The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 15, 1917, Image 1

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Ehc fiorth
No. 44
V .
Tlio Jtcd Cross Asks You, Do l'ou Cnro
Whothor tho alck and woundod men
of out army and navy rocalvo propor
caro and attontlon?
Do You Caro
Whothor tholr wive and families aro
provided with tho necessities of llfo?
Amorlca's sons will fight for your
country, for you.
Help tho Red dross safoguard their
health, comfort and (happiness. Lin
coln county's sharo In tho $100,000,000
asked for In tho president's procla
mation Is $10,000. If wo do not mako
good some splendid hoys may not (re
turn to tholr homes. Perhaps your
boy may ho among them.
Tho ICcd Cross Stands Behind tho
Man Ilchlnd tho Gun. Your help Js
needed nnd it is needed now.
Lincoln Cctonty Chaptor American
Red Cross Executive Board Mrs.
Georgo B. Dent, chairman; Mrs. John
S. Slmms, vlco chairman; Mrs. Edward
S. Davis, troasurar; Miss Sylvia Watts,
secretary; Mrs. Blanch o B. Field, J.
J. Halllgan, A, N. Durbln, E. P. Soo
herger, M. E. Scott.
Finance Committee B. Buchanan,
C. S. Clinton, J. Q. Wilcox, M J.
Forbes, la. J.vanDorhoof.
On Publicity Mrs. Wm. H. McDonald.
Episcopal Church
Sunday, Juno 17th, tho sorvlcos will
ho as follows: 8 a. m. Holy Commun
ion; 11 a. ml, Holy Communion, no
sormon; 8 p. m., ovonlng service and
sormon. Tho Bishop will officiate as
sisted by Dean Bowker. All members
and frlonds aro Cordially Invited to
attond tho services.
Leader Employes Invent in Bonds
Tho thirteen employes of Tho Lead
er Morcantllo Co. will each Invest in
a Llborty bond. Tho fifcm purchased
tho bonds outright and will allow
the employes to pay for thorn on tho
monthly installment plan. And so It
goes tho country ovor a Uttlo bit ad
ded to llttlo bit makes a llttlo bit
moro, and through efforts of tho many
tho two billion of Liborty bonds by
tonight promise to bo oversubscribed.
:o: :
School Children's Garden Market'
Tho flrlst market day for tho school
children who have gardns will bo hold
Saturday in front of the Central
school building. Members of tho school
garden clubs who have vegetables to
sell should havo them at tho above
dosignatod placo at ton o'clock.
It is suggested that all ladles of the
city who buy 'early vegetables Saturday
buy them at this market thus encour
aging the children to greater effort.
"Vic" Has n Itcnl Job.
V. E. Anderson, who went to Ft.
Riley, Kan, to straighten out the army
transportaton problem, Jumped into a
real Job;. Tho movement of troops
and traffic is so heavy that twenty
miles of sidetracks are to bo laid, the
main line will be double-tracked for
five miles, and a night and day
switching crew wil bo put on. This
indicates that Vic with his broken leg
will bavo a very busy time.
Will Grndo School Gardens
Supt. Snyder, of tho state exporl--.te.montal
farm, who 'is ludcrn rf t.hfl
school children's gardens, will inspect
" the gairuens next Tuesday for the pur-
pose of grading them and placing
tlfom in line for tho allotment of priz
Tho Tribune Is giving the boyB and
girls this "tip" In order that thoymay
have their gardens look as attractively
as 'possible.
. For Hot Summer Days.
' Voiles, Flaxons, Kahl Kool Cloths,
Mil? assortment Just received' at
About Crops
The Amorican Sagar Company .re
ports less than 100 acres of replant of
boots in their territory west of North
Platto duo to oxcosslvo orain, washouts
and crusted flolds, whllo tho Groat
Western reports about 150. Hershey
People are pnono to remark tho ex
cellence of various rye fields about tho
neighborhood. Somo of the grain
stands nearly as high as a man's head,
and it will shortly bo reedy for har
vesting. Tho yield per acre should
bo immonso. Sutherland Free Lance
Shooting Affair nt O'Fallon.
A man named Vannoman was brought
to tho Nurse Brown Hospital Wednes
day to hlvo extracted from his loft
side and abdomen a number of Bhots
placed thoro by a gun in tho hands of
A. Stoinhausen. Tho latter has charg0
of tho Bioigo farm at O'Fallon and
Vanneman was employed as a farm
hand. Tho two men became involved
In a quarrel which resulted in Stein
hauson going to tho holuso and taking
up' a shot gun emptied tho load Into
Vanneman. Tho wounded man Is not
considered in a serious condition. In
formation will bo filed against Stoinhausen.
Tho County CommlBfeionara will sit
as a Board of Equalization June 19,
20, 21, to adjust assessment values.
Any complaints will be heard on above
County Clork.
