The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 05, 1917, Image 7

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ine anut I MAT HOLDS ITfi sutDci
S4 $4.50 S5 SG $7 R, $ft
S3 S3.5Q
anvo ivipney by Wearing W. L. Douclna
aiiuos. r or uaie oyovcrOOOO shoo dealers.
Tho Best Known Shoes in the World.
Y7 L Douglas name and the retail price is tamped on the bot-
torn of aU shoei at the factory. The value is guaranteed and
the wearer protected agamst high price for inferior shoes. The
retail prices are the same emywhere. They cost no more in San
rranciscp than they do in New York. They are always worth the
price paid for them.
pj : quality of W. L. Douglas ptwSua U ptd by more
than 40 years expenence in making fine .hoes. The smart
tC ? tn Ff!Jion C1 f America.
EXTS i?Te m VE2PIPPW? fart0fy. Brockton, Mass
by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction ana!
supervision of experienced men. all working with an honest
u"uu" 10 nwra: ue cest snoes tor the price that money
Ailc Tour ihoit clflitlMf fnv xxf t. r, , ...
rntiw...r Vi :,vm".0".",,k. explaining now to
LOOK FOR W. L. Doujla.
name and the retail prico
tamped on tho bottom.
Bora Shoes
yyf BmI In tha World
fJQruco&ui $3.00 $2.60 & $2.00
President W.L- Dougliui Shoe Co.,
180 Spark St., Itrnrkton, Mas.
Raise High Priced Wheat
on Fertile Canadian Soil
Canada extends to you a hearty invita
tion to settle on her FREE Homestead
lands of 160 acres each or secure some
of thf Inw rrreA in MnnUnL.
Saskatchewan and Alberta. This year wheat is higher but
. t - . . J i nucafcliuiltlicruub
LannHinn lnnn n . n (. s - .
. , - J w UiUl IU1U Ij, 13 ilium ill
tractive than ever. Canada wants you to help feed tho world
by tilling some of her fertile soil land aimilar to that which
during many years ha averaged 20 to 45 bushels of wheat
to tho acre. Think of the money you can make with wheat
around $2 a bushel and land so easy to get. Wonderful
views aiso 01 uatt.tiarley and Flax. Mixed farming
in Western Canada is as profitable an industry a
grain growing.
Thft Onvmmnfr M i. -.t.1.. . . .
T . bskuik 101I11CJB iu put in
creased acreage Into grain. There is a great demand for
farm labor to replace the many young men who have
volunteered for service. The climate is healthful and
agreeable, railway facilities excellent, good schools and
churches convenient. Write for literature as to reduced
railway rates to Supt. of Immigration, Ottawa. Can., or to
Room 4, Deo Bldg., Omaha. Neb.
Canadian Government Agent
Too Intimate.
"I seo where some prohibition advo
cates nre going after tho school arith
metics." "Why?"
"Because their tables make drains
and scruples go together."
The antiseptic powder to be shaken Into shoes
and Hprinkled luto the foot-bath. It relieves
painful, swollen, smarting feet and takes the
atlnrc out of corns and bunions. The greatest
comforter ever discovered for alt foot-aches.
Bold everywhere, 25c. Trial package FKEtt.
Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Hoy, N. Y. Adv.
Must Be.
"Awfully clever, Isn't he?"
"Wonderfully; even his wife's rela
tives nduilt It."
Bucks Against the Style.
"Pa, what Is a nonconforiulst?"
"A fellow who refuses to wear white
Any Way.
They were dlscusslug that joke
nbout getting down off an elephnut.
"How do yon get down?" naked the
Jokesmlth for the fourth time.
"You climb down."
"Wrong I'
"You grease his sides mid slide
"Wrong I I"
"You take a Indder and get down."
"Wrong I I I"
"Well, you take the trunk line
"So, not quite. You don't get down
off an elephant ; you get It off a goose."
Indlunapolls News.
Knowledge Is power only to the In
dividual who knows ho doesn't know
It nil.
