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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1917)
If tT UU J,.-BXItE, Editor nnd i'ablliher. SUBSCRIPTION RATIOS; One Year lij Mnll iu Athnnce, . .1.2.' (die Year bj Carrier In A(1tuuc. Butored at North I'latto, Nebraska, I'OBtofllco an Hecona Ulaas Matter. FJtlDAY, MAY 18, 1017. JOIN TlIK JtKl CROSS GKT ItKADV TO HEM' Tho nrodldont has iwkod for one inilllon troops to bu taken from our homos and tho bomo of our menus. W aro on tho threshold of a gtoat and dovuBtatlng wbrld's war, und wo onnnot forMeo what HacrlllceH we may be called upon to muko or what duties porrorni. Wo uo Know uuu today It Is tho duty of evory Ainor lcan to servo to tho boat of his or her ability our country In whoutever way It noods us, and wo tun host aorvo by doing now tho most urgent thing. Tho American Red Ciobh, that most perfect organization of mercy the world has over known, is In Immediate need of funds to put It on a wUr basis. As roudoio of Tho Trlbuno know, a dhnptor of tho Rod Cross has been or ganized in Lincoln County -with head quarters ut North 1'lutlo and It will open a campaign for members within a few days. Tho publicity commltteo takes ud vantago of the kind olfor of Tho Trl buno to use Its columns iu making an appoul to evory member of tho community to holp by being ready when tho commltteo calls. Tho mem bership feo is ono dollar. Do a fraction of your "hit" by handing tho coin-j nllttoo your dollar before thoy luivo tlmo to ask for it. I Auxiliary chapters will soon bo or ganized In othor Lincoln county towns Unit ovoryono may llnd tho opportun ity to help our country In this tlmo of nood. When our membership cam paign Is woll launched wo will bogln tho other uctlvltlos that aro a part of of local Red Cross work. Evoryono can holp In tho surgical dressings or on tho comfort bats that aro so high ly approclatod by tho soldier boys. Wo will toll you what wo need to put In tho bags In tho noxt lssuo of Tho Trlbuno. Hut this for tho presont savo small piccoM of protty ginghams to inhko tho bags of, thoy aro 10x13 lnchos. And hiivo too, old muslin, have It thoroughly washed and woll I Jronod and wo vs'lll toll you later whoro' to Bond It. I Out (branch of Rod Cross work! that many will avail thomsolvos of Is tho classes in "first aid" that tho physicians on tho staff of tho North I'latto Qonoral hospital havo gener ously offorod to conduct for us. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE. MIHRASKA TItOOi'S AMOSft FIRST IX OVJMlSOhARMY Thff Llncpln correspondent or tho Omaha Hoe writing Undor date of Wed nesday says: Tho Nobraska National Guard will without doubt form a part of tho first expedition to be sont to Europo. Thoro Is ntfch close censor ship at stato headquarters of tho guard that nearly everything of a military nature Is kopt secret, but this much Information has boon made public. Tho Nobraska troops may bo sont to southern camps to got roady and from thoro bo sent to tho front. In order that tho Nebraska guard may bo rocrultod up t war strength and thus bo able to take advantago of tlie opportunity to got In action oarly, it will bo necossary to recruit up tho presont guard to -1,152 men. Whon complctod tho regiments will composo 2,002 men oach, tho field hospital sovonty-clght mon and the Signal Corps sovonty five mon. Tha puluM at proiont comprfsos ovor 3,000. General Hall today issued the fol lowing Htatomont: "Tho National Guard will undoubt edly form a part of the first expedi tion to tho European theater of war undor tho prosont proposed plans, but In order to placo that organization In roodlnosB IU vlll frcquiro Intensivo training and Immediate roortiltmont to war strength, which Is 1C0 mon per company. "If for any ronson thoro should not bo onough volunteer enlistments In tho National Guard to bring It to tho prescribed strength, n sufficient num ber of tho unorganized militia (or mon not In tho sorvlco) between the ages of 18 and 45 should bo drafted to mako up this deficiency. "Tho prosont duty of tho National Guard In guarding tho public high ways, etc., will soon como to a close and tho storn roallty of equipping, or ganizing and seasoning that organi zation will commonco. :ro:: Lutheran Announcements 9:45 Sunday school service. 