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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1917)
IBA L. BAKE, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year by Mall In AdTnnce.... 11.25 One Ycnr by Carrier In Adtaiico. .$LoO Entered at North Platto, Nebraska, Postofllco as Second Class Matter. Flit DAY, JULY 10, 1017. CITY AND COUNTY HEWS. William Adair transcatcd bUHlnoss In Koarnoy this iwcok. C. A. Kenny, of Wallnce, transacted business horo yostorday. Earl Potora began work this week ns driver for tho North Platto laundry. Mrs. Cliaarlos Sandall lias gono to Lincoln to visit frlonds and rolatlvo. Dr. G. II. Dent was called to Suth erland yesterday on professional bus iness. Comokly night at tho Kolth tonight tho Fox comedy will bo "Hearts and Saddles." .Mrs. Charlos Iltrnch returned yos torday morning from a short visit In Grand Island. Morlo Wilcox, of Cozad, arrlvod horo yesterday morning to visit his undo J. Q. Wilcox. Ml&s L, Mp.thowson, of Fromont, who was visiting hor ptuents, loft tho first of this wook. Now vollos and Lawns In figured and trlpcd offocts on mtlo at 12', IB and 25o a yard at Tho Lendor More. Co. Mls Iluth Ilogsett was hostess last night to sv numbor of young ladles at o, slumbar party. Miss Muo Brotornitz and sister loft a faw days ago for Sldnoy to spond a wook with rolatlvos. Miss Margarot Doran ontcrtalnod six girl , frlonds at nn onjoyablo slumber party Wednesday night. TCnr Ruin Nlnnl v nwirlfivl TfVw Tnr. rior nuns. Joo Glasor. 1204 oast 4th! street. Phonn Black 1070. 52-2. , . miss i.sinor iiogseuanu sisior, wiio spent sovoral wooks In Itl'ploy, West vKim, roiuinuu uuuio muuy. Mrs. Davo Day aad daughter Juno! loft Wcdnosday for Lincoln to spond' sovoral wooka with lior naronts. I ilOUUCO 1110 lllgll COBl OI llVHlg ly.,,,1 Mint ,lf 1, wnonit nnlln Mirnlltrll nt ' ..1,,1 ,..v,.rt nt Oft nnnta' n dozen. North Platto Produco Co. An olght pound baby wan born at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. G. Dlankln shlp, on south Dem'oy, Thursday morn ing. Mrs, Carl Simon and children will leave noxt wook for Hastings to visit j. F. Snydorl $30; J. Zlglor $28; H. tho fannor's mother for a couplo of.w. Mooro & Co. $25.00: Amos Thomn- wcoks. Mrs. J. Dahlstet and son and daugh ter, of Iloldrogo, 'who iworo guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira LarRuo, loft a fow days ago. Concrelo Show ShodH. "Concrcto lumbor" Is tho material' bolng used by tho Union Pacific mil- road in thjo conslj-notion at snow sheds at Rock River and other 'nolnts, In Wyoming. , It la really not a atretch of Imagi nation to call this material "concroto lumbor" for thor oason that tho con croto Is bolng propared In Blabs, somo of thorn 3 by C foot and others 3 by 15 foet In size. But with tho oxcoption of a rolnorcod rim wound tho odgo, thoBO slabs aro only 2or 2Vi inchos thick. Tho slabs will bo fastened, to tho frnmo work in much tho buuio that lumber 1b attached to stud ding. . This la the first tlmo in tho history ot Amorlcan railroading that matorlal of this chnractor has been usod for snow ahoda and It la bolng watched with much Interest. ::o:: Lutheran Aiinoiinceiiionts 0;4K iu m. Sunday school sorvlcos. 