The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 04, 1917, Image 8

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    LCA L. BARK, Editor And I'nbllihor,
One Year by Slnll In Adraiice. ...91.8J
One Year by Carrier In Advance. ,$L5
Entorcd , at North Platto, Nobrnska,
I'OBtolIlco an Second Class Matter.
I'JUUAY, .MAY 1, 1017.
NowtiBt things In Ladlos Neckwear
nt Wilcox Department store.
Mrs. Hugeno Holconibo loft a few
dbya ngo for Omaha to visit friends.
Dr. Brock, UuntUt. over Stono Drug
William PoaBO, who lias boon visit
ing in Koarnoy, will roturn homo to
Carl Simon and dniiKhtor Voronlca
returned 'Jhioflday from TinBtlngH whero
thoy visited rolatlvoH.
MIhm SSlta Worlomont, of Cheyenne,
who viBltod at tho Hubbard homo this
week, loft last ovonlng.
Mr. and Mrs. LouIh Petorson havo
returned from Omaha whero they vis
ited rolatlvoH for a wook.
MIsh Bertha Stebblns lias accepted a
position In tho Gom candy kitchen and
bogan work Wednesday.
MIsb Glndys Burton, of Paxton, vIb-
Itod nt tho LoDIoyt homo this nMook
whllo onrouto to Kearney,
Mrs. 0. S. Sawyer, Jr., of Choyonno,
Is visiting at the Sawyer homo while
onrouto homo from Lincoln.
Dr. Morrill, Dontlst.
Goorgo Vroman has roturnod from
Omaha whoro ho attended tho U. P.
ponslonors bannuot.
Lloyd Tonlas, of Alllanco. is oxnoct
cd hero this wook to visit his uncle
J. G. Dooler and family,
Mrs. Frank Lowell left a fowl days
ago ror Kansas City whoro sho will
visit for a wook or longor.
Mrs. Cash Austin and babv loft Tucs.
day aftornoon for Sholton to visit with
romtlvos for soma tlmo.
Ralph llorrod, of Donvor, visited tho
roro part of this wook with his grand
mother, Airs. Itoglna llorrod.
Mrs. Glon Mann and children havo
roturnod from Omaha whoro thoy vis
ited relatives for two weeks.
' Charles Haydon, of Wnllaco, spent
mo loru pan or this wook horo trans
acting business anl visiting frlonds.
CnnvasB Shoos and Slippers, Ladies,
Misses aim uiilidron'B.
TUB hub.
V. Orval Hodgos of to Dally Tolo-
grapn, returned Tuosday from Lin
coln whoro tho spont tho wook end.
Tho W. It. C. will hold a social this
aftornoon nt tho homo of Mrs. L. L.
wantor at tho
former Bullard rosi-
TiS.nnKM. In.. I.. I . .
:.r,.. ".. Kir!tho war losors. State Journal.
mmim mu mhj iMinii iiurjug our JU
nivorBary Sale. BLOCK'S.
Misses Ellso and Mlnnlo Seaman
havo opened massaging parlors on tho
second floor of tho Urodbock build
ing. Miss Ara Norrlss is assisting In (ho
tolophono department of tho Wostom
Union oftlco during tho nbsonco ol
Miss Josslo Baker,
Cliildron'B Hats and Drosses finish
ed oxcopt tho ombroldory at tho Art
Storo. 3io
A numbor of young lndlos will hold
a banquet nnd danco for tho Lono
Homohurst club ot tho J. I. Smith
farm noxt Monday ovonlng.
Notlco is horoby glvon that tho
Board of County Commissioners will
soli tho old woodon bridgo across the
North Platto rlvor north of Suther
land on Saturday, tho 20th day of
Mnyf"1017t at 10 o'clock Mountain
tlmo. Said bridgo to bo sold by tho
span as it stands and for cash only.
'n-8 County Cfork
Public Auction
aturdlay 9 May
inning at
Carload of New Farm Machinery
Consisting of Widetread Listers, one and two row
cultivators, drills, Hay Sweeps, Wagons and Boxes.
