IN JEWS OF TOWN AND COUNTY. William Adair lion return od from ft business visit In Gibbon. Miss Ethol Sousor Iiod resigned her position r.s offco girl at Tho Clinic, Van Lawrence returned Wodnos day from a business visit In Omalia. Attorney W. V, Hoogland loft at noon Wednesday for Loxlngton on legal bus Inesm Miss Lathnn llott Tuesday morning for Sliordan tapiero slio will rosldo in tho fulAvra Itussoll Longford returnd Wednes day from Sarbon whore ho visited for several days. Miss Sylvia and Edith Stcnner pleas antly entertained tho W. W. Guild Tuesday ovonlng. Mra. W. II . LoDIoyt and daughter Mojrao havo returned from Omaha whoro they spent a week. Ircpo Donolson Is sufforlng with a broken wrist wlilich bJio 6uBtalnod wlillo roller skating Wednesday. Mrs. A. O. Howard and sons who rocontly moved to Denver will visit hero during tho soml-centonnlal . j Harry Block wont to Columbus Wed nesday to look after his- interests in a ladles' furnishing stoio in tnat city. Mrs. David Mlnshall and Mm. Henry Hansen loft tho first of this weok for a visit with relatives in Wisconsin. Mrs. Johanna McQraw, who has boon visiting In Shorldan, Wyo., with rohv tlvos will return tho first next wook. Miss DosbIo Chamberlain visited In Lexington tho first of tho wook. Dr. Morrill, Dentist T. L. Croon left tho first of tho wook for Grand Island to spend a few days. For quick action and satisfactory salo list your land with Thoolocketf MrB. Philip Plzor, of Lowollcn, Is visiting Uiis week with Mrs. Julius PIzer. wook for Whitman on cursion. leaj lshl a fishing ox- MIhb Ella Dlako returned Tuesday rrom J-niroury whoro shoaiad been vis iting frlonds. For Sale Detroit gasollno ranco. Inquire of Mrs. J. K. Ottonstoln, 314 west Third. Dr. B. B. Baker loft tho first of this wook for Sidney to transact business for a fow days. Louis Peterson roturned yesterday from Kansas OHy whoro he was called by tho doath of his daughter-in-law, Wantod Sowing, satisfaction guar anteed. Phono Hod 462 or call at 403 south Vino. 37-8 A baby girt wno born tho first of raclough. All cocermod aro doing raciouyn. au concerned are riolnc niceiy. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Pealo. of Den- vor, arrived horo tho nnst of this weok to visit wth Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stevens. F. J. Dunn returned Wednesday morning worn Kearney wnqre ho at tended tho funeral of tho lato Daniol Atchlnson, Mrs. Johnson, of Shelton and Mrs. Quodo of Stapleton, Woro tho guests of tholr slstor Mrs. C. It. Moroy for a iow uays uus woctt. Claroncd McCabo and sister Mario who havo boon attending Notro Damo Collogo aro oxpectod to return homo this wook. Tho young son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fear of Walaco was brought to tho Nurso Brown Hospital for treatment Wodnosday. Jamos Flynn, Jr., loft a fow days ago for Kansas City to tako on examina tion preparatory to going to Franco as a federal railway employe. Homor Gray and Stuart Anderson tobro fined $5.80 each tho foro part of this wook for Bpcodlng and Dwayno Smith on a similar complaint was giv en a flno of $10.4G. Mrs, JluIIa Scnnlon, of Sidney, Is visiting with local frlonds Iwfhllo on routo homo from a visit with hor slater, Mrs, Fred Glnnap'p and brother John Conncally at Brady. Mrs A. G Wossburg and son Abnor loft Wodnosday morning for Ogdon, Tho former will visit hor daughter thoro for Bovornl wookB and tho lattor will roturn Sundayi Thoso In need of nalntlnir. tumor C. W. McMulIon returned vostordav I hanging and docoratlnir aro nasiirml from Omaha whoro ho visited frlonds satisfactory -work If they omploy Julius ror ooveral days. "oga. mono mack CD2. 38tf Mrs. L. W. Toolo left TubmIhv Dr. and Mrs. O. II. CrosHlnr nn,i mornlnir for Koarnev to attend tho daughter wero called to San FranolRm I wedding of a friond. , Wednesday morning by tho deaUi of Miss Myrtlo Boclor loft Tuefllay mornng for Lincoln to visit friends for a wook or longor, hor mother Mrs.. Zolla VanBrocklln. Mrs. Frank Dentler and,r Miss Erma Robinson, of Denver, ore n fr .lava n tr nrm, n rwwltl In " wwuhu vu BVUU-CUIlienniai. tho Carson harbor shoo. or sal or Txchainro Miss Ruth Wlngot returned Tuesday L,rr"T?