The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 29, 1917, Image 1

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    NORTH PLATONEB,, JUNE 29, .1&.7..
No. 4fc
Miss Mabol Hayes, of Cozad, who
Tosldcd horo several years ago, camo
yostorday morning to visit with local
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wornett, of
ICea'rnoy, aro spending this week hero.
Mrs. Wernctt was formerly Miss Anna
Robhausen of this city.
Miss Mablo Lunn and Jack Thorn
burg, formerly of this city, arrived
yostorday morning from Lincoln and
will bo married this afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Donclson and
Mr. and Mrs. Omar, of Farnam, aro
sponding a fow "days with the former's
brother H. A. Donclson and family.
P. Kauffman, of Grand Island, for
merly of tho Kauffman & Wornett Co.
hero, is among tho out of town visitors
hvtlio are attending tho semi centennial.
Mr. and' Mrs. Theodore Sandall and
uaby, of Choyonno, formerly of this
city, camo yesterday morning to visit
Mrs. Sandall's sister Mrs. Jack Car
roll for a woek.
A ten pound boy was born yesterday1
at ho T)wlinem hospital to Mr. and Mrs.
Harmon Chambers of Keystone. Mrs
Chambers is tho daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Coates of this city.
C. D. Llnsley, of Des Moines, Iowa,
Is in town selecting tho cast and di
recting tho homo talent iplay to bo
Jllmcd horo and presented at. tho Keith
in about ten days.
It Is probablo that tho number of
North Platte people Ipjho attend tho
"Round Up" at Ogalalla on tho Fourth
of July will lo largo. North Platto
will not celebrate, and of course some
of our peoplo will want to go somo
whore. Ogalalla is the logical point
for tho man who owns a car.
Tuesday night a raid was niado on a
room in which gambling is supposed
to havo boon In progress and threo col
ored and t(wA whito men woro takon in
custody, but later released as tho ov
idonco to hold them was not suffi
cient. Tho remains of Charles Woodhurst,
of Butto, Mont, who died a fow days
ago, woro brought horo today Ho was
a brother of W. H. C. Woodhurst and a
former rosldont of this city. The
funoral Borvlcos will bo held this af
ternoon in charge of tho I. O. 0. F. He
loaves a wlfo and two children.
S. D. Ralston, now cashier of Uio
newly established Stockman's Bank nt
Cozad, was a visitor in town yostor
day. Mr. Ralston was for six years
cashier of tho bank nt Wollfloet, and
for flvo years holding a similar posi
tion at Brady. He left tho latted place
with regret for tho peoplo troated him
well and ho always foun'd' them "good
- ::o::
Distressing Accident
A distressing accident occurred in
Hin hlcr font at tho celebration trrounds
last evening Just before tho beginning
or tno umuorena ao.ii wnon a section
of tho seats collapsed. Mrs. Alfred
Cnmitnlonn enaf nlnnrl n r.nninniin1
fracturo of tho loft leg, tho largo bono
boing broken two Inches above the
ankle, and tho smaller Done six incites
nhnvn Mm ntlklo. Until 1)01103 DrotrUd-
ed through tho flesh, nn'di tho leg was
rather badly crushed. A Mrs. Llp
plncott sustained flesh wounds on a
a leg. Dr. Det, Dr. Conlln and Dr.
Redilold woro called and tho Injured
women takon to a hospital. Sybil
Gantt sufforod a sprained ankle, Miss
Carroll, who Is visiting Mr. nnu iurs,
Jos. Murphy, had her back sprained
Mrcf Wnmnr Mussulman had an eyo cut
Mrel Dont's back was injure and
several othors suffered minor injur
Western Nebraska f Celebrates
.' I1
North Platte's 50th Anniversary.
Authorized Sales and Service
Ford Touring $360,
Ford Runabout $345 f. o. b
. Ford Sedan - $645 Detroit
Ford Coupelet $505
Factory Production for May
83,616 CARS
Largest One Day Output 3216or better
than two a minute.
Gas 25c Per Gallon
Cor. Fourth and Dewey.
North Platte, Neb.
Tlio nionoy In circulation In tho
United States on April 1, wis $$705,
000,000.00 grcntcr than that of tlio
previous month. This is n good Indl
cation of tlio business conditions of tho
country tjioy nro good. Tho clr
culntlon has Increased, not decreas
ed. Tlio Platto Ynlloy Stato Hank Is
n safe, strong bank. Do your bank
lug here.
