I: Sbtml. SEribune. PIIOCLAMATION IKA L, BASE, Editor aa PakUiker. 8UD80RIPTION RATEB: One Year bj Mull la AdYance.T..$Li& One Tour hj Carrier Ib Advance. .MM A Cntorod at North Platte, Nebraska, ' Postofflco as Second Clans Matter. FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1017. Cemetery Hoard Meets. Tho ccmotorv board rocontly ap pointed by tho city council liold a meot- ag ovoning- and appointed Byron ng Titojilay night and appointed Byron Oborat secretary and treasurer at a salary of ten dollars month. Tho presldont of the board was au thorized to havo a survoy mado of that portion of land lying west of tho cenio tory and oast of tho irrigation ditch, to liavo tho acreago oompuptod, and to noglptiato with tho ownors for tlio pur :haso of tho tract. Tho secretary xa instructed to ob tain a list of all amounts duo tho com otory board and colloct samo and was directed to collect in advance tho feo f6r digging graves. A scalo of tprlicos for cemotory lots THE WHITE HOUSE, May 25th, 1917. Inasmuch as our thoughts as a nation aro now turned In united pur poso toward tho porformanco to tho upmost tot Itho eervlcos and duties whlah, wo have assumed in tho cnuso of lfborty and Justice; Inasmuch as but a small propor tion of our pcoplo can liavo tho oppor-! tunlqy to fmv upon tjho field fn battlo, but all men, women and chil dren allko may sorvo and sorvo offect- ivoly by making It posslblo to care proporJy for tlioso who do sorvo at homo and abroad. And inasmuch as tho Aniddcan Rod Cross is'tho official rocognlzod agen cy for voluntary otYort In bolialf Of tho armed forces of Uio nation and for tho administration of rqllof; Therefore by vwtuo of my authority twentieth century club . I Remember the INSTALLS NEW OFFICERS Nniisa Tttvtwn Mamnrial ino iiwuuuuiii vuiuurjr viuu nutui tho final meeting of this eason in tho Hnmnnathir Hnnnifal Franklin school bulldtne Tuosday 0v- omeoPiniC "OSpitW ning and installed tho following off t- When reriuirinG hospital care rnraj Prnqlitnnt. Mlm. Tlov Cottroll: ior vlco-nrcaldont. Mrsw. V D. Brown: to- Medically, cording Bocrotary, Mrs. aeo. orator; snrgicniiy, or treasurer, Mrs. W. H. Blalock; jour nalist, Mrs. York Hlnman; correspond lm socrotarv Mrs. Wilson Tout Mrs. T. C. Pattorson, on uohalf of tho cM nresontod tho retiring president Mrs. J. II. Hegarty with a largo bouquot of 11 os in appreciation of hor wojk aur- Ing tho ycer, and Mrs. josopn uoauy, tho itetkinc socrotary. was given u standing voto of thanks for hor untlr- Int: efforts for tho success of tno ciuu Addresses were mauo Obstctrlcally, Horo your lntorosts and comfort will bo sorved. it is not ln0 biggest, out ono of tho best placos wheroin to got won. 1009 West Fourth Street. Dr. J. S. Twinem. OLD LINE LIFE Policies ON EASY TERMS E. SEBASTIAN. Stftto Mrrr. Minn.Mutual Lif elns.Co. Phone Office Red 612 Residence Red 348 NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. for two years hv Mo9damoa Hwrarty. Roddy. Cottroll as Prosldont of tho United States, and and Miss Annie Krnmph. A musical as president of UI10 Amorlcan Rod , nroeram was rendered In which Mrs. Cross; I, Woodrow Wilson, do bora, w, H. Oramor, Misses Holon Bonner, N jjmwn Memorial Hospital. W rtmlnim llin wonV hmr nil ni? -limn tll.b- A If n Tlnm- inrpv l,u'"" ' 18, 1917, as Rod Uross wook, uuring nni Dorothy HinmaA took part ft Pit. JOHN S. TWINEM Special Attention to Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics. NORM .PLATTE, NEB. which tho peofplo of tho United States Ufll bo called Upon to glvo generous ly and in a spirit of patriotic sac rifice for tho support and mainten ance of this work of national ncod. "WOODROW WILSON." Tho National organization of tho Rod Ctosb lias assessed to Lincoln county, was mado, tho first sovon rows f rom ( Nobraska, tho sum of nlnoteon thous- tuo -west lino or uio cemetery noing and uu.iuu isismjuo.uu) uouars. uom- Dlaced at $75 for a full lot, tho soc ond eovon trows $70 "per lot, tho third sovon rows $G0, fourth sovon tows $50, and Uio balance ranging from $40 to $30. Lots for single burial will bo $5.00, iwtth a feo of $5.00.ior digging graves and $10.00 for digging vaults. ::o:: Kearney Will Bo Hero Strong Tho Ipeoplo of Kearney aro taking great intorost in North Platto's semi centennial colobratlon ad' havo asked tho committee to sot asldo a Kearney Day at which tlmo delegations from tho Midway City will make a special offort to como and Join in tho fostlv itlos. Tho local committee Iwll select a day for handing over to the Kearney people tho keys of tho gateway. : :o: : Inspect Federal Land Loans . W. R. 'Nowcomlikg, cx-county clork of Clay county arrived Wednesday and in company with Scott Reynolds and Carl Holhnan Inspected land on which applications for foderal loans have! been mauo. Tracts of land in Minor, Solleralant, Osgood and Payno Ipro clncts vero examined and if found satisfactory loans will be granted by tho federal land loan bank at Omaha. ::o:: Many Coming From Omaha. Dr. D. T. Quigloy has sent word . that ho Is getting up a party of former residents of North Platto now living in Omaha to como to tho semi-oon-tonnlal. Ho thinks 5lo will secure a sufficient number to fill a railway car, and that thoy will "como early and stay Into." Wo will all be glad to again meet our former townspeople!. J Q Bull for Sale. . " Registered Short Horn Bull, 14 months old, color 'rod. Georgo Brown field, Hershey, Nobr. 44-2 ::o:: A score or moro tourist cars wore In town yesterday, somo passing east, others west. Apparently "war condi tions will but slightly effoct auto hot mittees havo been organized In this Phono 308 ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Convert Car Into Tractor. Thoro are oulto a faw men in North Platto who niw Intorostlng themselves 1 and 2 Belton Building ad nnmong thorn. aro J. S. road conditions In Lincoln county, North Platto, Nobraska, niA B. BEDFIELD. recently nurohasod by tho county gave PHYSICIAN & SUBUliOK tho outfit a try dult Tuosday on the Successor to county for tho purpose of canvassing road leading, to Uio Nath rdvor bridge. PHYSICIANS SURGEONS HOSPITAL thoroughly each precinct In Uio coun ty and tho pooplo will bo called upon to sacrlfloo as much as posslblo in ardor to raiso tho allotmont of $100,- 000,000.00 Iwlhloh tho Unltod States will contrlbuto for tho Amorlcan Red Cross socloty in oaring for tho wounded at tho .battlo front. Wo hopo that tho patriotic people of Lincoln cdanty will! hou,. Tho try out was very successful, Tho car Is supplied with splkod trac- Dra. Redfiold & Redfleld tor roar wnoois mauo specially ior office Phone 642 Rob. Phone 676 tno conversion oi a car imo a iracior and tliough tho Fry rtrag Is su'ppllod with two blades each toughing nearly 500 pounds and digs doop In soft soli, tho tractor moved along wltnout nosi tancy at tho rato of Uwoa miles an contrlbuto largely so that wo will not fall behind In our share. J. G. BEELER, Local Chairman. Clrll Service Examinations. Tho . civil service commission will hold an examlnaUon from Juno 6lh to Juno 16th for tho poslUon of uaiskillod labordr at Uio fedoral building in this city, application to bo mado to Mrs. Lillian Gloason at tho postofflco. An examlnaUon for cldrlc ((malio and female) and carrier (malo) in tho North Platte nostofflce will bo hold on Juno 23, 1917. Ap'pllcaUon blanks and information may bo had at tho postofflco. : :o:: Rov. Cressler Passes Away. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. and It would appear Ulat a good many automobiles of tho hoavior class which aro about ready for tho scrap hoap might with profit bo convorted Into tractors and used for road dragging or farm (work. ::n: : Old-Timer Tlslts Town. W. F. Murphy, lnmato of tho ongl ncor's homo at Highland Park, 111., nlnnnt onvnrwtl lnv in. tnwil thin VXk visiting old-tlmo friends. Mr. Murphy Offica: Building and Loan Building Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to forgery tm Obstetrics. was ono of Uio early onglnoors on tho Union Pacific, In fact nun a construc tion train into NorUi Platto when tho road iiieached horo. Lator ho run a train out of this terminal and lived horo un til 1881. Few men living today has such a fund of Information relatlvo to Uio . Am.. Ton rji rt rt i unite iuv Phone" Restdenc. 115 DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLEX. Practice Limited to Surgery and Bndium Tliorapy construction of tho Union Pacific ami 728 City National Bank Building. Mm tnurodies and comedies occurring Rev. J. b uressior lormeriy 01 hub during Uioso days, and ho has U10 auu Omaha, Nebraska. dtv died durlnc an onoratlon In a hospital at San Francisco Wednesday moitalng. Ho lcavos a wife, son Dr. E. P. Cressler of Norton, Kans., daugh ter Mrs. Otto Hanson of San Francisco, and sson D!r. O. H Orosslor of this city. ::o:: Odd Follows' Memorial Day. Tho local I. 0. O. F. lodgo will ob serve next Sunday as memorial day and appropriate soi-vlces will bo hold at itho hall at four o'clock in tno auor noon. All Odd FollcUls, and visiting members, are invited to attend. ::o:: Pointer Pups For Sale. Thoroujrhtirod English Pointer Pups for sale. Well built and good markings, ::o:: Dr. Morrill. Dentist. :o'.: ol which now (promises to ba as heavy. Write John B. Richards, Sidney, Nebr, as last year, if not heavier, isvory day a rate, or two from tiomo far eastern or voern state passes through.. Mrs. Albart Abol left Wodnesday morning for Gothenburg to visit Mends. Miss Ireno Crane left Wednesday morning 'for Lexington to spend a day or two. FOR TOUR AUTO SERYICE Call 125 for Taxi day or night. Also five or seven passenger car for funeral service. MOGENSEN-LOUDEN AUTO CO-, Chandler & Elcar Agency. Corner Eighth and Locust Sts. Uy to well .rolato those episodes. ::o::- Brokon eyo glass lenses can bo re placed tho samo day as order la given in our lonso grinding department. HARRY DIXON & SON, tf Graduato Optometrists. Itcnl Estate and Insurance. Como and seo us for town lots in different parts of Uio city. Good in vestmentB on easy terms. Houses for salo ann rent. Wo havo also good par gains in farms and ranches. F. J. DIENER & CO- Cor. Front and Dawey Sts-, upstairs. BEBBYBEBRY & FOBBES, Licensed Embalaiors Undertakers and Faneral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phono Black 688. NOTION OF FIX A I, RKFORT Katntn of JobgdIi Ilcrehdv. dooonaod. In the County Court of Lincoln Coun-- ty.NobrnBUa A Tho State of Nebraska, to all per sons IntoroBtcd In Bald estnte. tnko no tice that the Executrix has died a flnal account of hor administration and, a petition for flnal nottlomcnt nna uln hnrgo n8 auch, which havo boon set ior nonring ooioro saiu court on June 11, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m., when you may nppcnr and contest the samo. juateu May zo, iai7, GEO. It FRENCH. m29-3w County Judge. NOT1013 to cnianiTons lslntn No. 1480 of Paulina Zlmmnr. docoascd, in the county court oi iin onln Countv. Nnbraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Crodltors of said estate will tako notlco that the tlmo limited for nronontatlon ana ni- Inir of claims against said estate (n January 0, 1918, and for settlement of nnlil rntntn la Jtinn 1. 1918! that I will sit at tho county court room in saw county, on July 6, 1917, at 9 o'cloclc a in . and on January 6. 