Sfe florth
ceMn tribune.
No. 51
- 1
Compared with tho assessors' re
turns of 1916, the abstract o assess
ment for Lincoln county for tho yoar
1917 shows an incrcaso of $1,140,000
In tho roal value of personal property.
Quito a percentage . of this gain Is
duo to tho Increased number of cattle
and automobiles. In 191C tho number
of cattlo roportcd by tho assessors
was 56,373, whllo this year tho num
ber reported is 65,584, a gain of 9,211.
Not only Is tho numbor greater this
year, but thero has been an Incrcaso In
tho valuation. Tho assessment valuo
of tho 65,584 head Is $481,085, which
would bring tho ireal valuo, which Is
flvo times tho assessed value, up to
$2,405,425, certainly n nlco sum to
liavo Invested In cattlo in Lincoln
On April 1st, 1916, thero wore listed
829 autos faith an assessed value of
$47,885, whllo on April 1st this year
1,325 wero listed at an assessed val
uo of $74,88.5. Since tho llrst of April
this number haa increased to 1700,
but those purchased slnco that that
date are not listed for 1917 taxation.
Among othesd personal property In
tho county wo find that thoro aro 17,
030 hogs, as compared with 1932 In
1916; thoro aro 18,457 horses with an
assessed valuo of $217,245, and 1778
mules. Ovor 1300 dogs nro listed,
3,150 wagons, 888 cream separators,
2,137 sewing machines, 941 pianos and
1770 clocks and watches. But little
grain was on hand April 1st, tho as
sessors finding but 34,100 bushels of
corn an! 13,385 bushels of wheat.
Tho assessed valuo of tho porsonal
property of tho railroads in tho county
is $1,731,155, and tho total assessed
valuo of all porsonal-property Is $3,
063,300, Tho total of both personal
and real estate is $6,385,690, and this
is tho sum on which the levy of taxes
is laid.
Tho real value of all property in Lln-
coln county exceeds thiitty million
To tho FnMlc.
This to notify tho public that wo
have sold tho sales end of tho Stude
bakor business to A. N. Durbln and
cancelled contracts with tho Stude
baker Corporation. Hereafter wo will
handle tho For car exclusively and
. glvo that Ford servicol known the
world ovor.
. Wo recommend Mr. Durbln to our
former Studobaker customers as a man
of integrity and ono Iwo feel confident
will always glvo you good treatment.
Miss Lois Onnsby, of Kcarnoy, who
was tho guest of Mr. und Mrs. L. E.
Hastings, has returned homo.
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Green left the
latter part of last week for Lincoln,
Omaha and other eastern points.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pennington and
Mrs. Goldsmith, who have been visit
ing in Colorado cities, will return
Dick Cox. delivery man for the
North Platto Laundry, roslgned last
weok to accept oniployment at tho
Hour mill.
Mrs. J. P. McGovorn and daughter
Roglna, of Donvor, who wero guests of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank McGovorn, have
returned home.
At a meeting of tho B .P. O. Elks
last ovonlng C. J. Pass, J. V. Ro
mlgh and W. R. Hodshiro wore taken
into tho membership.
John Murphy, of Cheyonno, is vis
iting with hla slstdr Mrs. Joseph
Qulnn whllo onrouto home from Mayo
Bros, hospital at Rochester, Minn.
Mrs. N. J. Snow loft this morning
for Donvqp Micro sho will make her
homo with her son who Is a passenger
brakeman on tho Denver-North Platto
Tho members oft ho J. F. F. club and
their husbands will bo entertained
Wednesday ovonlng at tho homo of
Mrs. G. M. Johnson, 812 west, Locust
If you want to como down town,
phono Donald Newton, 261. Ho "will
bo aftor you quick You want tho
ride, ho wants tho 10 cents. Messen
gor Car Service. 51tf
Miss Florence tddlngs, who gradu
ated. from Bryn Mawr college last
month, and had since been doing he.
