The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 19, 1917, Image 8

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    LRA L. BAIlE, Editor and Publisher.
One Year liy Mill In AdYnnce....$I.Sf
One Year by Courier In Adtanco. ,$L5Q
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska,
Postoulce as Second Class Matter.
TUESDAY, JUNK 19, 117.
ju:i) citoss nitivi:
will stakt today
Notdlucouraged 1v tho small attend-,
unco at tho Rod Cross mootlngs liold ..,, , , . ,
at tho flraiiklln auditorium Frtday0' P- AO. farm Implements and wag-
ovoninc and Sunday aftornoon, tho ons. 34tf
local Red Cross Clmptor, aided by a
Wg committee of business men and by
fifty or moro solicitors, will start the
Red Cross campaign fund today.
Wo know many will say "It is glvo,
glvo all tho tlmo," but aa tho World
Ilorald said odltoirlally yestorday, tho
ono hundred million dollars that tho
country Is nskod to glvo to tho Red
Croiw is not ono por cent It Is prob
ably not ono-fifth of ono por cont of
tho tax that a victorious and arrogant
nutocracy mastor of tho -world, would
lovy On tills country, as punltlvo In
demnity If It should win this war.
own, jxnd' tlioao of our allies, who nro
and Will bo flbiiuiggllng and dying In
tho red hells of Flanders and northorn
Franco. Just put a pin thoro.
IJonds Oversubscribed.
Tho Hxfr billion Llborty bonds woro
oversubscribed by $700,000,000. No
part of tho oversubscription will bo
aocoptod, and In order to como within
tho two billion tho largor subscrip
tions will bo pared down and tho
smallor ones uooopted. Nebraska's
subscription was $17,000,700, of whidh
, Omaha furnished $8,085,950, Nobros
' k'i flllbttmcnt Jn advance lof tho
campaign was $10,1500,000.
, ' $i.roo,oooiJin:uTv iionds
Thp Omaha Boa of Saturday said:
Up to Thursday night tho roturns
indicated that Union Pacific om'ployes
had bought a total of $1,019,050 of Llb
vorty bonds. Short Lino Employos luid
iakon $120,000 and Oregon Washing
ton Railway company omployos, $322,
000 making tv mnd total of $1,401,050
for tho uystom, Tho mark was sot at
$1,500,000 rjid It 1h oxpoctod that bo
fbro tho day la ovor tliat It will bo
In buying bonds tho Nebraska divi
sion of tho Union Pacific took $178,
350; tho Colorado division, $87,050;
Wyoming division, $188,450; Kansas
division, $125,450; gonoral ngonts' do
'partmont, $33,250; dining car depart
ment, $50,500, lioadquartorH, $310,000
and shops, $04,250.
William Slogan id.'t Uio flint of
tills wook for Omalui to spend a taw
Mra, Guy Robinson and Miss Mabel
Day of Portland, Oro., uro oxpoctod
hero this vVook to visit tholr paronts
mr. ana iirs. j. it. Day for a fort
night or longer,
. Thoro will bo class initiation at tho
' Odd Follows' hall Thursday night,
comnionoliig nt 7:30 sharp. All mom
born aro urged to bo present.
J. GUY SWOPE, Secretary.
Bishop Goorigo A. Boochor and Mrs.
llcochor and children, of Hastings, vis
it, at tho Bowkor homo Sunday while
eurouto to Alliance to nttond tho
Episcopal convocation.
Methodist Aid Socioty will bo on
, tortninod In tho Methodist church par-
' 1 ,1.1 . Ml . -
ioib niursuay auernoon y jviosuainos
M. E. Watts, John Evans, Scolt Rey
nolds, 10. S. Davis.
Miss Mildred Plzor and brotW
Josoph of Grand Inland aro ettpcetod
tho latter: part or this wook to visit
at tho Julius Plzor homo and attond
tho,; Seml-Contonulul colobrntlon. ,
t,Mr, and Mrs. Olaronco II. Splcor
. Avho woro marriod two wooka ago
roturnou Saturday aftornoon rom a
.irip through Colorado by auto. ThoyJ
will mako tholr homo at tho Com-
-jinorciai Jiotoi.
