The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 25, 1917, Image 8

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    gcmt-Bechlu (tribune.
IBA L. I1AME, Editor and Publisher.
Olio Year lij Jllnll In Adrnncc. . . .il-2.r
One year by Carrier In Adrnnce.
- 1
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska,
Poatofflco aB aecond Class Matter.
FRIDAY, .MAY 2.',, 11)17.
Mm. A J Krazlor wont to Melrose
yotorday nu.-nln to visit friends.
MIm Vera Carter, or Tryon, came
hero Wodnesday to visit MTtli the
Mime Elder.
Mrs. H. L Ikikor hn beon agisting
on tho mirsln staff of the city hospi
tal far a weak past.
Harry Plzer, of tho stato university,
cwiio homo Tucwday evening to Upend
IiIh vacation.
For Hont Modern apartmont fdr-
nlnhod or unfurnished. No children,
l'hone Hod 872. 37-tf
Miss Josophlno McKoown who has
boon bookkeeper at Tho Loador re
lgnod Wednesday.
Pretty, dainty desirable waists at
The Loader for OR cents, $1.6!) and up.
Mrs. John Tlgho loft Wodnosday
morning for Lexington to visit hor
daughtor for a woek.
Mr. and Mrs. George Anion who
woro visiting friends In Hastngs re
turned homo Wednesday.
'Mothors! Save monoy and buy your
boyt knoe pants at Tlio Loader for only
07 cents, 05 cents and $L37.
Charlos Thompson came from Lin
coln Tuesday to attend tho organ re
cital at tho Methodist church.
Hoys' romper and play suits, made
up In neat novel styles.
87-2 15. T. TRAMP & SONS.
Holland Ohm returned Tuesday
from IUiiufllriB whore ho visited tho
Aral of this woek wllh frlondB.
8o Julius Mogonson for all kinds
of P. &0. farm implements and wag
ons. 34 tf
Goorgo McOInloy, of Keystone, spont
Wodneaday here visiting Mr. and Mrs.
S .H. Carney and transacting busi
ness. ' Harris Stuart and Jamos Lambert
apont sGvoral daya this weok In Kim
ball and Chappoll Booking rocrults for
Comapny E.
Miss Grace Orlinm, of UlyssoB,
Nob., arrived Wednosday night to visit
hor brothor and wife, Mrand Mtb.
Paul Orlnim,
Owen Simon, of Hastings, formerly
of this city, visited his brothors, Hon
ry, Leo and Carl Simon this weok whllo
onrouto west
T. S. Covor, of Caldwoll, Idaho, came
lost wook to visit hla son Guy Covor
ami raniiiy. no roturneu homo Wed
nesday evening.
MIbb Erma MoMlchaol will Innvn
tlio Unit of noxt weok for Maxwoll to
net aB brldosmaid at tho Shanor-Con-
nolly woduing.
John P. Monroe left Wednesday ov
onliig for Kxcolslor SpringB to Bnond
throo wooks whllo onioute to Brook
lyn , N. Y. to locate.
Special prices on ladles' Chomlsos
at wiicox uopartmont store
Mr. and Mrs. Em 11 Well have aa
their .guowts Mr. and Mrs. Claronco
ualrrt, of Lexington, who arrived
here tho first of this week.
Mrs. Haymond Keogan, of Fromont
wno nou noon visiting nor Blstor Mtb
Jack Carroll loft for Choyonno yostor
day morning to visit friends.
O. II Tlmfflnnlf n linn lwn.. okhmiIIihi
this week at tho Thoolocko homoBtoad
in Arthur county whoro ho waB called
ijunuay ny tno liinoas of hla father.
Tho lllirll school Inlnv. "Tho Prnfiw
HOr'H LOVO Storv." will 1m nrnHontnil nt
tho Keith this ovonlng., Tlio ndvanco
emu ot seaiB imiicate a crowded houso
An extraordinary asBortmont .of
uauies ami mibhob Correct stylo Coats
ranging In price up to $25.00 a-o
now bolng Hold at Tho Loador for
MrB. David HoworB, of Cleveland, O
Iiat Olllll 1101(1 secretary of Iho wnmnn
Homo MlBBlotmry Society will give an
nudrofts nt tno Mothodlst church Prl
day ovonlng at 8 odock.
