The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 17, 1917, Image 4

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' JOES' JIlTIt flAfrAflB
Enjoy the bright
summer days ft
Getting out in the sunshine will not
make you blink or frown if you wear
glasses with modern tinted lenses.
The harmful heat rays will be stopped,
but all the helpful, illuminating rays
will meet the eye.
These lenses will not dim vision. They
make it keener. They are not conspicuous,
for in the lighter shades they appear to
be ordinary optical glass. X
Come in and let us demonstrate tinted
Auto Goggles
Protect the eyes from sun, wind and dust
50c to $2.00.
Graduate Optician,
At Uio Sign ol the M King.
FnnnuVa Install Light' Planish
Sovernl Tnrmors In tho valley llavo
Instnllod electric llghtine plants. A-
mong those Is Chris Koch, who Hvos
Just south of tho Nichols school
Miss Pallno Dnldock spont Sunday
with friends In Sutherland.
Miss Janot "Whlto loft yesterday
morning for Rochester, Minn.
Mrs. John Mullck returned Sunday
ovonlng from Grand Island where sho
visited last wook.
Pnmv (Vllrlon. who had been visit
lng his mother In Omaha, returned hero
Saturday morning,
Dodgo Brothers Motor Car for long
Ufa and economy. J. V. Itomlgh.
dealer. 53-5
Mrs. Marian Miller and daughtor
Alpha loft Saturday ovonlng for an
oxtonded visit In eastorn points.
Trv Dr. Smith, tho
Chiropractor. GOtf
Miss Floronco Voddcr, roflio Uvos
north iof town, Is tho guest of Miss
Josophino McMIchaol this wook.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy "Wilson roturncd
yestorday morning from a visit with
tho former's paronts In sutnonami.
Mrs. James MoMichaol and daughtor
Dolly roturnod yostorday morning
from Donvor whoro thoy spont ton
Miss Bossio Smith loft Sunday ov
onlng for Negaunco Mien., to spend
sovoral weeks with Harry Smith and
Mr. and Mrs. Alox ftlcston and three
children, of Sclotts Bluff, formerly of
tills city, havo boon for sovoral days
past vistlng frlonds In town.
For Sale On easy paymonts, nlco 5
room, houso and 2 lots. South of Yard
Offlco. Call phono 880. GM2
Mrs. James Stafford and two chil
dren, of Paxton, who woro visiting
Mrs. Omar Huff and Mrs. Itoso Gar
rison, loft Sunday ovonlng.
Mr. and Mrs. George Schwako, of
liincyliji aro visiting in town this
wook. Tho formor Is a stockholder
In tho Stacy-Gralngor Co., of Lincoln.
Tho ladlos' auxiliary of tho Baptist
church raIIl moot in tho church basc
mont Thursday aftornoon. It will bo
program day and all mombors aro
urgod to bo prosont.
Mrs. Ernost BIcknell, of Manzanola,
Colo., formorly Miss Margarot McCar
thy of Ogalalla, who was vlBltlng Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Bcal, loft Saturday ev
ening. W. V. Hoaghuul roturnod yostorday
morning from Oimilia BUfforlng from a
sprained anklo which ho sustained In
that ctiy Saturday while doscondlng u
Dr. W. T. Pritchard and family ro
turnod Sunday night from Estos Park,
Col., whoro thoy spont bm weoks.
Thoy rontod a furnished cabla on tho
Thompson rivor fohr miloa from tho
town and livod cory onjoyably.
If you want to como lown town,
phono Donald Nowton, 2G1. Ho will
ibo aftor you quick Youiwant tho
rldo, ho -wants tho 10 conts. Mosson
gcr Car Sorylco. GItf
Mrs. Mary 'Jano Wlnslow, ago sovon-ty-slx,
dlod at hor homo In tho Fourth
ward Saturday evening of allmonts
customary to old ago. Tho romalns
woro taken to Wolllloot Sunday. Sho
Is survived by a son and two daughters.