1918. at o'clock a. in., to rccevo, examine, hear, auow, or adjust an claims anu oujoc nous auiy inou. OEO. E. FRENCH. J54w County Judge. Notion of lVtlllon Estate No 1483 of Estollo Bollo Slmmn, docoascd In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska. Tho utato of Nobraska, To all persons Interested In said Estato take notlco that a petition has boon fllod for tho appointment of Alma II. Slmmn as administratrix of said Estate, which has boon sot for hoarlnir horoln on Juno 22, 1917 at 9 o'clock a. m. uatou Aiay sail, iuiy. OEO. E. FRENCH. mza-ns county Judge PARTITION SAMJ Hv virtue of an ordor illroctlnir tho roferce to make a salo, which order was iBsueu rrom tno uiBtriot court or Lin coln County. Nobraska. unon a decree of partition and tho confirmation of tno rororeos report renuoreu saiu court, whoreln Lllllo M. Dean, Hosu Eshon and Ulueford Anway aro plain tiffa and ThoniaH Anway and Ethel An way, his wlfo: Lewis Anway and Qoldle Anway, ins who; jano urnnes nna James GrlmcB, her husband; Anm E. Donaldson. lienlamln Anway and Annlo Anway, his wlfo; Josoph Harris, Biiu;io; nna Harris nna iiarriB, his wife, whoso Ilrst and real names nro to your wild plnlntirfs unknown; llrtico Eshon, husband of Rosa Eshon; Rush M. Dean, hUBband of Lllllo At. Donn; Georgo Anwny, an Incompetent and W 8, Fast, superintendent of tho Asylum for tho Insano of Nobraska, In whoso custody and caro George Anway Is at tho prosont tlmo; Ella Anway, an In competent, and Dr. G. D. Grllllth, oupor Intondont of tho Nobraska Institution for Feoblo Minded Youth at Beatrice, In whoso custody and caro said Ella An way Is at tho proBont tlmo; John W, Fowlor and IScrtha L. Fowlor, his wlfo, parties In possoBslon of said lands; unci Gnorco O. Fowler and Dolllo M. Fowlor, his wife, parties In possession of said lands, and to mo directed I will on tho 9th day of July, 1917, at two o'clock P. M. at tho East Front Door of tho Court House In North Platto, Lin coln County, NoDrnslftt, soli at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash tho following described real estate, to wit: All of Sootlon FIvo (CJ, In Town- sum Twelve ci2i. Nortii or iianiro 'rnir- tv-ono HI). West of tho Cth P. M.: tho South Half of tho Northoast Quarter (S NEVi) ana Lots ono nna two u & To Mary Ellen Chandler, non-rcstdent iierentiant: You will taka notlco that Louisa M. Cody has filed hor petition In the Dis trict court or Lincoln county, iMooraa kn, against you as defendant, tho ob ject and prayer of which aro to quiet and confirm tltlo In said plaintiff and In various grantees, to certain por tions of tho following described lands, situated In Lincoln County, Nobraska, to-wit: lioKinninK at a point ii.it icot south and 990 foot west of tho quartor soctlon cornor on tho north lino of Soo. 32. twn. 14, Jitr. 30, vr this uomg a point 25 ft. south from tho centor lino of tho Platto Valley Irrigation Dlatrlct canal, thonco wost parullol with tho north linn Of said Hen. 32 and said canal, 1G29.22 ft., to a point 11.6 ft. south or tho mv cornor or saiu hoc az, tnonco south cn section lino betweon Sees. 31 and 32, a distance of 959.05 ft to a fiolnt COO feet from tho contor Ino of tho Union Pacific Rail road original main track, measured at a right anglo, thonco south 80 dogreos oast, parallel with said railroad, a dis tance oi ltiuii it. to a point uuu it. wost of tho north nnd south contor lino of satd soc 32; thonco north parallel with said center lino, 123G.4 to the placo of boglnnlng, being tho land embraced and contained in Scout's Rest Add!