The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 29, 1917, Image 8

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    IRA L. BABE. Editor and PeMIiker.
One Year by Mall In Adtunce. . . .11
One Tear by Carrier In Advanco. .$L60
EJntored at North Platte, Nobranka,
PostofHco as Second Class Matter.
FRIDAY, JUNE 29th, 1017.
Tho front cover pago of the Juno
number of Urn Illinois Central Maga
zine, a handsomo illustrated monthly
iBBUod by tho Illinois Central uaiiroau,
bears tho. pioturo of Miss dertrudo
Dill, forraorly of this city, but nflvv
n resident of Chicago. In tho plcturo,
which is highly colored, Miss Dill
stands in a garden of beautiful flow
ers and with a spado in hand Is about
to not out tv plant. Dro3sed In sum
mor attlra and with nat woll sot back
to show tho full linos of her face, Miss
Dill prosents a picture tfufflclontly
charming to Illustrate tho covor pago
or any magazino.
: ::o::
11. of I. F. ft E. Picnic.
Tho Ladles Auxiliary of tho B. of L.
F. & E. will hold a baskot picnic for
all mombors of tho B of L. P. & E. and
families, and also for locomotlvo firo
mo i wlio are not mombors, at tho city
park July 4th. It is oxpocted that all
'Who attend "bring their baskets well
filled for dlnnor and suppor. Tho pic
nic will bogin at ten o'clock In tho
foronoon. Thoro will bo a program of
ontortainmont that Is cortain to pleaso
all who attond. COMMITTEE,
48-2 Ladlos' Aux. B. of L. F. & E,
Swedish Lutheran Picnic.
On July 4th tho usual summer pic
nic of tho Swedish, Luthciran con-
grogatlon will bo hold at tho Frank
Strollborg farm homo six miles went
of North Platto. TJio picnic will begin
With a good program at 11 o'clock
aftor Which dlnnor will bo sorved, 35c
for adults and 20c for children.
Thoro will bo Ladlos' Aid auction
fish pond and rofroshmonts will ho
served throughout tho afternoon. Como
bring your frlonds and enjoy a day In
tho country. ALBIN OLSON, Pastor
Third Roy In Family.
J,pstph Plorcy, of tho Novada Board
of Pharmacy, and Incidentally of tho
lloxall Drug Swro, is passing tho
cigars today to colobroto tho arrival
or tho third boy In h s household
Tho now nrrlvnl camo last ovoning at
uo clock and1 all parties concorncd
nro doing woll, including tho fathor.
Tho lato coinor 'wolghs olght pound
and Is already making himself hoard
In tho world. Tonapah (Nov.) Dally
Mr. Plorcy Is a former North Platto
When Doll
y Vjrrows Kjp
"She'll have a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove
just like mother's."
2,500,000 modern housewives are using the
New Perfection.
It's the stove of steady habits never cranky, never out
of order. The flame stays put, wherever you put it.
You can have any amount of heat you want, and all the
heat goes into the cooking. Your kitchen is cool and
comfortable no coal hod to fill, no ash pan to empty.
A new and exclusive feature the reversible
glass reservoir.
Perfection Kerosene gives best results.
Remember the
Nurse Brown Memorial
Homeopathic Hospital
When requiring hospital care
Surgically, or
Hero your interests and comfort will
hn flrved. It is not mo niggest, uui
ono of the best places wherein to
get won.
100S West Fourth Street.
Dr. J. S. Twinem.
Office phone 241. jRes. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building
Phnn. Office 130
Phono V Rcsi(ienCe 116
Special Atf-ontlon to
Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics.
Nurse Bflawn Memorial Hoa(pltal.
Holstein Cows.
I trill Iuito a cnrlond of Holstein
Cows about July 1st. They nro as
good as money can buy. If you need
one or more sec mo
Am selling all kinds of cnttlo in
nny number desired, in nddltlon to
buying hogs.
Phones: Office 159 IIouso Hod C30.
510.00 PER TON.
$10 PER TON.
All Junk is high. Bring it in.
North Platte Junk House.
