The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 03, 1917, Image 4

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' ' 1
You'll need goggles ;
on the Fourth
r r.-
Whether you motor, ploy golf, yo to -
the ball game, go fishing, watch the
fun in town or celebrate at home i
whatever you do, you'll enjoy it more
if your eyes are comfortable, .,,
Auto goggles will protect your eyes
from the bright light and add to V;
your fun. H
Buy a pair at Clinton's. We have
the style you want, at the price
you like.
50c to
Jewelor and Optician,
At Uio Sign of Uio Big Ring.
Mi Frank Dotor was a passongor
for Donvor Sunday! .
,Ml88 Holon Cross wont .to Omalia
Sunday to tako a course In nurso train
ing. ' Miss Edith Armour, of Grand Viow,
Idaho, 1b a guo3t at tho John Knox
" Mtbn natllff returned to Sidney Sun
day af tor visiting friends in town for
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bakor loft Sun
day for a vlslit with friends at Bon
ton, Iowa.
Sco II. II. Lantlgraf for painting,
pRpor hanging and decorating, l'liono
IHack 570. Il-tf
Mrs. A. C. Howard roturncd to Den
ver yestorday aftor visiting frlonds In
town for Bovoral days.
Mr. and Mrs. Iosiar Tarklngton and
children loft Sunday for Omaha, whoro
thoy will visit for sovoral days.
"VV. L. Park and son Ed, and Mr. and
Mrs. Ouy Congdon, who woro visitors
In town, returned to Chicago Saturday,
I now havo funds 'at 6 per corit
on cholco bottom table land. Ooho
Crook, Room 4, Keith thoatro Bldg.
Mrs. John McCafoo, who had been a
guost at tho Ell and Austin homes for
two wooks, roturnod to Choycnno
Mr. and Mrs. J. Vf, Fetors announco
tho arrival of a ton and one-half pound
boy at tholr homo on Wednesday of
last wook.
Logal pormlsslon to wod waB grant-.
uuu(,o 1'iuitvii riiiiuy 10 rinij
Thornburg and' Mabol Lumago, "both
of Dickons.
Tho county commissioners aro sitting
today as a board of equalization, and
this will 1)0 tholr nnal session as
equalizers of assossmonts.
Warron. Doollttlo, who lives south of
town, and Miss Clara Armstrong, of
this city, fwbro marrlold Friday, Arch
deacon Bowker officiating.
Sorvlco Dodgo and Chovrolot re
pair parts on hand for our owners at
North Platte-, that's what wo call sor
vlco, no costly waits or dolays. J. V.
RonilKh. Qamxa 47.
The McDonald State Bank has
money to lend to its customers and
to tho merchants and farmers of
Lincoln County,
We offer every accomodation that
is consistent with sound bonking,
wo havo faith in this county and its
people and know its needs.
Wo therefore know to what extent
credit is proper and are prepared to
give it to the fullest degreo upon
favorable terms.
Consult us in confidence and with
out obligation.
M? Donald
Flold Agent Bryai, of tho American
Beet Sugar Co., says sugar boots In his
section aro looking flno. Tho work of
thinning (wjll bo finished this week.
Sco' Julius Moironson for nil Idmln
ptP. &0. farm implements and wag
ons. , 34tf
Ray Murray, of Lincoln, spent the
lattor Ipart of last week In town vis
iting his brother Fpank, transacting
business and attending- tho celebra
Wanted ItouHCltkiUjior Uo stay at
prlvato homo for sy wook or two. Good
wages to rospoftfeiblo party. Phono
309. 40-2
Tho Plerson bowling alloy on oast
Slxtli street iaa been clonixl for ihn
summer, and tho manager loft Sun
day for IoVn. Tho placo will bo opon
cd In thoall.
Mr. tid Mrs. J. II. Horshey, who had
beon'Wiosts at tho W. II. McDonald
homyfor two wooks, left Sunday for
Oklahoma City, whoro thoy will mako
thIr futuro homo.
Miss Ruth Streltz is now employed
in Uio stato banking dopartment in Lin
coin, a position that has a vory nico
salary attached. Sho Is vory much
ploaged with her work
Farm and Ranch loans at lowest
rates and best terms. Money on hand
to closo loans promptly.
Tho rocont break In tho All at the
rlvor brldgo at Brady has boon re
paired and traffic resumed. Tho high
water In tho rlvor Is croatlng now
channols In tho vicinity of Uio brldgo
W. H. Johnston, who with Mrs. John
ston has boon visiting frlonds in tolntn
for ten dkiya, will loavo Monday for
Bayard, whoro ho will assist In plas
toring tho now hotol Henry Woll, of
this city, Is building.