Some 2nd Hand Farm Machinery. Household Furni
ture. Horses and Cattle of all ages.
Harness. Complete Butcher Shop Fixtures. Ice
Box for same 8x10x10.
Also New and Second Hand Autos.
Farmers are invited to
TERMS: 10 months time on bankable paper at
10 per cent interest.
Col. L. M. McClara, Alict. . F. C Pielsticker, Clerk.
ntinvim thk 111(1 HALL
Tho attendance at tho thirty-fifth
nnmml Mnv Partv of Division 88. U.
of La,E.Mhyeld T?osday Tvon?nB ta'x"i
tho accommodation of the Lloyd opera'
house. Not only was tho floor pnekoa b""" '"1" '""v'
gwaLnr -nc4to ,oan on oho,co
52S?WMSJS XlmnarSrneari 'ropnt some of tho boat In
nf 1m lir J o ho floor 2 suranco companies doing business in
half of iom appeared on the floor at ,fl b mpoBB,blo for
one time or another during tho ovon-, Qwn anyth,ng of valuo thnt wo
'"The decorative scheme this year' cojjjd! not JnBumncSTro"
was along pat rlotle linos and hun- .J Jo. ra"?0HSt Tuie
. , - ,1 ' l , .II,.,,1 11 UU OWI1 (1 I1UUOU mill II. in U1I11IIJ,
hanging from tho ce ling, the othora ,Ust wth U8 tQ ront Wo ar(J xmahlJ
.ft ,r ",J " ,iiS v,i
WIIIIU mueiuo Uliu niifjn, nutvuiujMMv..,
on the walls. Crisscrossing ovorhcadi
wore troamors of rail, whlto and j
blue, and an electric "welcome" sign,
oxtended crosswiso of tho hall. Tho
utugo ontrnnco was draped with flags
nn.i huntlne. nnd an Immonso electric,
emblem fla&hod out the lottors"Div. 88,lington and) Now York, send out false
11. of L. E. Thoeo decorations give
tho hall a very pretty as well as
as patriotic appearance.
Beginning at a: 10 tno stamp orcnos-
.... .. uiv nitiilinpa
iTu giivo u jiiuji""" ul " iiujiiuvini i
oach of which was received with
woro presont when tno concori opoiicu.
Hhortlv after nine o'clock a grand;
. .
nmrnli wna Mil IimI. TIiIh wan led by
Gonl. Manaucr Jeffors, of tho Union
Pacific, nnd Mrs. Joffcrs, of Omahn,
oach cairylng a small flag and as tho
inarch circled tho hall a committee
prosontod those In lino with carna
tions and a program of tho dances.
Tho march was followed with a
altz, and with an hour taken out
at midnight for supper, tho final
"Homo Sweet Homo" waltz was con
cluded at 3 n. in.
This May Party ranked second to
none of tho many given by tho Engi
neers; In point of attendance it was
a littlo abovo tho averago, tho music
was all that tho most oxactlng dnncor,
could desire, tho docorativo effect
pleasing, and tho crowd waa a happy
Jolly ono. Chairman Schloutor of tho
arrangomont committee, and thoso of
tho varlouB committees who assisted
him, havo ovory roason to fool that
their efforts to givo tho public an
onjoyablo ovonlng wero successful.
Income Tax Exemption Reduced.
Tho wayB and moans committeo Is
roported about ready to reduco tho in
como tax cxomptlon to $1,000 for sln
glo men und $l,(j00 for tho married.
ThiB will bo woll enough, provided
othor fodoral taxes which bear heav
iest upon peoplo of bo modorato an
Incomo aro romoved, and provided al
so that tho rato on largor Incomes Is
Increased to make the tax as great
a deprivation to those as to theso.