--V JB,nA ?.? "vo yar nvonlnr. fmm T.nrlnwf r.n . via- uyn., am iiuuu Ul III are S Hod rin IvA Tv' " 9 .?..? and 4 year old - " . . u w. . i iiii iu . i i i j if i iv L-mv m . . i if m t t i..ii , I mr. mm mru. i. in. jriusKuii 01 ouui-i ,,i , . . i nrlnnd l.rtvn rn(iimn,1 fr, vl, "?,u VUJ,ru iinuorson 10It v wwa as w w M w &m m W AM 1 v I run aa Ml m 11. . ... m w ixtUh rnlnvoc In ArUn. w,u i"" "l "'0 WOeK lOr KOar- "'i ... I TlfiV Whom tlio fnrmni- Mrs. A. A. Soltzor will loavo todav transferred aud thov will mnko h'pir ror Stoning after visiting with hor nomo, it rH T . II.. I . " " "O " tlU 1 J jyui L VII Aivm liauKii rormorly with UioHor. mo wook is Tooortod to havo cannod rod grooony began work as salesman In consldorablo damago to corn on sandy tho Llork-Sandall grocery Tuesday, noil, tho drifting sand cutting off tho plants. Charles Smith, who had bocm tnanh. ing in tno schools at Knoyvlllo, Mont., roturned a fow days ago and mjlll spond tho summer with his parents ZZZI Geiyour Hauling done in Daylihl. D" ISPENSE with cosUy, plodding horses. Get a Smith Form-a-Truck. Haul the same loads as 2 teams now haul in half the time. When you go to town make the trip in one-third the time required by horses. Hauls AnythingAnywhere Don't take your horses out of tho fields for hauling. Don't delay farm work. Smith Form-a-Truck will do work ofvfour horeesnt halt tho cost Costa no more than a good team' and harness $350, Save two drivers' wanes. Farm help cost Is going up. Never In the h9tory of America has it been so high. Uso Smith Form-a-Truck for hauling milk, groin, crops, feed, manure, lumber, coal und everything else on tho farm. Save 20 Acres Government Agricultural statistics show that It costs $4-11 a year to feed and stable four horsesthat they eat tho entire feed raised on 20 acres. Care veterinary medicine shoeing bedding nil cost extra. Smith Form-a-Truck will save all this money costs but $14Q n year. Horses cat whether they work or not And they work only 100 days a year. Smith Form-a-Truck costs you nothing while idle. 8c a Ton Mile The lowest hauling cost In tho world. Less than 8c per ton mile-exclusive of driver'a wages. 6,000 to 8,000 miles per set of tires 12 to 18 miles per gallon of gasoline 12 to 15 miles per hour. For Six Cars Now use n new or usedFordiaxwell, Dodge Bros., Chevrolet Bulck or Overland chassis with a Smith Form-a-Truck attach ment and get a fully guaranteed, powerful, strong,. 1-on truck Miss Iva Mills of tho O'Connor store rosumod hefn dulUcs Wednesday alter visiting for two wooks in Arkansas. Mrs. C. O. Balm and child of Mol rose, aro spending this wook with hcr wost of town parents Mr. and Mrs. .Con Walkor. t ..,i ci i u- amnu, wno attended tho u Uu immn uk "73 VVi uut I nnnUttl COnVBTl (in vf thn nn nhilrtn Imllnm InKl. lnn.l I . , . . vj., uonu nrnZxr Kn A iTniVh iTmn'tiM- uwrcr,lcUo Association at Lincoln uruuK, ivuinii lvuun meairo uiug. ths Wook. waa olectntl Mrs. Thomas Fogg, of ArllnKton. oxecutivo board, w ionau poon visung nor motnor Mrs. Snowrtaktw worn in i. III n nlt rw Tir.Ili irv4.m4w1 t.MV4 I - " w ...u .,Bn uo .uiuiiiuu iiuiiiu. aoout ono o'clock Tuesday morning, Mrs. C. P. Holm. Who hail boon visit- at least employes at ttio demot ho re- ing hor daughtor filrs. Davo Day, iro- Port, certain it is Uio tomporaturo was turned to hor homo In Lincoln Wodnes- iOW onougu ror snow. uMi I Tho Knlcrht of r1iiTnKiia win l.i.i wvrMfcMO IT 111 UUIU I a Boclal danco In tho baaemont of the tit. Patrick's school on Tuesday even ing, Juno 13th. A lanro attendance is desired by tho committee. 