NORTH PLATTE SEMI-CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION JUNE 26th to 30th, INCLUSIVE. 1 i ..... . THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JUNE 5, L917. No. 41 BODY OF COL CODY IS LAID TO It EST Last tribute was paid Sunday to tho memory of Colonel William P. Cody 100,000 when the body of tho famous scout and former North Platto roshlontr was laid to rest In a gravo blasted from solid rock on tho top of Lookout mountain, twonty miles from Donvor. For hours boforo tho ceremony at tho gravo, thoro was a steady procession of atitomobllos winding up tho moun tain sldo toward the summit. Several thousand persons, who had gono by trolley to Goldon, at tho foot of tho mountain, climbed stoop trails or trddgod along tho automobile roads to Wildcat Point, tho burial was hold. Tho ceremony at tho grave was not olaborato, only tho Masonic ritual be ing used undor tho direction of tho Goldon Masonic lodge. A delegation of Knights Templar from North Platto, mfhoro Colonel Cody hold his member ship, acted as an escort. As tho last shovelful of earth was thrown Into tho gravo n bugler sounded taps, When tho last noto had died . out, a battory of Colorado national' guard artlllory fired a saluto of thir-j luuuguuB. AsuiomsiBHoicoaBcu re-: .U.U0...1. .6 , uu.uue, wuuuiuiug, w oiuib uuu atiiiiua wuiu uuiuwuu iiumJnr nnl Horna. li H mm Hnnt nn Imvlni a flagpolo at tho grave Tho ceremony included tho reading of a poem composed by A. F. Beolor, of this city Amonir tho North Platto men nrosenti wore John Bratt. W. H McDonald. John , Vernon, A. F. Bcoler, F. II. Barber t UI1U U. tl. dressier. ::o:: Tho marriage of Miss Agnes Han- ion. of this citv. and Patrick O'Connor! of Omaha, was solemnized iwtfth nup- tial mass at St. Patrick's church torday morning at soven o'clock. Hev. P. F. McDald porformod tho ceremony. I Tho brido wore a champagno colored suit and a large whlto hat. Hor brides-! maid, Miss Elizabeth Hanlon, wore a white suKt and white hat. Edward i Greesor acted as best man. Tho break- fast was served at tho homo of the brides parents Mr. and Mrs . Fred ' Hanlon, and tho bridal couplo loft at. noon for Omaha whoro they will re-! side, Mrs. O'Connor has made manyi friends horo who Iwlill wish her happi ness. Tho groom is a Union Pacific passenger brakeman who has a wide acquaintance In Omaha. Blalno Runner, living south of Hor shey, came to town yostorday to en list in tho artillery arm of tho service. This ho could not do boforo tho navy rcoffrftUig .officer Uoaa-and -will-go to Grand Island the lattor part of this week. Mr. Runner holds a Carnegie "honor medal, given him several years ago for rescuing throo little girls who othonallso would havo perished In a prairlo fire. Tho remains of C. W. Rightfleld, who died last week, wero interred yester day. Tho body had been hold pending word from relatives. Tho deceased came horo from Chappoll a short time ago to tako treatment in a local hos pital and died after an oporation. If you havo tried everything olse without Results, Try Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments and get iwVill. DR. L. D. SMITH, Chiropractor, 40tf Building and Loan Building. Tho Robekah Kensington will meet in tho I. O. O. F. hall Friday aftor noon of this week. All members and their friends aro invited. A ten cony nincn win no serveu. The Ford Price Has NOT Increased HURRY AND BUY, IT MAY COUPELET, SEDAN - Hendy-Ogier Auto Co. AUTHORIZED FORD SALES AND SERVICE. Call or Phono 34 for Particulars. Corner Fourth and Dewey LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Fonnor spoilt Sunday iw'lth friends in Gothenburg. Mr. and Mrs. Frod Frcdrlckson loft ,0J;"i?,,,! romm morning for Keystone to cs. John Vernon returned yostorday morning from Donvor whero ho spent the week ond. Bert Barber left yostorday morning for Lowollon, after visiting