The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 18, 1917, Image 6

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Measures for Raising of Military
Forces, as Agreed Upon
by Congress.
Male Citizens, and Those Who Have
Declared Their Intention to Be
come Citizens, of That Age,
Liable to Draft Classes
That Are Excused.
Washington. Tlio selective draft un
der which the new United Status army
will ho mined will ho applied under
the following provisions of the army
"That the enlisted tnen required to
raise und maintain the organizations of
the regular army and to complete anil
maintain the organizations embodying
the members of the National Ouurd
drafted Into the sorvlco of the United
Statos, at the maximum legal strength
as by this act provided, shull be raised
by voluntary enlistment, or If and
whenever the president decides that
they cannot effectually be ik raised or
maintained, then by selective draft;
and nil other forces hereby authorized
shall be raised and maintained by se
lective draft exclusively; but this pro
vision shall not prevent the transfer
to nny force of training cadres from
other forces.
Age Limits Aro Fixed.
".Such draft as herein provided shall
bo based upon liability to military serv
ice of nil male citizens or male persons
not alien enemies who hnvc declared
their Intention to become citizens, be
tween the ages of twenty-one and
thirty years, both Inclusive, and shall
take place and be maintained under
such regulations as the president may
prescribe not Inconsistent with the
terms of this act.
"Quotas for the several states, terri
tories and the District of Columbia, or
subdivisions thereof, shall be deter
mined In proportion to the population
thereof and credit shall be given to
nny state, territory, district, or sub
division thereof for the number of
men who wero In the military service
of the United States as members of
the Nntlonnl Guard on April 1, 1017,
or who have slnco said date entered the
military service of the United States
from nny such stnte, territory, district,
or subdivision, either as members of
tbo regular nrmy or the National
Provides for Military Law.
"All persons drafted Into the serv
Ice of tbo United Stntes and all offi
cers herein provided for shall, from
tho dnto or said draft or acceptance,
bo subject to tbo laws and regulations
governing tho regular army, except as
to promotions, so far as such law's and
regulations nro applicable to persons
whoso permanent retention In tho mili
tary service on tho active or retired
list 1b not contemplated by existing
law, and tbnso drafted shall be re
quired to servo for tho period of tbo
existing emergency unless sooner dis
charged, provided that tho president Is
authorized to raise and maintain by
voluntnry enlistment or draft, as hero
in provided, special and technical
troops, ns be may deem necessary, and
to employ them Into organizations and
to officer them us provided In tbo third
pnrngrnph of section 1 nnd section 0
of this act.
"Organizations of tho forco herein
provided for, except tho regular army,
shnll, as far as tbo Interests of tho
servlco permit, bo composed of men
who come, and of olllcers who nro ap
pointed from, tbo same state or local
ity." No pirson liable to military servlco
will bo permitted to escapo therefrom
by furnishing a substitute or the pay
ment of money, nnd tbo pnyment of
bounties for recruits Is prohibited.
Men Who Are Exempt.
Tho persons who will ho exempted
from military servlco nro thus desig
nated by this provision of tbo bill :
"That tho vlco president of the
United States, tho olllcers, legislative,
executive, and Judicial, of tho United
Stntes and of tbo several states, terri
tories, nnd the District of Columbia,
regular or duly ordained ministers of
religion, students who at tho time of
tho approval of this act aro preparing
for tho ministry In recognized theologi
cal or divinity schools, and all
persons In tho naval service of the
United States shall be exempt from tho
selectlvo draft herein prescribed.
"Nothing In this act contained shall
bo construed to require or compel an
other person to servo In nny of the
forces herein provided for who Is found
to bo n member of nny well-recognlzed
religious sect or organization nt pres.
ont organized and existing and whoso
existing creed or principles forbid Its
members to participate In war In any
form nnd whose religious convictions
nro against war or participation there
in In uccordanco with tho creed or
principles of said religious organiza
tion; but no person so exempted shall
bo exempted from service In any ca
pacity that tho president shall declare
to bo nonenmbatant,
Certain Classes to Be Excused.
"Tho president Ih hereby nuthoilzed
to exclude or discharge from said so
lectlvo draft and from tho draft under
tho second paragraph of section 1 here
of, or to draft for pnrtlal military serv
ice only from thoso llablo to draft as
In this act provided, persons of tho fol
lowing classes; Couoty and municipal
Washington, May 10. opocln!.