Dr. J. S. Twlnom loft Sunday ov
onlng for Omaha an professional busi
ness. Miss Elslo Smith, of Mitchell, camo
a fow days ago to visit with Miss Syl
via Watts for a wook or longer.
P. II. Sullivan rocolved tho appoint
ment of pollco Judgo from Mayor Wnl
temath Saturday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hnaso, who ro
sldo sduth of toiAfn, announco tho birth
or a baby girl at heir homo Friday,
Onoaman killed, a numbor of build
ingS WTOCKOU, trOOfi IW1SIOU OIL or Up-JU8l BOUU1 Ol mo ihiumuib buiiuui
rooted and hay stocks blown ovor fol-'houso. Mr. Koch, whoso farm Is. one
lowed a storm which swept ovor North ' of tho best Improvod in the valley,
Platto and adjoining section about lights his twa-story house, his largo
twelve o'clock Friday nlghht. Tnkon ' horso barn, cow barn, milk houso and
altogothbr, It was tho most disastrous! thlckon houso, and has outsido lights
wind storm that has over visited thlsj whoro needed. He has hnd tho sys
soctloiif and in view of the fact that the torn In but a short time, but(says so
wind orily registered forty-tub miles far It has glvon oxcollont satisfaction,
an hour at tho, local woathor buroau. The plant cost him $410 and Is econom
It can bo said that In Its action it was, leal when Installed. His next move
a "twister," for a forty-two mlloiwlll bo to install a water system In
straight wind wduld not havo causoditho houso.
tho largo cnerry orcnaru on tno
farm Buffered considerable damago
from tho storm last Friday night,
many of tho trees losing largo branch
es loaueu wun cnorrios. ino crop oi
Mm ilntnnirn. Thn nnth nf thn nfnrni
was ton or twelve milos wldo and Its
direction was from north to south.
Tho man killed, a Mexican beet
tondor, occupied a shack on tho for
mor Woll farm six miles lAiost of town,
tho building being torn to plecos and
tho man instantly killed. In that sec
tion many trecB woro lovelod and liny
stacKs mown over
lato chorrlos aro being picked this
weoic ana tno demand for them Js
niluch greater than tho supply.
A farmer who Is as nicely situated
as Mr. Koch ought to be a happy and
uunn uiunii uvui. us mr. ivutll uulIL 10 UI U. nuppy illlll
In this city tho effects of tho storm i contented man and wo 'presume ho
A (7
was ovorywhero visible, for there was
scarcely a yard in town whore trees
woro not uprooted, or twisted off, or
limbs broken. Windows woro blown
In, and oletriq street lights broken. At
tho fair grounds tho agricultural hall
was completely wrecked, tho big barn
seriously dnmagod and part of the
grand stand unroofed. At tho ball park
tho irrand stand was ovnrtiirnpil. KnnMi
of tho city tho houso on the Schram
iami was niom'n down, as was also sov
oral small buildings, and on tho Guy
Kills placo all tho buildings but the
houso were wrecked.
Tho silos nt tho Btato farm, at the
ClnilR Mvlandnr farm nnrl on Mm Knnft
RoynoldB ranch mtoro blown down, and
at many places on tho south sldo wind
mill towers worn lnvolml. Tn Mm vi
cinity of BIgnoll orlops woro damaged
to some extent by hall.
(Jlnn-ltyuii Wedding.
A pretty wedding was solemnized at
th.o Church of Our Saviour Friday af
ternoon nt. nlv nVlnnlr wlmn Mian irin..