See II. II. liftndgrnf for pnlntliiff,
kjmpcr lmiifjlng and docornUiiK. Phono
4-JiIttclt r70. di-tf
fc. C. II. Walter1 nnnmmnnn flint lin
tvlll ohlp in anothor carload or Wis
consin Holstoln cows about Jmly 1st.
, A number or anonths ago ho shipped in
thirty-four head uiul those who pur thom ar bo woll eatlsllod that
htj'coucludod to ordomuothor carload.
j36nq. Crook, who drlvos In tho
t country nearly ovory day, Bays ho oe
"caaRfiially comas across a Hold of fall
,wltcut that promioos to ylold twenty-
llvo orihlrty bushols to tho aero, but
,1 tho" rfumbor or thoso Hold Is compara
tively small. Spring wheat looks fine
and ryo promlspti nn enormous crop.
, Thoso In uood of 'painting, paper
.hanging and docoratlng nro assurod
f flatlsfactoTy work It tlioy omploy Jullua
Hogn. Phono Black 092. 38tr
Tho grpa land on tho formor Cody
; ranch, togotlior with a largo tract of
- cultivated land has boon loasod hv
V C. II . Waltor, who will cut tho hay,
, and Is seeding tho plow land to can
JIo expects to wlntor u big banch of
.. cattlo on tho ranch end la providing
plenty of rough food ,
Boan pitting Is now in progroaa In
'Llncbln county and by tho ilrst wook
jn July it Is estimated that flvo thous-l
I, and aoros will hnvo boon planted to
"f this crop. . Donna aro said to bo a
'J 'profitable crop If, thoy. bring but llvo
J1 iconts a "pound. At preoont thoy crd
Boiling for nbout mroo times that
sum. ,
Real Estate ttnd Insurance,
Come and bco ua for town lots In
dlfforent parts of tho city. Good In-
vostmentR on cosy terms. Housoa for
p, ealo nmi rent. Wo have also good bar
gains In farms and ranchos.
k V, J. DIENEIt & CO., ;
Cor. Front and Dawoy Sta upstairs.
Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Btonn Drug
I Store.
.t.G. Ankwlir trtmnt tho week end In
, Elkliorn on business.
I Attornoy J. S. Hoagland rcturnel
Friday from a visit In Lincoln.
Miss Irono McGoe, of Brady, visited
last wook with local frlonds.
Mr. nnil Mrs. U. O. Smltll. of Sid-
'ney, spent lastlA'cok hone with frlonds.
Tho Trotter garago of this city has
'taken tho' agency for tho Hupmobllo
1 car.
! .Inmnn Flvnif. .1r.. iroturnnil FIridnv
ovonlng from a short stay In Kansas
c t..ii.. xfnnnn,. ntt i,in,i.
Mrs. Harry 'Mltcholl returned a few
dayB ago from a visit wltti hor paronts
in Omaha.
J., W. Gray loft Friday night for
a visit with his parents in Clairlksburg,
Wost Virginia.
Miss Radical Ncalo, of Staploton,
in b ponding this week with her sister
Mlrs. Herbert Duko.
' Mrs. N. Striker of Donvor, camo
, last weok to visit at tho Julius Plzor
.homo whilo onrouto east.
I Manager VonDollan, of tho local
telophono oxchnngo spent Snturday in
Ogulalla on businoss.
1 Miss Mario Korloryz, of Creto, ar
rived Iioro tho lattor part of last week
to visit Mrs. A. J. Frazier.
Miss Kathorlno Soyforth of Omaha,
Is oxpoctod hero next A'cok to visit hor
niothor Mrs. Anna Soyforth.
i Mr. and Mrs. Ernost Gllnos hnvo
gono to Idalio Springs whoro tho lat
tor win tako treatmont.
Mrs. A. A. Stlzor, of Julcsburg, re
turned homo Friday ovonlng uftor vis
iting hor aistor Mra. Jako Mang.
