The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 29, 1917, Image 1

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No. 39
High Wnter In Hlvcr
Tho North Platto rlvor, which for
sovornl days has boon running high,
will roach Hood conditions tomorrow
or Thursday whon tho ovorllow from
Pathfltldor roachos this section. Sun
day evening Stato Engineer Johnson
sont out warning that tho wator was
running ovor tho spillway of tho dam
and that tho lower Platto rlvor would
havo tho groatost flow of wator slnco
1909. County commissioners all
along tho rlvor lmvo been notified to
protect bridges as much as possible.
A big volume of wator Is nlso flow
ing down the South Platto.
Tho lloOd wntor Is duo to heavy
rains and tho molting of tho unusual
fall of snow In tho mountains. Tho
snow fall In tho sections tributary to
tho Platto rivers last winter wns
about half groator than usual.
Queen's Contest Vole.
Elva Day 1405
Blanche Fonda 810
Louis Ottenstoin 570
Janot McDonal6 570
Ploronco MncKny 435
IHldegardo Clinton 410
Sybil Gantt ..; 355
Hazel Smith 350
Helen Waltomath 315
Mnrlo McCabo 340
Hazel Barber 385
Elizabeth Ilinman 325
Myrtle Beoler 325
Luclllo "Wilcox 315
Maymo Plzor 310
Mario Bowen 310 -
Catherine Hall 305
Mabel Burke 300
; .u: ;
Cemetery Hoard Meets. -Tho
cemetery board, recently jip
polntod by tho city council, met last
ovoning- mid oloctod W. 11. Malonoy
president and Miss Annie Kramph
vice-president. A paid secretaiy will
be olected later. The board made an
ordor prohibiting the placing of curb
ing around lots, as oyontualiy tnc on
Sell Old ilrldb'c.
Tho county commissioners in'ont to
Suthorlnnd Saturday tend! 'old Itho
old bridge north of that town. Tho
brldgo was sold a span at a tlmo,
tho sale ktalng place on tho bridge.
Thoro was qulto a crowd present and
forty-tUo made 'purchase. Tho total
sum realized was ?1,142, tho commis
sioners rosorvlng four spans for
county use.
::o: :
Will Take Xnry UxunilimUon.
Harry Lannln, nn employe of Tho
Tribune offlco, ffronmn John Winn and
Albert Wostonfeld who has been a
clerk in his fathor's store, lott last
evening for Grand Island to tako tho
examination for tho hospital corps of
tho United States navy. Thoso boys
had sent In tholr application and yes
terday woro summoned to appear at
Grand Island. If thoy sirccoetfully
pass thoy will bo sont to one of the
nnvHl trailing stations.
lied Cross Notes.
Nebraska Is sending her sons to war
your friends, porkap your relatives.
Some may novor uoturn, many may He
sick or wounded on n forolgn soil far
from the sympathy and succor of those
at homo whole happiness it would bo
to minister to the needs of their dear
ones. Those ftion who go to tho front
Mill not be found wanting in the cour
age to do their part. Nor must they
find that the men and wnmon at home
havo done leas than to pjovlde for tho
sick and wounded among them. We
can best help them through th0 Red
Crews, and wo appeal to every citizen
In North Platte to havo a share in tho
Sacred duty of placing the Amorican
Red. Cross on a footing whore It can
render its service in the most effi
cient way.
, ,JJot to Intorfere with tho observation
I of Decoration Day, the regular woekly
! meeting will be held hi the federal
Harold Roddy sustained a broken
arm Sunday whllo playing ball.
Loron Hastings loft Sunday ovon
lng for Lincoln to Join a military com
pany. Furnished houso for ront Juno 1 to
Sept. 1 .Inquire 322 Wost Second.
Phono Black 531. 39-2
Havo you evor had tho wandor-lust?
Whothor yes or no, seo tho soul grip
ping roallsm of "Tho Pulso of Llfo" at
the Crystal Wodnosday.
I now havo funds at 5V6 por cont
on cholco bottom tablo land. Gono
Crook, Room 4, Keith theatro Bldg.
Cody Bonl onUstcd yoBtordny In
Company B, having failed on account
of his ago to rocolvo n call to tho
officers' training enmp.
National Brand Human llutr Switch
es, $tl) viiluos for $,"..",() at Coates
Itcnuty Parlors. Satisfaction gunmn
loed. Tomorrow being a legal liolldny,
tho bnrborv shops of tho city will bo
closed all day. Thoy will remain open
until nlno o'clock this evening.