rotative for several days. Mrs. Will Jeltors, who had buon vis iting local friouds, rotmfrned to Omaha Sunday night. Mrs. Jauo Lano, of Pittsburg, who had been visiting her mother Mrs. B. Moran, loft Saturday. Miss Mazlo Doan, of Fullertoh, who visited last week with tho Misses Hub bard, loft Sunday evening. Deputy Postmaster Sturges entered a local hospital Sunday for treatment and perhaps an oporation. Whatever few Wool Suits wo havo nro now offered at one-third to ono - half off tho regular price at BLOCKS' Dr T. J Korr jcrt gunuay oven- ing ror t. snolllnir 10 ontor tho U. S received favorable action last week. ' 1 . . . . . - n McMlchaol Bros, began work yostor day on tho forty-four foot addition to tho Elks' building by pouring the cement for tho foundation piers. The brlck is expected to arrived today Atr nml TTr M TT Rmltli milm north of Paxton, wero business visit tors in town yesterday. Mr. Smith "ays some winter wheat in his section will make part of a crop, ryo is fairly yea-jEOOd and corn is coming along In i 'lno shape. A committee from tho experimental farm composed of Mesdamos Stnck- 1 T T 1 1 I I . nn .i i i uuuau, uiiiiuu, .uuuiuu uiiu ouuuurs will ontortain tho aid society In tho MnHimHat oimrMi nnrinr tli..i,,,. nr. ternoon. As theso ladies wish to return homo oariy lunch wlll bo S0rV0(l 1)r0Uiptly at four o'clock. E- C. Wolson, of Tryon, driving a Maxwell car, run afoul tho silent no llceman at tho corner of Dewey and Fifth streets Saturday evening. Ho bent tho post, broke tho lamp and chipped off tho base, and In return was assessed ton dollars by Chief Jones, which ho paid. Tho lamps on tho car woro broken, tho radiator bont and othor damago amounting to about thir ty dollars resulted. Marrlago liconsos woro granted the latter part of last week to Harry Stowart and Mary Johnson, of Suth erland, Elemer Fattig and Evelyn R. Hildenbrand of Wallace, Oscar H. Hanson and Bollo Brittain of Eisia, Ivan C. Shlnklo and Valeria BroMn of Horshey Martin Dunkeo and Blanche Dancer of Collins Nob. Pearls found in oysters aro as rare as Aaron Lovovitch among tho pawn brokors. Tho money old Aaron loan ed on 'all soits and conditions of chat tels pulsated through countless trage dies and numberless Joys; put food in tho imouth of starving bablas and brought strength to tho weary. But never a"dlrty dollar" passed across his counter, for Aaron was orthodox both In his religion and his practice thereof. It will do you good and make your evening seem well spont to seo him In "A JqAfcl In Pawn," at tho Crystal Wodnesday ovonlng. THE UNIVERSAL CAR - $345.00 - $505.00 - $645.00 FORD REGISTRATION FOR MAY, ALL OTHER MAKES - - TOTAL FOR MONTH Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Churchill havo gono to Gothenburg to visit relatives. For quick action and satisfactory salo list your land with Thoolecko. tf Tho loui) Nevlta will meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. Elinor Burko. Mrs. Webb Hughos will entertain tho Eldoon club tomorrow nftornoon. For Rent Room, inquiro of Mrs. J. B. Murphy, 214 oast Third street. Tho remains of Edwnrd Busklrk, w)h died nt tho Nebraska House sev eral weoks ago woro Interred In tho North Platto coniotery Saturday. Miss Gladys Hall, formorly of this city, is now employed as tolophono op erator in tho Hotel Virginia at Long Bench, Cal., and is getting along nice ly in lier now location. Hundreds of now wash Bkirts, tho uonshrinkablo kind in plain whlto and striped nintorinls, in gabardines, piques, and washable satins, all slzos 9Sc to ?11.9S at BLOCKS'. Tho patriotic meeting at tho Metho dist church Sunday ovonlng was nt tonded by eight hundred people. In addition to tho 'program published last week Mr 8. G. B. Dent gavo a snlond d talk on Red Cross work and duties of Its members. All of our Spring Wool Suits are now reduced from .nio-thlrd to ono- half