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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1917)
IBA L. BARE, Editor and FobUsher. SUBSCRIPTION IIATES: Ono Year by Mall In AdTftuce,...$l.SIj One Year by Carrier la Advanco..iL&0 Entered at North PUtte, Nebraska, Postoince as Socoud Class Matter. TUESDAY, JULY 21. 1017. . 1 Advance In Land. P. A. Starr, now a roaident of tills city, loHi wook sold 120 acres or lana 0116 and ono-half mllos northeast of Ilorshoy to Doraoy Loypoldt for $1G,800, or a fraction above $130 per aero, Lato lost rail Mr. Starr pur chased this samo land of P. A. Andor B6n for $11,800. Ho thoroforo cloan cd up $4,000 In about nlno month's tlma fnhfch; as tho boys say may bo classed as easy monoy. : :o:-: Catches Hunch of Coouh. Six young coons iworo dlsplayod In a lox at tho Schwalgor cigar storo SaU urday, having boon capturo) by Al lison Wilcox on tho fayno ranch near Dlgnoll. Tho animals aro throo or four wooks old, and for a time nftor capturo waro fed iby tho bottlo method. If Mr. Wilcox proposes to go Into the coon raising hfcislnoss ho certainly has a good start. Howovor, with so many colored nron around town ho will nco,j guard them woll. ::o:: Horses Slarvo (o Ktulli Two horses boloiiglng to Thoo. Lowo, Jr., of this city, died In rather a peculiar way rocontly, Thoy woro talcon ovor lo tho Qoorgo Kopf placo north of town to bo pastured during tho ftenmor. In tho posture is an old shack. Tills tho Horses entorod through an opon dloor and! after thoy had gono in tho door blow shut and ro inalned closod. Mr. Kopf hunted for tho animals and finally gave them up ns strayed or stolon. A few days ago thoy woro found dead In tho shack, having starved to death. i'.oy. Iturglnrlzo Honglaud Jtesldcuco Thoo-osldenco of W. V. Hongland was ontorod somo time 1otwoon nlno and olevon o'clock Friday night, iproporty valuod at $1C0 and a sum of monoy 1)0 lng taken. All mombors of tho house hold woro absent, and Mr. Hongland, examination of tho promises conctolod that entranco was gained through tho front door by moanB of a skeleton key. Only ono room, that occupied aB a slooplpng apartment by Mr. and Mrs. Hoagland eoems to havo boon vlsltod, as a pockotbook containing $20 lay In plain sight In an adjoining room. Among tho artlclos takonMis a diamond lavalloro and two rings. No clow to the burglars lias yot boon obtained. ::o:: lloyo Busy at Fprt Snolllng. Writing from Ft. Snolllng under date of Juno 27th. Arthur Bullard says.' "Havo boon transrorrod from Ninth Coinpapny to Sovonth Company. All of tho candidates oxcopt those proforrlng aviation havo boon transferred to such arm of tho sorvlco as thoy deslro Thoy aro cortalnly working us hero. Tho actual (bills at presont tnko up voryi little of our tlmo, most of It be ing spoilt at rango practice", sketch ing, 'or rathor map drawing, trench work, problems and conferences Up at flvo In tho morning and kopt busy until 0;30, at night, All tho North Plattto boys are diolng flplpondldly, and will no doubt bo sont across tho vat orr ::o: Ileal Estate nnd Insurance. ' Come and see us for town lots In different parts of tho city. Good ln vostmoutn on easy tonus. Housos for salo and runt, Wo havo also good bar galns'ln farms and ranches. F. J. BIKNEB & CO., Cor. Front and Davroy Sts-. upstairs. .Hlnteiiirnt of Hue Co nil It Ion of (he MUTUAL BUILDING 8 LOAN ASSOCIATION, of North Platto. Nebraska, on tho SOtli tiny of. Juno, 1917. . Ortltlcntr No. ll'J ASSETS First mortgage loans $8?2,C00,00 LoiuiH In iirocexH of forecto- 'suro 2,200.00 Loans on, stock or pubs book Hoourlty 0,600.00 Kent estate, olllcu , 30,321.80 CaHh ,. , 12,040.08 Delinquent Interest, linos, etc. 787.30 Furniture it ml fixtures 1,017.37 Foreclosure account C4.94 Total ,$870,222.08 , LIABILITIES Running Htoek nnd UvlleiHts.t403,601.84 l'uHI-m stock ana dividends. 407,800,00 ltoserve fund , 19,500.00 Undivided profits , 30,114,45 Unearned' premium, ndvanca interest s 11G.80 WTotnl . . 