The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 06, 1917, Image 8

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    UlA L. BAKE, Editor nnd l'abllsher.
One Year by Mall In AdTnnce....$lJ25
One Year by Carrier In Advauc..ifl.50
Entered at North PUtto, Nebraaka,
FoatoUlce as Second Class Matter.
FRIDAY, JULY fl, 1917.
Great Kent Splendidly Carried Out
Tho pasengo of tho American army
.transports through the U-loat zone
without tho loss of a man Is a really
remarkable feat of wain Whethor or
not spies had communicated with Ber
lin I'm not ho ovorwholmlngly Import
ant Jn connection with tho main fact.
It may bo takon for granted that tho
spies do havo sonio means of com
munication with tho kalsor'fl loadorh,
and that they may ovon havo ways of
gathorlng secret Information on this
BlUlo. But It would do our own Intelli
gence llttlo credit did wo not also ad
mit that tho Gorman loodors are alert
nnd watchful at all tlmos.
Thoy had hndl amplo notice of the
Intontlon of tho United States to dls-
patoli an army to Europo, and the least
wVi couMi oxpoct was that tho sea
lanoa would bo haunted by subma
irjnos, cagorly looking for Ynnkeo
transports: Tho presonco of thoso tor
rorls of tho sea Car wost of their cus
tomary zones of oporatlon was ro
portod, long ago. It was not surpris
ing, thoroforo, that thoy woro encoun
tered by tho transports nnd their con
voy. Plans laid by our own loaders
woro bo comploto that at least two
attacks woro successfully met, and
tho Boutionu of tho groat (loot mndo
tholr way through tho utmost porll
without tho loss of a man, exacting
lidwlovor, at loast ono U-boat as a toll
from tho Germans.
It would bo difficult to exaggerate
tho full lmportanco of this splendid
font, but oxtravaganco of languago can
add llttlo to tho sunplo stateinont of
Us accomplishment. Oottlng armed
forces to Euiropo Is u task of first mng
nltudo, prosontlng prohloms not un
derstood by tho layman, but tho ability
of our army and navy has Its first test
porfoctiy Omaha Boo.
flcmian Agent Sflr Up Strife.
With tho arrost Wednesday of Joseph
Qraoori, an organlzor of the Industrial
workors of tho world, charged with bo
lng a Bpy In tho omptoy of thol Gorman
govornmont, fodornl authorities do
clarod tholr Investigation had satisfied
them that recent wtrlkes and agitations
of tho I. W. W. In tho antraclto coal
roglons had boon stlrrod up 1y Ger
man agents iwflth tho liopo of lessoning
tho powon of tho United Stnto3 in tho
Mar by docroaslng coal production.
Grnuor. wliio was Uikon Into fcustody
by Unlteil Stntos Marshal Jamos S. Mc
doo, was hold without ball undor tho
allon onomy act.
: :o:
Hqtilimumt A Halting Hun.
;,piothlng and equipment for tho first
million men of tho now armies will bo
,dollvored by Soptombor 1, tho tentative
dato of tho mobilization of tho first
lncromont of tho national army. A
Btatomont Issued by tho war dopart
mont says that adoquato suppllos for
all tho national guard and national
army will bo available by tho tlmo
tho troops aro cnllod out. Tho de
partment already has equipped 300,000
mon, national guards and rogulars, nnu
tlio troops In Franico havo with them
storos to last six months.
tfnotrjunB In Wnr.
That shotguns should bu largely uti
lized In modern Warfare Is the conten.
tlon of a number of military experts.
It is pointed out that Hueh guns would
Ihj particularly useful to sentries ut
night time, as an Intruder might more
easily bo crippled and captured by n
spreading chargo of heavy shot than by
n single bullet. Moreover, a person
moving quickly might often bo missed
by a shot from a rifle, whoreas a snap
shot from n shotgun In semldaikness
could hardly fall to find Us object.
In tho trenches shotguns could bo
used with buccors. A shotgun loaded
with about forty-eight grains of pow
dor and one and a half ounces of big
shot, with about twenty-tiro pollots,
would bo of much more ralue thim tho
rifle, as during n night attack, either
for attack or defense In sonildurknoss,
n single chargo would hardly fall to in
flict serious wounds on ono or moro of
tho enemy. Exchange.
