The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 25, 1917, Image 5

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    ' nAITtlllllf ft -T- tT TTtlfl
Our Optometrist is a
in his particular line of work and
devotes his entire attention to our
optical work .
If you are having eye troubles it
will pay you to visit our optical dept.
We make the Dixon-Perfecto
Glasses. Guaranteed not to break.
Graduate Optometrists and Optician.
DR. 0. 11. CRESSLER,
Graduate Dentist
Office over tha McDonald
State Bunk.
" A. B. Hoagland wont to Omaha the
foro "part of this week to spend soveral
days on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fenwtck fwtill
leave next week for California to
spend a year.
Special prices on Ladiosr Muslin
Combination Suits at Wilcox Depart
ment Store.
Everett York has accepted a position
as agent for the Great Western Ac
cident Insurance Co. of Omaha.
William F. Willying, of tho Austin
Jewelry storo, has gone to Dubuque to
attend tho wedding of his sistor.
Wanted Sewing, satisfaction guar
anteed. Phono Red 4G2 or call at 403
south Vino. 37-8
Mrs. Charles Llerk, Sr., returned
Wodnesday from Omaha and Fremont
whore she visited relatives for a week.
If you aro looking or a bargain in
millinery yrfu will find ono in my
.apartment at Block's May 26th.
I now have funds at 5 per cent
on cholco bottom table land. Gene
Crook, Room 4, Keith theatre Bldg.
Mrs W. A. Buchfinck who has been
Visiting in Grand, Island with her
mother is expected to return homo
the first of next week.
Tho balance of our suits and coats
wo aro closing out at prices far bolow
cost; now is your opportune time.
37-2 . E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
T. F. Healey lias resigned his po
sition as deputy food inspector and
has begun work as agent for tho
Great Western Insurance Company of
For Sale Ono second hand Dodgo
touring car, guaranteed in good condi
tion; will give more and better ser
vice than two cheap cars. J. V. Ro
mlgh, dealer.
Francis X. Bushman and Beverly
Bayne will be seen at tho Crystal Mon
day night "In the Diplomatic Service,"
a Metro photoplay of wonderful ro
mantic power.
Men's Suits at less than tho cost of
production at The Leader. Many $18.00
Misses Ethel and Helen Souser
spent Wednesday In Kearney with
Jacob Pizer, of Grand Island, came
Wedonsday evening to visit his brother
Julius Pizer and family.
Shoes will not cost as much as you
think if bought at Wilcox Dept. Storo.
Dorryborry & Forbes sold a Ford
tractor Wednesday to Ell Kunklo, who
lives southwest of town.
Wo receive Fresh Buttermilk dally
rrom tho state farm. Stono s Pharmacy.
E. F. Sebergor returned yesterday
from a two weeks trip to St. Louis,
Chicago and French Lick, Ind. On this
trip ho accompanied Manager Jeffors
of tho Union Pacific.
Mrs. Carolino Grace resigned her po
sition as saleslady at tho Block storo
Tuesday and left Wednesday evening
to nccept a position as buyer in a de
partment store in Chanute, Kansas.
Dr. Nei.l, brother of Mrs. Koith
I Neville, who spent two or more sum
mers In North Platte, has been nccopt
i ed in tho medical coprs of tho ser
vice, and will go to Franco with tho
first expeditionary force.
Broken eye glass lenses can bo re
placed tho same day as order is given
. in our lonse grinding department.
j tf Graduate Optometrists.
i E T Kelihor was appointed lost
week to tho office of stato manager
of the Great Wostern Insurance Co.,
' of Omaha. This is tho third promotion
Mr Keliher has received since ho en
tered their employ threo years ago.
Thus do North Platte boys go into
cities and make good.
"The House of the Golden Windows,"
shcA)lng at tho Keith Saturday night
has as its stars Cleo Rldgloy, Wallace
Roid and little Billy Jacobs. It is
founded on an old fairy talo of two
children Iwtho climbed from their llttlo
cottago to the house on the hill only
to discover that tho golden windows
wore but tho sun shining on broken
window panes, and looking back they
could see tho samo golden effect on
tho panes of the window in their own
humble homo. Tho story is a modern
version of this old fairy talo and the
scones are laid in the green flolds
of California and show In a striking
manner how true happiness is really at
one's own fireside.
: :o: :
Ileal Kslntc and Insurance.
Come and see us for town lots in
different parts of tho city. Good In
vestments n asy terras. Houses for
salo and rent. We have also good bar
gains In farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Denvey Sts-. upstairs.
Money, when needed, is the great
est fertilizer in the world. It en
ables the farmer to obtain what he
actually needs for the profitable
development of his business.