11 rclck Morning Worship. Sor- WAR NOTHS In discussing tho German submarluo Awirfaro.Sonator McCutnbor said In tho iionate, "Wo aro gradually wakonlng up to tho truth that tho Gorman sub marines aro destroying moro tonnago in a month than all tho shipyards' In tho world woro able to construct In 191C, and thoro Is dangor of our alllos starving boforo an American army can reach tho tronchos." Tho largost war budgot In tho Na tion's history is now being diacuusod in congress. It calls for throo nnd a thtrtl billion dollars. l-'our hundred millions of this will bo used for build ing tho now American Hoot. Chairman Swnnson, of tho naval commltteo says tho naval oxports havo found no BUltnblo protection against tho suhmnrlno, but that their In vestigations aro bolng contlnuod. Though tho GormaiiH havo siifforod tho loss pf a number of submarines, an AniBtdrdnm cablo says that thoy still -have 325 In actlvo sorvlco. ' Aotivo training of tho 2,500 candi dates for officers bogan at Ft. Snolling TuofKlny. T1iob0 mon camo from Minn esota, Iowa, tho two Dakotas and No braska. At tho end of tho flvo wooks those student office will bo classi fied as to tho branch of tho sorvlco thoy aro to outer. mon subject, Paul's Post Asconsion I'rayer. 1 p. m. Youmg Pcoplo's MIss'y. 7 p. m. Luthor Leaguo Sorvlco. No ovonlng sorvlco of worship. All aro askod to attond thn nmli tory Sorvlco at tho Methodist church III 8 O CIOCIC. 'mis is "Joholda Chost" day. Lot thero bo a largo offorlng to tho build- in; lunu. i noso who would bring an of jwwiik m uiu ovuningio tins causo Kiuuiy solid it in tho morning. Tho monthly brothorhood mooting on Monday ovonlng with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hrotzor, 707 West Ninth St. Lot thoro be a largo turn out to this mooting. No Mere Cniiiicd Heans. Washington, Amorlcnn consuniors will havo to deny thomsolvos canned bonus and cannod soups for a tlmo. Tho War Can coinmlttoo, comprising tin plato makers, can manufacturers, caunors and government officials have uiimmncoa mat tho shortogo of un inaKos it imporntlvo that cans bo Huppllcd only to packers of perishable foods. -: :o: : Mrs. Ralph Chamborlaln loft this Jnornlng for Suthorland. I Tho Athenian Oath. "Wo will novar bring dlsgrnco to this our city by any act of cowardice or dishonesty. Wo will light for tho Ideals and sacred things of tho city. Wo will rovoro nnd oboy tho city's law, and do our best to inclto a llko respect and rovoronco In othors. AVo will strlvo unceasingly to qulckon tho public s sense of duty. Wo will trans mit this city to thoso who 901110 aftor us, greator, bottor and moro boautl ful than It was transmitted to us." This oath, which was used In ancient Groeco, Is Junt ns good now, and Just as good outstdo of "Tho Modorn Athons." Tho Mayor of Doston nsked all school boys and girls of that city to loam tho "oath" by heart. 