Tho war Is already lovying on peoplo
of small means tho equivalent of a tax
of perhaps CO por cent on tholr in
comes, ThoBO aro not paid in tho
name of Incomo taxes, howovor, but
by way of Indirect foderal taxes on
sugar and othor necessaries, and also
by wkiy of tho high prices by which
tho war is taking monoy from ono
class and giving It to anothor. in
I I... ...... I .... . 1 .. I. .. ...! 1 11,.
UllAlUiy IU UU IlllT tO UIU Will
congress should not forgot
Outlines Price Fixinir I'liin.
Secretary Houston told! tho houso
committeo on ngrlculturo at Wash
Ington Tuosday that in a bill to be
Introduced this wook, ho would pro
pose tho broadest possible plenary
powers for tho Council of National
Dofonso to covor, regulation of stor
age of food, rolease of food held In
unwarranted amounts, control of
transportation of food stuffs through
out thp, country, so ns to moot spoclflc
needs; mlntiiHim nnd maximum prices,
regulation of liquor traffic and licen
sing nrrungomonts.
Miss Vora Warrington has roturnod
from a short visit with relatives in
Real Estate and Insurance.
Coiuo nnd seo us for town lots in
different parts of tho city. Good in
vostniontR on easy tonus. Houses for
salo and ront. Wo havo also cood bar
gains in farms and ranches.
Cor. Kront and Dow'oy Sts-, upstairs.
10 o'clock.
bring in article for Sale.
H you want a Iioubo and lot wo can
"for Jjalo" Jt, rnnglng Jin Pd" rom
$700 -10 $5000. Can accept llvo stock
r antomoldles for equity on some,
&I , , fa M:. "Vl1!
to got enough to supply tho demand.
Office 723V4 North Locust Street.
Nln lllir Plot in Now York.
Intention to tap all tolograph
trunk linos botwoon Chicago, Wash-
reports ot rresiuont wnsons asuas-
sinntlon, anu u-uoai rnius on uiu
Atlantic coast, ana tnon uisrupu
wiros 10 ymvunt uuiuhi, mi m uncu
'Mm ctmV mnrlrnt fnr nnoonlnl Ivn
............ 1
bonollt, was tho ambitious pldt, con-
.... a r t t i n n
won lurncn aim uuuibu mujuiiki-i,
two Germans arroBted last night
charged with having a picric acid
bomb In their possession.
Ico Cream 30 cents ot Wilcox Dept.
B. V. Fletcher loft Wednesday morn
ing for Lewollon to spend a few days.
MrB. John N. Unkor lins returned
from Omaha whore sho spont sovoral
Seo what you can buy shoes for bo-
fore you Invest. Thoy may not coBt as
much as you think If bought of Wilcox
Department storo.
Mlaa ATnrirnrnf Rlllllvnn nf flrnn ,1 in
land, who came Tuesday to visit her
sister, Mrs. Herman Schloutcr, and
attend the May party, has returned
A showing of something new, Eliza
beth Miles' Middy Drosses, now on
salo at Tho Leader Morcantllo Co. s
ut $1.45 $1.05 and $1.95. See them
and you'll buy.
A marriago llconse was granted
Wednesday afternoon to eLo Emory
Johnston, railroad agent at Northport,
and Miss viola Young of Hershey.
How far will a mothor go to save
hor daughtor from death or worse
Soo Allco Brady in "Tho Dancer's
Poril" at tho Crystal Saturday after
noon and ovonlng. Sho is nt hor bril
liant best In this scintillating offer
Special Attention to
Surgery, Gynccolpgy nnd Obstetrics.
Nurso Bnoavn Memorial Hospital.
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
L . C . DROST,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Phono 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building
North Platto, Nobraska.
Successor to
Drs. Redfield & Redfield
Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 678
. . '
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics,
Ofilco: Buildinir and Loan Bulldine
( Oflico 130
f Residence 115
Offlco Phono 70
Ros. Red 087
Sulplio Vapor Baths
Bolton Building
Practlco Limited to
Surgery nnd Radium Therapy
72S City National Bank Building.
Omaha, Nebraska.