' M U.UW.b ' ' k... . I . 1 .1 .j X' U1 -
M U IMUy Kill III. IlUir I1UIUU rriUUy. .. '.jut. ...... .Minima xi. VI. im IIO10
. .nntintml 1... A .... 1 .. 1 ........ .. T . . (
Josa Vernon, Waller Hoxio and c ... WKUr,1 11 1110
Claronco Day loft Friday ovonlng fori Ir030"co of fifteen relatives and closo
Omaha to tako examinations for thh. '"j-nUS.
tiio brldo wor a dainty gown of hand
Oninha to tako examinations for tho
Mr. nn1 Mrs. ninrnnno Tlmm nf Vt
Morgan, woro horo Friday visiting Dr.
mano vmes nnu irom noro wont to
iiorsnoy to visit rolatlvos.
ombroldored voilo and ti larirn mlhltn
laco hat. Sho hold an arm boqluot of
whlto roses and Hllles. Hor maid of
honor, Miss Esther Sandall, woro a
prouy ureas or whlto not with trim-
Mrs. V. M. Baldock, of Council mlngs of luce. Tho groom was attend
Bluffs, Is visiting loortl rolatlvos whllo oil by Harris Stuart.
oiuuuiu uumuiium muiuuiui wiiuiu uu iiiur uio coromony a iiinnor was
.... . . v. (i T.uu nutiiu Ul tliu U I IUL M ma
Rov. Gloason, of Ogalalla, formerly tor Mrs. L. L. Bertho whoro tho do
hiininM P C D,. , w.1 ..1 . nl...Mnl. 1.. .1.1.. nmilnno P .. . n. i
nllv ivi'nnt MirWiicrli llm lntfi- not. sf Amorlcan flnira.
J t invi.n b..x..(3. .uu . LIVt tlv. i, V., - - - tl
1 .. .. . . T 1 . . I I ITmh fl I
NnnieH ('oiiniil(fpi'..
President Pattorson, of tho County
Defonso Council, Ilib named tho follow
In committeeH fhr tho rornnMnn ntwl
ontortainmont of Company E during
tho two weeks tho boys mill be In town.
General Commltto Capt. Hallgan,
J. E! Evans, I. L. Bare, Miss A. K.
Kramph, ,Earl Stamp, Miss Alleen
Gantt, A. F. Beolor, Mrs. M. E. Scott,
Henry Waltcmath, O. E. Elder, T. C.
Patterson and C. S. Clinton.
Recoption Committee J. E. Evans,
J. S. Hongland, Earl Stamp, W. R.
Maloney, Miss Ailcon Gantt, O. E. El
dor, Henry Waltomtith, M. E. Crosby,
F. N, Buchanan, N. E. Buckley, M. J.
Forbes, Dr. Dent, H. G. Flolshmann
and P. II. McEvoy.
Entertainment Committee A. N.
Durbln, A. P. Kolly, Mrs. M. E. Scott,
Mrs. Ella I. Jenkins, Byron Oborat,
Will Waltemath, Mrs. Ed Dickoy, Mrs.
F. N. Buchanan, Mrs. Will Eshleman,
Richmond Birgo, Mrs. Charles Bogue,
J. J. Halligan, E. R. Goodman, Mrs. L.
W. Walker, E. F. Seeborgor and Harry
: :o: :
last ivook to Now York to remain for
sovoral wooks.
Mr. and Mrs. William
Mrs. GInn Is nn attrnc.Mvn nnd nnn.
ular young lady who resided horo for
Mr. and Mrs. William Nolson, of r, "u,"UUi "l irB was aitonuing
uoiiirego, visited tno lattorpart of last wi...i..r i, uummu, oho is me
wook with tho formor's brother J. E. yneost daughter of Mrs. F. J.
Nolson, whllo onrouto homo from R'n' r Qreat FalIs Mont.
wostorn points. A1 iur- uinn 18 a capablo young man,
J. R. Shaw, who has boon vorv 111 V, , r:Mrs' to1 GInn and for some
f . L Z' S S iririf !1"10 has been employed as switchman
Omaha fo taim mrvHoni 'U iii. Ior 1 " un,?n nc company. Ho
Illness rosults from a VM 'TCBl his position to join
received during tho civil war. ' S3n.Vi.?0y W,n re8,d0 with thq
Carl S. Bonnor, who has boon sorl- !
