THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Doans Saved My Life "I Had Given Up Hope" Says Mr. Dent, "But Doan's Kidney Pills Cured Me Permanently." "My kidney trouble began with back- nene, wntcu ran on nbout a year," nays W. II. Dent, 2213 Reynolds Street, Brunswick, Ga. "My back got bo I was at times unable to sleep, even in a chair. Of ten the pain bent mo double. I would bo prostrated and some one would have to move mo. Uric acid got into my blood and I began to break out. This cot so bad I went to a hospital for treatment. I stayed thcro three months, but got but little better. Dropsy tfet in and I bloat ed until nearly half again my size. My knees were so swollen tho flesh burst in strips. I lay there panting, and just about able to catch my breath. I nad five doctors; each one said it was im possible for mo to live. "I hadn't taken Doan'a Kidney Pills long before 1 began to feel better. I kept on and was soon able to get up. The swelling gradually went away and when I had used eleven boxes I was completely cured. I have never had a bit of trouble since. I owe my life and my health to Doan'a Kidney Pills." Sir. Dent Get Doan'a at Any Store. 50c a Box EY FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO, N. Y. DOAN'SfxX Temple of Solomon. The Temple of Solomon was begun In the fourth year of his reign (B. 0. 1012), and completed seven years later. Tho whole area was Inclosed by the outer walls and formed a square of about COO feet. Tho front of tho porch was supported by two great brazen pillars. One of these was called Jnchln and the other Boaz. DON'T WORRY ABOUT PIMPLES Because Cutlcura Quickly Removes Them Trial Free. On rising and retiring gently smear tho face with Cutlcura Ointment. Wash off tho Ointment In five minutes with Cutlcura Soap and hot water, using plenty of Soap. Keep your skin clear by making Cutlcura your every-dny toilet preparations. Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Women "Man" Mall Vanfc Seven hundred horses belonging td the royal mall vans of Gren,t Britain are "manned" and fun entirely by women, under the guidance of a skill ful veterinary surgeon. The sick horses are groomed and cared for by uniformed women, who wear ordinary breeches and knee-long coats of dark blue linen. Tho drivers of the mall carts wear very smart uniforms of dark blue serge, edged with red and having brass buttons with the royal cipher. Their dark blue peaked caps have also a line of red and n badge showing that they are on his majesty's service. Started Right In to Fight. "They quarreled immediately after the wedding ceremony." "That so? While the guests were there?" "Yes, right In the presence of ev erybody. It seemed n disgraceful thing to do until I caught tho Idea." "What was the Idea?" "It seemed he wanted to convince U of us that he was not marrying her to escape war." Doesn't Have to Buy Grain. Teacher Thirty-three eggs at 55 cents per dozen Is what? Pupil Outrageous, pa says. Its Aspect. "There Is nothing In that case but tho bald facts." "Then how can the lawyers spilt hairs over It?" PARENTS who love to gratify children's desire for the same articles of food and drink that grown-ups use, find Instant POSTUM just the thing. "There's a Reason" 1W Mr mWMM Washington's Clear Right to Title, "City Beautiful" WASniNGTON. Washington Is tho city beautiful. In this second decade of the twentieth centurv It realizes the dreams of Its founders. LKn- font's plans have not been adhered to literally, but thcro has been n general hewing to tho lino In the years of city building and no radical departuro from the nrtlstlc designs of tho great engineer to whom George Washington intrusted the laying out of the nntlon's seat nnd Its scope of development. It Is today the capital they Intended It should be perhaps surpassing In grandeur the most roseate vision of that primitive day. It Is the distinc tive American city tho city of cities, destined to become increasingly beau tiful under tho continued prodigal, yet wise, paternalistic care of n proud and generous government. People speak of Washington as "one of the most beautiful cities in tho world." There Is no exaggeration In such encomium. Indeed, It falls short of full truth or adequate prnlse. World travelers today unhesitatingly give Washington equal ranit witn Paris, Berlin, Buenos Aires and nio. nnd some of thorn avow that It eclipses all other capitals. Beauty, however, Is not Washington's solllnry chnrm. The life of the fair city Is altogether chnrralng. It is