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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1917)
N10RTH PLATTE SEMI-CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION JUNE 26th to 30th, INCLUSIVE. Wat florth THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB,, MAY 25, 1917. No. 38 V i t.. runtne. ' Co j - it UNION PACIFIC WILL INSTALLWAIER PLANT supply to uk 0i1tainkd from south hivuh thru settling basix method. Sixteen Inch Main to be Laid., Pumps Operated by Electricity nnd 500,000 Gallon Tank Erected at Itonnd House Ono of tho expensive Improvements which tho Union Pacific will complete at this terminal beforo tho ond of tho present year will bo tho installation of a water plant to meet the requiro iuonts of tho round house. Tho Iw.itor supply will bo obtained from tho North Platto rivor at a point Just north of tho round houso whero a settling basin will be constructed in tho rivor, with electrically driven automatic pumps located in a building on tho rivor 'hank. Tho curront for tho motors driving tho pumps will bo furnished by tho North Platto Light and Power Co., for which arrangements have boon made. Theso automatic pumps aro regulated by tho pressuro when tho pressuro gots to a certain low point they start, when it reaches tho maxi mum thoy stop. Tho main from tho river to tho round houso luilll bo six teen inch, and tho tank into which tho water is pumped will have a ca pacity of 500,000 gallons and built thirty feet from tho ground in order to givo tho required pressuro for round houso purposes. This immense tank will bo supported by iron pillars rest ing on a concreto baso, piling being driven for the latter. Probably tho most expensive pnlrt of tho plant will bo tho settling basin, for constructed in tho river, as wo aro informed It will be, will require a concrete cistern, thru the top of which water Mil filter. This necessarily calls for sheet 'piling around tho site and the oxcavatlon made through tho use of a sand pump. Tho material for tho plant is now bolng assembled, but work will not begin until all material arrives. Tho present policy of tho company is not to begin work until all material is assembled, and by this method avoid delays by tho non-arrival of material. : :o: : Demand for War Bonds. Cashier Mooney, of tho First Na tional Bank, informs us that subscrip tions for war bonds by North Platte people aro now being made overy day through that bank. Saturday ono citizen applied for a $1,000 bond, Tues day another application for a similar bond -was mado, nnd Wednesday two subscribed for bonds of $500 each. In ' addition to these many have sub oribed for bonds of lesser denomina tions. The First National as an in stitution subcrlbcd for $10,000 worth, and is helping along tho cause by re ceiving subscriptions from all those who wish to invest In theso bonds, whether for $50 or $10,000 and havo tho necessary application blanks on hand for tho convenience of those desiring them. Theso bonds draw 3 per cont in terest and ar.o non-taxablo, making them practically a five per cent ln-vostmont. Ladies' Suits and Coats We are determined not to carry over our Spring stock of Coats and Suits so offer the following prices. Your Choice of any Suit in our yfl fl stock at------- - - CP AioJtO Ladies9 Coats we have made further reductions on and have divided the stock into four lots at $4.98, Children's Coats have been reduced in price. Come early and get yours. Wilcox Department Store. J. Q. WILCOX ELECTED 1'ltESIDENT OF C OF C. Tho board of directors of tho Cham ber of Commorco mot In session "Wed nesday evening and eloctcd officers for tho onsulng year as follows: J. Q. Wilcox president, M. J Forbes vlco prosldont, Albert Durbln secretary and B. J VanDorhoof treasurer. Tho salary of tho secretary was placed at $150 per month, which includes tho uso of his car without extra charge. Tho greater part of tho ovonlng was devoted to a discussion of road work, and a committee composed of N. B Buckloy, W. J Ilendy and tho sec retary appointed to arrange for a "good roads day" Mien owners of tractors and teams will bo asked