- ' tlon to tho City of North Platto, Ne braska, and which said suit Is proso cutcd by tho said plaintiff In her own behalf and on behalf of said grnntoes, and particularly to qulot and conflrm tltlo in said rospoctlvo ownors against cortaln nrocoedlnrrs had In tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, for the salo thereof by one Ellon 13. Chan dler, guardian of tho defendant, Mary Ellon Chandlor; nnd furthor to sot up and establish now nnd Independent tltlo In hor nnd tho said ftrnnteos, by reason of tho adverso possession thereof by said plaintiff and her grantees nnd hor grantorB for more than 10 years last past. You will make answor to said po- II. Inn nM lnMn n.l. .In.. 1 Till.. uiiuu uii ui uuiuiu iiiu vfcit ui.jr vi. r u,j, 1017. or decree will bo entered airalnst you as In said potltlon prayed. L.UU1BA. Al. CUD1T, Ry'EVANS & EVANS, hor attorneys. ltond No. 400 To all to whom It may concorn: The Bpociai commissioner appointed to locato n public road as follows: Commenclnir at the northwest cornor 1-1 L DUUllUtl VUII, vu,v.,oiii, lint kUUII. KlllH" twontv-elirht nnd runnlnir elirht miles north to tho Northwest cornor of soc tlon thirty-four, township fifteen, range twonty-olght, has reported In favor of the samo. All objections thoroto. or cjalms for damages muBt be tiled In tho olllce of tho County Clork on or boforo 12 o'clock noon of tho 27th clay of July, A. D. 1917, or such road will bo allowed with out roforonco thoroto. Dated nt North Platte. Nobr.. this I7tn day of April, 1017. it. U. ALilJliiN, County Clork. 2), all In Soctlon Six (0), In Township Twolvo (12), North of Rancro Thlrty ono (31), "West of tho Cth P. M: and the NOTICE OF FINAL 11EPORT Estato of Patrick Ruddy, deceased, In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nobraska, to all per sons piterosted In said estate take no tice that tho Administrator has filed a flnal account and report of his ad ministration nnd a potltlon for flnal settlement nnd discharge as such, which have been set for hearing before said court on July G, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m. whon you may appear and contest tho same. Dated June 11, 1917 & j 1 2 J 29 . County. Judge. Mathewson & Shank FOR PLASTERING AND STUCCO Phone Red 317 or Blfc 907 ishlp-Thlrtoon South Half (SJ4) three f331. In Town North of Rnngo Thlrty-ono (31). West of tho Gth P. M., nil of said land noing located in Lincoln county, iNeorasica. Dated this 4tn uay or juno, lvvi. O. E. ELDER. JGJC Roforeo MIXED SCRAP IRON 56.00 PER TON. MACHINERY CAST IRON $10 PER TON. All Junk is high. Bring, it in, North Piatt Junk House. When Grows .1. is' 1 "She'll have a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove just like mother's." 2,500,000 modern housewives are using the New Perfection. It's the stove of steady habits never cranky, never out , of order. The flame stays put, wherever you put it. You can have any amount of heat you want, rind all the heat goes into the cooking. Your kitchen is cool and . comfortable no coal hod to fill, no ash pan to empty. v ' A-new and exclusive feature -the reversible glassreservoir. Perfection Keroserie gives best results. STANDARD OIL COMPANY .(NEBRASKA) 1 OMAHA Hospital Phone Black 683. Houae Phone Black 633. W. T. PBITCHABD, Gradnato VoterlnHrlan Bight years a Government Veterlnar lan. Hospital 213t south Locuat St, one-halt block southwest of the Court House. Notlco 1b horeby glvon that soalou bids for tho construction of a now school houso In and for School DIs trlct No. CB, In Lincoln County, Stato of Nebraska, will bo rocolvotl nt tho offlco of tho Director of saiu district In tho town of Wallace Lincoln County, Nobraska, up to tho hour of C o'clock in. on Monday, July 2, 1317. PlanH and specifications of said school houso aro on uio In tho orflco of said director In tho town of Wallace, Lincoln County, Nebraska, and may bo oxon lnod by any prospective blddor. All bids must bo aocompanlod with a cor tlfiod check In an amount equal to ilvo por cont of tho amount of tho bid mado, Board of Directors rosorvoa