7(i n9!i no IteccliitM nnd Kxiirndlturrw for tho Yonr V A . .... ...... J'.IIIIIIIK- .llllltt till, Jill?. Cash on hand last report....) 19.S28.82 Dues (Running stock) 117,113.00 Paid-up titook 70,100.00 Mortgngo paymentu ,93,10G,70 Htook loan imyinonts 1,012.42 Real ostnte sales 1,834.70 interest 09,920.20 Premium. Taxes und Insur- Co 830.71 Fines 017.30 itulUM, OIUCQ DUllding 1,102.21 Membership und transfer fees 331.25 Total 1300,403.37 DIHBURBI5MKNT.S rtimtro loans midoic ' luanH sun. witiiiiruwius running stooit and dividends . . 33,800.49 witmiruwnis paiump stooit ss.suu.oo Withdrawals dividend on nald-uu stock 20.83G.41 Salaries , 2,550.00 umer oxpouBo 41&.1G ltonl estate account 900.90 Cash on hand , 13,040.03 Taxes ami Jtusuruuce jshb.oo . , Total , $300,463.3? State' of Nebraska. Lincoln County, hb. 1, Samuel Coozoo, Secretary of the above named Association, do solemnly swear xnai mo loregoing mniomoni or tho .condition of said Association, is true and correct to tho best of my knowledge and boliof. ' ha.aiu.uilj uuuiiiais. uoeroinry. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 30tit uay or Juno, iui7. FRANK BUCHANAN, Notary 1'ulilla My, Commission Expires Juno v, 1919. Approved;- THOS. C. PATTERSON, V ,.,NVILLIAM It. MALONEY, ft JlRA L. 11A11E. " . - . Plreotors, LOCAL AND TEKSONAL Dr. Morrill. Dentist. Mrs. Likens, of Paxton, camo here a fow days ago to visit hor sister Miss Isabollo Stafford,, For Salo Cook Bhack, food rack and six whcolors. Inqulru of W. D. Waldo, North Platto. 4C-4 MIsb Holo Adair, of Keamoy. who was visiting hor brothor William Adair for a wook, loft Saturday. Mrs. Pvobort Massoy, of Omaha, who visited with Mrs. J. JI. Fonda last wook, loft Friday aftornoon. Miss Alblna Hahlor roturnol to Sld nov Saturday after vlsltlnir Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hahlor for a week. Mrs. Wood Whlto was called to Orand Island Friday by tho serious Illness of her slstor Mrs. Cornfield. Mlssos Ethol and Holon Soudor left tho latter part of last wook for eastern points to spond two wooks or longor. Mrs. Gus Chamborlaln and son, of Donvor, who spont last wook with the Sullivan family, loft yesterday morn ing. Mrs. Anna Itod&nond has returned from an oxtendod visit with her daugh ter Mm. J. D. Lonorgan in Peoria, Illinois, Miss Floronco Thornton, of Koar noy, roturnod homo Friday aftornoon aftor visiting with Miss Dorotliy Ilin man lor a wook. Mr. and Mrs. Alox Adamson, of Douglas, Arizona, who woro visiting the lattor'a brothor oohn Day and fam ily, loft Friday. Henry Itobhnuson. rtf Laramlo. wlm spent last Avook visiting Ills btothor luuwaru liouuauson and family, loft Friday aftornoon. Frank Wlnkloman, of Fromont, who nau ooon visiting ins uaugiitor Mrs. Jack Carroll for sevoral weeks, loft Friday aftornoon. Mr. and Mrs, II. A. Donolson are onjoylng a visit from Uio formor's fnthor, John Donolson, who camo from Farnaiu last week. Mrs. Robb and doughtor, of Lox- ington, oxpoct to mako tholr homo horo aftor August first with tho term or's son Alvin Robb. Thoso In nood of painting, paper hanging and docoratlng ato assurod satisfactory work If thoy employ Julius tioga. mono mack oaa. 38tt Mr. and Mrs. Horninn 5?tnnv. of Irouwood, Wis., will loavo today after visiting tno lattor'a slstor Mrs. W. L. lllqhards for a wook. Dick Dakar, of Staploton, roturnod nomo VMstorday aftor snondlnjr aovor al days horo visiting frionds and at- toudlng tho colobratlou. Dr. and Mrs. D. T, QuIkIov and son, of Omaha, arrived tho lnttor imrt of last wook to visit Mrs. Qulgley's moiior, mrs. Anna Soyforth. Huy your Alfalfa Stfod of Johnson Sool Co, Grand Island, Nob. Th-jy nave strictly tiry land, 1910 cron ro oloano,i and govornmont tostod eood. Wrlto for samples and quotations. 48-8 Wilson Tout, who la attending sum mor school at Uio tato university, camo homo Friday night to romaln ovor Sunday with his' family. Tftlio Anilnrnnn. tny n nnmlwm nf yoars a rosldont ot Modlclno precinct, but now-llvlnir la Hodkor county. Rnnnt tho latter part of last week visiting irionus m town. , If you havo trlod overytlilng olso without Rosulta,' Try"' Chiropractic opinai Aujusunonis ana get iwoii. DR. Ij. D. RMITII..f!hlronmnfr. 