L. W Trester, chairman of the cen
tral division of the Naval Training
Association of tho United States, will
bo in North Platto Monday and Tues
day next .for the purpose of- lnnug
uratlng a roortulting campaign:
Tho Indian Card Ciub will meet with
Mrs James Hart Tuesday afternoon;
Juno 19th.
R. G. Smith, of Grand Island, for
me wIre chief at tho local telephone
office, sipont yesterday here.
Tho contest for queen of tho semi
centennial ball will closo at nlno
o'clock tomorrow night This fact
should bo borno In mind by tho frlonds
of tho contestants.
Tho voto up to this morning was as
El'va Day .....28C0
Blanche Fonda 2705
' Janet McDonald 2G05
Hazol Smith ....1550
Helen Waltomath 1545
Luclllo Wilcox 1515
GmRJ o
Sybil Gantt 1505
Mario Bowon 1490
Maymo Pizar 1480
Hazel Barbor 1476
Catherine Hall 1445
Louiso Ottonstein 1445
Floronco McKay 1435
HUdogardo Clinton 1395
Elizabeth Hlnman 1315
Mablo Burko 1210
Myrtlo Beolor 1150
Mario McCabo 990
: :o: :
Public Bed Cross Meeting
A public meeting on behalf of tho
Red Cross organization will ho held
Uls ovonlng at 8 o'clock p. m. at tho
Franklin school rtudltorlum, for tho
purpose of discussing ways and means
of raising Lincoln county's assessment
of $19,000 of tho $100,000,000.00 to bo
raised by Nebraska to defray tho ex
ponsos of tho National Red Cross bo
cioty In' taking care of our woundod
boya In tho torrlblo world strugglo In
which wo aro now engaged. Theso
noble, patriotic boys of ours havo laid
tholtt all, yea, oven their lives, upon
tho altar of their country.
Wo, who cannot, or aro not called
upon, to mako so great a sacrifice,
should at least give a goodly portion
of our substanco to bring healing to
their wounded bodies.
Como patriots, men and women, and
assist us in tho rk of organizing
this county, so that it may do its
Lot there bo no slackoils.
Chairman Campaign Committee.
Clms. Bogue received a wiro from
Gon'l Manager Jeffors this morning
stating that tho subscriptions to Lib
orty bonds by omployes of tho Union
Pacific will exceed ono million dollars.
Wanted Girls to tako muxes' train
ing at North Platto General hospital.
Tho course entitles yon to become
an RL N. nurse. Phono 58 or call
and see Miss Elsa Boyd, R. N., Supt.
Mrs. John McCabo, of Choyonno, a
I former resident of. tins city, came last
ovonlng to vlBlt Mrs!, Georgo Austin
and Mrs, Charles Ell for a week or
Weather! forecast for North Platto
and vicinity: Fair tonight and Satur
day; warmer tonight. Highest tcm
(poraturo yesterday 77 a, year ago
75; lowest last night 46, a year ago 49.
Summer's SkirtS Alive With Color and Picturesque Features
A now hind of pocketa quaint sash a feminine
bit of shirring aro only n few of tho many distinct
ive markings that make the skirt for summer 1917
tho most striking stylo feature of a woman's wardrobe.
Tho skirts aro of both Bilks and woolens and In
nearly every popular color combination known to
tho rainbow. Thoio who rovoMn wanring clothes
of distinction will find it easy tdrchooso, in skirts,
just that bit of dlfferonca" to suit their whim!
Silk Skirts
$5 to $10.
Wash Skirts
98c to $6,150.
Wilcox Department Store.
V nR ' Underwear That Spells fJA
fO) C-O-M-F-b-R-T . Il
I LT)gy m ' $jfh -m Of course you want your underwear v jufj J
BSAv -y9 t0 fit rigllt and t0 wear wel1, We wAiB
1 iri ' J'' navent forgotten that. P
1 7 J7 Ik rv flill But we've striven hard to get under-
iSj fjt 3 lUP? vvear of such materials as would n
W M 'wHJMa J1 tfx make it possible for us to say "This 'MM
f iMWJI &&&& JfJT represents the utmost in hot weather
li welD Ai underwearrcomfort," ja JlPw J
fllwIiSj We've succeeded. Come and see. fti,f 11
We haven't such a big stock of
ffifl Harcourt Clothing Co. iftffl
Next week will bo Rod Cross 'wlook
and tho Lincoln county chaptor will
mako a united and supremo effort
to securo tho $19,000 which has boon
allottod as Lincoln county's sharo of
tho ono hundred million dollars to bo
raisod for Rod Cross wojrik during tho
war. In preparation for next week's
drivo the country towns and proclncts
will bo organized as far as possible
today and tomorrow. Practically all'of
tup precincts wn no visuou anu nvont
ork ongagod to solicit subscriptions
from ovory homo in tho county. In
this work of organization sovoral par
ties started out this morning. Messrs.
