"Wkt llortlf A' THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JULY 6, L917. No. 50 r Ri.1 - CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Maurice Fowlor oxpocts to ship out today a carload of horses which ho purchased In this section Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Yates of Suth erland, aro In town today whllo on routo hbmo from a visit n Omaha. A score or inoro people Xroin the Hershoy .section wotfo In town yester day In attendance at tho funeral of the lato Edward Marquette'. "W. T. Green returned this morning from Omaha, and later loft for Bay .nrd, rolioro ho has tho contract for the plumbing In the now Well hotel. A. N Durbln would havo onjoyod his stay In Ogalalkv.on tho Fourth much hotter hail not some follow stol on a now. tiro from tho rear of his car Mf. and Mrs; N. B. Spurrier, of Nichols, expect to loavo next week for Thermopolls. "Wyo., whore Mr. Spur rier (will try tho curative properties of tho hot springs. Judge and Mrs. J, S. Hoogland mo tored to Julesburg on tho Fourth, where tho Judgo dollvored tho ora tion boforo a largo crowd. Enroute homo they spent an hour at tho Oga-lalla- round-up. J. T. Keofo left Wednesday evening for Boston to attend tho annual con vention of tho B. P. O . Elks, to which he is tho accredited delegato from tho local lodge. Ho will iprobably go to Norfolk ad visit Everett Evans and Al bln SandalL Mr. Thomas, of Lincoln, who had boon visiting his daughter Mrs. J. Q. Beeler, returned to his homo today. Ho is nlnety-throo years of age. On the trip he was accompanied by Miss es Myrtle Beoler and Elizabeth Hln- man, who will visit friends In that city for a week. On complaint of Mrs. Richards, Motnle Seos and Frank l3ccs wore ar raigned In tho county court yostorday on tho charge of cutting and hauling away two loads of hay from land owned by tho plaintiff. Tho hearing is set for July 9th. A flvo-day Chautauqua closed at( Sutherland Monday ovonlng. The Free Lance says tho attendance was fairly good and that the guarantors will not bo much In "the hole." Con tracts wore mado for another Chau tauqua noxt year. Tho Waltematli Lumbor Co. haa tho contract for supplying tho lumber for tho 6Gxl00 foot barn which will be orocted on tho Williams Tanch south of Brady and for tho oroctlon of which Clyde McMichael of this city has tho contract. Ths barn, which will cost In tho neighborhood of ?8,000, will bo tho most modern structuro of its kind in tho teounty. Mrs. Qoorgo Forbracho of tho Bird wood, departed tho first of tho wook for McPhorson, Kan , to attond a ccro- mony In connection with tho unveiling of a monument to tho lato General McPhorson yesterday. Mrs. Forbracho who was a cousin of tho famous gen eral took along a number of relics of civil war date, among them a letter from Genoral Grant. Sutherland Free Lance. For quick action and satisfactory snlo list your Innd with Thoclcckc. tf Sheldon Dart, son of Mr. and Mrs H. B, Dart, iwas badly powdor burn ed! about Uio"faco yesterday forenoon when ho too closely Inspected a largo firecracker; Ho had lit tho fuso and thought it had gono out One side of his face was so badly burned that it was thought for a tlmo ho might lose tho alght ot ono eyo. Ho is reported some bettor this morning. Brady Vindicator. ENORMOUS SUMS SPENT FOR ARMY MAINTENANCE Woshlngto, July 5. An idoa .of tho enormous cost to maintain Amorw loan flgHtlng forces Is glvon in a Btatomont issued by tho commlttoo on public Information, showing tho rela tive amounts expended In 11)15, when tho country was at poace, an to bo oxponded this year. Subsistence, for instanco, which In 191G was supplied at tho m6dost cost of $9,800,000, this year has been pro vided for in tho appropriation esti mates at $133,000,000. Clothing and camp garrison equip- ngo, which two years ago voro nau for $G,500,000, will cost this year $231; 000,000. Ordnanco storos and supplies, which In 1915 were furnished for only $700,' 000, this year will cost more than $100,000,000. "i Manufacture ot arms, which in 1915 cost $450,000, this year will cost more than $55,000,000, Ammunition for small arms, which in 1915 was had at $875,000, this year will cost $148,000,000. Transportation, winch