No progressive farmer would
think of farming without fertile soil.
No more should he think of doing
without sufficient ready money for
farm development.
Form a connection with the Mc
Donald State Bank and thus secure
our full co-operation in helping you
to increase your profits.
McDonald State Bank
North Platte, Nebr,
Tho Jtfevlta club will hold a movie
party a6tho Keith theatre Tuesday
evening, ,ay 29th. i
Mrs. Arthur Art will antortaln
forty friends at a pronupttal mystory
shower for Miss Aguos Hnnlon Mon
day ovoning.
The J. F. F .Club hold a movie party
at tho Koith thoatro Tuesday ovon
ing and nftor tho show thoy enjoyed
a luncheon at tho Goin.
Tho Novlta club mot Wodonsday nf
ternoon with Mts. II . A. Brooks. Mrs.
John Tuckor was awarded tho prlzo In
tho guessing contest. Mrs Guy Cong
don was an out-of-town guost.
Mrs. Gcorgo Voeolpka entertained
tho Et-A-Virn club Wednesday after
noon at a kcnslngton. H.vo guossing
contests woro hold and prlzoa award
ed to Mrs. Jamos Adams and Mm. L. C
Miss Ruey Shanor was tho guest of
honor at a 'thoatro party at tho Keith
and a pronupttal showor at tho Oasis
Tuosday evening. She rccolvod many
pretty gifts. Hostesses woro Mrs.
Emma Poor, Misses Noll Hnnlfln,
Ellon McCarthy and Effio Christ.
Mrs. L. W. Toole cntortalned tho
litcraturo departmont of tho Twonticth
Century Club Tuosday aftornoon. Mrs
Mary Elder was in charge of a drill
in parlimontary rulos. Tho following
offlcccs wore oloctod: Chairman Mrs.
T. G. Thompson, vico-prosidont Mrs.
T. C Patterson; journalist, Mrs. W.
W. Cunimlngs, secretary and treas
urer, Mrs. L. W. Toole.
Mrs. Julius Pizer entertained twon-
ty ladles Wednesday evening at pro
nuptial shower for Miss Ruey Shnnor
An Interesting contest was hold in
which Mrs. Edwin Barraclaugh was
awarded the prize. Sovoral musical se
lections wore rendered during tho ev
ening by Misses Hildogardo Clinton
and Maymo Pizer. Luncheon Mb ser
ved on a prettily decorated table. Miss
Shanor recolved a largo collection of
dainty gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds woro
tho guests of honor at a picnic on
Bulck hill Wednesday evening given
by tho omployes of tho Wilcox Depart
ment storo. Tho guests numbered
thirty-threo and included tho families
and friends of tho employes. Tho head
dl'essoi.of. thrfgentlemen worUan amus
ing foaturo of tho ovoning. An cn
Joyablo, lunch was provided and ser
ved by tho ladles. During tho evening
Mr. Reynolds, 10 will leavo soon
for Colfax, la., was presented with a
tie pin.
An Old Tliuo Card.
E. F. Seoberger brought with him
from Omaha a photographic repro
duction of a time card Issued by tho
Union Pacific August 30, 1868. At that
time one passenger train each way
run between Omaha and North Platte
and threo freights. Tho passenger
trains were N. 3 and 4. No. 3's time
between Omnha and North Platte was
fourteen hours and ton minutes nnd
going east No. 4's time between the
two terminals was thirteen hours
nnd thirty minutes. Tho freight trains
wore twenty-threo hours on tho road
betwen Omnha and North Platte.
At tho above dato S. II. II. Clark
was division superintendent.
: :o: :
Wash Skirts A comploto assortment
for you to select from. Mado by tho
Printzcss pooplo and made right, tho
vory host tailoring. Material which is
pro-shrunk, which means tho garment
will still fit nftor laundering. You
Iwinnot possibly bo disappointed In
those garments.
37-2 E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
Frank M. Stuart ad Fern A. Wetzel,
a vory charming young lady of Lono
Rock, lorc married nt Mason City.
Iowa, Monday, May 21st, by the Rev.
Hugh Mooro. Tho bride was attired in
a pearl gray taffeta travollng suit and
cnrrled a boquot of yollow Jonquils.