cosmopolitan. In its transformation It has acquired n metropolitan air and carries It nnturally. B.v contrast tho pro vincialism of Gotham stands out prominently, even glaringly. Washington Goes not go tho mad pace of the greater city, docs not spend Its short days In sordid money-making and Its longer, if flcicting, nights dining and dashing to the thenters nnd' patronizing maudlin cabarets. Washington tnkos time to think. Congress Takes Care of Banners of "Besiegers" HEN the soldiers are relieved from duty In tho siege of n town do the seneschnls of the watch tower come down to a little postern gate nnd open a wicket nnd take In the lenguerlng unes that thoy may store their weapons within the walls of their enemy city? Such thoughts as these ran through my head only a few nights past at something that took place in the house of representatives office building, writes Earl Godwin in tho Washington Star. You know there are always a pair of suffrage sentinels standing guard at tho corner of New Jersey nvenuo nnd B street opposite the front door of tho house ofllco building. They stand thero with their banners dny after day, day after day. I doubt If any mem ber of congress or nny one of the thousands of men who puss those banners by could repeat properly tho words upon the purple and gold cloth, but, of course, everyone knows the women are emulating soldiers standing guard on n battle line; that they are besieging congress and will not raise the siege until congress capitulates nnd pays a ransom in tho shape of universal suffrage. Well, It was n night or two ago that I saw a skirt switching into a store room in tho house ofllco building, and as I passed the switching skirt I looked further nnd beheld an old employee of the building nnd the two suf frage sentinels. Tho employee had just opened the door with his key and the suffrage sentinels were in the act of leaning their banners against tho wall, to be stored there for the night. Which Is to lnugh 1 The soldiers stand about tho walls all. day, besieging congress; nnd then when night comes, down fall the besiegers' banners, nnd one of those within the walls opens the postern gate and takes Into the bosom of the city tho very ones who are besieging It, that their weapons nnd banners may be safe against the morrow. HEY Ml Come OUT dff Capital Is Waxing Enthusiastic Over Garden Plots GARDENING will be tho principal sport In Washington this summer. At vJ least that Is what H. M. Connolly, expert of the department of agriculture, predicts. He says It will be more popular than golf or fishing. Just what tho essentials of n successful garden are Connolly cxplnlns: "The first essential Is n gardener who Is enthusiastic, willing and likes the work. I met a man the other day who had a plot 10 feet square and he said if he could only find someone to spado It up for him ho would tend to m toty V v& K( L cT5 " nf forward. It Isn't likely that man -m, w v v. . )i lckws i "would D n successful gardener be . febAJf "o, 4k&i?&03B cause If ho was too indifferent to r2v? wSX'r spade It up he would likely bo too in different to enro for It afterward. "The second Is soil. Of course, eomo soils are better than others and make better gardens, but nil this talk about soils being too poor to make gardens out of is bosh. A garden can be started on almost any sort of soil. You can have a good garden on the stlffest sort of yellow clay or the most porous sand. There Is no such thing ns a soil too poor for garden use. "The third essential is the preparation of the soil. If you have n good, rich loam that makes n fine garden you want to keep It In good condition. You can plant rye on It in the fall, and put on a layer of manure, and then spndo It under In the spring. It won't do any good to nut this layer on in the spring. If you have a stiff clay soil that will not nbsorb water quickly you should put coal ashes or something similar In the 'clay to loosen It up, Then, you must spade It when It will crumble not when It Is soaking wet or hard ns a rock. If you have a Bandy soil you want to get some loam In It so that It will hold moisture. JWfA eL Possible Explanation of Old Mare's Queer Name RICKETY old colored man had drawn his horse to a curbstone to let tho circus go by. The ancient mnre stood with n dejected patience that somehow, implied humiliation at hnving to force the season In a rakish hor&fr bonnet that had ouco been blue und red ginghnm trimmed with used-to-bo white fringe. A clrcus-wntchlng person who happened to stand next, and