Tho Swodlsh Luthoran poplo will
hold a picnic at Uio Frank Strollborg
grovo at Blrdwood Siding tomorrow
and Invito tho gonoral public to at
tond. A flno dlnnor will bo sorvod; to
au at a vory rcasonablo prlco.
Tho Elatto th'oatro building owned
by Julius Hahlor, rooontly damagod
by flro, will now bo xobutlt, and prob
ably enlarged by oxtondlng t back to
Uio alloy lino. Workmen started yos
torday to cloan up Uio rubbish.
State Bank K
A Dclldt Exists.
Tha scml-contennini .colobratlon
closed Saturday evening and at the
termination tho officers woro forced
to tho conclusion that tho celebration
liad boon given at an outlay consider
ably greater Uian tho receipts. It was
flguJrlued that tho receipts from the
grand stand and bleachors together
with tho percentage and rents from the
concessionaires would meet tho ex
penscs, but the revenues from theso
sources wero Insufficient. Tho'storm
Wednesday night resulted In a loss of
probably ono thousand dollars In grand
stand fees and per contagee from con
cessionaires. Had a small admission
fco to tho park been charged, tho col
obratlon would havo paid out. The
amount of tho deficit has not boon as
yet nscortainqd, as it will requlro scv
eral days to audit tho accounts, and
tho members of tho holding company
will then go down in tholr pockets anj
pay tho deficiency.
Files Suit for Damages
Hans P. Larsen. who lives seven
miles souUi of town, through his at
torney W. E. Shuman, has filed a
damago suit for Uirco thousand dol
lars against C. I. Lqwtis, who lives on
tho sotoith odgo of town. Tho suit is
tho result of an auto collision which
occurred May 20th In tho sounth part
of town when cars drlvon by tho two
men camo togothor. In this smash-up
Larson's knee was dislocated), his wlfo
Injured, Ills boy suffprod a broken rib
and his daughtor a fractured leg. For
medical sorvlco, hospital fees, Joss of
work and mental anguish tho above
amount is asked.
At tho tlmo of Uio accident Lowls
claimed that two boys with fish epcara
woro In tho road ahead of him, that
thoy would not gctout of tho w&y, and
In order to avoid striking them turned
oout and falling to seo tho Larson car
run Into it.
Mario llorgan as "Buttercup"
Now York and Philadelphia folks
pack tho thoatros ovory night of Mario
Horgan's arVpcaranco In those, cities
Tho Chautauqua has earned for Itself
groat credit in securing such a won
derful playor and singer to tako tho
part of "Llttlo Buttercup" in Uio
mammoth production of "Pinafore" to
bo given at tho local Chautauqua this
season. Tho production of such a lay
with tho same principals who took Uio
parts in tho largest cltlos of tho coun
try, is a distinct revelation In Chita
tauqua circles. Tho prchostra, the
cIiotus, tho scenery and lighting lef-
foots aro to bo brought horo w4th pie
samo regard for details as with Uio
stago production'.
Sam Soudcr Is Happy.
County Treasurer Soudor is feollng
his best those dayVduo to tho fact that
fort a month past hbJias boon spending
tho evenings, nlghtovind early morn
ings in tho country.' bout a month'
ago whon L. E. Jones, tftNlchols pro
dnct, wont to Illinois, Mr. Sidor and
family took possession of thcSJones
nomo, sam uinvinjr out in uio ovojfjjrg
and roturnlng In tho morning, V
chickens and a gardon to look aftoi
and a cow or two to milk, tho county
trensuror is having tho tlmo of his
Hfo during tho evening and morning
SuUicrlnnd Wants Now Building,
Tho pooplo of tho Sutherland school
district will vote on stuily 24th on Uie
proposition of issuing ?36,000 for Uio
orection of a now school building for
that bustling and ovor-growlng vlllagel
Tho people bollovo In building not dnly
for tho prosont but for tho futuro, and
therefore will vote sufficient bonds to
put up a structuro that will fill the re
quirements for a numbor of years to
como. A $36,000 school building will
certainly be a crodlt to tho community.
Wo oiro iroquostod to announco that
tho Christian aid socioty will not meet
until July 19th,
Buffalo Bill's Ranch Sold.