Thoy loft on tho ovoning train for
Fond du Lac, Wis., where Mr. Stuart
Is employed with ono of tho parties
under tho lnter-stalo commerco com
mission on rail way valuation and is
In Wisconsin for tho summor assign
ment. He Is tho son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. T. Stuart oft his city and has made
good in his vocation of civil on
glncer. Guy J. Congdon, of Chicago, for
merly of this city, has resigned from
the Hgyanlo Icn C(o. and has ac
cepted a position with tho Illinois
Central railroad,' with an Increase in
salary. Ho is now traveling agent of
perlsnblo freight sorvlue. His dutlos
will tako him all ovd tho I. C. sys
tem, looking u'tf r all porishable
frloght, which is tho waine lino of !)rk
ho has been conncctod with for tho
past eight years.
Miss Grnco Winslow and William
Porsall Iwlore married in Lexington
tho foro part of tho week and re
turned hero Wednesday. Tho brldo
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo
Winslow and had hoen omployod as
office girl in tho Groon plumbing shop
for a year past. Tho groom Is a
brother of Mrs. Robs Ilosford of this
city and lias been employed with tho
Union Pacific for some timo. Thoy
will leavo noxt wook for Grand Is
land to make their homo.
Nebraska's apportionment of sub
scriptions to tho fodoral war loan Is
$22,000,000. Tho banks of Omaha Will
take $4,000,000 of this amount. North
Platto'8 share is in tho neighborhood
of $125,000. So far about ono-nlnth of
this sum has boon subscribed with ap
plications for tho bonds holng made
daily though in rathor small denomi
nations. Judgo Grlmos has handed down a
doclslon In tho dralnngo district
caso In which he permits tho organ
ization of tho district which will in
cludo ton thousnnd acres hotjAioon O'
Fallon nnd a point two mllos oast of
Tho Catholic liullnn' sncintv linlil n
social and entertainment In tho baso-
mont of St. Patrick's school yostor
day aftornoon. Tho commlttoo In
chargo was Mosdamos Will Halwloy,
Thomas Hoaloy, Charles Horrod, R.
P. Halllgan and Will Waltomath.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis, of Port
land, Ore, formerly of this city, nro
oxpoctod horo tho first of noxt month
to visit tho lattcr's mothor Mrs. Mary
Company E, Fifth Nobrnska Infan
try, $11 glvo n military bull at tho
Lloydopora house Tuesday ovoning,
Juno pth, tho proceods of which will
go Into tho company's most, fund
Horo la an opportunity for everybody
to "to do taoir bit,'' by purchasing ut
loast .ono tlckot, for tho funds thUB
provided will bo usod for purchasing
eatables not furnished by tho govorn-
mont m its dally rations, thus serv
ing to make camp llfo for tho boys
a llttlo moro cnjoynblo. If wo all do
our sUnro In helping out tho hoys In
this jftrtlculnr. nt least 500 tickets
will bo purchased. When ono of tho
boys solicit you to buy a tlckot, show
your colors.
Sporlnl Attention
Road tho many generous offerings
nnd spoclal undorprlclngs throughout
tho local columns that, aro In at
tendance at Tho Loador's Big May
Clearing Salo. Kvory Itom moans a
mighty big and actual saving for you.
Watch our windows. Thoy aro tho
bargain spot of North Platto.
. . ..;;o;:
Hroakliijr l'p the Sod.
L. S. Smith, of Du Quoin, 111., who
chins 12S0 acres of In ml south of tho
experimental farm, arrived In town a
few days ago In a Stutz roadster. Ho
comos hero to put tho land under cul
tivation and his first movo In this di
rection was to purchase of Dorryborry
& Forbos a ten horso powor Titan
tractor with which ho will break out
1,000 acres. Ho has provided tho trac
tor with a headlight and If ho can se
cure the nocessnry help will run It
day nnd night. Tho tractor will pull
throo plows. Tho 1000 ncros .vAll bo
seeded to wheat this fall.
: :o: :
.las. Keofe, F. J McGovorn, Charles
Tigho, Jos. Schntz, J. J Horrlgan, W.
J. O'Connor and Jack Stack will go
to Storling Sunday to tako chargo of
tho third degree work at a Knights of
Columbus meeting.
Thoso In need of painting, pnpor
hanging and decorating nro assured
satisfactory work If thoy employ Julius
Hoga. Phono Black G92. 3Stf
Miss Malrgaret Edmonstono, of St.
Catherines, Cnnndn, came yesterday to
visit hor sistor Mrs. Gcorgo MacKny
: :o: :
Notice is horoby given that tho
Board of County CommlsBlonors will
soli tho old woodon bridgo across the
North Plntto rlvor north of Suther
land on Saturday, tho 2Gth day of
May, 1317, at 10 o'clock Mountain
time. Said bridgo to bo sold by tho
span as it stands nnd for ensh only.
30-8 County Clork.
