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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1917)
They tell their friends about us It happens frequently that patrons tcl our optometrist we were recommended to thorn by a friend. That is advertising we nre extremely proud of. It is a tribute to the scientific caro, pro fessional attention and personal in terest given to each individual who entrusts the care of the eyes to us proof of complete satisfaction with both service ond glasses. It shows in a way gratifying to us, that our efforts to he in the lead in optical progress arc appreciated by the people of North Platte and vicinity. 41 CLINTON, Graduate Optician, At tho Sign of tho Big King. JIETIIQUIOT gijUMUIJtt'ILIgBE, . nmCATKI NKXT SUNDAY Tho dedlca(3rjf .gorvlcos of tho Meth odist church, postponed from April twoiity-Hocond, will bo hold next Sun day. Tho program will bo as follows: Morning worship 10:30 Voluntary w. P. Sudds Hymn No. GGG Apostles' Creed Prayer f inthe:n Tho Prayer of tho Wanderer .Psalter Heading Gloria Announcements Offertory Duet I will Lift Up Mine Eyos Fear is Misses Movoy ana mnman Sermon . ...Bishop Homer C. Stuntz Dedicatory Sorvico Hymn No. GG1 Postlude Chas. F. Mutter Epworth League 7 p. nt. Music Gleo Club Address Dlshop Stuntz Solo Miss Cnrroll Derryborry Evening Worship 8 p. in. Orchestra Concert . Hymn No. 57. Avitihom 'iAs a Father Leads His Chlldron Wll3on Offortoriy Solo "Tliou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace." Miss Dorothy Hinmnn Hymn No. G47 Sermon Dlshop Homer C. Stuntz Hymn No. 180 9. .MS. .MIssDoiiothyv. .M Postludo Battman EVENTS IN SOCIETY CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Archdeacon Bowkor loft yestorday afternoon for Kcarnoy and Grand Island. Mrs. Stovo Baldwin loft yesterday afternoon for Omaha to vlBit relatives for threo weeks. Dr. Morrill, Dontlst Mr. and Mrs. F. Thompson liavo re turned from a short visit "wUth their son in Chappoll. Miss Morlo Thornburg who had boon visiting hor mothoi left for Kearney yostorday afternoon. Attornoys J. J. nnd P. H. Ilulllgon and J. G. Boolor attondod a banquot In Ogftlnlln, Tuesday ovenlng Soo Julius Mogonson for nil kinds of P. &0. farm lmplcmonts and wng ons. 34 tf Twonty-flvo Indies were pleansnntly cntortaincd Wednesday night at the Attomoy James Koofo and J. B McDonald and T. C. Pattorson lcavo today for Chicago on business. Tho. Indian card club "n'lll bo ontor talnod Wodnosdny aftonioon of noxt wook by Miss Louisa Ottonsteln, Tho Junior class of tho high school will hold an oxchango at tho Dorry borry & Forboa storo tomorrow. Havo E. M. F. car for Balo or trado, In good condition. What hnvo you? AddroB8'41G So Walnut, phono 870. Mrs. CJ. F. Adams loft nt noon yos terday for Logan, la., nnd Omaha to Bpend Bovernl wooks with rolatlvos. "Llfo Shadow!" with William Nigh and Ireno Hnwloy, will bo tho Motro fonturo at tho Crystal Monday night. Mi's. Frank Baldwin, of Callaway, fomorly of this city, who visited hor parents last wook, has roturnod homo. T. C. Patterson spent yestorday In Columbus attending tho annual on- enmpmont of tho Qrand Army of tho iiopumic. Thurston and Shorwood Woodhurst will loavo Sunday ovenlng for Omaha whoro tho Inttor will tako troatmout for his eyes. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frost, of Port land, arrived horo yostorday afternoon tdJslt with Mrs. II. S. Whlto while. cnrpuio to cities or Wisconsin. ' If you havo dollar oyos, uso dollar rIobsos but choap glassos tako y mbuoy, nnd often, your eyesight Harry Dixon & Son, Optomotrlsts. c 111. ... . . t", .......... I vihui luiiiuu uuuuuauu) uihiii. "I. LUU 2r. , LN'iLr"l ? 