The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 29, 1917, Image 7

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Lumber &
All Kinds Building Material
Everything New.
Phone 20 1 Block East Freight House
Town and County News
A. B. Hoaglancl has rotured from a
business visit in Omaha.
Mrs. Charles Pclrkins roturned Frl-
) uay irom umaim ntter visiting tnoro
fo'r a -week.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist
Arthur Carney resigned his position
at tho Tramp grocery the latter part
of last week.
Mrs. A J Frazlor returned Friday
h irom iHeiroso wnero sue spent several
days last week.
For Rent Modern apartment fur
nished or unfurnished. No children.
Phono Red 872. 37-tf
Mrs. H. Welsh, of Paxton, was tho
guest of Mrs. C. W. Sheets tho latter
i pari 01 lasi weeit.
Airs. Jonn Tigiio, who visiteu nor
daughter In Lexington last week, camo
homo Friday evening.
A. A, Schatz retured Friday from
Omaha where he transacted business
and visited his mother.
Miss Helen Minshall left Sunday
evening for an extended visit in cities
of. Colorado with friends.
For quick action and satlsfactosy
snlo list your land tilth Thoclecke. tf
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brdivfi will leave
today for Lexington to visit tho lat
ter's sister for a few days.
Mrs. Elizabeth Craigie returned from
Paxton Sfcrnday evening after visiting
her daughter for a. few days.
Mrs. Frank Hatch left the latter part
of last week for eastern points to
spend threo months with relatives.
Thurston Woodhurst returned Fri
day evening from Omaha and Lin
.coln after spending a week with
"mends, i
Mr. and Mrs Thomas Fagg, of Cozad,
formerly of this city, camo Friday toi
visit tho hitter's mother Mrs. Belle
Miss Elizabeth Weir, of Grand
Island, camo Friday evening to vist
girl friends and attend the class play
at the Keith.
E. T. Keilher, of Omaha, who has
been transactng business here for sev
eral weeks, will troturn homo tomor
row evening.
Mrs. Lancaster, of Kearney, camo
tho latter part of last week to visit
friends and to attend the Home Miss
ionery meeting.
Floyd Flosby and Miss Clara Ada
Kishman of Bingham were .married at
the court house by Judge French
Thursday evening.
Miss Mabel Day, of Portland, Ore,
formerly of this city, is expected hero
noxt month to visit her parents Mr.
and Mrs. John Day.
Those in need of painting, paper
hanging and decorating are assured
satisfactory work if they employ Julius
Hoga. Phono Black 692. 3Stf
C ' 'Masffi
1 E .Tit . . 3 SMOOMT as SILK 1
H Perfectly lubricated, the motor spinning smoothly on If
eats up the miles without friction loss, carbonization
or overheating. Every drop pure lubrication. Makes
your car worth more.
Look for the Polarine signit means a reliable dealer
who will give you what you ask for. Use Red Crown
Gasoline, the power-full motor fuel.
Mrs. Wyllo Walker wont to Key
stone Saturday morning.
The marriage of Miss Agnes Hanlon
of this city and Patrick O'Connor of
Omaha will tako placo at St. Patrick's
church Monday morning, Juno 4th.
Mrs. Clyde Cook and Mrs. John Hil
loblrandt left Saturday morning for
Victor, la., and other eastern cities to
spend soveral weoks with relatives.
Farm nnd Ilaiich loans nt lowest
rates and best terms. Money on band
to close loans promptly.
Mrs. Guy Congdon and baby, of Chi
cago, who havo been visiting Mr. and
Mrs. D. C. Congdon for sevoral lutaoks
will return homo the latter 'part of this
Last Thursday Captain Halligan di
rected two members of C. E to report
to tho commandont at Ft. Snolllng for
examination for commissions. Those
men woro Pa'uJ Gillan and Addison
Cook both of Lexington.
L. H. Daingerfleld, at one time
weather observer at North Platte, but
for a number of years stationed at
Pueblo, will bo transferred to Chey
enne Juno 1st as officer in charge
of tho Wyoming section of the weather
bulreau sorvico.
Acquaintances of II. AL Ponder
graft, a former North Platte ball play
er, will bo Interested in knowing that
ho broke jail at Beatrice the latter
part of last week. Ho was awaiting
trial on the chargo of stealing $G00
from n. saloon in which ho iwlorkcd
at Beatrice a year or more ago.
Tho local agents of the Groat West
ern Insuraco Co., of Omaha, and their
ladies wero entertained at a banquet
Saturday evening at the Hotol McCabo
by tho state manager E. T. Keliher of
Omaha. Thoso present wero Mr. and
Thomas Healey, Mr. and Mrs. William
Stack, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schatz,
Mr. and Mrs. Everett York.
