The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 22, 1917, Image 4

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Watch Repairing
well done v,o0
That's what you get at Clinton's.
apprentice putters over your timepiece.
,A skilled watchmaker of long experience
takes care of it. It's the work of a
mastercraftsman, done witrTpainstaking
4 11
supplies secured from the fact
Materials and partsijjsdd are
ctory wnir.ii
mode your watch.
Charges are as low as the best work can
be done for.
If your clock is out of order," phone; or
write, and we will send for it "
Jeweler and Optician,
At tho Sign of tlio Jilg Ring.
, , i . , , i ii i mi j
Tlio tltlrty-slxth annual convention
of tho Nebraska Pharmaceutical As
gocltlon was hold iH.thn city Tues
day. AVclnepday Mid-Thursday with an
attendance of about 200, a number of
whom wore accomnanled by their la
dies. This opening session was hold
Tuesday ovonlnc and took tho nature
of a recoptlon and wolcome, J. II,
Stono maklnc an address or welcome.
which lw(as responded to by President
O Brlen. or the association.
Tho first ccnoral session was hold: attend tho Baptist convention.
Wednesday morning at which Prosl
dnt O'Brien gave tho annual address,
reports of committees read and an ad
dress delivered by Prof. Kraemor, of
Philadelphia. A business Hcaslon was
also hold In tho afternoon, and tn the
Julius Plzor who spent a litfoolc In
Donvor returned homo TuoBday.
Dr. Morrill, Dontlst.
Mrs. Ilogan loft at noon Wednesday
for oastoru points to visit relatives.
For quick action and satisfactory
salo list your land with Thoolocko. tf
Goorga Amon wont to Bcotts Bluff
tho first of this WMk on business.
For rioht 5 room houso at 320 South
Walnut, Inquire ot T. Slmants at 303
SO. Chestnut. 44-tf
MrtJ. Patrick McOraw accoptcd a
position as catorosa at tho Qm Wednes
day morning.
'Sco II. II. I.andgrrnf for painting,
pnncr hanging and decorating. Miono
Jtluck 570. i 1-tf
Mrs. ItalpU Smith and children
wont to Koamoy Wednosday aftonioon
to visit-relatives'.
Miss Iluth Pattoraon, who is teaching
In tho ,Omnha schools, arrived homo
Tuodduy ovonlng.
Joss Vornon who had boon in Okla
homa for sovoral months roturncd horo
Wodnesday morning.
Now drinking fountains havo boon
placed at tho corner of Front and
Dowoy and at Sixth and Dowoy.
Mlssos Bortha and Nota Vogolsang
from Fremont, Nobr., attondod the
funoral of tho lato Mrs. Vogolsang.
Mrs. J. II. Doncgan and daughter
Zlta who had boon visiting in Sterling
returned homo Wednesday morning.
Miss 31. Slcnmn, stenm baths and
Swedish MiiHHiigo, gentlemen and In
dloH. l'lioiio 81)7, llrodbeck building.
Miss Vora Carter of Tryon, visited
"this week with tho Misses Eldor and
Mns. Charles Tlgho,
Miss Lillian Eaton roturncd Wed
nesday from a visit In tho oastorn
part of this state.
Mrs. Jack Boal roturnod Tuesday
aftornoon from Kcarnoy whoro Bho vis-
ltod with hor parontB.
' Miss Marie Martini has returned
from a visit in tho oastorn part of
tills state.
I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis and
family loft Wodnoaday morning for
Omaha to visit rolativos for two
weeks .
Miss Ora Oglo, ot Omaha, who had
boon visiting hor cousin Miss Qraco
Moonoy for a week, loft at noon Wed
nesday. farm and Ranch loans at lowest
rates and best terras. Money on hand
te close loans promptly.
kjtii 1.1, ' ' ' I
"Mr; and Mrs. Itoy Wilson wore call,
ed to Suthorland Wednosday 'morning
by tho death 'of a Tolatlvo.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Jackson, of Well
fleet, came yostorday morning to at
tend tho Baptist convention.
Mrs. Charles Yost and son, who
havo been visiting in Choycnno with
rolativos, will return tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jackson came
yesterday morning to visit friends and
Wash Stdrta from 986'to'$G.00 each
at Wilcox, Department Store.
Miss Goldio Wolls, of Lcxlngtbn.Iwdll
visit here next week with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Wells.
Mre. 0. V. Austin, of St. Joo, camo a
fow days ago to visit with hor sister
Mrs. Harry Bybee.
Mrs. J. TA, Stuart and dauchtor Irene
spent tho greater part of this week in
Sorlllng with friends.