G Reynold Building
Offlco hours 9 a, m. to 6 p. m.
7 p. m. to 8 p. rn.
Offlco 333 Ros Black 613
Llcoutfcd Kmbalmors
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Phono Black 688.
in i
Bought and highest m&rkat
pricai paid
Reiidcnce Red C3G Oflico 459
..General Hospital..
One Halt Block North ot Postoflice.
A modern institution for tha
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. 'V. Lucas, MD.
J. B. Redfield, M. D. J. S. Simms, M.D
jt j f nt 1
Viaf"nPW;on Kr Shank
Phone Red 317 or Blk 907.
Will sell anything Hint can bo nuc-
tloncd on. iilnko dates nt limn
ers' Slnto Hank, or wire nt my ox
ponio. Reference, Fnrmcrs' Stnte
Hank, Suthcrlnnd, Neb.
Quality In Cigars has has been our
aim since we began making cigars in
North Platto over 'thirty years ago.
Wo put quality In tho first cigars we
mado, and that same quality is in the
cigars wo make today. Schmalzrled's
Cigars havo stood the test of thoso
more than thirty years. What greater
evidence of quality could you desire?
If you havo not boon smoking Sshmalz-
died's cigars, try thorn they are cor
tain to please.
No. 97352
Will mako tho season ns follows:
Tuesdays nnd Fridays at the Moir.
?"scn Food and
salo Jliirn, JNortli
Platte, bcginnlnir April 10th.
lialance or the week (except Sun
day) ut my farm six miles ivost of
North Platto and three fourths of n
nillo southeast of Illrdwood switch.
Nabob was foaled May 24, 1913, and
imported with his mothor by North
ic Robinson, of Grand Island, In July,
15)13. Was bred by M. Do3proz, Depart
ment of Orno, in Franco. This horse
weighs 1780, is clean and sound in
ovory particular, and is as good as
you will find anywhoro.
wo invito you 10 como and seo tins
-$15.00 to insure colt to
8taiu ai,d suck. If mares aro disposed
ui ui luuvu tuiuillj BUIYIUU leu UU'
comos duo and paynblo at once,
Caro will bo taken to orovont ac
cldonts, but should any occur stallion
owner will not b responsible,
ltllllll Xo. -10,.
To all whom It may concern:
mo Hpeciai coinniiBBionorH appointed
iu iui'iiio a iniuiia roaa as louowa:
uomniencinir at tno liair section
Cftmnr lint w Simtlnnu Of n.t.l nr.
tOWUHllln 14. rnntiQ 2ft. tlinncn ivnst nnn
nun umi-iiiiu union on tno Hoctlon
line botwoon Sectlnnn 2(i. an. nml 27. .1i
to the suction cornor lietwoen Sections
si, 3 ami 28 and 33, township 14
rniiKo L'u, nas renorteu In favor of th
mine, uiui an onject oiib tnoroto o
ciainiH ror ilamairas must be Mod In
tho office of the conntv olork on oi
before 12 o'clock noon of the 25th day
of Juno, 1917, or bucIi road will be
allowed without roferone tlmreto.
Dated at North Platte this 17th day
a. h. AUUiSN, county cleric
ltoiul No. IOI.
I To all to whom It mnv concern:
xiio Npeaiai coinmiMuionor nnpointeu
to locntu a milillc roail ua follows:
ComnienoliiK at the southwest cornor
oi tno aishi or section 3D, town s
raiiKe Si), runnlnir to a nolnt. one hun
rtrcu eloven (lit) rods north from
mo uorinwost corner or saia uuartor,
incnco rununinR in a noriuwostoriy
direction to a nolnt one hundred six
(106) rods east of tho northwest cornor
of Section 36, town 9, raimo 29, thence
weBt anu terminating at tno isoriiiwea
corner of Section 35, town 9, run no 29
has renorted In favor of tho Bamo. ox
cent that tho road Is to ro to tho south
and westt-of treo claim and to pass
nrounu tno noun or canyon in the north
west auarter of Section 35. town 9
ran no 29, said road to bo 40 foot in
All ..1.1 . I. ....... nH 1 n I ... n
UUJDI.IIVIIH uini ciu, ui uiiiiiiio tu
danincoH must be llled In tho office o
noon of tho 25th day of June, 1917, or
tne county cigtk on or ueioro 1. u oiock
buoIi road will bo allowed with out rof
orancn thereto.