ously ill with an attack of typhoid Kof MomVM is vIlvv
fovor for sovoral wooks. is lmDroviiiK.I . . . ' . Jtecommeiuls Mny
Miss Sarah Kolly loft tho latter nart Josopii Kopf, of this city, who Is
of last wook for Colorado points. . . y.nt u! Oront La"fis naval training
Tho Crystal attraction for Thursday "'"7 7.r " l" Tno "Dune,
will nroseut Fannlo Ward In "Witch- .Lroce.n,,no,n(I.tno navy to
cnift," tho prize winning Columbia SrvTrZii 80rV? f
iinivoritv nhninninv. if ia mi . country. It is tho first line of de-
of Massachusetts superstition. , ZXJl fCTi!(l a
Roy Ellison Walker and Miss Alta what more can a young n an ask tor I
at tho court houo "SaUafVonon OTfi I did; 7 X havo
by County Judgo Frond, The brldo chance to do my "blf in tho war
being but sixteen years old tho written and I mIl do my best To tl ft Cn,
consent of hor mother was glvon. Platto young men, as wqll as others I
Soona Owens In "A Woman's Awok- rocommond tho navy." '
oslng" at tho KoIUi Thursday pro-, ::.
sonts a modorn romance It Is tho Sinrnr Crtimtniiv itnvU t...,i
Binrv nf .1 irlrl VMlnc nn.1 fr.r.llali nrl.n . nil.- -. . ,
-v,..rf . .., lllu uro!lL westor'n Sugtvr Co. last
marries and roponts; who goes through week purchased 240 acres of land of
nil ufvrta nt inrlnrn oiuilrlnn n mkiw ml n i .... .. iu ui
... .Ti n V """""'"" """J uUU. u, iuumi, nort i or iiorshey for
until thn hnnil of fnn Inlnrnirvana nrwl 9.4 nnn mi.i. i . .. iwi
. - - w yv .v.... vui.vvu x am iuihi lies east nf Mm
awakons hor to that whldi means Mudd homo (arm. Tho com nan v took
innrn Minn Mi nniMv irllnt f ..loli .i , . Vu UI"J"y lOOIC
... ...... w. ..,,., n.,v.u. . v.t.uo. nU uiuiuii on mo iami sovoral mnnMia
Also tho comedy "Hor Candy Kid." ago. nnd made tho purclmso or
Att.rtrnv AVm. R. RlmmtiTi nnrl rlniuvli. noar Mia ilntn nfin
tor Dorothy loft a fow days ago for an 1 It Is presumed thnt tho land was pur
oxtonded trJp In Canada, Washington, chnsed for tho purposo of orectinc
t . ( rv . I .1 il ri.lllfnn.iln ml.mi .1 . t ll V.lfAt. ri ........ O . .
wunuium, xuvy iiihi. tuu v 011111 uiciory, anu in that
wont to St Paul, then over tho Cannd- uaso tho thriving vlllngo to our west
In ti T)ntlfl O ....... 1 1 ... . X. 1 1 1 la nnntn I..1.. . .. i. .. .. . . .
i.tit 1 u.uii. u inu vt111u11111.11 itiiiuiiiii " mmijf iu uu congrai(uiatoil.
Park lit Tjkf T.nulnn nt Allinrln f"n. ..
mill nt will rli rnanrf tlinv will gnnnil SlWftnl Tinnlinic' l.'.......l....n
.. ...w.. , J.w.... Avi.biiuip J.AIIMIIIIJIUUIU
about a woOk. Thoy will then go to A special, teachers' examination will
vnncouvor ami won along wo Pnclilc oo noui Friday and Saturday Tniv
nnn 1... ml. Ill ,.lll 97li .....1 OOil. . ,. ... .
wuni uy miuaiuaiiiiJ. iiwjr win vibii. mm .oill, ui iNOrill 1'lOttO Nob
Mr, Shluman's slstor at San Francisco Tho Roadlng Circlo oxnmlnatlon wili
ego. Thoy will roturn Soptombor 1st. who wish to ronow tholr cortlflcatos
vuiiuiu inmonuiib uuubittui iu-(v. vnw vwiiuii u;iriin(i JltlVO not uono
turnod Saturday aftornoon from a visit so already, nro urgod to inko notlco
I"" it
Universal Service
Do your part help your country
and at tho same time benefit your
self. That is one kind of Universal
Service that you- and all of us enn
Every holder ot a McDonald State
Bank Savings Account Book is a
factor in our national strength.
