The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 17, 1917, Image 3

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Suggestions that may save
Much Suffering
Marysville, Pa. "For twelvo yearn
I Buffered with terriblo cramps. I
I would nave to stay
in bed several days
every montn. i
tried all kinds of
remedies and was
treated by doctors,
but my troublo con
tinued until one day
I read nbout Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound and
what it bad done for
others. I tried it
and now I am never
troubled with cramps and feel like a
different woman. I cannot praise
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound too highly and I am recommend
ing it to my friends who suffer as I did. "
Mrs. George R. Naylok, Box 72,
Marysville, Pa.
Young women who arc troubled with
painful or irregular periods, backache,
headache, drngging-down sensations,
fainting spells or indigestion should
take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo
Compound. Thousands have been re
stored to health by this root and herb
Write for free and helpful advice to
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (con
fidential), Lynn, Mass. Only women
open and read such letters.
Up to Date.
Mrs. Tomllnson I saw that cook of
yours coming out of your front door
last Sunday.
Mrs. Smytlie Yes, she gives tone to
the establishment; she dresses so well,
you know. I can't afford new clothes
myself war economy, you know
and so I go out the back door, and
In that way do not bring discredit upon
the house.
Disappear With Use of Cutlcura Soap
and Ointment Trial Free.
The first thing in restoring dry, fall
ing hair Is to get rid of dandruff nnd
Itching. Rub Cutlcura Ointment Into
scalp, next morning shampoo with
Cutlcura Soap and hot water. Prevent
skin and scalp troubles by making Cutl
cura your everyday toilet preparation,
Free sample each by mall with Book,
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
To Hunt Coyotes.
The remaining few "dead shots" In
the state of Montana nre polishing nnd
oiling the old "six gun" and Winches
ter, for the decree has gone forth that
(he coyote must be exterminated
Btnte Veterinarian W. .7. Butler ap
proved the plan to send out the best
shots In the state to kill off the an!
Evidence hns been brought to light
that joyotes are Infected with rabies.
A cow was found to be Infected after
hnvlng been bitten. Coyotes and
wolves, when Infected with rabies, will
attack any living thing.
Twenty-Five Years'
Experience With
Kidney Remedy
Betwccu twenty-five nnd thirty years
ago I commenced selling Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root and during all that time I
have never heard a single complaint from
my customers: they are more inclined to
praise it; and judging from their favor-
oVlo romiplm nriH ihp vennated sales 1
enjoy I am confident that SwamD-Root is
a valuable medicine for the troubles for
which it is intended.
Very truly yours,
1C01 Freeman, Cor. Liberty Sts.
Sept. 10, 1910. Cincinnati, Ohio
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
TUnnVinmtnn V fnr n snmnle size
bottle. It will convince anyone. You
will also receive a Doosiet oi vaiuamu
information, telling about the kidneys
f.UU L'l,tllt- II HWH ' ' " O,
mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent
and one-doiiar size Doiwen ior buiu a. an
drug stores. Adv.
Sure to See It There.
Jinks was always complaining of his
wife's memory. "She can never re
member anything," said he. "It's aw
ful "
"My wife was Just as bad," said
Rrown, "till I found a capital recipe.'
"Whnt was It?" asked .links eagerly
"Why, whenever there's anything
,nirtlculnr I want the missus to re
member, I write it on a slip of paper
"ail gum It on the looklngglriss."
Jinks Is now n contented man.
Mrs. Exe Do you mind when your
husband brings a friend home to din
ner? Mrs. Wye No; what I mind Is hav
,ng n friend bring him home after
The furnaces of an Atlantic liner
will consume no less than 7,500,000
cubic feet of air an hour.
Practice may not make the lawyer
jorfcot. but enough of It will make
him rich.
S Granulated Eyelids,
i B i Eyci inflamed by expo-
v sure to Sun, Dust and Wind
f?-, - quickly relieved by Murine
VtRS EycRemedy. No Smarting
mg juj Eye Comfort. At
Druggiiu or by mail 50c per Bottle. Hurlnf
Eye Salve in Tube 25c. For Booh ol the Ey
fSEE atk Murine Eye Remedy Co., Cblcsn'
ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H i
One of the First Considerations
of the Buyer.