A. F. Stroltz entered tho Rlncker
drug store yostordny morning as pros
oriptlon clerk succeeding George
Frater who resigned Saturday evening.
Dr. and Mrs. O. II. Crosslor and
daughter Mtldrod will leave tho latter
part of this woek for Omahn whore
the former will attend a mooting of
the state dontal society.
Twonty-ono mombers of Company H
woro examined Sunday, eighteen ot
whom suocossfully passed tho exam
ination. Tho membors of Co. E nro not
required to register on June 5th.
Cards woro rocolvod by local neo'plo
yesterday announcing tho birth of a latere given by Rev. Hull nnd Rov
son to Mr. and Mrs. Townsond Poek.lOram and a vocal solo wrs romlerod
of Bridgeport, Conn. Mrs. Pock wns by Mrs. L. W. Toole.
Tho Wilcox Dopartmont Storo will
be closod all day Decoration Day.
Mrs. W. H. Blnlock loft Sunday ev
ening for Minnesota to spond a week
with rolntlvos.
All Spanish War Voterans are re
quested to meet at tho G. A. R. head
quarters at 9 a. in. Decoration Day.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bratt iUl loavo
tomorrow nftfcirnoon for Denvor to
spond a wook with tholr daughter Mrs.
Charlos Ilondy.
Thirty ladlos woro ontortnlnod last
ovoning by Mrs. Arthur Artz nt a pre
uuptlal shower for Miss Agues Han
Ion, who rocolvod many usoful and
pretty gifts.
For Ront Throo room house In 300
block on oast Fifth stroot. Closo In.
Phono Black 140. 39-2
One hundred pounds of seed boans,
specially testod at tho state university,)
nave uoen received ami can ue una uy
school children and others who havo
garden by applying at tho Piatt val
ley Stato Bank.
Wantod A man for window trim
mer and salesman by Wilcox Depart
ment storo.
Four cars of machlnory arrived last
Timely IMiIlion of Highly Interesting
Motion Pictures Arranged for this
City Next Friday.
Probably no more opportuno tlmo
could havo been solectod for showing
the motion picture, "Tho Motor Car
m dorenso of the Nation," which will
npponr at tho CrysUU Friday. Juno 1st.
Not only does tho plcturo rovonl Uio
wide adaptability of tho motor car to
measures of nntlonnl defense but it af
fords frequent thrills in Its graphic
porta nyal of tho dangers that may be
oncountorod by tho "mlltary motorist"
In tlmo of wnr. Tho scone showing a
motor cur bolng bombarded by an aero
piano Is typical, although even more
exciting moment occurs whon tho sumo
enr, pursued by oneiny outposts, lonpB
ovor tho odgo of a 100-foot cliff Into
tno oconn.
Tho dofoliso picture wns mndo dur
lng tho groat wavo of preparodnesB
tliatsnturuted the onst recontly. C
S. Houshaw, promlnont business man
week to bo Installed In tho plant of, oC Boston, conceived tho I don that tho
the Artificial Ice Co., and olght oxtra1 ,,,olul VUF Kauu Broui nu
men have been employed to assist In! vantage in military nnd nuvol oporn-
bulldlng addition to the 'plant. I llons- IIe iimnodlntely ditumtohed a
, . ... , car ' i proparednoss tour" of tho
Mr. John G rover, weathor buroau Nekl England states, tho occupnnts
mfrn of Omaha, Is here to relieve A. j bearing a tnossage from Governor Mc-
Wv Shilling, Who Will tako a tWO, Call to ouch of tho ntlinr tnt ovnnn.
Meeks' leRve of nluoneo and will spond; tlvos. Tho car followed secret routos
the time with the high school cadets
in camp.
Union eorvicos wore hold at the
Franklin auditorium Sunday ovening
and the capacity of tho room was taxed
by the nuinbor who attended. Talks
,i . . ...