Sherwood Woodhurat roturnod Wod
nosdny morning from Omaha whoro ho
took treatmont for his eyos. Hla bro
thor Thurston, who accompanied him.
will ronialn a few daj'B longor.
A vactmt houiiBO on South Vino
atront wim iliwtrovoil liv flro il fmi
thirty Wodonsdny morning. Tho Iioubo
was tho property of Cal WatkliiH and
ino causo or tno nro is not Known.
PJiunomlnnl Values In all klnda of
trlinmod liata, now In stock, nt the
"Wlloox Dopt. Store lurlng my big
Gloarnnco Sale that starta May 2fith.
'Hor Holovod Enemy," with DorlB
Konyon and Wayno Aroy, will bo the
attraction at tho Crystal tonight. My
Htury and Homaueo nro lntoroHtlngly
Intonnlnglod and good outortalnmont
Is tho roBiilt.
Loulo Llpshltz yestorday sorved
logal nollco on tho Ordor of Mooso to
vncato tho Hocond lloor of his build
lng at tho corner of Front and Lo
oust. Tho Mooso failed to almto a
practice of allowing water to run oil
tho lloor which aoopod through and
damaged tho niotal colling undor-
Nlco nummory collars for Lndlos and
MIbuob for only 22 conts, 31 cents and
43 cents at Tho Loador. Tho Bargain
Spot or North Platto.
CardB woro isBUOd yostorday morn
lng by Mrs, Elizabeth Wilson atinoun
clng tho marrlago of hor daughtor
Vivian Mao Wlwon to Mr. Lostelr
Nowman both of this city. Tho coro
xnony will bo porfonnod at tho Christ
San church Thursday ovonlng, Juno 7
at 8 aclack.
Registrars for conscriptions day on
June 6th have bn named by Shorlff
Salisbury, the necessary blanks were
nulled to thwe regwtrars yesterday
morning, and everything fs thorofore.
In readiness for the registration which iio lmlil at Mm rnirtilar votlne
place In each precinct. Some or the
registrars volunteered tholr service
othors iw'ere asked to serve by the(
1 IIC registrars in uiu vunuun
clncts are as follows:
North Platte No. 1, E. C. Bakor, J.
Guy Swopo.
North Platte No. 2. J. E. Evan, W.
H. C. Woodhurst.
North Platto No. 3, Joe P. Larson,
Elmer Coates.
North Platto No. 4, Henry Westen
feklt, C. L. Bnsklns.
Antolopo, John II. MUlor.
Brady. T. T. Marcott, David Johnson.
Blrdwood, W. J Boll,
Buchanan, 8. C. Wills.
Cox, P. M. Kuser.
Cottonwood, Harlan Kerr.
Deer Crook, I. N. Dempey.
Dickens, W. It. Preston. -
East HInnian, W. M. Slmants.
East Hinman, W. M. Simants.
Fox Crook, Potor Jepson.
Garfield, L.. II Joy.
Gitalin, J. J. Glnapp.
Hall, C. F. Purdy.
Hinman, W. I. Qulnn.
Hooker, Jonathan Pease.
Jeffry, H. B. Craig.
Kom, D. W Kunkol.
Lemon, C. H. Watts.
Maxwoll, C. M. Roynolds, Frank
Knapp. .
MUlor, Win Ebrlght.
MyrtK Charles Gambrcl
Nowoll, I B. Dostwlck.- t
Nichols, G. Sharpley Thorrfpson, J
V Al.lvntl
Mftrth Rosedale, George Macomber.
OSgODU, W. 1'. snyuer.
Plartt, W. A Kelso,
Payne, Allison Wilcox
Pookham, c. H. swiit.
Rosodalo, Grant McNeol.
Sellers, W. W. Hunter.
Somersot, G. D. MUlor.
Sunshine, C. J. Bryant.
Sprlngdale, H. B. Attebory.
Sutherland, R. A. Scott, J. R.
Table, H. W. Craig.
Vroman, W. A. Vroman.
Well, A. J. Howard.
Walkor. W. E. Axtoll.
Willow, Don S. Melton.
Whlttler, Clyde Allison.
