The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 08, 1917, Image 4

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    .if -Sty.
Many ills come
from eye strain
Frontnl headaches, dizziness, nervousness,
exhaustion are symptoms of eye strain.
Constant overtaxing of the eye muscles re
acts on the whole system. The strain can
be removed by properly fitted glasses.
Clinton's can fit you with glnsses which
will be comfortable to wear, improve and
protect your sight, and benefit your general
health. No medicine used in the examination.
Prices are very reasonable.
C. S. Clinton,
Jeweler and Optician,
At ilio Sign of tlio Rig King.
Graduate Dentist
Office over tho McDonald
State Bunk.
Dr. Brock, Duntlst. over Stonn Drug
Mrs. MlHcliko, who had boon visiting
in Cozad, returned Saturday ovonlng
Wanted Young girl to assist with
housework. Inuulro of Mrs. Charles
Wholan. 32"2
Miss Ellznboth Woir, of Grand Is
land, camo Friday ovonlng ot visit
with local frlonds.
Conrad "Walker loft yesterday for
Omaha to attend tho annual conven
tion of tho A. O. U. V.
Mra N Mpf'nlin returned Saturday
ovonlng from Omahu, whore sho spent
two weeks with rolativos.
Mrs. Clark Thornburg loft tho lattor
part of Inst wcok for Cambrldgo to at
tond tho graduation of her slBtor.
Mr. and Mrs. .Goorgp McBrldo, of
Omaha, carno Saturday ovonlng to vis
it tho formor'H cousin 'A. II. Sowlos
nnd wlfo.
Mrs. Harry IJoylo and daughtor
Cathorlno of Lowollon, rormorly of this
city, camo Saturday ovonlng to visit
local friends.
For Uont Aftor May 16th, a C-room
modorn houso In tho wost ond. Apply
to Mrs, Ooorgo Itogore, 1203 went
Socond strcot. 32-2
Mr. and Mrs. Josoph Horrod, of
Columbus, formerly ot this city, camo
Saturday ovonlng to visit with Mr,
nnd Mrs. John Horrod for a iw'ook.
T. M. Cohagon Is so 'Well ploasod
with thp two motor trucks that ho has
had In'tiorvleo for several wcoks that
ho ban purchnsod anothor Republic of
u ton ana a hair capacity.
Noalo Turplo returned Sunday even
ing rrom umntin wiioro ho transacted
noisiness ror a wcok.
For quick action nnd sailsfnctosy
snlo list your Innd with Thocltckc. tf
C. P. Clinton iroturncd Sunday ovon
Ing from Omaha where ha took a five
wfeoks' coiirso In optometry.
Attorney J. G- Bcolor returned yes
tctday morning frmo a buslnoss vls't
In Omaha and Lincoln.
Don'll forgot tjho froo locturo at
Masonic tomplo Thursday ovonlng. Seo
announcemont in this paper.
Mrs' Itaymond Kocgan, and baby, of
Fromont, camo a fow dayB ago to visit
hor nlstoriMrs, Jack Carroll.
I now bavo funds nt 5V6 per cent
on cholco lottom tnblo land. Gono
Crook, Room 4, Kolth theatro Bldg.
Mir. and Mrs. Charles McNool und
chlldrou loft Sunday afternoon for an
extended Visit In Wisconsin.
Mrs. Robert Arnold submitted to
an operation at tho Twlnom hospital
Suuduy and Is doing nicely.
For Sale Parlor organ, In good con
dition nnd .wall bo sold cheap. 303 east
Third street, or phono Rod 737. 31tf
Miss Atiiy Wilson of Gothenburg
cum0 Suudny ovonlng to visit hor nolco
Miss Forn Wilson for a wook.
C. H. Walfljr returned last week from
Kiinsiln CUywhoro ho purchased bov-
oral ctirloatlsr of cows and honors.
Farm nnd'Itunch loans nt lowest
rates nnd. best terms. Money on band
to closo loans promptly.
Tho Royal Neighbors will moot Wed
ncsday afternoon at 3 o'clock nt tho
IC. (P. hall. Refreshments will bo
sorvod. ,
Thomas ltljaloy nnd son Darroll loft
yostorday afternoon for Omaha whoro
tho latter will tako treatment for his
Victor Halllgan arrived from Lin
coln Saturday und will visit bis par
onts until Thursday whon ho leaves
for tho FtySnolllng officers' training
.unp. Ho Jms boon admitted as an ap
plicant for tho conit nrtlllory.
1750 ARE DRY
The Whole Country
would lie dry if roofed over with
They Shed Water Like A Porpoise
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.
Dodge Brothers
Cars and Repair parts
in stock at North Platte.
J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer.
107 W, 0th. ST.
PHONE 844.
New Servlco Station this Spring.
J. J, Crawford spont yosterday In
Cozad on buslnoss.
.Itilliiu Plzor loft Sunday morning
for Chicago on buslnoss.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
Mrs. F. W. RInckcr Is visiting with
frlonds In Lincoln this weok-
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Q. Wilcox spont
Sunday In Cozad with frolntlvcs.
w M. Raskin, of Stnnlcton. visited
tho Mlltonbergor family yostoruay.