11 o'clock morning worship. Sor jnon by President R. II. Poory, D. D., lirostdont of Midland Collogo, who la horo In tho interests of thla school, especially seeking students. No other services during tho day. No Sunday ovonlng services during July and August. Tho choir and all thoso who will as sist In tho Binning durinc tho colohrn- tlon noxt month will moot this ovon lng at tho church at 8 o'clock. : ;o: : Xotlco of ('aiming School. A sorloa of canning schoolB will bo hold In tho hasemont of tho 'Franklin building boglnulng Thursday and i'riuny, July 12 and 13 Tho second canning school will bo hold July ICth ami J.7UI, uio third July 18th aim 19th. tho fourth July 20th and 21st and will conthiuo until ovory ono who carta 10 loam tho "Cold Pack" mothod canning lias boon ablo to do nn Thoro will bo morning sohbIoub only, which avIU bogln at nluo o'clock Knoii porohwlll furnlBh lier own vocotnbloa uuu muo iinng a moillum sized pan imnng Kiuie ana s)oon and Jars for canning. Mnson Jam and rubbors can uu imrcimtiou at uio Hchool. j e iirsi morning two vogotnblo yew. no unnnou, oitiior boeta or boot mm umi ennor poas or boans. Tho socond morning oithor carrots or to ""V06 win 1,0 cannod and ono of tho following: rhubarb, goosoborrlos or ohorrlee In ordor to demonstmto this iuvmvu oi uuuning rruic. Tho foo for attending tho sohool will no iwonty-nv ennta Anvn. .iii.. , . - - ...wilu UUBU1UE to? ottond can do by notlfvlnc- mi Alleon Gantt. r ---SJ 'Mii K2-.1 -i.o.. ao,iiijinssioyi;HS,PKori:i:i)iyfls y Jlllv 9. 1917 . .Board of county commissioners mot pursuant to adjournment, present Sprlngor, Hannlnghauson, Koch and county ciorKj, Claims woro allowetl as follows for road ana brldgo work: Wnltor Wilson $02.30; F. A, Zlmmor 517.50: Phil Drunk JlO.50: Carl An dorsoti tW, Loo Noal $2.J50; Davo Hlo stand $17: Goorgo Huglioa $5; Goo Hosford $20: Sundry (norsona $380.80 Poarl Talbort $4.25; Ooo. Drlabln $6,215; Arthur Gartroll $C; Louis Moy- Bill Jeffcrs Never Had a Chance SO HE MADE ONE. Tho following article iwas written by Jay Gibson, vico-prosldont of tho First National Dank, of Amorlcan Falls, Idaho, and has boon published by tho4ank In leaflet form and Hont out broadcast just to show what a boy "who doesn't havo a chanco" can do If ho has tho right kind of stuff In him. 1)111 Jeffcrs novcr had a chanco. Ho was a 'poor boy, with no rich relatives nor lnlluontlal frlonds to "boat" him Into a paying Job. Things certainly looked bad for Bill. Nothing but hard work seemed In store for him. For what chanco has a poor boy got to fight tho (world for a living unless ho has someone to boost him along? 1)111 didn't havo any Influen tial frlendB nor no rich uncles, so ho had to go it alono. At tho ago of 13 1)111 secured a Job as a messongor boy for tho Union Pacific iraHroad 'company at (North Platto. Nobnaska, Think of that! Only a messongor boy, with very small pay, running errands. Perhaps ho had to work at night, too. And lots of 1)1118 frlonds had "Boft" Jobs, too, and didn't havo to bo out In all kinds of woathor llko Dill. Somo of them didn't havo anything to do oxcopt play ball, go fishing or lay around In the shado of tho 1ark. My, but didn't thoy fool sorrv for Dill. Dill folt a Httlo sonry for himself, sometimes, but thoro was nothing for him to do ox copt koop an working. Everybody liked Dill. Thoro was something about him that mudo people llko him. Probably it was because ho was pleasant, and possibly bocause ho was always doing somothlng Anyway, Dill was a good messenger boy. Ho used his head as well as ills legs, and ho did hfs work tho vory host ho know how, so well In fact, that everybody noticed It. "Thoro's somo thlng to that boy," thoy said. "He'll got along all right." And tho poo'plo Dill wns working for noticed It too. Tho first opportun ity that camo along thoy promoted Dill Thoy gavo him a Httlo easlor Job and paid him a Httlo moro money. Did Dill swell all up over his pro motion, ncqulro spendthrift habits and got lazy when ho got a soft snap?" Not a bit of it. Dill worked llko ho ivas a stockholder In tho railroad and lts BUCCCS8 doponded upon him. Ho Jll9t workcd awfully hard, and kept doing a Httlo moro than was oxpocted of him. And he saved his