Platte Valley State Bank
North Platte, Nebraska.
This wcok tlio residents of fifteen
counties In wostcm Nobraska aro as
sisting In celebrating North Platto's
sonil-contennlal anniversary. By train
by auto, by team, these peoplo have
flockod to this city to onjoy for one,
two or threo days tho entertainment
provided by tho committee of thirty
(Ivo that concluded six months ago to
obscrvo tho anniversary. So far Uio
efforts of tho committee seem to moot
tho approval of tlio visitors ; tho thous
ands who woro with us Tuesday, Wed
nesday and yostorday roturned to their
homos apparently well pleased.
Tho tented city at tho park opened
Its doors to several thousand peoplo
Tuesday aftornoon, Uio cromil Wednes
day was doubled, utii yesterday af
ternoon fifteen thousand peoplo wit
nessed tho wild hyest stunts, tho nori-
allsts, tho trick bicyclists, tho balloon
asconslou, and In tho evening more
than half that number saw tlio battle
of Summit Springs, tlio fireworks, tho
Cuidorolla ball and the various paid
attractions on tho grounds or loitered
boforo tho scoro or more booths whore
tho lucky may win somo artlclo by thu.
Investment of a small sum.
Yesterday was tho big day mndo so
largely by the historical pageant de
pleting tho chang&s fifty years has
wrought In Western Nobraska, start
ing with tho buffalo and tho Indian,
tho floats carried ono through tho sov
oral phases of tho development of
tho country. Tho buffalo first, then
tho Indian, followed by tho 49ors, then
In turn tho cattle ranch, tho ol(v fort
at McPhorson, tho early homesteader,
then tho Improved farm and prosper
ous farmer. A replica of tho first en
gines on tho Union Pacific was given
as was tho first log school house, ana
along side tho latter etood tho modern
central high. To tho old-timer the
pageant recalled recollections, to tho
young it was an edlflcntor.
Tlio early days aro recalled by the
wild west stunts at the city .park and
tho Indian battle, and cannot help but
contrast theso with tho conditions as
they appeared on tho grounds our
suroundlngs, our now form of enjoy
ment, tho way wo llv6 and tho way 'wo
spend our money,
Not the least enjoyable feature of
this celebration is tlio bringing to us
of hunUtods who woro formorly resi
dents of the city or county; tho cow
boy of forty years ago meets another
with -whom lie rode the ranKo: tho
carlyuomestcador meets the ninnwln
pornaps located on tno aujoining sec
tion In the 80's; tho young man -or
woman who left a score or more yeara
ago Is back to meet tho friends of that
woro parked on both sides of the road
from tho park eutntuco to Thlitconthj
street, and many cars woro loft In
town and tho ocaupants walked to or
rode In Jitnoys to tho grounds. Cor
talnly theso cars avoraged four pas
sengers; thon add thoso who camo by
ttuin and team and tho total mlould
not fall short of 15,000.
Notwithstanding tho bigness of Uio
crowd, not a rlpplo of disorder was
noticed, acondltlon that was duo to
tho absence of salouns. Throughout
yestorday and last night tho pollco
did not round up a slnglo boozy man.
Hotola, restaurants and lunch coun
ters woro crowdod to tho limit, but
apparently thoro were nono who wont
hungry, though, of course tho sorvlco
waa not at all tlmos Just what one
might dosiro. Tlio crowd was good
nat'uircd and accopted lnconvonlonces
with a smile.
Hank Johnson, ono of tho broncho
rldors at tho fair grounds, was kicked
on tho log Wednosdny by a horso and
sUffored1 tv pulnfMl Injury.
Cola It. Morrison, of Etna and Es
thor McEllan of Brady, woro married
Wednesday aftornoon nt tho court
houso by County Judgo Fronch.
J. C. Hamilton, of Wollfieot, who
knows, a horso when ho is a horso, has
boon In town this iweok assisting In tho
wild west stunts at tho fairgrounds.
Christian Sclonco sorvlco Sunday 11
a. m. Sunday school 12 m. Wednes
day evening meetings ovory wcok at 8
o'clock. A cordial Invitation Is ex
tondod to all. Building & Loan build
ing, room 25.