MIhh 1. Sicilian, slcnni bnllis and
Swedish MnxHitgo, gontleinon und la
dlcK. Phono 8)17, Brodbcck building.
Mrs. Herbert Codnor of Choyonnc,
who had boon vlsitiing hor slotor Mrs.
Herbort Duko for somo tlmo loft Sat
urday morning.
Mrs. Wllfrod Stuart, or Lexington,
will arrlvo horo the lattor part or thin
weok to visit hor paronts Mr. and
Mrs. John TIgho. ,
Ruth Ellsworth, or this city, and
Harry Ellis or Omaha, woro granted
a mnrrlngo llconso in Omaha tho lat
tor part or this wook.
North Platte Light & Power Co.
July 3, 4, 5.
Ogallala was the center of the original ' "wild
west" and prominent in the history of tho growth and
development of Western Nchraska.
Each year this city eelehrates in a three-day car
nival and the "Hound Up" devoted to frontie'r day
sports of broncho busting, roping, trick and fancy rid
ing, with otterings of generous purses and handsomo
prizes for tho successful contestants.
For information about train servico, rates, etc., ap
ply to local Union Pacific agent.
T. C. Patterson loft Saturday" aftor
noon for Ntfw York City.
Loolilol Johnston, npont tho wook
ond In Paxton with frlonds.
Miss JUlla Wlnquoat of Brady, spont
iho week' end visiting local friends.
Mrs. Jamt-p Hart will entertain tho
Lady Forresters Thursday aftornoon.
Harold Burko returned yestorday
morning from a week's visit in Den-;
vor. i
Miss Maud Warrington left Sunday
morning for Cozad to visit with hor
Thurston woouhurst loit at noon
Saturday for Grand Island to accept a
Mrs. A. H. Ablo roturncd Friday
ovonlng .from Gothenburg Whoro she
visited friends.
Miss Wllla Raugh and slstora re
turned Saturday ovonlng from Con
cordia, Kans.
Tho Catholic ladles will hold a
social at St. Patrick's school Thurs
day ovonlng, Juno 21st.
Miss Elaine Bundy "who is attending
tho Koarnoy Nonnul spont tho -weok
ond llth tho homo folks.
Mrs. Kathorlno Gllll&po, of Omaha,
camo Saturday ovonlng to visit with
hor slstor Mrs. Harry Mltcholl.
Miss Sarah Kolly, who had boon atl.
tonding school nt Oskaloosa, la., re
turned homo Saturday ovonlng.
R. D. Rlffo, who had boon visiting
relatives In Gothenburg, returned
homo tho lattor part of last weok.
MIsb Holon Brott, of Gothenburg,
camo Saturday to visit hor sistor Dor
othy Brott in n local hospital.
Mrs. L D., Rich, of Gothenburg,
camo -Saturday to visit hor son Byron
who is 111 In a local hospital.
Mrs. Hugh Bird Ana daughter ro
turncd Saturday from a visit with rel
atives and friends in Sutherland.
Mrs. Wyllo Gllmoro, of Grand
Island, camo Saturday ovonlng to visit
with Mrs. Ella IIuxoll for a weok.
Mrs. Jack Boal loft tho lattor part
of last weok for Kearney to visit rel
atives. Mr, Boal spont Sunday thoro.
For Ront Modorn 7 room house,
collar, good barn and garden. Inquire
of Mrs. Hattio Wilson. Phono
Black 275. 45-2
Tho annual "Round Up" at Ogal
alla will bo hold July 3d to 0th in
clusive. A splendid program has beon
proparod by tho commlttoo In charge.
William Potors and Mm Ida Win
gart, both of this city, -woro married
at Konrnoy Friday and hnvo returned
to North Plntto to resido.
An automatic Water Heater gives you
hot water at the turn of the faucet. You
merely open the faucet at any time, day
or night, and you have hot v water, one '
gallon or a thousand. Plenty of hot
water for any purpose all the time. '
N'oglotaUons havo practically- boon
closed wfljii tho American, Holol "carrl
pany for tho erection of a sixty thous
and dollar .hotel at Ogalalla. Tho
people of tho town subscribed for half
tlio $CO,000 etock.
