The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 03, 1917, Image 1

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    Ill I IMMMJll
No. 49
A lease was executed today whoroby
tho Block's Ladles' Furnishing Goods
Store will become tho tenant of tho
Hahlor building on tho west sldo
of Dowoy. This building was dam
aged by flro a couplo of months ago,
and will now bo rebuilt In accordance
with tho plans suggested by Mr. Block
and as needed by him In making, as
ho alms, his storo tho leading estab
lishment of its kinkl' in tho wost part of
tho state. Mr. Block loasea both floors
of tho building, tho lower room to be
used for ladles' furnishings, tho sec
ond floor exclusively for coats, suits
and dresses. A modern front will bo
put in With largo show windows on tho
second floor In which will bo dis
played tho approved styles of women's
wear, which can bo soon from tho op
posite sido of tho street. In tho roar
of tho lower floor a balcony will be
built In which will bo located Mr.
Block's office and a ladles' rest room
Tho building will bo steam heated, and
tho lighting will be of tho most mokl-
orn typo. Additional light will bo pro
vided on tho second floor through a
skylight It Is expected to have tho
building ready for occupancy by Oc
tober first
The traflte of tho Block storo has so
Increased that larger quarters were
necessary; in fact for a year past the
business has been seriously handicap
ped by lack of room.
In tho now quarters a larger and
more varied stock will foe carried, tho
merchandise can bo displayed to bet
ter advantago and customers will havo
more, conveniences, all of which will
tend to increase tho volume of busi
ness I'&ds
: :o: :
Everett Evans and Albln Sandall,
who art) in tho naval camp at Noir
folk, Va., write that- they are feeling
fine. They expect to bo sent out as
second class seamen in a week or two.
Orklinarlly seamen aro trained for six
months, tbut on account of tho crowd'
ed condions at Norfolk; fxnly elix
weeks' training is now given, but it is
of tho most intensive nature.
Entertains at Luncheon
An onjoyablo function was given In
town Friday when Mrs. Wm. Jcffors
of Omaha, entertained at llunchoon In
Mr. Joffofs' privato car a number of
ladies wflio woro school girl friends in
North Platte. Tho luncheon was brll.
liant in its apipqtntananta, and the
hostosa gracious in hor hospitality.
Covors wero laid for Mr3. Homer Race,
Misa Fannlo Brown, Mrs. J. B. Hayes
and Mrs. D. T. Qulgloy, now Omaha
residents, Mra. II. II. Wornort, of
Kearney, and Mrs. R. C. Langford,
Mrs. Adda Turplo, Mrs. A. A. Schatz,
Miss Noll Hartman, jlrs. E. F. Soe
borger and Mrs. Mary Dunn, of this
city. Events of a score of yoars ago
woro recalled and related, and the
luncheon hours passed; most delight
fully. ::o::
B. of . F. Si E. l'lcnlc.
Tho Ladles' Auxiliary of tho B. of L.
F. & E. will hold a basket picnic for
all members of tho B of L. F. & E. and
families, and also for locomotive ilre
me . who aro not members, at tho city
park July 4th. It is expected that all
who attend forlng their baskets well
filled for dinner and supper. Tho pic
nic will bogln at ten o'clock in tho
forenoon. Thero will bo a program of
entertainment that Is certain to please
all who attend. COMMITTEE,
48-2 Ladies' Aux. B. of L. F. & E.
"The Parson of fananilnt" with
Dustin Famum at Uio Keith tonight
portrays a story of tho orudo typo of
manhood and womanhood which pre
vadod tho scones of '49. Into tills at
mosphere comes a young parson, sim
ple mindted and strong hearted. How
Mr. Farnum as tho parsoon subdues
tho town; brings cafe retainers and
church hypocrites Into his folr, re
generating their lives and purifying
ttieir thoughts makes a lasting im
pression on tho mind.
Thos. Sawyer returned yesterday
from a visit in Kansas City. Mrs
Sawyer and children ivill remain In
that city for a week or so.
J. E. Sebastian loft last night for
Ltacolni whero ho will transact busi
ness for several days.
Cody Boal, grandson bf tho lato Col.
Wm. F. Ookly, and Miss Elva Day,
daughter of John H. Day, woro mar
ried last ovonlng nt tho homo of tho
bride's parents. Only members of tho
family and a few dritimato friends wore
prosenti Atohdoacon Bowkor of
ficiated, using tho Episcopal church
form. Tho brido was attended by Miss
Mario Bowen and tho groom by John
Bakor. IIoHiho decorations wore cut
and garden flowors .
Following tho ceremony a wedding
supper was served and Mr. nnd Mils.
Boal loft on a. night- train on a wed
dding trip to Denver and other Colo
rado points.
The wodld'ing- of thoso two very
worthy young people is tho culmina
tion of a school friendship, both at
tending and graduating from tho local
high school . Mrs . . Boal is as bright
and good as Mr. Boal is manly, and
thoy start out on. life's Journey with
tho best wishes of all friends, and tho
lattor aro many.
Drugs. No Surgery. No Osteopathy.
