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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1917)
The best gift for the graduate IT IS A WATCH Ownership of a fjood watch is a spur to promptness being on time ia a big factor in pelting alidad in the world. A watch helps a hoy or girl in an in tensely practical way. Dny the watch at Clinton's because you cncfiooge from the most reliable watches made, each one of them tested by our watch expert, and the price is the greatest possible watch value in each instance. CLINTON, Graduate Optician, At Uio Bfgn f tlio Jllg Itlq. CRYSTAL THEATRE Saturday afternoon and evening. ROBERT WARWICK and JtfNE ELVIDGE in "The Family Honor." Romance! The glamour and thJ glpw of life when it is young and the blood runs warm. Nobility and sacrifice and iho sting of defeat and the limitation of victory. TV 11 this is found in "THIS FAMILY HONOR." LOCAL AND 1'JSIISONAL A. Ifolzmnrk, of (lothonbiirg, spent WodnoHday visiting J. 13. Nelson, MIhh JoMophlno 1'olstor Ikih necopt od h jxxilttoti In the Ideal Bakery. Mr. find Mrs, Raymond Mlllor, of McrHlioy, vlHltod Woduwlny with Mr. mill Mrs. 0. W Slzotnoro. HrnoMt Hliiclior returned WmlrioH dity evening from tliu Htutu university whoro ho graduated In jiliiinniicy last wook. Mr. Coleman, Br., who rosldoH on tlio Chariot Wyinuti rami unit Iiiih huun III tor Momu tlino In In a critical con (lltlon. Mm, J, L, DuvIh, of Portland, ciuno Tiioiidity evening to vJhII hor sister Mru, OHtorhmiHo while unroutu homo from Lexington, Tlio Triangle program tit tho Kultli Monday iiIkIiL mill bo "OhloUon CtiHoy" with Dorothy Ualton and tliu comedy "Tho Orah ling Bride." MIhh lliuol Clark, who had boon teaching a rural dlntrkt oIohoi! hor MCllOOl hlMt wmilc fi ml riitiirniiil tu Imp homo In Itlvur FiiIIm, Win. j Brick work on tho now TmiIiioiii lllllldlllir 1 1 mi linen fmimlnltul iiml llm building will probably bo roady for (R'uuvaiusy tho early part of July. Jllimtlll I'lillllollv. Ill" IlllllVnf lu nv- poetod horo Hunday to vltilt local rol attvort irtllhlo oiliolilo to Maxwell to ant! an hunt man at tho Winner-Connolly Wedding. Our Vlrnl Oroot Clonrunou Halo of. SpiiiiK and Hummer Mllllnory, now on ' hand will begin May Shllh and con-, tluo until Juno Kith. VILLA W1UT-1 TAKIOlt, Wilcox Diuit, Hloro. j Mru. ICmlly Coaton and Mrs. Cluy, Hwopo loft today for Kearney to at-1 tond tho cUmlng exordium of tliti Kearney Military Academy In which tholr nophuw Freeman Itanium Ih a Htudont. Tho homo of Mr. and Mm, Prank Myiamior waH brightened by tho ar rlvulof a duughtor Inst Saturday. Ladlot J)ruHOH ranging In prlco to w.iu go ror ?iu,8D during tho Loiul or'H Mobilization of Bargains. I Htlll hayo thouHandH of tomato and cuoimgo pianiu at ;irc a Hundred. It McFurlntid, 200G east Fourth Htroot. V Mrs, Maurice aullllaiimo. who lias noon VJHiling rolutlvon In Wollfloot for iwii woous, win rotiirn Homo tomor row. Mr, mid Mru, Chimney Abbott and Mr. llllll Mm. 11. II. Mnririin of Hr-linv- lor, 'WorovVlHHIiiK local frlondu Wed nesday. MIhu Vlrultiln 'I'liuiinufiti r 'iv.,,,.. who vlMltod hor HlHtor MIhh Tholma Tiiotiipnon for a Mole, loft Wodnosiluy nun iiiiif;, William a. Jiinnlno, of Fromont, and Anna 10. Iiowilin ,f Om fill ft tjunri vtitif-. rlod In thin olty TuoHdoy uftornoou by itov. llllll, Illloy Wnrrou loft Uio llrHt of thin wook for