Phone 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building
North Platte. Nebraska. tl10 "wn of Wallace, Lincoln County,
Notice for Bids
Notico Is heroby Riven that sealed
bids for tho construction of a now
school houso in and for School Dis
trict No. G5, In Lincoln County, State
of Nebraska, will bo received at tho
office of tho Director of said district In
Nebraska, up to tho hour of G o'clock
D. m. on Monilav. .Tnlv !. 1Q17 Pinna
J. B. REDFIELD. and specifications of said school houso
PHYSICIAN & SURGEON a on fllo in the office of said director
in tho town of Wallace. Lincoln
PHYSICIAN&SUIKJEONS HOSPITAL f u,nt, NebjaBta. and may bo oxam-
Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld - f , ' '"7", Z52tmJ
Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 676 7 t "' ,"Y " t , "
. ... .... i vijum iu 11 u
por cent or tno amount of the bid made.
Practice Limited to
Surpjery and End! urn Therapy
728 City National Bank Building.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Licensed Embnlmers
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Phone Black 688.
Board of Directors resorves tho right
to reject any and all bids.
m29-J29 . Director.
To the linlrs nf W. A tj
A. Lozler; tho heirs of Henry A.' Lozler;,, 1
.. . V . " 11UB' company or uirn-' JK.
llala, Nebraska: Eastern Kanklntr Pnm.
pany; Henry A. Lozler & Company, a
corporation organized under the laws
of the State of Ohio; Mary M. Lozler:
George M. Lozler; George Sparks Lo-
zier; Dannie Lozler; LUlle Lozler:
Mecca Lozler; Henry Sutton: An
"le, , Sutton; Elizabeth Thomas;
Mabel Thomas; Pearl Thomas; '
Thomas, child of James Thomas;
ml! , ... w j. nomas:
For quick action and satisfactory
salo list your land with Thoolocko. tf
Miss Effio ChrlBt roturnod Tuos
day from Dickons whoro sho spent a
Rov. and Mrs. "Billy" Sunday woro
hor6 Tuesday ovenlng enrouto to west
ern points.
Conl Men Will bo Good.
FoMr hundred cfonl operators, rop
rosentlng tho groat fields of both hi
tumlnous and anthmcito, plodgod
Uiimsolvos at Wnsh'lngt'on Tuesday
10 hoii tnoir product at a fair and rca
Bonablo prlco to bo fixed, with tho an
proval of tho dofonso council's coal
cotnmlttoo, by apodal ctommUtooa of
sovon producers from onch coal mln
ins Btnto. TIiosq spoclnl committoos
also arc- authorized to confor with thq L ",? -mi , mm . n n i
dofons council's mmm!.. i ff.n bonding school In Chicago, roturnod
end thai production bo stimulated and llomo a rcw dayB nso- ,
plans, bo porfoctod to 'provldo ado- MIbs MeadoM, of Omaha, camo a
Rolland Oinn returned Tuesday nf
tornoon from Laramlo whoro ho vis
ited for a wcok.
Miss Floronco Brown, of Omaha, a
formor rosidont, camo tho foro part of
tno wook to visit frlonds.
Ida May Salisbury loft Tuesday for
Haig to spond tho summor with her
BlBter Mrd. W. J. Josor.
I Miss Qlndj-a Bird, who had boon at-
quato moans of distribution.
A Herbert Hoover Fourth of July
Tliis is tho roquoat sont to nil tho
churches of America. Preach on JIopv
or's phaso of tho war on Sunday, July
At 11 o'clock at tho Mothodlst
church tho thomo-wlll bo "War Bread."
It is Uto doslro of tho govornmont that
all tho pooplo attond church Sunday
and llston to theso sormoim Nothing
is moro vital to our futuro than "Our
War Broad." Romombor tho hour 11
a. m.
Sunday school at 0;4G n m
Epworth Lcaguo at 7 p. ra.
j, At 8 ip. m. tho thomo will Po "Sac
rod Vessols Full of Wlno,"
w ::o::
i i Luthorun Announcomonts.