money, too It wasn't long borore Dill's now boss took notlco of him. Ho noticed I that Bill was always at work on tlmo'who U809 hla hoad ,n hls worl- ors $4.25; Wm. Weakly $4.25; Wosloy Cocklo $43.35; C. Kolso ?3; Roy Laun $3; Waltor Gammlll 75c; C. F. Dreoch $1.50; Frank Fairbanks $1.50; J. H. Fitch $2.25; Gllmnn DoWltt $1.50; . Ivan Johnson $42: C. L. Grant $58.50; Bon $1(5; W. Homers $G; II. C. Koostor $12; Geo. Schrocongost $10; N. A. Schrocongost $4; R. Waltemath $10; Earl Hoft'nor $4; Dob Dopow $12; E. Thompson $2; John Romus $2.07; M R. RnBimiBBcn $259; C. L. Grant $G4. R. Rasmusson merchandise county poor $15.87; Clydo Lako, auto hire $4.80. Tho county clork Is hereby directed to notify road . ovcrsoor Dlst. 24 to Cheyenne's Golden Anniversary and 21st Annual Frontier Days Celebration duly 33 T HE JTBONTDSB DAYS program nnd stroot (mmivol fonhirGs spooial coldbratlon commomorating tno founding of tho metropolis of "Wyomihg. UIST0U1CAL PAGEANT, JULY 23 AT 10 A. ffl. Auto Haces SaTne Dny, at 2 p. rh. The hjstory of phovenno 1'khu pioneer days down to dato so accurately ropro4ntea that It will nrovo a revolution to tho younz and a vivid rtmlnaor to tno oldar vleltors. - WholeMide amuscmoot artd entertnlnnient for all a solid week or pleasure and Homauung ulfdit. it i Auto parlring and camping grounds funjlshed froo for ttM dosirlas to camp out during h festival. Catral lursttiQoQ lJ6tlu ar- aUjfTRrtW lo Cheyenne, UNION quitting tlmo ho kept right on until ho iwas through. Dill's boss know that ho could depond on Dill, becauso ho was faithful and onorgctlc, and used his head aa woll as his hands. Pretty soon thero was a vacancy hlghor Up, and 1)111 got It. Ho didn't havo to havo Influential frlonds to "boost" hi in into tho Job. Ho got tho Job becauso ho had proved faithful and cfflciont In smr.llor things. Dill kopt right on working, doing things a Httlo better than thoy had boon done before, and better than thoso who were doing tho samo kind of work with him, and ho kopt right on get ting promotions. Whonovor thoro iwns a vacancy hlghor up 1)111 got it. His chums quit fooling sorry for lilm. Thoy becamo Just a Httlo bit envious to think that Dill, who started at tho foot of tho ladder as a messongor boy, was bolng promoted fastor than they wore, but Dill novor noticed It. lie was too busy. Ho Just kopt right on working, and was 'promoted so fast and so often that ho was moved to nnothor city to tako a Job that was hard to fill. Lots of people had had tho Jab, but It was s(o hard that they failed to mako good. Did Dill fall? Not Dill! Ho wasn't in tho habit of falling. Ho filled, tho placo so woll that It wasn't big onough for him. Dill kept right on being promoted, and on Monday, Juno 23, 1)111 was made vlco president of tho Union Pacific railroad company. He was general manngor before, and now ho holds bath 'positions. And Dill Is only 41 yoars old! From messongor boy to vlco prcsl dent and general manager of the Unlon Pacific Rail Road company In twenty oight years! Dill "novor had a chanco" when ho started out, any moro than ovory boy has, but ho made one. BUI started out to bo 'president of tho road he dreamed about It when ho was carry Ing messages and ho Js llkoly to bo president yot. Ho had a purposo In vlow and ho workod to achiovo It Any boy can succeed who has a plan wli Is saving, who Is energetic, -and Tin Hlrr TUtlt Mn1r vnitv rnrn nlinnno havo tho gates taken oft tho road known aa tho Egglooton noadl. Petition for public road proaonted to board doacrlbed aa follows: Commenc ing at intorsoction of tho section lino botweon section 34 and 35-14-31, run1 nlng thonco north on section lino be tiwepn' section 34 and 35-14-31, to north lino of said section and connecting with Road No). 