' Tho Union Pacific has completed ar
rangements with tho Great Western
Railway for tho use of tho lattor's
tracks between Kollm and Lovoland,
Colorado, to enable It to operate
tourist passenger trains during tho
summer season in nnd out of tho latter
point for convenience of Estes Park
and Rocky Mountain nationay park vis
itors. This service will bo inaugurated
June 15th.
-: :o.
by the
Wo desire two Solicitors of Insur
nco to work out of tho Homo office
here in this city. Wo can uso a good
agont out of hero to work in this
county. Agont for county wbrk must
have a car.
Ladles or gentlemen can do tho
work hero in the city.
Inquire nt office, Rooms 1 & 2 I.
0. O. F. Building. 38-3
oisi Co
This Is tho platform of tho State
Conservation congress hold at Omnhn
last week, adopted ns recommondod by
tho policy commlttoo. Not a slnglo dis
senting votolwfas cast. Tho rocommon-
dntions tiro mndo up from reports of
tho Individual committees to which tho
dlfforent subjects wero assigned nt tho
opening of tho couvontion:
Fixing Prices If tho government
finds it nocessnry to fix prices of farm
products it should also fix prices of
products of mlnos, forosts nnd factor
Elimination of Waste Wasto in ills
trlbutlon Is nppnrent. Eliminnto nil
unnecessary handling of foodstuffs.
War Taxation A suportnx should be
Inid upon excess profits nnd incomes.
Marketing and Provontlon of Spec
ulation Wido publicity of nil facts
and statistics. Govornmont to tnko con
trol of nil storngo warehouses nnd
elevators. Government , to conscript
food nt fair prices whenever neces
snry to h-enk monopoly, provent
honrding and securo proper distribu
Crops Prevent gambling In food
stuffs. Don't conscript men from farms
until crop Is hnrvosted, and not then
unless absolutely needed. Savo extra
amount of corn fodder because clover
and nlfalfn Is badly Injured. Sow tur
nips up to July 10th. Sow rapo seed
In icorn after last cultivation.
Live Stock Retain boat nnlmals
for breeding and sell others. Ralso
two litters of pigs annually. Control
diseases. Utilize rough feed. Build
Wasto 'in feeding animals for mar
ket centers Stop heavy feeding of
stock for filling purposes at market
Coal Uirglo !ocnl coal dealers to
lny In winters' coal supply Immediate
ly boforo cars aro necessary for now
grain crop. Consumers do likewlso.
Public highways County officials
laugurato systematic and economical
method of Improving nnd maintaining
hlghAjhys to mnrket centers.
Labor Stato Council of Defense to
secure complete survey of labor sit
uation in stato so laborors can bo dis
patched whero most needed.
Milling In Transit Securo rates
from railroads and build up this
Homo Economics Specialization of
conservation In tho homo Is tho duty
of women. Recommend preservation
of foods by canning, drying and other
methods. Householders to ralso own
vogetablos whercvor possible. Uso sub
stitutes for meats.
More Homo Economics Women of
Nebraska should adopt conservative
styles and greater simplicity in dress.
wear dresses longor. Curtail refrosh-
mots at ontertalnmcnts,
Banking Bankers urged to organize
to assist in financing production.
Farm Machinery Manufacturcvs
build this year fully as much machin
ery as last year. Farmers must look
carefully to upkeep und repairs of
machinery. All dealers must keep
repairs and parts on hand constantly.
Wasto of Foodstuffs in Liauor Mnn-
ufactulro-CongrosB urged to 'uso In
Huenco of lnlwx prohibiting uso of
Fruits Orchardlsts should watch In
sect and dlscaso pests. Preserve por
Ishablo fruits by canning and drying.
surplus iruitB sliould bo glvln to
needy families.
GardensEvery city and town should
Organize for gardons. All vacant lots
should bo put In cultivation. Grounds
available for noxt year should ho plow
ed and manured this year.
Poultry Exterminate' rats. Maintain
birds intended for meat until mature.
Consumers shauJd preserve eggs dur
ing tho summer for uso in tho winter.
Remove mnles !.-om laying flocks.
Dairying Stop slaughtering calves.
Keep more cows. Feed cows better.
Watch tho pasture. Utilize fodder. Stop
wasting cornstalks.
Transportation Load nnd unload
freight cars immediately. Load to ca
pacity. Uso home-made goods Con
struct cold storago plants In all towns.
: :o: :
Heavy Rains.
Tho rain of Thursdny night which
amounted to ninety-five one hundred
ths of a n inch, was followed Friday
by n very heavy downpour In tho af
tornoon, reported at tho weather
bureau as measuring ninety-four ono
hundredths. This precipitation of 1.89
Inches within twenty-four hours cer
tainly gave mother earth a real soak
Lcf:onco Wilson formerly of tho
Tramp grocoy, began work in tho Shoo
Market tho latter part of last we'ok.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sebastian and
children returned Saturday morning
from a vllet with relatives in Missouri.