Temporary Unfitness Should Be Dis
tinguished From Permanent Un
soundness Somo of Common
Faults and Blemishes.
Selection of n horse must be based
primarily on a thorough, systematic
examination; the examination should
be based on n clear knowledge of de
sirable nnd undesirable qualities. Not
only the presence of unsoundness but
also the condition or seriousness of
the unsoundness should be noted.
Temporary unfitness should be distin
guished from permanent unsoundness.
Shoulders Lacking In Depth and In
Good Seat for a Collar.
A hurried examination Is likely to i
prove a disappointment. Observe
blemishes, vice, faulty conformation,
unsoundness and general characteris
tics. Common blemishes nre scars
from old wounds, poll evil, scratches,
shoe bolls and small ruptures. Com
mon vices are halter pulling, cribbing,
kicking, stall walking, weaving, and
biting. Common faults of conforma
tion are straight shoulders, crooked,
weak or Improperly set legs, ewe
neck, long, weak back and drooping
Common unsoundness are splints,
thoroughpln, spavin, curb, extreme
fistula, ringbone, side bones, extreme
atrophy of muscles, contracted ten
dons nnd broken wind. General char
acteristics Include fleshing, tempera
ment, quality, color, nnd age. In final
selection, look for tho good qualities
and weigh them against the defects.
Enlargements or scars (duo to de
formity, unusunl mishap, or uncom
mon dlseuse) not conforming to nny
of those discussed should cause a
horse to bo rejected unless the nature
of the cause and the detriment to tho
value and usefulness of the animal is
self-evident. Experience gained by
examining largo numbers of horses
will nld in quickening thp eye nnd
Judgment, thereby making it possible
to perceive readily any unusunl condi
tion, but it should be remembered that
a hurried examination is liable to
prove a disappointment, consequently
plenty of time should bo taken In
making the examination, because time
is much cheaper than money tied up
in an unsatisfactory horse. If pos
sible, get a history of the animal, and
while you nre nbout It, get a history
of the person having It for sale. So
many defects may be covered up by
such unfair methods as drugging that
it is a good plan to make purchases
only from those with good reputa
tions. Horses offered at auction sales
should be thoroughly examined pre
vious to their being brought Into the
ring, or else they should be tried out
in compliance with the rules of tho
sale before time for settlement.
It is well not to form the habit of
seeing only tho defects, for horses, like
people, are seldom perfect, conse
quently in Judging them weigh the
good qualities against the bad. A
horse should bo valued by the amount
of service he will perform rather than
by his minor shortcomings.
Avoid Irregular Feeding and Dirty
Milk or Palls Best to Separate
Affected Animal.
Scours In calves are caused by Ir
regular feeding, overfeeding, sudden
change of feed, fermented feeds, feed
ing dirty or sour milk or milk of dis
eased cows, the use of dirty milk palls
or feed boxes, nnd damp, dirty stables.
As soon as scours nre discovered It Is
best to separate tho nffected calf from
the others nnd carefully disinfect the
This May Be Done Where Animals Are
Especially Strong at Birth Make
Change Gradually.
Calves especially strong nt birth mny
be put on separated milk entirely at
two weeks of age, but this should not
be nttempted with weak ones. Until
the calf is in vigorous nnd thrifty con
dition no attempt should bo made to
change to scpnrnted milk. This chrngo
should always' be made gradually.
Work Should Begin as Soon as Plant
Arc Six Inches High and Continue ,
at Intervals.
The weather conditions which favor
the spread of lute potato blight are a
humid, still atmosphere with a tern-
pernturo around 7!J degrees P. Above
78 P. and below CO P. there; is prao- !
tlcally no germination of the blight '
spores. Since spraying for late blight
is a preventive rainer man a cuniuvu
measure, spraying should begin as soon
as the plants arc six Inches high and
should continue nt Intervals of one or
two weeks, depending upon weather
conditions until near the time of ma
turity. Tho effectiveness of spraying as a
preventive depends upon the thorough
ness with which it Is done. It is essen
tial that tho whole plant bo kept con
stantly covered with the mixture If
the blight spores are to be prevented
from finding a plnce of entrance Into
its surface.