2. The board grants said 'potitlon. Dr. Dont, services and medicine, $215.10. ' i Mnl. Pulvor, caro of poor from March 31, 191G, to Juno 30, 191G, al lowed for $812.05 nnd dlsallom'ed-for $113.20. Adjourned to July 1G, 1917, A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. Our Ice Cream la onjoyed by tho children and adults allko. And bocauso It Is rich, creamy, wholesome and puro, It Is a food as woll as a dossort. Ordor It sont to your homo In gallon contalnors. For your health's sako ask for Perfection Ico Cream. Mado by North Platte Creamery. l'HONE 02. to 38, 1917 will bo sunnlomontod bv uoing every -luimuo, any out train servlco apply to local PACIFIC II rum ii E. . FETTER, Pliyslclnn X KAY Office: First National Hank Building. Phono 308 ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Dcon Building North Platto, Nobraska. Ofllco phone 241. ReB. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platto, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Duilding. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Halt Block North ot Postoftice. Phone 58 A modern institution for the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent, M. D. J.B. Redfleld, M. D. V. Lncas, M. D. J. S. Simms, M.D DK. HAROLD A FENNEE Osteopath. Helton llulldins,' Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. ni. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Phones Offlco Black 333 Res. Black 1020 OLD LINE LIFE Policies ON EASY TERMS T "I? QTMl IQnPTATC Qtntn TWtyr J. Ji. OJ&JJAOiJLViJ. OlUie lUer. Minn.Mutual Life Ins. Co. Phone Office Red G12 Residence Red 348 NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. Holstem Cows. T ,.,111 n nf ITnlo int.. x mil iinm viin u jiuioHiii Cows about Julv 1st. Thor aro ns 0110 or llioro SCO lllO Am soiling nil kinds of cnttlo In ...m.l.n- loclm,! I., n.l.llftmi nny number desired, iu nddltlon to buying hogs. Phonos: Ofi'lco 150 Houso lied C3G. ,DEIHlYBERItY & FORBES, Licensed Embnlmers UndertukcrB and Funeral Directors 1 Day Phone 234. Night Phone Black 588. LET US INTKODUCE QUALITY TO YOU Quality ln Cigars has has been our nlm nlnen hvo hnfnii mnlrlnr. plrara In kt i t,T 7. 7 North Platto ovor thirty yoars ago. Wo nut nualltv ln tho first clears wo - - rnado, and that samo quality Is In tho , , . , . , . cigars wo mako today. Schmalzrlod's Cigars have atood tho test of those moro than "thirty years. What groator ,i m ii. .i ii . OVllloncO OI quality COUIU you UOSiroT If you have not been smoking Sshmalz- dlod'a cigars, try thorn they aro cor tain to pleaso. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. notlco to L'reuitors. Estato No. 1489 of Thomas Henry Sullivan, (loccasou, in tno .county Court ot Lincoln County, Nbraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska. ss: Credl tors or sardrostato will tako notlco that tno umo limited ror prosontauon anu ?46.uu, m an action ponding boforo filing ot claims against said estato islhlm, whoroln Chas. C. Hunfor is i0Druary io, iuio, anu ror sottiomonti or saiu estato is July o, hub; that will sit at tho county court room BaU county, on August 10, 1917, at o'clock ra., and on February 10, 1918, Ino. hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objoctlons duly fllod. fii..i GEO. E. FIIENCII. J10-4w County Judgo.1 The Nur30 Brown Memorial Homeopathic Hospital 1008 West Fourth Street. For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical and Obstotrical I'atienis. JOHN S. TWINEM, 3L I). J. B. BEDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SDKGEON Successor to PHYSICIAN fifSUnOEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 676 DOCTOR 1). T. QUI OLE Y. .. Practice Limited to Surgery