ISA L. BATIK, Editor and lnbllBher. SUBSCRIPTION HATES: One Year by Mull In Adrnnce. . . .I1.2& One Yenr by Carrier In AdTance. .11.50 Entered at North Platta, Nebraska, PoatoIIlco bh Second Clans Matter. TUKSHAY, if AY SOth, 1017. LIST OK I'KIKKH IN Til 12 ciniiOUHN'S haihikx contkst Following Is a list of prlzos to bo glvon in tho gardening contost con ducted by tho Hod Cross, North Platto chnptor. . , , . ThlH garden project In divided Into nvo school clubs, tho Junior High, Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Parochial schools. A 'prlzo of $5.00 will bo awarded to tho school club scoring tho hlghost number of .points aftor tho four In spections mndo during tho summer by n committee of gardon exports from tho -stato farm. To tho boy or girl having tho best gnrdon, moaning tho ono scoring tho highest number of point after tho four Inspections: First prizo $5.00, second prlzo $-1.00, third prlzo $3.00, noxt twenty $1.00 oach. During tho nummor two fairs will bo hold, ono to bo In July and tho socond tho county fnlr. At ouch fair, for tho boat display of vogotablos thoro will bo given thrco prizes: First prlzo $1.00, second prlzo 7Gc, third 'prlzo 2Gc. For tho July fair tho following vog otablos IwHU bo ontdrcd for tho prizo content: Pons, wax beans, beets, onions, swoot eorn, cucumbors. Six prlzos of 7Cc oach will bo awarded for tho cholcoBt vogotablo entered. For tho county fair later vogetablos will bo ontorod, namely, tomatoos, car rot), parsnips, cabbago and potatoos. Six prizes of 75 contd each will bo awardod for tho cholcost vegotablo hero ontorod. At oach fair thoro will bo two 1rizos glvon for Uio best display of llowora, first prlzo GO cents, second 25 contB. Y. III. C. A. War Work. 1 In compllanco with tho proclama tion lssuod by Qovoror Novlllo, who on dorsos tho war work proposed by tho Young Mou's Christian Association, tho County Dofenso Council of Lincoln COMMISSIONKir IMlOCKKniNOS May 21, 1917. Hoard of county commissioners mot pursuant to adjournment, prosont Springer, Hormlnghauson and Kocli and county clerk. Isaac Largo, Sutherland, refund of taxes, $I8.G0. Alfrod Homus, road work Dist. 14, $20.00. John Homus, road i1ork Dist. M, $40.00. J. F. Snyder, blade work Com.' Dist. 3, $55.00. V. W. Sadler, modtcino, $21.50. County cleric Is hereby directed to chango tho K Soc. 3-1G-2G from $14.70 to $10.40 on account of orror In assessment. Sundry persons, dragging roads, Com. Dist. 3, $35.00. C. A. Hoblnson, blading and dragging roads, $105. W V Hoagland, Bupromo court ex pensos, $35 C. L .Grant, road work, $38. J. M. Ilolmos, dragging roads, $30. Wm. Schick, road work, $13.50. L. C. Cecil, bridge work, $C50. Undorwood Typewriter Co., sup plies, $4.50. F. 11 Marr. houso rent county poor, $7.00. Hond of R. L. Welllvor, ovorseor District 48, approved. J. M. Frlstobond approved as Jus tlco of poaco Dickons precinct. Ilrady Vindicator, printing, $22.52. Adjourned until tomorrow. A. S. ALLEN, County Clork. May 22, 1017. Hoard mot snmo as yostorday. Hay Crownor, hauling gravel, $40.50. Waro & Leister, hanY'AHro, $10.35. Carl Lunkwltz, bridgo work, $04.50. W. W. Young, coal county poor, $40.91. Fry and IJahenn, road dragging, $1S5,00. Nebraska Tolephono Co., tolls, $39.50. Adjourned to May 20th whon board will go to Sutherland to soil tho old woodon bridgo spanning tho North Platto rlvor north of Sutherland. A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. ::o:: Women as Officials. At Vnlloy Center, Kan., tills spring tho women of tho town didn't llko tho way tho men run things and olectod a comploto sot of town officers. Tlioy cloanod up tho toMtn after Inducted into olTlce and tho only fly In their oint mont wnsthnt tho Santa Fo trains blocked th'o crossing for a period long er thnn oven tho most patient thouKht proper. Petitions to tho railroad com pnny Mont unnoticed, and thon ono day something happonod. Airs. J. rc. (Joodrlck "laid" fclr tlio II IK KAISISIt'.S PHAVHIl Mine Gott, will you tie mine partner? You don't know who I am? I am the German Kaiser De Kinporor Wlll-I-Yam. You know I whipped dom Belglums, Und