Norton, KanmiH, and othor oantorn polntH to Hpond throo wookH i.vlth rolatlvoH. Tim KnulitatliiK cIiihh of tho Maxwoll Hohool tipont WodnoHdny horo vIhIIIiik uuj local huuooiii ana navliiK tho cIiihh plcturo takou. BportVi Hnort HultH mado of nifty HuohIiio Slllt on .alo at Tho Loader for only $ll,4K oiioh. Out lu on thoao. Thoy nro ;oIiik riiHt. Mr. and Mr, J. T Stuart and daiiKh-toi-H returned Tuoxday afternoon from Miiuon City, Iowa, where thoy attended the Wltzoll-Stuart woddliu?. A blit aHHortuuint of nifty HprliiK and iiuninior droitneii. Do not fall to hoo them. !I7-1! H. T. THAM1' & SONS. Mary If. Slaui;hory wan nrautod a divorce from John A. HluiiKhoty In the dhitrlct court Wiidnomlny on tho mmmiiium m exiruino cruelty. 1 1 rrraM . Ready To Serve l4vtupH no oilier one irofualiiii win iistiiNt their oeunlry moro lu her prow, unt ciIsIm limn Ulnae ulut fellow the plow. U lu te the Auierloim Farmer that , tho urld H leeklinr fur Mislimam-e unit nurture during the ceiulnir period of Mrlfe. We nro elilUtod ltli these men and are ready to render all possible sr. Wre to aid their undcrtnklnns. Platte Valley State Bank North Platto, Nebraska. m:ui huiion 0. I'HE31ISKS OF Tl'ILNKK 1 Cbrlr Turner tb coforsd man who mwi to hart a penchant for unlaw fully kplng or siring away liquor, and Mix) rA arraalaH dUirietot wllfac boots to Tom Mc- amrt an4 plaad not guilty and the preliminary hearing t for next Mon day. The rwld9nc of Turner wan learcli d by the officer and here are dome of the llqtrids found: Six pint and one Buart bottle of booze, itfo xAlm Virginia Dare, one quart of gin, two quarts of tttmL wine and one (juart onr wine. It may be poanlble the of flcera oyrlookel irt of Charloy'n lock on hand, htu Hvan ir ihr.v ,11.1 not, It is certain that he wan fairly weii proriawi. jj- Hixnit tlrno for Charley to sit up tralht and notice SOme thllM!!. otM a. "mlm-ait i,ammnn" of his weight and Htaturo MU bo In a vmc wnere me non can't get at nun. ::o:: Organ Iteclfal racks Church. The orean rocital i?vnn ut ih intu. OdlSt Church Tlinxlnv nvnnlno dv T Frank Frvnlniiflr nf r.hifnln ,nmnfn.i an audience that packed tho audi torium, the gallery and tho oast room probably 1000 nnnnln. Mr gavo a varied program of eight or ten jimnijcrs ana juuging irom the ap plauwe 'Jilch greeted each, tho au dionce wa hlirhlv nloaaml whii a musical critic, Tho Trlbuno gained uie impression umt as an organlHt Mr. Fryslnger knowH tho Instrument, brines out all Hi f'rp I M In n pnmnnol Hon, and that his playing Ih Houlful not inwinanicai. Mr. FrVHillL'fir U'llH nuulutn,1 SUimn with a cornnt. Irfn irnrnn Mungor with a vocal nolo, MIbh McVoyi Him .viiHH iiininnn u 1 11 vnen iltmt and Mrs. Cram ino recital wa given as a "treat" lO UIO neOOhi hv V. I, Mnnnnv wlm . .." , IT1IU iioiiuiuu mo organ to tlio church. : :o: : The Ifersliev IIikhm. J. "W. Abbott.of Hnrli WoInoHlnv. and In rnnlv gntlon, Hald tho Horehoy boom in real oBiuiu wan huh Dooming and would iiKoiy continue for Homo time. "Tho Hal OH of hllfllnruut lntu tiractH nald Mr. Abbott, "aro not being jijuiio 10 irerHiioy peonlo but to non rosldontH wli about tho futuro of tho town than do wo iiorHiioy people LotH that wore hold at S200 or S:inn tm mmiiiiu nn aro nofwnolllntr for ii nnn n ml fin r in rrn tractH nro going Hkyward. Not only havo biiHlnoHH lots on tho main Htroot lncroaHcd a