who knows n gentlcmnn when she sees one, asked tho old man If he reckoned his Iiorso knew she had on a midsummer bonnet on a spring day. "Yes'ra., Suttlnly she knows sho got her bonnet on I County Cider nln't nobody's fool. Yes'm. County Cider knows she gotter bonnet on, nn fur thcrmo', she knows why huh, huh!" The person nlso knows a story when It comes her way, and knows wluxt to do with It, so she remarked that tho mnre had n rather queer name. "Well'um, we thinks County Cider got n vchy fine nnme. It como outer a book. I don't know what it call ltse'f on the klver, but there was somo mouty cur'us folks inside. Tho fust nn' fo'must one of nil of 'em cnlled hlsse'f a lord which Is mouty scnn'lous for a wiira of tho uth to name hlsse'f after tho Hebenly Mnrstcr, an' I don't enre who heahs mo say so, nuther an this lord man ho wanted to mnhy a young wlddery lndy name of County Cider. But, law, mam, sho took to her heels an' run nwny with a po' gen'man an' that's how Miss Fan como to chrlsscn tho old mare, because sho run nwny with her ono tlmo when tho two of 'em was coltish an' now little Miss Fan an' all tho res of my white family has gone th'oo the pearly gntes, nn my fus' wife dald, nn' my 'other not nigh the snmo comfort, no, ma'am an' mo an' County Cider, wo Jus' pokes nlong togover. Much obleeged, lady I'm powf'l thusty for n little dram." And tho woman, having paid for her thread of yarn, wondered, ns she reeled It on a pad, If tho pallid old mare's unmo could have started out as arm KEEPING THE CITY ANCIENT ROAD BUILDING 00D ROADS NOW IMPORTANT Transportation of Raw Materials and Finished Products of Far reaching Importance. nighwny authorities nro facing n now public demand which must re ceive at onco tho most careful study. Every resource of tho country must bo utilized to tho utmost and all unpro ductive expenditures of money nnd en ergy must bo stopped. Tho elllcicncy of tho American army nnd navy will bo fostered by greater efficiency nmonj? those cnlled upon to bear tho financial strain on our resources nnd to furnish tho labor nnd material needed to sup ply our armed forces. Tho products of tho forest, mine, farm and factory must bo supplied to both nation nnd private consumer nt tho lowest reasonnblo cost In order that all may contribute their utmost, Rothenburo, Germany, Requires That New Buildings Shall Do Built In Old Style. Thcro Is less enmoness, more per sonality, to bo found among tho differ ent cities of tho German empire than In nny other great modern state. Often you can travel a few miles from ono city to another nnd it Is ns If you hnd crossed an International boundnry and stepped Into n new land. This fact Is duo in largo part to the fact that German unity enmo so lntcv Mnhy of these snmo llttlo cities were Inde pendent nnd nutononious for ns many centuries ns they hnvo been parts of tho German empire for decades. They have built up a tiny nationalism pe culiar to themselves, flavoring their Germanism with a spice that Is nil their own. Such n city above nil others Is Both- enburg, llttlo red llothenburg, with Its trim walls and towers, Its air of an cient sleepiness carefully preserved, Its 10,000 good burghers, who are Itothen enburgers beforo all else, says tho Na tional Geographic Magazine. Almost every Gorman cherishes a friendly nf fectlon for llothenburg; It Is such a homely, comfortable place, with a neatness and a mtnlnturc tessellated beauty that It Is denr to tho Gcrmnn heart. llothenburg Is n city almost every house of which Is quaint and Interest ing. Most of tho houses nro centuries old, and when ono has to bo replaced municipal regulations ordain thnt It shnll bo replaced with ono that Is built In ancient style, nnd blends harmoni ously with tho whole. The flue disci pline the burghers of llothenburg lay upon themselves out of their own nrtlstlc sense of the fitness of things, rather thnn as a bnlt for tho tourists, for as a matter of fact, few tourists visit llothenburg. TO REBUILD COUNTRY ROADS Good Road Near Chicago. whether It bo small or large, to tho national defense. The transportation of rnw materials and finished products becomes far more Important than ever before, for transportation charges form a largj part of the cost of many es sentials. ' Utility must be given more weight thnn heretofore In reaching decisions ns to road improvements and mere en joyment, ordinarily n legitimate ob ject for some expenditure of public funds, must bo relegated to tho back ground for a time. Our roads have uc- qulred