The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 18, 1917, Image 7

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have had this car ordered for three months, but the
mackers arc behind with orders and we had to wait
four turn. A car today would cost us eight dollar
per ton more.
Dodge Brothers.
Hupmobile Cataani Repa parts
( in stock at North Platte.
Chevrolet )
J. V. ROfflGH, Dealer.
107 W. 6th. ST. PHONE 644.
Now Service Station this Spring. ,
L. BAKE, Editor nnd Publisher.
One Year by Jlnll In Advance fl-5
LQlic Year by Carrier lu Adrntiee. .$ l-iO
Sntered At North- Platto, Nebraska.
IPoBtoiace as Sqcona uiass Matter.
FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1917.
Mrs. Mary O'Haro who has been
iry ill, is improving. ,
Miss Ella Woaver began work in
Sfho Leader Wednesday.
Ifcrir rtnil Mrs.- Hoonar have returned
pram a visit in Lowollen.
w. J. O.'Connor roturned Tuesday
Rrbm a business visit in Kearney.
tSIrs. Josse VanDyke will loavc in a
Row days for Cosad to visit frionds.
FTko Mothers Club spent a ploasant
Pftornoon with Mrs. Charles Clinton
Editor Shelly, of Pairbury is ex
pected here this week to visit -until
tho Brock family.
Louis Harris came from the w'oetorn
part of this state "Wednesday to visit
at tho Plzor homo. "
Mrs, J. 0. Patterson, who was opor-
ated upon for appendicitis recently, is
p getting along nicely.
Mrs. Wood ' White returned Tucs-
ilnv nftnrnnnn from Grand -Island
ft hero she' -visited relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. John Vernon and baby
have returned from Julesburg and will
leave in a few days for Dos Moines
to visit relatives.
Mrs. Ralph Hansen, who submitted
to an operation for appendicitis fit a
local hospital recently, wob able to
return homo Saturday.
E. T. Koliher camo hare from Om
aha yostorday . to spend a couple o!
weeks on business for the Great Weat
orn Accident Insurauce Co.
City Council Proceedings.
The city council met Tuesday evon
ing and tock' ovor tho North Platto
Cemetery appointing Mrs. Josoph Rod
dy, Mrs. A. J. Salisbury, Miss Anna
Kramph aud Messrs. W. R Maloney
and William Shuman to serve as mom
bers of the cemetery board.
An ordinance-was passed providing
that all walks must becloaned with
in UMalvo hours after a snow storm
or thoy will bo cleaned by the city and
charged to tho property owhier.
An ordinance was also passed pro
viding that all Junk dealers must kcop I
a record, of goods purchasod and J
names of parties soiling samo. This is
dono to avold-purchrslng stolon goods.)
A committee of the Rod Cross So
ciety submitted a proposition to the
council in regard to water to bo fur
nished for the Juvonile gardens. This J
question will bo taken up at another
The street traction grader which
is being demonstrated on tho streets
was also discussed and tho street
commlttoo given Authority to act
: :o: :
Rev. Van Horn, of Bridgeport, wno
is -woll known hero loft a fow days
ago for Ft. Snelllng, having possod
The officers' rosorvo oxamlnatl6n.
Dr. W. J. Retinoid, of Grand Island,
formorly of this city has received a
call to assist in Rod Cross hospital
work in France.
Mrs. L. L. Bortho ontortatned tho
J. F. at cards Tuosday after
noon. Prizes wore awarded to Mes
danies M. H. Douglass, A. W. Shilling,
and E. M.-Johnston .The noxt mooting
will bo hold" May 29tli at tho home
of -Mrs. Harry Guthorless.
The domestic science department of
tho Twentieth Contury Club mot Uio
ilrst of this week with Mrs. Goorge B.
Dont. Mrs. I. E. Stebblns acted as
leador, Mrs. Wm. Maloney, Jr., road a
paper on "Effect of Stories on Chil
dren;" "Best Magazines," Mrs. Wilson
Toufi; ''Rights, of) Children" Mils.
Stebblns. Roll 'call was answered by
"Magazinea I havo Read." Ico cream
and cako was demonstrated.
hipping a carload of potntoes
with dry rot to tho Herk
t'o. nnd E. T Tramp & Sons
city, a shipper up In Oregon
to get tangled t'p with tho
lwitMiii government. These potatoes
were rocolved by tho above firms a
woek or ten days ago and outwardly
prosented a vory good uppearanco as
sacks wforo oponod. But nftor a fow
mm had been mado tho customora
of the grocors began making com
plaint that half tho potatoes wrre
afTodtod with inward dry rot. Then
tho seller mado nn investigation nnd
found that about fifty por cont of the
potatoes in each sack wero affected.