In 1915 was furnished at $13,000,000, this year will dost $222,000,000. Regular supplios, which in 1915 cost $10,000,000, this year will cost $110, 000,000. For aeronautics $450,000 was ap propriated in 1915, while $47,000,000 already has been appropriated for this year. This does not include of course, tho administration's big air craft prlgram, which calls for an Inl tlal appropriation of $639,000,000 Among tho items already purchased aro: Five millon blankets, 37,000,000 yards of ibobinetto, 2,000,000 cots, 45 000,000 yards of cotton cloth, 21,300,000 of unbleached drilling, 6,000,000 pairs ot shoes and 11,191,000 pairs of light woolen socks. :o: B jSkaCTJjJ.LiTchfi-iJJu;jE. in l in ii 1 1 ! m hi n umih "CI j j unit ii 4 5t THE UNIVERSAL CAR Wherever Ford cars have pioneered, Ford service has kept pace. It is the factor which strengthens the personal relation between. Ford owners and the Company. To get the best possible service from your Ford car, bring it here when it needs attention and get tho benefit of Ford supervision throughout. We use the genuine Ford parts and give you the benefitof the regular standard Ford prices. Touring Car $360, Runabout $345, Sedan $645 Town Car $595, Coupelet $505 all f. o. Jth Detroit. On display and for sale by RAILROAD NOTES GOVEltNOK NEVILLE TO SET '.DAY rOJt WOMEN TO REGISTER Dispatcher B. B. Boatman has taken a fow days off and loft yesterday for Omaha. Conductor B Hi. Fldtchor Is loft duty by reason ot a foot that Is In fected with poison. Claudo Dolanoy roturnod yesterday from Omaha, whoro ho had gono to Infitncss tho auto rncos. II. N. Smith, who wont to Omaha to see tho auto racos on tho Fourth, returned yestorday manning. Ed Robhauson is now working off somo of Jus surplus avoirdupois as ono of tho hustlors of tho "rip" track. M. K. Barmum, at ono tlmo district foreman at this terminal, is now hold ing a responsible position with tho B. & O. road with hoadqualntors at Haiti more. Aftor Jluily 15th tho Nobraska dlvl Bion will end at tho west ond-of tho brMigo. east of town and tho North Platto 'terminal will bocomo part of tho Wyoming division. Joo P. Larson, chief clork to Dls trict Foreman McGraw, will probably go to Grocn River to bo bocomo dlvl slon clork on tho Utah division. This would bo qulto a promotion, and ono which Mr. Larson has well oairnodi. Governor Kolth Novillo will Isauon proclamation In tho near futuro des ignating a day whon Nobraska women may register foi any lino of wartime sorvlce,. This Is tho assuranco which was given to tho executlvo commlttoo ot tho Stato Womon's Council of Do- fonso which (was held in Lincoln Thursday morning. Mrs. Z. T. Lindsay, of Omaha, was nppolntod permanent chairman ot tho Rod Cross dopartmont of tho teouncU; Mrs. A. E. Sheldon of Lincoln, chair man of tho commlttco on registration; and Mrs. Kolth Novillo, honorary chairman of tho samo commlttoo. Miss Annlo L. Miller, of Lincoln, was placed In'chargo of Uio publicity. ' . FOR RENT. Three furnished roonin, six In; (In, baih, (109 Locust street, closo In. Easy terms to right purty. BRATT, GOODMAN St BUCKLEY. ::o:: . Episcopal Church Sunday, July S, thoro will bo holy communion at 8 o'clock, Archdoncon Bowkor will offlcato at tho sorvlcos boforo leaving for sorvlcos In Kolth county. Communicants aro urged to bo prosont At 11 o'clock morning sorvlco will bo road by a visiting lay- Mr. Dumvilld. ::o:f Joseph T. Donogan Married. Cards havo been rocolved by North Platto friends announcing 'tho mar riago of Joseph T. Donogan, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Donogan, of this citj; to Miss Emily Agnes Wrgh.'yat St Charles Baroma church, Brooklyn, N. Y., Saturday, Juno 30. y Mr. Donogan, U. S. naval oftlcor, Is now in chargo of a torpedo" boat des troyor and a former North Tlatto boy. and aftor a fow days spent his hon eymoon in tho Catsklll mountains, will bo Bont to tha front In Franco with tho (U. 3, R. F.) U. S . S. Madoiia, S. P. 158. Miss Wright is of LJvorpool, England, and Is an accomplished mu sician, being a graduato ot.tho Lon don Conservatory ot Music, A afiotnnt Ctmt TVTllii frin linn nnn n to Excolslon Springs, Mo., to remain for two weoks, after which ho will go