Wallace F. H. Whltlako, L. B. Spen
W. J O'Connor spont tho first or trils
weok inOmaha on buslnoss.
Ic croam at 30 conU a quart at
Wilcox Department Store.
Miss Lillian Eaton lias returned from
an oxtondod visit In eastern points
Miss Alleen Gantt will return today
from Omaha whore she visited this
Miss Mario Stack has accepted a po
sition as office girl In the Pass Green
floick Clean Way:
You will not know Iruc satis
faction in cooking until you
use a gas stove. Arrange for
jour stove now, before tlio rush
begins. "We can do your work
Mn Tllnor. nt Lowollen. Is Visiting i irmiilif lv univ.
tt.i. .onir wttii Mr. nd Mrs. Cliarlosi
Mr. and
Wallace, spont
MteB Ruth Hubbard, of tho City Hos
pital stafT. Ib taking a two week's
Mrs. Luke Conneally. ofiOftll Platte Light
out yestorday hero with
& Power Co,
S One Sflitft fOTisa-I-TTOck
' r et 41 fi i
sWo-Mos'S Teams
NOW sell all your horses except those you need for work
in the field. If you 'use horses for hauling, you are losing
money delaying farm work. One Smith Form-a-Truck will
haul twice as much as two teams. And at half the cost. Yet
Smith Form-a-Truck costs no more than a team and harness $350.
Save Like This
Use it for hauling milk grain
and farm products to town. Haul
manure, hay, fertilizer, feed, crops,
lumber, coal everything.
In jft Less Time
Make your trips to town in one
third the time of horses Save two
to three hours time of two drivers
every day in the year. 12C0 hours
120 days $240 pay.
Costs Nothing While Idle
Wa Your horses are devourinc urof-
its in feed whether they work or
not, Sundays and holidays are
Smith Form-a-Tvuck costs noth
ing while idle. The minute the
engine stops, its ccst stops.
8c Per Ton-Mile
t 12 to 18 miles per gallon of gaso
line 12 to 15 miles per hour
6000 to 8000 miles per set of tires.
And repair costs are practically
Amazing Invention )
8-in-l Farm Body
An exclusive Smith Form-a-Truck
feature. Simply pull lever
and get any one of eight combina
tions of farm bodies stock rack
body basket rack hay rack hog
rack grain flat rack high flare
board flat rack scoop board down.
Then change from one type to an
other in an instant without tools.
Now for These Cars
Now attach Smith Form-a-Truck
to a new or used Ford, Maxwell,
Dodge Bros., Chevrolet, Buick or
Overland chassis rnd you get a fully
guaranteed, powerful, strong one
ton truck.
Don't put up with costly horses
any longer. Come in at once, for
you can make far bigger farm prof
its with Smith Foi.a-Truclt.
North Platte Truck Co.
U3G9 WUiUUJUil-vua
Phono 1023
12th and Curtis Streets.
Tomatoes, Cabbage, Poppers,
Egg Plants, from 10c per uozon
and up.
Pcrcnlals and Dahlias.
Cut Flowers and
Floral Designs.
Phone 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building
North Platte, Nebraska.
Remember the
Nurse Brown Memorial
When requiring hospital care
Surgically, or
Hero your Interests and comfort will
bo served. It Is not th0 biggest, but
ono of tho best placos wherein to
get well.
100S lVest Fourth Street.
Dr. J. S. Twinem.
Successor to
Drs. Redfleld & Itedfleld
Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 676
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building
. rtr!- Tun
f nones V Residence 115
Special Attention to
Surgery, Gynecology nnd Obstetrics.
Nurse Bnown Memorial Hospital.
Practice Limited to
Surgery nnd Radium Tliorupy
7SS City National Bank Building.
Omaha, Nebraska.
$6.00 PER TON.
$10 PER TON.
All Junk is high. Bring it in.
North Platte Junk House.
Quality in Cigars has has been our
aim slnco vo began making cigars in
North Platto over thirty years ago
We put quality in the first cigars we
made, and that same quality is in the
cigars wo make today. Schmalzrled's
Cigars have stood the test of those
more than thirty years. What greater
evidence of quality could you desire?