and Hndlum Thorapy 728 City National Bank Building. Omnhn, Nebraska, Hospital Phono Black 633. Houae Phone Black 633. W. T. PltlTCHAliD, Graduate Veterinarian Bight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218-south Locust St, one-half block southwest of the Court Hous(. xoTicn to oiiionri ons Estnto No. 1483 or Hstclla Bolle Slmins. deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Htato or Nobras ta. b.i: urp.uitors of said estate will tako notlco that tho tlmo limited for nrosentation nnd 111- lnir of claims nfralntt Hald Estato Is February 27, 1918, und for Rettlumont of said Entate Is Juno 22, 1918; that I will Hit at tho county couit room In said county, on July 27, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m., nnd on February 27, 19.18, at 9 o'clock n. in., to receive, examine. honr, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. geo. e. i-niKNcrr. J28-lw County Judge. ShcrlfT'M Snle. Bv virtuo of an order of sale issued from the District Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, upon a decreo of rorociosure rendered in said court wherein Tho 'Beatrice Building and Loan Association of Beatrice, Nebraska, is plaintiff, nnd Clark Long et nl aro defendants, and to mo directod, I will on the 14th day or July, 1917, at 2 o'clock P. M. nt tho east front door of tho Court House In North Platto, Lin coln County, Nebraska, sell at Pub lic Auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, Interest and costs, the following described nronerty. to-wlt: Lot One m in Block Twenty (20) in tho original town, now juy oi ionn 1'iaiie, in j-iincoin .oun- ly, iNeorasKa. Dated North Platto, Nobr., Juno 7, 1917. J12-J13 A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff. SIIKHIFF'S SAI.U By virtuo of an order of sale Issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decreo of roreciosuro rendered in said court wherein The Wolnton Invotment Company, a Corporation, is plain tiff and Clarence C. JIcGeo ot al aro dofendants, and to mo directed, I will on tho 13th day of July, ivli, ai z ooiock p. m., at tno east front door of the Court House in North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy s.Hd decree, interest and cost, the following described prop erty, to-wit: Lots Number Ono (1). Two (2). Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six (0). Seven (7) and Twenty-two (22) of McGee's subdivision of Lot Number Six (0), and also Lots Number Two (2) and Three t3) ot Mcuee's suuuivision or Lot Num ber Five (5) all of Sear's subdivision of a part of tho North East Quarter (NEU) and tho South Hnlf (S) of Section Twenty-nine (29), in Township ruuiieuii iMortn oi iiange xnirty threo (33) West of tho 6th p. m in Nobraska. bolng a nart of tho Vlllatro of Sutherland, Lincoln County, Nebras ka, according to the record plat thereof, and also a pleco. strln or narcel of land ".'5" ""P." 1 l'L '" aoum i no oi l.Dt Nnra iir oventeen (17) or ciarit son s subdivision or the Fourteen (14). North of Rnnirn Thlrtv. V?Vm.or th0, ?,th.,p m- boi,ns ? Part of the Vlllago of Sutherland, Ne- b- , , -- ... . 1 " - wu. .u. Wf.luu. II. II. ..111. 1 raska, n . distances of Two Ilundred'itq nctitinn in tho niitrlnf Pnnrt nf Fifteen (215) feet westerly from the.l r pl;u"on ln "10 District Court Of South Kast (SB) corner of said Lot Sevcnteon (17), running thenco Norther ly on a uno parallel with tho East lino of said Lot a distance of Two Hundred and eight-tenths (200-8) feet, thence west along tho north lino of said lot a distance of Ono Hundred and Twenty and Sixty-Five Hundredths tl20.GB feet, thenco ln a southerly direction on n lino parallel with tho cast line of said lot a distance of Two Hundred and Thirtcon nnd Two-Tenths (213.2) feot, iiicno 111 mi uiimuriy oiroction along tho south lino of tho said lof n tance of One Hundred and Twenty (120) Datod North Platte, Nebraska, this 11th day of June, 1917. A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff. KOTICI? To the helm of II. A I.nlv tt.. A. Lozler; tho heirs of Henry A.'Lozior; State Loan & Trust Company of Oca- llala. Nebraska: Eastern Hnniiini. com pany; Honry A. Lozlor & Company, a corporation organized under tho laws oi 1110 ounu 01 unio; Alary M. Lozler: George M. Lozler; Goorgo Sparks Lo zlor; Fannio Lozler; Lillle Lozler: Mecca Lozler; Henry Sutton; An nlo Sutton: Elizabeth Tiimnno. Mabol Thomas; Pearl Thomas; . Thomas, child of James Thomas; J.11UIUUB, uiuiii ui .jiiinea 1 nomas; Thomas, child of James Thomas; Fan uio Haskoll: Honry Paull: Don Ilnlitn son; Lewis II. Bill; Jonas Folghner: iro(i unswortn; Harry A .Lozler. Jr. llnnsln V T.nrlnrr liTrlwln 1 T nl. t ' seph T. Lozler; George Popo, Receiver of tho Popo Manufacturing Company, a corporation; and Tho Popo Manufac turing Company, a corporation, and 1110 American uicycie company, a cor 1IUI litlUlt you anu eacn or vou aro lmrnhv nn tilled that on tho first day of Novum. "ft Trur10001"?'; 1 County. Nobraska. at nil hi In. tnv nnln tl10 Southeast Quarter (SE,4) of Sec- tlon Elghtoon (IS), Township Ton (10) ?0rtL,!.."a"B,0, TAllri::on? 3J. West of me um i: in Lincoln county, Ne- hraska. Said land w.aa assessed and taxod for tho yoars 1914, 1915 nnd 1910 to, and In tho name of tho Heirs of II cttei ftVX?oht"eedri$Sift orulng theroon, and now h i an a'- l oiKiiinoiii. uiuruui: iiuiL aicer tno fiv. nlratlon of three months f rnm lnA ?rfome?ho00Co0ufntty,,T8ronaslur oftf lafd SSS? wvii. wwu..vj ..... i','iiuu lUr. Tho tlmo for redomntlon from ni,i tax sale will oxplro with tho first dav of November A. D. 1917 y Ccrtincato No. 8098. ARTHUR P. MAVrcn Asslgneo of Bertha Thoelocko, jiuruiiiisur. - Notlco Loslle Karr will tako notlco that on tho I3tu oay or Juno, 1917, Paul a Moyor, n Justlco of tho Poaco of Lln- - coin County. Nebraska. lBsund dor or attachment lor tho sum nf piaintirr ana losiio Karr is dotondant l that proparty or ttio dofondant, con in slstlng of wages, owned bv him in 9 tho sorvico ot and now ln tho handH of tho Union Pacifla RailroM Company, said ordor. Said causUo rwlas contln i. i x ii. .1 v . inil. .In.. T..1.. tntn 9 o'clock a. m. CHAS. C. HUPFER, Plaintiff. $8.00 PER TON FOR COUNTRY MACHINERY $10.00 PER TON FOR CAST IRON All Junk is high. Bring it in. North Platte Junk House. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building Phones l Office 130 f Residence 115 StnU'inciit of flic Condition of the MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION, of North Platte, Nebraska, on tho 30th day of June, 1917. Ccrtltlentr No. .13 ASSI3TS First mortgage loans 822,000.00 Loans In process of foreclo sure 2,200.00 Loans on stock or pass book security 0,600.00 Heal estate, olllco 30,321.80 Cash 12,640.08 Delinquent Interest, fines, etc. 787.30 Furniture and fixtures 1,017.37 Forcclosuro account G4.91 Total $876,222.09 LIABILITIES Running stock and dividends. $403,091.84 Paid-up stock and dividends. 417,800.00 Reserve fund 19.G00.00 Undivided profits 30,114.45 unearned premium, advance interest 115.80 Total $870,222.09 Itcci-IptM nnd Kxpcmllturcn for the Ycnr landing .iu hp ;, nil.. KECI3IPTS Cash on hand last report....? 