The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 15, 1917, Image 4

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Glasses adjusted
without charge
Dpn't fuss with crooked, loose or bent
glasses. No matter where you bought 'them,
drop into Clinton's and have them tightened
up and adjusted, so they set comfortably and
It will take but a minute or two, be a great
relief to your eyes and nose and not cost
you a cent.
You'll find Clinton's service mighty satis
factory and economical whatever your needs
are. Try it.
, , C. S. Clinton,
Jeweler and Optician,
At tho Sign of tho Hlg King.
Alvin Ellas returned Friday after
noon from Omaha.
MIbb Isabella Stafford spent tho
wfeok ond -with relatives In Paxton.
MIbb Hopkins accepted a position at
Tho Leader Saturday morning.
Miss Opal Trent of tho local tele
phone offlco 1b 111 with toiiBllltls.
Riley Warren returned Friday even
ing from a -week's visit In Omaha.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist
Mrs. James Hart loft Friday ovon
lng for Omaha to spend a wook with
Morlo Laws, of Central City, visited
with local friends tho kittor part of
last wcok.
Loron Hastings roturned a fow days
ago from Lincoln vtioro ho spout a
For quick action and sndsfactosy
wilo list your J and with Tlioeltckv. tf
'Mr. and Mrs, Joseph McMichaol
liav returned from a visit with friends
In Wollllcot.
Mrs. M. H. Douglas and nloco have
returned from a short visit In Omaha
and Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. John Vornon and baby
loft Friday aftornoon for Julosburg to
visit rolatlves.
Harold Coatos ami slstor Novlta
loft Friday evening for Suthorland to
visit their father.
For Rent Furnished rooms. Inqulro;
at G02 wost Sixth strcot or phono!
Rod 3(15. 34-2
Miss Gortrudo RobhnuBon has re
turned from Hastings whoro she visit,
cd frlonds InBt week.
Alex Fonwlck loft Saturday morning
for Choyenno to visit IiIb daughter
for a woek or logger.
Mrs. Harry Dixon roturnod Saturdny
morning from Omnha whoro she visit
ed her daughtor for u wcok.
Dr. Brock, Duntlst. ovor Stouo Drug
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kenny, Enoch
Hruza, and Harry Powers woro among
tho visitors from Wallaco Saturday.
H. Wlllorton, of Mitchell, S. D who
had boon visiting his brother C. Wilier
ton for ton days, loft a fow dayH ago.
'Howard MoMlchaol loft tho nttor
Dart of ust wook for Torrlnirton. Wvn..
to begin work on a now dopartmont
For Salo Parlor ofirnn. In irnntl rnn
dltlon and Mil bo sold choap. 303 oast
Third streot, or phono Rod Till 31tf
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Thompson, of
Pomona, Cal., who hnd boon vlBltlng
nt no Puvor homo left yostorday nf
Tho Suit you admired so In this sloro.
if It Is still horo, you can now at
Ono-Thlrd Qir the former price.
Mrs. J. T. Norton and baby loft n
fow days ago for Louisiana to make
their homo. Mr. Norton wflio formorly
oporatod the Platto thontro will remain
liora in tho employ ot tho Union
raojflo for Homo tlmo,
Jamos Adamson, AUIo Lurkln and
Cecil Larkln, charged with assaulting
Clnudo Shoots, had a hearing in the
county court Friday nnd wero round
guilty. Mrs, Larkln h 11 nod tn
dollurs, . larkln flvo dollars and
Adamson one dollar.
Special This Week.
Child's Trimmed Hats 90 cents,
Ladlos' Trimmed Hats at $1.90 and
$3.00", good looking rwlilto trimmed
Mllans $5.00.
25-2 At Tho Leader.
Miss IJlancho Fonda spont tho wcok
ond with friends In Grand Island.
Which ovor Wool Suit you may se
lect of our'cholco Suit stock Just de
duct Ono-Thlrd off tho regular 'price
and tho suit Is'Vours. BLOCK'S.
Mrs. William Calupka, of Goring,
who spent a week with hor paronts
Mr. and Mr$, ,J. T. Murphy returned
honio Saturday.',
Cloan-up-day at tho North Platto
cemetory Friday called out thlHy vol
unteers for the forenoon work and
about sixty during tho afternoon. Tin
doad grams was raked and burned,
rubbish collected and hauled off, troos
trimmed, gravos filled, lots weeded
and cultivated and hoad stones and
copings reset whoro such was nocos
sry. A large majority of tho workors
were ladlos, but thoy worked rapidly,
steadily and well, nnd when evening
canto the comotory had increased one
hundred per cent In roepoctablo ap
pearance : :o: :
Iteglsirntlon of Autos
During the months of .March nnd
April 221 curs were registered at the
office of the county treasurer. Tho
number of the sevurnl leading makes
were- as follows:
Ford 151
Iliiiek 11
Overland (J
Dodge 0
Oakland 1
Studctmkcr !l
Chevrolet 2
Hirpiiiobilo 1
Milcheil I
..And one each of twpnty-four oilier
Dr. Morrill, Dentist
George Wlnfelbw roturned tho lattor
part of last wcok from Sarben whoro
ho was In chargo of tho construction
of tho now. bank.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wollcnliaupt ro
turned Friday afternoon from a pleas
ant visit or ftvo wcoks' with their
childron in Illinois.
