The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 22, 1917, Image 5

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    Our Optometrist is a
in his particular line of work and
devotes his entire attention to our
optical work .
If you are having eye troubles it
will pay you to visit our optical dept.
We make the Dixon-Perfecto
Glasses. Guaranteed not to break.
Ufa jj Graduate Optometrists and Optician.
Office over the McDonald
Stata Bunk.
Arthur Barraclough spent Sunday
in Grand Island.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
Mrs. Charles H. Walters Is reported
to bo vary 111 this week.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Mecombor re
turned Sunday evening from Omaha.
Mrs. Mary Gutherless left Sunday
afternoon for Omaha to visit relatives.
Two boys want
Phono Black 468
work on
Mrs. N. E. Buckley returned Friday
from a visit in Denver with her sis
ter. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Tarklngton left
yestorday morning for Omaha to spend
a week.
Ell Hanson, who has been employed
in Sidney for some time, spent Sun
day with his family.
Miss Delia Armstrong left last-week
for Roscoe to spend several weeks
wlli hor 'parents.
.Ask to see tho now Japanese under
wear; they are very beautiful.
37-2' E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
Mr. and MrdL Wallace Thompson
returned Sunday evening from Oma
ha where they visited last wteek.
I now have funds at 5 per cent
on choice bottom tablo land. Gene
Crook, Room 4, Keith theatre Bldg.
Tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Drake was quarantined for scarlet
fever tho latter part of last week. j
E. T. Scott, secretary of the Stacy
Gralngor Co., of Lincoln, spent tho
weok end hero on business at tho lo
cal store.
Thousand tomato and cabbago
plants to sell at prices that aro right,
at my place, 20Q5 oast Fourth street.1
R. McFarland. 3G-2
Mrs. Martha Shotwoll and daugh-,
ter Mrs. J. S. Walsh of Gothenburg,
who visited local friends last week,
have returned homo.
Petetl Burke sold a part of tho form-J
er Cottonwood ranch to Robert Lewis
and William Gregg for $8,500. The'
section sold was 21-12-28.
Claude Delancy, who hnd been visit
ing in Omaha, returned Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Austin spent
Sunday in Grand Island with friends.
Tor quick action and sntlsfnctosy
sale list your land with Tlioolecko. tf
Mrs. Fred Thompson and grand
daughter left Sunday morning for Lin
coln. Wanted Sewing, satisfaction guar
anteed. Phone Red 402 or call at 403
south Vino. 37-S
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ell visited In
Grand Island Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Weir.
Harry Williams who recently sub
mitted to an operation for appendi
citis Is convalescing.
Mrs. W. V. Hoagland returned yes
terday morning from Omaha and other
cities of eastern Nebraska.
Rev. C. B. Harman went Oshkosh
yestorday morning to deliver the ad
dross to tho graduation class.
MlssesJ Maud Johnson and Francis
Watson, of Gothenburg, who wero tho
guests of Mrs. Jesso VanDyke, have
returned home.
Miss Blanche Cox, of Sutherland,
spont tho week end here visiting with
friends and attending tho teachers'
Mrs. C. K. Sherwood, of Lincoln,
spont last week hero visiting her hus
band who is In charge of the Stacy
Grainger wholesalo house.
Farm and Knnch loans at lowest
rates and best terms. Money on hand
to close loans promptly.
Geo. L. Weir, who has been attend
ing a dental school In Chicago, has
made application for admittance to an
officers' training camp. His school will
closo Juno 3d.
Lorcn Sturgos, Tom Green, O. E. El
der and M. S. Rebhausen left Sunday
morning for the Whitman lakes, nine
ty miles north, to fish for bass for a
few days.
Broken oyo glass lenses can bo re
placed tho same day as order Is given
in our lenso grinding department.
tf Graduate Optometrists.
Lillian Walker will appear at the
Keith Wednesday night in "Kitty Mc
Kay," a play or gladness that scored a
Broadway triumph. With all tho
quaint atmosphere and human pathos
of tho Scotch people and with all the
delightful charm of the play, Kitty
McKay will have a warm spot in your
heart, warmer lpo;lhaps than tho orig
inal play. For your amusement on this
eamo evening will bo shown Fatty Ar-
buckle in "Tho Butcher Boy."