Waste, the mother of want Old
11 You Take No Chances 1 -
I I m Buying a oaxon . g
You may buy a Saxon believing it to be tho
best car in its class and you will get what
you pay for.
You may look for longer service, better per
formance and lower up-keep bills from your
Saxon than from any other car of like price.
And you will not be disappointed.
If there was any doubt that Saxon cars are the
best in their respective divisions it has long
since disappeared.
And the proof of this you will find, a thousand
fold over, in the records of Saxon owners
and in the opinion of motor-car buyers in
general. Saxon cars have definitely estab
lished their superiority in every phase of
motor car performance.
And just as surely and decisively as they have
proved themselves abler acting cars, have they
proved themselves cheaper cars to keep up.
To build cars of, such quality and such value
clearly reflects the strength and soundness
and ability of the Saxon organization.
Saxon Motor Car Corporation
Detroit, Michigan
There is still some good territory open for
Saxon Dealers. For information you should
apply to
Noyes-Killy Motor Company
Omaha, Nebr.
! i
c it s- -
I 1
Highway Commissioner of Michigan
Favors Water-Bound Type Cost
of Maintenance Small.
lion. Frank F. Rogers, state high
way commissioner of Michigan, Is tho
lutcst prominent road builder to glvo
his testimony In favor of water-bound
macndani, which a few years ngo
seemed likely to lose nil standing ns
Fine Type of Macadam Road.
a typo of construction ndnptcd for
modern conditions. In his blennlnl re
port ho lins this to say: "During tho
early cxlstonco of tho department,
maendnm roads constituted as much as
U0 per cent of tho mileage constructed
As the use of the automobile became
more widespread, the percentage of
macadam roads built each year de
creased owing to tho excessive cost of
maintaining this type under the auto
mobile trnlllc. Within the past two
yenrs, however, water-bound mnendam
roads have been agnln growing In
favor because It has been found pos
sible with a bituminous surface treat
ment to maintain them In a condition
comparable In tho point of service to
tho higher, types of roads. The first
treatment, which is made after thu
road has "seasoned" by opening It to
traffic for throe or four months, Is es
sentially a part of tho Initial cost of
construction, und enn be applied at a
cost of about Ave cents per sipiare
yard, or not to exceed $500 per mile
for a 10-foot rontl. Thereafter the road
can be maintained In a satisfactory
condition with n yearly treatment at
n cost of about three cents per squnre
Stimulate Friendly Rivalry Amonu
Farmers to Keep Highways In
Best Possible Condition.
A well-dragged road In front of the
farm Is u great satisfaction to the
owner, but why not give him the addi
tional satisfaction of letting him know
that you appreciate what lie lias done
as you drive by? Why not tell him
what you think and help establish a
prlzo for tho best-dragged piece of
road? Thoix) nre few ways in which
a little money will bring" bigger re
sults In road work than in stimulating
friendly rivalry among tho workers. A
careful use of the drag may save the
use of the road grader.
Increased by About Sixty Per
Cent in Past Six Months.
That Canada Is at war Is now moro
fully appreciated on this side of the
boundary line, now that the United
States has stepped alongside Its north
ern neighbor and linked hands In tho
great strugglo for n freer democracy
throughout tho civilized world. As n
result of this n greater Interest than'
ever Is seen In the mutual effort to
develop both tho United States and
Canada, ltecently, Just before tho
time that the United States declared
Its Intention to enter the contest and
contribute of Its resources to the de
feat of tho autocracy, whose design
was to permeate tho world. Western
Canada made an appeal for farm labor
to till the fields and prepare the soil
for tho crops of grain that were nec
essary to feed the fighting forces and
keep up the requirements necessary
for tho Allies. The responses were so
great that before half the tlmo limit
expired, over six thousand laborers
were secured. This was not suulent,
but once the United States wuh de
clared to be In a condition of war, and
farm labor required here to meet any
exigency as to short rations that might
arise, the sister to the north, withdrew
from attempts, which l might mean n
restriction of the farm labor supply
In the United States. Hut even with
this It Is thought Canada will now bo
fairly well supplied.