Pressure On Nerves Causes Disease!
Graduate of
Davenport, la.
Chiropractic is the science of
locating and adjusting pressure
from nerves.
Every organ in the body is con
trolled by mental impulses
(nerve force) from the brain",
these impulses are transmitted
over the spinal cord and nerves
to the organs.
A subluxation .(slight displace
ment) of one or more Vertabrae'(bones) of the spinal colum
(back-bone) will cause pressure on the nerve as it passes out
from the spinal cord between, the vertabrae.
Pressure interferes with the transmission of the mental
impulses (nerve force) Disease is the expression of Mental
Impulses (nerve force) so interferred with. "Normal mental
impulses express HEALTH."
The spine and nervous system are' tho Chiropractors
Special study. The people of this vocation are SPINE
SPECIALISTS. Chiropractic is not a cure-all and has not
abolished death. We do claim, however, that there is no
health system that is so eflective for good. If you have
tried everything else without results, try ChiropracticSpinal
Adjustments and get well.
Office: Building and Loan Building.
PHONE 70. Permanently located in North Platte
Dtepatohos from Washington todny
state that yestorday Pmesldont "Wilson
set in motion tho wheels of tho huge
draft machinery. Army men stato
that in all probability tho first cnll ivtill
result In tho iralslng of ono million
fighting men, other lovios bolng mado
as tho first call troops aro trained for
flcfld duty. Furthor details of tho
proclamation will, bo mado known
within a shoilt time. A proclamation In
full will ho mailed to every publica
tion in tho country with tho requost
that It bo 'ptu'bllahod Jn Its entirety.
Tho local exemption board In North
Platto has been organllzod, and certain
instructions havo boon given tho mem
bers, so when tho president's procla
mation is lsssuod giving Uio Idatoa of
tho sitting of tho board business can
siart promptly on tho dato.
Juno Weather.
Tho rainfall last month was 2.38
Inches, compared ' with 3.09 Inches in
Juno, lOlG, and1 3.39 Indies Uio sumo
month in 191B. Tho normal for tho
month is 3.25, so wo woro nearly an
Inch short of tho avorago for Juno. In
Juno, 1905, wo had 7.C5 inches. Tho
highest temporaturo laBt month was 98
degrees, tills ocduirrlng on tho 24th. Tho
hottest Juno day wo havo over had was
104., Last month, howovor, was somo-
what cooler than tho avorago Juno.
Tho doflcloncy In prtoclpltation since
January fltBt is 1.14 lncho. Tho
highest voloclty attained by tho wind
was 38 niilcs, this occurring on tho
-: :o: :-
Though tho dlspatchos toll us that
coal at tho mines oast of the Mlsslislp-
'pl riven has been rdduced a dollar
a ton, Uio operators in Wyoming and
Colorado mado an ald'vanco of 25 and
50 cents a ton ion July 1st This places
tho prlco at tilio samo level it was be
fore Uio recent reduction. Iloclc
Springs coal delivered in your hin in
North Platto costs you nlno dollars a
ton. Though local dealers are up In
Uio air as regards futuro prices, they
aro buying and storing coal with a vlovv
of supplying patrons this fall and win-
tor regardless of what Uio prices may
bo at Uiat time.
Bids for painUng Uio intorlor walls
of the library building villl bo received
by tho Puiblic Library Board up to noon
Monday, July 9tlii Tho Board de
sires bids on both ono and twlo coat
work with Hat paint. Bids aro to bo
filed. jnfitli Uio secretary of the board,
A. O. Kramph. Tho Board reserves
tho right to reject any and all bids.
It Is probable that homo grown now
potatoes will be in Uio market before
Uio ond) of Uils week, Thoy will prob.
ably start at a "price of Ave cents a
pound and decline as tho supply in
creases. With the acreago in potatoes
this year, tho indications aro that you
iwpil bo able to huy thorn for a dollar
a bushel this fall.
Hog Millet Seed for sale. Inquire
of Thomas Orton, 209 south Maplo
street, North Platto. 47tf
Fred Gairlow sends us a copy of a
Cody, Wyoming, tiaper-. telling of Uio
Red Cross drive In that town which re
smilted in subscriptions amounting to
$5,906. Cody Is really a 'village com
pared with. North Platto and yot sub.
scribed! practically as much as wo 3
Mrs. Will Bretornltz, who visited
friends in town last wook, returned
to her homo in Sidney Saturday.
Mrs. Herman Schloutor has return
ed from Grand Island, whoro sho vis
itejd' hor parents fora week.,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Plumor, of Max
well, leave today for Los Angolos.
Thoy spont the wlntor in southern Cal
ifornia anjdf woro so woll pleased with
conditions that Uioy return to per
haps remain permanently,
Miss Schwaigor and Miss Hubbartt
returned last evening from Kearney.
Mrs. Josoph Sell roturnod: to Omaha
yesterday aftor visiting friends In
J. G. Boolor is transacting legal
business in Ogalala today. .
Will Present Homo Film.