Upon this dlscovory Mr, Liork com
municated, with Inspector Ilocox, of
tho food commission, who examined
tho potatoes, and immediately wired
for the stnto chemist W. S. Frlsblo,
who arrived Wednesday and nlso ex
amined tho potatoes, and mado a re
port which ho forwarded to tho fodoral
food division offlco nt St, Paul, vdith
cortnln rocommendatlons. It 1b ngalnst
tho fedornl law to ship dlsoftsod po
tatoes from ono state to nnothar, and
tho Oregon shipper Is liable under
tho law.
The Llork Sandall Co. and Tramp &
Sons had 'paid for the potatoes which
with the frolght amounted to about
$1600. They will probably bring a
civil action against tho shipper fori
the recovery of the monoy.
- ; :o; ! "
Cniln-Itasiiiussoii Wedding.
A quiet homo wedding took place
Tuesday afternoon when Miss Elsie
Grain and Jacob J. Raemusseu woro
married at the home of the bride's
sister Mrs. George Loomls. Tho coro
mony was performed by Rev. Cram
nt flvo o'clock in Wie presence of a
fow rolatives. Tho bjrldo woro hor
traveling suit of bluo aud a becoming"
while hat She carrlod a bouquet of
roeos and lilies of tho valley. Thoy
woro unattended. After a visit of sev
eral weoks in California they will be
at home at DOS oast Fifth street. Mrs.
RasmuBsan came to this city throo
years ago from Grand Island and has
become popular with a large circle
of friends. Tho groom Is employed
with tho Union Pacific and is a steady
and industrious young man.
Rend This Item
If you aro earning leas than $160.00
por month in your pr"qsont occupation,
wo havo nn exceptionally good, oppor
tunity for you in this county. For full
particulars so'o either A. A. Schotz,
Diet. Manager, or E. T. Koliher, Asst.
State Managor, North Platto, repre
senting Groat Wostorn Accident Ins.
Co. . 31tf
R, C. Brown and son L. R. Brown,
fathor and brother of Mrs. Josoph
McMlchncl, will nrrivo hero this week
from Kirksville, Mo., to -spend a.wcok.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseo Dover, of York,
woro here this wook visiting frlonds
whilo onrottto to Kimball. The latter
was formorly JUiBB Mildred Strykor of
this city.
Tho ladies auxiliary of tho B. of L.
E. will hold a apecial meeting Wed
nesday afternoon. IiiBpoctlon work will
be hold and every member Is request
ed to attend.
Tho K. 1C club was ro-organlzed the
first of this nteok and tho following
officers olectcd: Prosident, Wilfred
Thiol; vlco-presldont, Thurston Wood
hurst; socretary, 'Roland Glnn; and
tronsuror, Lesllo Baro.
1 Q-QQ.
My Faithful Servant
rpi-IE New Perfection Oil Cook Stove is never
cranky, never lazy, never late. It cooks delicious
meals and serves them on the minute. More than
2,500,000 housewives arc using New Perfections
today -209$) more than last year.
Cooks fast or slow as you like. Turns all the oil into
heat and all the heat is used in cooking. That's the
secret of the famous Long Blue Chimney burner.
No more coal hod and ash pan drudgeryno more
toiling, in a stuffy overheated kitchen.
Ask your dealer to show you the reversible glass
reservoir, an exclusive feature of the New Perfection.
For best results use Perfection Kerosene.
(Nebraska) Oniitlui
cimriiKu of C02ftmtru.
Nebraska Boys in' War line
What the Y. E C A. will do for Them.
i 1 i I ' Hi llll ill I
The picture abovu shows members I tionery; furnishing gamt's, lecturei) raise Ho,000. The campaign
of the Nebraska National Guard and enteitainruentu; and., offering! for subacrlDtionn Is now bains or
ganised. Bverbedr la Nebraska
will lw stvn th opportunity to
Th slocaa of to MnjKUgp to
leaving a Y, M. C. A. building on the
Texas border.
The Association was a godsend to
the boys "on the border" minister
ing "to their physical eomfori; pro
viding books, newspapers and st
opportunity of religious service.
The . Association Will do the same
thing on bi seals In our war with
Three tttUton dollars are needed
tvr tt Srkt mr. Of this, NctrMk
"The annual banauet of tho Chnm
bor of Commerce will be held noxt
Monday evening In the Prosbytorian
church basement, tho ladles of Unit
churoh to serve the suppor. At this
banquet officers and directors for tho
onsutng year will bo olocted, roporta
of tho work of the "past yeiir pro
sontod nnd subjocts of gonoral intor
ost discussed.
The supper will bo sorvod at seven
bfclock and tickets aro now bolug
sold by Secretary Dnrbln and othors.
All niombors aro urged to nttond and
prospectivo members aro invited.
: :o: ;
.- Special This Week.