The wheels of the sprayer do not
seem to Injure tho vines sufllclently to
be a source of apprehension, even
when they are large and cover the
ground, as Is often the case late In the
Time Required to Plow an Acre De.
pends on Size of Plow and Num
ber of Horses Used.
Farmers frequently want to know
how much land can be plowed In a day
and how much work it requires to
break an acre. Records nt the Missouri
College of Agriculture on 2,V1'1 ucres of
land show that It required 0.4 hours of
man labor and 0.3 hours of horse labor
for each acre. Of courso, the time re
quired to plow an acre will depend on
the size of the plow and the number
of horses used. A four-horse gang
plow with two 12-inch bottoms will av
erage about 4.12 acres n day of 0.0
hours when It Is runnlug six Inches
deep. Tho same plow running eight
Inches deep will break a quarter of an
acre less. A three-horse sulky with a
14 or 10-lnch bottom will average nbout
2.5 acres at a six-Inch depth, nnd
nbout .2 acre less for the eight
Inch depth. A two-horse 14-inch walk
ing plow will break about 1.75 acres a
day at a six-Inch depth nnd about .'!
acre less at the elghtluch depth.
Device Shown In Illustration Keeps
Tools Together and Saves Gar
dener Much Time.
To have the tools within reach
makes for economy of time in putting
In odd moments In the garden. Tools
have n way of scattering and hiding
when wanted most. A tool rnck as Il
lustrated, plnced In a handy place,
keeps the tools together. Such a rnck
Garden Tool Rack.
Is merely a modification of a enrpen
1er's saw horse. Holes bored through
the top hold the handles of tools and
a board across the bottom is for the
handles to rest on.
UGe of Barnyard Manure and Acid
Phosphate Recommended as Ideal
by Ohio Station.
Selection of n good clover sod where
potatoes have not grown for nt least
five years, and the use of barnyard
manure with aeld phosphate are given
by the Ohio experiment station as
Ideal conditions for fertilizing pota
toes. After 23 years Investigations
with this crop the experiment station
advises farmers to plow under 1- to
10 tons of manure per acre If plenty
is available, nnd then to apply about
300 pounds of acid phosphate per acre
as a surface dressing. If munure is
scarce four or five tons per acre mny
be used, and then 400 pounds of acid
phosphate along with 100 pounds of nl
trate of soda will yield nbout tho
same results. These experiments hnvo
shown thut fertilizer should be spread
over all the land and not confined to
the potnto rows, for in tills way tho
potato roots spread out more widely
nnd succeeding crops make better use
of whnt the potatoes leave.
Insects Attack Melon, Cucumber and
Squash Vines When Plants Are
Small Use Netting.
Look out for the yellow striped
squashbugs that uttack melon, cucum
ber nnd squnsh vines when the plants
arc small. The best preventive is to
put a mosquito-netting tent over each
hill, using two little sticks us supports,
and covering the edges with soil to
hold the netting In plnce. Erect theso
tents as soon as the plants ooino
through the ground, or sooner, and
leave them In place until tho vIju'k be
gin to push for room. Then 6tt fie
, netting for future use.
Rules From Highway Magazine Tell
How to Get Best Results Drag
Whenever Possible.
If n dirt rond Is properly built, tho
road drag will keep it in good con
dition. Like nny other work thero
Is n best way to do it. These rules
from tho Illghwny Maganlno, tell how
to get the right results.
"Uso n light drn'g.
"Haul it over tho road nt nn nnglo
so that n smull amount of enrth is
pushed toward tho center of tho road.
"Drlvo n team ut a walk.
"Kldo on the drag; do not walk.
"Begin nt one side of tho road, re
turning up the opposite side.
"Drag tho road as soon after every
rain ns possible, but not when tho mud
Details of Split-Log Drag.
Is In such condition ns to stick to the
"Do not drag a dry road.
"Drag whenever posslblo at all sea
sons of the year.
"Tho width of tho trnvelcd way to
be molntnlncd by the drag should bo
from 18 to 20 feet; first drag a little
more than tho width of a single wheel
track, then gradually Increase until de
sired width Is obtniucd.
"Always drag a little earth townrds
the center of the road until it is raised
from 10 to 12 Inches nbovo tho edges
of the traveled way.
"If tho drag cuts too much, shortcu
tne hitch.
