The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 22, 1917, Image 1

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    Wxt to rth
. "J-
pmi-Mlcchli) tribune.
No. 37
for other purposes nro also provided
nnd nil In nil, our Methodist frlomls
nro certainly subjects of congratula
tion, nnd this The Trlbuno oxtonds.
IlMiop Stuntz Present nnd Preaches
to u Large Audience In Morning
mid Lectures to u Crowded
Douse In (lie Ecnlng.
After expending $25,000 In remodel
ing and refurnishing their house of
worship, the Methodists of North Platto
held tho dedlcntory services Sunday.
It was n great day for tho congrogn
tlon nnd for tho officers, for not only
was tho church dedicated freo of dobt,
but thcro was present Ulshop Stuntz,
Whoso sermon lit tho morning was
holpful nnd whoso lecturo on South
America In the ovonlng was Intonselyj
interesting. uien uioro was tno cuoir
of more than thirty voices rendering
tuneful hymns nnd nnthoms; tho or
chestral music In tho evening, nnd
above all was tho satisfactory thought
over present that tho beautifully finish
ed building through tho enthusiasm of
tho pastori and tho committees and tho
liberality of tho membership and tho
tlonutlons of cltlzona had bcon placed
in servlco with not a cent of debt
overhanging It.
Tho seating capacity of tho audi
torium is about 450, with a gallery
seating nearly 100, but theso wore
deemed Insufficient and about 200
chairs additional wore placed in tho
wing room for tho morning service
and then tho accommodations woro
ovor-taxod. For tho evening service-
sixty additional chairs were pro
vided, yet a number could not bo seat
ed. Over 1500 attended tho two ser
vices. At the morning servlco BIshoo Stuntz
stnted that all but about $500 of tho
building oxpenso hnd neon provdod for;
thnt ho would not ask for subscrip
tions to meet this sum, but the plate
would bo passed. Over $450 was plac
ed on tho plate, and at tho evening ser
vice an amount sufficient to more than
cover tho deficit was donated by tho
Tho ' building Is a modern church
homo. Tho auditorium is bright and
cheerful and nicely finished; back of
tho gallery is a series of a dozen or
moro Sunday school rooms; amplo pro
vision is mado far tho big choir; and
thon thero is provided for tho real
pillars of tho church tho ovor busy
and enthusiastic women a model
kitchen nnd dining room. Qunrtera
Secretary Moonoy, of tho soml-con-tonninl
celebration, has signed con
tracts for the following attractions:
Tho World's .Museum, ten shows, nil
difforont and nil 'pronounced good.
Down In Dixie, n plantation show
consisting of twonty colored pottform
ors. This comes highly endorsed.
Tho Golden West, representing the
west In tho early days of cowboys and
minors, giving typical scones of thoso
days. Twenty girls In cowgirl cos-j
tumes will glvo cabaret performances.
Tho Athletic show, whore will bo soon
wrestling bouts open to nil coniors,
scientific boxing, nnd demonstrations
of physical culture
Vaudovlllo show of eight different
nets. This show has bcon booked nll
rect from tho Wostorn Vaudovlle Cir
cuit nnd each porformor is an ntrlst.
In addition thoro will bo a score or
moro of other forms of amusement,
including an ocean wnvo, Ferula
wheel and a threo-abrcast carry all.
500 ideas for graduation gifts.
DIXON", tho Jowcler.
Tho marrlngo bans of Miss Agnes
Hanlon, of this city and Patrick O'
Connor, of Omaha, wore announced
for tho first tlmo in St. Patrick's
church Sunday morning.
Owing to tho High School class play
bolng hold in the Keith on Friday
night. It was found necessary to change
tho last installment of Patria to
Thursday night when It will bo shown)
in connection with tho Douglas Fair
banks in "Tho Americano." If that
isn't entertainment for you wo would
bo at a loss to know how to go about
it to provido an ovening's entertain
ment. Tonight's featuro at tho Keith will
bo Mary PIckford, tho lovable, in a
most delightful characterization of
"Hulda from Holland." Tho story
opens 4n Holland Micro littlo Hulda
finds horself in solo charge of her throe
infant brothers, upon tho death of hor
parents. Some of tho richest comedy
Miss PIckford has ovor displayed up
on tho screen is that which takes place
xilth hor littlo brothers Heinle, Hans
and littlo Yacob. In nor distress she
is as irresistable as ovor but in hor
funny Dutch way she dovolops a phil
osophical attitude towards tho harsh
things of this world which robs tho
scenes of all their bitterness.