It is the one that wins, and it ia
the farmer's patriotic duty to pro
vide the food.
He needs labor help and possibly
money help, and the latter the Mc
Donald State Bank is glad to offer
on best conservative terms.
We offer all our resources, our
business and personal aid, every
thing thut a constructive bank can
give at such a time, to help the
nation's food producers, and we in
vite them to use us to the fullest
McDonald State Bank
North Platte, Nebr,
llrldgo llonds Carry
At tho election hold Friday to voto
on thd proposition to Urauo S10..000 In
bridge bonds, only 308 votes woro
cast, or thoso 203 woro for tho bonds
and flfteon against. As the voto would
indicate, but llttlo lntorost was mani
fested In the proposition, loss than oiio-
fourth of tho votors of tho city going
to tho "polls.
Take .Men to the Pen.
Sheriff Salisbury and Leslie Bnsklns
left Saturday night for Lincoln, hav
ing In convoy two prisoners for the
pen. Thoy wero Andrew Pottar, charg
ed with stealing vlothoe from tho
North Platto laundry, and Goorgo Mc
Clellan, who stolo tho Mrs. C. F. hid
ings car nnd was nrrsstod at Ogal
nllru Tho sheriff and Mr. Raskins re
turned homo this morning.
: :o: :
.Notice of i:imllzall(in.
Notico Is hereby given that tho May
or and City Council of tho city of
North Platto, Nebraska, will sit as a
boa d of equalization, Monday, Juno
4, 1917, at 8 o'clock p. m., at tho Libra
ry building for tho purpose of nssosslnK
all special taxos Incurred during tho
llscnl yoar. All persons lntorostod aro
requested to bo prosont nnd show
cause, If any thoro bo, why such us
assossmonls should not bo mndo.
37-4 City Clerk.
: :o: :
10,000 Troops to Trenches
Forty thousand troops, undor Im
mediate command of Gcnoral Pershing,
nnd constituting tho army, navy and
marino corps, will bo sent to tho bat
tlo lines In France and Belgium in a
very short tlnio.
General Pershing and his staff will
sail for Europe ahead of tho troops to
pavo tho way for final training of tho
hugo army tho United States is pro
paring to pour across tho seas as rap
idly as mon can bo trained and
Wonien Will ho Taught Cunning
Undor tho direction of tho state
school of agriculture a school for in
struction In canning fruits and vege
tables will bo hold In North Platto
Juno 22d and 23d. 'Attondnnco at this
school will bo llntted to thoso who
pledge thoms(.Vvo3 to teach othors.
how to can vegetables and fruits. Spe
cial attention will bo paid to instruc
tions in canning corn, tomatoes, beans,
spinach and other vegetables, and at
tendants will bo taught how to prop
erly store; fcotntoes, onions, apples,
cabbago and boots.
: :o: :
Edward Van Busklrk, n cripple who
camo hero last week and spont several
days soiling pencils on tho streot, died
at tho Nebraska Houso Saturday ev
ening of heart failure He was taken
111 in his room and wbnt to tho of
flco to summon aid. Boforo medical
assistance could bo secured ho had
expired. Ho registered from Minno
Eoota nnd a receipt from tho Mooso
lodge at Tho Dalles, Oro., was found
in his clothing.
John Strollborg of Kearney nnd
Chas. Bookman of Chicago, father and
undo ros'poctlvoly of Frank Stroll
borg, loft for tho oast yesteraly at noon
after spending a couplo of days as
guests of tho latter.
Miss Caroline Bolton, of San Diego,
Cal., arrived Sunday and will probably
spend tho summer with lion sister, Mrs.
W. H. McDonald.
Mrs. Brown and sister, Mrs. Davis,
of Cozad, who wero guests of Mrs. J.
S. Davis, returned homo at noon yes
terday. Seo H. H. Lniulgraf for painting,
taper haiiIutr and decorating. Phone
Black "70. " 7tf
Mrs. W. E. Owons returned yester
day afternoon from Sidney, having vis
ited frlonds there for a weok past.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weeks returned
to Grand Island Sunday morning aftor
Earl Calhoun has returned from a
short visit in Grand Island.
Miner Hinman went to Grand Island
Sunday morning.
a visit of two weeks with relatives
Special This Week.