"Tho best results for dragging are
obtained only by repented applica
We Can Have Anything Good If We
Will Get Together and Work
Hard for Desired End.
Why, bad roads, tiven, Is u moral
question. Why should men wndo In
mud nnd punish their bensts when
they have tho power to prevent It?
It is moral in that wo fall to use to
advnntngo tho powers and possibili
ties that God has given us, writes It.
F. Beasley In Progressive Farmer.
Wo can hnvo good roads If wo will.
Wo can hnvo any good thing if we
will communities nctlng together.
Half n dozen men could volunteer to
delegnto themselves as leaders In a
good roads movement nnd tho peoplo
soon would follow them.
A million volunteers will rush to
arms to shoot down a million others
who huvo done them no harm; why
should not somo volunteer to bo lend
ers in tho romances of peace nnd
Corps of Thoroughly Experienced Spe
cialists In Constructing Work
Being Organized.
lSnlistcd men with a knowledge of
road building nro being recruited in
tho engineer rcscrvo o.orp8 of tho
United States army. This" is tho corps
of experienced inou which is being or
ganized n8 n reserve body of thorough
ly trnined specialists in every brunch
of construction vork.
Measure Community Value.
Tho roads furnish a yardstick to
measure tho valuo of any community,
A settled country that is not worth a
good road Is not worth living in.
Obtain Best Results.
Best results nre obtained by drag
glng tho road as soon ns posslblo after
each ruin.
Bad Roads a Hindrance.
Poor roads nro a bar to better mar
kets, better schools, better churches,
better living.
New York's War Gardens.
War gardens In New York on vacant
lots now cover 745 acres. In Brooklyn'
and Queens boroughs 5,000 plots for
merly Idle are now under cultivation.
Many city employees nre among tho
war gardeners.
Poultry Note.
"She made n goose of herself."
"Trying to net like n chicken."
Chnnces mny hnvo dnnger signs writ
ten all over them nnd still find takers.
Save the Babies
INFANT MORTALITY is something frightful. Wo can hardly realizo thav
of all tho children born in civilized countries, twenty-two per cent,
or nearly one-quartor, dio before they reach ono year; thirty-seven ,
Ser cent, or moro than ono-third, boforo they aro flvo, and ono-hali before
Hoy aro fifteen 1
Wo do not hcaitato to say that a timely uso of Castorla would save
many of theso procious- lives. Neither do we hesitate to say that many
of theso inf antilo deaths aro occasioned by the uso of narcotic preparations.
Drops, tinctures and soothing syrups sold for children's complaints contain
moro or less opium or morphino. They are, in considerable quantities,
deadly poisons. In nny quantity, they stupefy, rotnrd circulation nnd load
to congestions, sickness, death. There can be no dangor in tho uso of Cos-
lona ii it uenrs wo nignaturo or unas.
Genuine Cnstorla always bears tho
Raise High Priced Wheat
on Fertile Canadian Soil
Saskatchewan and Alberta. This year wheat is higher but
Canadian land just a cheap, so the opportunity is more at
tractive than ever. Canada wants you to help feed the world
by tilling! ome of her fertile soil land similar to that which
during many years hat averaged 2 to 45 bushels of wheat
to tho acre. Think of the money jrot can make with wheat
around $2 n bushel and land so easy to get. Wonderful
grain growing.
A Desperate Fight.
It was In tho smoke-room of Uio
village Inn. The members of tho com
pay had been lotting oft' some pretty
tali tales when n rustic In the corner
who had hitherto been quiet, llrcd off:
"I well remember n vicious old torn
cat I had which used to attack all the
cats and dogs in tho neighborhood,
llcurlng of another celebrated pugilis
tic torn In the district, I got tho two
together, placed them In u box, nnd
weighted tho lid. After I finished my
tea I went out to see which was the
winner, but all was quiet. I quietly
opened the lid, nnd what do you think
I saw inside? Only a pair of tails I"
London Ideas.
In tho present crisis peoplo should
keep their heads, practlco economy nnd
avoid waste.
Nebraska Directory
Athletic Goods, Baseball, Tennis, Golf,
Outing Clothing, Camping Supplies,
Kodaks, Fishing Tackle, SEND FOR CATALOG.