mlt ljulIetB filled RinMdH, full; Und 111 whip France and Italy Und blow up Johnny Hull. Now for all dom other nations, I don't glvo a dam, If you Just be mine partner Lnd whip dot Unkle Sam. You know 1 got den HUbmarlneB, AH Europe knows dot well; Hut dot Edison KOt a patent now Vol blows ileni all to holl. Now, Oott, If you wilt do this. Don you and I will always love: Und I will bo Emperor of do earth, Und you be Emperor abovo. Hut, Oott, If you refuse me dls, Tomorrow night at loven, I'll call mine Zeppelins out Und declare war on heaven, I wouldn't (ihI dls from you, Hut It can ho plainly soon Dot when Edison pushed dot button, 1. Kot no UNKN0WN W. A FARSEEING WOMAN By ESTHER VANDEVEER :o: . county lias tako up tho mattor of'tho Y, M. C, A. War Work, and a com-:comnanv. Sh mittoo bas boon appointed whoso duty that Btood on tho crossing, and whon it It will bo to prcsont tho mattor and had blockod traffic for twonty mln eollclt subscriptions toward tills noblo utos Mrs. Ooodrick "pinched" M A work. This ;'ork will consist of es- MoNolll, tho conductor tnbllshing of Y. M. C. A. camps in tho: H0 wan tnkon to tho city hall, and viwiuuu luiimiry viunps aim uiuiuiif; camps in tho United Staton and mlnlst orlng to tho wolfaro and comfort of our soldlor boys. Of a 4 $3,000 budget that Is ccossary for carrying on the wofrk, $00,000,00 is tho proportion al lotted to Nohrnska, and North Platto and 'Lincoln county must not fall to nssumo thoir sharo, and when the mat ter Is prosontod tho cominlttoo trusts! Mrs. L. A. Hidonour, tho pollco judgo, quit cooiting uinnor Tor hor husband whllo sho wont down to tho city ball, oponcd pollco court, board tho enso, and fined tho conductor $5 and costs, amounting to $0.25 in all. McNeill was angry and was going to fight tho caso. Tho womnn pollconmn told him to .go ahead and fight, but tho old train utuntJallyv Uint tho patriotic peoplo will rocolvo would stand on tho siding until tho tho call cheerfully and rospond sub-1 fight was ovor. Thon McNeill thought or ins troubles with tho trainmaster and decided that bo wouldn't fight. So ho paid tho fine and tho costs. No longor do tho train block tho Vnlloy Cohtor crossings. ::o:: M. E. CHOSHY, Chairman. ::o:: FOK YOUlt AUTO service Call 125 for Taxi day or night. Also flvo or bovou pasBongor oar for funoral sot-vice, MOOENSEN-LOUDEN AUTO CO , f Chandler & Elcar Agoncy, Corner Eighth and Locust Sts Mrs. Jnmos Ilondorson airrlvod from California a Ma days ago to make hor homo. Mr. Ilnndorson hns boon em ployed In tho Malonoy Btoro for Bovoral niontliB.' To llio Sunday .Schools .of .Lincoln Count)-, Nebraska. Door Co-workers: Wo fool that the time Is now at hand whon wo can plan for tho sea sons ivOprk In our schools. Each school should make tho host record possible, nnd wo do not doubt but what all the onergy possible will be glvon to the work and if this la dono wo can look forward to ono of the largest County Sunday School Conven tions that Lincoln County line over held. It is desired that we cooporato In the woik to tho oxtont that tho presi dent and secretary will have full knowledge of the work being dono by oach school. In order that this bo dono it is necessary that a roport be Bont to tho prosidont or socretary of tho Lincoln County Sundny School As sociation, North Platto, Neb., of the A)rk bolng dono by each Sunday school. In oh much as tho National and State Sunday School Associations havo doslgnated tho RED CROSS organiza tion as tho medium through which they net in this war crisis, In assisting In raising funds for tho unfortunnto in this struglo, Ho It Hosolved: Therefore, That it Is a duty that falls upon oach of us to haro in tho caro of tho unfortunates In this deplorable struggle We thore fore, In pursuance of tho rocommend- ntlons of tho Stato Sunday School As soclations do recommend that July first ho sot apart as a day when each biinuny school will tako a collection for this purpose. This appeal should reach each homo in Lincoln county and ovory man, woman and child, should bo willing to glvo something on that dato to ward this noblo cnuso, nnd