"bit" on a Pennsylvania farm, will ar
rive h6mo tomorrow.
mo nenuy UKiur iuw vu. iiua imi- i i .n i rM.n...
chasod of Joseph Morsch a tract of , f Commorco mot la8t evening and
land 06x132 feet on itfourth stroot .,..,., .... , , .h !.,.. .i
. . . ,. i-.li. i i ..ii.it. . ,..! uuiuivu ku uuuia iu viiov.uaonih
just oast of tho Elks building and road8, county fair and tho Issuance of
within tho next year w 11 erect a ty,o- ft .,ot n(lvortlgln Llncoln coun.
siory uiuuu.K uiib " ty. Tho sum of $500 was npproprl
area. Tho purchasers havo also takon ,.i r,. n. ...... r ti. m,it.
an option on tho forty-four foot frontL m b 8lomont0(1
adjoining on tho east. Whether they k Another appropriation later in tho
win ioko auvumngo oi i e pu ue- s(m u , probablo Umt tUo road
ponds upon business conditions during donlmlttoo vlu 1)nrchn90 ft tractor
m" i-L0? '.. .i. 1...11.11 . and with n drag secured from tho coun-
1 OTff S,inSPpS?n 2llhtak reasronSodffinceo of North
it 1st. 1918, and It is expected to havo nt.. ,ii i.i i t..ti .im.
tho nd building ready for occupancy tho supervision of the coun-
iAlIt ,rn ,.,, m, ,, ty commissioners. A tractor owned
For two years past tho prosont , 0, n, nn , i,p-i,i
growing business of tho Hondy-Ogior .., . . . ,.., ,.n ..,.
fnJ wnoll hS WmflrSifSn 'id tllO Work COUld 1)0
Ml".00.""0' moro quickly accomplshed.
-oV; i L V,n ,i;i ,; Ji r . ,i The publicity commlttco was nuthor-
! "ca01 u.l mA mI "d to issue 5 000 pamphlets, copy for
ff!tn h?' Lri which was prepared Bomo time ago
Is a most oxcollont ono for a gnrago i.i. .iL'.i n, T. a(M,-
mi. 1... 11.11., . i. . i ...Mi i. UllllVl tllU Mil U;ilUU UL 1J. .JUUV-IV-
S ( bS "Lit i n,, I i,i howo of tho state farm. This pam-
Li m u nLil nM? ,nbn,i Plot will givo full information in ro-
,?,.n5?.w,iL.po""!J1." inod" gniW to Lincoln county soil and crop
conditions and tho advantages it pos-
waV'$li;oo5r:"kochrororv?ng jFSr0 Bloc1aam
?rLrZV?LZZ iTSSS T?cSS was discussed, nnd
?rE?r..LU xo. .u 1 Lut, tho association was assured of tho
m ,i,r vi rmL in V i : hearty co-operation of tho Chnmhor of
tho otlior will bo moved to a lot in tho P-, ' r n w,, wnv. naaIi,in
Tho last step nccossary to make tho
ujitlrp National Guard (tvallablo for
duty in Franco was takon by President
TVtl8oii yestorday with tho lssuo of a
proclnmntion drafting the stato troops
into tho army of tho United Stntos on
August 5
To mnko certain that Uio purpose
ur tho national dolonao net Is carried
out tho proclamation 'also specifically
declares tho man drafted to bo dis
charged from tho old malltla on that
dnte. In that way tho constitutional
restraint upon uso" of militia outsido
tho country Is -'avoided and tho way
pavad for sontllng tho regiments to
tho European frtmt.
west part of town.
Commorco in whatovor way possible,
talm fnl.. noanntnMnn It.llll tlltu ViOf Ita
1 1IU .M.t .Wl. 11,11.. VI. .a
bottor prepared to put on a big fair
r ....... Cnii.. iiii.......