an importance ns ngencles In national preparedness which calls for a mobllizntion of our road builders for. tho greatest efficiency In tho broad transportation problems of the coun try. FRECKLES Now Ii tho Time to Get Kid of These Ugly Spot. There' no lonitcr tho sllirlitrst need of feeling aihamcd of your freckles, as tho prescription othlne double strength la cuaranteed to remove three homelv snota. Simply get an ounco of othlne double strength from your druggist, and apply a little of it nigm nna morning ana you iihould Boon lee that even the wont freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter onei nave vanisnca entirely, it is leiaqm that more than one ounce Ii needed to com pletely clear the akin nnd gain a beautiful clear comnlexlon. if a aura to aBK ior mo qoudiq airenain othlne. na thla la sold under cuaranteo of monoy baok If It falls to remove freckles. Aav. Back to Earth. Wo had n friend who had been pret ty prosperous, but who enmo upon evil days. We met him ono day and ho said thnt ho was pretty close to be ing busted, but ho was still hoping. Then ho honked his horn, mournfully, nnd drove nwny, nnd wo didn't seo him again till tho other day when wo bumped Into him on tho street, says tho Cleveland Plalndenlcr. "Hello, old scout I" wo said. "How aro things breaking now?" "Fine!" ho answered. "I'm on my feet ngnln." "Bully 1" wo exclnimcd. "How did you do It?" "Sold my car." Tho Joko was so obvious that wo didn't see It till after ho had gone. Present Rural System Laid Out Hun dred Years Ago Vast Change In Traffic Conditions. Tho nation's rural road system needs rcplanning, Prof. Frank A. Waugh of the Massachusetts Agricul tural college, Amherst, Mass., today told the delegates to tho convention of tho American Civic association. "Our present rural road system was planned years ago and In somo sec tions they were laid out a hundred years ago," ho said. "Traflic condi tions were vastly different then, the automobile had not been invented nnd a largo portion of tho crops produced on ench farm were consumed or man ufactured at homo. . "Up to tho present time major im provements hnvo been confined to di rect trunk lines connecting largo cen ters of population. Such roads, there fore, are especially vnluable for tho movement of heavy freight and nro now being used extensively by auto mobile trucks." , The Ways of a Mule. A person who has harnessed nnd un harnessed n mulo for months may for get himself and stoop for something at tho animal's heels. Then tho mulo, docile for so many days, begins to kick Whop tho luckless driver regains his senses ho Imagines tho mulo had been waiting craftily all those weeks Just to get a good opportunity to kick him, ImnoiiBnt to Mothers Examine carefully ovory bottle of GASTOIUA, that famous old remedy for infunts nnd children, nnd seo that it Bears the stf , Signature of UZz&tr7ZZZZfa In Ubo for Over 39 Yean. Children Cry for Fletcher's Cnstoria Didn't Do It. "Ho's always knocking tho married men." "Yes, I know It." "Only a few years ago ho told mo ho was Just crnzy to get married." "That's right, hut It seems ho wasn' qulto crnzy enough." CLIMBED STAIRS ON HER HAND Too III to Walk Upright. Operation Advised. Saved by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. TJitn TOimnn nnw rnlnna rritMrnna finrl docs manual labor. Rend her story: T?llitnnnr1. Tnd. "For t.wn vnnrfl I was so sick and weak with troubles from my ngo tnot whon going up stairs I hod to go very slowly with my hands on tho Btcps, then sit down nt tho top to rest. Tho doctor said ho thought I should hnvo an operation, nnd my friends thought I would not live to movo into our now house. My ilntiirhtnr nuked mo in trv T.vrltn V.. PInklmm's Verrotnblo Compound na Bho had taken it with good results, i uta so, my wcuKncsa uib nppearcd, I gained in Btrencth, moved into our new homo, did all kinds of f garden work, shoveled dirt, did build ng and cement work, and raised hun dreds of chickens nnd ducks. I can not say enough in praise of Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound nnd it ineso incia are useiui yuu may puu- ItaVt tVinm fnr flin hannfit. nf other women." Mrs. M. 0. JOHNSTON.Routo D, Box 190,' Richmond, Ind. ECZEMA! Money back without question If HINT'S OUKK fnllB In the treatment of ITCH, KCZKMA, ltlNaWOnI,TKTTERorothcr Itchltitr skin diseases. Price 60a nt druggists, or direct from ft, b. Hienarai mentis ca. , siumis, hi. DAISY FLY KILLER Sl??"8, all file. N..i,ti..o. orntmftnUl,, LuM ill Muon. Midi of