Tho Swiss Admiral.
"As much business as n BwIhs ndml.
' ral" In a term sometimes used satirical
ly. But tho llttlo inland nation actual.
ly had nn admiral once. Ho was an
'Englishman, too, a Colonel Williams,
who Joined tho Swiss colors in 1700.
Tfjls Colonel Williams got togcthor n
omnll fleet on Luko Zurich and was or-
dorcd to opposo tho French urmy, which
vna propnrlng to nttncic tuo A"Stnaus
and Russians massed noar by.
Tho French attacked tholr allied foes
and routed Uieni. Admiral Williams
clmly watched tho battlo that was in
progress ou land. Then, enraged at his
nm inaction, ho discharged his crows,
witttodJiii. vessels and went back to
ftwltwrUmd now baa ono armored
ftt oh Lak Lucerne, uut m com-
jdr IB only a captain. b-biiwis uiv
His First Golf Play. -II.
Chandler Egan's first golf was
played on a threo liolo course In a
pasturo back of his father's house, at
Highland Park, 111. Tho former cham
pion nnd bin brother laid out the links,
then inrltcd their cousin, Walter, to
toach them tho game. Tho latter tee
ing up a ball on tho first, lilt it straight
down to tho broomstick which serrcd
as a flag pole. The bnll bounced along
tho uneven green nnd disappeared In
the hole. Turning to his astonished
gallery, ho remarked :
"There, you see, It Is very simple.
That Is tho way you do It.-"
Chandler Egan tried, but didn't buc
coed, nnd although ho won tho amateur
tltlo twice, ho claims ho was never
able to equal tho wonderful drive his
cousin mcdo that day. Golfers' Maga
zine. Eyes of Rubber.
Artificial ores of rubber aro taking
tho plnco of tho old stylo glass optic
in Europe. Tho rubber eyes hnvo tho
advantago of being unbreakable, and
as they aro of pneumatic construction
thoy maintain un clastic contact be
tween tho eyelids and the back of the
orbitary cavity.
To mako tho new rubber product n
cast formed of liquid plaster is mndo
of tho oibltnry cavity, and from this
is constructed nn eyeball, tho faco be
ing of vulcanite. The front and back
parts nro made of soft rubber, there
being a spaco between tho two parts
which is occupied by air, making
tho eyes pneumatic Popular Sclcnco
A Motorcar Raco In 1895.
In 1805 a few enthusiastic "horseless,
cnrrlngo" manufacturers decided that
tho tlmo was rlpo for a raco. As wo
look back at it now tho contest was a
mechanical Jest. Tho vehicles started
bravely and then Btoppcd lamely whllo
their drlvors mado ropalrs. Ono in-
voutor followed his mcchanlcnl Wonder
with a team of horses. Tho winner of
tho raco had averaged the mad speed
of soven and one-Half miles an hour.
Ills cngluo, carefully tested after tho
foverlsh contest was over, was found
to dovclop nn amazing four horsepower.
Waldomnr Knompffert In Harper's
Football and Matrimony.
"Well, I wish him luck," said Mr.
Jones nfter reading In tho paper un
account of tho wedding of a popular
mombcr of n college football tcamv
"But," ho ndded in a ruminating tone,
"marrlngo is very much llko footbnll."
"Don't talk bo rldlculousl" snapped
Mrs. Jones. "How can you compnro
footbnll to mnrrlago?"
"Why," replied Jones, "It looks so
easy to thoso who haven't tried it"
Should Dissemble.
"You clnlpi to havo loved and lost."
"Yet you go around with a perpetual
grin on your faco. When you havo
loved nnd lost, deforenco to tho lady
makes it proper not to appear to bo
too chcorful a loser." Loulsvlllo Courier-Journal.
Ellis Island.
In tho prehistoric days of tho Amor-
lean continent tho Indians called what
is now Ellis island, tho Immigrant sta
tion In Now York harbor, Kloshk,
which In English meant Gull island.
