THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. An Excellent Medicine FOR THE STOMXCH THE LIVER HND BOWELS OSTETTER'S O Stomach Bikers Try a bottle at the first sign of Indigestion or Biliousness Ashes of Roses. "Why don't you ninrry Mathllde?" asked the friend. "She lovi'.s you ami would make you happy. What's the trouble with her?" "Her past." "Her past? And what fault do you And with her past?" "The loligth of It." PAIN? NOT A BIT 1 LIFT YOUR CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF No humbug! Apply few drops then Just lift them away with fingers. Tlds new drug is nn ether compound discovered by a Cincinnati chemist. It is called freozone, and can now bo obtained In tiny bottles as here shown at very little cost from any drug store. Just ask for frcezone. Apply a drop or two directly upon a tender com or callus and Instant ly the soreness disappears. Shortly you will find tho corn or callus so loose that you can lift It off, root and all, with the fingers. Not a twinge of' pain, soreness or Irritation; not even the slightest smart ing, either when applying freozone or afterwards. This drug doesn't eat up the corn or callus, but shrivels them so they loos en and come right out. It I Is no humbug! It works like a charm. For n few cents you can get rid of ev ery hard corn, soft corn or corn between tho toes, as well as pain ful calluses on bottom of your feet. It never disappoints and never burns, bites or inflames. -If your druggist hnsn't any freozone yet, tell him to get n little bottle for you from his wholesale house. adv. But Just as Good. "Old Mrs. Hardy, who Is always get ting sayings twisted, made a funny re mark when little Mabel came to tho table with molasses round her mouth." "What did she say?" "She said: 'As the old proverb has it, children should be clean, not smeared.' " Enthusiastic Praise for Well Known Kidney Medicine I have not found a medicine for the pnst fifteen years to compare in value with Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root in the trou bles for which it is recommended. Ac cording to reports received from those who have ueid it I am confident that it is a meritorious remedy and specially lino in rheumatic cases. Very truly yours, V. V. FARUAIt. DruRgiat Sept. 21, 1916. Oxford, Neb. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghanuon, N. Y., for a samplo sizo hot tie. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of vnluablo infor mation, telling about the kidneys and blad der. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles for sale at all drug tores. Adv. Revising a Career. "Charley, dear," said young Mrs. Tor kins, "tho first thing you did after join ing a military company was t get Into tho guardhouse! And I thought you were going to be another Napoleon." "Well, maybe I am. Napoleon got Into prison, didn't lie? What I'm going to do Is to start at the Elba end of his career and work tho other way." FOR SKIN TROUBLES That Itch, Burn, Torture and Dlsflg. ure Use Cuticura Trial Free. The Soap to cleanse and purify, tho Ointment to soothe and heal. Thy usually afford lmmcdlnte relief In itch ing, burning eczemas, pimples, dandruff and most baby skin troubles. They also tend to prevent little skin trou bles becoming great If used dally. Free sumplc each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Not Guilty. She Isn't it funny that liandsomo men nro always disagreeable? ne Oh, I always. try to bo pleasant. LIVE STOCK FAVORED 'BALANCED RAT,0N F0R cows Better Soil and Greater Profits Assured to Farmer. Cattle and Diversification Are Essen tlal to Success In Farming Busl ness Raise What You Need for Feeding. To succeed In the farming business, we must have cuttle, hogs and chick ens, grow corn, clover, alfalfa and other legume crops adapted to our soil. If we grow several crops and one falls, we will have another to depend upon, but if we grow n single crop and for some reason it falls, our entire year's work Is gone. Live stock and diversification mean the building up of the soil, and as the soil Improves, profits increase. Diversification means that we have more land In pasture. Pastures prevent soil from washing. Pastures should be maintained to keep the soil from washing during the heavy spring rains. Fields should not lie al lowed to stand from year to year, ex posed to the weather. Live stock and diversification will keep people on the farms. A man will put up better buildings if he lives on ids farm than he will If It Is occupied Good Farm Essentials. by n tenant. Live stocl; and diversifi cation mean "Raise what you feed and feed what you raise on your own farm." When you grow your crops, and ship them away you arc shipping the fertility from the soil mining it, making it poor. By having live , stock there will bo returned to the land in tho form