Apart, however, from tho farm labor
proposition, It Is gratifying from both
a United States anil Canadian point "f
view that the Immigration of farmers
to take up homestead lauds and to pur
chase Improved and unimproved land
In Canada, has shown such a wonder
ful Incrense In tho past three months,
The great strugglo for Increasing the
food supply has a broader and greater
significance than over. The food must
come Into existence, whether the rlrh
soils of the United States or those of
Canada be the factor.
It Is altogether probable that the ac
tion of the Canndlau Oovernment In
taking the duty off wheat going Into
Canada, thus automatically lifting the
duty off that coining Into tho United
Stntes, ma not bo responsible for an
Increased Immigration to Canada. Can
ada's reputation for growing larger av
erage yields nnd n better quality of
grain, nnd on lands, many of which nre
free, as well as those that range from
$15 to .?:i.r an acre, Is au appeal that
Is being responded to by fanners who
are now renting high-priced lands, Is
another reason for expecting an In
creasing number of farmers from tho
United States.
Mr. W. IX Scott, Superintendent of
Immigration at Ottawa, Canadn, re
cently gave out figures concerning Im
migration from the United States,
which shows that the lncrenso In the
past three or four months was (10 per
cent over the same period lawt year,
and Mr. Scott forecasts that during the
culendnr year of 1017 there will bo
over one hundred per cent Increase
and be much heavier than for many
yenrs past. Mr. Scott declares thft
already this spring more settlers' ef
fects have entered Canada than
crossed during thu wholo of last year,
and the movement has Just merely
The now settlers are coming from
numerous states through the ports of
ISmcrson, North Portal and Coutts, as
well as from Oregon and Washington,
through Klngsgato and Vancouver.
There urrlved In Saskatchewan dur
ing tho year ending December 31, 11)10,
n total of 8.1JMI persons as compared
with 5,8112 during the twelve inonihs
previous. At the same time nearly
twice as many Immigrants passed
through the ImmlKratton department
If Criminals Were Put to Work on
Highways Country Would Soon
Have Fine Systerri.
There nre nearly two and one-hnlf
millions of miles of public ronds In
Texas, of which less than i.hree hun
dred thousand miles are Improved. If
tho convicts of every state were put to
work upon thesu, within ten
years ye would hiue a system of high
ways equal to I hat oi France, and
many of tho grave evils and abuses of
the convict system, Including Its In
calculable waste, would he ...jollshed.
Waco (Tex.) Kev3
To Experiment Vlth Oil.
Experiments In oiling the streets of
Denver, both asphalt aii'' graveled, are
to be made next summer by tho de
partment of parks iiud Improvements.
Motive F .rce.
The same force that moves one ton
on a smooth highroad will move eight
tons on a railway or !12 tons on n canal.
Use Split.Log Drag.
Use tho split-log drag on your rouds.
fit your neighbor to do tho same.
Women cf
Middle rtgc
Many distressing Ailments experienced
by them are Alleviated by Lydia E.
Pinlcham's Vegetable Compound.
Here is Proof by Women who Know.
LoAvoll, Mass. "For tho last three yours I hixvo
boon troubled with tho Chnngo of Lifo nnd tho had
feollngs common nt that timo. I was in a vory nor
vous condition, with headaches and pain a good
deal of tho timo bo I was unlit to do my work. A
friend naked mo to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vogota
hlo Compound, which I did, nnd it has holpod mo in
ovory way. I am not nearly so nervous, no hcad
acho or pain. I must say that Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vcgotablo Compound is tho best remedy any sick
womau can take." Sirs. Maiiciauet Quikn, Roar
251) Wortlicn St., Lowoll, Mass.
Sho Tolls Ilor Friends to Talco Lydia E. Pinldmm's Remedies.