to contribute them freo nnd men will bo asked to donato ono day's labor Arrangements woro also mado for at onco beginning n campaign for tho publicity fund. An appropriation of $35 was mado to assist In defraying tho expenses of tho high school cadets to their onenmp ment at Curtis lake. . ,o. ; - Garage Men Must Keep Record Undor tho motor vohlclo law of tho stato as amended by tho last legisla ture each public garago is requirid to keep for public inspection a record of all license and cngino numbors of each car held In such garago for salo, rontal, livery, storago or repair, this record to contain tho name and address of tho owner, and tho name and ad dress of tho person taking or deliver ing tho car to tho garago. Tho alter ation or obliteration of an engine numbor is prima facio ovidenco of larceny and tho garago men aro di rected to notify the sheriff, who shall hold tho car until an investigation is mado. Such Tccord, however, need not bo mado when a car is taken into a garage a second time. : :o: : Co. E Near Head. In point of numbor of enlisted men Company B, of this city ranks second In tho Fifth regiment. Company E has 102 members while Company C has 105. Nono of tho other ten companies havo a hundred each; Co. A has but 44, Co. B 08, Co. D 0G, Co. F. 40, Co. G. 70, Co, I 5C, Co. K 62, Co. L 52, Co. M. 83 and Co. H 38. It will thus bo seen that Captain Halllgan and tho members of his company aro entitled to credit for tho success that they have had In ob taining enlistments. : :ox AGENTS AND SOLICITOUS WANTED by tho FIDELITY It E SERVE COMPANY Wo desire two Solicitors of Insur nco to work out of the Homo offlco hero In this city. Wo can uso a good agent ' out of hero to work in this county. Agent for county nvbrk must havo a car. Ladies or gentlemen' can do tho work horo In tho city. Inquire at office, Rooms 1 & 2 I. O. O. F. Building. 38-3 : :o: : Secretary Durbln, of tho Chamber of Commorco is planning a "good roads day" on which citizens will bo asked to contributo tractors, teams and day labor. This day will bo spent on tho Lincoln Highway between North Platto and Gannott and it Is hoped to havo tho work porfonned before tho first of Juno. " ' 1 Final Clean $12.48, TWENTY-NINE TO RECEIVE DIPLOMAS NEXT WEEK COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES WILL BE HELD WEDNESDAY EVEN TING, may :h)Tii. Class Play Tonight, Junior-Senior llanquet Tomorrow Mfjht, mid Haccalaureato Sermon Sunday Morning Twenty-nino bright, energotlc and enthusiastic boys and girls, who have completed tho high school course will uo given diplomas at tho commonce mont to bo hold Wednesday ovoning of next week. 1'ollowing aro tho ovonts which lead up to tho flnnl exorcises: The Senior Class Play. Each year tho members of tho n et i . ' acnior jiass givo a mmmnuc produc tion as a part of tholr graduation weok. This is In placo of tho class day exorcises of former years. Tho class advisor Is Miss Brown and sho has qoachod tho students in preparing tno "Professor s Love Story" which will bo given at tho Keith this ovon lng. Tho proceeds of tho play aro used by tho class to loavo a class memorial in tho school. The Junior-Senior llnmiuct. Anothdr annual ovont lufhich means much to tho students Is tho banquet which will bo glv(vi in tho banquet room of the Methodist Saturday even ing of this week. Tho monoy for this affair is raised by tho Junior Class during tho year. Tho guests aro lim ed to tho members of tho faculty and tho president of tho Board of Education with their wives. It is tho farowoll social ovont of tho year and is vory enjoyable The Graduation Sermon. Tho annual sermon to tho graduates will bo given in tho Lutharan church at tho tlmo of tho morning service next Sunday. Rov. Harman will preach. This sorvlco is conducted ontiroly by tho church, tho class, faculty and Board of Education attending In a body as tho special guests of tho church. It Is an annual ovont and tho students look forward to it. Tho Graduating Exercises. Tho presentation of diplomas to tho class of 1917 will bo a part of tho final exercises of tho week IwJilch will bo hold in