J. E. SEBASTIAN, Stnto Mirr.
Minn.Mutual Lif elns.Co.
Phone Office Red 612
Residence Red 348
..General Hospital..
One Hall sBIock North ot Poslofticc.
Phone 58
A modern institution for the
cientlfic treatment .of medical,
surgical and confinement cjscb.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, H. D.
J.HRedfie!d,M.D. J.iSimms,M.D
Itcllon IJulIding
Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.
7 p. m. to 8 p. m.
Office Black 1020 Res. Black 513
$10.00 PER TON.
$10 PER TON.
All Junk is high. Bring it in.
North Platte Junk House.
Hospital Phone Black 633.
House Phone Black 633.
Graduate Voterinariun
Bight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218- south Locust St,
one-half block southwest of the
Court Housb.
Quality in Cigars has has been our
aim since wo began making cigars In
North Platto ovor thirty years ago.
Wo put quality in tho first cigars wo
made, and that samo quality is in tho
cigars we mako today. Schmalzrlod's
Cigars havo stood the tost of thoso
moro than thirty years. What greater
ovldonco of quality could you desire?
If you havo not been smoking Sshmalz-
dled's cigars, try them they aro cor
taln to pleaso.
Notlco for Bids
Notlco Is horoby given that sealed
bids for tho construction of a now
school houso In and for School Dis
trict No. 65, In Lincoln County, Stato
of Nebraska, will bo tho
offlco of tho Director of said district in
tho town of Wnllaco, Lincoln County,
Nobraska, up to tho houf of 6 o'clock
p. m. on Monday. July 2. 1917. Plans
and specifications of said school houso
aro on flio in tho offlco of said dlrecto'r
in tho town ot Wallace Lincoln
County, Nebraska, and may bo exam
ined by nny prospective blddor. All
bids must bo aocompanlod with a cor
tlfled chopk In nn amount equal to flvo
por cent of tho amount ot tho bldmado.
Board of Directors rosorvos tho right
to rojoct any and all bids.
H129-J20 Dlroctor,
Cathorlno McClees will tako notice
that on tho 24th day of May, 1917. P,
II Sullivan, n justlco ot tho pcaco, in
and for Lincoln County, Nobraska, Is
sued an Ordor ot Attachment for tho
sum of $73.,0 In an action ponding bo
foro him, whoroln Holon M. RItnor Is
plaintiff and Cathorlno McCloes, do
fondant, tliat property consisting of
ono suit Uaoo. ono Travoilng Bac and
tholr contonts, together with a miscel
laneous lot of wearing npparol, tollot
and otuor articles, has beon nttached
undor said ordor.
Said causo was contlnuod to tho 11th
day of July, 1917, at ton o'clock, a, in.
Datod North Platto, Nobraska, Juno
1st, 1917.
Rdmomber the
Nurse Brown Memorial
Homeopathic Hospital
When requiring hospital care
Surgically, or
Hero your Interests and comfort will
bo served. It Is not th0 biggest, but
ono of tho best places wherein to
get woll.
1008 West Fourth Street.
Dr. J. S. Twinem.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
'Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building
Phonoi t OfRce 130
i nones Rosidence 115
Special Atfontlon to
Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics.
Nurse Bnawn Memorial Hospital.
Phono 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building
North Platte, Nebraska.
Successor to
Drs. Uedrleld & Rcdneld
Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 676
Practice Limited to
Surgery and Radium Therapy
728 City National Bank Building.
Omaha. Nebraska.
Licensed Embalmers
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phone Black 688.
By virtue of nn order of sale Issued
from the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rondered In said Court
Wherein Tlin Wnlntnn Tnuntn.n...
Company, a Corporation, Is plain
tiff and Clarence C. McGoo ot
hi are defendants. and to mn
directed, I will on tho 13th day of July.