Dated at North l'latto. Nobr.. this
17lli ilnv of Anrll. 1917.
A. d AlUliJN, uouniy uiotk
J. E. SEHASTIAN. State Mirr.
Minn.Mutual Lifelns.Co.
Phone Office Red 612
Residence Red 348
Hospital Phone Black 633.
House Phone Black 633.
Graduntt) Veterinarian
Bight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218-south Locust St..
one-half block southwest ot the
Court Housb.
Scrap Iron $6 per Ton.
Dry Bones $12 per Ton.
We buy all kinds of Junk and
Xollce io Creditor
Estate No. 1470 of Gooriro Schick.
ueceanwi in tne uouuty court or Jjin
coin (jouniy. iseorasKa.
Tno state or JNonrasKa. sa: creditors
of said ostato will tako notlco that the
tlmo limited for nroscntatlon and fll
lnsc of claims nenlnst uald Estate Is
Novembor 18, 1017, and for settlement
r said isstute is Anrn 13. l'Jis: that I
win sit at the county court in salu
county, on May IS, 1U17, nt 9 o'clock
. in. and on .November is. iai7. .it
'clock a. m.. to receive examine, hear.
nllow, or adjust nil claims and ob
jections duly tiled.
nl7-ml5 County Judge
liv virtue of nn order of sale lsslieil
trom tlio Ulstrict Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered In said Court
whoreln Joseph P. Nothels Is plaintiff,
and Benjamin W. Pinch ot nl aro de
fendants, and to mo directed, I will on
tho 12th day of May, 1917, nt 2 o'clock
V. M.. at tho oast front door of tho
Court House In North Platte, Lincoln
i.ouiuy, ieurasita, sen at l'uullc Auc
tion to tho liltrhest hldiler for cnnli. rn
satisfy said decree, interest and costs,
me lunuwinir uoscrioed property to
Wit: All of Section Tiiirrnnn 1 31.
Township Eleven (11), North of RanKo
Tlilrty-ono (31), West of tho 6th P. M.,
ui juicoin L-ounty, XNonrasKa.
Dated North Platte. Noli.. Anrll nth.
1917. A. .T. RAT.TSHimV.
alOmll Sheriff.
Notice to Creditors
Estate No. 14(17 of T.nronzn R. Mnnnm.
bor, deceased.
In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nobraska.
The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estate will tako notice that
tho tlmo limited for presentation and
liunfr or claims against saia Estate Is
Novembor 11. 1917. and for settlement
of said Estate is April C. 1918; that 1
will sit at the county court room In
said county, on May 11, 1917, at 9
o'clock a. m. and on Novembor 11,
1917, at 9 o'clock n. in. to receive,
examine, hear, allow, or adjust all
claims anu objections duly filed.
UUU. JS. 1 ItrjNUJrl,
al0-m8 County Judge.
Notice to Creditor
Estate NO. 14Gu Of n.irnllnn SnlilMr
In tho County Court of T.lnrnln
County. Nobraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estato will tako notice thnt
tho tlmo limited for presentation and
flllnir of claims nirnlnst n.ild TCstntn lu
November 11, 1917, and for settlement
of said Estato Is April C, 191S; that I
win sip at the county court room In
said county, on May 11, 1917, at 9
o'clock a. m. and on November 11.
1917. at 9 o'clock a. m. to receive.
examine hear, allow, or . niHnst nil
vmiiiiB uiiu uujuuiiuiiH uuiy nieu.
1 I 1 1 ' J ' 1 - 1 " .
alO-mS County Judge.