an effort should bo mudo to rally ovory person to tho Sunday school of their choice on that dato, July first. J. E. PILE, Presidont. A. S. ALLEN, Secretary. Lincoln County S. S. Association. : :o: : The annual convocation of tho Epis copal church of Wostorn Nebraska will bo hold In St. Mathows' church, Al liance, boglnnlng Juno 19th and con tinuing until tho Ight of tho 21st. Del egates will bo nrosont from tho nur- Ishes and missions in this jurisdic tion. Efforts nro being mndo to o enro tho North Platto delegation. The womnn'B auxiliary or tho Jurisdiction urm also assomblo at tho Bamo time rsorth Platto peoplo aro much concorn od In tills mooting of tho women bo- causo tho prosidont of tho assembly is ivirs. i w. uinckor of this city. Soo Julius Mogonson for all kinds of P. &0. farm implonionts and wag ons. 34tf Remember the Nurse Brown Memorial Homeopathic Hospital When requiring hospital care- McdJcnllr, Surgically, or Obstctrlcally. Tin liktnrv nf u.ild mlnlmr rocloiis Hero your interests and comfort will - n n . ..... oo scrvou. ii is noi uij uieklui, uuv ono of tho best places wherein to get well. 100S West Fourth Street. Dr. J. S. Twinem. "nit. JOHN S. TWINEM Special Attention to Surgery, Gynecology nnd Obstetrics. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Nurse Bnotwn Memorial Hodpltal. repeats Itself. First wo have the land worth from nothing up to a few dol lars an acre. Then some one digs n bole in the ground to put In a post, scoops out a cellar for -a house, or something like that, and finds in the dirt taken out indications of tho pre cious metal. He doesn't say unythlug to anybody, but goes off and gets It assayed. The report being favorable, lie lets it bo known that he lias gold on his property. Those who strike indica tions pre-empt claims and organize companies with a few dollars capital, most of which Is spent for printing eeitlllcntes of stock. Every foot of the Phono 308 ALIJERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Dolton Building North Platte, Nobraska. MIXED SCRAP IRON $6.00 PER TON. ground iu the vicinity is staked out for MAPHTMPPV TAQT IRON mines, which cross and rccross ono nn- """1 Ol $10 PER TON. All Junk is high. Bring it in. North Platte Junk House. oher at every conceivable angle. There ure thousands of tho certificates, near ly ull worthless. When the Clear Creek region of Colo rado was in such a stago as this a uinn whom I shall call Peter Anderson, a young lawyer from the south, settled let US INTRODUCE In Deliver and hung out his shingle, lie had n very frugnl, patient wife, who was n renl helpmate to him. She never permitted nnythlng to be wast ed, no matter how little value it pos sessed, nnd When her husband rallied her on saving worthless things sho would say cheerily. "It mny cotuo in handy just in the nick of time." Tho principal law practiced in Col orado at that time was with the re volvcr; consequently Peter Anderson found little practice in his profession. Hut money was easily borrowed, and the Andersons managed to keep body and soul together by small loans. The husband found it dull sitting In his oillco waiting for clients, so he spent most of his time in a neighboring bil Hard room playing pool. J. B. BEDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SUItGEON Successor to PHYSICIANSUrKJEONS HOSPITAL Dra. Rodfield & Redflold Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 676 OfHco phone 2-11. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Phyuician. North Platte, - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and "Obstetrics. Office: Building nnd Loan Building l Ollice ISO QUALITY TO YOU When Dolly Grows Up '1,: "She'll have a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove just like mother's." 2,500,000 modern housewives are using the New Perfection. It's the stove of steady habits never cranky, never out of order. The flame stays put, wherever you put it. You can have any amount of heat you want, and all the heat goes into the cooking. Your kitchen is cool and comfortable no coal hod to fill, no ash pan to empty. A new and exclusive feature the reversible glass reservoir. Perfection Kerosene gives best results. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEBRASKA) OMAHA 1 ' I J. F. SCHMALZRIED. mmm. Quality In Cigars has has been our He told his aim since we began making cigars In wife that this was a good way to make North Platto ovor thirty years ago. acquaintances and. thus get business. We put quality In tho first cigars we She salil sho thought he was ngnt. made, and that same quality Is in tho The members of such communities ugarg we make todayi schmalzrled's are inveterate gamuiers. lioiresu- nl ,,,, tv,o r ments and the price of the game were ., . , . . . to 1. ,,,,1,1 fnr hv losor In ndill- moro tllan mrt CarB- mat Ster tion to this, the players, all of whom cvmuuuo Ui nuumy UOUiu uu uun were possessed of worthless minim; " you nave not neen smoKing bsnmaiz- 'stocks, would put them up to bo ab- died's cigars, try them they aro cer- Eorbcd by the winner. A number of tain to pleaso these certificates came into Peter An derson's possession, but none of them ever found their way back to tho per sons from whom he won them. Every lght after he had gone to sleep his wife would get up, senrch Ills pockets. take out whut mining shares she found tbero nnd lock them up In nn old trunk she kept in the garret. She never looked at the names of tho companies they represented or bothered her head us to their value. Indeed, they were worthless or they would not have come so easily Into her husband's possession. Every night his pockets were searched and emptied, but In thu morning be would not miss his loss. If his wife had taken a few coins ho might have I noticed It, but mining stocks were quite a different mutter. When he went round to tho billiard room in the evening he would think that ho had won some shares the night before, but, flliillmr umin I., lilo tmi.lrot- fntinv Vin tO lOC.ItO a HUl)llC ronil US follows .......... ... j v Cominencfns rtt tlle norti,west corner iiuu ueen mistaKcn. no was a ivery of section ten, township thirteen, rangi rood tiool nhivor nnd lind no dlffleultv twenty-eiRht nnd running elfiht mile. ,, ., , . i , north to tho Northwest cornor or sec in uorrowuig a iuw Biiares 10 uegiu ou, tlon thirty-four, township fifteen. rann Usually he would win, pay off the loan twcnty-oiBiit, una reporteu in ravor and go on playing on his own capital. An objections thereto, or clnlms for If ho left the place with stocks in his dnmnRes must lo nied In the omce of pocket tho next morning they would nhhVnyf0.00? oc ueposlteU, ns usual, In Mrs. Anuer- iaiv, or sucn roau win uo nuoweu wun j (JUL IU1CIUI1UU LItUIULLI. SOUS trunk. rintn.l nt Xnrth Plnttn. Vnlir.. this 17th IJut tlio pool players didn't bring An- nay or April, iaii. derson any law business, and tho wolf was coutlnually snurllng about his Bought and highst market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 636 Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. Komi No. 4na To nil to whom it may concern: Tho specinl commissioner appointed A. S. ALLEN. County Cleric, door. However, tho wolves In such itna Pf 3. o nil iu wiiuiii il iiiuv uuiiuerii communities aro usually coyotes, com- Tho special commissioner nppolnted pnratlvely harmless, for any man will to locate n public ronrt ns followH: ,,. , , .. i i i CoinmunofnB In the centor of Section glvo or lend uuy other mun if ho has SX (C). town ton (10), ranse twenty- nnytlilng ho doesut need at tho mo- nine u'ii), f'enco ment. Nevertheless Audersou's condi- NS.028?irnsreporte, Phones f Residence 115 DOCTOR I). T. QUIGLEI . . Practice Limited to Surgery and Sadium TlioraDy 28 City National Bank Building. Omaha, Nebraska. DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmcra Undertakers nnd Funeral DIrectori Day Phone 234. Night Phone Black 588. .Notice to Aiin-IU'Nlilfiit Drfrmlnnt. Clifford A. Thomas will tako notlen that on the 9th dav of Mav. 1917. I. L. JIlltonborBer, a Justico of tlio peace, In nnd for Lincoln County, Nebraska, ls- ueu an oruer oi nitacnment lor tho sum of $100.00 In nn nctlon prndlnfr before him. wherein John Jones, ituardlan and next friend of Clarence Jones, minor, Is Piainun anu uiuioru a. 