If you have not been smoking Sshmalz-
dled's cigars, try them they are cer
tain to please.
itomi Xn. ton
To nil to whom It may concern:
Tno specini commissioner appointed
to locate a nubile road as follows:
commencing at tlio northwest corner
or section ten. township thirteen, raniro
twenty-clKlit nnd runmncr o cht miles
norm to tne iorinwest corner or sec
tion thirty-four, township fifteen, range
iwenty-eism, nas reported in lavor
of tho same.
All ohjectlpns thereto, or claims for
damages must bo filed In the otllco of
the County Clerk on or before 12 o'clock
noon or tne 27th day or July, A D.
1U17, or sucn roan win lie allowed with
out reference thereto.
Dated at North Platte. Nobr.. this 17th
day ot April, ivii.
A. S. ALiLiKM.
County Clerk,
ltond X. KKI.
To nil to whom It may concern:
Tlio special commissioner appointed
to locate a public road as follows:
Commencing In the center of Section
six (6). town ton (10). ranee twenty
nine (29), thence west on half section
lino one-half mile, conncctlnir with road
No. 28, hns reported In favor of tho same
with tne following ennngo: that said
road run east on hnlf section to about
CO rods from the oast lino of section 6
and thence In a northeasterly direction
on west side ot canyon to tne north
oast cornor of section 0, following
presoiu roau ns now traveled and aisi
south from said half section lino In sec
Hon 0, past J. 13. Coopor s houso fol
lowlnir road ns now traveled and con
nocting witn iioad no 71.
All objections thereto, or claims for
damniros must lie tiled In the olllco o
the County Clork on or before 12 o'clock
noon of tho 27tlv day of July, A D,
1917, or such road will bo allowed with
out reforonce thereto.
Dated at North Platto. Nebr.. this 19th
A. K. ALiIjI'.N.
County Clerk
To Henry Kchtenkainp and
Kchtenkamp, wife of defendant Honry
UchtenKamp. nrsi nnd real namo un
known: Henry Jllller and. Millet
wife of defendant Henry Miller, first
and real nnmu unknown: l.ouls Miller.
and Miller, wife of defendant
l.oulH Jllller, nrst and real namo un
known: l red .Miner and - Mine
wife of defendant Fred Mill.- . ilrt an
real name unknown; Willi, i"1 Miller
and Miller, wlfo of defendant
William .Miller, nrst and real namo un
known; Etta I.uktlnholder, a slntclu wo
nan and William l.ulctlnuoider nnd
T.uktlnholder. wife of defendant wll
Ham Lukttnholder, first and ronl namo
Notice is nereny given that .uars
Rwonson. plaintiff has filed his certal
notion in the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebrnska, agalntit you and ench
of you Impleaded with others, the ob
ject and prayer ot wnicn said petition
Ih to nulot and confirm In plaintiff
tltln to tho following described land
situate in Lincoln county, NeurnsKt
to-wlt: The Southeast Quarter (SI3U
of Section Twenty-four (24). Townshln
Ton tioj, isorm ot iuuikq iniriy-tnreo
(S3), west ot tne utn r. m. anu particu
lnrlv to nulot nnd confirm same as ti
certain proceedings In partition had in
n en ho In said District Court of I.lncol
County, Nobrnska, In which one Wll
hominn uiepe was piainuii nnd iienry
lvleomeyer et ni were uotenaants.
You and each of you will mnke an
wer to said petition on or beforo the 2
day of July, 1917, or your defaults will
be entered anil decree taken against
you as in nam petition prnyeu.
tiAHS St SWKNSON, Plnlntlff.
Ills Attorneys,
Licensed Embulmers
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Phone Black 588.
Notice to Xoii-ltenldciit Defendant,
Clifford A. Thomas will take -1101100
that on the 9th day of May. 1917. I. t,
Mlltonberger, a Justice of the peace, In
and for Lincoln County, N"braska, ls
ued an order of attachment for the sum
of ?1G0.00 in nn action pending before
him. wherein John Jones, guardian and
next friend of Claronco Jonos, minor, Is
piaintm and cilirord A. Tliomas, is de
fendant; that property of the defen
dant consisting, of one Premier llv
inssenger touring car No. 75S02 ha.?w
been attached under this order. This
cause was continued to tho 25th day
of June, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Nortn Piatte, Neur., ainy 12111, ivu
Guardian and next friend of
Clarence Jones.
