The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 19, 1917, Image 1

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Waz Jlo rth
4- fcJfJ
i 1
No. 45
4k A 4
l7l IJ I
Georgo A. Moonoy, secretary of tho
soml-centonnial colobratlon, yesterday
closed a contract with tho Frontior
Days Committeo of Choyonno for tho
aalo of twelve of Uio floats that rvill
bo used in North Platto's celebration.
These floats will bo used in tho Fron
tior Days parade which will bo hold
tho lattor part of July. Theso floats
are- sold to tho Cheyenno committeo
at an avcrago prico of one hundred
dollars each, Milch includes tho ro-
ofoctlon of them at Choyonno by Mr
Moonoy and somo changes in three of
tho floats
Tho fact that Cheyenno desires
thoso floats is pretty good ovidonce
that they aro "good stuff." Thoy will
bo shipped to Choyenne tho oarly part
of next month and gotten in readiness
for tho parado.
"Tho Poor Littlo Rich Girl," was
Bhown at tho Keith last night to an
a'pproclatlvo audlenco, in fact many
romanked that they were coming back
tonight to sco it again. Tonight will
bo tho last performance, so whothor
you did or did not see it last night
you had bottor soo it tonight.
. . . - l k n m llil vai it it
rotS St Maxwell who "had boon" man for a grocery company of Koamoy Red Cross assisted by business and
?lnr IhKiJtrfWiitator and traveling agent for tho Star Dot- professional men and othoro wi 1 make.
?elSo!fdtadS- tUn? Works, of tel. city, was found v nUghty effort to have subscribed tho
.innlv qatiirilav afternoon at tho ago dead in tho road Uirco mnoa cost oi jiu.uuu wnion una uccii nppwruouvu
RlrtvflvTVKSi engaged in Brady Saturday afternoon, It is su'p- to Lincoln county as its share of tho
tmtatac for a n-umbor -of yoXin the posed that having trouble With his car ono hundred million dollars needed for
Maxwell viclnltv and recently corno " stopped thcro to repair it and was Hod Cross work,
hero 2! accent tho nosltion at thl overcome by tho boat. Ho leaves a Last Friday and Saturday tho coun-
UCrO U) OCCOpt UIO pOSlUOn. IVl U1U ,l,.,0,,w In trv nrnrtnnta nr- nt liMiot thn irpnntnr
Z . WSf v afternoon he com- Koarnoy and an undo, Dr. Voorhco number of thorn., were organize by
miss Mcdonald selected
as celebration queen
rSS"; J?l,l.',."i 1" ,i, W of this city. Tho remains the selection of Ub or more men in
r. . . . .1. ! ti?ntrt f nlfftt! tfk
iiio wirn in trriiwi tqt in riio wnirmii
tonnont Tho docoasod
slnontne and aftor several hours when vo years or ago.
sho was unsuccessful in rousing him,
becamo alarmed, and summoned aid.
when it was discovered that ho had
been dead for some timo. Tho to
mains Mro taken t& Maxwell Satur
day evonlng for burial.
It is claimed that Saturday morning from a visit witli relatives in Elsio.
Donnor was givon several onnKS ou
whiakv bv oartios who went to him For quick
Arnold for in- bach of tho precincts who will mako
was forty- tho canvass for tho subscriptions. Tho
Tho voting contost for queon of tho
soml-contonnial colobnatlon closed Sat
urday ovonlng and Miss Janet McDon
ald won out with 15,980 votos. Miss
Elm Day was second with 9,280 votos.
Tho choico of Miss McDonald is vory
appropriate for this occasion as sho
is the daughter of W. II. McDonald,
tho first whlto child born in Lincoln
county and tho granddaughter of
Charles McDonald, tho oldest continu
ous asl(lont of tho county, having ro
contly passed his ninetieth birthday,
and ,ho waB prominont in tho oarly
men who wont out in tho proclncts to history of tho city and county, .having
securo tho holp of tho rcsidonts found
Uio latter, as n rulo, quito ontluulas
tic and successful work ftom them
Is oxpoctod. Tho allotmont to Lin
coln county is at tho Tato of ono dol-
Tho Novlta. club will moot with Mra.