Tho tribes thereabout had somo strnngo
traditions about It.
You can buy Bell telephono
stock or bonds through your
local bank.
Boll telephono securities
nro considered a conserva
tive Investment because they
pay n reasonable return and
nro not "wntorcd."
Bell telephono securities
are fully protected by physl
cal property in oxcoss of nil
outstanding obligations.
Thero aro moro than 70,000
mon and womun In this nnd
other states who own Boll
telephone stock.
In addition tqjhose, 4:1.000
Boll employees havo Invested
their savings In Bell tole
phone securities.
I I iswm i i
I went into Charnley's for lunch th
other day, nnd whllo I was eating
Fred Bemerton eamo In, and I ngkel
him to sit- down nt tho table with me.
Ho did so, and I congratulated him on
his engagement, of which I had heard
somo time before. He didn't look like
n man who had Just been made happy
by a girl, but I reckoned he had passed
out of tho seventh heaven stage and
was wondering how ho was going to
support n wife cn n salary that ho had
been spending entirely on himself.
"It's all off," ho said snappishly.
"What's tho trouble?" I asked.
"See here, Jim; I've had all I want
of girls. They hnvo no sense of honor
Hindi us n man has. Fact is- there's
nothing mnnly I menu noble In 'em
nt nil. Nothing a girl likes so much
as to got n fellow by tho ear and play
him for n fool. That's what Mottle
wanted with me."
"You haven't yet got to tho cnuse of
the breach."
"Well, Molly and I wcro out nt a
dance. I put my name on her curd
for every altemato dance, leaving her
n dance with some ono elso for every
dance with me. That was about right,
wasn't It? Sho objected. I told her I ,
thought ono In two was enough for
tho other fellows, and she said she
thought that If she danced with me ,
two or threo times during tho evening
It would bo enough for me. I told her
that If that was nil I was to got I'd
go without any. And I scratched my
nnmo off her enrd entirely. Do you
know, tho girl filled her card without
my nnmo being ou it and was tho mer
riest girl in tho room."
"Very unfemlnlno."
"You mean very detestable."
"What did you do next?"
"Why, I left before tho danco wns
finished nnd left her to go homo with
somo ono of tho fellows sho had pre
ferred to me."
"Oh, you did?"
"You bet I dldl"
"You had taken her to tho dance,
hadn't you?"
"What did sho do next?"
"And you?"
"I wroto her n noto saying that if
every other fellow had as much right
to danco with her us I we'd bettor call
It off."
"And sho?" ;
"Sho hnsn't deigned to send mo a re
ply." "Very unfemlnlne.". -
"Jim," ho snld, bristling, "that's tho
second tlmo you'vo used that expres
sion. I'd llko to know what you mean
by It."
"I havo used It ironlcnlly, Fr6l."
"Yes. Tho girl acted llko a girl.
You acted llko n ninny."
Now, ho know very well that ho had
mado n guy of himself, nnd when I
boro witness to tho fact Instead of got
tlng up on his ear ho collapsed. Ho
didn't say a word for awhile, but ho
looked llko a man who had committed
a crlmo nnd had Just realized that tho
heavens wero nbout to fall on hlra.
His first words were:
"I'vo knocked tho bottom out of tho
"Oh, no, you haven't"
"You don't think bo?" eagerly and
with a beam of hope.
"What Bhiill I do?"
"Tako a back track ns quick ns you
"Go to hor nnd nsk her pardon. Toll
her that you'vo mado an ass of your
self and will nover do so nuy moro."
"I think I'd rather write it."
"NonscnBo. Faco tho music llko n ,
man. Writing would only Bhow half
hearted repentance Speech 1b hotter,
than Ink any tlmo nnd In such cases
la luflnltoly hotter. What's written
is capable of various interpretations.
In speaking ono has tho ndvantngo of
looking his meaning. In writing there
to no expression of any kind."
"But Biipposo Bbo won't seo mo?"
"Hang ou till she does."
- "And suppose sho sees mo, but turns
mo down?"
"Hnng on all the tighter."
IIo sat deliberating. Presently ho
looked up ut mo ami said:
"Jim, I would rather nttnek a forti
fication single handed. Is thoro no
othor way out of It?"