Z,n,i win l e 3 to b ue1 ?,,?il!ling, T1"1";' evening instead of formerly Miss Genevieve Ottensteln of; program was in charge of J
grounds w ill be sow oil to mue Wednesday. It will be a meeting of this city. iiurer
( ami tho curbing will In erfero Bp6Clal linportanco n8 Mna , JameB Uavt j 3 .... ipr-
mtlAlllg. J. D. W. Lincoln Was mlr .loWaf,, )n tho Pnnnnrviit tan Pm-1
with mtUIIng
employed for tho month of Juno to de
vote all his tlmo to comotory wont
our delogate to the Conservation Con
gress hold In Omaha last weok, will
glvo a report of tho doings of tho con
ine uoaru wm piaco mo wuiw J'i', volition. Mrs. Hart was also tho offi
on tho grounds in working condition.. cinl roi)re8entntivo of tho city of North
and this system will need soryeuntilj p,ntto nt tho congrt)8Si Como nml hoar
minus van ue hitcuiuu iu iuu uiu ".J i t in niORsnirn from nur own ntnfn ann.
ciallsts and AVashlngton authorities on
tjio offlcienti mobSlIzatlloii and con
servation of tho resources of the coun-
wator to tho grounds
Study Club Elects Officers
Tho Travel and Study Club mot at trv
- . n.f r At...... Inn I '
the homo ofMlss Grace Mooney last ev
onlng In the final session of tho 191C
17 season. Mrs. Crosby read a patier
on Calcutta and Bombay, Miss Mao
Walker gave Interesting facts concern
ing India nnd Mrs. W. II McDonald
road an Instructive magazine article
Officers fqr tho nOxi year which be
gins In October lWere olected as fol
lows: President, Mrs. E. R. Good
man; vlco president, Mr. II. C. Brock;
secretary, Miss Mao Walker.
illgh Cost of Living Solved.
Do you know one thing, artificial Ice,
has not increased in price since the
high cost, of living? Thousands of
dollars arc thrown away In garbage"
cans that could bo saved with a small
exponso of an ice book. Remember
In buying, allays uso the best. Arti
ficial Ico & Cold Storage Co., Phono
40. 39-8
To Citizens
To avoid litter on cemetery grounds,
the board has placed a trash burner
near tho gates In which those who
visit tho grounds are requested to
do'poslt papor, boxes or other 'refuse
matter thoy may havo. This to apply
on Memorial Day as well as othor
days A compllanco with this re
quest will go far toward keeping the
grounds In a prosentablo condition.
j Tomorrow being' a logal holiday,
tho gonoral delivery window at tho
post office will be open from nlno until
ton and ono complete delivery will bo
made by tho carriors.
It was decided at the last meeting
of tho chapter to take as our first work
tho filling of two bdxosof supplies for
uso at tho front. One of these boxes
will contain exclusive surgical dress
ings and necessities made In our work
rooms In tho federal building. Dut tho.
othor will be filled with "comfort" for
tho convalescent and for tho boy away
perhaps for tho first tlmo Jn his llfo
from a mother's nimble fingers and
thoughtful care. 'Everyone can con
tribute some of the articles needed for
filling this "box. Wo want shoulder
swaps made of outing llnnnol or bath
robe cloth. Thoy should bo ono vnrd
;.i by two yards In size. Then we want
old socks and handkerchiefs and nap
kins; and most interesting of all, wo
will fill many dozen littlo comfort bags
with Just tho things needles, pins,
buttons, etc., that you would gnthor to
gether for your boy If he woro going
on a long journey.
In tho next issue of Tho Tribuno
wo will publish a suggested list for
tho contonts of theso comfort bags. A
commltteo Mas appointed to ninko a
houso to house canvass that ovoryone
may have the opportunity of con
tributing tcUnrd tho contents of this
: :o: :
Mrs. Sarah Bangs, who
almost ontlroly, JiiBt as would hnvo
beon done In tlmo' of nctunl war. As a
result somo romarkublo motoring dif
ficulties prosentod thomsolvos to tho
tourists, but on each occasion the car
proved' Itself equal to the oinorgency.
It Is this memorable "preparoduoss
tour," which did much to awnkon not
Tho musical' only the oast but tho outlre nation to
Mrs. Loin-1 the noed for Inimedltuo measures ot
ilefenso, that will be hp on In the motion
plcturo Just obtnlned for oxhlbltlon
Intlninto views of nil tho Now Eng
lnnd govornors nro shown, as woll na
an Intorostlng oxliorlmont In which tho
motor enr iwhs hoisted aboard a bat
tloshlp to provo thot it Is usoful, ovon
as a part of tho naval equipment.
In ovory particular "Tho Motor Car
In Dofonso of tho Nation" Is both In
torostlng and Inspiring. Tho film la
distributed by Dodgo Brothors, Detroit,
for tho bonofit of tholr doalors nnd it
was J. V. Romlgh, Dodgo Brothors'
doalor of this city, who arranged tho
Flowers for Meiuorlnl Pny.