Frod Duncan Thursday afternoon.
r j t -nr ivTr.,,.. i.oD Mhimmt t for cac Inhabitant, and this ratio
Mr- J; .W;., McOn...1!11?- r ",r"0d is tho samo tho nation over.
Tho work in this city was organized
action and satisfactory last ovfcning when (thirty lor forty
to buy flsh, and that tho stsnor which sale list your land with Thoolecke. tf men and a score or more ladies mot
overcanio nun was uuo 10 uio uquur. n n, Hahn. of Lincoln, is tnc guest ., - -o, 0-
tl9deaartn.,nV0SUBatlnS th,S 'ta,,- f? SSffSolo?.0 KTad wTSfc
' Miss Lona Baskins r"oturncd yostor- portions of Uio city, eighteen commlt-
Tho cliildnen's day exorcises at tho Liv frnnl omahn. whore sho snont a tecs linvlnc boon annointod. each com-
III JIUU UUbbUi OUU V VVtV. i , , . , . . I "rf I ' ' '
She leaves homo, does this unloved wesuyienan cnurcn ounuay uiorniuK WOok. mltttoo to malco a house to Jiouso can
ivinin to Nebraska In 18C5. to Cotton
wood Springs in 18G0 and to North
Platto in 1872. Miss McDonald is a
Btudont at Vassar college.
ornhan. and goes to tho big city, lur
ed as so many havo boon by promises
of stage fame. Storn disillusionment
comes, but Dorothy Glsh in "Stage
Struck," at tho Keith Thursday night,
plays out tho string and meets a man,
and theso two go through oxporlonccs
that thrill lullth llfo and lovo and con
flict. And tho comedy part of tho
'program will bo "A Bachelor's Finish."
Wore attended by a largo audience
Tho church was decorated with cut
. a i I i ... ,
Miss Marie Doran loft Saturday ov- Vll8,. "l h?.or"1. " n"" V!. 8,-
10 rclftt,ves for townUdfstricts?,ltho soltors beTg
Mm fl M. Alinwnv.nfAnnnn.Wvo.. appomieu 10 uiko caro oi oacu, oiock.
Miss Ruby Raleigh loft at noon yes- Carl Simon. CM. Nowton nnd Dr.
aftornoon to visit the Bird family torday for Cozad to Bpond a woek with Rodfleld will take tho territory wost of
: :o: ;
There will bo class initiation at tho
Odd Follows- hall Thursday night,
commencing at 7; 30 sharp. All mem
bers aro urged to be present.
J. GUY SWOPE, Secretary.
Judge Hoagland goes to Oshkosh to
morrow to appear as counsel in a
caso where tho governmont contests
the entry of a homcstoadon.
Anyone making a disturbance in Uio
park grdufods after night will bo ar
rested and lined, uy oraor or tno
park board,
45-2 Chairman of tho Park Board
wMlo onnoute homo f,i1om Linocln roiaiives.
and Grand Island. nr. Morrill. Dentist
Tho Odd Follows hold memorial ser- MiRHOa Hazol Smith and Mario Bow.
vico at Uio hall Sunday aftornoon, a cn -viaitcd 'the lattor's fathor in Ar
largo number attonmng. xiio icaiuro Uiur Sunday.
or me program wu uu uuuruas uy
Archdeacon Bowkor.
Tho block in which tho Elks' build
ing Is located will bo takon caro of by
Elmor Coates, Will Landgraf and Ed
C. S. Clinton, M. M. Redonbaugh
T, ti Tro n,,.1 ,lnnn.l,tor MnlHft ailtl J. H. Vail ClOaVO Will liaVO tllO
an address
..A block 1n which tho Clinton storo Is lo
Miner H. Hull, of this city, travel- X fnr7k l" cated.
Ing salesman for the United States V1SU lor a weut- Tlie block on which tho First Nation
Rubber Co., left Friday for Omaha, Miss Ethel Wills, of Sta'pleton, for- ai bank stands and all oast Front
whore ho was manned Saturday oven- morly of this city, spent Uio wcok onu Utrcot will bo canvassed by E. J. Van
ing to a young lady of that city. Alter boro with friends. Derhoof, J. Q. Wilcox and Henry
a trip to eastern points tnoy win live . . f ,.- v WaltomatW,
if .,rinii Avimf liiivo vmi? In tho Hotol McCabo block Uio work
BKATT. WOODMAN & BUCKLEY. 3. aro Ua-rJX Dlxon WIU Woodhurst
Frank Wlnkleman, of Fremont, camq
at tho home of Mr.