C. D. Tlnsloy, who roprosonts tho
Superior Film Co., of Dos Molnos, la,
has boen in town for sovoral days get
ting up tho scenario and dactors for a
homo film which will bo prosonted nt
tho Keith July 19 and 20. Included In
Uio film will bo Uio soml-contonnlal pa
raiddc, a collision hetween two autos
at tho corner of Sixth and Deploy, a
homo scono at Uio rosldenco of E. R.
Godihnan and a wedding at tho Presby
terian church. Those scones will bo
intorwovon in a drama ontltlod "Tho
Open Switch." Featured in the homo
films will bo Miss Louise Ottonstoln,
Mrs. Frank Buchanan, W. J. Tlloy,
Ernost Rincltor an'di Ralph Coatos, and
a dozon or oaioro socioty girls will ap
pear In tho wedding scono. Tho aluito
collision is bookd tv occur sometime
this forenoon, nnd tho wedding scono
ajlll bo enacted at tho Prosbytorlan
church Thursday evening.
Russia Renews righting.
Tho soldiers of how Russia have as
sumed Uio aggressive For Uio firBt
time since tho revolution last March,
Russian troops havo begun an attack
on an extonslvo scalo. Along n front of
eighteen and ono-half miles In tho ro-
gloon of Brzezany, Galacla, Russian
troops' havo storm ed- Uio Gorman po
sftlons, Borlln says tho Russians suf
fered heavy losses and woro compolloj
to rotlro before tho German flro. Tho
attack was mado intho section south
east of Lembarg, whoro the artlllory
firing has been hoiufy recently.
Dlvlslon Master MechanUo Beery, of
Grand Island, is spending today In
Miss Mildred Pffcor returned to
Grand Island! yostorday after a visit
with 'relatives in town.
Miss Kathotino Fonthors rotluirnod
to Ogalalla yestorUay aftor a wook's
visit with Mnsl, Edw. Weston.
John Kolth, who had boon in this
sccUon for several weeks, loft Sun
day for his homo in Hollywood, Cal.
Tho morry-gorround sounded Its last
noto at 12 o'ewek Saturday night, tho
fakirs, and showmen folded up their
tents hotyrffim midnight and morning,
tho vrUC horses woro takon back to Uio
Sunday morning, and by Sun-
ovening tho street and stcJro dec
orations had been removed, thus ro
moving tho last vlstago of the colobra
tlon. Yesteday North Platto restuan
sumod tho samo old business in the
same old way, and oun fiftieth anni
vorsary has already entered into Uio
nearly forgotten past.
Tho Indopondonco Day program at
tho Crystal Will bo tho Blue Bird feat
uro, "Treason," a military melodrama
of patriotic lns'plraIon reflecting tho
martial mood of two hemispheres to
day. It is an appeal to loyalty and lovo
of country.
For Salo 191C Dodgo touring car,
good condition, cheap; will now out
wear two cheap cars. J. V. Romigh
doalor. 48-
Tho Stato Industrial School band
passed through to Ogalalla Uils morn
ing whoro tho boys will play during
tho threo-day round-up.
The patented
Bottle holder.
An exclusive
feature m'ti tie
rf ffilffiKP j
-: tots-
Down nt Tocumsoh, Nob., tho Rod
Cross fund Is receiving lifts in raUior
peculiar mannora. Threo mon gave a
yenrllng whlto facod calf to bo sold
at auction. Local auctioneers donat
ed! Uioir services and tho calf was plac
ed on tho block. Tho animal was
knocked off for $100 to Tocumsoh bus
inoss mon, after which tho aucUonoors
passed Uioir hats in Uio crowd and so
cured $88 in addition to tho salo funds.
Tho partlos buying tho calf announced
that tho animal would bo rosold In
Uio ovoning for tho samo causa His
calfshlp wns sold from tho band
stand in Uio court yard during a band
concort, tho aucUonoors' ring bolng
occupied by tho best talent in tho coun
try. Again Uio calf was sold for $100.
Hats woro again passed and
funds amounting to ovor $70 raised.
And still again tho buyor of Uio calf
nnuouncod that tho animal would be
placed on tho block noxt band concort
night, Tuesday ovonlng, and bo sold.
i tot i
Mr. and Mrs. 'Clias. Mooro, of Fre
mont, havo boon guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Eugono Holoombo for sovoral
days past.
Keith Theatre, July 4.
comes to America as
The latest Chaplin picture. See his cares and for-
get your own. 4
Vitagraph Feature
"The Courage of Silence"
Sewerage connection on threo floors.
More Sunliglit More Ventilation.. r
An abundance of hot and cold water.
We acknowledge having the only sanitary soe.king
and sterilizing machine for cleaning bottles in North
Just a little touch of more goodness in each bottle.
Our factory built to preserve your health.
Our products will help you. Ask your dealer for them.
Cleanliness and carefulness our watch-word. ,
Costs no more. Why trifle with yourself? You can't,,
afford to take the chance. " "
We want you to be with us We are for you.
The "STAR" on the bottle. ,
Yours to give satisfaction.