"Thero wouldn't bo for mo If I wero
In your plnco."
Anothor soason of scrowlng up of
courage, nnd ho roso from his sent,
took his hat and snld:
"Goodby, Jim. If I fall look for
my body in tho cunal."
"Goodby, Fred. I know Just how
you feel! I'vo boon thoro myself."
"Acted llko a chump?"
"No; llko an lnobrlatcd donkey."
Tho sumo evening tho following tele
phono dialogue took plnco botween him
and mo:
Fred (in gleeful voice) It's ull right.
Jim Aro you forgiven?
Frod You bet.
Jim Did Bho. Bay that you had acted
llko a untural born idiot?
Fred No; sho said I'd been a naughty
Jim Then your body is not In tho
Fred-Noj JitlB lockal In Molly's
arms. Sho'e lnthobootfi with mo.
- JimOh I Goodby.-
Fred Goodby, old man. Much thank
Oaculntory sounds, then a click, then
Mirny w ww.i.w......j - u .
'ndw do yon account for lily great
"Well, I Imagine It Is becauso ho
doesn't want to do all tho talking."
Dctrqlt FreO Press.
A Sable Philosopher.
Ef'you can't light a flro on do hills,
mebbo.-you kin stir a blnzo In do low
grouVds, an' no matter how little it is
do world'll seo do flicker. Atlanta
"Make sure of doing ono unselfish
deed each day. and soon you will bo
nctlne unselQsblv nil dnv lanrr.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given (o Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building
Phone. (.Office 130
i nones v Residence 115
Phono 308
Room3 1 and 2 Belton Building
North Platte, Nebraska.
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ot Postofticc.
Phone 58
A modern institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J. B. Redfield, M. D. J. S. Simms, M.D
Helton Building
Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.
7 p. m. to 8 p. m.
Office Black 333 Res. Black 1020
J. E. SEBASTIAN. Stnto Mcr.
Minn.Mutual Lif elns.Co.
Phone Office Red 612
Residence Red 348
Holstein Cows.
I will have n curlond of Holstein
Cows nbout July 1st. Thoy nro ns
good as money can buy. If you need
ono or moro seo mo ,
Am soiling nil kinds of cnttio In
any number desired, in addition to
buying hogs.
Phones: Offico -ISO Houso Red G3G.
Licensed Embalmers
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Phone Black 688.
Quality in Cigars has has been our
aim Blnco wo bogan making cigars fii
North Platto over thirty yoars ago
Wo put quality in tho first cigars we
mado, and that somo quality Is in tho
cigars wo make today. Schmalzrlod'a
Cigars havo atood tho test ot thoso
moro than thirty years. What greater
ovldonco of quality could you desire T
If you havo not boon smoking Sshmalz
died'e cigars, try them they are eer-
taln to please.
Th Nursb Brown Memorial
. Homeopathic Hospital'
1008 West Fourth Street.
For the treatment of Medical, Surgical
and Obstotrlcal Patients.
Successor to
Dra. Redfield & Rcdflold
Office Phono 642 Res. Phono 676
Practice Limited to
Surgery nnd Rndlum Therapy
728 City National Bank Building.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Hospital Phone Black 633.
House Phone Black 633.
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218- south Locust St,
one-half block southwest of the
Court Houso,
Kst.ltn No. 148.1 nf Hntnlln n11o
Rlnims, deceased, In tho County Court
vi iniuuin tjouniy, iNourasKa.
The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estate will take notlco Unit tho
tlmo limited for presentation and 111
infr of claims npaint said Kstato Is
February 27, 1918, und for settlement
of said Estate is Juno 22, 1918; that I
will sit at the county couil room in
said county, on July 27, i917, at 9
o clock a. m., and on February 27, 1918,
at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine,
hear, allow, or adjust all claims and
objections duly nied.
J2G-4W County Judge.