, 9:45 a. m. Sunday school sorvlco..
11 oclpck, morning worships Sor
,mon "Tho Namo Abovo Evory Nnmo
m unurcii anu stato."
i 8 p. m., a somlco of Bong:
Anthom-."RoJoico In Uio lard,"
ij' Solo Mrs. Toola
Anthom "I Cauad Not Do Without
t; Anthom "Jubilate Deo."
,,,v SoloMrs. II. a Albright.
v -nUiom "I'm a Pilgrim."
L, Short talk by tho pastor.
TTlilo w)ill bo an onjoyablo sorvlco for
'- rmi' tni nnA il... t J
"v umu uim iiwv iiiuiu man 1111 iiour in
fow dnys ago to visit hor brothor
Brooks Meadows and family,
Mrs. Anna Redmond, who has boon
in Poorla, 111., for sovoral months, is
oxpoctod to return iiomo floon.
Archdoacon BcJalkor and Mrs. Bow-
kor returned Tuesdav from Sldnov
.whoro thoy vlsltodrfor two wooks.
Mrs. Robert Massoy. of Omaha.
nrrlvod horo Wodnosday to visit hor
daughtdna and 'Mrs. J. II, Fondn.
C. H. Swangor, of Cedar Rapids, ar
rived horo a fow daya ago to take
chargo of tho fdulntnin nt tho Gom.
Mr, and Mrs. C. F. Moroy. of Hast
ings, aro Bpondlng this wook with their
son C. R. Moroy and Mrs. Moroy.
MIhn Sr. Sicilian, sicam baths and
Swedish Massage, gentlemen and la
dies. Phono 897, Brodbcck building.
Miss Margarot Mottln, of tho O'Con
nor storo. will lcavo shortly for Ore
gon to visit rolatlvcs for two wooks.
Misses Dorothy Brown, Cortrudo
Owoiib and Era Wordon, of Cozad, aro
vlsitiijg this wook with Mls3 Ruth El
dor. Mrs. John Shoffiold and baby, of
Bancroft. Icjjvla, camo tills wook to
visit hor (parents Mr. and Mrs. Con
rad Walkor.
L. D. Thoolocko of Molroso, camo
Tuesday to visit Mr, and Mrs. 0. II.
Thoolooko during soml-contonnial
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eagg, of Ar
lington, formorly of this city, aro vis
iting with tho lattop's mother Mrs
Blanche Wright, this weak.
Marcalllon Kollhor, of Chicago, for-
morly of this city, camo tho first of
tho wcok to visit Mr. and Mrs, Albert
Schatz and otlior relatives.
Thoso In need of painting, paper
hanging and docoratlng aro assured
satisfactory work If thoy omploy Julius
Hoga. Phono Black G92. 38tf
Mns. ThomaB Goldon and chll(r'pn,
of Dos Moines, caino a fow days ago
to attend' tho somi-centonnlal and visit
hor paronta Mr. and Mrs. Lovl Dukb.
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Critos, of Lex
ington, hnvo been spending this tw,ook
in town visiting frlonds. Mr. uritos
Is ono of tho pioneers of Lexington,
having located thoro m 1873.
If vou havo tried ovorytliing olse
without Rosults, Try Chiropractic
Spinal Adjustments anu get iwou.
DR. L. D. SMITH, Chiroprnctor,
40tf Building and Loan Building.
Belton Building
Office hours 9 a. in. to 6 p. m.
7 p. m. to 8 p
Offlco Black 333
By virtue of an order of sale Issued Thomas, child of James Thomas;' Pan -from
the District Court of Lincoln nio Haskell; Henry Paull; Don Robin-
County, Nebrnska, upon a decree of son; Lewis H. Bill; Jonas FelKhner:
rorpplnstirn rnMnrfl In snlrt f!nnrt I t rea ilinsworth; Hnrrv A t n.l.. t .
