The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 12, 1917, Image 1

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i cmi
No. 43
Tlic Success of (lie Institution
Another Boost for North PIntte
and Western Ncbraskn.
Tho North Platto Gonoral Hospital
Qiaa received information Irom tho
Stato Board of Nurses that tills Insti
tution has boon placod upon tho ac
credited list of hospitals In tho stato
of Nobraska. This moans that gradu
ates from this hospital aro eligible for
state registration. PujpU nurses iwttio
ontor training will rocolvo a complete
and systematic course including loc
turo and class work as outlined by the
Stato Board of Nurses. Any one wish
ing to enter training will call and see
tho suporltendont or communicate
with her by phono or letter.
This hospital was established in July
1916, by Dr. O. B. Dont, Dr. V. Lucas,
Dr. J. S. Slmms and Dr. Josiah B.
Rcdflcld. These men havo boon un
tiring in their efforts to mako for
North Platto a hospital which would
bo a credit to tho town. It has ro-
aulred strict attention to business,
careful modlcal and surgical treatment,
skillful nursing and unsullied Judg
ment in all things portaining to tho in
stitution to bring about an aocreditod
A larco (part of tho success of this
hospital is duo to the steady dotormlncd
efforts of Miss Elsa Boyd, 11. N., who
has boon superintending tho hospital
for tho last two months and has been
employed as the permanent supervisor
of the institution.
Out of tdwri doctors who havo as
sisted tho hospital by contributing
patlonts are tho following: ,
Dr. Georgo H, Harris, Oshkosh, Neb.
Dr. D. F. Morris, Lewollon, Neb.
Dr. Pass, Broadwater, Nob.
Dr. C. E. V.andlvor, Ogalalla, Neb.
Dr. C. C. Walllngsford, Ogalalla, Nob.
Dr. Murdock, Ogalalla, Nob.
Dr. Smith, Big Springs, Neb.
Dr. Paxton, Paxton, Neb.
Dr. G. O Gordan, tSuthorland, Neb.
Dr. G. P. Ewlng, Julesburg, Col.
Dr. Vandiver, Chappell, Nob.
Dr. L. A. Carton, Tryon, Neb.
Dr. Boll, Grant, Nob.
Dr. Brggs, Arthurl, Nob.
Dr. E. C. Stovonson, Gothonburg, Nob.
Dr. Jool Anderson, Gothenburg, Nob.
Dr. 0. D. Johnson Brady, Neb.
Dr. C. E. Konnon, Maxwell, Nob.
Dr. D. A. Rutiidstrom, Wellfloet,
Dr. A, M. Mills, Maywood, Nob.
Dr. A. J. Amos, Potter, Nob.
Dr. Font, Dickons, Nob.
Tho North Platto Gonoral Hospital
oxtonds to North Platto business men,
formor patlonts, North Platto nurses,
patrons and tho visiting doctors hearty
thanks in helping to promote a (regis
tered hospital of which our city may
bo proud.
::o ::
Tho Triangle iplay at tho Keith
Monday will prosont Enid Bennett in
"Tho Princess of the Dark," a pUy for
llttlo children and big chlldrGii--chll-dron
of flvo and children of elghty-ilvo.
It will mako you laugh and cry. It
is a fairy story of modern times with a
llttlo fairy of a star that shines through
tho play.
Mrs. Theresa Holderman, formerly
of tills city, attempted to end hor life
In Denver Friday by swallowing tpolson
tablots In front of hor 'rooming house.
Sho was hurried to a hospital whore
prompt treatment saved hor life. Mrs.
Holderman has been employed In Den
ver as a brained nurse,
Archlo Hood, foranorly employed In
tho Robhausen barber shop, who Join
otl tho navy and was sent to the train
ing camp at Newport, R. I is spond-
ing this week in town whllo onrouto to
tho Mare Island -navy yard.
Lost yesterday afternoon between
ten cent store and Tho Leader, pocket
book containing between $10 ad $15
and store bill containing namo of own'
or. Findor leave at this office and irp
coive $5.00 refatird for book and monoy.
Dr. and Mrs, Frank Conlln, of Oma
ha, aro expected hero tho latter part
of this month to visit tho lattor's par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dixon and at-
tond tho semi-centennal.
Tho body of Fred J. Boartown was
found, on -tho Union Pacific tuacks at
Sutherland thiso morning, having
boon killed In some unknown manner
last night. Identification wns learned
through a pressman's union card
found In his pocket Issued by tho Sani
Francisco union, and it is supposod
ho was stealing his way oast on a
train and foil off.