Child's Trimmed Hats 90 cents,
Ladles' Trimmed Hats at $1.90 and
$3.00, good looking white trimmed
Milans $5.00.
25-2 - At The Leader.
A Breakfast that
Dickey's Bread pluin or
toasted with good coffee.
You will like it.
Our loaf is a substantial
one with a real bread flavor.
It is made of plain pro
ducts the kind you use at
Good flour, plenty of
yeast, sugar and shortening
give this loaf its nourishing
properties and big food
Frank McEvoy bognn work In tho lo
cal machine shops Saturday, '
Miss Elva Day, of tho Koarnoy Nor
mal, spoilt tho weok ond with tho homo
Mrs. Knton. of Ocalalla. formerly o.
tho McVlckc- millinery parlors, n,onU
uio wook end hero. -
Mrs. Julius Plzor will give a pro
nuptlnl sliowor for Miss Rfloy Shnnor
tomorrow ovonlng.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gould loft a
fow days afro for Aurora to visit with
frlonds for a weok.
Mrs. Lykena roturnod to Pnxton Sat
urday ovonlng aftor visiting hor sister
Mls Isabello Stafford.
Miss Florence Stoffroggan, of Goth
enburg, vlsitod Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Kdward Stoffroggnn.
Mrs. Joseph L. Murphy returned last
ovonlng from Omaha and Wlsnor where
sho visited ft lends lnt weok.
John LeMastor left yestorday af
toi'noon for Denver to visit his son
Ira nnd family for n fow days.
Tho D. A. R. will meet Saturday at
tornoon at threo o'clock at tho homo
of tho rogont, Mrs. T. C. Patterson
WllHnm Schott, who was taken HI
In Salinn, Kansas, rocontly, returned
homo tho latter part of last wook.
Junior Smith, who had been 111 with
scarlet fever for sovornl weeks, was
released from quarantlno Sunday.
Miss Jano Austin, of Denver. Is ox
pocted hero this weok to visit hor
brothor. George A. Austin and family.
Tho Luthoran girls will bo ontcr
talnod Thursday ovonlng by Erma
Huntington, assisted by Helen Ro
dlne. Mrs. M. Cj. Ilayos and fnughtor
Vaunlta will lcavo tomorrow morning
for Excelsior Springs to spend two
Mrs. Guy Robinson, of Portland,
Oro., formerly of ths city, is oxpected
soon to visit her paronts Mr. and
Mrs-. John Day.
Mlsd Arta Kockon, who has boon
teaching in the school In Great Falls,
Montana, returned horo Saturday to
spend hor vacation.
A good watch is more highly prlzod
by a graduato than any other article.
Parents do not overlook this oppor
tunity. It comes only onco.
DIXON, tho Jowolorv
Miss Solman, who has oponed a Hair
Dressing and Boauty Parlor In tho
Brodbuck building, has everything in
reodlnoss for tho oponlng ovonlng
which will bo held tomorrow night. A
cordlnl Invitation is extended to all.
Have you lost any nrticlo of valuo
lately? If so your property may have
been found on "The CSIrl In tho Check
ered Coat." Upon Identification It will
bo returned to you nt tho Crystal the
atre Wodnosday night. Bettor bo thoro
anywViy and see "Tho Girl in tho
Chockorcd Coat."
County Judge French united in mnr
rlago Saturday Geo. c3. Vlnar of khln
city and Jennlo E. Trump, of Garden
City, Wyo. Also Goorgo' Glllard, Jr.,
of Lowollen and Mabel Blanscy, of
J. H., Stone, Chas. Tlgho and James
EllIotti:flf this city, and J. W. Fetter,
of Mnxwtoll, havo posted notices de
claring their Intention to npply for per
mission to soli ethyl alcohol and Uno
for medicinal purposes, unless a re
monstrance is filed within twonty
Major Whito will orrivo homo In a
fow days from California, whero ho
has boon attending school, and after
visiting his paronts for a couplo of
weeks will go to Alaska to spend the
summor. He wJll tako cniploymont with
a steamboat lino of which Bob Baxter,
formerly superintendent of tho Ne
braska division of tho Union Pacific Is
gonoral mnnagor.