Miss Lena Raskins, who had been
taking modlcal troatmont in Omaha
for soveral weoks, returned home Sat
urday morning.
A. Snmuolfion, employed at tho Ice
thouso, has (boon off duty for two
weeks duo to falling and sustaining a
spjialned back.
A M. Kutchen, iwJio had boon agont
for tho Fidelity Insurnnco Co., took
tho day clarkship nt tho Tlmmorman
hote l last weok.
Mrs. J. S. Davls.of Laramie, who
had been visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
M H. DouglnsB, returnod homo Sat
urday morning.
Conductor Gub Aiidorson, who had
beon taking tjroatmont In a hospital nt
Omaha for Bovoral fwiooks, roturned
homo Saturday morning.
Mrs. Lawronco Carpenter of Lin
col, formerly Miss Graco Sholton came
Saturday moring to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Kuhns while onrouto homo from
western points.
Miss Hnzol Clark, oft ho Gothonburg
teaching Btnff, camo last wook to visit
hor sistor Mlrs. Gharloa MoNamara
boforo loavlg for Omaha to Bpond tho
summer with tho homo folks.
Mathewson & Shank
Phone Red 317 or Blk 907.
Emphasis is laid by Provost Mar
shall Gonoral Crowdor on the fnct that
no mnn within tho proscribed
limit except thoso already In tho nu
Inr arm;- or navy, tho national guard,
In federal service or tho reaervo di
visions of tho naval service aro ox
cusod from registration for military
'Even convicts nnd alien onomlos
aro required to roglstor," says a stato
mont Issued adding, however, that
thoso llablo should not confuse
registration Iwllth actual drafting for
service In tho army.
The stntomont points out also that
tho application of- tho draft nnd call
ing selected mon to colors -will fur
nish tho opportunity for thoso who
bollovo they should bo oxoniptod to
BUbmlt their claims. Tho process of se
lection will bo carried out, it ndds, "by
lot, by tho falrost systom that can bo
Eastern Star Installs Officers
Tho Enstorn St:(' mot Thursday
ovonlng, and instullod tho followlg
offlcors: Floronco P. Troxlor, W. M;
Robort Armstrong, W.P; Cnsslo Rod
Hold, A. M.; Anna Hosier, secretary;
Cora Finn, tronauuror; Ella Edwards,
conductor; Dora Vosolpka, A. C; Ella
Hartman, chnplln; Lcta Brooks, Ada;
Clara Dixon, Ruth; Lillian Snyder,
Esther; Mosry Zontmoyor, Martha,
Birdie Frator, Electa; Poarl Lawhoad,
marshal; Alma Coatos, warden; Ella
Huxoll, musician; P. J. Oilman, Bent
teninl. -: :o: :
Nurso ltrown Hospital Notes.
The small sou of Noah Sparks was
oporutod upon Wodnesdny.
Mrs. O. E. Gathers, of Flats, 011
tored tho hospital last weok.
Tho Infant son or H. II. Bockhold
has been taken homo after receiving
treatment for somo time.
. .ti; ;
Sheriff Salisbury transacted busi
ness In Brndv tho latter Part of last
Mrs. A. F. Boolor and daughter loft
Saturday mornlg for1 Sutihorlad to
visit friends for sovoral doys.
Real Estate nnd Insurance.
Come and sco us for town lots In
dlfforent parts of the city. Good In
vostmentf, on easy terms. Housos for
snlo and rent Wo have also good bar
gains In farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dewey Sta-. upstairs.
The Whole Country
would be dry if roofed over with
They Shed Water Like A Porpoise
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.
But it is money that will return n biff yield if you snfcRtmrd
your investment. You can lengthen the life and increase tho
efficiency of your tractor by using
For the lubrication of cylinders nnd external bearings. It
means n smootber running tractor, more power nt the draw-bar,
nnd less time out for repairs.
Best for tlie tractor because it's made for tbc tractor.
(Nebraiks) Omaha
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd liroternitz and
baby loft Saturday morning for Pocn
tollo, to mnko their homo.
Miss Ethol Donognn roturned homo
Saturday mornlg after visiting Mr. nnd
Mrs. Krwl KnBmus8on in Hershoy for a
Tho remains oC John Mllkolyson
age forty-fivo, who died at tho Pulvor
hospital last week were interred in
tho North Platte Cemetery Saturday
Mrs. Fred Crawloy.of Wyomlg, for
merly Miss 15nuna Snmuolson of this
city, camo lust wook to visit rolatlvos
and attend the funornl of tho lato
Mrs. A. O. Kockon.
... . . hitler.