: :n:
and Mrs. Harry
and Porry Carson.
Tho Dorryborry & Forbos block will
bo canvassed by Horry Flolshman
Chas. Templo and 0. C. Huppfor
Will Malonoy, Chas. Wholan and
Plants for Snlc.
Cabbage 50c per 100, tomato 50c per yesterday morning to visit his daughr
100, celery 50o per 100, sweet potato Her Mrs . Jack Carroll.
50c Der 100. cauliflowar 25c per doz-
en, giant poppers 25c per dozen. L. I. Jart of last vook to vlilt with Will McDonald will work tho block
UiMskor. 221 axostnut street, phono gr nd Mrs. John Don. bonded by Dowoy, Front, Locust and
Archie Hood, of tho U. S. navy, loft Tho North Locust stroet section will
Rod 698.
Saturday for tho Maro Island navy D0 canvassed by A. W. Brown, L
'jmmgjmmmm g yard to Uiko 'up his duties., Bortho and C. H. Walter.
Guy Swppo will
For Rent Houso kooping rooms, 320
Mrs . Koogan loft Sunday for Omaha
and oUior eastern points.
Mrs. C. H . Adams has returned
from a visit with irolatives in eastern
Mitts .Tonnlo Beans, of Cozad, who
vlsltod with Miss Ruby Ralolgh, loft
yostorday aftornoon.
Mrs. W. Harding, of Omaha, wife
of Conductor Harding, camo Sunday
to spend a row days lioro.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Barraolough
announce tho birth of a daughtor at
their homo last wook.
Mrs. l1rank Hatch has gono to
Mont Ida, Kansas, to spond several
wooks with hor inoUion.
Archdeacon and Mrs. J. J. Bow
kor loft .this morning lor AUianco
to attond Uio Episcopal annual convo
cation .
Mm. R. G. Smith and damtehtor
Hazel, of Grand Island, formorly of
this cty, aro vlslUng this woek at tho
Mottln homo
Miss Thorosa Fokin. who has boon
toachlng-'ln Wollfloot, returned here
Uiis wook and began woric m tno dick
oy ConfocUonqry
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blickonadorfar,
of Uloomlneton. 111., formor resldonts
hero, aro visiting local frionds whilo
enrouto to westorn ipoints
In orxlor to toduco our stock boforo
J. A. Mlnshall, of Bridgoport, for
morly of tho local shopB, is visiting
frionds .in town.
L. W. Toolo, who had boon employ
ed horo as a railway postal clonk for
sovoral years, will loavo Uiis wook tor
Scotts Bluff to aocopt a position as
assistant postmaBtor.
A special train of a dozon cars
transporting a hospital corps from
California to Pennsylvania, passed
tliirfaugh Saturday forenoon. Among
tho men on board was a brother of
Frank M. Whlto of this city.
Englncor Joo Schwaigor loavos
Wodnosday for Broadwator to bo
prosont when tho lako on tho smith
Bros, rancili Is solnod for carp in
ordqr. Uiat thoy may bo destroyed .
in solning out Uio laKo it is prooaoio
Uiat lota of other catablo AbIi will be
A Hin.hv p rfl was born Sntjurdav awjipo wiin 10'oit uuur suu
morning to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas sonpuons irom uio urooic population
Joffors, Mother and babe aro doing "tclil Ugal, Y. Wada and u. in
nioniv auga will solicit tho Japs.
1 jiAsneclal committeo will solicit sub
Har61dv Lanetord afr Ffed Pdtor-1 sc,rlptJon3 fronl l0 fliffbreut 'lodges
son leu eaiuruay oyouing lor wen- a3 organizations.
vor and otlicr Instern points to s'ponu Tho stinorvlslnir committeo la com
ten uays. nosctl of E. F. Seobongor, Dr. Geo
g Miss Mildred Mehlmann, of Don- B. Dent, Rev. Fr. McDald, M
or nmn snn.inv nvnninr- tn viait hor Forbes and' Irn L. Bare.
ii brother L. E. Mehlmann and Mrs. Tho soliciting conMittees in tho bus
Mrs. James Brady returned yes
terday morning from Omaha where
sho rotta called by the illpessof a rol-
if tut i f m WI-4V WE ARF! WTI.7.1NR TO TURN THE it
J YOU Haoy Fleishman.