Every dollar saved now adds to
the strength of tho nation as well as
Start in the Universal Saving Ser
vice here today.
McDonald State Bank,
nminntlon to bo glvon this yoar.
o: :
Injured In Auto Accident.
Chos. McNool, Dnvo Woods and Wos-
lOy SllOUl). nil nf Sllltlmrl
Jurod ono night last iweok '-when the
,ul 111 wiucn iney woro riding turned
turtle near tho Honry Fulk fann.
Shoup had n bad gaHh cut In his hend.
Woods had a rib brokon and aufforcd
Intornnl Injuries nnd McNool had his
cut urokon and ono log badly
::o:: .
Xotlco to "H'ntcr ConsumorH
WntQr bills for tho past quarter aro
now duo and If paid on or boforo July
-'0th a discount of ono cont por thous
and gallons will bo glvon. No discount
aftor July 20. HERSHEY S. WELCH,
Wator Commissioner.
! ; o : :
Kcnl ltnfo nnd Insurance.
Como and teco us for town lots In
dllToront parft of tho city. Good In
vestments on nsy tonus. Houses for
salo and ront. Wo havo also good bar
gains In. farms Xnd ranches.
n ' P. J. DIWJEU & CO.,
Cor. Front and 'ftowoy Sts-. upstairs.
Notlfo ofVotltlon.
Estnto No. 491 o Homor F. Fort,
docoasod In tio Couitty Court of Lin
coln Comity, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nobraska, to all por
boiib Intorostal In said ostato tako no
tlco that a potltlon has beon filed fqr
tho nppolntmont of Mlnnio Scott as
uuimiiiHirnirix or Bam ostato, which
Allen Atchison left the latter part
of last week for Omaha.
Mrs. Frank McFaddon, of Paxton,
spent tho week end at tho Huff. .home.
Miss Fern Wilson spent tho week
end with tho home folks in Gothen
burg. Charles Bluo left Saturday evening
for Columbus to spend a week or long
er. Will Roth, manager of tho Shoo Mar
ket, returned yesterday from a week's
visit mSth friends in Iowa. '
R. R. Dickoy purchased Saturday a
six-cylinder, seven passeneger Willys
Knight Overland car.
Miss Hazel Lowls, who has been at
tending 'tho Kearney normal, .return
ed hpmo Friday evening.
Miss Evangollno Horrod has accept
ed a position as stenographer in tho
Fidollty Insuranco office.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cox returned
yostorday morning from Columbus
whoro thoy visited relatives.
W. J. O'Connor has
York City and other eastern points to
snenu several weoks on business
MiSS Emollno UrailGr. nf ftnMmnhnrn-
arrived hero a few days ago to visit
wun ner sister Airs. Fred Purdy for
a week.
Mrs. Cecil RlRtinn. nf Pn,! r.r
tourned homo yesterday aft
tor visiting with hor sister Mrs. Wal-
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. BUckonsderfer,
Who had .been Vlsltinr frlnmlu In
loft for their homo In Blooraington!
in., yisaiuruuy.
Miss Laura Rhoades, of Lincoln, for
merly of this city, came a fow days
ugo 10 visit with Mrs. Guy Swopo and
other friends for a week.
Mrs; Guy Robinson, of Portland, Or
egon, who has beon visiting hor par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Day, left Sun
day morning for Grand Island.
Wanted Hay sweep, must bo In good
uuiimuon; give iowost cash price.
McDonald, phono 782F31.
