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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1917)
- & K G RFMOVAI SAI F Our entire $15,000 stock of Wo men's Apparel and Furnishings must be SACRIFICED at prices that will revolutionize the ladies' clothing business in North Platte. In spite of the advanced prices, every dollar's worth of our pres ent stock must be sold before moving into our new home. BLOCK Ladies9 Outfitting Store NORTH PLATTE, NEB. An absolute slaughter of our en tire stock. Stop and think for a minute and realize the vital im parlance to YOU. AH new and seasonable merchandise going into your home at unheard of LOW PRICES. Come and get your share of the wonderful bargains awaiting you. A Colossal Sale where values speak louder than printer's ink. The biggest, most legitimate and far reaching sale of Women's Apparel ever pulled off in North Platte. This sale starts WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 18th at 8:30 SHARP and will continue without stop until we move into our new store. .M...i ... - 1 ' 1 - - - r .I. i ..i i , i ,,,, , -- ..ii .. i. ,, 1 1.,. ., , - - Owing to the rapid increase and growth of our business (gained through modern and absolute legitimate merchandising, by serving the people Fair and Square at all ttynes) it has become necessary to obtain larger quarters to accommodate our ever growing patronage. We succeeded in leasing the new two story Hahler building now under construction, which when completed, will give us over 3500 square feet of floor space over our present location. It is with a great deal of pride that we hold this great Itemoval Sale. We are proud of the fact that the people of North Platte and vicinity havo bestowed their confi dence upon us to that extent that this store's trade has outgrown its capacity. On or about September 15th we expect to move into our now beautiful store, where wo will have the most modern and best fixtures that money can buy. It will be one of the most modern exclusive Lnlics' Shops in Nebraska. "We made up our mind not to move a single gar ment from this store to the new store, if low prices can do If he work, Therefore, it Is not profit, it is not cost in many instances, that causes this great Ilcinovnl Sale. Space does not permit us to mention every item in the store, but we promise you that, you positively wilt not be disappointed, as. you all know our sales from the past, that we do as we advertise. Spring Wool Suits Spring Wool Suits at a,givenaway price. We have -about 2 dozen Wool Suits -left in all the wanted shades, value up to $30. Removal Sale Price ... ...... V $9.9.8 Summer Silk Suits Summer Silk Suits made up to the minute in style, values up to $35.00. dj 4 iC Removal Sale Price -V 1 OeTrO Jalm Beach Suits to Palm Beach Sport Suits, genuine Palm Beach SuitsMn plain and Norfolk styles all sizes regular values up to $12.50. (t J Q Removal Sale Price 7 O Wool and Silk Coats New Wool and Silk Coats all this seasons models in all shades and best styles values up to $22.50. Removal bale Price $4.98, $7.48 and $9.98 Coats Our highest grade Coats the cream of the stock, values up to $35.00. rtd A Qn Removal Sale Price J 1 4.0 Silk Dresses One lot of Silk Dresses not all this seasons make but good styles and values fr rQ up to $18.50. Removal Price.. JZ. O 500 Skirts 500 500 Skirts in Wool, Silk and Washable Materials such as Pongees, Gabardines, Piques, etc. reduced in price from One Fifth to One Third. One lot of Wash Skirts Pearl Button trimmed and Pockets regular $1.50 value Removal Price 98c All Childrens Coats atf One f hird Oft the Regular Price. All Parasols at a Discount of Twenty Per Cent. Sateen Petticoats in black and colors. Values up to $1.25. Removal Sale Price 79c Nothing reserved. Everything in the store has been cut to- the limit. All of our fixtures are for sale. One lot of Silk Tafletta Skirts in black and other pretty striped silk Tafiettas. Extra Special at 100 Silk Dresses 100 into 4 great lots. Lot 1. New Spring Silk Poplin Dresses in all the best shades and styles val ues up to $9.50. Removal Price Lot 2. Silk Crepe, Tursah Silk and Pongee Silk Dresses values up to $11.50. (J i Q Removal Price rO4-0 Lot 3. Our best Pongee Silk Dresses. The very latest in styles and values up to $16.50. Removal Price Lot 4. Our very best Silk Dresses in Taffeta and Georgette combinations values up to $25.00. Removal Sale Price 9.48 $14.98 $4.98 Beautiful Wash Skirts in best quality. Gabar dens large Pockets and belted models, values up to $5.00. Removal Sale (F fQ Price $i.yO Waists! Waists! Waists! Waists! Hundreds of them to select from in voiles, Organdies Tub Silk and Silk Crepe, Georgettes, etc., at ridiculously low Prices. Pretty Wash Dresses Here is your chance right in the height of the season to buy some dainty Wash Dresses for little money. They will be marked as follows: $1.98, $2.48, . $2.98, $3.98, $4.98, $5.98, $6.48 and $6.98. The seasons most desirable tf i i p" A styles and values up to $ 0JI Silk Waists China Silk and Tub Silk Waists regular values up to $3.50. Removal One lot of Beautiful Voiles and China Silk Waits. Regular $1.50 values. I Removal Price 98c Childrens Dresses in Gingham and Percales, great values at only. ..... 49c One lot of Dainty Summer Kimonas values up to $1. Removal Price. . 49c Childrens Dresses in white and colors values up to $1.50. Removal Sale Price 98c House Dresses made of Fadeless materials worth up to $1.39. Removal Price 79c Auto Caps, in all the new styles re gular 75c values. Removal Price.. 39e i Follow the crowds to Sport Hats, in Tussah Silk and Paisley mat erials regular values up to $1.75. fiQ Removal Price OC Silk Blouses Beautiful Silk Blouses in silk and Crepe and some Georgetts. Extra frf QQ special at $JUi O One lot of Voile Waists, odds and ends'regular values up to $1.50. Removcl Price 79C Middies! Middies in best quality Galatea beautifully trimmed and worth up A (if i ffcr to $1.50. Removal Price 4 l" DC Bungalow Aprons, Regular 75c values. Removal Price 59c Ladies Outfitting Store, North Platte, Nek Silk Petticoats and Silk Kimonas AT A Discount of Twenty Per Cent. Nof approvals, no charges. This sale for cash only. Mail orders filled same day received. All parcels sent any where postpaid 39 3 3