The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 04, 1917, Image 5

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Dixon-Perfecto Glasses
Guarnteed Not To Break
If you are contemplating having your
dyes examined, it will pay you to inves:
tigate our
Dixon-Perfecto Glasses.
Don't forget our One Day Service
on broken lenses.
Prank LItzio returned tho flrst of
tihs week from Omaha.
Attornoy W. V. Hoagland spent yes
terday in Sidney on business.
Everthlng continues to go up. Even
women's skirts aro higher abovo the
shoo tops.
Dr. T. J. Kerr was called to Suth
erland yesterday morning on profes
sional business.
M. E. Scott will leave today for
Paxton to transact business for n
couple of days.
Fred Darraclough returned Wednes
day from Omaha where he spent the
flrst of this week.
Attornoy J. G. Beoler loft yesterday
morning for Lincoln to spend tho
week end on business.
Miss Ella Stegemann very pleasant
ly entertained tho Lutheran Girls'
Club last evening.
New spring silk and Jersey sweaters,
also tho now Shetland middy for out
door sport, now on salo at BLOCK'S.
Dr. II. A. Fenner has moved his
office from tho Reynolds' building to
a suit of rooms over The Oasis.
For Sale Parlor organ, in good con
dition and .wall bo sold cheap. 303 cast
Third street, or phono Red 737. 31tf
Flo LaBadie in tho Patho feature,
"Her Life and His" will bo shown at
tho Keltln tonight with tho serial
If you think of economy don't let
nothing koop you away from attending
tho last day of our Anniversary Sale,
Saturday, May 5th. BLOCK'S.
Judgo Grimes, Court Reporter Bar
ron, Attorneys Shuman and Boatty
who havo been spending this week
in court at Tryon, will return today.
Laffin' is easy whon you know how.
Charlio Chaplin tho laff teacher will
be at tho Kolth Wednesday in his
latest riot "The Cure."
You and your frionds aro cordially
invited to attend the lecture on Christ
ian Scienco at tho Masonic templo,
Thursday evening, May 10th.
Rov. Albin Olson requests us to
announce that there will bo no meet
ing at tho Swedish Lutheran church
next Sunday on acocunt "of the con
feronco meeting.
Tho improvements at tho Landgraf
.barber shop were further enhanced
in appearance this week by the arrival
of white finished barber shair up
holstered In brown leather.
Architect Bert Reynolds was award
ed the contract for furnishing the
plans and- specifications for tho now
city hall at tho meeting of the city
council Tuesday evening. Ho will ro
M colve 2 por cont of tho contract prlco
Jfc for tho plans and for supervising the
construction of the building.
" I ! 's America. And it js largely f 11
1 Pi s0 because of the patriotism and I I
I jJ ability- of American farmers. jl j !
8 Jjj The McDonald State Bank offers j
f Mil!!! 'ts ne'p e 'invo money to 'enu II i
ft 11 fnrmers t0 increase their production. JJ
n 1 111 e 'iavo Inany business facilities 1 1
I I and a porsonal service to offer i jlj
farmers. jl PS
3 II III They are all at the command of jj
jj 1 I the farmers of Lincoln County. fl P
We invite you to use them freely. N t
liv-Ob State BansT
VlfC ' t-tww mini i mil ii i.iiiiiiiiiii "fcZ"
-rl -it - -rr.. . tmii.j.-mi,Tinfimnm, . .
JWj 1 . W J
Albert LoDIoyt, of Paxton, camo
down a few days ago to visit at tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Herman LoDioyt.
Tho season's now sweater coats in
all tho new styles at E. T. TRAMP &
A social danco will bo held this ev
ening by the Catholic young people in
tho basement of St. Patricks school
Leo Simon has let tho contract to
Cohagen & Barraclough for the erec
tion of nn eight room house on his
tract of land east of tho oity. The
residence will cost about 54,000.
Blouses arriving almost dally; a
now shipment just hor.o; this is n
real" blouso season; beautiful blouses
aro not expensive either.
Tho caso of Mrs. Ella Smith ngalnst
Elijah M. Smith for abandonment
which was to bo beared. In tho county
court Wednesday was dismissed as tho
plaintiff did not appear on that date.
Miss Emm Shorbackor who has
been employed as stenographer
an tho Hoagland & 'Hoagland nw
offico for several years will leave
shortly for Hastings to accept a po
sition ns stenographer In a bank.