SlicrllT'H Snle.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued
from the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said Court
whorein Tho Beatrice Buildlnp and
Loan Association of Beatrice, Nebraska,
Is plaintiff, and Clark Lone et al aro
defendants, and to mo directed, I will
on the 14th day of July, 1917, at 2
o'clock P. M. at the east front door of
the Court House in North Platte, Lin
coln County, Nebraska, sell at Pub
lic Auction to tho highest bidder for
cash, to satisfy said decree, Interest
and costs, the following described
property, to-wlt: Lot On fll in -ninnir
Twenty (20) in tho original town, now
ynjr ui riauo, in Lincoln boun
ty, Nebraska.
igDated North Platto, Nobr., Juno 7,
J12-J13 A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff.
By vlrtuo of an order of sale issued
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said Court
wherein Tho Welpton Invotment
Company, a Corporation, is plain-
tiff '1 1 1 1 1, C ,,n.
al are defendants, and to mo
ri.-"-lcu' ,vlil on lne ioin uay or JUiy,
1917, at 2 o'clock p. m., at, tho east
front door of the Court House in North
I 1 n t f o T.lnnntn Pnimti- V" 1 . l . 11
at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash, to satisfy said decree. Interest
and cost, the following described prop
yl iu-vii;
xoib xxumoer uno (l). two (2), Threo
(31, Four (4), Five (5), Six (6). Seven
7l n Tl r 1 rnwnntv.titm .oo r irn.i,.
subdivision of Lot Number Six (6), and
also Lots Number Two (2) and Threo
(3) of McGee's subdivision of Lot Num
ber Five (5) nil of Sear's subdivision
ot a part of the North East Quarter
v--.-. wiu OUUL11 null lOTtJI Ot
Section Twenty-nine (29). in Township
three (33) Wtffct of the 6th p. m., in
hpn aln l.nlnn n nn n .1 T.1 1 1
of Sutherland, Lincoln County, Nebras
ka, according to tho record plat thereof,
and also a piece, strip or parcel of land
flnHPI'lllAfT na Itairlnnlnr. n. n n ... n a...
south lino of said Lot Number Seventeen
in; ui uiaricson'8 suDinvision or tho
North West Quarter (NV) of Sec
tion Twenty-nine (29), in Township
Fourteen (14), North of Range Thirty-
wt Wl HIO UlU jj. iu,t UVlllK
a part of the Village of Sutherlnnd, Ne
braska, a distance of Two Hundred
T7MtsAM 0 1 r i. ... x i jt . .
'll.u"iU'. luct weaieriy irom me
Seventeen (17), running thence Norther
ly mi u nuts jjuiiiuei wun xno iast lino
of said Lot a distance of Two Hundred
unu eigm-ieiuns iuuu-s) reet, thence
Want nlnnn Vi n nnt.l ltA i .
distance of One Hundred and Twenty
nnrl CI vtvr.PItt A T.T..H.lH..ln nst m Z
f AO f Hionxn In n aMitlml., .11. 1.1
n linn nnenllal itl 1 1 11 m
said lot a distance of Two Hundred and
xiuiiuuji unu xwo-xenins (13. 2) feet.
kiivuvu in an ciinioriy direction alone
Mm nniitn linn rf rt nni.i . .it-
feet to the place of beginninir
..ii" , urin rwue, iNOorasKa, this
11th day of Juno, 1917.
A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff.
To thn llntra nf TJ T I it
A. Lozler; the heirs of Henry A. Lozler:
llala, Nebraska; Eastern Banking Com-
t'ui.j , noun unuci oc company, a
corporation organized under tho laws
Georgo M. Lozler; George Sparks Lo-
, ....... u U1U.I01 , jjuiio cozier;
Slecca Lozler; Henry Sutton; An
nie Sutton; Ellznbefh Thomas;
Thomas, child of James Thomas;
..Humus, viiiim oi james xnomas:
Thomas, child of James Thomas; Fan
nlo Haskoll; Henry Paull; Don Robin
son; Lewis H. Bftl; Jonas Felghner;
iiiioivui tni xmrry j. .L.ozier, jr.:
Besslo F Lozler; Edwin R. Lozler: Jo
seph T. Lozler; Georgo Pope, Rcceivor
of tho Pope Manufacturing Company, a
corporation; nnd Tho Pope Manufac-
Tho American Bicycle Company, a cor-
imtnf Inn
You and ench of you aro hereby no
tinod that on tho nrst day of Novem
ber, A. D. 191 B, Bertha Thoelecko pur-
rrlinflnsl rf Ilia .,-. r, r t . . .