Walter States, of Denver, lias boon
visiting at tho John States homo for
sovoral days. Ho was a former uiom
bor of tho North Platto band, and
holpod Uio boys "out yostorday by play
ing a trombono.
Tlio Historical Parade
Tho historical parado given yester
day aftornoon was as unique as It was
interesting, and rccelvodi tho plaudits
of tho thousands thronging the,s treots.
Tho parado was headed by a. platoon
of cowboys, followed by Company L
of Uio Fifth Nebraska, the Stato In
dustrial Scliool band of forty pieces,
and tho Kearney delegaUon support
ing a largo opon flag and. carrying
many smallor ones. Thon camo tho
floats. Theso woro:
No. 1 "Tho Monarch of tho Plains."
A largo buffalo attacked by Indian
Not, 2 "Tho Virgin Plains." In
dian tepco and Indian burial place,
with group of Indians encamped.
No. 3 "Tho First Settlor." Old tlmo
Conestogo whgon that was In uso dur
ing tho days of '49. rtio group consist
ed of campers.
No, 4 "Tho Coming of tho Union
Pacific." Old tlmo locomotive In uso
at that tlmo.
No;. 5 "The Trappers' A stool
trap greatly enlarged; trappers around
a- camp lira
Not. 6 "Tho Hunters." Another
camp scone.
No. 7 ''Irrigation. Showng pro-
gross and tho changes mado in tho
farms that havo been irrigated. Tlio
group showed a modern farm house,
tho xovorso of tho old sod, and slab
houses, and tho difference In tho
fields of grain.
No 8 "Early Ranch Life," Group of
cattlo and sheep.
No. 9 "Educational Progress." Tho
first school houso and tho present High
School, showing progress of 50 years.
No. 10 "Fort McPhorson." A ro
producUon In minaturo of tho fort from
a photograph taKon 4G years ago.
No 11. "Queen's Float" A fancy
decorated float with tho Queen's
throne, with tho Quoon, a group cf
Queen s pages and maids or honor.
No. 12 "North Platto." A decornt
od float with group of school girls.
No. la-'Frontlor Days." Decorat
ed float with group.
No. 14 "Tho Horn of Plenty." Show
ing all tho products of tho farm.
Preceding tho old Ft McPhorson
float was a troon cavalry wearing the
uniforms of 1807, and Cody Boal, grand
son of tho lato" Colonel W, F. Cody ap
peared as scout. Interspersed In tlio
parado was tho North Platto and May
whod bands, and cowboys, trappers
and huntors on horses.
Tho floats woro croated by and nro
clu'ccd under tho direction of Goo. A.
Moonoy, and woro Certainly creditable
to his creative gonlus.
Yfluterilafr'S Crowd.
Tho crowd of visitors In North Platto
yesterday was tho greatdst In Uio his
tory of Uid city, a conservative estl
mato placing tho number at fifteen
thousand. Tho Tribuno doos not bo
llcJve" that this Is an ovor-oaUraatlon
and bases Its belief ont ho fact that
Arthur Hoagland, who checked tho cars
at tho city park reported 3,000 on tho
ground In addlUon to thoso, cars
Hiding tho Backers.
Ono of tho features of tho enter
tainment at tho colobrntion grounds aro
tho wild west stunts put on by Cougor
& Cokor, who havo assembled "a lot of
outlaw horses and a number of good
rulers. A number of thoso horses have
'been porformlng exceptionally woll,
wniio others loso their pop alter a few
wild Jumps. There aro sovornl good
rldors, among them n colored boy from
Choyonno, iwfio successfully rode a
bad ono yostorday afternoon, only to
bo thrown by anothor a half hour lator.
tyvhon ho matched In a final with A.
flonso, of iSluithorland; Among tho
Idors is Mrs. Fred Cox, who so far
Uiaa not found a horso that can un
j scat her.