Mrs. Christine Kocken, wife of A. O.
Kocken, passed away at ilvo o'clock
this morning following sovoral months
of illness duo to heart nnd stomnoh
trouble. Tho end hnd boon anticipat
ed for sovoral days and ns tho earthly
dawn broko sho folded her arms and
with a smile of recognition to tho as
sembled rolatlvos and a smllo of an
ticipation of tho dawn of tho Ufo otor
nal, sho passed away from thoso she
lovod and thoso who loved hor. For
forty-tUlo years Mrs. Kocken hnd boon
a rosldont of North Platto; hero sho
roared hor children who havo been a
credit to hor motherly car nnd teach
ing; a helpful companion to her hus
band; n consistent mombor of tho
Luthornn church slnco its first organ-
izntion In North Platto.
Born In Sweden in 1812, nnd mnrricd
in thnt country, sho nccompnnled hor
husband to the United Stntos in 18C9
nnd ldcjitod in Ohio. In 1875 tho enmo
to North Plntto whoro they have since
Bereft nro tho husband, daughters
Mrs. S. W. VanDoian, Mrs. Lottlo
Cronin nnd Mrs. Adn Turplo of this
city, Miss Mnrgnrot of Omaha, Miss
Arta of Great Falls, Mont, nnd Mrs
Paulino Fotz of Hotchiss, Gol., Bon
Walter of this city and son Will whoso
present address Is unknown.
Funornl services will bo hold nt tho
Lutheran church nt 2:30 Thursday af
ternoon, conducted by Rov. Harman.
: :o: :
Queen's Contest. Vote.
Elva Day 1395
Blancho Fonda 775
Janet McDonald 545
Louise Ottonstoln 540
Florcnco McKay 435
Hlldogardo Clinton 410
Sybil Gantt 300 ,
Mario BoU'on 310
Hazol Smith 340
Mabel Burko 300
Helen Waltemath 345
Elizabeth Hinman 275
Maymo Plzor . . 270
Hazel Barber 275
Catherine Hall 245
Myrtlo Beolor 235
Mario McCabo 235
Luclllo Wilcox 235
: o :
A big assortment of nifty spring and
Bummor dresses. Do not fail to soo
37-2 E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
Tho Methodist ladles will glvo a re
ception and kitchen and dining room
shower nt tho Methodist church Wedr
nesday aftornoon. All Methodist la
dlea qnd visitors are cordially invited.
Dodge B
Every dealer in Dodge Brothers cars knows that the custom
ers who come to him, come with the highest possible
He knows that the thing he is selling is Dodge Brothers'
word and their good name.
He knows that he is not merely dealing in motor cars, but
acting as custodian for Dodge Brothers' reputation.
Naturally, this knowledge of what is expected by the buyer
breeds a deep sense of responsibility.
It will pay you to visit us and examine this car,
The gasoline consumption is unuBually low.
The tire mileage is unusually high.
Touring Car or Roadster, $835; Winter Touring Car or Roadster, $1000; Sedan or
Coupe, $1265. (All prices f. o. b. Detroit.)
J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer,
107 West Sixth St.
Phone 844
tin: MENU
Officers Make ltcnorts of the Past
Vein's Work and the Elcc
Hon of Fho Direct,
ors Follows
Tho annual meeting of tho Chamber
of Commorco was held hiBt ovonlng in
tho bnBcmont of tho Prosbytorinn
church and tho sixty mcmbors and
tho scoro of lndlos ptosont woro sorv-
od with a splendid dinner by the lndlos
of thnt church.
In tho ubsonco of Prosldont Thool-
ccke, J. J. Hnlllgau, one of tho di
rectors, prosldod following tho dln-
nur a male quartotto composed of Jim
Clinton. Paul Harrington, Richmond
Dirge and Horton Mungor gnvo sovor
al selections nnd following thoso tho
report of tho tronsuror wus ttand,
8liowlng thnt during tho your ovor
$5,000 hnd boon paid into the member
ship nnd publicity funds, nnd that all
but thirty dollars hnd been oxponded.