Theodore TlS Jr'old h s interest rLI It ?ZJ5Sn?oTtalhS
In tho Artificial Ice Company Friday "i? vtX " ' i n
, .,. n n,!.. ...i. i. raco tratJK. Tho races this yoar will
ao.nm.i n,, vninn7ln,i inn,. V. n, o 'l attractive featuro, as a circuit
, ,,, i, r' , WJ . t M118 "con formed in which North Platto,
aha to manage tho plant. Mr. Lowe T,ov,tnn ,, Tv-n!irnni. nr n nnrt ,,
and family will leavo tomorrow morn
ing for California to remain for sov-
oral months.
Miss Ida Carrol loaves tomorrow
for Washington, D. C. to .accept a
clerkship in the war department, hav
ing successfully passes, a stenographic
and: iyp)owTti,titog xamlna,tlon some
time ago,
' Frank and Minnie Seece, charged
Inlth taking twenty dollairs worth of
nay from land owned hy Mary nicn
ards, ton mllos southeast of town, were
tried in the county court yesterday and
:o: :
Lexington and Kearney aro a part and
horso3 entered in tho Stato fair racos
will appear on tho local track.
Mrs. N. E. Buckley was tho guest of
t honor at a .birthday dinner given. Jjy
'lior husband, N. E. Buckley, at tho
Vienna Oafo Saturday ovonlng. Tlie
tables wore decorated with small flags
and cut flowers and covers wero laid
for twelve). Affcar tho dinner the
iutests enjoyed a movie patty at the
Bessie Ltovo in "A Daughter of the
Poor" is so human and so appealing
that you can't liolp loving tho poor-p
and tho rich. also. Thero aro laughs
galdre, a fow tears and plenty of gen
ulno old fashioned thrills. Koith the
atre Thursday night.
Weather forecast for North Platto
and vicinity: Generally fair, cooler
tonight and Wednosday. Highest tem
perature yesterday 89, a year ago 93;
lowest last night 65, a year ago 65.
For Sale
Two 6 room houses to bo movo(i off
their lots. Bids opened at 6 p. m.
July 181. Joseph MjorscH, 209 oast
Fourth street. 51-3
Wiininn lihilnpd In .lull. AOW Ulirnge iirill.
A woman who pIvps linr nnmn on I Starting today INorth Platto W.111
Mrs, J. W. ShoM but at Lexington navo anotnor garage nnn Known as
registered as Mrs. J. W. Mills and Ul A N- Durbln Auto Co. Tlio now
at Gothenburg under a different name, "ceni mus uuiun over uio biuuu
wns nrriRtnri insh nieiit and Is wintjilnpd bakor car handled by tho HondyOglor
0 l - i .ik i... 1. it ..a ii. i t
In Jail. At toth Lexington and Goth- 'Pp o saio oi inui wei
onburg she walked ouit of tho hotels Known auiomoouo. ior xno present
without paing hor bill, and did the and until a moro sultablo room can be
sanlo thing when sho left tho Hotel obtained, tho company will occupy tho
MnH.tlio vostnrdfiv mornlnir. Shn at- building until recently occupied by
tompted to leavo on train No. 19 yes- tl10 s'ar bottling works on Locust
tdr,n.v int. nnlv had t h rtv cents on varpeiuers are mailing ro
ller person, which 'was insufficient to P'rs preparatory to housing several
pay her faro to the place she desired roewveu yuaioruay.
in irn slio hnticr nrniind town vestor- ir. uuruiii is u uvo wiro, a goon
tirair T,nafnnc wrMrOi nid nt si ORl rtnv nnd inqt. nlrjht went, to tho Rltner business man, lias a knowledge of cars
a peck Friday, propped to ninety cents Hotol whore she created a disturb- an(1 wo predict will mako a success
yestorday, and inside or two weeKS anco ana ms laier piaceu in cusiouy. " - "'"...
will probably bo selling around a Tho woman Is largo, about sixty vnii irvmn
dollar a bushel. The early potato years of ago. and mannish looking. t ' iuuitiul
Tiint wo nave sqiup inquiries lor
crop promises to bo heavy.