Notice to CrcdltorH
Estato No. 14fifi of Tfrnnlr Sflitrl-
In tho County Court of Lincoln
county. NonrasKa.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: CrcdltorB
of said estato will tako notlco that
tho tlmo limited for presentation and
flllntr of claims nirnlnst s.ild Estate Is
November 11, 1917, and for settlement
oi saia estato is April u, iuis; tnat l
will alt at the county court room in
said county, on May 11, 1917, at 9
o'clock a. m. and on November 11,
1917, at 9 o'clock a. m. to receive,
examine, bear, allow, or adjust all
claims and objections duly nied.
a!0-m8 County Judge.
Change of Itond No. .'llllUi
Tho consent netitlon of II. m. Cllnltn
ct al.. asklntr for a chnniro of Roncl
No. 319 V4 has ljeen filed and rends as
iuuuwh; (
Commencing at a point or Station
Ao, zv on noad no. 31Ua in tho south
east quarter of Section 35, town 10.
rango 27, running thonco southeasterly
on east sldo. of canyon nnd romainlnir
on oast sldo of canyon through North-
onsi quarior oi Koutncast quarter
of Section 35, town 10, rango
27. and through tho "W. of
aWYt or Section 3G, town 10, rango 27,
terminating at Station No. 37 on Uoad
No. 319 on! Seotion lino between Sec
tion 30, town, 10, rnngo 27 nnd Section 1,
town u. rnngo a 7. roau to ua l rod in
canyon and a rods on bank.
au parties qujocting thereto or hav
ing claims for damages by reason o
said chango must Hie the Hame In tin
oftlco of tho county clork on or boforo
12 o'clock noon on the 25th dny of
June, 1917, or the samo will bo granted
without reference thoreto.
Dated at North Platte, Nobr., this
17th day of Anrll. 1917.
A. S. ALLEN, County Clork
Notice to Nou-ItelcIfiit DefendnutN
To Harris, first and real name
unknown, tho son of Sylvia Harris, do
ceased; and - Harris, first and real
name unknown, tlio wire or liar
ris, tho son of Sylvia Harris, decoasod
non-resident defendants.
You and each Of you will take notice
tnat on tno l&tu uay oi luarcu, ivu,
I llll TiT I In., Tnc. I.iolmm o.i.l Dliin.
ford Anway filed their poti:i"i in the
District court or Lincoln i o "iiy, Ne
braska against you and each of you
(Imploaded with' others), the onjt'Ct and
prayer of whloh salil petition Is for
the partition of tho following doscrlbod
lands, to-wlt; All of Section Flvo (5)
In Township Twolvo (12), North of
ltango Thlrty-ono (31), Wost of tho Oth
P, Ml; Ihe South half of tho Northeast
Quarter (SMiNEU) and Lots Ono and
Two (1&2) In Section Six (0) In Town
ship Tweivo (J2) North of Itnngo
Thlrty-ono (31), "West of tho 6th P. M.j
and tho South Half (SV4) of Section
Thirty-three (33) In Township Thirteen
(13) North of Range Thlrty.ono (31)
West of tho Cth P. M., all of said lands
being located In Lincoln County. No
braska: and that Bald Court partition
the said lands among the parties on
titled thereto or If the Bamo cannot be
equitably dono thnt Bald landB bo sold
In the inannor provided by law and the
procoods thereof bo divided between
tho parties according to their respec
tive shnros nnd rights and for such
other rollef aa niay bo Just and equit
able rt , .
You aro required to nnswer said pe
tition on or beforo the 28th day of
May, 1917. , . 4 .
Dated this l!th day of April. 1917.
Their Attorney.
! Remember the
Nurse Brown Memorial
Homeopathic Hospital
When requiring hospital care
Surgically, or
Hero your interests and comfort will
bo served. It Is not th0 biggest, out
ono of tho best places wherein to
get woll.
100S West Fourth Street.
Dr. J. S. Twinem.