2!S homo of Mrst M. C. Hayes in honor ' l" " of Mrs. Edward Fisher of Green ...B..u Rlyor I Tt. .. ! A . . .1 1IF i I m 8 uuiuock ruiurncu yeu- Mrg ThomaB n0aloy and Mrs. Jesso nosdny evening from Paxton where EdWttrds ;wlu entertain tho member miu u.ruo uuyH wuu irjunus. of tno M M M club and thelr hu W. J. Tlley and a "party of Yeoman bands at tho homo of tho fonnor this wont to .Mooxoflold Inst evening to at- ovoning, a i I i a. I ..m At - r I ui m u hih cmi luwniiig oi uio i euiiitui I Mrs B w jIann entertained tho lOdgO. Al rciltn rnnl Huh Wmlnnailnv nflnmnnn. Miss Vlrclna Thompson., xf Tryon, In nddltlon to tho club mombors camo yestorday morning to visit with guestB presont wero Mesdames Harry hor sister MIbs Tholma Thompson for Guthorlcss, P. 11. Lonorgan, James n weok. Beckman, Carl Bonner, A. W. Brown ,. . i. ... .. , . and I. E. Stcbblns. TlilrtV-'flvo local Yoomnn attended a mooting of tho Horshoy lodge Wednos- Mombors of tlio Travel and Study day ovenlng nt which twenty cnndl- ciut ontortaineu relatives anu menus datos swtorevtakon Into niomborship. at tho homo of Dr. and Mre. "Jr-ST Thouuh ho has not boon officially Strains Tuesday ovoning. A picnic "advised, 'Captain Halllgan, of Co. E, lunch wnB served In the basement, IB Ul UIU UlllIUUU UlUl lllOrillll iNOOraa- uviuu "iv,v.i,r iwm iJuiiiuiiuiuj ka villi bo called Into sorvico within decorated for tho occasion, and fol- tho noxt wook. lowing theso refreshments tho evening ... . , , was spent in oponlng a enso of fresh stories and present ng charades. in our ionso grinding dartmont ' HAILROAD NOTES tf It urauuaio upiomotrisis. Hrnlcoman John State linn boon off Hanry Folchort, who was up from duty for, a w on account of a Modiclno precinct yoBtorday, flayB farmors aro putting in an immonBo Percy Wngnor, an employe of tho acrengo of corn, and thai thoy aro woll I car department sustained a crushed along wttlulho work. Mr. Folchort hand whilo at work in tho varda Wed-h f i- ' has 2,000" biiBhols of last year's corn ncsday. on hand which ho oxppcta to soon ::o::- k4 solli .." ' - rrnler 1)111 Vpcn Drugstore ;JjiVi . . , "'. , ' fThb corner room In Uio Keith bulkf- onoriii oausuury roiurneu yosieniay i,, r?-n,it n,i n,,, i i,i aftornoon with Andrew Potior, who oratcd preparatory to occupancy by mm arrosicu msi weoa n ynonuana, Qoorgo Frator, who will ripen a drug conml coTn , ho thSft of 0101 sU)r thoro,n- Mr; 7 ab0Ut LT UNION PACIFIC EMPLOYES compiico in ino inoit or doming irom ,nonths ago concluded to ongago In ,n IMIV T ,..,.. tho North Plntto Laundry recontly. Ho (i, .inm i,ninP(.B nn,i nrtmn nn,i v LIBhllll . I..-., .1 I.. 11 1.. I. ' "- - ....... I wiin in iiiui(jmi in iiiu Lumiiy uuiui jus- A TESTIMONIAL Gothenburg, Neb., July 2, 1916 J. V. Romigh, Dodge Dealer. Dear Sir: v ' I am glad that you made me buy a Dodge car. Yours truly, ' ' J. L Name on application. i 1 f'-i Give me a chance to make you glad. J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer and Service for Dodge Brothers' Cars. 107 'W. 6th St. North Platte, Neb. iU .Jilt BONDS tvna 1 i i i torday nftornoon and bound over to tho nK0 an,i WU1 bo horo rendy for the Tno 41'000 omPloy3 of UJ Hn,0.n district court. "5 ..." J:1" " ... -1 m Pacific System aro to bo wolded into A house cat is petted and pampered L? .V-0!1"- SlSlS " Tho UonlwuoC a "Man's Woman; ? M iV ' "Z! This