of manure 70 to 80 per cent of the soil fertility taken out by the crops. llumus, one of the things essential to a fertile soil, can be placed In the soil by diversifying tho crops and do ing mixed farming. Live stock means more mnnure on tho farm and less commercial fertilizer. The corn belt states pay out mil lions of dollars for commercial fer tilizers every year. Live on tho farm. Build a home, have good schools, good rouds and pro ductive soils. Don't just have u "piece of land" or a "farm" have a home on the land and make it worth living in. SULPHUR TO CONTROL SCAB According to Investigations Spring Ap plication Is Far More Satisfac tory Than Is Fall. Investigation as to tho value of sul phur for controlling potato scab so far seems to Indicate that spring applica tions are more satisfactory than thoso made in the fall. In experiments the benefits secured were greater when sulphur was applied to land on which no cover crop had been grown tho pre ceding season than on land where one had been grown. Formaldehyde ap plied to tho seed tubers and sulphur applied to tho soil gave better results than when tho two treatments were useu separately, buipnur nroaiicasteu on tho soil after planting nppears tho best method of application ; when used with fertilizers it gave greater efll ciency when applied In connection with ammonium sulphate than with sodium nitrate, with acid phosphate than with steamed bone and with muriate of potnslt than with sulphate. TEST EACH COW EVERY YEAR Animal May Be Suffering From Tu berculosis Unknown to Owner Inspection Is Esccntlal. A cow may be suffering from tuber culosis, the worst disease to which she Is subject, and still show no signs of It to the proud owner. For the sake of the children who drink the milk, a qualified veterinarian should be called upon to inspect and test each cow every year. PROTEIN REQUIRED BY HENS Needed for Bone, Muscle and Eggs and Is Scarcest in Vegetable World Com Is Carbohydrate. Protuln Is needed for bone, muscle and eggs. This Is tho element that Is scarcest In the vegetable world. Wheat Is rich In protein, clover has a fair HhtittJ of It mingled with a variety of other elements; oats has some, but corn Is largely a fat-making food, or what wo cull carbohydrates. Expert of Oklahoma Station Recom mends Mixture of Corn, Mlllrun Bran and Cottonseed Meal. (Uy W. Xj. FOWLKK. Department of Ani mal Husbandry, Oklahoma A. anil M. College, Stillwater.) "Please give mo a balanced ration for dairy cows with the following feeds: Sweetened alfalfa, mlllrun bran, corn chop, cottonseed meal; roughness, alfalfa hay and prairie hay, cottonseed hulls." A. T. S., Muskogee, Okla. For an average producing herd, the following mixture should be used, which Is based on weight : Corn chop, finely ground, four parts; mlllrun bran, two parts; cottonseed meal, one part. Feed one pound of this mixture per day for each three pounds of milk pro duced dally. For roughness, the cheapest and most economical feed mentioned Is alfalfa hay. Alfalfa hay at l!l a ton Is cheaper than cotton seed hulls at $15. LUBRICATION IS BIG POINT Use of Best Grade of Oil In Handling Tractor Is Most Economical Renew Every Week. (Ry U W. CIIASR. Nebraska Experiment Station.) Proper lubrication is one of the most important points in handling the true tor successfully. The best grade of oil will he found to be cheaper than poorer grades, especially In the case of oil used In the motor. If the engine uses a splash system, It Is good practice to drain the oil 1 out of the crank case at least once a week and rephiee It with new oil. The old oil may be used for other parts of tho machine. Tho above sugges tions are especially Important if koro sene Is used as a fuel. SOIL SUITABLE FOR ALFALFA Much of Difficulty In Growing It Can Be Attributed to tho Low Fer tility of Land. (By M. V. MILUnit. Missouri ARrlctil turai jsxporiment station.) i Alfalfa Is a rich land crop. Much of the dllllculty in growing It can be , attributed to the low fertility of the l soils on which It Is being tried. A crop ! that produces three or four, and occa sionally five cuttings a year requires plenty of plant food. The man who wishes to grow alfalfa on medium to poor land cannot expect high yields, and In most cases he cannot secure a satisfactory stand without manuring or fertilizing. In general, barnyard manure Is the best fertilizer for tills crop. Ten twelve, or even fifteen tons an acre can well be supplied if tho manure Is available. A crop as valuable as ai falfa warrants expensive fertilization If necessary. The man beginning al falfa culture on poor land hud bettei limit the amount sown, so that mot' manure will bo available for use on tills laud. If manure is available In small quan titles only, fertilizers may be used in addition. On most Missouri soils the Alfalfa