1 i ; - Dr. Mario Amos wont to Sldnoy this morning. : ;o: Renl Kstnto and Insurance. Como and seo us for town lots in dlfforont parts of the city. Good in vostmontf, on easy terms. IIousos for salo and rent. Wo havo also good bar gains In farms and ranches. F. J. MKNEIt & CO., Cor. Front and Dawoy Sts-. upstairs. Well Help Conserve Your Resources A check acount at (bis bank will as. wist you In hiulug 1111 accurate know ledge of your ilunnclal affairs at all (lines. Tills Is especially helpful at ibis tlmo In mincing uiiiirroKHiiry ex penditures and Iu conserving your re-soun-os for the ieallh of the Nation today Is measured by the sum total of tho iiiiioiiutH you and every other American citizen naves from his earn-lugs. Platte Valley State Bank North Platte, Nebraska. (Jetting Floats In Shape. I Though 'still ioak front his rooont operation, Secretary Moonoy, of the 'senil-contennlal colobratlon, Is able to Ifearound and direct tho work of assembling tho floats, to bo used In tho pnflfdo. Tho maIe?Ial-for. the floats, much of which was mado "in Omaha under tho direction "of Renz.l tho Ak-Sar-Don float doslgnor, has I boon received and ila bolng put to j gothor at tho Harrington liny barn on nnnt TTVnnt n lillltillnrr iirnll aitltswl fnn I for tho purpose. Threo mon and throe girls aro engaged In this work, and will comploto tho floats oarly In Juno. : :o: : Harry Porter has fully comploted tho interior of his now bottling works, placed tho oporatlng machinery tho early part of this wook and bogan turning out his products Wcdnosdny Ho has a vory commodious building, antllt os'poclnlly for his needs and is splendidly equipped with machinery Horbort Hrott who was on a parole from Englosldo wlas brought here Wodnosdny morning and will bo tnkon back to the aslyum on complaint of A. J. Howard and R. D. Miller who llvo twenty miles south and stated that Hrott hod sot fire to. three of their hay stacks. Ho Is about sixty yoars of ago. A. J. Karrlgan, of tho Elovator Co., of Wallace, sprained his back Tues day wthllo loading nine hundred pounds of salt. Ho was brought to a local hospital for treatment. Mrs. John Connott and daughter Mrs. Edith Qualloy returned to Her shoy Tuesday evening after visiting hero for sevoral days. "How to look yonr Rest." demon- siraicu 111 ine routes Hcauty Parlor. Mrs. Craln and son of Spokane, camo a few days rgo to vIbR Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Loonils nnd attend the Craln-Rasmusson wedding. Wanted Young man to drive dollv ory car and do small ropalr work. A steady Job for tho right man. North Platte Light & Powor Co. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schlouter have rented npattmonts In tho Ilnwloy res ldonco on wost Fifth street and. will move thoro this week. Edward Hudson has roturned from Gothenburg nnd resumed work as brlcklnyor on tho Twlnom building. (Miss Amolla Bromor camo Tuosday ovonlng to visit hor sister Mrs. Fayo Dlnns for a fortnight or longor. Mrs M. II. Johnston nnd daughter Margarot rcturnod Tuosday ovonlng from a vlstl In onstorn points. Valnska Surratt In tho Fox foaturo, "Tho Now York Peacock," at tho Cry stal tonight. "Zaay Judgments. "Solomon was a wlso man." "Oh, ho had It easy. Thoro wero 110 technicalities In his day, nor did ,he havo to decide cases with tho alienists evenly divided." Exchange. Mrs. Herman Scliloulor loft yostor day morning, for Grand Island to visit hor parents. "I am awful anxiouT'to lo some thing for my country," said Council man Day, "but I am at a loss. to know what I can do to help tho cause," and tho next day somo friend sent him a' ball of yarn and a knitting needle. Tho class of 1917 hold an enjoyable picnic nt the Payne ranch noar Blg noll Wednesday. work on Two boys want Phono Black 468 farm. 35-4 Miss Joan Chambers loft tho lattor part of last woek for Los Angolos to rosldo In tho future Thomas Potersort, of Blgnoll, camo' horo "Wednesday to tako treatment at tho Nurso Ilxown Hospital. Dr. Brock, Dentist.Vver Stone Drug Store Miss Molllo Colo, who, submitted to on operation ot tho Nurso Brown hospital Wednesday, is improving. When Ho Got tho Hint. "What started you thinking about mnrrlngo all at once?" "She wouldn't let 1110 buy her a box