man to Denver to aocopt tho position of superintendent of tho Colorado dlvl- Work on Uio Lamb building oil north ion. Ho will succeed Supt. Vicroy, Locust street is dolayed by tho non-ar-who will rotlro from railroad work, rival of brick which have boon duo for Almost a full train load of flat cars acoupLotofyooka loaded with autos passed through Sun day. Tho cars (woro loovorod with can vas and woro accompanied by sovoral men who looked aftor thorn. Tho ship ment of 'autos Is bo lieavy that It is impoastbloito eecuro a sufficient num ber of onclosed cars. Red Cross Notes s Wo ar In urgent ncoj! o helpers In tho work room. Tho national Boclety' has sont out an nppoal for, cortain classos of Buppllos for hospital ser vices, such as pajamas, bed socks, shouldrtu wraps and Bomo special sur gical necessities, Thb work commit tee has purchased materials and each aftornoon that our room is open thoro will bo ladies In chargo to furnish Miork for ovory ono. A Don't forgot Uio tliuo, and placo-p Monday, Tiiosday, Woliaday and TJiursday aftornoon of eacAlAwook In Uio largo northwest room ohVtho third iloor of tho fodonal bulldinyi Wo want to pack tho co'nuort bags for Co. E. noxt wook. If yoftchavo any to turn In, or articlos for ftulpg thom, ploaao send to tho work roumas early In tho wook as posslblo. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE. Moro Men Wanted. Tho government Is advorttsng for men for tho adutional officers train- ling camps which will cpon Augu8thcnarfi or u- Redmond, a,rormor A sjioclal running as second section of No. 8 passed through Wednesday beaMng to Boston tho California dole: gation of Elks. Tho train was- in lill II LI It T. i! HENDY-0G1ER AUTO CO. p . THE HUB NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Our July Clearance Sale will Commence July 9th and con tinue 20 days. rl5thr Applications must bo filed not later than Julf 15th. The local board Is composod of A. W. Shilling, Dr F. J Wurtelo and M. M. Redonbaugh, to whom application can bo mado, ::o:: Albert Muldoon returned yesterday from a trip to Grant, 3topplng enrouto homo at Ogalalla to witness tho round-up. Ho mado tho trip In his Studebaker six and is "crowing" a lit tlo over tho fact that by actual meas urement ho avoraged 15.06 mllos peri gallon of gas consumed. This high miloago Is duo to tha typo of carburet or and manifold ho has placed on his engine. Weather forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Fair and rather warm tonight and Saturday. Highest tcm- pattiturQ yesterday 90, a year ago 03: j lowest last night 59, a year ago 0D. Ira Russoll had a baud burned and lacerated Wednesday night when ho attcmptod to relight a sky rocket which ho supposed' had become extinguished. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Pizer, daughtor Maymo and son Harry loft in Uiolr car today for Grand Island wherjj liny will visit relatives fora fow -days Mrs. John LoMastor loft last ntght for Denver .where sho was called by the sickness of Mrs. Ira LoMaster. Fho (will remain in Denver for a month. ::o:: ProDar Phyoioal Education. Tho purpose of physical education Is, of course, ot merely to build up tho bodied ot boys toChiy, but to put into tho lives of boys that thing, whatever ; it is, that will make tho boy stay strong and nblebodlcd wucn no readies man hood. Such men lovers of fresh air, of hiking. in tho wild, of sleeping out under tho sky men wno can uoiu en lov and endure, aro tho men who will mako up a strong nation nnd not a na Uon of weaklings. Scouting. Cape Horn's Lighthouse. Probably tho most dcsolnto and dreary spot In tho world Inhabited by whlto mon is tho lighthouse that is maintained by tho Argcntlno govern ment at Capo Horn. This la claimed to bo tho southernmost lighthouso In the world. One at a Time. "Does your husband worry about Uio grocery bill?" "No; ho says thoro a no senso In uotu himself nnd tho grocor worrying over tho samo bllla." Exchange. Queer. "Your wlfo gavo us a splendid lec turo on cooking last evening. Why woren't you thoro?" "I was homo with a terrlblo attack of dyspopsla." HenlUi Uos in labor, and thoro Is no earthly royal road to It but through toll. Wendell Phillips. r?oi1Ui Platte