thouHnnd tor cont, but lotH on tho Hldo BtreotB havo nHconded PTOOortlonntnlv. Kvlil Oil tit? tt'VtitnUsv.l bolIOVOH or lUCtliallV ktlfwMint iiorniioy ih to have a HUgar factory In lain, Cliiiiiliiiiiliia AltrncUoiiH. In a letter to Tho Trllmnn flu, T,,l patn-llornor Co. HayH that for tho Mirth IMatto ChniitniKiua now tontB haVO bOOII bllllt with n nliu-n nrrntwrml to take euro of tlm nrniiupiinna i.r glvon. Among tlumo will bo tho great iwiiuricmi (irnma, jjiiiio women,' with a cimt of fourtoou, and tho comic opora "I'iiiaforo," the luttor coming direct rrom Now York. Mr Ilornor Bays thin production of "Pinafore" H tho mo3t Imnortnnt tlml lum imnn (iff OfllTirn1 In Chautauqua work. Among tho lectur er win 00 wuwaru ott, Lou Hcau champ, HrookH Flotchor and Wm, Uon- IIULL. IJOrillllllV I(irtll I'llllln nnn Innr iforward to a Hplondld Vhautauqua iiiih year. Lutheran AuueiiucemeiilH. 9::i0 a. 111. Sunday Hchool Horvlco. 11 OClock Momlllir Wnrnhlti Tin 11(1 ilmr cIiihh of tho high Hchool, Sotiiioii Hiib Jec.t: "Fitting Into tho Plnim of nod." Two Hpoelal mimtiora by tho choir. p. ni. iiUinar Longuo Sorvlco, 8 O'clock UlO Union Mnnmrlnl unrvlnn at tho Franklin Hchool building. I'Ioiibo nolo tho hour of Sunday Hchool, Doebke HeeuroN IHvorcc. Ill tho lllHtrlct. ('fill r I IMntulnv Will a Hoobkn wiih iirunlnil n iilvnrn groundn that IiIh wifo had doflortod nun. too wiro contoHtod tho suit on DOtlllOII Of IlllllUmV mill nltiiln,1u nl II,.. child, but wan doulod both thoso. Tho wire iiiih noon In Michigan for throo yearn punt. : r Wntitil 010 II or OH wllil Innil nil linr.l l,..i nn nearly no, not over 10 or 12 iiiIIoh from railroad.- Namo loUioiit prlco for ouhIi. jhhuumm r, U 110X H i, North 1' ulln. l'lNl! PLANTS For Halo net 100; ory 7rie, tomatowi and Cauliflower 00c, nwuui, pouuoott nuo. AHtors and bloom- Ilg UHIIHIOH Otiell fi cnillH Pnniwn-a iiml obk plnntn ouch a contH. All podtpald. NobraHka Plant IIouho, Kearney, Nebr. 1 arm and Hunch louns at IowohI riueH mid boHt terniH. Money on hand to cIoho Ioiiiih promptly, mt lWCUANAN 1'ATTKltSON. Notice of IliiiiiiUxiitlou. Notice Ih herebv aivm Mini ii,, mv or and City Council of tho city of jonu rinuo, isoDniRHn, will Hit as a boril or oqunllERtlon, Monday, Juno -I. 1017. lit S (iVliilr ,1 111 ,, 1 II... I II..... ry hulldlUK for tho purposo ofa8HoHslnK 1 mi IIUC4IU laxos incurred iiurlng the Imeul year. All pornoiiH IlitoroHtod aro roquiwtod to bo prcwunt and Hhow cmiHo, if any there bo, why neeh aa assiMMmentM Hhould not bo ihudo. O. lfl. laLOKU, City Clork. A Few Classie Coats, 15 per cent Discount NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Decoration Day Hat, Suit or Shoes Prepare for summer comforts now, as prices have a tendency to advance. Below you will find some quotations on seasonable merchandise. Make sure of your wants. SHOES White Canvas Shoes, pair Pumps, Ladies' and Misses' pair SI. 75 to Seamless Pump, patent, kid or grey, pair , Men's Dress and Work Shoes; Dress Shoes, calf, gun metal or rr viei, pair, S3.50 to MJiil W ork Shoes, Elk Special (T rjr $4.00 $2.50 $5.00 pair, MILLINERY Mm 3 W -t 05 O O Cj w rn DRY GOODS Poplins $2.00 Fancy Dress Materials, Tafieta, and White Goods. Fancy Taffeta stripe or fig ured, per yard WAISTS China Silk, each $3.50 Crepes, in colors, each. .