1110 ivnignis or uoiumuus Hold a very pleasant dancing party in tho aud itorium or St Patrick s school Tuesday ovcming, l no music was eniovable. uio ationuants congonial and the ov- onlg delightfully cool. A. F. Fink has mado and nlaced on oxhlbitlon a highly decorated double set or harness which will be- displayed on a team pinning ono or tho iloats In tho Beml-centonnial parade. The har- noss aro valued at $150. ' A card froih E. il. Evans-and Albln Sandall received Wednesday stated I that thoy loft Omaha Tuesday aftar- noon for tho navy yard at .Norfolk. va., wnoro tnoy will begin tholr four years' enllstmont In tho sorlvce of Undo Sam.. Tho J. F. F. Club woro ontortalncd Tuosday afternoon by Mrs. If. P. Hon- ckol at. cords. Prizes Iwtoro awarded to Mrs, E. M. Johnson and Mrs. I. E. Tjrput, and Mrs. I. E. Stebbhm wore awarded tho guost tprlzo. Gluests of tho day wero MesdamosIlay Dorram and Edward Wocks. Mrs. W. II. C. Woodhurst who had been visiting hor slstor In Kearney ror ton uays returned homo last even ing?. Whllo thorlo sho lhs tho guost of Honor at sovcral social functions. Miss Edith Gantt. who had beon taking a course in a library scliool In Now York City, returned homo Wednesday, Enrouto she visited (hor brother Robert Gantt at Ft. Snolllng. Robort French, a grand officer of the Masonic lodge, was horo Tuosday, Ho was enrouto from Sutherland whore ho dolivorod an address and spoko at tho.funoral of tho lato Dan AtchlnBon In Ivoairnoy Tuosday afternoon. Chris Kdlno, of Chicago, who fre quently visit nis slstor Mrs. Julius lloga horo was majnrlod last weok to MIsb Cathorlno NaszIJor of Chicago and thoy aro expected to visit In this city noxt wook, Mr.Klelno Is a salesman ror Carson-Plrio-Scott Co, A valloy farmor In this orflco Wod nosday sold ho considered vogotatlon aoout t-nreo uonind tho avorago year, Airaira biiowb no Blgn of bloom, whore as In tho avoragq year tho first cnop is usually ready for cutting at this dato In Juno: Jfild roaos always in bloom tho lattor part of May aro now Just beginning to unfold, and tho host or corn is very small. Chas. Boguo roturnod Tuesday nljtht from his trip over Uio Union Pacific Furnace Value is Determined by What Comes Out of the Registers Out of the registers, mind you; not out of the chimney I Just because you see the heap of ashes, doesn't prove that you got the good out ol the fuel. Combustion is more than building a fire. Small carbon particles and gases have a way of rushing from the fire, if they find an outlet before yielding up their 'loads of heat; heat you pay for, whether you get it or not! But you get this heat and the comfort and con venience and economy at the same time when you have a Green COLONIAL Furnace Has Green's Dome Heat Intensffier Grizn cotoiu. furnace Green's Dome Heat Intensifier is a wonderful thing. No joints no gas-leaks. But an absorption of the heat, because every particle of the surface of this dome is exposed to the fire. You really wouldn't know the old home or the new one, either! with the Green COLONIAL Furnace working for you. Every day the coldest, dampest, windiest days would find the rooms as warm and cheery as a sunny afternoon in June I And if your home isn't comfortable, what do you get out of life? All your) business worries, all your struggles, amount to nothing when your home is the best and most cheerful spot on earth! Send for a free copy of the latest, illustrated, descriptive catalogue. Study the Green COLONIAL furnace its guarantee its construction its scientific advan tagesits durability and its many economies of fuel, time and health. Now is the time to look into these merits. Don't wait don't experiment fh638"1 J1"" 10mcs to a '"mace. The Green COLONIAL will pay bacW the money you invest in it, in a few years. Install the "Colonial". II SIMON BROS., I NORTH PLATTE, NEB. I i . i vat M U I A244 One Naturally Feels Chagrined to see his neighbors making improvements, which are just as badly need on his own premises. The thing to do is to follow suit. You'll feel better and your property will be benefitted. Keeji pace with the im provement of the day and see us for Lumber and Building Material Coates Lumber & "Coal Co. North Platte, Nebr. Form and Ranch loans at lowest rates and best terms. Money on hand to close loans promptly. 