Outstanding features of ths unlversnl
service Inw as drafted by the senate
and house conferees.
Ages of Draft, 21 to 30 Inclusive.
Ages of Volunteers, 18 to 40 Inclu
sive. Number subject to draft. .11,000,000
To be Obtained by Draft or Volunteers:
Number to be drawn by se-
lectlve conscription ... .1,000,000 i
In two drafts 500,000 oacll.l
Regular army .'500,000
National Guard 025.000
Special nnd technical troops 70,000
Total strength provided. .. .2,001.000
Term of Service: Period of Emergency.
Federal and slate ofllccrs.
Ministers of religion und theological
Members of religious sects opposed
to wnr.
Liable to Exemption:
County and municipal offlcors.
Customhouse clerks, mall em
ployees. Employees of armories, arsenals and
navy yards.
l'ersons engaged In Industries, In
eluding agriculture.
Those supporting dependents.
The physically and morally deficient.
Method for Draft:
Proclamation by the president for
Immediate registration by those of
draft age.
Selection from register of men for
Dispatch of men drnftcd to nearest
training camp.
Provision for Pay:
Second-class private $25
First-class private .11
First-class private 31
Corporal 7. .'12
Sergeant of tbo lino $30 and 42
Quartermaster and hospital ser
geants 40
First sergeant r0
Safeguards Thrown Around the Army:
Suppression of tho socinl evil.
olllcers, customhouse c?erks, persons
employed by the United States In the
transmission of tho mhlls, artificers
and workmen employed In the
armories, arsenals and navy yards of
the United States, and such other per
sons employed In the svrv'ce of the
United States as the president may
deslgnnte; pilots, mariner.! actually
employed In the sea service of any
citizen or merchant wfth'n tbo United
States; persons engaged In industries,
Including agriculture, found to bo nec
essary to the maintenance of tho
ndlltnry establishment or tho effec
tive operation of tho mllltnry forces
or tho mnlntennnco of national Inter
est during the emergency; those In n
status with respect to penons degend
ont upon them for support which ren
ders their txcluslon or discharge advis
able; and thoso found to lo physically
or morally deficient.
"No exemption or excuslon shall
continue when a causo therrfor no
longer exists: Provided, tbnt notwith
standing tho exemptions enumerated
herein, each state, territory and tho
District of Columbia shall bo, required
to supply Its quota In tho proportion
that Its population bears to tbo total
population of tho United States."
How Exemptions Are Determined.
The mncblnery created for determin
ing of exemptions Is thus described by
tho bill:
"Tho president Is hereby authorized,
In his discretion, to create and estab
lish throughout tho several states nnd
subdivisions thereof and In the terrU
torles nnd tho District of Columbia
local boards, and whore, In his discre
tion, practicable and desirable, there
shall bo created and established one
such board tn each county or similar
subdivision In each state, and one for
approximately each 30,000 of popula
tion in each city of 30,000 population'
or over, according to tho last census
taken or estimates furnished by tbo
bureau of census of tbo department or
commerce. Such boards shall be up
pointed by tho president and shall con
sist of three or more members, nono
of whom shall bo connected with the
military establishment, to bo chosen
from among the local authorities of
such subdivisions or from other citi
zens residing in tho subdivision or area
In which the respectlvo board will
havo Jurisdiction under tbo rules and
regulations prescribed by tho presi
dent. Powers of Exempting Boards.
"Such boards shall have power with
in their respectlvo Jurisdictions to
hear and determine, subject to review
as hereinafter provided, all questions
of exemption under this net, and all
questions of or claims for Including or
discharging Individuals or classes of
Individuals from the selective draft,
which shall bo made under rules and
regulations prescribed by tho presl
dent, except any and every question
or claim for Including or excluding or
discharging persons or classes of per
sons from the selectlvo draft under the
provisions of this act authorizing the
president to exclude or discharge from
the selectlvo draft 'persons engaged In
Industries, Including agriculture, found
to bo necessary to the maintenance of
tho military establishment, or tho ef
fective operation of the military
forces, or tho maintenance of national
Interest during the emergency.'
Additional Boards Provided.
"The president Is hereby authorized
to establish additional bourtlH, one In
each federal Judicial district of the
United States, consisting of such num
ber of citizens, not connected with the
military establishment, us the presi
dent mny determine, who shall bo ap
pointed by the president.