tho Franklin auditorium Wed nesday ovoning, May 30th. At this cx erciso short talks will be given by fouf members of tho class as follows j Tho president of tho class, tho vale dictorian, tho historian (selected by tho class) and tho class prophot (se lected by tho faculty). In addition to these, Mr. Byron OLornt will spcatf for tho alumni and ono member of tho board will present tho diplomas. Music will mako tho program varied. This oxarclso is freo to all. School Proud of Class. In a conversation with Supt. Tout this week ho said that tho school is particularly proud of tho class of 1017. Tho class has uphold tho high standard of tho North Platto high school and among tho schools of tho stato thoro aro nono which havo a bettor record. Tho motnbors of tho class havo taken tliclr places In all of tho school interests and havo carried them on with credit up $14.48. No ovont has marred tho uniform good behavior of tho class and many ovonts testify to tho high idoals of tho boys and girls. This Is In part duo to tho ttlso loadorshlp of tholr c lass advisor, miss Brown, nnd tho offlcors who have planned their social and other affairs As a reward for tholr uniform uood hohavlor tho faculty closed up tholr work tnreo weeks boforo tho school closes and It Is to tho credit of tho mombors of tho class that practically ovory mombor both boys and Klrls. nau a job ready to start on as soon ns thoy woro out. Class Roll. Jollno Antonldes Delia Armstrong Velma Lister Gladys Witt Helen Koontz Florence Wilcox Archlo Hood Kntherlno Wnltor Ellznboth BrodbochHolon Tatum Evangollno HorrodEthol SoiiBor Adolph Hanson Doris Solbort Edna Falk ' Paul Roddy Ruth Elder Glonn Rltnor Mary Drost Charles Rluckcr Forn Dolph Jonnlo Roncau Ralph Coates Francis O Connoll Uosslo ChnmborlaliEra Mason llolon Bird Georglna MacKay Hazel Barbor Class colors: Ornngo and Groon. Officers: President, Francis O'Con noli; vlco-pmsidont, Georglna Mac Kay; socrotnry, Holen Bird; treasuror, Mary DroBt; faculty advisor, Miss Brown. Memorial Sunday Next Sunday will bo observed as Momorlal Sunday by tho Grand A'rmy of tho Ropubllc and arrange ments havo ben mado for services at tho Franklin auditorium in Witch tho churchos will Join. Tho sermon will bo delivered by Rov. Hull, of tho Baptist church. Tho sorvlco will begin nt eighth o clock nnd citizens gonorally aro Invited to nttond. Henry Dlscoo, managor of tho Williams' ranch southwest of Brady, was a Tribune callor yostorday. The contract for a barn 40x82 foot on tho ranch has been let to Clydo McMlchaol of this ctly and Mr. Dlscoo hvias horo to Inquiro when operations would bo started. Tho Iwbrk of planting 350 acres of corn on tho ranch will bo completed this weok. Just a ftfw of tho big offerings In tho Lendor Dross Goods Do'pt. Wash Goods for summor wear only 9c a yard. Tollc Du Nordo Ginghams 12 cents a yard. Beautiful Silk Mull and Voiles worth up to 50c n yard for only 29c a yard and Protty Striped Pongee at 07c a yard and many othor special bargains at Tho Lcadbr. Lloyd Powers finished soedlng 800 acres to spring. wheat last weok on tho former Cody ranch and Is ncliv breaking out an additional 1000 acres. Tho wheat is (reported to bo a good stand and Is looking well. Specinl prices on ladles' Muslin Drawers nt Wilcox Dopt Store. : :o: : Bargain Shoes. Many lots of shoos at pricos wny bolc'A today's market. Como and look Prlco nnd size nir.rkcd on littlo white tickot on each pair. Its worth your while. Loader Merc. Co. Summer Underwear Men's, Young Men's and Boys! We are as certain that .you will find here the style of underwear you prefer for Summer as any store could be that handles half a doen of the best brands on the market. iewis warn suns 75c to $6.00. B. V. D. 50c to $1.00. MANSCO UNIONS $1.25. Come, let us show you that we con deliver to you the utmost in un derwear satisfaction. Harcourt Clothing Co. MEMORIAL DAY WILL BE APPROPRIATELY OBSERVED Proclamation Fifty years ago tho Grand Anny started tho boautltul custom of ob serving May 30th by strowing fra grant llowors on tho graves of tholr departed comrades. Tho custom, so full of moaning, has boon adopted by all our pooplo. Tho logislaturo has approved and mado May tho 30th a legal holiday. Now, thoroforo I call on nil our pooplo to lay nsldo tholr business May 30th, 1917, and proccod to tho resting placo of our loved ones and thoro with loving hnnds placo tho fragrant flower on tho hallowed sopulohor of father, mothor, broUtor, sistor, comrades and frlonds. Dono at North Platto, May 24, 1917. HENRY WALTEMATII, Mayor, program: Tho following Is tho program for Moinorlnl Day, May 30th: At G o'clock a. m. a dotnll of Com rades will visit tho South Sldo como tory and docornto tho gravos. 