Uio right to rojoct any and all bids. CLAY ROBBINS, m29-J29 Director, LET US INTKODUCE QUALITY TO YOU Quality In Cigars has has boen our aim since two began maldng cigars In North Platte over thirty years ago, Wo put quality in tho first cigars we mado, and that samo quality Is In tho cigars wo make today. Schmalzrled's Cigars have Btood the test of thoso moro than thirty years. What grcator evidence of quality could you desire? If you havo riot boen smoking Ssbmalz dled's cigars, try them they aro cor taln to please. J. F. SCHMALZRIED Hogs aniktt oi Section Thlrty- U3) Notice for lllds Ttond No. 40.1. To nil to whom It may concorn: xno Bpecitu commissioner appointed -to locato a tnibllo road ns follows: uommoncinir in tno contor or section nix (0), town ton (10), ranee twenty nlno (29), tlienco wost on half soctlon linn nun-half mlln. conncctlnir with road No, 28, has ronortcd In favor of the same witn tno roiiowinir cnango: mat saiu road run oast on half section to about 60 rods from the oast line of Bcctlon C, nnd thonco In a northeasterly direction on west siao or canyon to tno nortu east cornor of section 6, following present road as now travolod and also south from said half soctlon lino In sec tion 0, past J. lu. Cooper's houso. -roi-lbwlnir road ns now trnvelod and con necting with lload No. 71. All oojociionB inoreio, or cinims ior damages must ho fllod In the oillco of tho County Clork on or boforo 12 o'clook noon or tno ztiii uay or juiyr a. u. 1017, or such road will ho allowed with out reference thoroto. . .... Dated at North Platto. Nehr.. tnis I3tu day of May, 1917. , County Clork. Notice Asa D. Cornwell will tako notlco that on the 14th day of May, 1917, P. H Sullivan, a Justice of tho poace, of North Platto Precinct No. 1. Lincoln County, Nobraska, Issued an ordor of attachment for tho sum of $02.80 with interest nt uio rato or ton por cent por annum from ahovo dato in an action pending boforo him, wherein Margaret Si. Stilts lu plaintiff and Asa D. Corn- well defendant, that property consist lng of money, in the hands of tho Union raciua uawroaa company, a corpora tion, has boon attached under said ordor. Said causo was continued until the 2d day of July, 1917 at ten o'clock a. m. uatea tins zzu uay or imy. iuiv, MAIiaAKlflT M. STILTS. m29-3 Plaintiff, NOTIOI3 OV TINAT, niSPOUT Estate of Elsborrv W. Crano. deceas ed, In tho county court of Lincoln County, Nobraska. uio mate or iMourasKa. to an par sons Interested in said estato tuke no tice that the Administrator has filed a final account nnd report or his ad ministration and a potltlon ior nnni settlement and discharge as such. which havo beon sot for hearing boforo said court on Juno 29. 1917. at 9 o. 'clock a. m., when you may appear ana contest tno same. Dated June 1, 1917. OEO. 13 FRBNCn. JC-3w County Judgo. LKGAI, NOTIOR To Henry Echtonkamp nnd Echtonkamp, wlfo of dofondant Henry Echtonkamp, first nnd real namo un- knnwn' Tfnnrv Mlllnr and - Miller. wife of dofondant Henry Mlllor, llrst and real name unknown; Louis Miller. ana Minor, wuo oi ucienuani Louis Mlllor, llrst and real namo un known; Fred Miller and Miller, wlfo of defendant Frod Mlllor, llrst and real namo unknown; William Mlllor nnd Mlllor, wlfo of dofondant William Mlllor, first and real name un known; Etta Luktlnholdor, a slnglo wo man and William Luktlnholdor and -Luktlnholdor, wlfo of dofondant Wil liam Luktlnholdor, first and real namo unknown: . . A. Notlco Is horeby glvon that Lara S. Swcnson, plaintiff hns ttled his cortaln notion in tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, against you and each of you Impleaded with others, the ob ject and prayor of which said potltlon la to qulot and confirm In plaintiff tltlo to the following described lands situate in Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wlt: Tho Southeast -Quartor (S13U) of Soctlon Twenty-four (24), Township Ton (10), North of Ilange Thirty-throe (331, WODl Ot tno uwi i m. anu iiuniuu- lariy to qulot and confirm snmo as to mrtnln nrncAndlnirB In nartttlon had In a caso In said District Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, in wnion ono vvu homlna Klopo was plaintiff and Henry Kleomoyer ot nl were defendants. You nnd oaoh of you will mako ans wer to said potltlon on or before tho 2d day of July, 1917, or your defaults will bo entered nnd decree taken against you as In said potltlon prayed. fiy EVANS & EVANS, His Attorneys. Clifford A. Thomas will tako notlco that on the 9th day of May, 1917, I. L Mlltonberger, a Justlco of the peaco, In nnd for Lincoln County, Nebraska, is uod an ordor of attachment for tho num of $160.00 in an action ponding boforo him, whoreln John Jones, guardian and nYt frinnil of Clarence Jones, minor. Is plaintiff anu Clifford A. Tnomao, is ue fondant; that proporty of tho dofon dant consisting, of ono Promlor flvo passenger touring car No, 75802 has boon attached undor this ordor. This causo was continued to the 26th day of Juno, 1017, at 9 o'clock a. m. North Platte, Nobr., May 12th, 1917 JOHN JONES, Guardian and next friend of Claronco Jonos. Legal Notlco. To Nioholna Adamy, non-resldont do fondnnt: You are hereby notified that Mary Adamy as plaintiff has filed hor cer tain petition in tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against you, Imploadod with others, tho object and prayer of which said petition Is fore close a cortaln mortgage mado and ex ecuted by yoursolf and Ellon M. Adamy, upon the following doscrlbod land slt uato in Lincoln County, Nebraska, to wit: Northeast Quarter (NE) of Seo tlon Six (0), Township Sixteen (10), nnnge Twonty-olght (28), West of the 0th P. M. and Lot Fifty-six (BG), of Plattoviow Subdivision ns platted and recorded In Hook B-l, at page 40 of the deed records of Lincoln County, Ne braska, and tho amount claimed to be duo plaintiff upon Bald mortgago Is tho num of $2,710.16. Vnu will mako answer to said do- tltlon on or beforo July 9th, 1917; or your dofault will be taken and decree entered ns in said petition prayod. MAUY ADAMY,' Plnlntiff. By Evans & Evans, Hor Attornoya. m20-J22 Bought and hlghast markat prlcai paid PHONES Residence Rd 630 Ofllte 459 C. H. WALTERS. lYOTIOn TO CIIKIUTOKS Estate No, 1478 of Josoph M. Wilson, docoasod, In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nobraska. . . The Stato of Nebraska, jib: Credtor8 of said estate will tako notice that tho tlmo limited for presentation and 111- ln ir nf rlnlmn ncrnlnHt said estate IB January 0, 1918, nnd for sottlomont of saiu estato is June i, ivio; umi x wui nit at the countv court room In said county, on July 0, 1017, rat 9 o. clock a. in., and on January Q, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, hoar, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. GEO, E. FRENCH, j5-4w County Judge, HIicrlll'H Snle. By virtue of an order of sale Issued from the District Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said Court whoreln Tho Beatrice Building and Loan Association of Boatrlco, Nebraska, Is plaintiff, nnd Clark Long ot nl are defendants, and to mo directed, I will on the 14th day of July. 1917, at 2 o'clock P, M. at the oast front door of the Court Houso In North Platte, Lin coln County, Nebraska, sell at Pub lic Auction to tho hlghost bidder for cash, to satisfy said decreo. interest nnd costs, tho following described property, to-wlt: Lot Ono (1) In Blook Twenty (20) in tho original town, now City of North Platto, In Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska. ' Dated North Platto, Nebr,, Juno 7, 1917 J12-J13 A J. SALISBURY, Sherllf.