"Such district boards shall review
on'fgpp'eaij and alllrm, modify or re
voljR'ny decision of uny local board
having Jurisdiction In the area in
which uny such district board has Ju
rls(HC(1iTrrunder the rules and regula
tions prescribed by the president. Such
district boards shall have exclusive
original Jurisdiction within their re
spectlvo areas to hear and determine
all questions or claims for Including
or excluding or discharging persons or
classes or persons from the selective
draft, under the provisions of this act,
not Included within the original Juris
diction of such local boards.
"Tbo decisions of such district
hoards shall be Until except that In ac
cordance with such rules and regula
tions as the president may proscribe,
he may alllrm, modify, or reverse uny
such decision."
All persons subject to registration
must have attained their twenty-first
but not their thirty-first birthday, nnd
such persons as fall to register' will be
subject to imprisonment for not more
than one year. Persons temporarily
absent from their legal residence tuny
register by mall under presidential
Provisions for Volunteers.
Tho provisions governing voluntary
enlistment In the regular army and
National Guard follow:
"That the qualifications and condi
tions for voluntary enlistment ns hero
in provided shall bo tho same as those
prescribed by existing law for enlist
ments In the regular army, except that
recruits must bo between the ages of
eighteen and forty, both Inclusive, at
the time of their enlistment, and such
enlistment, and such enlistments, shall
be for tho period of the emergency un
less sooner discharged.
Plan Grouping by States.
"Provided, That all persons enlisted
or drafted tinder any of the provisions
of tills act shall as far as practicable
be grouped into units by states and the
political subdivisions of the same; pro
vided, further, that all persons who
have enlisted slnco April 1, 1017, cither
In tho regular urmy or In the National
Guard, and all persons who havo en
listed In tho National Guard slnco June
3, 1010, upon their application, shall be
discharged upon the termination of
tho existing emergency.
"Tho president may provide for the
discharge of any or nil enlisted men
whoso status with respect to depend'
cuts renders such discharge advisable,
and ho may also authorize the employ
ment on any active duty of retired en
listed men of tho regular army, cltboi
with their rank on the retired list or
In higher enlisted grades, und such re
tired enlisted men shall receive the
full pay and ullowances of the grades
In which they aro actively employed.'
Provision for Increased Pay.
Tho army pay Increases aro set forth
in tho following provisions:
"That all olllcers and enlisted men
of tho forces herein provided for other
than tho regular army shall be In nil
respects on tho same footing as to pay
allowances, and pensions as olllcers
and enllstl'd men of corresponding
grades and length of servlco In tho reg
ular army; and commencing June 1,
1017, and continuing until tho termi
nation of tho emergency, all enlisted
men of tho army of tho United States
In active servlco whose base pay docs
not exceed $24 per month shall receive
an lncreaso of $10 per month; those
whose base pay Is $24, an lncreaso of
$8 per month ; thoso whoso base pay Is
$150, $!I0, or $40, an lncreaso of $0 per
month, nnd thoso whoso base pay Is
$45 or more, an Increase of $5 per
month ; provided that the Increases of
pay herein authorized shall not enter
Into the compilation of continuous
service pny."
President's Powers Broadened.
An entirely new provision of tho bill
as drafted Is:
"That the president is authorized to
Increase or decrease tho. number of or
ganizations prescribed for the typical
brigades, divisions, or army corps of
the regular army, and to prescrlbo such
new and different organizations nnd
personnel for army corps, divisions,
brigades, regiments, battalions, squad
rons, companies, troops, and bntter
I os as tho etllclency of tbo servlco may
requlro; provided further that the
number of organizations In a regiment
shall not bo Increased nor shall the
number of regiments bo decreased,
The president will nlllccr tho regu
lar army and National Gunrd under ex
isting law, and for tho conscript force
he Is empowered:
"To provide tbo necessary olllcers,
lino and staff, for said forco and for
organizations of tbo other forces here
by authorized, or by combining organ
izations of said other forces, by order
ing members of the olllcers' reserve
corps to temporary duty In accordance
with the provisions of section 38 of
the national dofonso net approved Juno
3, 1010; by appointment from the reg
ular urmy, the olllcers' reserve corps,
from thoso duly qualified and regis
tered pursuant to section 2a of the
act of congress approved January 21,
1003 (thirty-second statutes at large,
pa go 775), from tho members of the
National Guard drafted Into tho serv
ice of tho United States who hnvo been
graduated from educational institu
tions at which military Instruction Is
compulsory or from thoso who have
had honorable servlco In tho regular
army, tho National Guard, or tho vol
unteer forces or from tho country nt
large; by assigning retired olllcers of
tbo regular army to active duty with
such forco with tholr rank on tho re
tired list and the full pay and allow
ances of their grade; or by tho appoint
ment of retired olllcers nnd enlisted
men, active or retired, of tho regular
army as commissioned olllcers In such
$1,800,000,000 To Be Raised in
Year by Measure Reported
to House.