1917, at 2 o'clock p. m., at tho east
front door of the Court House In North
Platte, Lincoln County, Nehraskn, sell
nt public auction to the highest bidder
for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest
and cost, the following described prop
erty, to-wlt:
Lots Number One (1), Two (2), Threo
(3), Four (4), Flvo (5), Six (6), Seven
(7) and TVentV-tWO f22 of Mprtnn'a
subdivision of Lot Number Six (6), and
also Lots Number Two (2) and Threo
(3) of McGee's subdivision of Lot Num
ber" Flvo (G) all of Sear's subdivision
of a part of tho North East Quarter
(NE&) and tho South Half (S'A) of
Section Twenty-nine (29). In Township
Fourteen (14) North of Range Thirty
three (33) West of tho Cth p. m., in
Nebraska, being a part of the Vlllngo
of Sutherland, Lincoln County, Nebras
ka, according to tho record plat thereof,
and also a piece, strip or parcel of land
described as bnirlnnliiir nt n nnmt nn tii
south line of said Lot Number Sevonteen
in) or umritson-s subdivision of tho
North West Quartor (NWVi) of Sec
tion Twenty-nine (29). in Township
Fourteen (14), North of Range Thirty
threo (33), west of tho Gth p. m., being
a part of the Village of Sutherland, Nc-
iM uh nn, ii uiaumco 01 two iiunureu
Flfteon (215) feet westerly from the
South East (SE) corner of salil T.nt
Seventeen (17), running thence Norther
ly on a une parallel witn tne Enst lino
of said Lot a distance of Two Hundred
mm uigm-ieninH izuu-sj rcet, tnenco
west along the north lino of said lot a
distance of Ono Hundred and Twenty
and Slxty-Flvo Hundredths 120.6G)
foot, thence in a southerly direction on
a lino parallel with the east lino of
said lot a distance of Two Hundred and
Thirteen, and Two-Tenths (213.2) feet,
thence In an easterly direction along
the south lino of the said lot a dlB
tanco of Ono Hundred and Twenty (120)
feet to tho place of beginning
Dated North Platte. Nobraska, this
11th day of Juno, 1917.
A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff.
Estate No. 1437 of Herman A. Erb,
deceased, In tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all persons
Interested In said estate tako notlco
that tho administrator hns nied a nnal
nccount nnd roport of his administra
tion and a petition for nnal settlement
and discharge as such, which have been
set for honrlng beforo said court on
July 6, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m., when
you may appear nnd contest tho same.
Dated Juno U, 1917.
County Judge.
By virtue of an order directing tho
referee to make a sale, which ordor was
Issued from tho District Court of Lin
coln County, Nobraska, upon a decrco
of pnrtltlon nnd tho connrmatlon of
tho roforee's report rendered in said
court, whorein Llllio M. Dean, Rosa
Eshon nnd Bluoford Anwny nro plain
tiffs nnd Thomas Anwny nnd Ethel An-
wnv Hln WtFn. T.nWfo .1
Anwny, his wife; Jano Grimes and
JameB Grlmos, hor husband; Anm E.