40tf Building aadrodhBullding. .My Faithful Servant THE New Perfection Oil Cook Stove is never cranky, never lazy, never late. It cooks delicious meals and serves them on the minute. More than 2,500,000 housewives are using New Perfections today 20 more than last year. Cooks fast or slow as you like. Turns all the oil into heat and all the heat is used in cooking. That's the secret of the famous Long Blue Chimney burner. No more coal hod and ash pan drudgery no more toiling in a stuffy overheated kitchen. Ask your dealer to show you the reversible glass reservoir, an exclusive feature of the New Perfection. For best results use Perfection Kerosene, .STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) Omaha NEWPE H3RE iCTJON OVE Wm. Schick, of Fox Crook, iwBio vras in town Saturday uald oats in that sec tion of tho county Is badly showing tho ncodi of rain. Corn, ho said, Is doing fairly well. For quick action and satisfactory Balo list your land with Thoolecko. tf P. A. Whlto loft at noon Saturday for Omaha whoro ho Iwttll remain until aftor tho aluito races tomorrow. Ho may docld'o to go to Minneapolis be foro returning homo. Among tho tourist In town Saturday was a party driving a Packard and an othor driving a Plorco Arrow. Both1 woro ImmonBo "boats," and attracted considerable attention. MIhh M. Sicilian, steam baths and Swedish aiassngo, gentlemen and la dles. Phono 897, Brodbcck bulldliig. In a card to Tho Trlbuno, Rev. Roo ort Whlto, formorly.ot this city, says: "I am nt tho University of Chicago for tho summer. I begin my work among tho mountalnoois of Tonncsseco Sep tember first." Mr, nnd Mrs. Henry Oloson, who wero touring Colorado on a wedding trip, roturnod homo today. Thoy worn married In Gothonbarg two weeks ago, Mr, Oloson is tho machinist at tho Trotter garngo. Broken oyo glass lenses can bo re placed tho soma day as ordor Is given In our lonso grinding dopartmont. HARRY DIXON & SON, k tf Graduate Optometrists. i Tho rooms ocduiplcd by tho county dork and tho county treasurer have boon freshly decorated and tho furnl turo iro-arrangod. . Tho rosult Is brlghtor and moro attractlvo and bot tor arrangod offlcosf . ? Andv Schnrmnn. of Kramov fnrj morly of this city, spont tho latter part of laBt wook In towri visiting relatives and friends. Ho Is still incapacitated irom wora uy uio accident which bo foll him twenty months ago. John Plorco, a formor cattloman of this section, died recently at Rock Rlvor, Wyo., whero ho owned a ranch. Ho loft this section about thirty years ago, but will bo romcmbored by old timers. Death was duo to kidney troubld. Roy Vulgamot, living flvo miles north of Arthur, committed sulcldo last avooIc byBhootIng hlmsolf lif tho head. It Is thought that tho fact that ho had to reglstor for military draft proyod on his mind, Ho was a bache lor and thirty yoars of ago. "Sudgo and Mir,s. H. M. Grimes loft Sunday for Russollvillo, Ind., to visit roiativos. They will moot tholr sou Loo Grlmos at that placo and will thon mako a trip through Ohio, Wost Vir ginia and down to Chattanooga, Tonn. Thoy will bo absont sovoral weeks. Mrs. W. F. MlUar, living near Sar bon, was placed' undor ?2,0l)0 bonds at Ogalalla lust wook on tho chargo of assaulting hor flftoen year old stop son. Tho boy was found In bod with a badly Injured hip, and takon to Kearney for troatmont iwhoro ho 1b undor tho Jur isdiction of tho court. i W. J. Tlloy roturnod Friday from. jjub iuimivH wiiuru tor two wooits 110 attondod tho annual national homo stoad of tho Yeomen. At this meet ing It Mas funanlmously docrood that all mombors who go to war and aro klllod, tho full amount ot tho policy will bo paid lo tho bonoflclary. I'OK YOUR AUTO SERVICE Call 125 for Taxi day or night. Also flvo or oovon passongor oar