W. D,. Shroth, ngd CO, a ploncor
nnd well known resident of tho May
wood vicinity, died Friday of tyWiold
pnoumonia with which ho had been 111
for) somo time. Ho leaves a wlfo, n
son Vernon, daughters Mrs. Charles
Bro'wta and Mrs. Claudo Brown, of
Maywood, and cousins Ralph and Goo.
Garman and Mrs. Edward Oglor of
this city. Th0 funornl sorvlecs woro
hold at Maywood Sunday afternoon.
: :o: :
IImkc Ball and Sporting Goods
Wo carry tho Spauldlng lino of
Base Ball, Golf and othor sport
ing goods, nono hotter than theso
and when you buy this mnko you can
do'pond upon their real worth,
Write the best insurance of every
kind, fire, life, accident, etc. Loan
money on real estate, loiipr or short
time, rent houses, lots and lands, pay
taxes, caro for property of lumrosl
dents. Wo have the only slate li
censed slorasro room In this city, rout
safety deposit boxes. All business en
trusted to our care receives prompt
and careful attention.
Honry Cordos loft Sunday for his Miss Dorothy Mrtsecy, or Omaha,
farsn south of HorBhoy whord li wltlj'cnino Frftlhy evening to assist hor bIs
spcud tho summor with his son-in-law tor Miss Mnrlo Massoy In drilling tho
and (laughtor. Mr and Mrs. Ed Hoggc children for tho CIndorolIa ball.
If -..XT
Uuilll .10(1
To all to whom It may concern:
Tho Hiioclul commlHHloner appointed
to locntf n public roiul oh followx:
Coimiienclnu; nt tlio nortlnvoHt corner
of aertlon ten, township tlilrtneii, rniiKO
twenty-i'lKht anil ruiiiilim nlnlit miles
north to the NorthweMt corner of .sec
tion thirty-four, towiiMhlp fifteen, rango
twenty-elKht, lniH reported In fnvor
of tho Hume.
All ol.JectloiiN thereto, or clalniH for
(iKiniiKi s muMt he filed In the olllco of
the County Clerk on or heforo 12 o'clock
noon of the 27th ilay of July, A I).
1917, or kucIi roail will he allowed with
out reference thereto.
Dated nt North Platte, Nebr., thin 17th
dny of April, 1917.
County Clork.
ltoml n, 10.1.
To nil to whom It may concern:
The Hpeclal' coinmlHHloner appointed
to locate a nubile road hh followx:
CominencliiK In the center of Section
alx (0). town ten (10), ranxe twenty
nine (29), thonce woxt on half xoctlon
line onc-linlf mile, connectlnir with road
No. 28, hnH reported In favor of tho same
wiiii tne roiiowiiiK ciihtiko: mat Hani
road run uaMt on half xuctlon to about
CO rodH from tho cant line of unction 0,
and thenco In a northeawtorly direction
on wpHt Hide of canyon to the iiorth
eaHt corner of Hectlon C, following
present road an now traveled and iiIho
Mouth from Haiti half Hectlon lino In Men
tion fi, paHt J. 13. Conpor'H Iiouhh fol
lowing road n h now traveled and con
nectlnir with Road N'o 71.
All objection thereto, or clnlmH for
ilaimiK't.'H imiHt bo Hied in the olllco of
the county Cleric on or neroro is o ciock
noon of tho 27th day of July, A 13.
1917, or Huch road will he allowed with
out reference thereto.
Dated nt North Platte, Nebr., this 19th
Does Your Mower Tear or Cut?
the funniost fat man ever in "THE BUTCHER BOY"
Also the feature "KITTY McKAY."
Children 10c. Adults 20c.
Dodge Brothers
Cars and Repair parts
in stock at North Platte.
J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer.
107 W. Oth. ST.
PHONE 644.
New Service Station this Spring.
1750. ARE DRY
The Whole Country
would be dry if roofed over with
They Shed Water Like A Porpoise
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.
...1 .v
m n
I I ?
Pinto Seed Beans at Cost
It is the duty of all citizens to help increase the
production of all food stuffs.
Pinto beans do exceptionally well in this part of
the country.
We have arranged for a small supply of these
and will offer them at cost to encourage the planting
of this profitable crop.
Dry land planting requires from 12 to 15 pound
per acre. We will sell them at 15 cents per pound.
Come in and talk it over.
aay or way. iw.
County Clork,