County Attorney Halllgan went to
Sutherland this manning to vlMw! tho
Universal Hell Ringing
To remind all that subscriptions to
tho Liberty Loan closo noxt Friday,
anrangcnionts havo boon mado to ring
all church and other bolls In every
city, town and hamlot in tho Unitod
Stato3 at promptly nine o'clock tills
evening, tomorrow ovenlng and Thurs
day .aveulngl Old 'Liberty boll in
Philadelphia will lead In tho ringing.
Tho aitrangomont for this boll ring
ing was mado with President Vail, of
tho Bell tolophono system, and all
managors of local oxchangbs wore
aotlflod,. Manger Von Dollon wall
look aftor carrying tho order into ef
fect In North Platto. Tho bolls will
glvo three strokes tonight, two tomor
row night and one Thursday .night,.
' mun
MVUUK Ml lit UlUl U1UL
in her latest Artcraft picture
From the play by Eleanor Gates,
Appears in"her most human characterization at
Monday-Tuesday, June 18-19
Music for the picture will be furnished by the
10 Cent Messenger Service
Was started yesterday from C. M. Newton's Book
Store. We will deliver packages up to 25 pounds or
carry passengers within a limit of 8 blocks from the
store for
Schedule Message or package up to 25 pounds
10 cents, passengers 10 cents as follows: 8 blocks 10
cents, 12 blocks 15 cents, 16 blocks 20 cents, over
16 blocks in city limits 25 cents. Phone 261.
Newton's Book Store.
Roy V,. Barnard, of tho Dally Tele-
gra'ph staff, spent Sunday n Koarnoy,
Tho Episcopal guild will meet in
tho church basement Thursday after
For Rent Rooms for light house
keeping. Inquire at 503 west Fourth
Tho Swedish Lutheran aid socloty
will meet Thursday aftornoon with
Mrs, Gronall, 900 oast Sixth Btrtoot,
Mrs. Charles Sandall and daughter
Miss Helen loft Saturday aftornoon
lor Kearmoy to visit friends.
Money to loan on real estate. No
delay lr cleur abstract.
Mrs. Dan W. Roberts, who left ro
contly for Choyonno to visit rolatlves,
lias gono to oauroinia for two months,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmor Coates aro on-
oylng a visit from their daughter
Mrs. Harmon Chambers, of Key
For Sale Saxon Roadster in good
condition. Inquire of Jim Clinton at
Gliatoivs.-oeweJiy stojo
Tho Loyal Mystic Legion 'nHll hold
a moetng at tho K. P. hall this ev
ening. A musical program will bo
M. and Mrs. J. D. Baker, who live
west of town, are rejoicing over the
arrival of a baby girl at heir homo
Mrsl A. A. Snltzor. of " Steirllnc.
camo uus morning to attend the funor
al of her aunt, tho late Mrs. Eliza
both Van Brocklin.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tramn who
nau uoon visiting relatives at west
iJoint lor a tow days, Tturnod homo
tills morning.
There will bo a mooUnir of tho nnv
al Nighbors at tho K. P. hall Wed
nesuay at 3 o'clock. All members
aro asked to bo present.
Two rooms for xtont for llcht house
keeping. 514 oast Third street
"Jimi" Clinton has mado annlica-
uon roir enlistment in taio fedoral
aviation corps,. If ho falls In this ho
will onlist In tho navy.
Llout. Edmund M. Barniim. nlrlnnt
son of Mr. and Mrs. M. IC. Rnrnnni
formor North Platto rfislflnnts win hn
married at LaGramro. 111., limn 23 rd
to Miss Elizabeth Taylor Allen They
will uo at homo after Sdntombor 1st
at ;x. luiey, Kansas.
Tho photoplay attraction at the
Koith tonight will bo Paulino Fred
orlclc In Clydo Fitch's drama, "Tho
woman in tho Case." Miss Frederick
plays tho part of tho dovotod wifo
who lights to save hor husband's renu
tatlon. By tho way, this is a very dif
ferent rolo irom that usually takon by
Miss Frederick as sho is usually tho
otlier corner of tho triangle.
Tho Inonularltv of the Tlnil firnss
movomont is evidenced by tho fact that
during tho past wook an averago of
Six Ieoraai(a townw a ilav linvn nn
plied for authority to organizo chap
tors. Nobraska is now a Inrlndln
tlon of its own; previously it had boon
attacnou to oitnor unicago or Don
vor, North Platto bolng attached to tho
inner city,
Tho quota for onch state to bo rutsod
for the army will bo bnsed upon the
consus of 1910 and prorated among
tho counties of tho stato upon tho vote
for govonior cast at tho last oloctlon,
nccordlng to inforoitmnn rocolvod by
Govoroor Novlllo yesterday.,.