for funeral service. MOGBNSEN-LOUDEN AUTO CO-, Chandler & Elcar Agoncy, Cornor Eighth and Locust Sts. WHY IS NORTH l'LATTTE FIRM? Because Its Citizens Have Learned Tho Truth. Aftor reading this generous and en couraging roport .from Mr. Rogors, thoso who havo tho misfortune to suf fer, as ho did will naturally long to get Bimllar relief. But to got tho samo good as Mr. Rogors had, you shouldd got tho same remedy. There are of cdujrso, other kidney pills but thoro aro no other Kidney pills Uio samo as Doan's. That Is why North Platto pooplo demand the genuine M. C. Rogors, prop, of harness store, 514, Locust St., North P'latte, says: "Onco in a whllo my kidneys have be come disordered and If I did not attend to them, I Would get bad krff. My back would become lame and there would bo a steady acho in It. When I tried to straighten up after elttlng, a Bharp pain would catcli mo. I know my kldnoys woro tho cause of the mis ery, for at such times thoy acted too often, especially at night. Doan's Kldnoy Pills havo always relieved any signs of bucIi troublo, putting my kidneys in a normal condition. I know thoy can bo depended upon and r am glad to recommend them." Prlco 50c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a Iddnoy remedy get Doan's Kldnoy Pills tho safiithat Mr. Rogors had. Foster-MUburnftCo., Mfgrs.. Buffalo, N. Y. DR. HAKOLD A. FENNER Osteopath. Bolton Building Office hours 9 a. in. to 5 p. m. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Phones " Offlco Black 333 Res. Black 1020 Notlco Cathorlno McCIees will tako notice that on tho 24th day of May, 1917, P. II. Sullivan, a justlco of tho peaco, in and for Lincoln County, Nebraska, is sued an Ordor of Attachment for tho Bum of $73.,0 In an action ponding bo foro him, wherein Holon M. Rltner Is plaintiff and Cathorlno McCIees, de fondant, that property consisting of ono Suit Case, ono Traveling Bag and their contents, together with a miscel laneous lot of woarlng apparol, toilet and otlior articles, has boon attached under said order. Said causo was continued to tho 11th day of July, 1917, at ton o'clock, a, m. Dated North Platto, Nobraska, Juno 1st, 1917. HELEN M. RITNER, Plaintiff. Notieo Losllo Karr will tako notlco that on tho 13th day or Juno, 1917, Paul G. Moyor, a Justlco of tho Poaco of Lin coln County, Nebraska, Issued an or dor of attachment tor tho sum of $45.00, In iui action ponding before him, whoroln Chns. C. Hupfor is plaintiff and Losllo fCarr la dofondant. that propqrty ot tho dofondant, con sisting of wagos, earnod by him In 'tho sorvlco of and now In tho hands of Uio Union Pacific. Railroad Company, a corporation, has boon attachod undor said ordor. Said caustfo Iwlas contin ued to tho 30th Uay of July, 1917, at 9 o'clock a, m. OH AS. O. HUPFER, Plaintiff. HosplIM" Phono Black 633. House Phone Black 633. W. T. PRITCIIARD, Graduate Veterinarian Bight years a Government VeterUar lan. Hospital 218. south Locust St, block southwest of the Court Housb. The Nurse Brown Memorial Homeopathic Hospital 1O0& West Fourth Street For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical Patients. JOHN S. TWIN EH, SL I). J. B. REDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to PHYSICIAN &f SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs, Redfield & Reddeld Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 676 DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLEI. .. Practice Limited to Surgery and Radium Therapy 728 Citr National Bank Building. Omaha, Nebraska. DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmors Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phone Black 588. LET US INTRODUCE QUALITY TO XOU Quality In Cigars has has been our aim since iwe began making cigars In North Platto over thirty years ago Wo put quality in tho first cigars Ave mado, and that samo quality 13 In tho cigars we make today. Schmalzrled's Cigars have stood tho test of those mare than thirty years. What greater evidence of