenhofT for a wcolc
Any silk summer tnffotn suit In tho
storo valuous up to $35, RomovnrPrico
$10.48. BLOCK'S.
Rov. Fathor Lawlor of Scotts Blue,
who camo to assist in tho sorvicos nt
St. Patrick's church yostorday morn
ing, roturnod homo this morning.
Tho lawn social hold at tho D. E.
Morrill homo last evening for tho bon
ollt of tho Co. E moss fund was very
largoly patronized by tho soldlor
boys nnd cltlzoiiB gonorally. Tho
lawn was nicely decorated with lan
torns, and tho tabloa with flowers. Tho
not rocolpts woro flrty dollars. Mrs.
Morrill desires to thank all for pat
ronago and assistance.,
Llttlo boys' khaki allovor ovoralla
on snlo at Tho Leader Morcantllo Co.'s
at $1.45; for larger boys tho prico is
$1.G5; Boy Bluo Waista at 50, 05 and
75 conts; Knoo Pants at 57 and 9Gc;
llttlo fellows' Wash Suits at 50, C5,
05c and up, In sizes up to ago S years.
Major White, who Is now at Anchor
age AlaBka, In tho omploy of tho
federal railroad, writos that ho is well
pleased with tho country, which is
quite wondorful In its sconic grnndour.
Major began work in tho quartor
mastor's department at a salary ot $75
but after boing thoro a fow days was
'ansforral to tho engineering de
partment and now receives $117 a
: :o: :
Good party to cut, stack, bale and
haul hay on part section six, twp. 11,
range !!'-, south 1). II. 3IcNcel ranch,
rare chanco for tho right lUU'iy. Ad
dress UKATT. fiO()l)JIAN,& RUCKLEY.
With 50-Cent Purchase
bo long ns they last wo wilt present ono
of these boxes to every customer buying
ono 50-cent package of I'almollve Shampoo,
Cold Cream or Vanishing Cream, Powder or
Kouge.or two 25-ccnt packages of I'nlmollvo
Talcum, Shaving Stick or Lip-Rouge. Call
early or you may be disappointed tho
number of cases is limited. You want a full
line of the best toilet articles made, paclieA,
In this convenient case.