Dr. Hooper anj Dr. Kerr, of this
J city, havo been asked to enter tho fed
, eral servico as field hospital physi
cians and surgeons. The demand for
physicians and surgeons for tho army
a111 be heavy and lnvall parts of tho
country men of this profession aro
being opportuned to enter the service.
The .musical comedy""Katinka" was
presented to practicaljy a full houso
at tho Kolth Wednesday evening. Fine
stage settings, pretty costumes, catchy
music and well taken" comedy parts
marked its production and tho audi
ence was well pleased.
The funeral services of tho late
Mrs. Promus Forstedt wero hold at
the Lutheran church on Wednesday
afternoon and attended, by a largo
numbor of frionds. Rev.. C. B. Harman
was in chargo of tho services and tho
pallbearers wero Messrfi. Oscar San
dall, John Saltow, A.' W. Shilling,
Jason SasVycr, Julius Hoga and Harry
Carl Simon, Charles Pass and W. R.
Mnlonev oxnoct to leave Monday even
ing for Allinnco to attend tho Stale
Council of tho Knights Qf Columbus,
whlch will be held on -Tuesday and
Wednesday, May 8th andj.9th. Bishops
Hamry Tdhen of LIndoln and' Jas.
A. Duffy of Grand Island-will bo tho
principal speakers.
Tho domestic scionco department of
thh Twentieth Century, club has been
holdlnir n short coursoat"the Frank
lin auditorium this weolcT which has
been given a liberal patronage. Misses
Ord and Meredith of Lincoln are in
chargo and givo demonstrations at tho
meetings which aro held 'in the morn-
Mnrr nnrt nftnrnnnn HMir pnllrna lint'nn
Tuesday morning and wil close this
I aftornoon wpth an Informal recoptlon
At tho mooting of tho city council
Tuowluy tho North Plutto Comotory
Association, through its prosidont T.
( Patterson, offorcd to turn ovor to
the city free of chargo tho cemotory
grounds togothor with two thousand
dollars in cash In tho tronsury. Con
temporaneous with tho offer thoro
waB Introduced an ordlnnnco author
izing tho nccoptanco by tho city. This
ordinance was advanced to a second
reading and will como ant for final
passage at the next meeting of tho
council. In tho meantime a committee
coinpo?0(i of Boll, Porter, and Stono
will consult with tho offlcors of the
comtory association ns to the details
of the transfor.
Tho transfer of tho comotory is cer
tainly a wiso movo. With tho $2,000
nvullablo city water can bo piped to
tho grounds, tho lack of which has
been tho main cnuso of tho dosolate
appearance of tho cemotory. It is fig
ured that present acroago is sufficient
to provido burial plots for tho next
seven years, aftor which moro ground
will bo noeded, or a community ntau
solemn oroctcd. Tho lattor plan Is
worthy of consideration.
Wo have Just oponod a now lino of
llttlo folks' Middy Blouses and Girls'
White and Gingham Drosses at tho
Wilcox Department store.
Mr. 9 and Mrs. Charles Wolr, of
Grand Island, former residents hero,
camo tho flrst of this week to visit
local friends and attend tho May
Geo. M. Moonoy, who recently sub
inltted to an operation at a local hos
pltal Is getting along nicely and will
bo able to rcsumo his dutlos next
Miss Lucille Wilcox who is nttond
ing tho state university was elected
this ivoek ns a mombor of tho Black
MaBque society, an organization of
senior girls.
Our last call on suits and coats;
they nro going; simply cleaning up
our spring stock, so now is your
chanco to buy at your o(vn prico.
Mabel Tallforro tho star wiio "ar
rived" In God's Half Acre will bo
seon again Monday night at tho Crys
tnl in "Tho Dawn of Lovo" sounds
interesting doosn't it?
E. F. Seeberger expects to leave Sun
day on a trip to St. Louis, Fronch
Lick, Ind., and Chicago. Gonl. Mann
gor Jeffors, of tho Union Pacific will
be his traveling companion.
Brokon oyo glass lenses can bo re
placed tho samo day as order Is given
in our lenso grinding department.
29-tf Graduate Optometrist
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Conlin, who
spent the past month visiting in Now
York, Chicago and other eastern
cities, will bo "at homo" at tho Arl
moro apartments in Omaha Monday.
Just received, a now shipment of
White Kid Boots at the Shoo Market.
Having bought them boforo tho ad
vanco in prices, wo aro soiling thorn
at a special price of SG.00.