Order of Hearing.
In the County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, In Probate.
in tho Matter or the Kstate or
William I,. Antrim, deceased. The State
of Nebraskn, Lincoln County, SS.
un reading and nnng tno petition
of Timothy nufforty, praying that
regular administration of said estate
may be waived as provided by Sections
i3b-7-s-y and I3tu or tno itevisea
Statutes of Nebraska for the year 1913.
It is ordered that June 8th. 1917. at
o'clock In tho forenoon is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all persons
Interested In said estate may appear In
tho County Court In probato, to be
heard in and for said County, nnd show
cause why tho prayer or salu petition
should not bo granted,
Tins order to oe printed anu puousn
cd for three consecutive weeks In tho
North Platto Tribune, a logal semi
weekly newspaper of said county, prior
to said uate 01 Hearing.
G1SO J5. Jj'lllSNUli,
mlG-J5 County Judge..
C. W. Jones, first and real namo un
known, will take notice that on tho
25th dnv of April. 1917. P H. Sullivan.
a Justice of the Pence of North Platto
Precinct No. 1, Lincoln County, Nebras.
ka, Issued nn order of attachment for
the sum of $12.35, In nn action pending
before him, wheroln Harcourt Clothing
Company, n firm Is Plaintiff, and C. W.
Jones, first and renl name unknown.
defendant; tnat property consisting or
money, as wages due, in the hands of
the Union Pacific Railroad Co., a cor
poration, has Pen attached under saiu
Said cause to be contlned until the
15th day of June, 1917, at ten o'clock
a. m.
Dated this 5th day of May. 1917. at
North Platte, Nebraska.
mS-2G Plaintiff.
Sherlll'M Sale
By virtue of an order of sale Issued from
tho District Court of Lincoln County,
Nobrnska, upon a decree of foreclos
ure rendered in said court wnoroin
Frances A. Bennett is plaintiff, and
Robert S. Hopper is defendant, and
to mo directed, I will on tho 9th day
of Juno, 1917, at 2 o. 'clock p. m., at
the east front door of tho Court House
in North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne
braskn, sell at Public Auction to the
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy
said decree, interest nnd costs, tho
following described property, to-wu;
Southeast Quarter (SEU) of Section
Five (5) Townshln Fifteen (15) North
of Uango Thirty (30) West of tho Cth
1. ai. m Lilncom county. NeurasKa.
Dated at North Platte. Nebr.. May
7th, 1917.
m8-JS Sheriff.
Notice of Petition.
Estate No. 1478 of Jooenh M. Wilson.
In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska: To all per
sons Interested In said Estato take
notice that a petition has been filed
for tho probate of an instrument pur
porting to be the last will and testa
ment of Joseph M. Wilson, deceased
and for the appointment of Hattio Wil
son, as executrix or Haid win. wmcn
has been set for hearing on Juno 1,
1917, nt 9 o'clock a. m.
Dated May z, l'Jiv.
mS-29 County Judge.
Nolleo to Non-llesidont Defendant.
Clifford A. Tliomas will take notlco
that on tho 18th day of April 1917
Georgo B. French, County Judgo In
and for Lincoln county, Nebraska, Is
sued an ordor ot attachment for tho
sum of $84. G5 in an action pending
before him, wheroln Cash M. Austin
Is plaintiff and Clifford A. Thomas, do
fondant. That property of tho defend
ant consisting of ono Premier flvo pas
songor touring car No. 75802 has been
attached under this ordor. This cause
was continued to tho 1st day of Juno
1917, nt 9 o'clock A. M.
North Platto, Neb., April 21st, 1917
CASH M. AUSTIN, Plaintiff.
Notice of Petition.
Estato No. 1480 ot Paulina Zlmmor,
deceased, In tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nobraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, to all por
sons interested in said estato take no
tlco that a petition has been filed for
tho appolntmont of Mary Hood aa ad
ministratrix of said estato, which has
been eot for hearing horoin on Juno
1, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Dated May 7, 1917.
m8-3w County Judgo.