Tho Tribuno man would liko very
much to spend ten days in Wyoming
tho early part of next month catching
a few messes of trout, but ho is some
It isnrobablo that sho will bo ship
ped westhy the county commissioners, small farms and causiil jours If pric
-::o:: ei .rigiitf mint navo you to oner i
That you limy lose Hint crop by liullt
(;nn you Kland the 1osh
IFiUl insurance will protect you.
The premium is small compared with
Hie loss you may sustain:
-That autos burn nnd aro stolen
Is yours Insured!
That -ho wrKo the best tornado, fire.
1 1 to and every other kind of standard
Outsido tho House
How many beautiful homes on which
i,o,n , i, tnir c fn,ic, Tf money has been spent lavishly to mako
. ... . u i... . i. Hinm nninnltitn nro liinrrnil nv some UO-
auout a nunureu oi uio uuys wnu iwu i-..... , , .
him tho prlco of a year's subscription rcct in tuo lnnuscapo woiui a ie
would each chin in. he would bo ablo hours' motor trip through the suburbs
tn m. Wnrn'a n nhnnr.n tr dn a nf nlninot nnv nltv In thn oountrv will
lielgliporly act. reveal many such cases. Tho most ire
, "VS r... quent jar the trained eyo receives is insurance nt tlio lowest rntes?
JirUVWUg J111J UOtlir isiuuruiij fPn, tm nnnrlv lnld out walks and 'I'lmf wn mm limn von olinnn ninii.v
Washington. July 9. Unofficially . ,,,n n,i . i... .. i..., t..A ....
U 4,Unt.,. fmlnv tlmt RR7 Oflfl UtlVOIVUJo 1U nmu. l-UV ........ Bv. ......
is tho number f men toTe selected kurves .are used or walks made to om monBnOi
... .1. 1 1 nrnmifi nn nvn uriiNH iiiul iiiuuull 111 luu t ...... ..v. .....
Wo arc yours for business.
for tho first national war army from around nn oval grass plot placed In the
tlio millions registered Juno 5. Prob- center for no other reason than to
ablv tMico that number of names will mako pedestrlnus tako time to circle
do urawn, as 1110 sumuor 01 u-m iuh- auout tnnt particular grass piou i-uau- Mrs jjnrry Lant.z nnd children of
tlons to bo allowed is estimated at 50 meU( messenger boys nnd others take storllng Cormoriy 0f this city, camo
ijoi-cuui. nwiiwiiuu., i0 uu.Dwu a gUort cut, nnu soon a pnui m uiu pr ,lay to visit hor sistor Mrs Glen
rttllnf Itmllf HVn1 1 1 T All (lQ ... . 1 1 I
iu liavo uuou waiuiu., ...vy" "4-"" " proper direction Is -worn ncross tnesou. p0rcuson
announcement has been mado to the
provost marshal general's otilce
A Face as Familar as that of
The Man in the Moon
George M. Cohan
In His
First Photoplay Adapted From
His Biggest Stage Triumph
In Which Artcraft
Introduces The.
Stage's Biggest
PersonalityTo The
Monday and Tuesday.
July 16 and 17.
When n curvo is used in a wnlk or
driveway there should bo a reason for
It. If thero Is no other reason plant
one: place a trco or two or shrubs In a
position so tho curvo will seem neces
sary. Peoplo then will keep on tho
walk, and tho plan wm seem reason
able. New York Sun.
ltov. T. D. Sullivan, of Elm Crook, Is
visiting Rov. McDnld.
J. V. Homlgh has returned from a
business visit in Omaha.
E. T, Kolllier, who Bpont InBt wook
horo, has returned to Omaha.
Mies Marguorito Shaffer loft a fow
days ago for Boatrlco to visit frlonds
for a week.