$5 to $7.00 White Voile, each. . . $1.50 to $3.50 Voile or Dimity, yard 15 to 25c Pique, White, yard 27 to 40c Men's Summer Suits Silk & Linnn $12.50 Panama $8 to $12.50 Pinch Back $15.00 Boys' Suits 6 years to 16 years. Ladies' and Misses' Hats $3.50 to $11.00 uniiaren s nats $1.00 to $3.50 CLOTHING- THE HUB Ladies and Mens Raincoats $4.50 fn $1 0 Silk Skirts $5.50 summer r'oDlin Skirts $5.50 Overalls, one lot, per pair $1.00 LOCAL AND PEKSONAL. Notice Notice Ih horehy given that tho ih Howtor In and (r tho lllrdwood Irrl Kutlon DlHtlript, Lincoln county, No hroHka, Iiiih oomploUHl tho aHMOHament hook Tor mild dUtrlct and ha delivered ho mime to tho Hecretary and tho hoard of directors Ih hereby called to moot at the oiTIco ot tho nocretary 011 HOiithenHt uuartor or Sec. an, Town IB, north or nuiKo aa Wont or Oth V, M. lnem ny. Juno eth, to Hit n n bonnt or oqunlUntlon and to hear objeotloim to the aHHiwHinont and to remain In sou Hlon as Ioiik a nocoHsary not to ex- V ,V V" 1,0 ""iMnont and valua. l Vl 1 nnrt loternilned. lliited this 1 Sim day or May, 1017. MAUY C. McNKKL, Sooy. Japnneflo Cropo KImonas nt Wilcox Dopartmont Store. Adolph llanHon Hpont tho foro part or UiIh iwiwk In Omaha. Dr. Morrill, Dentist. John Schannann has aocopted a po Bltlon In tho Dlckoy hakory. Mr. and Mrs, V. A. llorton went to Sidney WednoHtlay morning. Two hoys want work on Tarm. Phono Black 4C8 35-1 Charles lioguo loft Tuesday artcr noon for Donvor on business. iiMr. and Mrs. "VVllllam Chalotipka loft for Lincoln Wednesday morning. Mru. P TT I.nnnfrnn linn nppnnloil n position In tho Gem candy kitchen. A. A. Scliatz loft. Wednesday even ing for Omaha to transact business. Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug Store. Mrs. James Hurt loft Tuesday after noon for Omaha to Bpond a week. ATVu H Tl Tlnntltinti luff vnalnp.ltiv aftoroon for Donvor to visit frlonds. Walter 13111s returned Tuesday ev ening from a week's visit In Omaha. Allun Tlntli unmit flin flrut nt this week In Lexington with frlonds. Kor ii nick iietlon iiml Natlsfnctosv Hiiie list your land with ThoclEcke. tf Ditrfiiifi Q.nllli linirnn wrlr In tlin North l'lntto croiunory tho llrst of this wook. ATtuci nindvu iriafnr lina rnlnrnoil rrom Keairney whero sho visited rol- atlvos. Aim Tilrnnaf Q.ivln nnil nlillilron Imvo rotiirnod ronn an extended visit in Donvor. tntr 'P n Qnlllvnn if Blm flrnnlr spont a tow days with Hov. McDald it., i. H11H..WUUK. Ciwi If. II. I .niiilimif fur liiilnl lin miner liiimrluir and decoriitlmr. L'lioiio IMilCK kHL 'Mil XTlua Tlnaolo Pln ttinrl n 111 Inf t Wntl nosdav mornlnc for Storllnc to snend a 1,0 w uaya. l fit 1 I ItllU JJUI HUli I VVt itWII w nvonlnir from a week's visit In Omaha and Lincoln. Fred Hrndloy and Aco Wright havo oMirnod rrom u na ia wnoro inoy visu- ed rrlonds. Dr. Morrill, Dontlst. TVTitj I rP ATiivfiliif nllitirvi1 Tnnailnv III 4fftll'F(ij iwvilillVM llniw ovonlnir rrom Oniaha where sho visited Tor a wook. Ulnck Cut.IIosIory Is always satis factory. It Is Bold by Wilcox Dopart ment Store. Ilomor Quealo, of Cozad, visited bis Hlfltor-In-lnw, Miss Thelma Thom'p hou, this wook. Floyd PasHinoro loft last ovcnlng for Ohoyono to accopt a position on tho Wyoming division. Mrs. Joseph llnsklns ontortaiucd tho Kldoon club at a konslngton Wednes day afternoon. MIbh Georglua MacKay bogan Mfork WodnoHdny iih local roportor for tho Dully Tolograpb. Visit tho Loader's