off tho regular prlco. BLOCKS' Another heavy rain fell last night, roportou by tho weathor bureau ns amounting to 1.02 Inches. It started about eight o'clock and for a half hour came down In torrents then foil' gently for nearly two hours. On account of tho heavy rain tho patriotic mooting announced for tho I I Franklin auditorium was called off, Tho Spanish War Veteran druiri" corps attempted to get out a crowd but fow responded to tho call of tho drums. Notwithstanding tho heavy nain thoro was a largo attendance at "Robin Hood" at tho Keith last ovonlng. Tho company was tno samo ns nrosonted tho play a year or so ago and tho pro duction was much onjoyod by the au dlence. County Clork Allen reported yester day nftornoon that two hundred young mon of this city who will bo out of town today had applied for registry blanks and sixty applications woro re ceived from young mon mflio aro in dlf- teront cltlos., visiting at tho present time. John Dawson, an employo In tho U P. blacksmith shop, died Saturday ev ening from the result of injuries froutKVook with her sister' sovoral months ago. Relatives in Wichita, Kansas, and Muskogeo, Ok lahoma, woro notified and funeral ar rangements will bo delayed until they aro heard from. All tho now models In tho Hondorson Fashion Form Corsets, all tho now low bust models also tho elastic top cor sots aro a now featuro, havo you seen them? E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Miss Abignl Foster and Leonard Red mond of this city woro married at the court houso yostorday morning by County Judgo Froncii., Tho former had been omployed in tho O'Connor storo for sovoral months nnd is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fos ter now of Omaha. Tho groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Redmond and has hold n position with tho Hnr- court Clothing Co. for Bovcral yoars F. O. B. Detroit 57 17 74 HKIilSTItATlOX OPENS AT SEVEN THIS .MOItMXd. This is military registration day in every voting product in tho United States and It has boon ostlninted that bofoio iilno o'clock this ovonlng ton million men between tho ngos of twon-ty-ono and thlrfty-ono will have regis tered. Horo In North Platto tho booths o'ponod promptly at seven o'clock, tho opening being nnnouncod by tho blow ing of whistles, and throughout tho day tho siren whistle at tho water plant will ho blown onch hour. Tho registrars had not tmo to nrrango their tables before applicants appeared lo roglstor. At each of tho four booths thoro aro two registrars, and In nd-l dlton from two to four ladles who wot conio tho applicants and after thoy liavo registered pin upon tho right arm a narrow slcovo badgo of Unhid cloth. Theso nvtfll bo worn throughout tho day by all who have roglstorod. Tho iiunibor who wlll roglstor In North Platto Is placed around 400, and in the county precincts tho numbor will probably reach noarly a thousand. This afternoon 'practically all busi ness housos, nnd tho postofflco will closo In honor of tho day and thoso who roglstor. : :o: : J. W. ltallnrd Passes Away. John W. Ballard, n pioneer rosldont of this city, died Sunday ovonlng of Bright's disease aftor nn cxtondod 111 noss nt tho homo of his son Doll Bal lard, 1119 wost Second Btreot. Tho funornl sorvices will bo hold thoro this afternoon nt 2:30 o'clock. Tho do- coasod had formorly boon n farnior but lator engaged In tho plastering busi ness. Ho wns born Januarv 30th. 1841. Tho sons Who survivo nro Doll, Hi ram, jonn jr., and Albort, and thoy with two grandsons will act as pall bearors. -: :o: Receive Eighth Grade Diplomas Tho following pupils of tho Mnx woll school who rocolved tho elchth grade diplomas -woro omitted from tho published list: Chns. Storey, Orvolda Rohron, Bossio Clanc, Lavonm Lav- ton, Dorothy Jnggor, Joy Brown, Cllf- rorii journey, Harold Towors, Wll Ham Trldlo and Horbort Bnltz. 