fncUwas made known today loaiuring liitnoi uiayton at tno urystai " "v., 0 In a statement given out uy president oiuurmiy uiiurnoou ami iiigin, was poi- ... .' .il, K. univin, wno ai mo samo umo tod and pampered by hor husband but ll:,t?.r' i',,,, S announced that tho Union Pacific was loft without any ronl authority i;"7" had In its official capacity al or any real .purpoaq In llfo outside Kr'toVnn, " m ,.m wdy subscribed for $5,000,000 of the or (iroBBing won and looking pretty, " "i . J 3 Dor cont Liberty loan Issue. But alio Wouldn't sumlt to this Bltun- Tho program for welding tho army Hon. Soo what happonod whon sho i,ri" c i,u..u of tho Union Pacific omployos into a found n way of holnlng hor husband ,,.v"'' ""V "i"1'" . . forco to sunnort tho Liberty loan Is nnd took It. " ",ff. U"B ""5 contained In a personal appeal Issued A smmdrnn of A,nr.,nn ,nrt,n,i K'"' ,3 " , "' by Robert S. Lovett, chairman of the bout .loBtrnvnra hna nfnlv 'nrn.aiw tl.n nil lft Aia .. n u., UOam OI directors-Ol 1110 Union racim tho .llnfl " " vtuDouu wiu llllliuil B11I.O. Jiav u IIIIO IIHU III r UUU- ,,., ,.,i,ii, ,.,,i lJifa)ilnnt Pnl ""I Atlantic and Is patrolling tho seas In tain Pons, handsome North Plntto and " l ?xn" Tm of a telecram Xriwr Bonrlco. Tho American navy's nc- High School Ponnants, and of course ff0 '"fi fapap fs ; the ltt- tual entry Into tho war zono nlroady ono of our Vlctrolas would make an ; nn! ri Z L n ? !?' 1 ?,' ; has been productive of a brush be- appreciated and last gift to n Brad- fiit ,, 0 ram twoon a ddatroyor and a Gorman un- unto. Wo lmvn vir.trninti in nrinn 1 aci,lc .88lom purcnaso in ini otl"tho Homo MIoBlonary Socloty to bo dorwbtor boat, according to an an- fiiom 15 to $250, and havo on hand l0 ,",,' 1 ,0M,n nnmnnt of M nn? hold tmlny. Mrs. 13. W. Ctnno will ron- nouncomont by tho British admlrnllty, a vory argo lino of rocords. '"n. I1 ,8,,J inTl,rv : : comnanv will later deduct from tho Tho Lutheran ladles will havo a bus iness meeting at tho parish houso Fri day afternoon, May 18, at 3 o'clock sharp. All tho ladles aro asked to at tend this meeting. Wheat mado a heavy drop Tuesday, but recovered somewhat yesterday and No. 2 sold In Omaha yestorday at $2.80. Corn sold at $1.G4 nnd the bulk of tho hogs at $15.G0. mm si D Cramor, public. ! W. T. JUDY & SONS Second Pure Bred Stock Sale of 1917 pKearney, Neb., May 24th, 1917, I AT 0UH SALES UAHN AM PAVII.LION TWO MILES EAST OP U. & 31. ANU 1'. P. DEPOTS S1UK lll'UElNUTON ItAILUOAU i'"-I TI.'AdiN, COXSISTINfl OF Stallions of the Draft Breeds. a emm i:i,y iun:u lot op Fifty Duroc Jersey and Poland China Sows BUHI) TO.OUll KXTISLIiKXT HElllt UOAUS. S0MK OlKHtii; SOWS ANU UILTS A9I0NA THKSi: ANIMALS. A GOOD LOT OF CATTLF., ALL DOUHLK STANUAHU POLLIIU DUUIIAM. Twenty-four Bulls A tiOOU USKFUL LOT. , TIiIh Kijtrk Ik In exniUoiil brevdlnir coitdillon and (hey Nlioulil proo Itroillivblp to the purchaser. Do not fall to attend this sale. Comn early uts It Ih n Surge Mile mid wo should start tho salo nt 12:!10. l'nrllvs from distance u 111 iliul viitertnliinieiit nt tho U. P. Hotel. Scud for CulnloKuo to IV. T, Judy. W. T. JUDY & SONS. COLONF.! JOK SHAVUIt, AUCTlONGKlt. Withdraw Troops from East. wnco nnvmont cortnin monihlv sums Tho demoralization of tho Russian to ho nereoil unnn .until thn nmount iirmy aim uio cimaetiuoni wiumrawai of tho subscription Is comploted. in uurnuui lurcus irom ino casiorn Omalin Beo. rront aro having their ofiect in France. Tho heavy ro-lnforcomont of mon ami guns, wuicn