wherein The Wolpton Invetment Bessie P Lozler; Edwin R. Lozler: Jo
Company, a Corporation, Is plain- seph T. Lozler; George' Pope, Receiver
tiff and Clarence C. McGee et of tho Pope Manufacturing Comnanv. a
dlrected, I will on the 13th day of July, turlnpr Company, a corporation, and
in i, ni - u uiuuk ji. in., ut ine eaat .imerican Jiicycie uomnany. a cor-
front door of the Court House In North poratlon. , . "
Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell You and each of you are hereby no
at nubllo auction to the lilcrliosf bidder tilled that on thn Drat .inv- nt -rjn.,
for cash, to satisfy sad decree, Interest ber, A. D. 1915, Bertha Thoelecke nur
and cost, the following described nron- chased of he TrnnHiirnr nr,v.nir.
uos. iJiacK luzu .lu-",t; ... , i-""' ,"raKa, at puDuo tax salo,
a Lots Number One (1), Two (2), Three the Southeast Quarter (SE) of Sec-
Uatnormo AlCUieOS WIU laKO notice fa. of McGoe's subdivision of Lot Num- tnxed for tlin vnnra 101 ioVk ,n ;
mm. on mo ttiii uuy oi iuuy, in, r. uei nvo vua " i oeurs buuuihsiuh i hi, uiiu in me name or tne Heirs of H.
II. Sullivan, a lustlco of tho peace, In V' 'VI"" .Purchased said tax
nn.l 'fnr T.lnnnln Hnimtv. NebraRka. In-h"X7i' " ."""i'o'nx"'?!1 rJ?' " . "u.lf'. alJ l"e. rignts ac-
" ' ' ' . cv.i un 4.noiujr-iiiUO j, in v. uiu uiiereuii, anu now Hold nn nq
auuu uu uiuui ul xiiutviuuiuub iui uicu'wui nicn f " nifc,o xiiu ,j -1 oit,iiiiiciiL tuereoi: mat alter thft py.
sum of $73.,0 In an action ponding be-
threo (33) West of the Gth p. m., in plratlon of three months from tho data
foro him. whoroln Holon M. Rltnor la iV'i'. ""1"? . " ' tl t x?J,V"b:u "i,Xic not1", a tax deed
Iwfc uuiliQi iiiiiui xi.ivuill viuilUi l.cuias- 1IUIII LJ1U UUIlly TrBaBUrftr nr Rnlrl Tin
i, nnnn..iin ., 1 iv . t e i -. . . . r. ' V, , ' u u 1 . oi sam Lin-
iuiiiiriii. tiuu V.UU1UL iiiu iu.uiut;0 uu-in.i, uvbuiunih Kiits icwu.u jritvi. uiQicui. uuiu uuuiy will uo applied lOr.
liiist (!hanco for '.rrnlnlng Caiiip.
Tho socond training camt for train
lng officers for tho second flvo hun
dred Uiouaand mon to bo callod Into
tho sorvlco will ho tho last oppor
tunity for mou in civil Ufo to obtain
.commission In th army. After this
sorlos of camps tho now officers milll
bo olioson from tho men already in tho
military sorvlco.
Captaln Goorgo h Byroads. U. S.
Anny, Is now in JTort Crook, Omaha,
for tho purposo of rocolvlng npnllca-
doslro to mter tho Bocoud camp. This' nttoml,lnel th0 cololjra"on and vUlt-
imm'ii for ihn ufntn nf Nnhrnalrn. will hn mS "lonus.
Mlsa Daisy Farroll, of Fonda, Iowa,
camo a fojw. days ago to visit wth hor
sistor Mrs. F. C, Plolstlckor for a
wook or longor.
Mr, and Mrs. Charlos Reynolds, 6t
Maxwoll, who had boon visiting in
Omaha, camo Tuosdny to visit local
friends tlila wook.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charlos Haydon, of
Wnllaco, aro s'pondlng this wook horo
camp for tho stato of Nobraska will bo
liold at Fort Rlloy, Kansas, beginning
AUgUBt twonty-sovonth and ondlng No
Yembor twonty-ulxth,
During Uio wild west porformanco
at Uio seml-cientonnlal grounds Wed
nesday nftornoon Paul Nolan wlas ac
cidentally shot In tho loft arm and tho
Injury, whilo not sorlduB la vory pain
ful. The Eloctrdc Co. truck collldod wltli
another car on oast Fourth Btroot Tues
day afternoon and was forcod up Uio
curb and ovor uio. eldowallc whoro
,lt turned ovor. Tho top of tho car
was damaged and three whoola urokon
. Tho small eon, of Rov. Hull, who was
playing oa the walk, Mas Btruck by first lioutonnnt and will loavo Boon
me car put not injured. 1011 Lincoln.