quality could you desire? If you have not been smoking Sshmalz dled's cigars, try them they are cer tain to please. J. F. SCHMAIZRIED. PIT'S SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued from the District Court of T.inr-oln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of loreciosuro rencierea in said Court wherein The Welpton Invetment Company, a Corporation, is plain tiff and Clarence C. McGee et ai are aeienuants, ana to me directed, I will on the 13th day of July, 1917, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the east front door of tho Court House in North Platto. Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy sad decree, interest uuu cobi, me ionowing uescribed prop erty, to-wit: Lots Number One (1). Two (21. Thrn (3), Pour (4), Five (5), Six (6). Soven (7) and Twenty-two (22) of McGeo's subdivision of Lot Number Six (6). and also Lots Number Two (2) and Throo 1 a; 01 iucuee'8 sutxiivision or Lot Num ber Five fO all of Knur's milirtl vlutnn of a part of the North Bast Quarter (NBH) and tho South Half S) of Section TWenty-nlno (29), In Township v uui-iueii n) ixonn or uange Tlilrty threo (S3) "West of the 6th p. m., in Nebraska, beinpr a part of the Village of Sutherland, Lincoln County, Nobras ka, according to tho record plat thereof, and also a piece, strip or parcel of land described as betrlnnlntr nt a nnmt on tVin south line of said Lot Number Seventeen i,it) 01 uiarKson'a subdivision of the North West Quarter (NWVi) of Sec tion Twenty-nino (29), n Township Fourteen (14. North of rtnnrrn Thlrtv. three (33), west of the 6th p. m., being u imri 01 me village ot Mumerianu, No braska, a distance of Two Hundred Fifteen (215) feet wnstnrlv from tli South East (SE1 corner of H.iirl T.nt Seventeen (17), running thence Norther ly on a uno parallel wun mo AJast lino of said Lot .a .distance of Two Hundred and eight-tenths (200-81 fnftt. tlinnnn west along the north lino of said lot a distance of Ono Hundred and . Twenty uuu nijtiy-i' ive iiunurecuns 11ZU.U5) feet, thence in a southerly direction on a line parallel with tho east line of said lot a dlstanco of Two Hundred and Thirteen and Two-Tenths (213.2) feet, thence In an easterly direction along the south line of tho said lot a dis tance of Ono Hundred and Twonty (120) feet to the place of beginning Dated North Platto. Nebraska, this 11th day of Juno, 1917. A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff. NOTICE OF FINAL HISPORT Estate No. 1437 of Herman A. Erb, deceased, In the County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, to all persons Interested In said estato take notlco that the administrator has filed a final account and report of his administra tion and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such, which have been set for hearing bofore said court on July 6. 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m., when you may appear and contest tho same. Dated Juno 6, 1917. J12-JS GEO. E. FRENCH, County Judgo. PAIIT1TION SAI.K By virtue of an order directing the referoe to make a sale, which' order was issued from tho District Court of Lin coln County. Nebraska, unon n. ilrr of partition and tho confirmation of tno reroree's report rendered in said court, wherein Lilllo M. Dean, Rosa Eshon and Blueford Anway are plain tiffs and Thomas Anway and Ethel An way, his wife; Lewis Anway and Goldle Anway, his wife; Jane Grimes and James Grimes, her husband; Aam E. Donaldson, Benjamin Anway and Annie Anway, his wife; Joseph Harris, single; and Harris and Harris, his wife, whoso first and real names are to your said plaintiffs unknown; Bruco Eshon, husband of Rosa Eshon; Rush M. Dean, husband of Lilllo M. Dean; Georgo Anway, an and W S. Fast, superintendent of the Asylum for tho Insano of Nobraska, In whose custody ond care Georgo Anway is nt tho present time; Ella Anway, an in competent, and Dr. G. D Griffith, super intendent of tho Nebraska Institution for Fooblo Minded Youth at Beatrice, In whoso