At tho Crystal Thursday will bo
shown tho photoplay takon from the
well known Btngo play "Tho Gooso
Girl" with Mar'guorito Clark.
Farm and jtunch loans at lowest
rates and best terms. Money on hand
to cIoho loans promptly,
MIbb Amanda Wolngnnd, of Ross-
vllle, 111., -who has ben visiting her
slStors Mcsdanios Charles Stamp and
Louis Potoraon spont tho wcok end In
Maxwtoll with frlonds.
MrB .Edward Fisher, of Greon Rlvor,
returned Friday ovenlng from a visit
in Omaha and Grand Island and will
visit hor slstor Mrs. Mary Dunn for
sovoral days.
Mr. mill Mm. Cluirlno TJnvnnliln nf
Maxwell, ontertnincd a fow frlond3
i' rmay imornoon ana ovonlng in honor
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy Thompson of
Pomona, Calir.
Dr. Goo. I). Dent returned tho lnttor
part ot last -week rrom Hastings by
auto. Ho sayB tho worst stretch or
road botpon Hastings and North
Plntto Is botwoon tho state farm and
this city,
Dodgo cars and Dodgo nftcr service
soils moro Dodgo cars. Think well
boforo you buy. Our now building nt
uiu ami j.ocupr, win no ready as soon
as ui puHBiuio aim u is tor your rurtn
or use and aorvlco. J. V. Romlgh,
uoaior anu sorvtco for Dodgo BroH.
Roy Cochran enmo up from Lincoln
Friday to visit rolntlvos and friends
prior to loaving for. tho training'
cnnip at FL Snolllntf Ho hns boon
accepted as an applicant for tho coast
aitlllory corps but expects Intor to
bo tnutsrorred to tho onglnoorlng
llundrod or luiiall birds woro to bo
noticed on tho slroots betwoon ton and
tulolvo o'clock Saturday night. Thoy
ouclrclod tho street lights, How Into
stores whoro doorn woro opon, and
poreliofl aJong tho streot curUing.
Twenty or moro woro In th(j Roxall
drug staro Sunday morning and tho
boys woro kept busy ror an hour or
two driving thorn out or killing thorn.
Dozens woro round doud on tho
streets, nrohnhlv ltllll
I by Hying against tolophono and light
A.vvm. The l)irds uro u.pposul to have
ben migratory, but trom whonco thoy
eumo no ono knows.
Train Rumps Car.
Frank Laughlln mndo a narrow os
capo rrom sorious Injury or death
Friday ovenlng when the car in which
ho was riding was struck by train
No. 14 at tho crossing west or tho
yards. Ho was coming trom tho north
and had waited for a west bound
froight to pull out nnd as the ca
Im)obo passed drovo up on tho cross
ing Just In tlmo to havo tho front
ond or his car struck by tho engine
or train No. 14. Tho radiator and ron
dor was mashed, and tho framo twist
ed, but Tortunatoly Laughlln was not
Ilrown Breaks an Arm.
Bruco Brown, rormorly manager or
tho local tolophono oxchango, now
ownor of tho Brndy exchange, suffered
a fracture of tho left arm Thursday.
Ho was north ot Brady In his car and
had a break down. Sheriff Salisbury
camo along and stnrted to pull Brown
Into Brady, tho latter handling his
car. Ho allowed tho ro"po to slacken
and whon it tightened tho Jork was
so vlolont that ho whs thrown over
tho wind shield.
Pipe Organ Recital
F. L. Moonoy, who Is tho donor ot
tho now pipo organ in tho Methodist
church, has secured J. Frank Fry-
Blnger, or tho University School or
music to give a recital Tuesday even
ing or next wook which will bo rroo to
tho public. Mr. Fryslngor Is a com
poser as well as an organist, and some
or his compositions are woll known to
North Platto musicians.
In his recital Mr. Frysincer will
bo assisted by soveral North Platto
Iiicrcnslng Plant
' Loypoldt & Pennington havo nur
chased ot W. E. Shuman throo lots
on Front street east of tho artlflcinl
Ico plant nnd will erect thereon a
Wg corrugated Iron hay barn and
other buildings needed by tho firm
In tnoconstnnt Incroaso or Its busl
ness. Though ono ot North Plntto's
nowost enterprises, tho plant or Loy
poldt fz Pennington Is among tho most
important In tho county.
: to
Recruiting Officer Coming.
Tho Trlbuno Is advised that a re
cruiting officer of tho U. S. army will
arrive In North Platto ond It tho on-
Hstmonts Justlty 'will remain Indefin
itely. Tills officor will bo stationed
at tho rcdoral buldlng.