To Melioliiu Atlntny, iion-reHldent de
fendant: You are hereby notified that Mnry
Atlniuy n iilnlntlrr hns filed her cer
tain petition In the District Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska. ajrliiKt you.
Iinplendod with others, the object nnd
prayer of which ild petition Ik foro
clone e. certnln inortKKe mnde and ex
ecuted by yourself and NUon M. Adntny,
upon the followlnir described land nlt
uate In Lincoln County, Nebraska, to
wit: Northenst Quiirter (N'KH) of Sec
tion Six (C), Township Sixteen (1(5),
Hit litre Twenty-elKlit (28), West of the
fith 1'. M. nnd Lot Klfty-slx (Bfi), of
l'lnttevlew Subdivision uh platted nnd
recorded In Hook 11-1, nt iihk 40 of
the deed records of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, and the amount clnltned to
bo duo iilnlntlrr upon said uiortKu;o Is
the sum of f 2,7 10. 15.
You will inako nnswor to said po
tltlon on or beforo July 9th, 1017, or
your dofault will bo taken nnd docroo
entered ns In said petition prayed.
MAUV AIUMV, Plaintiff.
Uy Kvniis .t Kvnns, Ilor Attornoys.
Notice of lVddon
Kstatc No 1 IS3 of Kstollo Hollo
Slnuns, ducensed In tho County Court
of Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, To all persona
Interested In snld Kstnto tnko notice
that a petition hns boon filed for
tho appointment of Alma II. Slimns
as ndmlnlstrntrlx of snld Kstute, which
has been sot for hearing herein on
Juno 22, 1917 at 9 o'clock a. in.
Dated May 23d, 1917.
a HO. E. FItHNClI.
ni29-J19 County Judge.
Asn D. Cornwoll will tnko notice that
on tho Hth day of May, 1917, P. II.
Sullivan, a Justlco of t no peace, of
North IMatto Product No. 1, Lincoln
County, Nobraskn, Issued nn order of
attachment for tho sum of $92 SO with
Interest nt tho rate of ton per cent per
annum from nbovo dnto In nn action
pending boforo him. wherein Marirnrot
M. Stilts Is plaintiff and Asa D. Corn
well defendant, that property consist
liiK of money, In tho hands of tho Union
I'nclflo Hallroad Compnny, n corpora
tion, has been attached under snld or
der. Said cause was continued until tho
2d day of July, 1917 at ton o'clock a. in,
Dated this 22d dny of May, 191,7.
ni29-3 l'lalntlfT.
Notice of Kqunttzattni).
Notlco Is hereby glvon that tlio May
or and City Council of tlio olty of
North Platto, Nobraskn, will Bit ns a
board of equalization, Monday, Juno
4. 1917. nt 8 o'clock n. in., nt tho Libra
ry bulldlnR for tho nurposo of assessing
all special taxes Incurred during tho
llscnl yonr, All persons lntorostod aro
requested to bo prosonl nnd show
cause, It any tnoro bo, why Biich ns
nMessinonts should not bo mndo.
37-4 City Clork.
J. E. SE11ASTIAN. Slnto Mirr.
Minn.Mutual Lifelns.Co.
Phone OHice Red G12
Residence Red 348
"Doforo tho War" Prlcos.
Nobraskn nnd Montana grown.
Buy HOW nnd savo monoy. Wrlto
for samples and prlcos.
Patterson & Company.
Hospital Phone Black 633.
Houso Phono Black 033.
Grnduuto Veterinarian
Sight years a Govornmont Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St,
one-half block southwest of tho
Court Housb,
..General Hospital..
One Halt Block North ot Posloflice.
Phone 58
A modern institution for th
clentific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement c&aoi. ,
Completely equipped X-Rny
and diagnustic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J. B. Rcillield, M. D. J. S. Simras, M.D
Osteopntli. , ' ,J
G Roynold Building
Offico hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. .
7 p. m. to 8 p. m. !
OiTlco 333 Res Black 513
Quick Clean Way
You will not know truo 8ntls-
faction in cooking until you
uso a gas fstovo. Arrange for
your stovo now, lioforo tlio rush
begins. Vfo can do your work
promptly now.
North Platte Light
& Power Co.
Notlco Is boroby glvon that tho as
sessor in and for tho BIrdwood Irri
gation DIstTict, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, has completed tho assessment
book for Haiti district and tins doltvorod
tho Bamo to tlio secretary and tho
board of directors is boroby called to
moot at tho offico of tlio secretary on
southeast (juurtor of Sec. 3G, Town 15,
north of range 32 West of nth P. M.
Tuesday, Juno Cth, to sit nB a hoard of
equalization and to boar objections to
tho assessment and to remain In sos
slon ns long as nocossary not to ox
coed ton days, during which timo nil
oujiTuons 10 uio assessment and valua
tion will bo board anil dotormlnod
1 Dated this 21st day of May, 1017