1514 Farnom Si. OMAHA. NED.
Gravel, Asbestos, Asphalt, Slate and Tile
Quotations on request
SI 0.1 1 Ware Block OMAHA, NEB.
Amateur Photographers!
PrliitH to 2Ki3H, 30 eacU' 2HM to SWxlK,
4c euch; and poHt curds, Bo each.
1G07 Howard Si. Omaha, Nob.
For (he Contractor and Former
Send for circular and prices.
Sunderland Machinery & Supply, Co.
Hess & Swoboda
Special attention to ouulde
orders for floral designs by
mull or oiprcn. Quick eerrlco
Plonao order through your nonrost
donlor. Qulckahlpmontoourhobby.
Market soar croam if here It will net rou the most
money. Tlio l'ulruiont Creamery Compmijr
oflon jou the benefit of Its thirty-tour years of ex
perleneo. Uy shipping your cream to thla company
you will rocelTe full market value In pnyiuent;
your cbeck will be sent you dully; you will save ex.
prosi cbargea and your cans will be returnod more
promptly. HatUfactlon Is guaranteed. Hlilp to the
oearoil Nebraska factory. Fuctorlea aro located at
Oiuulm, C'reto and Urnntl Island.
Hotel Loyal, Omaha
Take Dodge Strtet Car From Stations
TOnf pcj J $i,oo up without bath.
XliUCb , $150 up wltn b4lh
Tito Hotel With a Reputation
ft. E. BRYANT Proprietors -O. C CARNEY
Intense Strain,
Beatrice Sho seoms to be under q
great strain.
Jnnlce Yes. She's falling In low
with her next husband. Puck.
A Conditional Promise.
"Ah wants tho day off, boss, tcr
look fo a Job fo' mnh wife."
"Will you be back tomorrow?"
''Yes, ef she don't git one."
Some women glvo more thought to
tho selection of a gown than to tho
selection of n husband.
a. v letchcr
signature of
Canada extends to you a hearty invita
tion to settle on her FREE Homestead
lands of 160 acres each or secure some
of the low priced land9 in Manitoba.
yields also of Oats, Barley ti Flax. Mixed farming
in Western Canada is ea profitable an industry as
Tho Government this year I asking farmers to put in
creased ncreace into irrala. There is a great demand for
farm labor to replace the many young men who have
volunteered for eervice. Tho climate is healthful and
agreeable, railway facilities excellent, good schools and
churches convenient. Writ for literature as to reduced
railway rates to Supt. of Immigration. Ottawa, Can., or to
Room 4,'Ueo Bltlg., Omaha. Neb.
Canadian Government Agent
Nebraska Directory
3rd Floor Paxton Black
Halt tqulrptd DtuUI Offlow
In Onuha. IttuombU prleM. dlieounl to all pvople
living outiidt ol Omaha.
Hotel Castle
632 S. 161ft Street
Omaha. Neb.
Now, absolutely fireproof.
With prlvato toilet $1.00j
with prlruto bath S1.50.
FRED A. CASTLE, Proprietor
Write, wire or phone
For correct quotations on
live stocK. ESTABLISHED 1867
IfnAV nnd supplies. Largest
lUBjlMt. liouRU in the west. All
ElUfCUIBIft Unstmangooda.Wepnj're-
r BnlOillrlu turn postngo on flulHlilnff.
THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., 1813 Farmm Street
Eastmaa Kodak Co. Omaha, Neb.
' wmi w r aiMMMiM y - I
Ask us to put your name on
our quotation list that you may
compare our prices with others
nStL Film Developed 5c
Prints BMxlH or smaller, 3 wnu ra-ch. 21
hour serrlce Guaranteed work. Send na
your next roll as a trial. NATION Alt
Done promptly. Free price list.
3rd Floor Brown Bldg. Omahn, Neb.
1307 irarnoy St. Omitlin, Neb.
701 Cherry Ht. Des Moines, lu.
: Distributors for lOnnoral Uleotrlo Go.) American
, HlectrioCoTelopbonus; 0. A. Wood 1'resorror Co.
tJf A good stock of genoral supplies, both cities
$100,000.00 CAPRiAaoci
8outh Omaha Chicago Kas. Git)
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 27-1917,