43tf BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. THE IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION "NABOB" No. Will make tho season as follows: Tuesdays and Fridays at the Mo vuouii rucu uuu oaio uar l'lattc, beginning April 10th. S Perfection Ice Cream Gives tho final touch to any social af fair, and nono is complete without it Our Ice Or'oam is enjoyable whether served as part of a banquet, as des sert for dinner, or refreshment for the unexpected guest it is quickly ob tainable, easily sorvod and always ap preciated. May wo serve you? North Platte Creamery UltlnilCO Of-tlln tvcfllr Cfvrnnnt Hi,,.. day) nt niv farm nix mil woof North I'lntlo and three fourths of a iuuo uoumeast or iiirdwood switch. Nabob was foaled May 24, 191X and Imported with his mother byR'orth ,n5,1.nson' ot Grand Island, in July, U13. was bred by M. DftsnrA mo.ntu0f,9rne' ln ance. This horso "uibus Hsu, is clean and sound ln every particular, ami Ir you will find anywhere. We Invito you to come and see this Terms-n5.00 to Insure colt to stand and suck. If mares aro disposed or or leave country sorvlco fee be comes due and payable at once. Care will be taken to prevent ac- SS!?wiiitnS0?a any "WShKi owner will not b0 responsible. FRANK STROLLBERG, , Owner. SHKUincs SALE wherein Company, tiff and ai arc In nr. 1.1 n . The Welpton " Invetn a Corporation, Is plaln- r..v.r""'"'.iD' . . n to mmsm No P!ae Truck Co. GEORP5 CARAW, Mnpgf rf DR. HAROLD A, FENNER Osteopath. C Rovnolrl nullHInp- whlolv ho mado ln company with others ntt In tllO tWJrcllflflO nf lllmrtv Ivmiln Rf- m' co B m- lorLS ftO SUhflGrintmnJt nm finer I Phnnaa ' OYftP.t. tntvl Bum niihs(Hh1 l,v m. u"itt ooa CS IIIBCK 013 ployos of tho Union Pacific system will Notice urn uu kuuym. ior Hovorai uays. w. J. Ilondy TOtutaiod Wodncsday Cathorlne Medicos will rrom umana, unvinc a Koru souan ror mat on 1 10 24th dav of Mnv. ini7 p W. T. Wilcox, Mr. Hcndy says ho H. Sullivan, a Justlco of tho peace, In found Uio roads 'In Rood condition until and for Lincoln Countv. Nohrnnifn u. ho readhod Brady, but from there ln sued an Order of Attaohmont, for tho thoy wero awfully rough through, lack sum of J73..0 ln an acUon ponding bo of draralnfir. In tho oast and central forn hltn. whnrnln Tininn r Tifn i. tarts of tho stato tlio roada aro plaintiff and Cathorlno McCloes, de dragged regularly and aro generally (ondant, that property conslstlnK of tu 6wi wiuuiuuu. I ono oun vase, ono i ravoiintr nr and in , , . 7T. . th0,r cntontB. together with a mlscol. JIlKH L08I Of LlflHtr Solved. laneoua lot of WAarlnir nVvnarnl inllat wi juu nuuw onu inintr iirnL nas not ana otnnf Ariirifm imu imnn nt)r.i,o,i i : j ... . .. . : i :::: - -. , v.. ivuvu liiuiwBou wiui niKu cose or living unuor saia omor. "Artificial Ico." Thousands of dollars Said cauan -man rnnHnmi are thrown away in garbago cans that day of July. 1317. at ton o'clock, a. m tfWttlrl Ivn anitAfl mltk 41. - 11 I a . n.. ... - "a wutu ira wiuu nuu mo aiuHu i uuioa iNoriu 1'iaiio, Nebraska, Juno bUViSz. alwiava use thn hnat Phnnn 40 Artificial Ico and , Cold StorageJCo.39-lj HELEN M. RITNER. ' . " Plalhtllf.1 NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) On Hall Block North ot Postoftice. Fbecte 58 A modern Institution for tha citatific treatmtnt of medical, urgieil and eonfinement cxw, CompUUly tquipjped X-Ray and diajmuBtic Uboratorlti. Staff: Cw.B.DM.D. V. 1m,M.D. J.B.RoJMilLD. J.S.Smb,M.D of a partof the No?fft subdivision (NEU ) and tho qS1 t??1 .Quarter Section Twentynlno r?QH,i,f m(s) oC Fourteen (14) yNorh of V.n'i? To.n.8,lln three (33) West or th paBe rty- ?oStel; 5lffi?.. ?aa.Jn'S tlon Twn.r'"l,r.. w) of Sec- Fourteen (14) Nor.i f Jn Township three (33). west of iVJi11" Thirty- South wiSf'oK?1 westerly from the uu eiKni-tentlm fvnn o i u""eu west alonp the nnr, il8) ffet thonco distahco of Sno " IlundiSS lot a and Sixty-Five Hrt,-di.Sind TwenUt feet. thnr: iivS lI.7,"dr'lths 120.65- a line parallel Mriy d,rot'on oh tance of One H,m,iYe B?iS -lot a dls tl?hatdeady W Vf. this J. pATjIUBuRY. Sheriff. NOTICE OIC prwii t. ....... 1 InterL? IhXo, ot Nebraska, to all peraa account nmT Vi;.v . 'i'f? "'.e..a. tlon and a" petition for flftiuV a?t for0,w.ff? aa ?.uc.h' which have bn t0.1...0.' hearlntr bfore aald conrf you may inn,.; ,V Dated June 8, 1917. y v" "ame- GEO. H FRENCH,