Tho class of 1917 havo donated $110,
tho Iproceeds of their class play, to
tho Rod Cross Chaptor.
MIsb Uoslo McMTchaol roturno'd'ye
torday mornilg from Wollflcef wlt6r
eho spont a montn witn relatives.
Mrs, Loafflo Dimm:ck, who Jiod beta
In California; foTlfebvcralrmqnths, ro-
liomtf "Wednesdays anernoon.
Su'pt. Brophy, of Omaha, and assist
ant superintendent a. V McDufflo, of
Uiis city, spent tho first tot this week in
western points on an inspection trip.
Misses Hazel and Elizabeth Young,
of Hastings, aro expected next wcok
to visit their slstor Mrs. Carl Simon
and attend tho semi-centennial colo
bratlon. . ,
Mrs. Mlko McFaddon and children
of Paxton, aro expected horo next
wook to visit hor parents Mr. and Mrs
John Herrod.
For Itont Modern 7 room houso,
collar, good barn and garden. Inquire
of Mrs. Hattlo Wilson. Phono
Black 275. 45-2
Mrs. Sullivan, of Grand Island, who
has boon visiting hor daughter Mrs,
Herman Schloutor for two weeks will
leave this aftornoon.
MIsb Mildred Yancoy, of Colorado
Springs, loft Wednosday aftornoon af
ter visiting with hor unclo'E. E.
Moody and family.
For nontr-IIouso kcoplng rooms, 320
oast Fifth strooto. 45-2
Mrs. W. IT, Atchison, of San Bor
nardlno, Calif., who had boon visiting
hor parontB Mr. and Mrs. Johnston,
loft Wednesday morning.
Dr. and Mrs. Wolls of Soattlo, vls
itod Wednosday with friends while
onrouto homo from n. visit with tho
Cartor family In Tryon.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sawyor, of Col
umbus, fornior rcsidohls horo nro ox
poctod noxt wook td visit nt tho Ed
ward Robhauson homo.
Mr. and Mrs. Clydo Drow and Mr.
and Mr. and Mr. Handloy, ot Omaha,
will arrlvo horo Sunday to visit nt
tlio von Qoctz homo for a wook.
Mrs", Leo Sartwoll and children of
Savanna, 111., camo from Evonston.
tlio first ot this Iwbok to visit hor
mother Mrs. Johanna McGraw.
J. It Ottonstoln foil from a laddor
Tuesday aftornoon and sustained
brokon limb which .will confine him to
tho howso for sovoral wooks.
Josry Bowon, of Arthur, formerly
or mis city purcliosod a now 1917 Mlt
choll car n fow dayB ago which ho
presented to his daughtor Miss Mario
iiowon. , 1
Miss Cathor'no Sullivan of Grand
IBland. wall arrlvo hnro Mnmkv tn nt
tend tho ilohil-sontonnlal colobratlon
and visit hor slstor Mrs. Honnnn
"Tho Candy GirJ," nt tho Kolth to
night tolls tlio story of a ulrl who bo
gins anakipg canly at homo and ends
'by Doconung tho ownor ot on oxten
slvo candy shop on Brondway a thing
wo uaYo roau or nut uo not often sea
MrB. Gcorgo Contcs. of Los Ancolos
formorly of thiB city camo Wodnesday
evening irom L,mooin to visit with
Miss Mabol Burka whllo onrouto homo
mm Lincoln.
Anyono making n disturbance in tho
park igrdutndB nftor night will bo ar
rested and flnod, By order of tho
pane uoaixi,
45-2 Chairman of tho Park Board
rrmii i f if?"
All of us can show it. We can
save, in obedience to tho President's
We can produce to the utmost of
our capacity.
Tho McDonald State Bank offers
its service to patriots. It offers un
surpassed banking facilities, aid to
farmers and cattle growers, safety
deposit vaults and all those things
that a progressive 'bnk can do to
promote thrift nn(Jrcal, practical
You can get real, personal service
here. Come use it.
M9 Donald State Bak k
evening a banquet was served In tho
Masonic hall. John Fetter presldeu
as -toastmastor and flvo mlnuto talks
woro made by a dozen of tho attend
ant. Following tho talks an onjoyablo
rahnxfit wan clvon.
At tho session yesterday forenoon of
flcors for the ensuing year woro elected
and tho work of tho convention com
In tho aftornoon tho delegates
marched to tho city park whoro thoy
Iwcro ontertalned by wild west atunts.
Last evening tho social fcauttres
closed with a danco and card party at
Masonic hall.