umiiuouii, xjunjuiMiii vnway and
Annie Anwny, his wife; Joseph Harris,
single; and Harris and Harris
his wlfo, whoso first nnd real namos nro
to your said plnlntlffs unknown; Bruco
Eshon, husband ot Rosa Eshon; Rush
M. Doan, husband of Llllli- m. Dean:
George Anwny, nn lncompet :it and W
H. last, superintendent of the Asylum
for the Insane of Nebraska, In whose
custody nnd enro George Anwny Is at
tho prosent tlmo; Ella Anwny, an in
competent, and Dr. G. D. Grlllltl . super
intendent of the NobrRskn Institution
for Feeble Minded Youth nt Beatrice"
In whoso custody nnd caro sold Ella An
wny Is at the present tlmo; John W
Fowler and Bertha L. Fowler, his wife
parties In possession of said lands'
and George O Fowler and Dollie . M
Fowler, his wife, parties in possession'
of said lands, nnd to mo directed I will
coin County. Nebraska, sel 1 at pubHc
auction tn Mm 1,1.-1, . Vi.i.J' ut 1'UUIIC
t hn f nil nw I n ir .1 A.r 1 1.V.1 uVr. Cash
wltAU of -fcoctKn I-Tve (6). liTown
Hliln Tim v Mo "i ,( n AOWn
ty-onVui); West of uV thTht
2), all In Section Six (G), in Townlhfi
Twelve (12), North of iiange ThlrtvP
one (31), West of the 6th p m jr.Y"
South Half (SH) of Section' m1'0
three (33) InV Township Thirteen fV-R
North of Rango Thlrty-one (A -tZh
of the 6th P. M., all "f salfl tV.e8t
located in Lincoln County iiff.b61"6
Dated this 4th day "of VunSSft8-
Offlco phone 241. IteEphono 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Estnto of Joseph Horshoy, decoased,
In the County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska
The Stato of Nobraska, tq all per
sons Interested in said estate, tako no
tice that the Executrix has filed a final
nccount of her administration nnd a
petition for nnal sottlomont nnd dis
charge as such, which have beon set
for hearing beforo said court on June
22, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. in., when you
may appear and contest tho same.
Dated Mny 25, 1917.
m29-3w County Judge.
To Mary Ellen Chandler, non-resident
You will tako notice that Louisa M.
Cody'hns filed her petition In tho Dis
trict Court of Lincoln County, Nebras
ka, against you as defondant, tho ob
ject nnd prayer of which aro to qulot
and confirm title In said plaintiff nnd
In various grantees, to certain por
tions of the following described lands,
situated In Ltncpln County, Nebraska,
to-wlt: Beginning at a point 11.5 feot
south and 990 feet west of the quarter
section corner on tho north lino of Sec.
32, two. 14, Rg. 30, W this being a
point 25 ft. south from tho contor line
of tho Platto Vnlley Irrigation District
canal, thence west parallel with the
north line of said Sec. 32 and Bald
canal, 1629.22 ft, to a point 11.5 ft. south
of the N.W corner of said Sec 32, thence
south on section lino between Sees. 31
and 32, a distance of 959.65 ft. to a
point 600 feet from tho center
lino of tho Union Pacific Rail
road origtnnl main track, measured at
a right nngle, thenco south 80 degrees
enst, parallel with said railroad, a dis
tance of 1655 ft. to a point 990 ft. west
of tho north and south center lino of
said sec. 32; thenco north parallel with
said center line, 1235.4 to the plnco of
beginning, being tho land embraced
and contained In Scout's Rest Addi
tion to tho City of North Platto, Ne
braska, nnd which said suit Is prose
cuted by tho said plaintiff In hor own
behalf and on behalf of said grantees,
nnd particularly to qulot and confirm
title In said respective owners against
certain proceedings hnd In tho District
Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, for
tho sale thereof by one Ellen B. Chan
dler, guardian of tho defendant, Mary
Ellen Chandler; and further to set up
and establish now and independent title
In her and thei said grantocs, by reason
of tho adverse possession thereof by
said plaintiff and hor grantees and hor
grantors for more than 10 years last
You will mako answer to said pe
tition on or beforo the 9th day of July,
1917, or decree will bo entered ngainst
you ns In said petition iirayo-1.
By EVANS & EVANS, her attorneys.
I.cgnl Notice.
To Nicholas Adamy, non-rcsldent de
fendant: You aro hereby notified that Mary
Adamy as plaintiff has filed her cer
tain potltion in tho District Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska, against you,
Impleaded with others, tho object and
prayer of which said petition Is fore
close a certain mortgago made and ex
ecuted by yourself and Ellon M. Adamy,
upon tho following described land sit
uate in Lincoln County, Nebraska, to
wlt: Northeast Quarter (NE) of Sec
tion Six (6), Toynshlp, Sixteen (16),
Rango Twenty-eight (28), West of the
6th P. M, and Lot Fifty-six (56), of
Plattoviow Subdivision as platted and
recorded In Book B-l, nt page 40 of
tho deed records of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, and tho amount claimed to
bo due plaintiff upon said mortgago Is
tho sum of $2,710.15.