Socrotnry Durbln gave n dotnilcd nc-
couut of tho oxpendlturo of tho nionoy
rocolvod, nnd of tho work which had
boon nccompllshed. Tho roaults woro
such thnt nil membora present scorn
ed to be woll sntlslled.
Tho chnlrman stated that tho moot-
ng was open for tho discussion of
(liiestions portnlnlng to tho work of
tho club, but no ono vonturod to air
Ills vlows. J. Q. Wilcox, M. J. Forbes,
E3. T Kellhor and I. L Bnro woro cnllod
upon nnd made short addresses.
llio chalrmnn declared nominations
for flvo directors In order and olght or
ton names woro proposod, and a bal
lot tnkou resulted in tho election of
H. C. Langford, N. B. Butekloy, W. J.
Ilondy, It. D. Blrgo and Ira L. Bnro.
rho hold ovor drcctors aro B. M.
Stnckhouso, ID. T. Tramp, II. M. Por-
tor and Blmor Contoa.
Tho directors iw'lll moot In a fow
days and elect a prosldont, vlco-pros-
Idont, secrotary and treasurer.
: :o: :
(roat Western Men Here.
Mnnagor SimmonB, of tho Great
Western Sugar Co.'s factories In
westorn Nebraska, four officials of tho
Dqnvcr headquarters offlco nnd Field
Manngor Gus Holdt, woro In town tho
latter part of Inst 'week onrouto to
Horshoy to look over tho beet ncroago
in thnt section and presumably to in
vestigate moro thoroughly the posslblo
sito for a factory.
Tho peoplo of tho Horshoy and O -
Fallon soctions covin quite conildont
that a factory will bo orcctod In the
vicinity of ono of thoso places In 1918.
lore s hoping that their confldonco
will not bo shnkou.
Lund. Boom at Hcrshcy
Reports thnt filtered down from Hor
shoy yesterday indicate thnt on tho
prospects of becoming a sugar fac
tory town real ostnto is booming in
price and a numbor of salos havo been
mado. Eighty acres of land south and
west of tho Methodist church sold for
$1G,000, tho purchnaors bolng Scotts
Bluff parties. Ono lot on the buslnoss
strcot containing n Bmall houso sold
for 12,500, and four lots at tho south
ond of tho sumo stroet sold at fabu
lous prices for village lots. Theso lots
aro 50x140 foot each. It 1b said that
other trnnsfora aro budding.
: :o: :
Renter Ranch Sold
N. L. Reuter sold his ranch in Ar
thur county tho latter part of last
weok to Bon Dikomnn, formerly of this
county, for a consideration of $105,000.
rim Included about 450 head of cnttlo.
Tho purchaser at onco took possession
of tho property and Mr. Router will
leave Bhortly for California to mako
IiIh home, Mr. Dikomnn d.v'iiH n con
siderable body of land near tho ranch
ho purchased, and with tho cnttlo ho
acquired now has has a herd of about
1200. Ho oxpects to ship about 400
head of steers this fall.
Wo arc displaying the largest
assortment; of nrtleU's sultaliPo
for gifts for the yomijr lady or
young gentleman graduate it lias
been our pleasure lo show.
see ont 11117 ti.ass window
Nothing so appropriate to giro
us a good piece of Jewelry for It
can lie kept for ninny years nnd Is
a presonal adornment.
May w o nine the pleasure of
showing you I See
dixon, Tin: jeweleh.
George Ikiuor, of Omaha, visited
this week with tho litzpntrlck family.
Mns. J. W. Fltzpatrlck had n slight
oporatlon porformcd on hor oyo Sun
day. Grovor Hanson, or Fnlrbury, enmo
last weok to vlalt hla aunt, Mra. Thos.
Baldock for two weeks.
Jos. McGmw, of Grand Junction, Col.,
enmo last wSjok to visit his mothor
Mrs. Johanna McGraw for ton days.
Tho Comotory Improvement Associa
tion will moot this aftornoon nt 3
o'clock In tho rest room in tho Build
ing & Loan building.
Tho balance of our suits nnd coats
wo aro closing out nt prlcoa far bolow
coat; now Is your opportuno tlmo.
117-2 E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
Tho mnrrlngo of Miss Uuoy Shnnor
and Norman Connoalloy of this city
will tako placo at tho homo of tho
brldo's parents in Maxwoll Tuesday,
evening, May 20th.