custody and care said Ella An way Is at the present time; John W. Fowler and Bertha L. Fowlor, his wife, parties In possession of said lands; and George O. Fowlor and Dolllo M. Fowler, his wife, parties In possession of said lands, and to 1110 directed I will on the 9th day of July, 1917, at two o'clock P. M. at tho East Front Door of the Court Hous In North Platte, Lin coln County, Nebraska, sell at public auction to tho highest biddor for cash tho following described real estate, to wit: All of Section Flvo (6), in Town ship Twelvo (12), North of Range Thlr-ty-ono (31), West of tho 6th P. M.; the South Half of tho Northeast Quarter (SW NEU) and Lots Ono and Two (1 & 2), all in Section Six (6), in Township Twelve (12), North of Range Thlrty ono (31), West of tho 6th P. M ; nnd the South Half, (S) of Section Thirty throe (33), in Township Thlrteon (13). North of Range Thirty-one (31). West of the 6th P. St.. all ol said land being located in Lincoln County, Nebraska. Dated this 4th day of June, 1917, . O. E. ELDriR, i5J8 Referee. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon Special Mention given (0 Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building Phonei I Oilice 130 Residence 115 Phono 308 ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building North Platte, Nebraska. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L . C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. Holstein Cows. I will JmTO n cnrlond of Holstoln Cows about July 1st. Thoy aro ns good as monoy can buy. If you need one or more sec mo Am soiling all kinds of caltlo in any number desired, in addition to buying hogs. Phones: Office 459 IIonso Hod C30. C. H. WALTERS. MIXED SCRAP IRON $10:00 PER TON. MACHINERY CAST IRON $10 PER TON. All Junk is high. Bring it in. North Platte Junk House. .. , , NOTICE A; the heirs of HenrT A? Lfe? pany; Henry A. Lozier & Company a " t . ""'"J iviary m. L,ozler: 2lenLfzI?rJ Georpe Sparks Lo- AT ' 6ici Ajiuie lazier: . .wm.v. f iiuity OULLUI1 ; An. nle Sutton: Ellzniwi, '. Mabel Thomas; Pearl Thomas;' Tinmns. nliH.i nt mi.:".' . mi:;,"' , . """co xiiomas; ?SEa2' 21 Thomas; of t h t xr'"" .f "eceiver The Am bH nn i ii r.i! riir ? anG poration. .wwuuy, a cor- tiffi.?!? SS0?,? ?re. hereby no- v""k " ",u ot uay or wovem ft l! .oeleckeTu?- County, Nebraska, at public tax sale Hle Southeast Quarter (SBVi) of Seo nt,E'ten "ATownshiK (to0). braSknh PRn ' P"cPn Cotjr. Ne- inv. r.. .1 " unsesseu ana o-nTn 1 i? ya I"?, ana 1916 A. Lozier; that. I purchased said 1 tax certincate, and all of the rigilts ac- nrnlnr' thamnn '.la ac- . t v. . .j , 1 l 1 1 1.1 iiuw noid nn in- slgnment thereof; that after tho from ht a. !ax. eed .o,:",,'"' ',e"B ."fi 'n "om said ; h.t V" f0 wun ine nrst dav of November A. D. 1917 y -.erinicate IVO. 8098. . , ARTHUR C. MATER, purSc5ar.0f Brtha , Slicrlrt'w Sale. tZ VltoLW P sale issued .uioi-iuouie lenaereu in said Ponrt wherein Tho Beatrice Building and Loan Assnclntln nr Ti.i ' v'r" on , tixo""l4tl" day1 Tju" lyf0 !?V 1 aY' com county: Nebraska sell at ' PuSl nu?Uon th0 Hehest bidder f5r Sfd ' co0stsSatthey ',d doce. interest nrnnnrtv 4 ...V;. t,.10F,ne described ty, Nebraska. ' "'um v-oun- i9bated North Platte, Nebr., Juno 7. inz A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff. r- I V.Ki,ir 'iVATj REPORT . at..A. Pfttrlok Ruddy, decn eA vniirrr Nebraska. "y Urt of Llncm County! Tho State of Nebrasln t n a final aacount and'SoVrofTi. fld court on July 6 ini7 n? o . i raia Jjateu June 11, 1917. J12J29 uiiU. - FRENCH, """"t j uuge. deceased. ir7 t'hTcoWtTK M?a coin County. NhrnX,iy ourt of Lln- lLcl o a??nst said0neaatnato s id estate ia June 1 mf?&eTnt ,0,? J-W VSnii"- . V"''0" OI Paulina Zlmmer com CouKty', ti&ASJg." Court ot Lln: iISy,n',te.i;0!: Presentation nd fftt a m 'and Sn"' Vnuarya9918 tlonr,dSrynnfeit aU Cla,ms nnd obJ: J5-4w GE0- FRENCH, notiob to cammous 1 UO SilTlte Of Mahra.t.. -,.,. ?fc10 f" ',n- Rnd n February 27 1918 J36-4W QE0, E FRENCH. '1 WUU0,