Hocond lloor and obtain h dandy sorvlceablo house droH Tor only OS eonta. TIT Atiilwtj tt tti T .it I Ii nta ti fll 1 u nlllK wore the guests or Miss Hrnui Hunting ton last evening. Mrs. Martha Graham will louvo to morrow morning- for Merna. Wyo.. to Hpeud the Rummor. , Think of It a silk dross, ntcoly trimmed, well iimdo for only $!).S5 at Tho Lender. Alnrrlll Prnnu. Iliirrv I.nwnll nnil Abnor WonHburg onllsted In Company IS the llrst or this week. Al. nnil Aflti llir-f llnrhnl rnHirtlflil 41 lit ....E ....MB to Lowollon Wwlnosday morning after lulling uero avuii rouuivos. For Sale HUG used Maxwoll touring ear, olectrlo starter, now tmttory. n bargain. Homlgh't) ganvgo. Mrs. U. U. Fletcher and chlldron lort Monday night for a visit with rolatlvoH In Topoka, Kansas. Ask to boo tho new Japanese undor woar: thoy nro very beautiful. 37-2 10. T. TKAMP & SON'S. WALTEMATH Lumber All Kinds Building Material Everything New. Phone 20 1 Block East Fmt I ' Independent and Bell Telephone Companies Form a National System Independent telephone com panies operato exclusively in three-fourths of tho towns and cities In tho United States having telephone exchanges. Tho other one-fourth of tho towns In this country bnvlng telephone exchanges nro serv ed by telephone companies comprising tho Bell System. There Is competition be tween Independent and Bell telephone companies In a small percentage of tho towns In tho Uultcd States. Tho long dlstnnco lines of the Boll System connect with the exchanges and long dis tance lines of most of the Independent Companies, thus forming n unlvorsal telephone service throughout the nation. OLD LINE LIFE Policies bN EASY TERMS T. E. SEBASTIAN, State Mffr. Minn.MutualLifeIns.Co. Phone Office Red 612 Residence Red 348 NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Mathevson & Shank FOR PLASTERING AND STUCCO Phone Red 317 or Blk 907. FT m Bought and highest market prices paid fJ PflONES Residence Red 63G omce 45 c h. Walters! KOU YOWlt AUTO 8KKYICG CrtU 125 for Taxi day or night. , Ainu five oi seven nassoncor cir for funeral norvlco. MOGWNSION-LOUDKN AUTO CO-, Chandler t Elcar Agency, Cornor Eighth ami Locust Sts. ALFALFA SEED CARLOAD LOTS OR LESS. "Boforo tho War" Prices. Nobrnska nnd Montana grown. KXTILV FANCY QUALITY. Buy NOW nnd savo money. Wrlto for samplos nnd prlcoa. Patterson & Company. KEARNEY, NEBRASKA. Hospital Phone Black 683. House Phone Ulack 633. W. T. PltlTCHABI), Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218-south Locust St, one-half block southwest of the Court Houst- THE IMPORTED " PERCHERON STALLION "NABOB59 J)IH make the season ns Tollows: luesdnjs and Fridays at Uio 3Iou. onsen Feed and Sale' Ban" Xorth Platte, beginning April loth." yJih LinJf fnrn.1 k mllcs wcst of n ltt0 .nnd lhrco fourtlis of a ml',so"ieast of lllrdwood switch. Nabob was foaled May 24, 1913, and imported with his mother by North fan vnSu' ' Grand l8lano in July, mi ,as bred by M- Desproz. Depart ment of Orne, in Prance. This horse weighs 1780, Is clean and sound in every particular, and Is as good as you will find anywhore. hors 'nVUe rU t0 Como ind 8eo thl3 Tonns-$15.00 to insure colt to stanu and suck. If mn or or leave countrv oni .r . . comes duo and payable at once. m do taKen to prevent ae cidonts, but should any occuTZilmn owner will not b0 rMbonsiblc, FRANK STROLLBERG, Omier.