Notlco Is hereby nrlvon that n.
election will bo hold In tho city of
North I'latte, Lincoln County, Nebras
ka, on May 18th, A. D. 1917, at tho
places horelnaftor speclllod In tho sev
eral wards of tho city, for tho purpose
of enabling the voters of tho city liuv-
niB inu legui ngm so 10 uo to vote on
the following ' proposition, to-wit;
"Shall tho mayor and council of the
city of North I'latte, Nebraska, have
the power and be authorized to Issue
ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) City of
North l'latto Bridge Bonds In denomi
nations of ono thousand dollars
($1,000.00) each dated July 1st, A. D.
1917, duo In twenty years from date,
but paynblo at any tlmo after ten
years at tho option of said city, to
draw Interest at tho rato of live per
cent por annum payablo Beml-annually,
principal and interest payablo at the
olllce of the stato treasurer of the
State of Nobraska: said bonds to be
Issued for tho purpose of obtaining
money with which to aid In tho con
struction of a wagon bridgo across tho
South I'latte river, commencing at a
point on tho north bank or tho South
l'latto river where u continuation of
tho center lino of Locust streot In tho
city of North I'latte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, Intersects said north bank
in the southeast quarter (S. E. ) of
tho southwest quarter (S. AV. ) of
section four (4), In township thirteen
(13) north of rango thirty (30), west
pf the 6th P. M. in Lincoln county, Ne
braska, running thence In a southerly
direction across the South Platto river
about nfteen hundred (1500) feet to a
point on tho south bank of said river
about twenty-five (25) feet east of sta
tion No. 10, of ltoad No. C, Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska, at tho east edge of tho
south end of the present timber
bridge. Said bridgo to be approxi
mately llfteon hundred (1G00) feot in
length and of sulllclent width for two
teams to pass each other at any point
on said bridgo and to bo constructed of
concreto and steel, and to comply
'I16 .Plans and specifications
Dropared and furnished by the stato en- J 7
glneor of tho stato of Nobraska, and
said bonds representing approximately
ono-fourth of the entlro cost of tho
construction of said bridgo as hereln
beforo sot forth, the entire cost of
which Is to bo approximately forty
thousand dollars ($40,000.00) one-half
2fn'JliCI.i(.on.Ttlro au,m ,s,t, be uorno y te
state of Nebraska Aid as provided for
Vi, li 'v .' ""Hier as. Sections 123 to
133 inclusive, of tlin T(lu,l Clni,.i..
of Nebraska, for the yoar 1913. and
one-iourtn or the entlro cost is to bo
borne by Osgood precinct In Lincoln
county, Stato of Nebraska, in pursu
,of tho Provisions of Chapter 8,
Article 4, Sections 41 to 4C Inclusive
v.V..1neoJ.lQV,lse1.,Stntute8 of o tate of
Nebraska for tho year 1913.
snail uip proper olllcers of said
city be authorized to levy and collect
a tax annually in tho samo manner as
other tnvno i, i..i.i
and collepted In an amount sufllelnnt
Li .pay V,e 'nterest and principal of
said bonds nn thoy mature, as provided
VJawl,untU s,?ll bonds and intorest
2n7,i Ei on.aH the property within
nVnLli1.8 Bh?,w" nn valued upon the
h ii,i oiv,. c'V'r, Ul, llle assessors or
said city. Said bonds aro to bo nego-
iViLnl.n if?rm n,1(1 th0 'nterest shall bo
evidenced by coupons to said bonds at-
Should tho Stato
tJI'I1 ,8alTa. nld, anu should Osgood
Precinct in Lincoln County. Nebraska,
fall to Issue linnila In fl,n e m ".'
Thousand Dollars f Sio.nnn nni i,T i
of the construction of said bridge, then
the bonds of tho city of North Platte
I,pnr,,-,l",8V,b'.llVeiJ slmn not e Issued!