North Ilavon, Conn. "When I was 45 I had tho Change of Lifo
which is n troublo all women havo. At first it didn't bother mo
but after a whilo I got bearing down pains. I called in doctors who
told mo to try different things but thoy did not euro my pains. Ono
day my husband camo homo and said, 'Why don't you try Lydia E.
Pinkham's VcgoUiblo Compound nnd Sanatlvo Wash?' Well, I gob
thorn nnd took about 10 bottles of Vcgotablo Compound and could
feel mysolf regaining my health. I nlso used Lydia E. Pinkhnm'a
Sanatlvo Wnsii and It has dono mo n great doal of good. Any ono
coming to my houso who suffers from fomalo troubles or Chnngo of
Lifo, I toll thorn to tako tho Pinkham remedies. There aro about 20
of ushorc who think tho world of thorn." Mrs. Floiucnob Isklli,
Box 197, North Haven, Conn.
You are Invited to Write for Free Advice.
No other medlclno lias boon so successful in relieving woman's
Buffering its lins Lydln 12. Pinklmm's Vegetable Compound.
Women may receive f rco and helpful nd vice by writing tho Lydia
. Pinklmm Medlclno Co., Lynn.Mnss. Such letters nro received
and answed hy women only and held in strict confidence.
Puts a ...
Stop to all
Anil prevents others linvlng tho dlscnao no matter how
cxpOBod. no rrntn nnil 91 n boUlc, (13 nnd 910 a doita
baltlcn. All Koud druRKlots nnd turf Roods houses.
ClirmUl and llaclcrloloclxU, Goahen, Ind., U, 9. A
lit Edmonton, Alberta, In tin lust
twelve months us for tliu suinu period
of the your liufore.
The number of settlers from Eustern
Ciuimlu uilKrutlni; to the went nlso In
eivuseil. I'Yoni Jnnuury 1 to Miirch 111,
1017, the number of curs of stock (lint
pusseil throiiKli the Winnipeg yards
was 7f0, us compared with !I01 lust
your. A fair estimate of the value of
euch cur would ho nbout $i!,000, which
means that the west bus secured addi
tional live stock to the value of JflR),
000 or more, (luring the Ilrst three
months of 1017. not taking Into account
that brought In hy Immigrants from
the United Stales. Advertisement.
Wife Illg checks for dresses will
not be In demand IIiIh season.
Husband Thank heaven ! Puck.
For picking up needles from floors
a ningnet suspended by a cord bus
been Invented.
Ambition Is a feeling that you want
to do something that you know you
en n't.
Valuable Information.
"Hut you see, sir, I nin tho seventh
dnughter of n seventh daughter nnd
have the power of prophecy. I can tell
you anything."
"Oh, you can, can you? Well, then,'
I wish you would tell mo where I nin
going to raise the price of that pair ot
now shoes my wife's nbout to buy."
lias been tho most successful family
remedy for tho lust llfty-ono years for
biliousness and stomach troubles, to
which the American people aro addict
ed, causing sick headache, nervous In
digestion, sour stomnch, coming up ot
food nnd a general physical depression,
25 nnd 75c. Adv.
When a man kicks on his wife's ex
peuses, he thinks bo Is doing It for her
good and shu'thinks he Is a mean old
The nicest thing about oatmeal la
the pretty girl who demonstrates It at
the grocery.
Our stomachs will make what's
1 homely savory.---Sbnkespenro.
jet Contents 15Pluid Draohn!
m: 1111113
WLj Af,ColioL-3rcnoBN.
fl similalinfiUicFood by Bctfuta-
pi i
m ChwrlcssandKcsLUnui
laH . fU n! fnrnhlne WV.
M Mineral. KotNAiiCOTICJ
I Ml ', rfinrn ii
Hunt Strd
A helpful Bcmeayior I,
Children Cry For
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee.
For more than thirty years it has been in constant uso for tho
relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea;
allaying Feverishness arising th6fefrofa, and by regulating tho
Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving
healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho
Mother's Friend.
Beara the Signature of
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Havo Always Bought