Durbln and McEvoy aro to visit Woll
fleet, Wnllaco, Dickens, Somerset
and Intervening pnoclncts; A. J. Sal
lsbury will work .Maxwoll, Bfrady and
tho northeast part of tho couuty; S,
M, Soudor will visit tho precincts "in
tho southeast part of tho county and
M. E. Crosby will canvass Horshoy,
Sutherland and tho northwest soctlon.
Tho purlnoso is to mako a whirlwind
campaign, and boforo tho close of the
wook It Is hoped that tho $19,000 wf 11
have beon subscribed.
Held Flag I)n Exorcises.
v iair aizou onrowu aticnaou tno
Fiair. Day exorcises hold by tho Elks
at hfolr homo last evening, about half
or wnicn wtoro latllos. Mombors of
tho G. A. R. and W RA C. woro prosont
and woro lntqpestod In tho hour's pro
gram given. Stamp's orchestra ron
dorod patriotic airs, tho Elks nuar-
totto composed of McGovorn, Turplo,
Blrgo and Mungor, gavo two patri
otic selections, and llajr recitations
were glvon by llttlo Miss Elder and
Mastor Tout.
Tho' speaker of tho vonlng was W.
V. Hoagland, who gavo a splondld ad
dress on tho Flag, standing as It does,
has and will, for -a government by tho
peoplo anu for, tho people. Tho ox-
orclsos closed by the singing of
"America" by the audionco with or
chostal accompaniment.
"It May Bo Your Daughter."
"It May Bo Your Daughter." is the
titlo of a powerful picduro at tho
Keith. Saturday night. It is a picturo
showing truths as tlioy should bo Been
and known. It 1b a mossago to tho
fathors and moUiors. slstors and
brothers of this fair land vho would
know tho truth. A powerful preach
ment full of dramatic moments that
will stir all tho emotions of our hotter
solvos, that will appeal to all classes
because It Is taken from real llfo. It
Is a wailing for Iproparodnoss against
our worst enemy lu Its most subtlo
form. Tho realities of llfo aro dealt
with frankly and plainly tho naked
truth Is rovealcd.
i.t . . V; . V V "an.
I A Play of tho American Boy and His Family
ft is one of the first plays which deal with the American boy of ;t
today, ins miscmcl, ins temptations ana Ins problems.
tells you a story you'll not soon forget. " &
Crystal Theatre, Monday.
Swoot potato plants. Wo'vo got
them at 55 cents por hundred. North
Platto Floral Co., phono 1023.
Tho Woman's Forolgn Missionalry
society of tho Mothodist church will
moot In tho church parlorB this af
tornoon. A , good attendance Is de
sired. For Rent until Soptombor 1 Mod
ern flvo room cottage, furnished, good
garden In connection. Inqmiro 322
west Second stjreot or phono Black 531
after 0 p:. m. 44-2
Tho Catholic ladles' society hold a
social in tho basomont of St, Patrick's
school yesterday. Thoao ontortain
ing woro Mesdamcs II. A. Donolson,
Tim Hanlfln, Harry Guthonloss, Jamos
jJBrady and Edward Walkor,
Christian Scionco Borvlco Sunday 11
a. m. Wednesday ovonlng mcotlngs
vory week at 8 o'clock. A cordial in
vitation is oxtonded to ovorybody to
'ttond theso aorvices. Building & Loan
building, room 25,
J. Si Hoagland wont to Lincoln Wed'
n sday night to attond tho soml-con
tcinlal colobration and to hoar Col-
cnol Roosovolt's spooch, which twins
uollvdred ywstorday ngtdrnoon. frho
prcsonco of Roosovolt croated a wave
of patriotism greater than ovor bo
foro known In Lincoln,
Carlylo Blackwoll, Juno Elvidgo and
Arthur Ashloy In "Tho Pago Mystery"
will 1)0 tho Brady Mado phpotoplay
at tho crystal Saturday afternoon and
evening. This fascinating nnd ontor
talnlng utory Is laid in tho Adlron
dack Mountains in mid-winter. Tho
scenes shown aro tho most beautiful
We must save; we must produce;
we must protect; we must econ
omize; we must fight vigorously,
but these other things are equally
The McDonald1 State Bank will
aid you. It provides a afe de
pository fQr t savings, every facility
for checking accounts, and it offers
aid to our producers in abundant
measure, to the end that it, in
common with every real American
institution, may do its part to bring
the nation peace with honor and
Part of our service will
fit your needs.
M? Donald State Bank fi
North Piuattc, Nebr,
Over two million satisfied owners know from ex-,
perience that the Ford car is a real utility, an econ
omical, powerful, always-reliable means for increas
ing the profit in business or add zest to pleasure.
The Ford car meets the demand for prompt trans
portation in every line of human activity. Tho de
mand grows larger every day, because of the all
round usefulness of the car.
Touring Car $3G0, Runabout $345, Sedan $645
Town Car $595, Coupelet $505 all f. o. b. Detroit.
On display and for sale by
over projoctod on a sorcon.