, Buffalo Bill's famous T. E. ranch
near Cody, Wyo has boon sold to a
Philadelphia millionaire who wlUi Ills
faintly will spend tho summers on tho
ranch. Tho salo incnulos COO ncros of
fortllo soil, 300 head of cattlo and 100
hoad of horsos. Tha T. E. ranch was
famous as tho wlntor roatdonco of
Colonol Coddy and It was thoro Uiat he
ontortalnod mllllonalra and royalty.
Tho sconory surrounding tho ranch
Is considered as flno as any in Wy
oming. Co. K Only Fuil Company
Company E, of this city, Is tho only
company In tho Fifth regiment that Is
recruited up to war strength, Uio oth
or twolvo companies lack from flfteon
to fifty or moro mon. Company E's
BtrongUi is 1GG mon, Uiough UUs num
bor will bo somowhnt reduced through
physlcar dofects found among those
who havo not yot passed tho oxain?
inatlon. Howovor, thoso rojoctedawl
not bring tho number bolowrwar
Fourth of July KrcntUf Sorvlco
y KrcnlJr Scnl
11 cliiuiai at 8 o'c
At tho Luthoran clittTi at 8 o'clock
A comblnod prayar aorvlca Tho
churches Uiat har pastors will com-
iWn Uioil' ijtUfFibck B'orvlA3. All
christian pooplo aro invited to at
tend. It Is a vory appropriate thing to
Henry Suulllvan, of tjils city, wns
drowned early Saturday morning whilo
bathing in tho North Platto rlvor a
short distanco south of tho Lincoln
Highway brldgo. Henry, In com
pany fwlth Ed Yates, Honry Simon and
Leo Dobbins had been at Uio cclcbra
tloon grounds, and! near midnight ono
of them proposed Uiat they drive In
tho Yates car to tho bridge. Arriving
there, Sullivan, Yates and Simon con
cluded to go In bathing and selected n
spot a short dlBtanco bolow the
brlgo whero the water as later
found was slxtoon feet deep with a
swiftly flowing current, Dobbins re
maining int ho car. After they had
been in tho water ton or fifteen min
utes Yates noticed that Sullivan, who
Uas woll out In tho stream, seemed to
bo struggling as though drowning. He
Immediately swam out to him and
grasping -him by tho wrist attempted
to tow whim to shoro, when Sullivan
clung to Yates so Ughtly Uiat Uio lat
tor could not uso hi arms. Tho iiwo
men struggled for several minutes
when Yatos succoeded in freeing hini
solf and started for shore, and had not
Simon at this time camo to his res
cuo ho as well as Sullivan would) havo
met a watery grave. After landing
Yates, it was eomo little Umo before
Simon could fully resustlcato him.
Word was at onco brougt to tofrn
and a soarchlng party started out
about threo o'clock in Uio morning, but
it was not aimtll nearly noon that tho
body was discovered lodgodi against a
sand bar well outx in tho river at a
point about a millo bolotw; tho Blank
enburg ranch. Tho party making Uio
discovery was Homer Musselman and
Rob Sullivan. WTUi U16 assistance of
others Uio body was brought to shore,
Sheriff Salisbury and) Undertaker Ma-
lonoy woro notified, and Uio remains
brought to tho Malonoy morgue.
Tho funeral will 00 'hold . from the
family resldenco at 2:30 this after
Tho deceased, he son of P. H. Sul
Uvan, was born in Uiis city Janiuary 11,
1878, and had always maxEa his homo
horo. Ho had a wico acquaintance in
tho county and city Iwfhich ho had
largely gained! by Ills pleasant manners
and opon hoartedness. Ho was par
ticularly attached to tho members of
tho family, and to them his sudden
'passing away camo as a prostrating
shock Ho la Burvlvod1 by tho father,
four sisters and tlwp brothers.
: :o: :-
Mrs. F.. J. Wurtelo loft Saturday for
Donvor and oUier Colorado points, ex
pecting to bo absent several months.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Connolly re
turned Saturday from Uiolr wedding
trip to California and jlll be at homo
la tha Alex Fenwlck residence on
west Sixth.
No rural or city deliveries will bo
mado from tho local postofflco tomor
row on account of. Uio day Ibolng a
legal holfiday. Tho delivery window
will, hotw)avcr, bo open from nine until
ton o'clock.
WeaUior forecast for North Platto
tnd vicinity ParUy cloudy: tonignt
anld tomorrow, warmer tonight. Hirii
ost tenrporaturo yesterday 83, a year
ago 92; lowest last night 55, a year
ago 70.