- I atlvo, last week
Misses Ella Fleishman and Rose
Omaha, crjno Sunday
Uio former's brother ton last ovonlng.
incss districts aro expected to havo
tholr Iflprk comploted by Wednesday
and mako a roport at a mooting to be
hold in Uio fodaral :bulldlng at olght
o'clock Wednosday ovenlng.
.. o '
Mlsa Blancho Fonda went to She!
Baptist Association Meeting
Tho North Platto Baptist Assocla-
tlop, including churchos us far east
as Gothonburg and as far wast as
Pleasant iVaJlcol, near Paxton, will
hold tholr annual associatlonal moot
ing Wodnosday, Thumlay and Fri
day of this wook, Juno 20, 21 and 22,
in tho Baptist church of North Platto,
Rov. Barton, formorly or this piaco,
was Uio last inodorator nnd Rov. J.
S. 'Jones, of Dickens, is clork.
Somo fifty dclegatoB from out of
town aro oxpoctod.
Among Uio distinguished spoauors
will bo Rov. Ray E. York of Lincoln,
ntnto secretary of Uio Nobraska Bap-
Ust convention, whd, will speakf on
"Tho Jublloo Year of Nebraska Bap
tists;" Rov. Clark II. Bancrofft of Om
aha, and Rov. J. D. Collins, Sunday
Bchcol oxport fori NobrasKa, muii aiBO
havo part in tho program.
Ono or tho dlstinctivo roatures oi tno
program will bo tho devotional Biblo
stludy hour nt uio beginning oi oacn
session. Rov. Joshua Grovott, who
has boon for over twenty yoars Uio
nccopttrtl and iiopular pastor of Uio
OrUiirvrt nantlst churcli of Donvor will
dollvor Uieso dovotlonal Blblo study nd-
Tho ovonlng sessions will bo of a
particularly. interesting nature to tti?
genoral public. Not only Baptists, but
all citizens of North Platto aro invited
to attond thoso and all tho mootings
of tho association.
::ot: -
Insnoctors who vlsltod tho school
moving wo Ulll oitor a argo wbgt -;- - vook folind
mont of trimmoa ana untrimmcu mus Tf Ti,:; wi n hh.l r.r-
lt cost. McVickor Mllinory, at The
do bo or ols'o Btairtod v.n& lator gavo
Supporting the
This is a time for every citizen to support the
United States Government, and many are doing
so at considerable cost or sacrifice to themselves.
We have joined the Federal Reserve Banking
System established by the Government to give
greater financial stability and strength to the
member banks and protection to their depositors.
You can give your support to this great Gov
ernment enterprise and also obtain its protection
for your money by becoming one of our deposi
The Hannv Houn Club will meet
Many auto tourists passed through with Mrs. James Goldon Friday after-
Sunday, among which Mis a Ford noon.
from Pennsylvania, a Ford from Ohio . . ,
and a Hudson from California. Mr- ,and Mrs; G,?ore Arguo loft
a few days ago for Omaha to visit for
MIbs Myrtlo Beolor, who had been a week.
V I rlo(f rtrr In T.lnnnlti tnf1nhn nil llrm r. thnl
it i(tr,nnrt f inat wnrvir si,o v-na nn. William Harcourt returned last ov-
& Lnmnnnlml lv hnr rrrvndf.-it.hftr . 0"lnS from Omaha WllOrO ho BPOnt
K 1 sovoral days.
if - r""r T Mr. W. TJ. KUllnn. nf Tlnnlr RnrlnirH.
tnmnnn tn irinit taflth hor motlior Mrs. arrived yostorday to visit hor sister,
Mary GuUiorless and other relatives . Mra- Joseph Fllllon
Mrs. I. W. Heckler and daughtor, For Ront-Two modern rooms, also
Bornico, of Lincoln, who visited for Garage. Mrs. Geo. O. Troxlor, 608
several days with Mrs. W. T. WI1- WC8- slxth fltroot- 4C"2
cox and family, loft yesterday morn- Mrs. V. H. Persall, of Gortlng, is
ing for Denver. visiting hor parents Mr. and Mrs
Mrs. Joseph Seller and daughtor Georgo Wlnslow this wook.