Wo havo on snlo n largo stock ot
rosou, carnations, poonlos, gladiolus
and Jasmine for Momorlnl uso. Those
cut llowers nro In flno condition nnd
prlcos niro vory rosonnblo. Phono 1023
nnd your order will bo promptly filled.
North Platto Floral Co.
;;o; :
"Littlo Miss HapplnosB" with Juno
Cnprlco and tho throo Fox khldloa will
bo shown at the Crystal tonight. This
plcturo was shown horo during tho
stormy woathor of lato wlntor on n
night whon thoro Iwkiro fow who had
the chance to sou It. Because of this
and bocauso It was ono ot tho most
huninn storlos wo havo had to orfor
to our patrons tho innnngomont havo
returned It that you might all see
It. Don't miss this opportunity.
Tho gardon commlttoo of tho Rod
Cross has been unable to socuro any
vacant lots on tho north sldo for tho
school chlldron's gardens nnd any
ono having any vacant spneo which
can bo usod for gardon purposo will
plouso phono 38 before Thursday.
Mrs. Georgo Aiuutln returned last
evening from Omaha after visiting hor
Mrs. Jnnios Hart returned last ov
ening from Omaha whoro sho attond
od the Rod CrosB convention,
Loohlel Johnston spent the latter
part of last week In Paxton. '
Do you look for food
values in the food you
You should.
You cannot be happy un
less you are healthy and you
cannot be healthy unless you
eat food with real nourish
ment in it.
Dickey's Bread is pure ma"
terials combined into a loaf
that has an appetite satisfac
tion in every slice. Get a
loaf today. Your grocer
has it.
put chased th0 corner lot of the Enls-
copai cnurcn lor sy.uuo and Intended to
build a modern eight room resilience
this summer, has concluded to nost-
pono Its erection until next year on ac
count or possible delay in securing1
Mario Doro In "Tho Morals of Mar
cus" at the Crystal Thursday dovelops
ono of tho most delightful love storlos
that tno stngo has produced for years.
The" element of tho comedy Is 'predom
inant and then thero nro moments of
pathos that effectively demonstrate
that all wisdom is folly.
At the meoting of Colfax Encamp
ment No. 23, I. O. O. F., hold Friday
evening, tho purple dogreo wns
conferred on n largo class, flvo of
whom woro from Lexington. Tho foil,
owing officers Woro olected: J. H.
McKnle, C. P.; William Slmants, S.
W.; J. Guy Swopo, scrlbo; E. S.
Davis, traosurer; F. J. Rector, J. W.
3fake Life Hard (o Bcnr for
North Plulto Women.
Too many women mlstako tholr pains
and achos for troubles peculiar to the
box. Moro often disordered kidneys aro
cnuslng tho nchlng back, dizzy spoils,
headaches and Irregular 'urination.
Kidnoy woaknesB becomes dangorous it
noglotfted. Uso a time tried kidney
remedy Donn's Kidney Pills. Hosts
of peoplo tostlfy to tholr merits Read
n North Platto caso.
Mrs. J. R. Raskins, 323 W. Eighth
St., North Platte, says: "My kidneys
had beon acting irregularly and I
knew that thoy woro the causo of my
poor healtfh. I felt tlrqd and depressed
and was very nervous. Spots ot col
or came beforo my oyes and I was tak
en with dizzy spells. I hadn't beon
using Donn's Kidnoy Pills long before
I felt much better. The benoflt thoy
gave mo proves they nro a fine medi
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't slm
ply ask for a kidney remody get
Bonn's Kidnoy Pills the snmo thnt
Mrs. Basklns had. Foster MUburn Co ,
BONDS, $50, $100, $600, $1,000.
REGISTERED BONDS, $100, $300, $1,000, $3,000, $10,000,
$30,000, $100,000.
Bonds will he dated June 13th, 1917, bearing interest from
date at 3 1-2 per cent, payable semi-annually, December 15th and
June 15th of each year.
Bonds must be paid for in installments as follows: 2 per cent on ap
plication; 18 per cent on June 28th, 1917; 20 per cent on June 30th, 1917;
30 per cent on August 15th, 1917; 30 per cent on August 30th, 1917.
The bonds will be exempt both as to principal and interest from all
taxation except inheritance taxes.
We offer to receive and transmit applications for the LIBERTY
LOAN without expense to the government, without charge to the appli
cants, and without profit to ourselves.
We respectfully urge our depositors and clients and the good men and women of
the great and prosperous west to join us in performing our patriotic duty by investing
in these bonds.
Prol8., Buffalo, N. Y.