Limit on Incomes Reduced to $1,000
for Single Men and $2,000 for Mar
rled Men Taxes for Heirs Are
Increased Tariff Raised
10 Per Cent and Artl
cles on Free List
Are Taxed 10
Per Cent.
Washington. A war revenue bill de
signed to raiso $1,800,000,000 by tax
utlon during tho coming' year was ap
proved ilnully In tho house ways und
means committee Tuesday by uuunl
mous vote and reported to the house
In the meantime the senate finance
commltteo Is holding public hearings
on tho bill, with a view to being ready
to report soon after the house ucts.
To bring the amount to be raised
up to the desired total, tho house com
mittee wroto Into the bill n flut In
crease of 10 per cent in all existing
tnrlff duties nnd 10 per cent duties
on nil articles now ndmitted free, all
estimated to bring in $240,000,000, this
more than doubling the present tariff
In addition it was decided to make
nil Income-tax Increases retroactive,
beginning with tho present cnlendnr
year. Other taxes provided for would
become effective upon the signing of
the bill.
Tho Income-tax lncrenses, applying
to both personnl and corporation In
comes, arc designed to produce $533,
000,000 more tbnn the present Income
tax receipts.
Income and Profits.
Most of the new revenue will come
from the Income, excess profits, nnd
Inheritance taxes and additional tar
iff duties, but tho levies of tho bill
would reach Into many other sources.
Letter mnll rates would bo Incrensed
from two to three cents nn ounce, nnd
postnl cards from one to two cents.
while $10,000,000 would be added to
charges against nowspnpers under a
new system based upon the present
parcel-post zoues.
Internal-revenue taxes unon llouor
and tobacco would be materially In
creased, and there would be taxes on
amusements, nnd stamp taxes of wide
Increase In Supertaxes.
The war Income tax section would
double the present normnl tax of 2
per cent on Individuals and 3 ner cent
on corporations. It would lower the
exemption of Individual Incomes from
$4,000 to $2,000 In the ense of married
persons nnd from $3,000 to $1,000 for
tho unmnrrlcd.
In addition, beginning with incomes
of $5,000, graduated supertaxes would
bo Imposed. In nddltlon to the normal
4 per cent, ranging up to 33 per cent
on all Incomes over $500,000 a yenr.
The surtax schedule follows:
Income. Tax.
From $5,000 to $7,500 1 per cent
From $7,500 to $10,000 2 per cent
From $10,000 to $12,500.... 3 per cent
From $12,500 to $15,000.... 4 per cent
From $15,000 to $20,000.... 5 per cent
From ?20,000 to $40,000.... 6 per cent
From $40,000 to $60,000.... 8 per cent
From $60,000 to $80,000... 11 per cent
From $80,000 to $100,000.. 14 per cent
This tnblo Is based on nn exemption
of $2,000 for heads of families. For
persons unmarried and not bends of
families the exemption is $1,000.
Tftx Tax
Under Under
Original Law Sept.
Income. Law 8. l'Jifi
S 20
( 8,000
6,000 I 10 I 20
10,000 60 120
16.000 110 220
20,000 1G0 320
25,000 200 470
30,000 SCO 620
85,000 400 7T0
40,000 6G0 920
45,000 GS0 1,130
60,000 7C0 1,320
66,000 910 1,620
60,000 1,000 1,720
66,000 1,210 1.970
70,000 1,360 2,220
75.000 1,610 2.470
60.000 1.710 2.720
85.000 1.910 3.020
90,000 5,110 S.S20
96.000 2.310 3,620
100.000 2,610 8,920
110.000 3.010 4,620
125,000 3.7CO 6.670
135,000 4.200 6,370
160,000 6.010 7,420
175,000 6,200 9,420
200.000 7,510 11.420
125,000 8.7C0 13.670
200.000 10.010 15,920
Z75.OO0 11,610 1S.420
800.000 13,010 20.920
850.000 16,010 26.420
400.000 19.010 31.920
450.000 28.010 37,420
600,000 35,010 42,920
650.000 28.610 43,920
600,000 32,010 64.920
660,000 85,510 60,920
700.000 39.010 66.920
750.000 42,510 72.920
800,000 46,010 78.920
850,000 49,610 84,920
900.000 63.010 90.920
960.000., 66,510 96,920
1,000.000 60.010 102.920
1,250,000 77.610 135.420
1,600.001) 95,010 167.920
1.760.000 112.610 202.920
,000.000 130 010 2J7.92U
t.250.000 147.610 275.4M
,500,000 165.010 312,920
t.760.000 182.610 850.420
1.000.000... 200,010, 837,920
24, 220
IN $1,800,000,000 WAR REVENUE BILL
These figures ure those of the homo bill. When the measure goes to the
senate It will be subject to amendment and doubtless in many cases there will
bo revision. The senate finance committee will hold hearings nt which argu
ments and objections may bo presented.