In connection with tho ruling of
tho War dopartmont, Governor No
Villa today sont ocjL K,1io following
communication to tho sheriffs of all
counties In Nebraska:
"Genornl Crowdor. tho nnovost mar
shal gonoral, has ndvlsod mo' that tho
quota for each stato to bo raised for
tho nrmy. will bo basod upon tho
comf(rts of 1910 nndl not upon tho
registration returns. This will moan
that ovory man who did not roglstor
will bo greatly lncroasod by tho
those Iwpio did roglstor.
"Tho quota for Sfbraeka will bo
pro rated among tho countloa of tho
stato on the basis of tho voto cast
for govorlnor In 191G, and llkowiso tho
burden upon tho nion who roglstorod
falluro of very slacker who did not
'The provost marshal gonoral fur
thor advises that tho period of lent
oncy has expired and dlrlocts that from
today yor inaugurate a vigorous, ng-
grossivo and olroctlvo enrorcomont of
the ponal clauses of tho soloctlvo aer-
vjco law, using ovory moans at your
eonimnnd to apprehend all men of tho
ages designated who havo, for any
reason, failed to roglstor.
The- Voto on Queen
BlanchQ Fonda 1930
Elva Day. 1905
Janot McDonald 1G80
Hazol Barbojn 137G
Mario Bowon 1340
Holon Waltemath 1315 -
Loulso Ottcnstotn 1295
Maymo Plzer 1255
Sybil Gantt 1210
IHldogardo Clinton 1170
Elizabeth Illnnian 1100
Flpronco MacKay 1085
Lucillo Wilcox 9G5
Catherine Hall 905
Myintlo' Bcolor 875
Mabol iBurke 835
Hazel Shilth 825
Mario McCoho 7G5
i 0 m i
Attention W. R. 0. All membors
aro 'requested to moot at tho Wftlkor
Music Storo nt 7:45 Thursday evening
to attend Uio Flag Day oxorclsos nt
tho 'Elks homo.
John W. Mofnroo, who has boon
taking troatmont at Excelsior Springs
for sovoral iwboks, Is much improved
nd will loavo In a short time for
Brooklyn, N. Y., to locat,.
E. II EvnnB and Albln Sandnll. who
loft last .night for Omaha to Join tho
navy, woro given a farowoll stag
party at tho Dick grovo Sunday aftor-
noon by a number of tholr frlonds.
A. D. Sckimmerhorn, of Omaha,
Bpent tho week ond horo on business
for tho Union Pacific.
Dr. Smith returned this mnrntne
trtoni Lincoln whoro ho attended a
state moetng of chiropractors.
"Tho first car load of construction
steel to bo used In tho nefiv) depot ar
rived yestorday. Moro will follow In
a few days.
J. W. Sinclair left Sundav mornlncr
fc&r Detroit to visit relatives. Mrs.
Sinclair and children hnva hnnn thorn
for some time, -
Engineer Max McGrd.vl loft Sunday
morning for Koarnoy whoro ho was
recently transferred to tho Koajrnoy-
Callaway run.
F. J. Roach. of tho advertising do
partrnont of tho Union Pacific, spent
Saturday in oUah gathering Informa
tion as to crop conditions in Lincoln
Tho subscriptions to Llborty bonds
by U. P. employes at this torminal
parsed tho thirty thousand dollars
mark yestorday. Moro than 250 om
ployes havo subscribed for thoBe
Englneor MIko Hayos says that (while
comlne u'n on No. 11 Sunilav nn auto
dhivor drovo his car Into tho train,.
Roallzlng that ho could not stop the!
car tho driver Jumped boforo It struck!
tho train and oecaped Injury. Tho
auto wlhoolB woro torn off, and some
part of tho body mado a cut an eighth
of an inch deep along tho full sldo
longth of tho dining car.
No repairs on tho breaks to tho fill
at tho Brady bridge can bo mado until
tho river recedes. Not only was the
fill broken on each sldo of tho thirty
foot stool bridge ono break bolng for
ty and tho other thirty-two foet wide
but tho water has overflowd tho road
grado, washing out broaches from three
to flvo foot deop. On the Island about
thirty acros of alfalfa belonging to
Fred Georgo has boon undor a foot of
wator for a (week.
Wo linvo buyers for farms nnd farm
lands if priced right- "What havo
you? Tell
E. T. Tramp wont to Kearney this
monnlng to attend tho Tumoral of tho
lato Dan Atchison.
Mr), and Mrs. Charles Gould, who
spoilt tho past two months hvflth tho
latter a parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Koontz, loft for Wyoming Sunday to
Tho mothers or guardians of tho
children who will take part In tho
Cinderella ball are requested to meet
FiiUday morning or aftornoon at tho
Lloyd opera houso to arrango for tho
costumes which tho children will wear
on that occasion.