Special salo of women's skirts, all
tho new and very latest styles bolng
shown at The Leader Mercantile
Co.'s at $5 to $17.50. Two special lots
of skirts at $3.35 and $4.90, nny worth
double tho prlco.
F. L .Johnson and Win. Strauss, of
the local telohone office, who took nn
examination for service in tho tele
graph division of tho signal corps of
tho federal service, have boon in
structor to ronort at Ft. Logan May
Carpets and Rugs of all kinds
thoroughly cleaned by tho Llttlo
Giant Vacuum Cleaner. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Phone Red 1000; or call
at 2 South Maplo. 30-4
A farmer living southwest of North
Platto Is holding cloven hundred
bushels of wheat which ho says ho willl
sell when tho prico reaches $2.75 por
bushel. Tuesday tho local price was
within ton conts a bushol of tho prico
ho dcs!ro3, and he will probably with-in-n
couple of weoks got his $2.75. Will
ho sell then or wnlt for fno $3.00
"Davy Ciockett" the story of tho
great Indian fighter who loved ns ho
fought, with all his might and Mm
what ho sought in splto of all ob
siaJclos, 'even tho daughter it his
aristocratic noighbor, Col. Vaugh, will
bo tho photo attraction at tho Kolth
Saturday night. Dustin Fnrnum as
tho hero has never had a better rolo.
The temporaturo last month was
four degroos colder than tho normal
for April, ranging from eighty-one to
twenty-two dogroos. During tho month
tho snow anj rainfall amounted to
1.05 inches, as compared with seventy-two
one hundredths of an inch In
April, 191G, and 7.10 inchos in tho
snmo month of 1915. Tho normal pro-,
cipltation for April is 2.15 Inchos. !
Havolino Motor Oils ana Greases !
Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Tires, j
0,000 miloH guaranteed, now to be
had at tho Romish garage. 107 Wost
6th stroet. 29-4. i
Mis Olga Samlnll and Emil Weil,'
of this city, left Tuesday for Cheyenno
where they were married Wodnosdny
After a visit in western points thoy
will renide here. The brido Is tho
daughter of Mr. and Mr. Charles
Sandall and is employed an monog
rapher In the J. E. Sebastian offico.
She is a vory attractive and amlnblo
young lady. The groom Is at present
omployad with Snmuelson, the
Clothlor, and 1b a capable young man.
He Is tho oldest son of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Weil.
Fourteen North Platte young men
have appeared heforo Captain Wallace
Tor preliminary examination for en
trance to the officers' training camp
at Ft. Suelling. and will be notified in
a few days hethe- they will be ad
mitted. Thoie who took the mental
and personal examination before Cap
tain Wallace were: Arthur Dullard,
Cody lioal, RolK it tJantt, Paul Oh, I.c-wl- Iscllv (v II fool, fjooe
1'avir .. Mirr Wn-buip, Lor np;
Guril' r n Jnm i 71 nn. Jam' Lim
lTt cud ( has D'xn
Tho Red Cross SoOloty of this city
has systematically taken up oiio font
uro of tho uiprk it Is supposed to per
form, that of Increasing tho food pro
duction. Through tho mombers of tho
connnltteo appointed, ovor throe hun
dred school c-hllilrnn nf North Plnttn
havo been lntorosted In having vogo-
table gardens, those garden tracts to
contain not less than two hundred
square feet each, and ns much larger
as tho Individual boy or girl may de
sire. On those trncts It is proposed
to raise prineipubly non-porlshnhlo
vcgotnblos such ns navy bonus, pota
toes, turnips, carrots, cabbago and
tomntoos for canning purposos. For
the porlshnblo vegetables that may
bo gtown a local nmrkot will bo es
tablished:. Each of tho ward schools, Including
tho parochial school, will havo a nmn-
ngor, and for oach ton of tho garden
tracts thoro will bo nn Inspector, who
will advise and encourage tho boys
and girls In their Work.
Tho managers of tho dlfforont
schools aro as follows: Franklin
school, Mrs. E. S. Davis; Washington,
Mrs. J. S. Slmni8; Jofforson, Mrs. Wil
son Tout; Lincoln, Miss Edith Patter
son; Parochial, Mrs. James Hart.
Tuosday aftornoon nearly 300 boys
and girls who will tako up thls'wHork
assembled at tho Franklin auditorium
and woro tola, tho plan of tho work by
Mrs. J. S. Sinnns.