Field In Missouri. experiment station has found that the application of phosphates Is usually i accompanied by best returns. Three ! or four hundred pounds of acid nhos- I phato or two or throe hundred pounds of bono meal are applications which may be expected to give returns. The manure applied in connection with these fertilizers should be at the rate of six or eight tons an acre. Finely ground raw rock phosphate turned un der with the manure at the rate of 1,000 pounds an aero Is a good appli cation. Since this form of phosphate Is rather slow In acting, 'J00 pounds of acid phosphate may well be applied with the mnnure or drilled In deeply with a fertilizer drill after tho seed bed Is prepared. It must be understood that some soils need Hum in addition to fertiliza tion, most of them need Inoculation, and all require thorough preparation of tho seedbed. CUTTING ALFALFA FOR HAY As Rule, Proper Time Is When Young Shoots First Appear at the Bases of the Young Plants. In general, alfalfa should bo cut tor hay when tho young shoots at the bases of the plants first appear. If these new shoots become long enough to bo cut off by the mower, the new crop may be badly damaged. The blossoms often appear simul taneously with the new young shoots, but blossoms alone are not u safe guide to the tlmo for cutting. WORK AGAINST CALF SCOURS On Every Farm Measures Should Be Taken to Prevent This Disease Many Animals Lost. Thousands of calves aro lost each year by what Is known as scours, says II. II. Klldee, University of Minnesota. On every farm measures should bo taken to guard against this disease, which results from u deranged diges tive system. Calves should have warm, clean, light and well-ventilated pens. Mill; should be fed In regular amounts, at regular times, at a temperature ol about SO degrees Fahrenheit, from scrupulously clean palls. The foam which accumulates on the milk while It is being separated should never hi1 fed. The time to feed tho grain ration Is Immediately after tho milk Is fed, so that the calves will not suck each oth ars and thus take air Into the er s ei stomach, which causes bloat and pro duces scours. It Is well to have stanch ions in one sido of the pen ho that the calves may be contlned for tt shorl time after being fed milk. Fach day during the winter, when tho weather Is favorable, tho calves need to bo turned out into a sheltered yard for exercise, which Is necessary for their proper growth and health It Is also very Important that the calves, from a very early age, he giv en all the pure, fresh water they caro to drink each day. Tho pens should bo disinfected frequently. Quicklime Is excellent to sprinkle on tho Hoot each time it is cleaned and a frequent spraying with some standard coal tat dip solution will prove beneficial. THINGS TO REMEMBER A good grain mixture for calves Is: Oats, CO parts; bran, !!0 parts; common), 10 parts; oil meal, 10 parts. Remember to make the calf nen : Dry and clenn; well-lighted, warm in winter; Blinded In sum mer; free from vermin; con venient for feeding. The dairy calf, when bred right and raised tight becomes the best cow. OLD COWS SOMETIMES EXCEL Animal Should Be Kept Until She Falls to Give Good Profit for the Feed Consumed. (By J. B. IUWIN.) It Is my experience thnt a milch cow remains valuable until about twelve years of age. My cattle are purebred Holsteins, and some have produced over 10,000 pounds of milk per year after they were twelve years old. Wo Holsteln Cow. seldom keep them longer than that. All farmers that havo purebred cows know their ages, and I And that the farm ers In this vicinity that do not havo purebred cows know tho uges of their animals approximately. I havo kept one or two cows until they showed signs of falling as producers of milk. This was Indicated by tho decrease In tho milk ilow, but not in tho shorten ing of tho period of lnctatlon. My way of getting them ready for tho butcher Is to let them go dry, and they will fat ten if In good physical condition. I think a cow should be kept us long as she gives a good profit for tho feed consumed. SWELL PRODUCTION OF HERD Only Practical Way to Make Improve ment Is by Raising Heifer Calves From Best Cows. When tho milk Is sold for market milk, or to a cheese factory, or a milk coudeusery, the problem is how to raise calves without tho feed cost ing more than the value of tho animal raised. At the same time It Is a most serious mistake under these circum stances to depend upon buying cows rather than raising calves. The only practical way to Improve tho produc tion of tho herd Is by raising heifer calvos from tho best cows. FALL FRESHENING IN FAVOR Heat and Files of Summer Have De terloratlnn Effect Upon Cows and Their Offspring Ho who will spend ono of tho loug evenings thinking In u straight lino, letting hlH mind rovort