'Gliomas, is ue fendant; that property of tho defen dant conslstinc'. of one Premier flvo passenKer touring car No. 75802 has been attached untler this order. This cause was continued to the 25th day of June, 1917, at 9 o'clock n. m. .Norm 1'iatte, Keur., fliay latn, ii7 JOHN JONES, Guardinn and next friend of Clarence Jones. Order of lleiirlnti. In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, in Probate. In the Matter of tho Estate of William L. Antrim, deceased. Tho Stato or JNeurasKa, Lincoln county, tss. un reauimr anu nnmr the petition of Timothy nufferty, praying that regular administration of said estato mny bo wnlved as provided by Sections 1300-7-s-y nnd lauo or the novised Statutes of Nebraska for the year 1913. it is oriiorou mat Juno stn. iui7. at y o'clock In tho forenoon Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said estate may appear in the County Court in nrobate. to bo heard In nnd for said County, and show cause why the prayer or said petition should not bo granted. This order to bo printed and nubiisn- ed for three consecutive weeks In tho North Platte Tribune, a legal soml weekly newspaper of said county, prior to said date ot hearing. GEO E. FRENCH,; ml5-J5 County Judge. Notice C. AV. Jones, first and real namo un known, will tako notice that on the 25th day or April, 1917, P. H. Sullivan, a Justice of the Peace of North Platte Precihct No. 1, Lincoln County, Nebras. ka, Issued an order of attachment for tho sum of $12.35, in an action pending before him, wherein Harcourt Clothing Company, a llrm is plaintiff, and C. W. Jones, first and real name unknown, defendant; that property consisting of money, as wages duo, In tho hands of the Union Pacific Railroad Co., a cor poration, has ben nttached under said order. Said cause to bo contlned until the lnth day of June, 1917, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated this 5th day of May, 1917, at North Platte, Nebraska. HAUCOURT CLOTHING CO. m8-25 Plaintiff. thenco west on half section mile, connecting with oad norted In favor of the same tlon was not attractive, and except with the following change; that said when ho was playing pool ho was very collrlo,LU,fronf tho" e't' tSFMnt dispirited. nnrt thenco In a northenstorly direction rf-v.. it. t.i - I Ull H CBl DIUU Ul UUOVU IU W1U IIU1 III" uuo uuy mere wus a uig siniio up 0nst corner of section 0. following on Clour creek. A mining company had present road ns now traveled and also opened a em that pnul many hun- ,ion c. nnst J. e. Coonor's house foi dreds of dollars to tho ton. Peter An- lowing road ns now traveled and con derson when ho went homo that night n1nS,?r"i01n0sat,i?oto: or clnlms for toiii ins wire aoouc tno lug, "Oh, how I wish tho stock of tho company!" 1917, or such rond will be alldwed with- ... ii. i .i t i. w i out rftrerenno ineroiu. i luiim juu miL-, uem, nam aiva. " TtV.l nt North Platte. Nebr.. this 19th A. R. ALLEN, County Clork. strike, remark- diunages must bo filed In tho ollice of T h.i,i enmo nf tlio County Clerk on or before 12 o'clock i ii a u some or noon of tno 27th dny of Julyi A D- Andorson, and sho went up to her day of Mny, 1917. trunk and brought down an armful of mlulng share certificates. Tho two sorted them, tossing tliom when exam- i.koai, notich liiml nn thn flnnr in thnlr oniror hunt I Tn IInrv Eohtonknmn and for thn nun thev oovoted Presontlv Echtenkamp, wife of defendant Henry lor mo ono uilj uliiu. i ilsciuij ht k ,,,. nrHt nnd roal name un- they camo to a ten shnro certlllcato known: Henry Millar and Miller, which ulono would keen them for wlfo of defendant Henry Miller, llrst w men uiouu wuuiu Keep iului lui nn(l roai namo unknown; LouIh Miller, awhile. Then a fifty shnro turned up, and Miller, wife of defendant then another ton, then a hundred, five Swnf "VcMlXr and '-'-"iLTlineV. vumireu liiueeu, an iicuouuuiuiuus. u wire or derenuant i reu miui--, nrst aim M-HB it f.ii whlln lwfnr thnv i'nt real name unknown; "Willi.! n Mlllor amis a fcooa wnuo uetoro tnej ,ot ana i