boy. P. T. Redmdnd miont to Omaha on tho train In order Umt ho might visit with his son. Tho Union. Pacific Is said to bo pro paring to ask for bids on 4,000 freight cars. Tho Northwestern is in Uio mar ket for 375 "gondolas." Tho Kansas City Southern has oiklored sovon Mal lot locomotives. Tho Union Pacilc has ordorod a now 300 horse "power, sovon. ty foot McKeon motor car. Tho Mon tana, Wyoming & SouUiorn has or dered a fifty-five foot, 200 horso pow er McKoon motor car. ::o:: Wrestling with tho Slackers. Unltodj Stats Commissioner O. E. El der) devoted part of yesterday to wrest ling with Uio four slackers who woro brought to Uils city last week- brought horo becauso tho Lincoln coun ty Jail is a designated fedoral prison In tho caso of Will Marklo, tho mothop of tho prisonor secured his ro leaso on bond by depositing $500 in a local bank and tho baTikor becoming surety. It was found that Arthur Conn, al though over thlrty-ono years of age, was a desortor from tho United States Coast artillery, at least ho has made a writton confession in which ho makes thoso statements. Commissioner El dor will snbmlt tho confession to tho proper army authorities and Conn will probably bo ordered sont to a mili tary prison. Thoro ail two othor slackers, ono a Mexican, tho other a Hindu Jow. The Moxlcan says It Iwks impossible to roach his rosidonco placo of registra tion and that ho ncgloctodi to register at somo other point accessible Tho Jow claims that ho rcglstorod in Salt Lako City, but Uiat ho had ship ped to Chicago a grip in which was a suit of cloUies containing his registra tion card at least ho surmises such Is truo. An offort will probably bo mado to got tho grip back from Chicago. Ho shippod Uio gi ip thoro bocauso ho was beatlng"liis way from Salt Lake to tho clt.y by tho lako. u , HAY LAND 1000 acres best liny land In Lincoln county; two flno groves; small Im provements; biggest snap In tho stnto, Prico tf.'l.j.OO per ncre. Will sub-dlvlde. 50-2 O.'U. THOELY.CKE. ::oi: Mr, and Mrs. L. D. Rich and son Bryan Rich, loft last Friday In their car for an extended tour of sovoral Btato3, expctlng to bo gono through thesummor. Thoy stoppd a Bhort tlmo at Omaha, going from. -j-berQ io Mis sourl, Iowa and Illinois. Later thoy will go to Marion, Oltfo, tho old. homo (of Mrs. Rich, and to Northumberland Pa., Mf, RIch'a old homo. Gothenburg Indopondont THE LONG -OF- D 11 GEUROTHERS MOTOR CAR US KOW "WELL KNOWN AND UNIVERSALLY RECOG NIZED. THIS LONG LIFE RESULTS FR03I SEVERAL DODGE FEATURES. 1 The extreme quality of the steels used in every vi tal part of the car, make for long life and a minimiuh of wear. 1 r 2 Practically every casting eliminated from tlie.car,-. .1 C .1 .1 .... .l ..'i. 1 i l 1.lv il. whole car stronger and lighter. , . i 3 An extremely well balanced car and a car lighter by 500 pounds than any other car of equal power, means both longer life and more economy. ,. - 4 tug long lasting and lustrous mush or tne- car makes the old car look like a new one, and does away with' the incentive to trade in a car becauso of the poor finish. 5 An engine with proper gear reduction, glviiig the car power enough to take tho unusual road or hill without overstrain, and tho ability to go where most other, cars cannot go. This lasting quality of tho Dodge is most emphasized by most all Dodge owners, and this iB what Dodge Brothers nave Dent every energy to put in tneir cars since tne De ginning. 1 . (V,v. "No material, no part, rib accessory is barred ,y from Dodge Brothers car, because it is toq..i,' high priced. Tho only question asked, theA,', only proof demanded is of its goodness." (Recent Dodge Brothers adv.) V... This is the standard set by Dodge Brothers themselves, and neven deviated from and wo would ask you to inquire of Dodgo car owners as to tho result. This Dodge Brothers dealer can say that to him it has meant an ever increas ing over-demand, which is now far worse than he has ever experienced. iM If you desire a car of this quality and high standard and long life, I would advise that you order yourVD'odge car touay,, u you wouiu-uko to ooiain uouvery hub; sum- J. V. ROMlGHf to 107 West Sixth Street. North Platte, Nebraska. it . . ' s