Annnbollo, of Carroll, Iolwla, wrrlved a h, p. Wright loft Sunday ovonlng
row days ago to visit uio lormors for rcst Allls, Wis., whoro ho will
Drouior i-. v. j-ioisucitor aim huh visit relatives for trvvo wocics
"""" t ilorn1,v this inftanuof thnnk
Farm, and Ranch loans at lowest lng iny friends for tnolr loyal support
rates and best terms. Money on liana during tho contest elva day.
to close loans promptly.
When -yon need Insunnico of anj ... M,n rk In mnny cas0a ui0y
Mud got .tho best. Brntt, Goodman & fomui spldiulld pardons, hotter in somq ,
Biickley?lW!lJtrlt; ' ' " ' rospoct than thbHO'aot out by adults'.
Mrs. Charles Davis and children, of iu SOmd instances Uio plots lnstoad or
Portland, formerly of this city, ar- )QnB ioX2'0 foot, covered tho ontlro
rived lioro tonay to visit hor fathor A. rear part of tho lot. Ono of tho largest
R. Adamson and Blstor Mrs. Bon Mc- n,n(i boat gardens found was in tho
Michael. Fourth ward and tho rourtoon year
In a rocont issuo ItAvas stated that old girl to whom it belongs toted
Dr and Mrs. Crosslor woro called water4 both morning and ovonlng to
to California by tho doaUi of Mrs. Van wator tho vegetables, not hr.ving ac
Brocklln. It shouild road by tho death cess to city wator.
of the former's fathor. , it Will nay you to visit McVickor's
II. N. MorrlSBoy, S. H. Sodgwlck, Mllllnory Department during tholr ro
W. B. Roso, Cliarlos B. Lotton and J. moval salo.
R. Dean, supremo Judges, of Lincoln. ::o::
Ucro hor0 yesterday while onrouto to Pointer Pups For Sale.
Goring to attond tho westorn iNourns- Thoroughbred English Pointer Pupa
ka Bar Association mooting. ror 8alo. Woll built and good markings,
T Dixon - Perfecto t
Platto Valloy Lodge No. 32, A. F.
& A. M. will moot Tuesday , Juno 19,
at 8 p. m. to work In tho Fellow Craft
degroo under a special dispensation.
Dr. H. C. Brock. W. M.. Robt. A.
Armstrong, Sec'y.
Miss Cathorlno Johnson, who had
boon spending tho past week In Omaha
and Koamoy, boforo returning from
Lincoln, roturnod Saturday. Mlas
Johnson has boon oloctod as ono of
tho rogular tcachors in Lincoln for the
coming torm and expects to return to
that city In tho fall.
ErnoBt Rlnckor and "Jim" Clinton.
who returned from Omaha F;'lii..v on-l
listed in tho hospital corpsvi.v Utoj
navy, passod tho oxamlni-.tion and nro
now awaiting ordors to proceed to
somo named point. Ernest, as a regis
tered pharmacist, was ontltlod to reg
ister as a recruit of tho first class,
and iwjlll bo givon a ninotydny fichool
in war pharmacy.
Hill Bros. & Costollo, who havo
Perfection Ice Cream
Gives tho final touch to any social af
fair, and nono is complete without it
Our Ico Oream Is onjoyablo whethor takon oyor UlQ cUy dollvorlo3 for tho
served as part of a banquet, as dos- Llarlo-Sandall Co.. Tiump & Sons,
anrt. for dinner, or refreshment for Uio Rush Morcantllo Co., J. L. Louden,
unexpected guest, a is quickly ob- Brodbock & Son, Frod Marti and I.
talnablo, easily sorvod and always aP-iTnoy Tmto'd tho building formorly oc-
proumiou. iua, n Dvi cupiod by Uio Star Bottling worKs
n. n which they uso as a fpolnt of assem
Nnvtn MlaUft I rAHmPrV bling Uio goodB, whoro thoy aro sort
Mrs. Gus Chamberlain and son, of
Donvor. will arrlvo tho last of this
wook to attend tho s&nil-contonnlal col
ebration. ,
Money to loan on Real Kstulc, long
or snort time.