hut a few months to recall tho effect tho heat and flics of last summer had upon his cows that freshened last spring, will mnko a vow that will profit him greatly In tho future. When Kaiser Was Broke. It Is recorded that the kaiser once arrived at Hamburg with nn empty purse, and was obliged to confess It In the most public manner to a bevy of girls who besieged him with Im portunities to buy trinkets which they were selling In tho streets for the ben efit of the Red Cross society. "I haven't any money on me," said the emperor. The girls were very much embar rassed, but were promptly put at their ease when the emperor called up mem bers of his suite and told the girls to tackle them. Then the kaiser In duced an adjutant to "advance" him some gold, which he distributed among the blushing saleswomen. Ills final purchase was a carnation, which he asked the overjoyed seller to pin on the lapel of his admiral's uniform. A Valued Household Remedy for Over Half a Century. In our cllmnte, with Its sudden changes of temperature, rain, wind and sunshine often Intermingled In a single day, It Is no wonder that our children, friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neglected colds, many deaths resulting from this cause. A bottle of lloschee's (lerinan Syrup kopt In the house, nud u few doses taken In time, will possibly prevent a severe Ill ness, n doctor's bill, and perhaps death. For fifty years this has been a very successful remedy for coughs, colds, throat or lung troubles. It Induces a good night's sleep with easy expec toration in tho morning. For sale by druggists In all parts of tho civilized world, U." and 7f cent bottles. Adv. Snake Problem. This Is not new but It's worth re peating. A man In Ion City, 111., sent It to the News: Two .Ion City snakes, of which there are abundance on the lake front property, had a light. One was a gar ter snake and the other a bullhead.' Ha eh was three feet long and In their ferocity they seized each other by tho tall and proceeded to swallow each other whole. They both started at tho same time and at tho same rate of speed. Now the question Is, which of these two snakes survived, or rather which one was on the outside by the time tho other was swallowed, the garter snake or the bullhead? It took five minutes for tho two snakes to swallow each other and they both swallowed each other right to the tip of the fangs. Which one was on the outside when they were finished or were they both inside? Indianap olis News. Great men do much for others and take It out In posthumous fame. uv'if' ' 'Net flnnlnnlfl 15 Fluid PranhnE jffi HTur ; itg'Ai TTcntmi.-n VPAl OJIM- ArcictaWclVcparallonfcrM;,; similatinfcuiciooa uj ilngtitcStomactenndDow" CltccrfuIncssondRcst (larifatSmr It&thyrrriWjr a .Mi,fidIfcmedyfor ...( 'r.,..rihncss nnn resulting thcrcfrojnjnjnfancy. foe-Simile Signature0' The Cehtaw Compaq BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP pill . Carter's little Liver Pills You Cannot be Constipated and Happy Smalt Pill Small Doit Small I'rice A DSENCE ot iron In the Blood is tho reason for OR many colorlcsj facea bur Getting Old Too Fast? Late in life the body shows signs of wear nnd often the kidney weaken first. The back is lame, bent nnd achy, and the kidney action distressing. This makes people feel older than they are. Don't wait for dropsy, gravel, harden ing of the arteries or Bright's disease. Use a mild kidney stimulant. Try Doan's Kidney Pills. Thousands of el derly folks recommend them. A Nebraska Caso Mrs. David Itoeklo, lSGt Maxwell St , Fre mont, Neb., says; "I htul a constant, heavy nclio across tho small of my back, which was the result of a cold that had sottlod on my UUltioys. I couldn't rest well and tlio pain distressed me whtlo I was dolnff my work. Doan's Kidney rills relieved mo ami when over I have. URort thorn since, thoy havo al ways holped mo." Get Doan'i at Anr Store, 60e a Box doan's "jssy FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. Telephone Policy 1. To furnish courteous, efficient, nnd dependable telephone service. . 2. To tell the public the truth about its business. 3. To be conservative nnd economical in its man agement. 4. To pay its employees good wages. 3. To earn for its security holders a reasonable re turn on their investment. We believe that nuch success as we have hod is because our business has been conducted along these lines. For Infants and Cliildron. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Bears the Signature A Remedy mat Makes Life Worth Living Genulno bears slgnaturo ARTFR'Q IRON P1M .S i Pan WE" BIT ft WutnonlC.Coloninri.Waih PA T FN i K Inilton.D.U. Hooks free, lllah IJM I tall H Xf nil roloroncei. Iloalreialu. Always , A at fy JA In hX Use jf For Over Thirty Years " y - ' - , , A will greatly help most pale-faced people I I