Wclro you born in July? If you woro
soo our ruby window. HARRY DIX
ON, Jowolor.
Marcoll Kollhor has returned to Chi
cago aftor visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Albort Schnt2J.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex llrooks, who wore
-Wlting1 Mi G.Vtauil Island, Tcturaied
homo a fow day ago.
Mrs. Wood Whito was called to
Grand Island this morning by tho ser
ious Illness of hor sistor.
Miss Tholma Thompson hns rotulrned
from Tryon whoro alio was called
by tho death of her mother. .
Mies Ethol Doncgnn latt ynrtorday
for Plankington, S. D., and Jnckson,
Nob.' to visit for a week or longor.
Miss Mabol Morant, who had boon
visiting Miss Esthor Kolly for several
wooks, loft for Omalia tins morning.
Foreman Russell resumed his dutloa
at tho U. P. round house yosterday
morning after a thrco weeks' vacation.
Mrs. Charles Davis and chlldron, of
Portland, arrived horo a fow days ago
to visit hor slBtor Mrs. Bon McMlcluiel.l
Mr. and Mrs. John DoRolf and fam
ily loft this morning for Torro Haute.
Inldl., to visit relatives for several
W. V. Hoagland, Robt. Bcatty and
W. S. Wllcop went to Arthur today
to attend a torin of district court hold
by Judgo Hobart.
Mr. ahtt Mrs. Dcorlng, of Grand Is
innd. who woro visiting tholr daughter
Mrs. X- L. Green for somo time, loft
tho lattor part of last wceic.
Maurlio Launlng, formerly rondmas
tor'a clork hero, is visiting local
frlonds. Ho has been on hlB ranch at
Mossex, Col., for sovoral months.
Corn throughout Lincoln county is
now doing its host, tho gonoral report
of farmors bolng "novor saw corn grolw
moro rapidly." In many sections of
tho county wheat, ryo anu oats arc
sufforlng for want of rain.
Undor tho solectlvo draft registra
tion Douglas county listed ;'0,500
names, and it Is flguircd that in the
draft to bo mado that county win
furnish 1.400. Figuring on this basis,
Lincoln county's quota will bo about
ono hundred atikl thirty men.
Kwon Soo Loo, a Korean by birth
and a member of Co. L, which has boon
stationed ho.ro for sovoral manths, wits
drowned in tho North Platto river
shortly aftor noon Saturday. His
body was recovered forty mlnutea af
tor ho was scon to go down, and though
a physician was on tho bank of tho
rlvor when ho Iwtas brought in. and tho
usual methods of rcsusltatlon woro
employed, llfo could not bo brought
Kwon Soo Leo, In company with
Llout. Tracy and another member of
tho Co., ontorod tho xlvor at tho rail
road brldgo and continual swimming
until tho Lincoln highway bridge was
roached whoro Llout. Tracy and' tho
other man shored. Tho Korean con
tinued down stream until about BOO
yards below tho bridgo when ho Iwtas
soon by nion working on tho bridgo to
throw up his hands and disappear. Jim
Ersklnc, ono of tho brlgo work
ors, Jumped into a car and come to
town for a physician, whllo Llout.
Tracy summoned mombcrs of tlio com
pany from tlio camp. Tho lattor re
sponded promptly and -within ten min-
utos a dozon of thorn lVoro In tlio riv
er sonrchlng, and a fow minutes lator
tlioy woro Joined by men from town.
Forty minutes aftor Won Su Loo disap
peared, his body camo floating In mid
stream noar ono of tlio aoarchors at a
point nearly a half mllo bolow whoro
ho wont down. Dr. Retinoid, who had
boon summonod, arrived boforo tho
body was roebvored, and iwlhon it was
brought to bank applied tho usual
methods of bringing back llfo but with
out result.