County, Nebraska, at public tax sale,
tho Southeast Quarter (SEU) of Sec-
North, Range Thlrty-ono (31), West of
braska. Said land wns assessed and
wi.a.i:u mr mo yeiirB ii, llllt, anu 1910
to, and In tho nnmo of tho Heirs of H,
A. Lozler; that I purchased said tax
cortiricato, and all of tho rights ac
cruing thereon, and now hold nn as
signment thereof; that after tho ex
piration of threo months from tho dato
of sorylce of this notice, a tax deed
from tho County Treasurer of said Lin
coln County will bo applied for.
Tho tlmo for redemption from said
tax sale will expire with tho flrat day
of November A. D. 1917
Certificate No. 8098. '
Asslgneo of Bertha Thoolecke.
Loalio Knrr will tnko notlco that on
tho 13th day of Juno, 1917, Paul O.
Moyer. a.Justlco of tho Poaco of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, Issued nn or
der of nttachmont for tho sum of
?45.uu, m nn action ponding before
him, whoroln Chns. C. Hupfor Is
plaintiff and Leslie Karr Is defendant,
that proparty of tho defendant, con
sisting of wages, owned by hlra in
tho sorvlco of nnd now In tho hands of
tho Union Pad (la Rallrrvid
corporation, has been attached undor
aiu oraor. a aid causlfo Iwtas contin
ued to Uio 30th day of July, 1917, nt
it ociocK 41. in.
OHAS. C. HUPPBR, Plaintiff.
$8.00 PER tfON FOR
$10.00 PER TON FOR
All'jUhk is high. Bring it in.
North Platte Junk House.
By vlrtuo of nn order directing the
referee to mako a sale, which order was
Issued from tho District Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, upon a decreo
of partition and tho conttrmatlon of
tho roferoe's report rendered in said
court, wherein Lllllo M. Dean, llosa
Hshon and Bluoford Anway are plain
tiffs nnd Thomas Anway and Ethel An
way, his wife; Lewis Anway and Goldie
Anway, his wife; Jano Grimes and
James Grimes, her husband; Aam E.
Donaldson, Benjamin Anway and
Annlo Anway, his wife; Joseph Harris,
slngloj and Harris and HarrlB,
his wlfo, whoso nrst and real names nro
to your said plaintiffs unknown; Bruce
Kshon, husband of Rosa Kshon; Rush
M. Dean, husband of Llllle M. Dean;
George Anway, an Incompetent nnd W
S. Fast, superintendent of tho Asylum
for the Insane of Nebraska, In whoso
custody nnd care George Anway is at
tho present time; Ella Anway, an In
competent, and Dr. G. D Grtmth. super
intendent of tho NobraBka Institution
fdr Fcoblo Minded Youth at Beatrice,
In whoso custody and care said Ella An
way Is at tho present tlmo; John W.
Fowler and Bortha L. Fowler, his wife,
parties in possession of said lands;
nnd Georgo O. Fowler and Dolllo M.
Fowlor, his wife, parties In possession
of said lands, and to mo directed I will
on tho 9th day of July, 1917, at two
o'clock P. M. at the East Front Door
of the Court House in North Platto, Lin
coln County, Nebraska, soil at public
auction to, the highest bidder for cash
tho following described rcnl estate, to
wit: All of Section Five (6), in Town
ship Twelve (12), North of llango Thirty-one
(31), West of tho 6th P. M.; the
South Half of tho Northeast Quarter
(S NEU) and Lots Ono and Two (1 &
2), all In Section Six (6), in Township
Twelve (12), North of Range Thirty
ono (31), West of tho 6th P. M ; and the
South Half (S) of Section Thirty
three (33), In Township Thirteen (13),
North of Range Thirty-one (31), West
of the 6th P. SI., all of said land being
located in Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Dated this 4th day of June, 1917.
J5JC Referee.