Miller, wife of defendant through tho accumulated pile. When -VIUtam Miller, nrst and ronl name un- thnv dhl Ihov lltrnrod nn sluii(q in tin known; Etta Luktlnholder, a single wo- tnej tun tiiej Ufcuitu up Biiuits in iiil mnn MA wlUBin luktlnholder and uicuy company suuiciont to give inem i.uktlnhoider, wire or uerenuant vu n fortuno of half a million dollars. ukown' lnh0lder' nd FeRl nRm When tho excitement of tho find had Notice Is hereby given that Lars s. ill ml ilnAvn n lilt AiidpiNnn imkod hU Swennon, plaintiff has filed his certain uioii now n u Dlt Aiuioi-son asiwcu nis ctl0l ,, he putrict Court of Lincoln Wlfo whoro sho had got all tho eortlfl-1 county, Nebraska, against you and each cntos. Then she told hl.n that she ?cu "TitTo had robbed him of them, thlnklug thnt I, to quiet and confirm in plaintiff some of them might some day como In t.uyo . j-X'o'brK ShcrllY'H Snle By virtue of an order of sale issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nobrnska, upon a decree of foreclos ure rendored In said Court wherein Frances A. Bennett Is plaintiff, and Robert S. Hopper is defendant, and to me directed, I will on the 9th day of June, 1917, nt 2 o. 'clock p. in., at the east front door of tho Court House In North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne braska, sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest and costs, the following described property, to-wit: soutnenst quarter (Blis ) ot section Flvo (5) Township Fifteen (15) North of Range Thirty (30) "West of tho 6th P. M. in Lincoln County, Nebraska. Dated at North Platte, Nebr., May 7th, 1917. A. J. SALISBURY, m8-jS Sheriff. Notice of Petition. Estato No. 1478 of JoHeph M. Wilson, deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nobraska. The State of Nebraska: To all per sons interested In snld Estate tako notice that a petition has been filed for tho probate of nn Instrument pur porting to bo tho last will and testa ment of Joseph M. WllBon, deceased and for tho nppolntment of Hattle Wil son, as executrix of Rald will, which has been sot for hearing on Juno 1, 1917, at 9 o'clock n. m. Dated May 2, 1917. GEO. E. FRENCH, m8-29 County Judge. handy It is not customary for ono who has & boon robbed o covor tlio robber's ace (; to-wit: Tile souineaut uuarier mutt) f Section Twenty-iour iz, Townsnip 'en (10), North of RaiiMte Thirty-three aa. West of the Gth P. M. and nartlcu- wltb klasos, but Anderson did. lnrly to quiet and confirm ame as to Andarson strolled downtown the next :; ald OTiot Court of 'Lincoln dny, sold a row shares of 111 stock nnd County, Nebranka. In which one WIN went about paying small debts. That Mg? U'Xtd!' wns tlio last of his playing pool for You nd eoh of you wilt make ans- t,it,,i,., .., .i-o r.. i,n mm.i ,,i(,. tn wer to Mid petition on or before the Jd mining stocks, for ho found plentj to Jjiy of Ju, m7 or your ,iefRUita wiu do. Tho day cmo whon ho wus sent be entered and decree taken against to roprogont his state In the United " " sw4'o??;ep-,aintlff. States senate. ny evans & evans, HIb Attorneys. Xollco to Non-ResMcnt Defendant. Clifford A. Thomns will tako notice that on tho 18th day of April- 1917 Georgo E. French, County Judgo In and for Lincoln county, Nebraska, 1s Bued an ordor of attachment for tho sum of $84.C5 in an action pending boforo him, wherein Cash M. Austin is plaintiff and Clifford A. Thomas, de fendant. That property of tho defend ant consisting of ono Promior flvo pas senger touring car No. 75802 has boon attached under this ordor. This causo was continuod to tho 1st day of Juno 1917. at 9 o'clock A. M. North. Platto, Nob., April 21st. 1917 CASH M. AUSTIN, Plaintiff. Notice of Petition. " Estate No. 1480 ot Paulina ZImmor, deceased, In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nobraska. Tho State of Nebraska, to all per sons Interested In said ostato tako no tice that a potition hns boen filed for the appointment of Mary Hood as ad ministratrix of said ostato, which has beon Bet for hearing heroin on Juno 1, 1917, nf 0 o'clook a. m. Dated May 7, 1917. GEO. E. FRENCH, ni8-3w County Judge f