Lafo Crossloy, of Phladolphia, who
nau hoon visiting with tho Spios fam
ily, 1ms gono to Washington to 8l.end
sovoral wooks.
Honry Oloson, of this city, and Miss
Julia Oalorborg, of QoUiauburg, wa:o
mnrrlod by County Judgo French
Ttuiesday afternoon.
Mrs. Mullck. wlfo of Tralnmaator
John Mullck, aubmltted to an opora-
tlon In Sldnoy Uio nttor part of last
wook and la uoing wlcoiy.
Dr. Claudo Solby, of Chicago, who
has boon visiting his parents horo,
rocoivoa n can Ttaeaday rom Fiold
Hospital No.: 1, National guards, as
The Bel!
Telephone Policy
, Wo endeavor to conduct
our dealings with tho public,
our employees and our In
vestors along tho lines of this
policy :
1. To furnish courteous,
clllclont, and dcpendablo
telophono service.
2. To tell tho public tho
truth about our business.
0. To bo conservative and
economical In tho man
agement of our nffalrs.
4. To pay our employees
good wages.
fj. To cam for our secur-
lty holders a rensonublo
return on their Invest
ment. r-i
Wo bollovo that such suc
cess as wo havo had is bo
cuuso our business has been
conducted along theso Hues.
ueriincate wo. 8098.
Asslpnee of Bertha Thoelecke,
fondant, that property consisting of and also a pleco, strip or parcel of land The time for redemption from said
: "T n n rru ti 0,1 described as boplnnlnfT at a pofnt on the tax sale will expire with the first dav
ono Suit Case, ono Traveling Bag and south lino of sa d Lot Number Seventeen of November A. D. 1917 1
tnoir conieniB, togecnor wun a miscei- iifj or uiarnson-8 suuuivision or tne
Innnmici Inf nt vtmi.lni. nnnrnl tnllnf North West Quarter (NWVl) Of SeC-
and other articles, ha been attached FoSrt?en,(,it?)r,rtn2o)f RngThTr
under said ordor. three (33), west of the 6th p. m., being
saiu cauBo waB continued to tno ntn 5.? . ul."'H, '''u ,ie: HhoriiT'- snio.
day of July, 1917, at ton o'clock, a, m. Fifteen (215) feet westerly from the t By vii:tUof.n.n order of sae Issued
Dated North Platto. NAhraakn .Tnno Vt Wm rnVnpr nXt Vff T.n? rm. District Court of Lincoln
1st, 1917. .... ?renteen (17), running th
HELEN M. RITNER, Sf-AVW The. Beatrice Bulldln arid
i'laintirr. and eight-tenths (200-S) feet, thence iVninintiff h otfi, t irl i,(?or?HKai
west aione tno north line or said lot a :rof"' "
ti unured and Twenty f'g "thn 1 iih V .VtVr nTS!'1"
Hundredths 120.65! ?.",.th,? 44VJ d?y. of July. 1917,
ijBtato no. iisj i lusieiia ueue leet, tnence in a soutneriy uiroction on .1,. rnVr Vf iwi i.r 1
Slmmn iIahsiibaiI In thn Pmmtv Pnurt n linn nnrfillxl with th. n-.l 1lr. I ln? iPUrt HOUSO in North Platte. Lln-
of Lincoln County, Nebraska. said lot a distance of Two Hundred and finA,i0tVy'to ti ra2ai 8l..? Vxibm
Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors Thirteen and Two-Tenths (213.2) feet, .11 tn i?ati2fv 1 B50St b,d,de'r t0
11 1 Hiii 1 t h t 11 in win mien nnnfft liuir thai rnpnrr, in nn nnRrnr v rnrnnr irn n nno
distance of One
ana sixty-i-ivo
time limited for presentation and 111
liiR of claims airalnst said Estate
Kobrunry 27. 1018. and for settlome
of said Estate Is Juno 22. 1918: that II Dated North Platte. NebrnHlt.n.