' ::o::
Salt n?'?oothb7u'the.
Our dentist tells us a very interest
ing thing. Ordinary salt is ono of
tho best methods for sterilizing tooth
brushes that aro known. But not only
becauso it sterilizes is it so excellent,
but becauso it hns tbo effect of soften
ing tho bristles and making them ex
pand In n way. Ono of tho troubles so
frequently met with Is that Uio brlsUes
como out mid aro swallowed, causing
appendicitis. Tho salt causes tho bris
tles to swell and so remain in tho
brush. This may bo but another of
tho several million theories. It is im
portant, however, that bristles do causo
appendicitis. Now York Globe.
Substitute For Tobacco.
Throughout tho tropical orient the
natives employ a substltuto for tobac
co consisting of n sllco of arcca palm
nut, wrapped In betel leaf, flavored
with n flno Hmo mndo of nntlvo sea
shells and colored with carmine. The
habit Is universal, especially with tho
women, and sellors of "hotel nut" may
bo seen on many of tho street corners
in Saigon mid other cities of Iudo
China. Handsome Serenity.
"Georgo Washington was nevor guilty
of deception."
"Maybe not. I don't believe, la fact,
that ho ever looked Hko his pictures
on our postago stamps. But, of course,
ho wai't responslblo for them."
tgtcal Conclusion.
biros must bo quick tern-
o "Why?"
"Bccnuso seems so dangerous to
cross thom."tBaUlmoro American.
No Hangings.
Him How dty you like tho stnge
hangings in thaLshaKespearo show?
Ho There woronY nohauglngs, y'
boobl Ho (tilled Aft- wlfU n sword.
Men who nro low ami ore falling do
not revolt. It Is men who. although
they may bo low, aro rising who re
volt. W. G. Sumner.
Vernor and Philip Mitchell aro
spondltfg this week wjlh their grnml
mo'thon, Mrs. Mitchell; in Lexington.
Goo. L. Carter, of Lincoln, spent yes
terday in town visiting frlonds and
supplying local doalors wfiUi ammunition.
Thursday's program at the Keith
will bo "A Lovo Subllmo" with Wilfred
Lucas and Bessie Love and the comedy
"Hobbled Hearts."
Tho Golden Rulo Blblo class of the
Presbyterian church will meet Friday
afternoon with Mrs. Georgo Rodgors,
1203 west Second street.
Dr. D. T. Qul'gley, who had been
vislUng In town for a day or two re
tmrnod to Omaha Sunday. Mrs.
Quigloy Avlll return today.
A man dapped Into tho postofflco
yestorday wiUi a folded baby cart
vffilch hq sent by parcels post Ton
years from now Uio farmer will prob
ably receive his mowing machine by
If you are Wanting
Get themlat once. tx s;
Season Short.
Supply Limited.
Phone 208.
We will try and supply your wants.
One Naturally Feels Chagrined
to see his neighbors making improvements,
which are just as badly need on his own
premises. The thing to do is to follow
suit. You'll feel better and your property
will be benefitted. Keep pace with the ira
provement of the day and see us for
Lumber and Building Material
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
"It's the good Red Crown in
the tank that does it."
Your engine picks up eagerly
pulls smoothly when throt
tled down. Look for the Red
Crown sign.
Polarine Oil stops power leaks.
i h mi J-UDncates efficiently
XiVn l
J. W. Payne!1 says tho crying jn.eod
on Uio farms today'ls -laborer. Wlth
tho alfalfa hardest .In 'progress' and
corn needing cultivation holp Is bad
ly needed, but cannot bo obtained. Mr.
Payno was Tooklng for four men yes
torday aftornoon and succeeded In so
curing tho services of ono.
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug
Tho city council will meet In session
thlB evening and it Is expected that a
police Judge 'will bo appointed to fill
tho unexpired; torm. L. L. Mlltonborg
6t Is an cppllcant'for tho position. Un
dor tho now law tho mayor can ap
point, and tho appointment neod not
bo confirmed by tho council.
Tho sand dam at Uio hcadgato of
tho Platto Valley Irrigation canal
norUiwost of town has como In for Its
sharo of tho dadmago (wfrought by tho
high water In tho norUi rlvor. It Is
also reported that tho cement dam
Uioro is being affected by tho action
of. Uio river. Sutherland Froo Lance.
Platte, Nebr.
at all times.
cDxailia Omaha