-i, it i 1,6 U8ed In said election
shall havo printed thereon:
ri'?nln8Suln,?.,Ten, Thousand Dollars
($10,000.00) of tho city of North Platte
bridgo bonds in denominations of Ono
Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each bear
ing Interest at tho rate of 5 per cent
?eLP.nnu Payable semi-annually, ln-nmZV-
fnd.i "rlon.clpal Payable at tho
office of the State Treasurer of tho
Stato of Nebraska, said bonds to bear
date of July 1st, A. D. 1917, and be
duo in twenty years from date but
payable at any time after ten years at
nn pii?in F sald ?u'' aml for lovying
and collecting a tax annually to pay
ashey mature .rlnClPnl f 8ald bonds
nAaAI'y.S. (?sulnK Ten Thousand
T?in nrB. "I0'00,0-0") owelty of North
?fatA,J,rm!B0 bon,ds'n denominations
of One Thousand Dollnrs ($1,000.00)
each bearing interest at the rate of 5
PSl c,,nt .p?r annum payablo semi
annually, interest and principal pay-
Krir nJr i0 S1? of ,tho state Treas
urer of tho Stato of Nebraska, said
bonds to boar dato o'f July 1st A D
J5"' an'l he duo In twenty years from
dato but payablo at any tlmo after
ten yenrs at the option of said city, and
for ovylng nnd collecting a tax an
nually to pay the Interest and princi
pal of said bonds as thoy mature"..
iTS0. vP,tlnK 'a 'avor of said propo
Sll'S" SlmI1 .mark their ballots with a
nni8. 2S2ta the paragraph begin
ning: "For Issuing Ten Thoiinntiii nni
'Y8. (?10 000.00 St the Clty"Sf dNorth
Pi'it.h.nrldfr,0 "on-ls.", nnd those voting
against said proposition shall mark
nnrna."i0ti" w,,th. a cros,, "PPosito tho
raInaPll.1,0Rlnn ng: "AGAINST Issu-
nni, "",Ba1V .V,0""? ($10,000.00)
of the City of
i-iaiio iirldge
In tho court room on the second floor
r-ni.n0.. ci5",nty ""V1 ho."B0 ln Lincoln
"OUntV. Nolir.TSlrn. In in ,1 i .
Third A ard, In tho hose houso situated
on Vine street botwoon Sixth nnd Front
streets In said ward nnd in tho Fourth
xtVi ' T " ' f ""o "ouse situated on
North Locust streot In snld ward. The
polls at said
nlnntlnn nhnll irnn
open botwoon tbe bourn of 9 o'clock a.
V4ui;iv j. hi, ui Hum rinto.
li. II. 13 VANS,
n rr. Mayor.
(SKAL) city Clork.
Estate No .1433 .of John N. Bonner,
deceased. In tho County Court of Lin
coln County. Nebrnska. uu"- ul
Tho State of Nebraska, to all persons
interested in said Estato tnko notice
that the Administratrix has filed a final
acount nnd report of her administra
tion and a petition for final settlement
and dlschnrgc as Ruch, which havo boon
ol b.efore aald court on May
18. 1917, at 9 o'clook a. m. when you
may appoar and contest the snmo.
Dated April 20, 1917.
a24-3w County Judge.
Notice to CreilltnrM
, Estato No. 1489 of Henry
fiagcn, deccasod.
In tho County Court of
County. Nebraska.
J. Co-Lincoln
i.P,.,liBp,,.ncc? for .8a,d election shall
'"i at. Allowing plnccs to-wlt: In tho
First Ward at No. 505 Dowev ' Rn-M
uinman Hniiiiinr-- in th
Tho Stnte of Nebraska, as: Creditors
of Bald estato will take notice that
tho time limited for presentation and
filing of claims ngalnst said Estate la
November 11, 1917, and for settlement
of said Estate Is April 6, 1918; that I
will Bit at the county court room In
Bald county, on May 11, 1917, at 9
o'clock a. m. and on November 11.
1917, at 9 o'clock a, m. to receive,
examine, hpar, allow, or adjust all
claims and objections duly filed.
al0-m8 County Judge.