Atru willlnm Unvnnlda Is exoected to
roturn tomorrow from a visit in uva.
Mra flnnrirn Trnxlfir loft VOStOrdaV
morning for Lincoln to sponu a iow
inim n'Nnll. of fiothonburir. snont
Saturday and Sunday witn menus in
Mr nnil Mm. T. C ChrlstOllSOIl left
yostorday morning for Gibbon to visit
Minn flnrtrniln UobliaUSOn loft YOS
tordav morning for Hastings to spend
a fow days.
Mlua Allnnn flntitt simnt VOStordaV
In Horshcy on business pertaining to
tho schools
.Arthur MnMnlInn rotAirnod Sunday
morning from Omnlia wiiere lie visitcu
for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Llerk and son
loft Sunday morning for Omaha to
spend a fow days.
Mrs. Frank Hatch wont to Grand
Island yostorday morning to attend
tho Symphony concert.
Cloaks, Suits and Dresses at re
duced pricos at
Mr. .Infik Carroll and children re
turned Sunday ovonlng from an ex
tended visit m Fremont.
Miss Thco Schwaigor loft a fow
days ago for Grand Island und Kear
noy to visit relatives.
Mrs- Ralph Garnian left Saturday
ovonlng for Malvorn la., to visit rei
atlvcs for a wcok.
C. P. IInhn,-of Lincoln, who visited
with his daughjor Mrs. Davo Day for
sovorai nays, ion fcunuay uvoiunjj.
First communion sorvlccs willl bo
lmlil nt St. Patrick's church Sunday.
Mny 2utu- ror a large class oi noys
ana gins.
Mrs Rrnnst Trainn and Mrs. Hor
bort Tramp left Sunday morning for
Wost Point to attend tno Tramp
Krauso woddlng.
Arthur Tramp loft Sunday marnlng
for Wost Point whoro ho will bo mar
rlcd this ovonlng to Miss Oncta Krauso
of that city.
For Ront Good sized dwolllng
houso. For further Information com-
munlcnto with Pnul Harrington
nhono 912. 33-2
1 Mrs. Mary Johnson, of Malvarn,.Iu
who spont sovorai weeks with hor
daughtor, Mrs. Ralph Garman, loft Sat
urday ovonlng.
Mrs. J. B. Jotor loft yostorday for
Borkoloy, Cn. ioro sio will nit
tond tho graduation of hor daughtor
Miss Holon Jotar.
Mrs. W. J. VanDorhoof arrived Sun
day from Cocr d 'Alono, Idaho, and
will mako an oxtended visit with nor
Bon K. J. VanDorhoof.
Mrs. Emory, of Douglass, Ariz.,
wVio Bpent tho winter with bar slstors
Mrs. I. E. Trout and Mrs, Charlos
Grovos, loft Sunday evening.
Urnlcnn ovo class lonaoH can ho re
placed tlio snmo day as order Is given
In our lonso grinding dopartmont.
29-tf Graduato Optomotrist.
George M. Sklnuor, of Lilnc, nnd
Hnttlo Kossler, of McPhorson, woro
marrlod Saturday morning by County
Judgo French In tho presouco of Law-
ronco Sklnnor and Ireno Oliver.
Chas- Hupfor, of this city, who has
boon attending school nt Atchison,
Kan., hns boon accepted for tho offic
ers training enmp at Ft. Rlloy, kun-
fiis. Ho will go to Ft. Rlloy May 15th.
Wnltor Raucho and Miss Ruby E.
Hutchison woro grantod n marringo 11
conso by County Judgo French yester
day. Tho brldo bolng under ago tho
written consont of hor mothor was
I wish to announce that tho firm
of Landgraf & Hoga, Palntors,
Pnporhangors and Decorators will bo
dlssolvod May lGth, 1917, and that I
will contlnuo to do buslnoss in my
own nnmo. Any ono wishing work
done aftor that dato phono Hlnck 570.
32-3 H. H. LANDGRAF.
Library Nitlc
Thoro aro now 3570 borrowers.
During April, 1917. thoro woro
2192 books loaned out, which was an
Intaroaso of 1491 over April, 1910.
Many now books have bean orderod
Tho following books aro In the
domostlo science dopartmont: "In
creasing Homo Kfflcloncy," Rruoro;
rFun of Cooking" Ronton, "roods
and Household Management" Cooley
"1000 Touts" Wiley, "Principals or
Cookery" Harrows, "Nutrition and
Diet" Conley.
: :o: :
To tho Public
This Is to notify all resldonts ot
North Plntto that any piano tuner
claiming to havo beou sent to your
city by mo or to bo acting as my agont
Is an Impostor, as I havo no roprosent-
nttvos in tho Hold. mignou)
FRANK O. JEROME. Sldnoy. Nob
Our Yard
Delays are expensive at this time of year
they add materially to building costs.
That is why we have equipped ourselves
to serve you promptly right out of slock on
hand in our yards here.
No requirement is too large nor too small
for us.
Any service we can render to help you
finish your building before winter? or in
time to take care of yoor crop is free.
See us or phone us what you need.
r. p. land to in: cultivated.