of candy said 1 would need tho money." Houston Post. flomanco and Fiction. When 11 very rich man marries a very poor girl, that's romance. When n very rich girl marries it very poor. man. that's (lotion. -Galveston -News. .Meet trouble like a man and cheer fully endure what you can't cure. -: :o: :- Notice Notlcb Is horoby glvon that tho Board of County Commissioners will soli tho. old wooden brldgo across tho North Platto rlvor north of Suther land on Saturday, tho 2Gth day of May, 1917, at 10 o'clock Mountain tlmo. Said brldgo to bo sold by tho span as It stands and for cash only. A S. AT.TTCV 30-S THE NORTH PLATTE FLORAL CO., ELLIS & MERSCI1EID Phono 1023 12th and Curtis Stroots. HEALTHY GROWN PLANTS Tomatoes, Cabbago, Poppers, Egg Plants, from 10c por dozon and up. FLOWERS AND S1IRUI1S Pcrenlals mid Dahlias. Cut Flowers and Floral Designs. J. F, JENSEN, EYE SPECIALIST AND REGISTERED OPTICIAN from Lincoln, Nobr., has Just received his Ophthalmometer (a $100.00 Instru ment for testing eyes) which was ehln- pod about 0110 month ago but on ac count of somo mlstnko it was dolaycd and Just camo tho othor day. Ho baa had long oxporlonco In tho optical business, having wbrkod nt this trade In Colorado, Missouri and Nebraska. His offlco is In tho Eyo rooming houso acrosB from tho dopot whoro tho Y M. C. A. used to bo. Tho patronage of tno public Is Invited. Prices reason ANNOUNCEMENT I am now located in Suite 5-6-7 Building and.Loan Build ing, across the street east of the Postoffice. I have had seven years experience in the practice of Chiropractic in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. If-you are sick and have tried everything else without Re sults, Try Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments and Get Well. Consultation and Spinal Analysis FREE. DR. LYLE D. SMITH, CHIROPRACTOR. NOW PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, EVERYWHERE farmers are replacing slow, costly horses with Smith Form-a-Trucks. You are adopting modern machinery on your farm. Why not adopt modern hauling methods? Does Work of 4 Horses Smith Form-a-Truck costs noth ing while idle. The minute the engine stops your cost stops. And One Smith Form-a-Truck does p as mucn as norses. 1 ruck costs not one nenn v mora Hi an a good team and harness only$350 Smith Form-a-Truck on the farm will do any work horses can do will go any place horses can go. Save This Government figures say it cost $441 a year to feed and stable four horses. Veterinary medicines- extra men bedding all cost extra. Smith Form-a-Truck costs you only $140 a year. Government figures also show four horses eat the crop of 20 acres. Get a Smith Form-a-Truck and save 20 acres. 8c Ton Mile 6000 to 8,000 miles per set of tires 12 to 18 miles per gallon of gasoline 12 to 15 miles per hour under full load repair expense practically nothing. Now Made for 6 Cars SP ' T,ruck attachment combined with a Ford, Maxwell, Buick Dodge Brothers, Chevrolet or Overland chassis makes a powerful, economical, fully guaranteed one-ton truck. Sell 4 of Your Horses 1 Conyjble Farm Body Use the horses for plowing, seeding -.ver and get any one of eight and harvesting. Don't delav farm wnrfc c ombinations of farm bodies srnph-mMr by usinghorses for hauling. Your Smith bodyTnaX rack basket rack-hog rack Hat rack, scoop board down. Change m n? tvPe f9 another in an instant. I'orm-a-1 ruck will carry your manure hay fertilizer and everything else. Costs Nothing While Idle Horses devour profits in feed whether they work or not. And without a single tool whS1 i" ,et"? showyou morereasons why you should have Smith Form-a- H lruck on your farm. NORTH PLATTE TRUCK CO., 1 GEORGE CARMAN, Manner. North Pl.tte, Nob. 0 22 1 j if HiS I" I -z p line 5mitn Fr-afTOck j 4 win fefdace 4 Horses. 4 Hbsses 4 i