Wednosday forenoon tho lady visit
ora woro driven to tho National Ceme-
tory and later served with a lunch at
tho state farm-
Tlio following officers Kvoro elected:
president, Nols Mikolson, Holdrege;
vico-lpresldonUj, W. R. Wlngert, Calla
way, J. H. Stone, Norith Platte, A.
Brooks, Hastings, Wm!. Milder, Oma
ha, Chas. ituthorford, Aurora; trcas
uror. D. D. Adams, Nohawka; accrc
tary. J. G. McBrido, University Place;
Itoan" jyt nharmacy, FJ. C; Foltton,
York, Joa Cording, Litchfield, J. W.
Fottdr. Maxwoll. Dologates to the
national association In 1918, Oral
Jono3, Oconto, Dr. R. A. Lyman, Lin
ctoln. II. C. Nowton, Omaha.
Tho state convention will bo hold In
Lincoln noxt year).
Itcndy for Queen's Unll.
Preparations for tho queen's ball
Friday evening of noxt week havo been
completed and Ind cations point to
largo attendance of' both dancers and
spectators. Th big ton wmcn wn ac
commodato 500 couples on the floor
and 2500 spectators was oroctod on,tho
grounds Wodnesday, tho seats placel,
and tho floor is now Doing miu. rno or-
cliestra which Mil furnish tho music
will consist of twenty first class mu
sicians under tho direction of Trovlyn
Doucot, and an exceptionally flno pro
gram will bo rendered. This program
will of itself bo worth the prlco of ad
mission. Ono feature of tho ball will
bo tho crowning of tho queen, Miss
Janet McDonald, amid tho retinue of
her maids of honor.
Never Too Lnto to Do Good.
Albert LoDloyt, of Paxton, tor; a
number of years, a local railroad man,
who ovcrtvbodv considered a con
Armed bachelor, surprised relatives
.and frlonds Wednesday whon ho was
united 'in marrloKO to MIsb Gladys Bur
ton. Tho brido has lived on a farm
near tho ono on which Mr. LoDloyt fo
sides, and Wednesday's happy event
was a culmination or a noigiioornooa
acquaintance, - Wei commend Albert
for tho stop ho has taken and wo aro
cortaln ho will ndV And llfo really
worth tlio Uvlngi
Tho I'nnido Itouio
Tho roiujto of tho historical float
parado to bo given at tJ.T)o o'clock
nnrt Thui-sdav aftornoon will bo as
Starting at tho float garago on eafct
Front tho narado win movo wost on
Front to Locust, south on Locust to
Third, east on Third to Ddwoy, north
on Dowoy to Front, west on Front to
Locust, north on Locust to tho city
Mr3. Oscar Cathor, ot Suthorland,
who had been taking tneatmont In tho
Twlnom hospital for sovoral weeks,
left yostorday afternoon for tho eaat-
orn part of tho state
Bort Culton, Iwlio has been holding
down a homostoad In Arthur coutnty
for Bovon months a yean for throo
years past, made final proof Wednca
day. Ho nnd his wlfo will probably
soon again bocomo permanent citl
zons. ot North Platto.
Tlio following committee of tho Cath
olio ladlos' society entertained at a
social in St. Patrick's school last ov-
cnlng: Mcsdames William McHugh,
M. C. Hayes, Herman Schloutor, Mary
Dunn, Byclon Obonst nnd u Brod
beak. .
Call 125 for Taxi day or night
Also flvo or seven passongor car for
funoral sorvico.
Chandler & Elcar Agency,
Cornor Eighth and Locust Sts.
No. 07352
win luuko tho season m follows:
Tuesdays nnd Fridays nt tlio Moc-
oiison Tcod nnd Salo Barn, North
Platto, beginning April 10th.
llnlnnco of tho week (oxcopt Sun
day) at ray farm six miles wost of
North Platto nnd three fourths ot a
rallo southeast of BIrdwood snitch. .
Nabob wub foaled May 24, 1913. and
imported with 1i!b mother by North
& Robinson, ot Grand Island, in July,
1913. Was bred toy M. Desproz, Depart
ment of Orno, in Franco. This horso
wolghB 1780, is clean and sound in
ovory particular, and is as good as
you will And anywhoro.
Wo invito you to como and eeo this
hors3. ' '
Tonus S15.00 to insuro colt to
stand and suck. If mares aro disposed
of or loavo country sorvico Too be
comes duo and payable at once.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hondy, Jr., and
Bon, of Denver, nro expected horo noxt
week to visit Mrs. Hondy s parents
Mr. and Mrs. John Bratt.