Tho Indian Battle
mi. T .1 1 I. 1 1 1 . ji ri.i fx rt I
i 4uu luuiiui mium ul Duiimui springs
rsiagou lor wounesuny ovoning was
postponed on account of tho storm
p.nd was prosontcd last evening. Tho
scone was well depicted; tho Indians
at Uio close of tho day return to their
tepees from tho chaso and pillage,
bringing with, thin two cnptlvo white
women. Tho flros aro lighted and
the rudo ovoning meal prepared: as
tho night darkens Uio mhrrlor, the
squaw and tho young Ho down to
slumber. Then appeared tho scouts
who discovered tho Xndian village. Re
tunning to tho troop of cavalry, the
find was Imparted, tho buglo charge
sounded and a full company arrayed In
unlforilis of that dav awent down vtnon
tno village, routing or Killing the. sav
ages and roscuing tao captives. ,
Tho battlo will bo repeated this ov
.lfany Attend Cinderella Ball.
A leading feature of tho celebration
was tho Clndorolla call glvon in the
big tent on tho grounds last ovenlng.
Tho seating capacity of the enclosure
was woll filled, and tho attendants
hhtchod with Interest tho graceful
movoments of tho girls and boys in Uio
vtfried dances and) drillsj (Prottlly
costumed, perfectly taught in the
steps and movements, tho evolutions
woro gono through without tho soni
bianco of a "break." This perfect ren
dition camo through tho painstaking
Instruction of Miss Mario Massoy. Car
rie Well appeared as the Clndorolla and
Claudo Wlongand, Jr., as tho prince
An enjoyable foatoo was tho gar
land drill execute by Httlo girls of
tho parochial school who woro dnllcu
by tho Instructresses in that mstitu
Successful Balloon Ascensions.
No ono could ask for moro perfect
balloon ascensions and pa'rachute
drops than Miss Luclollo Bollmont U
making each afternoon at tho city
parlc For throo aftornoons eho has
Kono "un among tho clouds," and do
scondod as gracoCu(lly and safely as a
bird1. Yestorday afternoon Bho niado
troplo parachute drops, which ls.qulto
a performance.
Miss Bollmont will mako ascensions
today and tomorrow at 4:30.
Frontier Bays Will bo n Hummer,
T. Joo Calilll, sccroUiry of tho Choy
enno Frontier Days, headed a dele
cation of men from that city yestor
day. and mingled with tho thousands
at tho city park. Frontlor Days this
year will bo tho greatest show that
Choyonno has yet pulled off. Ono
foaturo will lio tho parado In which
1,000 U. S. cavalrymen, two units of
nrtlllory, and two units of tho hos
nltal corns will tako part. Tho gov
eminent has offorod tho services of
theso mon In order to oducato and
onthuso tho public In tho war. Tho
wild ivost features will bo moro var
ied than over beforo, and takon nltJ
gothor Frontlor Days for 1917 will bo
tho promler of all past years, and as
usual many North Platto peoplo will
Danco starts Immediately after tho
picture show, 9 to 12 p. m. Tickets
50 cents. Good floor, good music,
good tlmo,
Jlnywood Boosters
Maytwfood boostors, accompanied by
tho Mnywood band, woro horo in forco
yostorday and did lots of boosUng for
tho Southwest District Fair which will
bo held at that placo Soptombor 10th
to 14 th.
There" woro also a nurabor of Ogalal
la men iti (own yostorday boosting tho
"Round Up." which will bo hold In
that town July 3d to 5th Inclusive
Tho schol children will hold their
market day at tho Franklin scliool
houso tomorrow,
First Many reports of from 20 to 28 miles to the gallon of
gasoline, ui to 10,000 miles on tho set of tires.
Second An almost total absence of the usual fixing and
adjusting and replacement of defective parts, as
Dodge cars are built, adjusted and tested at the fac
tory, each car being track tested before shipping.
Third After several years of the hardest driving, with
rarely any expense, the cars give continued good
service, proving the inbuilt quality and long life of
the car.
Fourth The moderate price of tho Dodjge repair parts and
the ability to get the parts anywhere the car is sold.
is both an economy of money and time for the per
son who buys a car, to use, rather than to stand in
. some ones' garage waiting, for repair parts to arrive
from some distant factory.
These are but a few of the reasons for 'the universal
success and sale of Dodge Brothers cars, You can obtain
many others from the users of the car. Ask them. . And
if you decide that you want a Dodge, an immediate order is
the only way to obtain one.
Rcimlr Tarts in Stock for the Cars Wo Sell
Bfe Adventures
boy Scout
Help the Boys.
Keith Theatre
Monday Evening, July 2d.