You will make answer to said pe
tition on or beforo July 9th, 1917, or
your default will bo taken and decree
entered as In said potltion prayed.
MARY ADAMY. Plaintiff.
v.onB?oEvans & Evan8. Her Attorneys.
Ill w J "Jaw
Slicrlnr'N Snlc.
By vlrtuo of an ordor of sale Issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered In said Court
wherein Tho Beptrlco Building and
Loan Association of Beatrice, Nobraska,
V -Plaintiff, and Clark Long et nl nre
defendants, and to mo directed, I will
.n, tn,S ,14ih da-y of July. at 2
o clock P. M. at ho cast front door of
the Court Houso In North Platte, Lin
coln County, Nebraska, sell at Pub
lic Auction to tho highest bidder for
cash, to satisfy said decree, Interest
and costs, tho following described
property, to-wlt: Lot Ono (1) in Block
wSntT20).,,nJh6. r'Binal town, now
City ot North Platte, in Lincoln Coun
ty, Nobraska.
1917at0d North Plntt0 Nebr., Juno 7,
J12-J13 A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff.
iS111 of. ptrIok 'Ruddy, decensed.
Nebraska""17 CUrt f L'?C?ln ount'
The Stnte of Nebraska!-.' io all ner-
Hp8 t'hi0treMtedA,n Ute tako nS
tlce that tho Administrator has filed
a final nccount nnd repfrt of his ad
i,Ji,5ratlon ?n,d & Petition forx final
settlement and discharge as such, which
have been set for hearing before said
S?UwhJ?S i.r 6' 1917' at 9 o'clock a.
tho same. y appear and cntest
Dated June 11, 1917.,
iioion CEO. E. FRENCH,
J1-J-J County Judge.
Estato No. 1478 of Joseph M. Wilson
deceased, In the County Court Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
n,stal13-ot Nebraska, bs: Creditors
i7.2eymUoirt for Presentation nnd fll
JanuaSvftV'F8,1 sa,d estate Is
nJi y6' 91?' and for settlement of
s ' 'a Juno 1, 1918; that I will
sit at tho county court room In said
county, on July 6. 1917, at 9 clock a
m., nnd on January 6, i918, at 9 ociock:
n. to rcel,ve. examine,' hoar, allow
or adjust all claims and objections duly
i. .. -j UUU(,C,
edE8, aV? K?rrywVKe ,dTceas.
CounlV.obrasr 0Urt f L,n-'
Bnnil0i?tate. ,f Nobraska, to all ner
fPn8 Interested In said osiate take no.
ilcflni!int tno Administrator " hSJ filed
miSl """"nt nnd report of his nd
mn strntlon and a petition for final
Dated Juno 1, 1917.
J5.3w GE0' E FRENCH,
: County Judge.,(,,,Vro CREDITORS
SMgnft Ne?,r&ty CUrt f
of !e.of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
timo m ? e;vl" tftk0 notice that tho
Ing of oitn.Lfor "resentatlon and 111
JanuSrv fi al ni0nKal.ns.t 8!lld estato s
sattl nSti J91?' nnd for settlement of
sit nt Ihl0 18 Juno lfl18; that I will
a m y,nn.n JulyT 6- 1917. at 9 o'clock
o'clock n m0n. Januarv 1918. at 9
allnw mi to receive, examine, hear,
t&H,r..B a11 clalma and objec-
County Judge.
?tlee of Petition
qiSatoiNo 1483 ot Estello Bello
himms, deceased In tho County Court
Vh?ln County, Nebrnska.
i... of Nebrnska, To all persons
M,.rostcd ln said Estnto take notlco
that a petition has been filed for
ni ,anPo'ntment of Almn B. Slmms
as administratrix of said Estate, which
1IIB IIP Atl DA fnw. I.nnwlnn. H
June 22, 1917 at 9 o'clock a. m.
"""iu jaay S3U, 1U1Y.
m29'J19 ' County Judge.