now luarsiiai von HIndonburg ban boon ablo to throw : :o: : Holcoinbc-ltedbiirn Wedding A nrottv homo wedding took place Wito tho dofonso of his soroly battorcil "Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock when linos lmvo, for tho tlmo bolng at least. James uuiumru. ui tuu,UM, nniltm.l n lnn.11nr.1r ,,.1,11. II, ,., !in(l MISS l'J(lltll IIOICOIIIUO Ol BUVUf furious off ects of tho British ami Creole, wour., wero nmrricu t uiu French havo failed to break. homo Of Mr. ami Mrs. J. u. uoxuwn oi Tho soldiers In tho Russian ranks this city. Miss muoi iyor oi wiramio, nvi.innHv i.nv im in Wvo.. uluycd tho Avoddlng mnrcii as nml U rnmnlna n l.n onn,. If limn. tllO VOUllK llOOnlO Olltored UlO rOOlll, " V Vlllt( l WU V. V 1 1 t. IUUIUI. w - ii Is tv hand strong enough to chock nnao uPn 1,10 a,rm Ul ",ul "u"ul thorn from bringing about practical who gavo hor away In inarrlago. Tho anarchy. words of tho anclont form including ;o; ; ino ring coroiuoiiy wore iiiuuuuuw I . 1 f TT..11 .. n 1 n u n. 41. n 1..,.. I...... ii.,.. mi...... UV 11UV. i. U. UUU. 1IUOIUI Ul iuu Jiu.iniiiiin 1 linn liiiuilKll. l r .. , A 1 ..!..! 1 ... I i unmiHi unuicu. i. IIIIIIIUKIU Ul iVIIHBIIIII IUUII, WUlIIUni ,T.i. l.l.l .. .l I., r. f nml olillilrii .!.! waat nt f.nnn U'l. " " " " ..ww.. v.. J,,... .,,, ...III..,,. I., (, tv I . P.nnrir. nUIIIU liunoj 1111,., i,..wi,. nu.. .u.0 nosdny onroute to their nntlvo land They woro from Now York nnd go to otto ovordreas. wonrlng tho bridal voll and held a bouquet of lllllea of tho Snn Frauclico thonco by boat to Japan. ' " "' w " " "t a Vlalntv crogslng over to Manchuria, thence to .M. .?," J fal?, dining room decorated with sweet peiiB nnd lllllos of tho valley. Vladivostok, thonco by to 1 1 to Potro- grad. Tho trn will consuino sixty l days. FOR YOUR AUTO 8F.RYICR Call 135 for Taxi day or night. Out-of-town cuoet8 Includod Mrs Robblns of Larnmlo, Wyo., Miss Ethel Evor of Larnmlo. Mr. and Mrs. M. N Holcoinho or Sliver urooK, Nour., anu Also tlvo or Hovon passongor cir for Ml88 northa Murphy of Brady, Nobr. lunoral Borvlco. Tho ,,rI,ln n,,,i eroom nrft i,0th crnd- uatoa of tho University of Wyoming MOOHNSBN-LOUDEN AUTO CO , uiinnuior k. lilcnr Agoncy. Comer Eighth and Locust Sts, ALFALFA SEED CARLOAD LOTS OR LESS. "Boforo tho War" Prlcos. NobniBkn and Montana grown, UXTHA FANCY QUALITY. Buy NOW nud Bavo monoy. Write ftt 1)om() for anmplos mid prices. Patterson & Company. KEARNEY, NEBRASKA. whoro thoy bocfimo acquainted. Tho brldos imrontB Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Holcombo aro old settlers of Maxwell, lator runchors of Wyoming and now of Sllvor Crook, Nobr. Tho brldo Is woll knovn nnd popular In North Platto, having roaldod horo with hor sister Mrs. JnmoH loudon. Tho groom was Instructor at tho university of Wyom Ing until ho roslgnod to nccopt otn'ploy- mont with tho Union rncliic. Tho young pooplo loft on a midnight trnln for Cheyonno whoro thoy will bo on?t you think it is rather foolish to have your valuable papers scattered in a number of places where there is a possibility of their being lost or destroyed when you can rent a safety deposit box in our new safety deposit vault for just One Dollar a Year. First National Bank of North Platte NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. For Salo Sovon room houso. all modern, In GOO block on cast Third. Half cash, balanco on tlmo Inqulro of Isaac Deals. 2C-tt Lumber & Coal Co. AD Kinds Building Material Everything New. Phone 20 1 Block East Freight House