: :o: :
Some Reims
W. E. Swhtzlnndor. or Sldnoy, will
sUrt this week to plant tour hundred
ncros or beans on land north or town.
It rovulrcB about twonty 'pounds or
beans to plant nn aero and tho seed
costs elghtoou cont a pound.
J. II. Hogarty transacted business In
Sutnorlnnd Frldny.
Two boys wont work on farm.
Phono Black 4G8 35-4
Miss Paulino Bnldock spent Sunday
vvth Paxton frlonds.
Attornoy Losllo Raskins spont tho
woek end in Arthur on business.
Mrs. Mary authorloss has roturnod
from a visit with frlonds In Omaha.
Mrs. ,J M. Eggors, of Gothenburg,
is spending a wook hero with friends
J. B. Oborfolder, of Sldnoy, wns horo
Saturday whllo onrouto nomo from
Mrs. Wood Whlto loft Saturday nf'
ternoon for Grand Island to visit hor
paronts. , t j
Miss Ella Corbott has roturned to
Wallaco nftor visiting with tho Ilan
Iflu family.
Miss Elslo' Memor left a fow days
ago for Gothonburg to visit frlonds
for a week.
Jerry Bowon roturnod to Arthur Sat
urday after visiting his dHUKUtor Miss
Marie Bowon.
Mrs. Maurice Gullllnumo loft the
luttor part ot last woek for Wollllwt
to visit rolntlvos.
Mrs. P. A. Norton has boen In Grand
Island for several dnya visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Jamos Norton.
Tho rending circle and county ex
aminations will bo hold horo Frldny
and Saturday of this wook.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kahlor, who
wero married last wook at Fremont,
roturnod homo Snturdny ovonlng.
Thurston Woodhurst has accoptod
tho position In tho Shoo Market for
merly hold by Cocll Cool.
Miss Alma Morrill, who had boon In
Fremont for somo time, roturnod homo
tho lattor part of last ook.
Call 125 for Taxi ilav nr uleM.
Also flvo or 80V0U passongor oar for
lunorni sorvico.
Chandlor & Elcar Agency,
Corner Eighth and Locust Sts
Dodge Brothers
4 J C
Were thoy so disposed, Dodge Brothers could not lower the-
quality of this car. ,
They are no longer free agents, because public opinion has
established a standard for everything bearing their name.
They dare not fall below the high estimate that has been
formed of them as motor car manufacturers.
V It will pay you to visit us and examine this car.
The gasoline consumption is unusually low.
The tire mileage is unusually high.
'U It
Touring Cor or Roadster, $835; Winter Touring Car or Roadster, $1000; Sedan or'
Coupe, $1265. (All prices f. o. b. Detroit.)
J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer,
107 West Sixth St.
Phone 844
An audlcnco that crowded the iloor
capnclty of tho Franklin auditorium
and partly tilled tho gallery wore
proBcnt Friday ovenlng when tho gleo
clubs ot tho high school presented tho
"Morry" Milk Maids," a tunoful musical
sketch with a woll defined plot. Tho
major parts woro taken by Mario
CrooTt, Gcorgina McKay, Glenn Rltnor
and Elvln McCain, and they woro woll
supported by a cast of a dozen and
good choruses of milk maids and far
mer, boy- Tho ontortainmont was woll
glVQtihand gnvo ovldonco of a number
of excellent voices among tho high
school boys nnd girls.
. : :o: :
A gentlo rain which began falling
early Sunday morning and continued
until aftornoon, thoroughly soaked the
ground. F&llowcd by tho warm wea
tlior of yostorday vegetation is now
growing rapidly. Tho precipitation
whs nearly an Inch.
: :o: :
Notlco Is horoby glvon that tho
Board ot County Commissioners will
sell tho old woodon brldgo across tho
North Plntto rlvor north or Suthor
land' on Saturday, tho 2Gth day or
May, 1917, nt 10 o'clock Mountain
tlmo. Said bridge to bo sold by tho
span ns It stands and tor cash only.
30-8 County Clork.
Mrs. Agnes Boyer left yestorday
afternoon for Gothenburg to spend a
fow days aftor which she will spend
throo months visiting cities of eastern
Nebraska on business for the Lady
Macabeo lodge.
Lightning struck tho barn on tho
Herman Wendoborn farm Saturday
evening and destroyed three seats of
harness, tlireo tons ot hay and a large
amount or grain which was stored
Quick Clean Way.
You will not know true satis
faction in cooking: until you
liso n gas stove. Arrange for
your stove now, before the rush
begins. Wo can do your work
promptly now.
North Platte Light
& Power Co.
"Pvon't you think it is rather foolish to
U have your valuable papers scattered
in a number of places where there $5 a
possibility of their being lost or destroyed
when you can rent a safety deposit box
in our new safety deposit vault for just
One Dollar a Year.
First National Bank of North Platte
All Kinds Building Material
Everything New.
Phone 20 1 Block East Freight House