Miss Theodore Tottenhoff and daugh
ter ttiurguonuo lort Saturday evening
for Omaha to visit Mr. Tottenhoff who
was transferred there several months
Mrs. Touhisond Pock and baby, of
Brldconort. Conn..
urday ovonlng to visit tho former's
paronts. Mrs. Peck was formorly Miss
Genovlovo Ottonstein, of this city.
i'OStOlTICO Ina'nectnr ITnnillnv ivhn
had been stationed horo for somo time,
left last night for Clovoland, Ohio, to
Which Cltv ho has boon
and whoro ho formorly mado his
Postmnstor McEvoy has beon noti
fied thnt offenMvn .Tnlv 1af n.
janitors and tho olovator conductor at
uio icuorai Duuuing mill bo glvon an
illCroasO Of ton ner rnnt In anlni-lnc
This advance was requested by Mr.
MrS. Noalo Tlirnln Win nacrvaon,
t).vo dollar flno In Justice Moyor's court
Saturday aftornoon for exceeding tho
huto speed limit. Chief Jones has con
cluded to enforce tho law Tncitlntlno.
tho speed at which cars shall bo driv
en in town.
Claronco Day. WnHnr TTnvIn nn,1 T,n
Vernon have returned fmm rmn,n
- ... VIUIWIU.
The boys woro accopted as recruits In
um eiccincai invasion, woro sworn
into tho BOrVicn nnd nrilnrnil Immn
await a call which may botnado' any
uay. iiiov nro noai on Tlnoln. Rnm'n
pay roll, rocolvlng $32.75 por month.
Thoro will hn
fBolvod or any intonslflel emotions
drawn upon nt tho Crystal Wednesday
night In "Bringing Homo Father." It
is Just tho plain slmplo story of a hen-
pocKoa nusimnu. Tno play is purely
comedy and a soction of seats will bo
rosorved for nil tho crnntlnmnn wnfm
mako application early.
August JO, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m.
uaiou July 10, 1917.
Jl"a7 County Judges
Miss Holen McNeil Is assisting in the
Nyal druu store.
Charles Dixon and James McDonald
spont Sunday in Curtis.
A. C. Jonos and John Murphy en
listed Sunday In Company E.
Rov. C. B. Harman loft yesterday
aftornoon for a short stay in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Brooks loft at
noon yostorday for Kansas Cltjr to
visit frlonds and relatives.
Van Lawrence returned to Sarbon
yostorday morning after visiting with
his family for sovoral days.
Mrs. N. Largln, of Shclton, came Fri
day evening to visit hor daughtor Mrs.
M. A. Bonham for somo time.
Mrs. Mary Rasmusson and children,
of Chicago, who visited her slstor Mrs.
John Dick for several weeks, left last
Mrs. Geo. T. Field and Miss Annie
Kramph will loavo shortly after Aug
ust first for Estos Park to recreate for
a week or two.
All residents who havo subscribed
t r .... ...
I ior uuuuiauqua ticKots can obtain tho
samo by applying to N. E. Buckley at
'tho Bratt, Goodman & Buckley office.
f Mrs. A. Drage, of Soldier, Kans.,
,..i. i..i i ..i.i.i . . :
nno mm uuuu vmiung nor sister iurs.
M. A. Bonham for a week, left yester
day afternoon.
W. R. Hodshiro resigned his posi
tion in tho Huffman cigar storo and
loft yestorday aftornoon for Tulsa,
Oklahoma, to accept a position with
an oil company.
Mrs. William Hubbard and daugh
ter Ruth left Sunday ovenlng for
Kearney to visit with Miss Dorothy
Hubbard for a week.
Miss Lilna Barkor. nt Tmlavliin
TT V nlrlv.1 T.VMnt. . ii
a month with tho Ursilino sisters at
St. Patrick's school.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ross aro en
Joying a visit from tho lattor's mother,
Mrs. C. H. McMcCanco, of Cozad, who
arrived hero recently.
Mrs. Virgil Baldock and two chil
dren, of Council Bluffs, who were vis
iting Mrs. Elizabeth Baldock, left for
homo yesterday morning.