200 Wool Skirls 201) in tho newest spring styles nciw' snlo at greatly roducod prices BLOCK'S. : :o: : on nt Mrs. R. O. Iloaton loft this morning for Excelsior Springs, Mo., to remain lor a couplo or weoks. Miss Gladys Whlto loft a fow dava .ntto tor juonony, aio., to spond a All of our Spring Wool Coats are now on snlo at actual cost and somo loss than cost. BLOCK'S. Mrs. Mary Baker returned Sunday ovonlng from nn oxtonded visit with hor brothor In Indlnnn. Mrs. Monks ad daughter of McCook, aro guosts at tlio nonio of Mr. and Mrs. George Monks this week. Mrs. E F Seoborgor nnd hor guest, Airs, scnipior or Iowa, who woro visit ing In Cheyonno last weok returned Saturday. Mrs. P. A. Norton rotiuirncd tho lnt tor part of last week from Scranton, l, wnoro alio was called by hor urotnor s uinoss. Now pnrasols in all tho nowst ma torlals and latest styles now on salo at BLOCK'S. 98c to ?8.G0. Mrs. W. R. Kosslor returned Kan sas City yostorday after spending sov oral weoks with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Stam'p. Miss Cora Sousor, who had boon offlco girl in tho Clinic for sovoral months, resigned tho latter part of last weok and wlll leavo for eastern points. J. S. Davis wtont to Lincoln this morning to boo about shipments of uulck cars. Sovoral months ago ho placed nn ordor for rffty carloads, and so far Iiub rocolved but seven carloads and theso woro all delivered to his sub-agents. THE WONDER' Washing Machine Will be demonstrated at our store Thursday, June 7th Come in and see it work. Derryberry & Forbes. PROGRAM North Platte Semi-Centennial Celebration, June 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30. Tl'ESDAY JUNE 20. Honu'conK'nt' Diiy. Grounds will bo dpon for visitors nt 10 a. m. At. this time all pny shows and riding devices and concessions wlll bo in oporation. At 2 p. in will open the Out Door Shad or pageant In front of tho grand stand. Tho out door show or iKiKoant i-VIU consist of tho lmrsults and past- timos or tno period or lirty yoars ago. cow boys snooting uD tho -town, rld- and pitching horses, stoor riding, pony oxpross, relay racos and tlio attack on tho emigrant train, nnd in addition sensational circus tnd aerial acts a real wild wost show nnd circus font uros. At 4:30 p. m. Miss Luclollo Bollmont will mnko a balloon ascension with parnchtlto drop. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27. Nebraska Diiy. Grounds wlll bo open for visitors at 10 a. m Shows, riding devices nnd concosslons wlll bo In operation. At 2 p. in,. Out Door Show wlll o'pon. At 4:30 Miss Luclollo Bollmont iwtfll mnko a balloon nsconslon with doublo pnrachuto drop. At 8:30 p. in. Tho Battlu of Summit Springs will bo Btnged. This, our feat uro attraction, will bo a reproduction of tho Battle of Summit Springs, No- nraBiKvs most famous Indian battlo. Tho sham battlo will finish up with a ginnd ami gorgeous pyrotochnlo dln play, tho llko of which hns nevor boon wltnossod in this stato. Immediately following tho Battlo of summit Springs nt 9 p. in. tho largo pavlllion will bo 6pon to spoctntors and thoso iwjho expect to tako "part In tho CIndorolla Ball. Tho Clndorolla Ball wlll bo Btngod by tho chlldron rnngjng In ngos from eight to sixteen yoars of ago In fancy costumos, traln od In spoclal n'utmborB. This wlll bo an ontlro show of Itsolf. Do not miss this undor any circumstances. THURSDAY, .TUNE 28. North rintto Day. Grounds will bo opon for visitors nt 10 a. m. SIiowb, riding dovlcos nnd concessions will bo In oporation. Promptly at 2 p. m, thoro wlll bo stngod an historical !parado In tho down town district of tho city. In this parade tho following lloata wlll np poar: Float No, 1 "Tho Monarch of tho Plains," A lnrgo buffalo, attacked by Indian hunter. Float No. 2 "Tlio Virgin Plains." Shelving Indlnn topoo and Indian bur ial plnco, with group of Indians en