Miss Mario Rudat, who has boon at
tending tho Koamoy normal, spent the
week end visiting hor mothor, Mrs.
Albert Ha&pol.
Francos Welch and Floyd Stoolo, of
Omaha, who aro woll kndttti horo,
will attond o druiggflBtK conven
tion in thin city this wook.
Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Barron wont
to Scotts Buff this morning, tho form
er to attend tho bar association and
tho lattor to visit frionds.
Word luhs received in town a fow
days ago from Mrs. Frank Short, of
Suit Lako City, formerly or uub city,
Ui it hor daughtor Constanco had lost
tho sight of ono oyo which was m
ju-ed whilo playing wiUi a knlfo.
Tho big tont to bo luflod for tho CIn
dorella and Quoon's ball as woll as
Uio small tontB to bo usod by camp
ers woro recolvcd yostorday and takon
out to tho city park whoro thoy will bo
oracted. Thoro was a carload of
thoso tents.
It will pay you
to see us about
Harry Dixon & Son
ed for tho different routes. It will ro
J qulro several days to. got tho Bystem
in smootn running oruor.
Houses, rooms, modern, single or In
sului storage spuco una 6aio uo
posit boxes.
Tn thn divorce nrocoodinus of Ernest Writo John B. Richards. Sldnoy, Kobr.
It. Savin against Florence bavin, uio
defendant filed a cross-petition. Judgo
Grlmos granted Mrs. Savin a soparato
mnintninancn of $25 nor month and
tho custody of tho throo children.
Thn KfMirnov Hub says tho pooplo of
that cltv aro talking up tho plan of
HniMirlntr a snocial train to bring Uiom
to Uio Boml-ccntoiyiiai lor Bomo uuy
during Uio colobration. Kcarnoy is
ono of tho many towns uiat wm soim
big dologatlons to North iJiatto s coio.
in tho c.tina nf Loulo LIpbIiUz against
tho Mooso, in which ho sought to eject
tho organization from tho socond
iloor of his building, County Judgo
French found for tho plaintiff, hold
ing that tho looso was Invalid by rea-
BOll OI Violation, ill mo tuuuuvi,
case occupied tho tlmo of tho court for
aovoral hours yestoiday aftornoon.
Waltor Dillon, of Sutherland ago 23,
wna drowned In a lako thlrty-ilvo
miles north of Suthorlnnd Siuiday. In
company with two young men ho at
tempted to swim across tho lako and
whon half way across bocamo ex
hausted. Tho oftortB of his compan
lnnw to save him woro of no avail". Ho
Is tho Bon of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas
Dillon of Sutherland.
"Kniithnrn Justice." tho Bluebird
photoplay at tho Crystal Wednosday
night presents a story that is suro to
ploaso. It rollccts truthfully tho plac
id llfo of tho small town down south.
Tho doings of tho colonol, tha editor,
tho Bhoomakor and tho othor lessor
lights of Uio community aro humorous
ly true to luo. uut uio most lnieruBi-
ing charactor or au is tno orpimu mu
who limps into tcMn with an old shot
.... . -- 1 1 ... rf "Oil.
gun in ono iiuhu ujiu .
grlm's Pro&Toss" in tho othor and
makes ovory ono his friend.
In comnanv with Oharloy Ilupfor,
Joo Schwaigor and Charloy Horrod Tho
Trlbuno man s'pont a day at tuo Joan
Schick lako flfty-Ilvo miles nortnwost
of town and assisted In catching a
tnmnv snck full of bullheads. Theso
Bmall, but good-oating iibu mioai uio
lako by thousands, and a flshorman Is
kept busy pulling tnom out ami ro
balting his hook. Parties from tho
neighborhood, from Gaudy and from
Ringgold woro prosont, about forty all i
told, and at noon a nsn-rry was givon,
about 200 bullheads bolng fried nnd
oaten i
: :o:
Graduate Optometrlot
Elsie Janis
Bull for Sale.
Registered Short Horn Bull, 14
months old, color rod. Goorgo Brown
flold. Hcrshoy. Nobr. 44-2
The Caprices of Kitty"
Thursday, June 21.