All tariff duties Increase 10 per cent
All articles now admitted free Tax 10 per cent
Letter postage From 2 centa to 3 cento
Postal cards From 1 cent to 2 cents
Excess profits tax From 8 to 16 per cent
Corporation tax From 2 to 4 per cent
Stock exchange trancactlons On each sale future delivery for each
$100, 2 cents; each additional $100 or fraction 2 centa.
Capital stock on each original Issue of $100, 5 cents; on transfers on
each $100 face value 2 cent.
Bonds, debentures, etc., each $100 face value 5 centat
Indemnity bonds, 50 cents; where premium Is In excess of $100
1 per cent of premium charge-
Drafts, checks, notes (and for each renewal or extension not exceeding
$100), 2 cents; for each $100 2 cents-
Deeds, conveying lands or realty, for first $100 to $500, 50 cents; for
each $500 or additional or fraction, 50 cents. f
Proxy (except religious, charitable or literary societies or public ceme
teries) 10 cento
Power of attorney '. 25 cents
Life Insurance policies (except industrial or weekly).... 8 cents on each $100'
Marine, International and fire 1 cent on each $1 of premium
Cacualty policies 1 cent on each $1 of premium
Freight bills : 3 per cent.
Passenger tickets.. 10 per cent on tickets above 25c except initial commutation i
Steamboat tickets for foreign port, up to $10, no tax; from $10 to $30,
$1; from $30 to $60, $3; exceeding $60, $5.
Seats, berths or staterooms, rail and water 10 per cent:
Express rates 10 per cent:
Automobiles and motorcycles 5 per cent on wholesale price
Automobile and bicycle tires .- .- 5 per cent.
Electric power '. 5 per cent on bills
Telephone and telegraph ' 5 per cent on bills
Telephone (long distance) 5 cents on each toll message over 15c
Musical Instruments , 5 per cent on those costing over $10
Talking machines 5 per cent on those costing over $10
Jewelry 5 per cent of selling price
Cosmetics and proprietary medicines 5 per cent on wholesale price
Amusement tickets (theaters, baseball, etc.) except where maximum ad
mission Is 5 cents Tax of 1 cent for each 10 cents charged.
Moving picture film (not exposed), sold by manufacturer or Importer
Yz cent per linear foot:
Moving picture film (ready for projection), sold or leased by manufac
turer, producer or Importer . f.'.;.. 1c per linear foot.
Chewing gum or substitute therefor, imported 5 per cent of selling prlce-
Dlstilled spirits Doubled.
Beer, ale $1.20 for every barrel
Still and sparkling wines and cordials Tax doubled
Grape brandy, product of fruit distilled Tax doubled
Soda fountain and similar sirups, grape Juice, mineral water, ginger ale
and all soft drinks, carbonated water. 2 cents per gallon.
Natural mineral or table water (bottled) ,....10 cents per gallon
Carbonic acid gas 8 cents per pound!
Tabacco tax Doubled!
Cigars Increased from 50 cents to $10 per 1,000'
Cigarettes (light weight) Increase $1.25 per 1,000-
Cigarettes (heavy weight) Increase $3.60 per 1,000'
Cigarette papers 14 cent for each 25 papers.
Tennis rackets, golf clubs, baseball bats, lacrosse sticks, balls of all
kinds, Including baseballs, footballs, tennis, golf, lacrosse, billiard
and pool balls 5 per cent.
Fishing rods, reels and lines 5 per cent.
Billiard and pool tables 5 per cent.