camped. Float No. 3 "Tho First Sottlor." This sotting shows tho old tlmo Concs togo Wagon that was In uso during tho days of '49. Tho group consists of enmpors. Plot No. 4 "Tho coming of tho Un ion Pacific." Tho prairlo scono of tho Platto Valloy and old tlmo locomotlvo in uso nt that time. Flont No. C "Tho Trappors." A stool trap greatly onlarged; tm'ppors around a camp llro; a ground work of polts, otc. Float No. 0 "Tho Hunters." -An-othor camp scono, with tho trophies of tho chnso. Flont No. 7 "Irrigation." Showing progress and tlio chnngos mado In tho farms that havo boon Irrigated. Tho group Hhows a modom fnmi houso, tho rovorso of tho old Bod and Blab houses, nnd tho difference In tho Holds of grain. Float No. 9 "Early Ranch Llfo." WM. S. HART, in the wildest and most thrilling play ever, "THE GUN FIGHTER" and the comedy, "His Deadly Undertaking" COME EARLY TO THE KEITH THEHTRE, THURSDAY, JUNE 7th Lumber & All Kinds Building Material Everything New. Phone 20 1 Block East Freight House OF THE Group of cnttlo nnd shoop. Tho old sod houso and corralls. Float No. 9 "EdticntIonnlProgros8." Tho first school houso and tho prosont High School, showing progress of CO years. Float No. 10 "Fort McPhorson." A reproduction In mlnaturo of tho fort from a ihotograph Uikon 4G yoars ago. Float No. 11 "Quoons' Float," A fancy decorated float with tho Qucon'a throne, -vfith group of Quoon's pngea mm mums oi nonor. Float No. 12 "North Platto," A decorated llont win. i.rnm. nt ,M.nni - ....... D . children. Float 13 "Frontlor Days." Deco rated Moat with group. Float 14 "Tim Horn of Plonty." Showing all tho products of tho farm. Following tho ipnrado nt 3 p. in. tho Out Door Show In tho front of tho grand stands will bo glvon. At C:30 p. ni. MIbs Lulclollo Bollmont will mako a balloon nsconslon with doublo pnrachuto drop. At 8:30 p. m. tho Battlo of Summit Springs will again bo Btngod. FJtlUAY, JUNK 20. (Jovornor'B Day. Grounds will bo Opon for visitors nt 10 n. m. Sliqwi, riding dovlcos and concossloiiB will bo rn oporation. At 2 p. nv. Out Door Pageant will opon. At 4:30 Miss Luclollo Bollmont will make a balloon nsconslon with triple pnrachuto lon'p, cutting looso threo parnchutoB nt ono tlmo. At 9 p. m. in tlio largo pavlllion will bo hold tho Quoon's Ball, tho Corona tion of tho Quoon nnd tho presenta tion of tho diamond ring by King Plntto. SATURDAY, JUNE 0. Grounds wlll bo open for visitors nt 10 a. m. Shows, riding devices nnd con cosslons wlll bo In oporntlon. At 2 p. m. Out Door Pageant will opon. At 4:30 p. m. Miss Luclollo Bollmont will mnko a balloon nBconslon mflth tripio pnrnchiilto lon'p. Saturdny ovonlng will bo carnival night and tho closo of tho Soml-Con-touninl Colobratlon. Among tho many nttrnctlons of tho Sonil-Contonnial will bo tho eovoral bIiowh and riding dovlcos of unusual uigu ana cinssy order. Chief among them wlll ho tho "Girl from thn Onlilnn Wnal " . wlileli will ronalBtoX-!eni;)t cnbiuretalristtrs. uiui iiancura. mis will no a roprouuqtioti of a westorn danco hull of tlio early duys In tho wost. Anothor nl traction iw111 bo an old plantation show, "Down In Dlxlo," con sisting of twolvo or flftoon high class and tnlontod artists. "Flvo In Ono," n musouni of froaka ond othor nttrnctloiirt of that nnturo, "Athletic Show," glvlg boxing, wrostllng and physical culturo demon strations. This show Is an unusually flno show nnd should ho well ipntron lzod. "Spldor." This Is nn Illusion Bhow, and ono thnt wlll ploaso tho womon and chlldron, particularly catorlng to that class of peoplo. Anothor attraction iw'lll bo tho Snnko Show, showing tho vonomous reptiles of tho Junglo puroly nn exhibition show and ono that 'will not offend in any particular. Tho riding dovlcos will consist of Forrls Wlicol, Morry-Go-Round, Tho Whip and "Sllo-droino," whoro ridors on motorcycles will dofy tho law of gravitation. i