Statement nt the Condition .of the
of North Platte, Nebraska, on tho 30th
day of June, 1917.
Ccrtlllcntc No. :ia
First mortgage loans $S22,C00.00
Loans In process of foreclo
sure 2,200.00
Loans on stock or pass book
security 6,600.00
Real estate, olllce 30,321.80
Cash 12,640.68
Delinquent Interest, tines, etc. 787.30
Furniture nnd ttxtures 1,017.37
Foreclosure account 54. 9J
Total $876,222.09
Running stock nnd dividends.$403,691.84
Paid-up stock and dividends. 407,800.00
Reserve fund m nnnnn
Undivided profits 35,114.45
unearned premium, advance
Interest 115.80
Total $876,222.09
ItecelptN nnd KxpcudltureH for the Ycnr
Eiidlnw June '.W, 11)17.
Cash on hand last report....? 19.828.S2
Dues (Running stock) 117,113.00
Paid-up stock 70,100.00
Mortgage payments 93.106.7G
Stock loan payments 1,612.42
Real estate sales 1,834.70
Interest 59,926.20
Premium, Taxes nnd Insur
ance 830.71
Fines 617.30
Rents, olllce buildlnir
Membership and transfer fees 331.25
. Total $306,463.37
Mortgage loans $199,300.00
Stock loans 800.00
Withdrawals running stock
and dividends 33,869.49
Withdrawals phld-up stock 88,200.00
Withdrawals dividend on
paid-up Btock 26,835.41
Salaries 2,550.00
Other expenso 415.15
Real estate account 966.99
Cash on hnud 12,640.63
Taxes and Insurance 885.65
Total $366,463.37
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
I, Samuel Goozee, Secretary of the
above named Association, do solemnly
swear that tho foregoing Statement of
the condition of said Association, Is
true and correct to tho best of my
knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo
this 30th day of Juno, 1917.
Notary Public.
My Commission TSxpIres Juno 9, 1919.
Legal Notlco
To Fred J. Malone, deceased, and the
unknown holrs of Fred J. Malono, de
ceased, and all othor persons Interest
ed In tho estate of Fred J. Malone,
deceased, and tho unknown owners
and unknown claimants of lot seven
(7), In Block thlrtty-lx (3G), of the
original town of North Platto, Ne
braska, you and of you will here
by tako notlco that on the 3d day of
July, 1917, Tho Mutual Building &
Loan Association of North Platto, Ne
braska. IL rornnratlftri wlnlntlff flln.l
,its petition In tho District Court of
uuunty, ixooniBKa, against said,
defendants anid each of them and
against Julia Malono, a defondant In
said action.
Tho obiect and nravw of wlilni.
I tltlon nro to forcloso a certain mort
gage deed upon Lot soven (7), In Block
(Thirty-six (30) In tho. original town
of North Platto, Nehrnska, executevi, by
tho defendants Frod J. Malono and
Julia Malono, on Juno 20th, 1914,
; to secure ono certain bond executed by
tho defendants to tho plaintiff of ovon
I I?tilvlJ,tl1 8nld mortgago in tho sum
, of ?700.00 anu' on which said bond and
mortgngo thoro Is duo tho sum of
1 $590.50 wltli interests at 7 2-10 from
May 2G, 1917, and to forcloso and cut off
iiuy interest or tlio said Frod J. Ma
lono and tho unknown holrs of Fred
J. Malono and all others 'pctrsons in
terested in tlio estato of Freu J. Ma
lono and -nny intorest of tho unknown
ownors and fumknown claimants of lot
sovon (7), block thirty-six (30), in the
original town of North Pintr Mi.i.n.
ka; and to havo nn accounting of tho
iiiuuuui. ot money uuo tlio plaintiff
from tho defendants on said mortgago
and to havo satd real estato sold upon
, uio rauuro ot tlio dofondants to pay
mo luuuuni round uuo on said bond
and mortgago within 20 days from Uio
dato of sold decree, and for genoral
equitable rollof.
All of said defendants aro required
to answer said naHMo,, nn n .1.
,13th day of August, 1917. AW
Its Attornoya.