Jack Carroll, who has been em
ployed in District Foreman McGraw's
office for several years, has taken
uio position recently vacated by Jos
eph Larson. Fred Louden will suc
ceed Mr. Carroll.
Mr. anil Mrs. Albert Muldoon are
preparing for their annual auto trip
to the mountains. They will spend
tho greater part of tho time in tho
north park Colorado near tho town
north park of Colorado near the town
H. C. Kustor, who lives eighteen
mllqs southeast of town brought to
.this offlco Saturday sample heads of
wheat from his fifty aero Held which
aro fine. Tho stand, bowovor.'ls light
and ho does not expect tho yield to
exceed fifteen bushels to the acre.
: :o: :
Houses For Trntlo
I awn town and city properties
which I wish to trade for Nebraska
land. Write description and price. L.
E. Talt,, 1G45 Washington St., Lincoln,
Nobraska. 52-4 1
Mr. ilnd' Mrs. Gchpgo Mcfjoll, ot
Hillsdale, 'OklnV'Who had boen rvlslt
Ing their daughtors Mosdamos Lloyd
Powor nnd L. D. Power, loft yostor
day aftornoon.
Farmers In tho valley 'nro gottlng
ready to cut tho second crop of al
falfa,, which In many Instances will
bo heavlor than tho first cutting. Low
land pralrlo hay is being cut and somo
has been marketed with tho prlco on
track around $10.50.
In a loosely played gamo of ball
Sunday aftornoon, tho first gamo of tho
season, Gothenburg dofoated Dr. Ad
ams' team by a scoro of eleven to six.
O'Neill nnd Husband occupied tho box
for North Platto, both of whom through
lack of ipractlco woro rather wild.
Several goiod plays by both teams
wero however, made.
Hundreds of North Platto Keudors
Find Dally Toll a Harden.
Tho hustle and worry of business
Tho hard work and stooping ovor of
Tho woman's hpusohold cares,
Often weakon tho kldnoys.
Backache, headache, dizziness,
Kidney troubles, urinary troubles
frequently follow.
A North Platto citizen tells you
what to do.
Hans Johnson, 814 Walnut St, North
Platte, says: "For a number of years
I havo boon troubled off and on by kid
ney complaint, duo to heavy work. I
havo used Doan's Kidney Pills, procur
ed from tho Rexall Drug Storo and
havo always found them splondld. A
short uso has always been all that was
necessary to rid mo of tho backache
and lameness and tho other ailments
that go with kidney trouble."
YEARS Mr. Johnson said: " I havo had
no kidney trouble for somo tlmo and
givo Doan's Kidney Pills credit for
having rid mo of it. I am recommend
ing them as highly as over."
Prlco 50c, at all dealers. Don't sim
ply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills tho samo that' Mr.
Johnson had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
Closing Out
Our Sewing Machines,
All Makes $3.00 to $12.00.
New Rugs, heavy $5 to $20.
Bicycles $7.50 to $15.00.
Oil Stoves, Ovens, Rubber Hose,
Tents, Camp Goods.
2 quart Glass Jars 45c per dozen.
1 quart Glass Jars 35c per dozen.
Fresh Groceries Every Week.
Echelbery, 600 Locust
Call 125 for Taxi day or night
Alcfft fltfA AM n r. IF nn n n n nn h .
iiiimiiimiiiiirix ot BaiU OStatO. Which I " ypoauuHur var ior
has boon sot for hoarlng horoln on Iunorai sorvlco-
Chandler & Elcar Agency,
Cornor Eighth and Locust Sts,
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
One Naturally Feels Chagrined
to see his neighbors making improvements,
which are just as badly need on his own
premises. The thing to do is to follow
suit. You'll feel better and your property
will be benefitted. Keep pace with the im
provement of the day and see us for
Lumber and Building Material
Coatcs Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.
An automatic Water Heater gives you
hot water at the turn of the faucet. You
merely open the faucet at any time, day
or night, and you have hot water, one
gallon or a thousand. Plenty of hot
water for any purpose all the time.
North Platte Light & Power Co.