Tho body was brought to tho Der
ryborry & Forbes niorguo whoro an ad
ditional but fruitless effort to rostoro
llfo was mnda
Kwon Soo Leo locatod In Kearney ns
a small hoy, was educated in tlio pub
lic schools, was exceptionally bright
lntolloctually, and though, a Korean,
was vory popular Iwflth members of tho
company. Ho hold tho position of reg
imental clerk, and hod: much ability
n a mathematician.
Tho liody wns sont to Ft Crook,
whoro military honors will bo given at
tho funeral.
: :o: :
A Statement.
A. W. Shilling, of tho local board of
tho officers' training camp, received
tlio following today:
"Tho statement that mnturo men will
bo glvon preforonco for tho second ser
ies, of Officers' Training Camps soems
to havo boon misunderstood in somo
quarters. This proforonco will only
apply whoro qualifications aro equal.
Thoro Is.no lntontlon to bar ouit appli
cations from mon undor thlrty-ono.
In fact examining officars have boon
instructed to rogard tho ages from
twoty-fivo to thlrty-flvo as tho most
sultablo. Thoro is also somo mlsun
dorstandlng about tho necessity of pre
vious military oxpcrlonco. Tlio gov
ernment Is looking for successful nnd
Poncofufc men and mlllltafry cixperl
onco, though doslrablo, Is not strictly
necessary." (Signed) 4
Tho Adjutant Gonoral.
ltov. Dumvlllo, of Scotts Bluff,
Bpcnt Sunday hero as tho guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Guy Swopo and took part In
tho sorvlnes at tho Episcopal church.
Mrs Earl Davis and children, of
Portland, formorly of this city, who
woro visiting lior motheir Mrs. Mary
Guthorloss for sovoral Tvoeks loft this
Maklnn a Mannot.
Tho slmnlest wav of magnetizing n
bar of steel is that known ns "single
touch." Tho bar to bo magnetized is
In 11 sin dir. tnhln mill Mm nolo of a
powerful magnet Is rubbed from ten tb
twenty times nlong ua lengin, always
in tho same direction. If tho north polo
of tho magnet is employed tho end of
thn linr first touched will nlso uccomo
a north pole, whllo tho opposite end, at
which tho magnet Is lifted ueroro ro-
tnrnlnir. will bo n south pole.
Thorn nre other and moro compllcnt
i mothods. known ns "divided touch"
and "double touch," in which two nnd
nvoii fnur mncnets are employed.
a snl hnr can also bo magnetized
by placing it within a coll of insulated
wire, through which a galvanic currciu
is circulating. Tho magnetism Induced
in this way, however, Is weak com
pared with that which can bo procured
if tho samo strength of current is em
ployed through tho intervention of nn
Many William Shakespeares.
Thoro havo been many William
Shnkcspcares In tho past. Among tho
burials in tho registers of St. Clement
Dnnes, In tho Strand, thero is tho en
try, "Jano Shackspecr, oaugiitcr oi
Wlllm., 8 Aug., 1C09." Warwickshire
ropnnia show, among other things, that
a William Shakespearo "paid 8s. to tho
Lay Subsidy, Walton super ome;" an
otlinr w. K. nrlced tho goods of "Rob
ert Shal'espor of Wroxall" on March 19,
1503; n.iothcr, a shoemaker of Coven
try, mado his will March lo, luw-u;
still another Wllllnm Shakespeare,
"ironnemnn." had "his daughter Su
sanna" (slngulnrly enough) baptized on
March 14, louo, una yet again nnomer
W. S., a shoemaker of WarwicK, reu
Intn lm A Vnn mill 1VIIR clmWnCti.
Theso nro a mero fraction of tho full
list. London Ohronlclo.
Is the Ford Car
The Universal Car?K
The figures .below answer the question and answer it well.
Car Registrations in June in Lincoln County were:
FORDS -------
If the Ford Car is not a GOOD CAR, why do people buy them?
Touring Car $360, Runabout $345, Sedan $645, Town Car $595
Coupelel $505 all f. o. b. Detroit. On display and for sale by