win mi. ui 1110 cuuiuy couu room in 11m uay 01 June,
said county, on July 27. 1917. at 9
o'clock a. in., and on February 27, 1918,
nr Q fVrtl rnlr n tit n f MAAlttn nvnnilnn
hear, allow, or adjust all claims and
objections uuiy moil.
J26-4W County Judge.
110 "iciivo in nil cuBloriy uiruuilUll aiOIlf; nnil nnat i. " i,.i " ,V .
11- the south lino of the said lot a dls- S?oi?tv to wit- T1ioinB,1.eso1.bed
Is tance of One Hundred and Twenty (120) Kfin1 i,L0L?n,0 VI ln Blook
nt feet to the place of beginning ; ciiS & iW.Vth nwitt or B,?r town now
; I Dated North Platte. Nebraska, this ?vtyNM..2&h Platte' ,n Lincoln Coun-
A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff.
Estate No. 1437 of Herman A. Erb,
aeceanod, in tne uounty uourt or un
com uouniy, Nonraska,
ty, ntturuBKn,
1917 North platto, Nebr., Juno 7,
J12-J13 . A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff.
Hospital Phono Black 633.
House Phone Black 633.
Graduato Veterinarian
Bight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St,
ono-half block southwest of the
Court Houso.
E8tato of Tntrnr Dinl.l.r
The Stato of Nebraska, to all narsons W? .tha County Court of Lincoln County.
. . . . - z . . ' . . ir!A ln aim '
miorostea in saw estate tane notice mu , ,
that tho administrator has nied a Hnal Lfte. State of Nebraska, to nil per-
tlon and a petition for nnal settlement "co that the Administrator has nied
and dlsehariro na nunh. whloh hitvo hfn a account and report Of Ills ad-
set ror nearin? uerore said court on ",., . i. i'"""1"1 Ior ai
July 6. 1917. at 9 o'clock a m.. when settlement and discharge aB such, which
you may appear and contest tho same. "!,Y5. oeen set ror hearing before said
uateu June 6, iai7. . mu,. ai a ociocic a.
jl2-J3 GEO. E. FRENCH, when you may appear and contest
county juuge. r t.."V0V...,,
-- - wu uito xx mi
liv virtue or an order directing the J12129 emmtv t,..i,.
. kj umnu ( . . . iii.i uiugi uo i
issued rrom tno uistrict court or Lin- koticr to cnisniTnTis
coin County, Nebraska, upon a decree Estate No. 1478 of Joseph M. Wilson,
ui liurmiuii uiiu um uumii uiuiiuu ui l ukwcuocu, ill uio iwUuniy uourt OI i.ln-
tho referee's report rendered in said coin County, Nebrnska.
court, wherein Lima M. Dean. Rosa The State of NnhrnnWn. na. rrmlifnr.
ATT 1 T tfllW fT1 1 - -T I 1- I. T ll n . ... n .. nHA nt.ln I n. ..1.1 111 -' . .