tn.Ul, eui'ttplU or tip T.r will not wll et Injur, injihlni. CJo.r tntovd .tTKllT.. BoUbr di.l.ri, or Pent by pr.M pr.ptll tot $1.00. HAROLD SOMlPt, ISO DC KALB AVt MOGKLYN, H. V. WntsonB.Colenmn,Wth Ington.U.U Hoof free. Illgb est retorenoei. Uett results. n m PATENTS W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 25-1917. The Desired Effect. "Mnssahl I sho' is In a phudlcky- munt, snh," whined Brother Slewfoot "Muh chlld'en hns dono got do mumps, nnd got 'cm so pow'ful pom pous tint yo' kin hear 'cm cl'nr ncrost do streot. And I wlsht you'd plcnso gtmino 'bout naffer dollnh, say, to buy somo modlclno for 'em. When nil deni eight chlld'en gits mumpln' at once, do sound " "Pshnw I You enn't hear tho mumps. Slowfoot, you nro an nbnoralnnblo linrl" "Ynssahl And won't yo plcnso gimme dat haffer dollnh for beln' do most 'bom'nblo Hnr yo' hns mot dls bright mawnln', snh? Uh-yawl Haw I haw I" Judge. DRAG IS FUNDAMENTAL TOOL . ' i" It Is Simplest and Cheapest of All Im plements Not Difficult of Operation. Economy in rond building calls for consideration of tools, consideration of operntlon, and comparison of results. On nil those points tho split-log drag scoren n bull's-eye. It is tho simplest nnd cheapest of oil road tools. And It 13 tho cheapest and easiest to operate. And, when assisted by farm imple ments, it can bo made to do anything thnt needs to bo done in building tho average curth rond; with results that It is difficult to obtain with any other tool, no matter how expensive It may be. Men learn more aH they grow older. Women never grow older. Twenty-Five Years' Experience With This Kidney Medicine It is a quarter of a century since I in troduced Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root to my trade and they all speak very favor ably regarding it, and some friends said it is tho best medicine they have ever used. The sale we have enjoyed on the preparation and the splendid reputation that it feels 1b a positive proof that it is ono of the most meritorious remedies oa tho market. Very truly yours, P. E. DRITTON, Druggist. I Nov. 28th, 1010. Jonesboro, Term. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer t Co., Binghamton. N. Y., for a sample size bot tle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable infor mation, telling about the kidneys and blad der. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Adv. Long Enough and Cold Enough. Tho winter that has Just closed was tho longest n'nd coldest winter In 8-10 years, so It Is announced by tho "old est Inhabitant in England." Well, wo can eaBlly believe him, but Isn't ho nn old fellow and hnsn't ho a wonder ful memory? Provldendco Bulletin. An ensv mnrk by any other nnme would bo Just ns foolish. Cnllfornla supplies one-qunrter of nil tho fruit consumed by tho peoplo of tho United Stntes. Conducive to Happiness. Good roads are more conducive to human happiness than Kood diges tion. You can coddle your digestion with molted milk, but thcro Is noth ing more certnln to convert n cow- path Into a hard-surfaced highway than brains, plus money, plus con crete. Patience Rewarded. Pntlcnt work with tho drag when ever necessary during tho season will mcun more for our roads thun will Canadian Farmers Profit From Wheat The war's devastation of European crops has caused an unusual demand tor grain from the American Conti nent The people of the world must bo fed nnd wheat near $2 a bushel offers great profits to the farmer. Canndn's invitation is therefore especially attractive. She wants settlers to make money nnd happy, prosperous homes for themselves by helping her raise immense wheat crops. can get a Homestead of 1G0 acres FREE and other lands at remarkably low prices. During-many years Canadian wheat fields have averaged 20 bushels to the acre many yields as high as 45 bushels to the acre. Wonderful crops also of Oats, Barley and Flax. Mixed farming as profitable an industry as grain rais ing The excellent grosses full of nutrition are the only food required for bed or dairy purposes. Good schools, churches, markets convenient, climate excellent. There Is an extra demand for farm labor to replace the minr roang men who bite TolnnWMirea far tbe war. Tbe OoTernmenv is urging farmers to put ultra. aeresK" luto sraln. Write for literature and particulars aa to roduord railway rates to Hnpt. of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, at W. V. DENNETT Room 4, Dee Dldg., Omah. Neb. Canadian Government Agent l Yob a , uaV fl -ft" Mr Countess Ida ! trying for bond Issues.