9 aim. tho Post, Corps, Spanish Wnr Votorans, asslBtod and Joined in by all our pooplo will ropalr to Uio coniotory and docornto tho gravos. 12 in. G. A. R. mombors nnd Span ish War Votorans will nssomblo around tho Hag polo and rovorontly bow their heads for flvo minutuos whon tho ting will bo raised to full mast. 2:30 p. in. exorcises will bo hold in tho Franklin school auditorium as fol lows : Invocation, Rov. Harmnn. Song, Amorlca, by II. S. glee clubs and audience Lincoln's Gettysburg nddross by A. Wolngand. Roadlng, Lovo of Country, by Don ald Yost. Oration, Col. J. S. Iloagland. Song, Star Spangled Bannor, by H. S. glco clubs nnd nudionco. Dismissal. All citizens aro invited to partici pate i We have done our "bit" in helping the Government meet its nececsary expenses at this time by sub scribing for $10,000.00 of the present issue of the Liberty Bonds. A number of our patriotic citizens -have already sub scribed through us for some of these bonds. We are very glad to oiler our services free to any one who wishes to obtain any of them. The denominations run from $50 up. , First National Bank of North Platte NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. ' THE UNIVERSAL CAR The most desirable features of motorcar construc tion are found in Ford cars, They are strong with the strength of vanadium steel, heat-treated by Ford methods. Excess weight is eliminated by strength, and allows the Ford more power for its weight than any other car. Back of the car is the organization which has built and sold over two million Ford cars. The Ford car saves time is a sure money-maker. Touring Car $360, Runabout $345, Sedan $0-15, Town Car $595, Coupelet $505 all f. o. b. Detroit. On display and for sale by I HEND THE RED CROSS CHAPTER STARTS MKMREKSHIP CAMPAIGN Following a mooting hold Tuosday nftornoon a commlttco of tho locnl ohnptor of tho Red Cross began an actlvo compalgn for mombors and in loss than two hours secured ono hun dred and sovon now 'mombors. Tho campaign for mombors will bo enr rlod on with enthusiasm and It Is hoped to socuro nt least GOO mombors in tho city nnd ns many moro jn tho county. This organization is stirongly on dorsod by tho war dopartmont as tho avonuuo through which ovory woman can do her "bit," and do It offectivoly during tho wnr porlod. ?nt t. Present Flag Tho Womnn's Rollof Corps presontod a hnndsomo (lag to tho Franklin school Wodnosdny nftornoon. Tho nudionco sang "Amorlca;" Judgo Hongland gavo a short nddross, and Mrs. Mary Eldo)r mndo tho presentation spooch. Tho flag waB nccoptod In bohnlf of tho school by Miss Holmnn. As part of tho ceremony Mrs. F,rank Buchan an gavo tho reading "Your Flag and My Flag." Presbyterian Church. A conunonplnco Borvlco Sunday morning at olovon o'clock. Sunday school at tho usual hour. No sorvlco In tho ovoning on account of tho Joint sorvlco nt tho Franklin auditorium. :o::- Episcopal Church Sunday noxt May 27, Whitsunday, sorvlco will bo hold nt 11 a. m., and Sundny school sosslons nt usual tlmo. ::o:: Swooping prlco roductlon on ovory hat In my dopartmont nt Block's dur ing tho big Clearance Salo 'that begins May 2Gth. ARV1LLA WHITTAKER. Iva O. Cover was granted a dl vorco this wook fromMnrloSchlorbaum Covor. Tho plaintiff allogcd that tho nmrrlngo took placo aftor ho had boon druggod and without his consent. A vory heavy rain, accompanied by rnthor sovoro thundor and lightning foil last night. Tho woathor bureuu roports tho proctpltntion at nlnoty-flvo ono hundredths of mi Inch. ii