Tlio campaign of tho Union Pacific
railroad to bring tho spare land along)
its right-of-wtiy under cultivation hns
met -wiith great success.
Approximately 2G.O0O acres will bo
undor cultivation in 1917. Including!
tho branch lines, tho right-of-way of
tho Union Pacific Is almost 37,000
miles long, and tho right-of-way acres
which will bo used for raising food
crops during tho coming summer. If
all in ono piece, would mako a strip
ot land approximately 100 feet wide
and 2,200 miles long.
. Most of this land has been leased to
tjie owenrs of adjoining farms at a
nominal rental of $1 per year. Some
of. it hns been under cultivation in
provlous years, but tho recent appeal
of President Wilson for co-operation
in Increasing tho farm yield of the
country has given tremendous im
petus to tho extended use of these
right-of-wny acres.
: :o::
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. DeGraw have
rented tho formor Zontmoyor houso
und will rosido there- The formor Is
a traveling salesman for tho Rulck
Co- who has visited this city for five
years, and tho lattor nirrlved hero from
Lincoln Sunday.
F. N. Parsons, of Kearney, the
architect who was In charge of tho Im
provements on tho Methodist church,
spont several days horo this weok
making final inspection.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray Dorram announco
tho birth of a son nt tholr homo Sun
day afternoon. All concerned aire' do
ing nicely.
Mrs. W. L. Beaumont, of Spokane
Wash., who had boon visiting hor sIb
tor Mrs. Ren Esholman left last even
ing. Dr. J. S. Twlnom will leavo tho lat
tor pant of this wcok for Lincoln to
attend tho stuto medical meeting.
'W J. Tlloy has roturnod from Dea
Molnoa wiioro ho transacted buslnoss
at tlio Yeoman Homestead.
Miss Ruth Hubbard loft Sunday ov
onlng for Choyonno to visit relatives
for a week or longer-
Mrs. Jamos Wilson and daughtor
loft tho first of tho wook for Lincoln
to visit rolativos.
Allon Tift roturnod a fow days ago
ilttom a business visit In Minnesota.
M. E. Scott Is transacting buslnoss
In Arthur this wook.
: :o: :
Itoud This Item
If you aro earning loss than $150.00
por month In your present occupation,
wo havo an exceptionally good oppor
tunity far you In this county. For full
particulars soo olthcr A. A. Schatz,
Dist. Managor, or E. T. Kollhor, Asst.
State Managor, North Plntto, repre
senting Groat Wostorn Accldont Ins.
Co. 31tf
A brisk demand kofrt wheat at the
$3.00 mark in Omaha yostorday. Corn
sold for $1.54 and tho top prico for
hogs was $15.55.
R. N. Lamb, tho north side Whole
sale grocer, irecelvcd yesterday a car
load of oranges and a car of lemons.
Mr. Lamb has tvsjo men on tho road
ono working east and the othor west.
Miss Bosslo Graham returned last
evening from a month's visit in Oma
ha and Kansas City.
Tho Christian ladles' aid society will
meet Thursday afternoon in tho church
Mrs. Helen Gireen and baby, of Gor
ing, who had been visiting in Hast
ings, was hero last ovonlng.
uHPHOSE who save for a rainy day are
x those whose lives are likely to have
the most sunshine."
Start a Savings Account Now.;
Four per cent paid on
Savings Accounts.
First National Bank of North Platte
Ample Seed Stocks
Fancy Home Grown Alfalfa
Early Amber Cane Seed
Quantities to Suit.
Immediate Shipment.
Wrlte'or phono (or Samples and Prices
Notice to Noit-Hesldont Defendant.
Clifford A. Thomas will tako notice
that on the 18th day of April 1917
Geore 13. French. County Judge in
and for Lincoln county. Nobraska, ts
giiod an ordor of attachment for tho
sum of$S4.05 In an action ponding
bofore him, whoreln Cash M. Austin
ia ..lntmiir nmi f'llfford A. Thomas, do-
fondant. That property ot tho defend
ant consisting ot ono rronuor uvu im
onnrmr tniiftmr pjir Cr. 7RS02 has boon
attachod undor this ordor. This causo
was continued to tho 1st day ot Juno
1017, at 9 o'clock A. M.
North Platto, Nob., April 21st, 1917
CASH M. AUSTIN, Plaintiff.
Xotlee of Petition.
TOstntB No. 14S0 of Paulina Zlmmor
deceased, in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nobraska.
Tlio Stato of Nobraska, to all por
Bnns Intorostod In said ostnto tako no
tlco that a petition has boon filed for
tho nppolntmont of Mnry Hoou as nu
mlnlstrntrlx ot Bald ostnto, which has
boon sot for hoarlng boroln on Juno
1, 1917, at 9 o clock n. m.
Dated May 7, 1917.
m8-3w County Judgo
We have just added to our shop $3,000 worth of
machinery and an expert machinist to
take care of your work.
All Kinds of Welding, Repairing
and Lathe Work.
No matter how small or how large a job, we will
fix you up. Give us a trial and see for yourself.
Mogensen-Loudon Auto Co.,
North Platte - - - Nebraska.