Ray McCann, formorly of tho O'Con
nor store, is visiting local friends this
week ufhllo onrouto to. Grnnd Island
from Estea Park.
Mr and Mrs. Frod Barrett, of Chey
enne, formorly of this city, nro ex
pected next week to visit hor mothor
Mrsl R, IL Langford.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wells, of Lex
Ington, aro expected Sunday to visit
tholr son Harry Wells and attend the
colobratlon noxt week,
Miss Mabel McVIckor, of Lexington,
spont Wednesday hero on business at
hor mlllinory parlors, whllo onrouto to
Ohoyenno and Donvor to spend several
w,eeks. .
Tlio body of Iko Stein, who died re
cently at a local hospital and had boon
held In tho Maloney morguo, was talten
to Grand Island for Interment yestor
"Tho Honorablo Friend," with tho
celobrated Japanese actor, Sessue
Hayakawa, will bo shown at tho Keith
Saturday night, Tho molo taken by
HayaKawa, 'that or tho young Japan
oso In America, Is said to bo ono of the
most unusual ho has takon.
Tho Red Cross chapter kipH meet for
work as usual In tho federal building
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday afternoons of next wook.
Ladlos who havo timo to dovoto to
this work arc condlally Invited to 1)0
Sovoral former North Platto rest
dents woro among tho druggists who
attended tho state meeting in town
this week. Among them woro Don
Hinkloy of Gothenburg, formorly In
tho drug business horo, and Mr. Shop
pard who was clerk In tho McDonnell
storo. J. B. Sumner, of Bloomflold, a
nephow of Mrs. J. H. Fcdorhoof and
well kncMa In town was also in . at
tendance. Ho was accompanied by
Mrs. Sumner.
Brokon oyo glass lenses can bo re
placed tho samo day as ordor is givon
in our lenso grinding department.
tf Graduate Optometrists.
Vice Admiral William S. Sims, "who
has boon appointed to take general
charge of tho allied naval forces in
tho Irish waters, was a boy friend of
Tho Tribune man when both "Moro
residents of tlio little town of Mount
Union, Pa, His father, an Englishman
iby birth, was at tho timo a civil engi
neer n chargo of ho consbuction of
slxty-mllo coal road and through tho
Influonco of the men who ownd tlio
road and tho coal mines secured
"Billy's" appontment as a naval cadet
at Annapolis. At that institution ho
"mado good," and during tho forty
yara that has elapsed he has steadily
climbed tho rounds of promotion.
Real Estate nnd Insurance.
Como and sco us for town lots in
different parts of tlio city. Good in
vestment;, on easy terms. Houses for
Balo and ront. Wo havo also good bar
gains in farms and ranchos.
Cor. Front and Dawcy Sts-, upstal rs.
Our employees havo nil
been taught to bo courteous,
obliging and enrcful, but wo
know that occasionally some
of them make mistakes.
If ono of our employees
does not treat you ns you
think ho or she should, do
you crltlciso tho Company?
Why don't you glvo us tho
samo consideration you ex
pect In your business when
ouo of your employees makes
n mlstako?
Don't Judgo this Company
by one net of a thoughtless
If you bellevo wo havo
erred In nny way in dealing
with you, plcaso call it to our
attention that wo may cor
rect the mistake.
To get the maximum of service from your Ford
car, it must have careful attention from time to time;
a little "tuning up" to keep it running smoothly
always odds to its power and endurance. To be
assured of the best mechanical service and the use
of genuine Ford materials, bring your car here where
you get practical Ford experience, and the regular
Ford parts. Ford prices, fixed by the company, are
the same everywhere. ' "!".
Touring Car $360, Runabout $345, Sedan $6,45
Town Cor $595, Coupelet $505 all f. o. b.
Detroit. On display and for sale by
One Naturally Feels Chagrined
to see his neighbors making improvements,
which are just as badly need on his own
premises. The thing to Jo is to follow
suit. You'll feel better and your property
will be benefitted. Keep pace with the ' im
provement of the day and see us for
Lumber and Building Material
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.
V.V.V.V.'.V.V.AVAV'v." .
p: r
2tti ffiolqrinei JJ
I hiih, m..u
".&:' H 1
Perfectly lubricated, the motor spinning smoothly on
eats up the miles without friction loss, carbonization
wwllVilvl81-11 mean a reble dealer
GafiQS ft you ask for- Use Red Crown
dasollne, the power-full motor fuel.
Uaro will bo takon to provont ac
cidents, but Bhould any occur stallion
owner will not b0 responsible.