Tom McGraw was arrested Sunday In
nn intoxicated Krondltlon and In tho po
lice court yostordny foronoon said ho
obtained tho liquor from Charloy Tur
ner and Cyrus Nun. Informations
ngalnBt tho two woro filed yesterday
aftornoon nnd thoy will bo glvon n
hearing In tho county court In n day
or two.
All chlldron wlho tnko part In tho
drill and oxorclsoa for tho CIndorolla
ball will bo charged fifty cents, half
of which must bo paid May 28th and
hnlf on Jun0 4th. This payment, how
ever, will admit thorn to tho ball. Tho
object of making tho payment now is
to guarnnteo that thoso who rocolvo
tho lnstructlona will bo prosont to par
ticipate in tho ball.
Claudo Dolanoy roturnod Sunday
from Tulsn, Okla., whoro ho wont In
company uHtli Ralph Starkoy, Millard
Hoalor nnd Goo. Wlntcowltch to attond
tho stato shooting touniamont. Ovor
200 ahootora woro prosont, nearly all
of whom shot nlnoty per cont nnd hot
ter. Whllo thoro tho boye vcr0 on
tortnlnod by A. D. McDonoll, former
North Plntto druggist, who hns mndo n
mint of money in tho oil Holds.
Thoro aro but fow peoplo wflio havo
road A. II, Wood's noted play, "Kick
In." It will bo shown at tho Crystal
tonight and on tho scroon it bocomoa
ono of tho most absorbing motion plc
turo dramas that wns ovor run through
a projection mnchlno. Tho Interest
novor lnga for a moment. "Kick In"
is tho Btory of a man whom clrcum
Btnncea mado a crook but tho right
womnn nnd hor fnltlt in him nwakons
a dotonninatlon In him to go straight.
Red Cross Meeting Today.
Tho locnl chapter of tho Rod Cross
will moot In tho Chambor of Commorico
rost room In tho Building & Loan
building at two o clock this aftor
noon to mako arrangonionts for begin
nlng a cnmpalgn for membership. All
members nnd others nro urged to bo
prosont nt this meeting.
Tho Zettn Zotta club will moot -with
Mrs. Inman Wednesday aftornoon.
Wash Skirts A comploto assortment
for you to aoloct from. Mado by tho
Prlntzcas peoplo nnd mado right, tho
vory host tailoring. Matorlal which Is
pro-shrunk, which moans tho garment
will Htlll fit aftor laundorlng. You
lennnot poibly bo duty'ppolntod in
thoso garments.
37-2 E. T. TRAM1' (i HUNS.
Tho Women's Relief Corps woll pro-
tont a Aug to tho Franklin school In
the nditorluni Wodnosday, May 23d at
8:45. A short program will bo glvon.
A cordial invitation is oxtondod to all.
Now is tho tlmo to select tho gift for
the graduato frlond. Our stock was
never ho comploto.
DIXON, tho Jowolor.
A Mr. NIcholBon, ago forty-flvo, for
merly of tho Hupfor mulch, was takon
to tho Pulvor hospital a weok ago and
dlod Sunday ovonlng. Thoro aro no
rolatlvos and lntormont will bo mado
In tho North Plntto comotory.
Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Lowls nnd son
AndnW, who rosldo south of town,
woro Injured In nn nutomobllo acci
dont zouth of tho brldgo Sunday morn
ing. Thoy woro rotumlng homo and
collided with a car coming north. An
drew "was thrown sovoral foot and
jxecolvod a numbor of bruiaoa on his
Keith Theatre
Friday, May 2S
"The Professor's Love Story"
Tickets reservations at Box Office Thursday
morning, May 24.
1 1 1 Jl
t fill I ii ii ffi
a Kitcften Cabinet
TOTS of people are making their kitch
ens more convenient and up-to-date
and making housework easier by building
stationary kitchen cabinets.
Those who are wise use
White Pine
lumber. The doors never warp or twist
the drawers never bind or stick.
And it is so easy to work with, you thoroughly
enjoy building anything of WHITE PINE.
If you have shelving to put up if you want an
extra cupboard or a window seat build it of
WHITE PINE and be sure of satisfaction.
Even at slightly higher first cost WHITE PINE
is the most economical wood.
Complete stocks prompt service
right prices always.
hoad and nock.