Charles Nolson, of Minneapolis, nnd
Herbert Cosgrovo, Iwjho woro arrested
last week on a complaint that thoy did
not register, woro released Saturday as
proof was obtained which showed
tho formor to bo twonty years of ago
and tho latter ovor thlrty-ono.
Two toaniB, ono tied to the rear of
tho othor, standing In front of tho
federal building Saturday, woro
frightened by a passing motorcyclo
and mado a speedy run to tho south
pairt. of town whoro thoy wore ovor
takon by A. N. Durbln who gavo chaso
in his car. No particular1 damage on
sued. "Tho Riders Go to Omnha," Is tho
title of a story appearing in tills
month's Now Wost, in which Is clovor
ly told and humorously illustrated a
trip which Seldom Illdor and Nancy
Ridor mako to Omaha. Included in
tho story is a streot scono of North
Platto in 18C9 and Dowoy Btroot as it
appoars today,
Wo write every kind of- first cIiihh
Ir.Nuninco nt lowest living rates. See
L. C. Carroll and Goorgo H. "VV11
kn3. of Gothenburg, who recontly pur-
car ad tho Iddings mill, camo hero last
woo'.c with Bovoral men to mako im
provomouts on tho plant. Ono floor
will bo added, somo macuinory re
moved, now machlnos Installed and
othor changes mado, Tho capacity of
tho mill will bo 175 barrels daily.
Miss Allcon Gantt will bo In chnrgo
of tho canning and drying school which
will bo hold horo in tko Franklin aud
itorium Juno 22nd to 21Ui.
John Tucker has gono to Ltsco to
spond sovornl days on business.
Mrs. John Hillobrandt and sister
Mrs. Clydo Cook, who spont sovoral
weeks in Victor, Iowa, and othor oast
orn points, returned homo Sunday.
Q ii
Houses, rooms, storage space nnd
safe deposit boxes.
Gonoral Meeting Tonight.
A trenoral meetlnK of tho Twontl
otli Contury club will bo held this ov-
oning at tho Franklin auditorium, au
mcmboro aro urged to bo prosont.
We wish to announce to our friends and patrons that
we aro now located In our new Factory Building on east
Front streot, built for your health's sake sanitary from
top to bottom.
Also for your health's sake wish to call special atten
tion to the sanitaiy condition of this plant.
Wo have spared nothing that might add to the cleanli
ness of this factory for your protection and that of your
We acknolwedge having the only sanitary soda wator
bottling plant in the State, built exclusively along sanitaiy
We also acknowledge having moro sunlight and venti
lation than any other bottling plant in tho State.
Aro tho only plant in tho State having hot and cold
water connections on three floors.
Only plant having three floors. For flushing and
scrubbing we aro able to turn hot or cold water on any
floor in the building.
Special toilet and wash room for employees, some
thing unknown to majority of plants.
Our distilled Water department has been provided with
cement floor, special window for ventilating this room,
built exclusively for distilled water and our Sanitary Water
Still endorsed by the U. S. Government.
A visit to our plant will enlighten the most skeptical
of the condition in which Star Pop is made.
We also ask the public to insist on Star Bottled Goods,
the Star on the bottle, for your health's sake costs no
moro than others put up under unsanitary conditions and
pushed off in somo cases bottles not bolng sterilized, cheap
and inferior extracts being used.
We never could havo built our business to the present
magnitude and give you tho best factory in tho State, by
selling the dealers cheap and inforiorgoods and pushing it
off on the unsuspecting pubjio by lelling them they have
something just as good. The sooner the public speak out
and demand these different goods of value, the. sooner you
will eradicate the unscrupulous manufacturer and dealer.
We feel grateful to tho people of North Platto for their
support and loyalty for without your support we know we
could not havo built this up-to-date plant of which we aro
justly proud. ,
We may not have agreed with all of you at all times
but we assure you our heart is for tho best interest of North
Platto and surrounding country for which wo always work
and stand for, .and to you, knowing me personally, you are
aware of this fact.
We want you to feel you aro ono of this institution
and the dealer or manufacturer that is all self, never lend
ing a helping hand where ever possible, will not get very
far in this glorious old world of ours.
Our bottled goods "American Made For American Trade."
H. N. PORTER, Proprietor
Whenever Ford cars have pioneered, Ford service
has kept pace. It is the factor which strengthens
the personal relation between Ford owners and the
Company. To get the best possible service from
your Ford car, bring it hero when it needs attention
nnd get the benefit of Ford supervision throughout.
We use the genuine Ford parts ond give you the
benefit of the regular standard Ford "prices.
Touring Car $3G0, Runabout $345, Sedan $645
Town Car $595, Coupelet $505 all f. o. b. Detroit.
On display ond for sale by
I I )Mtilillllllllli'""'"J'"""1"
!i i i ' ';
"TrTniTinrmim """""'"'