Child's 'Trimmed Hats 90 cents,
Ladies' Trimmed Hats at $1.90 and
$3.00, good looking wJiito ' trlmmod
Milnns $5.00.
25-2 At Tho Leador.
Injured In a lluuinyiiy
Mrs. A.' A. McRoborts, wifo of a
s"tovo salesman who has boon (iuar
toroil at tho Rltner Hotol for some
time was sorlously injured in tho
back Tuesday evening in a runaway
accident. Sho and hor husband woro
driving near tho north rlvor bridge
when tho tonm boenmo frightened at
a tractor. Mr. McRoborts was tjirown
from tho buggy by a Bido lurch al
lowing tho linoe to, drag. Mrs. Mc
Roborts dropped tho child from the!
vehiclo and then Jumped, sustaining
a badly sprained back.
5 :;o::
May 14, 1917. '
Board met, prosont Sprlngor, - Hor
mlnghauson, Koch and county clerk.
Claims woro allowed as follows:
C. L. Grant, road work Com. Dlst. 2,
Julius Mogcnsun, rofund tax, $8.75.
J. P. Snyder, grading- and dragging
Cotitity Clerk ia hereby instructod
to corroct tax list 101G as to im
provomonts on lots 0 and 7, block
54, from $3060 to $2050. Also iui
provemants on lot 7, block 100, from
$1200 to IfiQQ; also lot S, block 160,
from $2WK to $8000 also improvements
on lot 7, block 128, from $900 to $800;
also part ot NW4 section 20-10-38,
6uxiiu rei irom ssou to fsu.
II. und IT. Kerr, road work Dlst. 3
$24.00. ,
F. B. Marr, house rent county poor
' $7.00. '. ..
G Kmtsenfltsin, hardware, sic.
1 W. K. .Tbitn, dragjrtng roada,
$13.80. ' '
Wm. Ke, work Diat 16, $18.00.
Joseph 'tlflfr, road worft Dlst. 13,
$16.75. .'
R. Conrad, ' labor on typewriter,
$5.50. - ,, -w. .
North- Cemetery Assn., graven
$15.00. V'... - .
jes'se ham, TOS4. ;wrk, mt. 81,
fi.7fc ' ' T-L ,
L. C. C)J, mif work, $16 50. '
DaviU 8ott,-Urid woirk, $3.70.
I. R. UflJfW, sJay county at
torney, $276.00.
P.-R. Halllgan, office" ront, $30.00.
Walter Wilson, dragging roads,
$00.80! .
Frank Hall, work Dlst. 88, $4.00.
R. W. Brown, work Dlst. 28, $82.50.
C. M Brown, road work Dlst. 23,
' Goorge Moyor, road wbrk Dlst. 211,
J. F. Clark, hauling grader, $5.50.
I. Applogato, road work Dlst. 21,
Qeorgo Brlsbln, road work Dlst. 24,
Oilman Dremllt, road work Dlst. 24,
Wllllo Gartroll, road work Diet. 24.
75 cents. , . -.
Harry Gartroll, Toad work Dlat. 24,
$1.50. . . -
Lowls Myers, road work Dlst. 24,
Jesse Millot;, rood work Dlst. 24.
Worth Gammot; road work Dlst. 24,
75 conts.
J. A. Fostor, refund poll tax, $3.00.
A. P. Kolly, 'printing, $21G.00.
Bert Light, road work, Dlst. 25,
Frank Sharp, road work, Dist. 25,
.R. V. Haydoli, road work Dlst. 25.
Ira Light, road work Dlst, 25, $30.00.
Bluford Trusty, part payment work
Dlst. 25, $20.00.
Ed Murphy, part payment rood
work, $75.00.
Sundry persons, road work, Dlst. 5,
Bratt, Goodman & Buckley, Insuiv
ance, $10.00.
Adjourned until May 21," 191V
A. S. ALLUN, County Clork.
You will not know iruo satis
faction in cooking until you
liso a gas stove. Arrange for
your stove now, before the rush,
begins. Vi'o can tlo your work
promptly now.
North Platte Light
& Power Co. .
1780 ARE DRY
,i .
The Whole Connfry
' would be dry if roofed Over wfljl 1
They QJid Water Like A Porpolie
Goates Lumber & Coal Co.
North P!tte, Nebr.,
Mill ,tui, k- inju miviiiI"!
cared In n speech Just recenty in the I pence, n Routers telegrnm from Pe
rclchstng. trogrnd says.
U-hont victims. I Stockholm early In Juno ns "the most
Great Britain reported tho sinking dimgorous of nil tho kaiser's plots for
would Htand behind tho Rod Cross for
tno (juration of tho wnr.
with him In he uses twin-six words to
express onc-cyllndcr Ideas." Life.