19,828. S2 Dues (uunmng stock) 117,113. uu Pnld-un stock 70.100.00 Mortgage payments 93,106.76 Ktocit loan payments 1,01.1- Heal estato sales 1,834.70 Interest G9,926.20 Premium, Taxes and Insur ance 830.71 Fines 017.30 Rents, ollice building 1,162.21 Membership and transfer fees 331.25 Total $306,403.37 DISBURSEMENTS Mortgage loans $199,300.00 Stock loans 800.00 Withdrawals running stock 4 and dividends 33,869.4a". Withdrawals- paid-up stock 88,200.00 Withdrawals dividend on nald-un stock ti,S3&.4i Salaries 2,550.00 Other expense 415.15 Real estate nccount ytt.yy Cash on hand 12.U40.U8 Taxes and Insurance 885.65 Total $366,463.37 State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. I, Samuel Goozee, Secretary of tho above named Association, do solemnly Bwear that the foregoing Statement of tho condition or said Association, 13 true and correct to tho best of my knowledge and bellaf. SAAIUHJL uuuziiiiii;, secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of June, 1917. 1 lv A.ZS 1. liUUllAINAIN, Notary Public. My Commission Expires June 9, 1919. Approved: T11UH. U. I'ATTHiKSUIM, WILLIAM R. M ALONE Y, IRA L. BARE, Directors. Legal Jsotlco To Fred J. Malono, deceased, and the unknown heirs of Fred J. Malone, de ceased, and all other persons Interest ed in tho estate of Fred J. Malone, deceased, and tho unknown owners and unknown claimants of lot seven (7), in Block thirtynsix (30), of the original town of North Platte, Ne braska, you and each of you will here by take notice that on the 3d day of July, 1917, Tho Mutual Building & Loan Association of North Platte, Ne- hmjaVn n pnrnnrnMnn TlolnMfP fllnrl uoionuants and each of them and against Julia Malone, a defendant in said action. Tho object and prayer of which pe tition aro to forcloso a certain mort gage deed upon Lot seven (7), in Block rnirty-six (30) in tho original "town of North Platte, Nobraska, execute by tho defendants Fred J. Malone and Julia Malono, on Juno 20th, 1914, to secure ono certain bond executed by tho defendants to tho plaintiff of even dato with said mortgage in tho sum of $700.00 anid' on which said bond and mortgage there Is duo tho sum of $590.50 with interests at 7 2-10 frnm May 2G, 1917, and to forcloso and cut off any interest or tho said Fred J. Ma lono and tho unknown heirs of Fred J. Malono and all others parsons In terested in mo estato of Fro,i, J. Ma lono and any interest of tho unknown owners and mmknown claimants of lot sovon (7), block thlrty-slx (3G), in tho original town of North Platte, Nebras ka; and to have an accounting of tho amount of monoy duo tho plaintiff irom tno dofendants on Bald mortgage, and to have said real estate sold upon tho falluro of tho dofendants to pay tho amount found duo on said bond and mortgage within 20 davs from Uio dato of Bald decreo, and 'for general umuiuiuiu reuoi. All of said dnfnnrinnta nrn answer said petition on or boforo the 13th dny of August, 1917. 1 aocS UAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION, By WILCOX & HALLIGAN, Its Attornoys. Notlco to Non-Ueslilcnt Defendant. Sadlo L. Druco, alias Sadie L. Strom berg: Tho abovo named will tako notlco that on tho 30th day of Juno, 1917. Georgo E. French, County Judge of Lincoln county, Nobraska, Issued an tlon of nttaclllnont for tho sum of ?S8.-8 in tho caso ponding in said court wherein C. F. Blanko Tea & Cof rpo Company, a corporation, is plain tiff and you aro defendant; that prop erty of tho dofondant consisting of ono tablo, ono largo box of goods, ono crato of bedding and glass, ono pi ano, throo pieces of furnituro cratod, ono bundlo of chairs, etc, ono trunk and suit caso, ono bundlo of rugs,, ono boating stove, ono brass bed, ono sow ing mnchino, ono top rango, ono roll of mattrcssos, ono box of dishes, ono Ironing hoard, ono cook stovo and ono heating stovo, altogothor flftoon (15) bundles and crates, havo been nt- itachod under Bald ordor. a That said caso was continued to - o'clock a. m A"8U8f' , at 9 . IT " V - . i " I PANY. By Muldoon & Oborst, Its AttornoyW