Trainmaster C. A. Wolr, of'rand
Island, spont Wodonmlsy at this tor
uilnal. W. S. Law formorly chief dispatcher,
loft Wodnosday foir Ogdon where ho
will locate
1 l,Vnlirl,( tfnffln m, 1in ITi.l,... lnllln
.Vlhl.l. MI..IIV JII I'.IIWII 1 1111111
I.i above normal and paaeonger traffic
is about normal.
J. W McGraw and Asst. Supt. A. W.
MoDuffy Mont to SIdnoy Wednesday
morning on business.
William Tlghe, of Omnha, recently
nccopted a position ns special agent
for tho Union Pacific Co.
Josoph Waymnn, who hnd boon em
ployed as special ngont for tho Union
Pacific, resigned a few days ago.
C. Hlghsmlth, of Omnha, Union Pa
cific transportation Inspector, spont
Wednoedny horo on business.
Local officials lhavo weired no
confirmation of tho Omaha report that
cortaln pnssongor trains l,Jll bo pulled
U. K. Hall, general storo koopor of
tho Union Pacific and W. R. Arm
strong ongtneor of malntonnnco of
way, spont yosturdny horo on business.
Four (orknion on tho now dopot
havo applied at tho county clerk's
offlco for army registration blanks to
bo sent to their homo address bo
foro Juno 5th.
P. W. Slttnn. who lins lionn iiimninr
of tho railroad moil's club hogso nt
Groon Rlvor, has been transform! to
Rawlins, whoro ho takes tho same'
position. Tho Rawlins club houso Is
i 1. 4l I .... it 1.. . I
iiiu iinuMi on mo union ruciuc system.
: :o: :
Word roeoived in town yostonlay an
nounced tho death nt Pallsaldo, Nob.,
of tho father of Supt. W. P Snyder of
uio stato farm. Mr. Snydor, who wns
In Omaha attending tho conservation
congroo, wns notified.
Four hundred and fifty head of cat
tlo belonging to A. W. Plumor wpTo
moved from Maxwoll this wook to a
ranch ndrth of Hershoy whoro they
win no pnsturod during tho Bimimor
Tho Yeoman lodgo hold an ontortaln-
niont nnd luncheon at tho Lloyd otf-
. . , - i i
oni uouso wounosuny ovoning. adoui
125 momhors woro present and spnnt
a pleasant ovoning. A lnrgo class was
takon into tho momborshlp.
Wo havo our season's supply of la
dios and misses' middles, suroly a nlco
assortment. Nifty pockots, also tho
llarlng blouso which is an ontlroly
now feature in tho middles this Ben
son. 37-2 E. T. TRAMP & SONS. I
j T. C. Pnttorson, J.,B. McDonald
and : J. 1 ICoofo returned Tuosday
night from a busioss trip to St. Paul,
Minn., nnd Chicago.
RV Oi Contos has boon In Omaha this
wook attending tho sosslons of tho coti.
sorvatlon congroas as a dolognto from
tho local Chamber of Commerce
Edwaial Wills, formorly of this city,
who has rosldcd In Osceola for a year
past, roturned hero Tuosday to spond
a month on buslnoss for tho electric
light compny.
A loaf of nourish-
ment with real
bread flavor.
That describes DICKEY'S
MIEAD. This is a fine
"homey" crusty loaf that
will pleaso you. It ought
to. It is made of pure and
nourishing products only,
flour, yeast, sugar, shorten
ing. Each contributes its
share of food value and al
together make
ONE of the most charming
silverware designs wo liavo
ever had in the (tore. Fur
nished in complete table outfits,
or in separate pieces. Teaspoons,
5.50 the dozen. At yor jem'ce
for 30 ywrx.
. DIXON, Thc-'Jewelor. j
I ' fj. ill
Iff ; V' JP&
Sale of
We will sell you any Gossard Corset we have in
stock of the following models at
Models 317 551 320 751 307.
The regular price of these models run from $5
to $7.50.
Come and see if we have one that will fit you.
Wilcox Department Store.
Dodge Brothers
Hupmobile Cars and Rcpttir part8
-i ( in stock at North Platte.
Chevrolet ) '
J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer. :
107 W. Oth. ST. PHONE 844.
New Service Station this Spring.
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ot -Postoflice.
Phone 58
A modern institution fur the
cienti(ic treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Rny
and diagnostic laboratories.
Ceo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J.B. Red5eld,M.D. J. S.Simms, M.D
G Reynold ilulldlng
Offlco hours 9 a. m. to G p. m.
7 p. m. to 8 p. m.
1750 ARE DRY
The Whole Country
would he dry if roofed over with
They Shed Water Like A Porpoise
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.
Offlco 333 Res Black 613