Chess and checkerboards and pieces, dice, games and parts of games. 5 per cent.
Playing cards: Upon every pack (In addition to present tax) 8 cents-
Yachts, pleasure boats, motorboats 5 per cent of price -
Club memberships 10 per cent of dues and membership fecs-
Oll pipe lines 5 per cent on charges
Postal rates (newspaper and magazines)
First zone 2 cents -
Second to third zone , 3 cents-
Fourth or fifth zone 4 cents
Sixth or seventh zone 5 cents.
Eighth zone 8 cents
Religious and educational papers V2 cents a pound
Advertising 5 per cent of total
From $100,000 to $150,000.17 per cent
From $150,000 to $200,000.20 per cent
From $200,000 to $250,000.24 per cent
From $250,000 to $300,000.27 per cent
From $300,000 to $500,000.30 per cent
On all exceeding $500,000.. 33 per cent
The provisions requiring tho normnl
tax of Individuals to be deducted and
withheld at tho source of Income
would not apply to the now normnl
tax prescribed in this bill until after
January 1, 1018, nnd thereafter only to
Incomes exceeding $3,000.
Tax on Inheritance.
In addition to the inheritance tax
now in force, tho bill imposes n tax
equal to tho following percentages of
Its value upon tho transfer of each
net estate:
$50,000 , One-half of 1 per cent
$50,000 to $150,000 1 percent
$150,000 to $250,000 V2 percent
$250,000 to $450,000 2 per cent
$450,000 to $1,000,000 22 percent
$1,000,000 to $2,000,000 3 per cent
$2,000,000 to $3,000,000.... 32 percent
$3,000,000 to $4,000,000 4 per cent
$4,000,000 to $5,000,000.... 4Ja percent
$5,000,000 to $8,000,000 5 per cent
$8,000,000 to $11,000,000 7 per cent
$11,000,000 to $15,000,000... 10 per cent
$15,000,000 and over 15 per cent
The exemption Is lowered from $50,
000 to $25,000 and a new tax of 1 per
cent levied on estates between $25,000
and $50,000.
The bill proposes to bring In $200,
000,000 by doubling the present 8 per
cent tax on excess profits.
On distilled spirits the present tax
of $1.10 per gallon Is doubled; to the
rectifiers' tax 15 cents a gallon Is
added, and fermented liquors nro as
sessed $2.75 per barrel instend of $1.50.
Tobacco Tax Doubted.
Tho tobacco tax Is doubled, except
as to cigars, which nro graduated
from 50 cents to $10 a thousand, ac
cording to retail value. Cigarettes,
mado In or Imported Into the United
States, would bo taxed an additional
$1.23 per 1,000 If weighing less than
three pounds per 1,000, nnd $3.G0 per
1,000 if more than three pounds.
Newspapers would be required to
pay 5 per cent on all advertising col
lections. Tho second-class postage section
"After June 1 next the zone system .
nppllcablo to parcel post shall apply
to second-class mnll matter, with rates -of
postago two cents n pound or frac
tion when for delivery within the first
or second zones, four cents within
fourth or fifth, five cents within sixth
or seventh, nnd six cents for delivery
within the eighth zone.
"It is provided, however, thnt post
nge on dally newspapers when depos
ited in n letter carrier office for dellv- '
cry by Its carriers shall bo tho same ns
at present; copies now entitled to freo
circulation In the malls within tho
county of publication shall retain that
privilege, and tho postmaster general
may require publishers to separate for -zones
In mailing.
"Newspapers mailed to subscribers
from on olllco other than that of pub
lication shall pay the same rate us
If mailed from Its office.
"Religious, educational, agricultural,
labor or fraternal publications, Issued
without profit, shall pay W cents per
pound Irrespective of zones."
Theaters and Clubs.
m. t. la ffltlt fft!
OVLIIO limilKL'lIIL'lll IU 'O .-
eiicu tun tenia ....
ireo excujii uuim-mi
where tbo maximum ennrgo iur uuo
inn I nvo cents or where the proceed
admitted to nro for rellg?
lous or charitable purposes aro oxeinpM?
rinhs would bo taxed 10 per cent otj?
dues or membership fees (except In
itlatlon fees), tho members Indlvidu-v
nlly to pay tho tax. This Is effective
Juno 1, and tho club receiving tho
payments or fees Is required to col.
lect tho tax from the person b ad t
mltted und makn the returns.