ljUjl.UJ.XX IU 1UU udiiuii uim uiuuiviu Juinu; um jjiu-iii-I nam vaiuiu wll LllKU 11U11CO mat in
into uiiu. iiiuuiun .ivvivj' uuu jjimui am- vi.iiu uiuiiuu lui iiruBtjiiiiiuuiv anu Hi-
way, his wife; Lewis Anway and uoidle inr or claims against said estate Is
Anway, nis wue; jane urirnes anu January o, and ror settlement of
James Or linen, her husband; Aara E. I said estate Is JUno 1, 1918; that I will
uonniusun, uuiijiiiinii Anway anu mi ui 1110 county court room ln said
Annie Anway, his wlfo; Joseph Harris, county, on July 6, 1917, at 9 o'. clock a
slncrlo: and Harris and Harris, m.. and on January fi. lout, nt o n'
his wiro, wnose nrsi anu real names are a. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow,
to your Bald plaintiffs unknown; Bruce or adjust all claims and objections duly
M, Dean, husband of Lllllo M. Dean; J5-4w County Judge
UVUIKD JlUIVUJi 111, .llVJIIIJICl- llfc llllU I
m. 1-nBC. sunerinienueni. oi me ASYium .iutiuis on- h-iivai. iiF.inii"ri
for tho Insano of Nebraska, In whoso 1 Estate of Elsberry W. Crane, decens
custody and caro Cieorgo Anway Is at ed, In the county court of Lincoln
tno present nine; i.iiii iiiwuy, un m ,uunir, iMcuraniia.
niiTTTTinrf-nT. nnii i jr. u. u ijriuiLU. isuiiur-I J.11H niuin nr innrnnin. m nil nn..
lntnndonr or tnn iNenraHica institution I sons interested in nniii nntnto tnirn nn.
for Feeble Mlndoil Youth at Beatrlco, tlco that tho Administrator has nied
In whoso custody and care said Ella An- a flnal account and report of his ad
way Is at the present time; John W. ministration and a petition for final
Fowler and Bertha L. Fowler, his wire, sottlomont and discharge as such.
parties in possession or saiu lanas; wnicn nave beon set for hearing before
nm iieorirn 11. jvowiar anu jjoine ai. sum court nn .11mA 7n 11117 nt q
n..nii.. i fiira ,, . ... Fowler, ms wiro. partiOB in possession o.-ciocic a. m when you may appear
Quality ln Cigars has has been our or said lands, and to me directed I will and contest the same. "
aim since nre began making cigars ln Vt eJUE&t"pV5nrDJo?
Dated June 1. 1917,
North rintto ovor Uiirty years ago, or the court liouae in Norm l'latte, liij- js-3w
... ... nn n uuuniv. iuurusftUi nci i ill iiuuiiu
Wo put quality m tno urst cigars wo auction to tho highest bidder for cash notice to creditors
mado, and that samo
County Judge.
nualltv la In thn the following described real estate, to
quamy is in mo wU.AU of Section Flvo (6). In Town
r. Schmalzrled's ship Twelve (12), North of Range Thlr-
Estate No. 1480 of Paulina. Klmmnr.
deceased, ln tho County Court of Lin.
cigars WO mako today. Schmalzrled's ship Twelve (12), North of Range Thlr- com County, Nebraska.
niL. hoS? tnnA tin to- nt h. ty-one (31). West of the Oth P. M.; tho The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
Cigars havo Btood tno test Of those south Half of the Northeast Quarter of said estate will take notico that the
mora thiin hlrtv vnAra "What erenter (SH NEVl) and Lots One and Two (1 & time limited for presentation and fll-
moro tmm unny years, wuat greater nU i" 8x 6 ln Township Ing of claims against said estate is
orldonco of quality could you desire! Twelve (12), North of Range Thirty- January 6, 1918, and for settlement of
t,.n i .tntvitn. D,i,m.i, one (31), West of the 6th P. M.; and the said estate Is Juno 1, 1918; that I will
If you havo not boon smoking Sahmalz- 8outh Half (Stt) of Section Thirty- sit at the county court room ln said
dled'A dears trv them thtv aro car- throe tasj, m Townsnip xnineon na), county, on juiy u, iai7, at o'clock
aieaa cigars, try mem taoy wo cer- North Vf Range Thirty-one (31). West a m., and on January 6. 1918, at 9
tain to please. of the 6th P. M.. all of said land being o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, hear,
uiiuw, ui uujuDi un uiuiiuu ana oojec
tlpns duly filed.
J5-4W County Judge.
Ol tno Ofcll . iu... aii v. L nniu muu uo
located In Lincoln County, Nebraska,
Datea mis un aay or June, inn,