Klks Award Contract.
Tho trustoos oX tho B. P. O. ElkB
thlBi wdk awarded tho contract, to
MeMichttol Bros, for tho erection of
tho 44xS0 addition to tho presont build
Ing. Tho contract prlco was In tho
neighborhood of $12,000. Tho contract
doos not call for tho finishing of
tho interior of tho second and third
Work on the building will start as
soon as material can bo assembled.
Choice Acreage Tracts
Wo havo a numbor of eholco llvo
aero tracts adjoining tho city that wo
aro offering at $150.00 por aero. Only
four tracts unsold.
31-2 Solo Agents.
: :o: :
City Council Notes
Tho city council mot in session
Tuesday ovening and In addition to
transaction of bustnoss noted elsc-
whero unanimously nnssod u motion
fixing tho pay of toum and man on
street work at fifty conts nn hour,
and laborers on street at thirty conts
nn hour.
An ordlnnnco was introduced' pro
vldlng a licenso for junk dealers, and
another relating to cleaning snow
from sidewalks. Both wofo roforred
to tho ordinance committee.
A motion was mudo to appoint I. L.
Mlltonherger pollco Judgo to succeed
Paul Moyor io resigned but wan
tabled whon Mayor Wnltomnth nn
nounced that no appointment would
ho mndo for tho present. Tho Mayor
also announced that for tho present
thoro would bo no change In tho po
llco force. Tho presont forco seemed
to bo satisfactory, and unless -charges
wore proforred the presont members
would probably bo ro-appolnted at tho
next meeting of tho council.
I. L. Mlltonherger wns ro-appolntod
a member of tho park board for three
years, his former term having oxplr
-: :o:
Christian Scienco Lecture.
Tho Christinn Scionco Society of
North Platto announces a frco lee
turo on Christiun Scionco by Mr,
Blcknoll Young, C. S. B., of Chicago
member of tho Board of Lectureship
of th6' Mother Church, tho First
Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston,
Mass., Thursday ovonlng, May 10th, at
tho Masonic Tomplo. You and your
rriends are cordially Invito to nttond
U-lioat .Monaco of War.
British naval experts nt Washing'
ton say that tho submurlno monaco
against snipping ovorshnuows overy
other grior or tho allies, the opening
of tho sea lanes boing moro essential
now thnn troops. Tho sinking of vos
sols como faster than they aro being
built In America, Canada, Japan and
other countries. All of those aro niBh
Ing on construction work.
: :o: :
Army to Franco Soon.
Prosidont Wilson nnd his cabinet
hold a brlof session Tuesday and dls
oussod tho subject of sending Amer
ican troops to Franco nt an early date
While It wns not announced formally,
it becamo known definitely thnt tho
provamng viow among admin stratlon
officials is that a forco should bo sent
as soon as possiblo.
lllfr Troop Slilp Sunk.
The I'oninsular & Oriental lino
steamship Ballarut of 11,120 gross
tons, which was used as a troop Hhlp,
has boon recently sunk by a Gorman
All tho-troops woro saved.
The Ballarat Us carrying troops
from Australia to England. Tho sol
diers woro rescued by British torpedo
bout dostroyors and trawlors.
W. J. Tlloy loft yostorday for boa
Moines, Iowa, whero ho goos to con-
' suit with tho grand offlcors of tho Yeo
men. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rasmusuon of
Hcrshey, spent tho first of this woek
lure, having como to nttond
, "Katlnka."
( all 125 for Taxi day or night.
I Also five or seven passenger car for
, funeral gorvico.
( Chnndler & Elcnr Agency,
Cornor Eighth and Locn st Sta .
Ample Seed Stocks
: Fancy Home Grown Alfalfa
) Early Amber Cane Seed
Quantities to Suit.
Immediate Shiphient.
Wi to or phone lor Samples and Price
Dr. and Mrs. Hoppor spent Tuosdny
In Gothenburg.
Mon'sj Work Shoos, t,he kind that
wear at Wilcox Dopnrtmont storo.
Attornoy P. R. Ilnlligan spoilt yes.
t onlay In Ognlnlln on business.
urPHOSE who save for a rainy day are
- those whose lives are likely lo have
the most sunshine."
Start a Savings Account Now.
Four per cent paid on
Savings Accounts.
First National Bank of North Platte
d$ Jr ll IS La EI
The undersigned will olTer at public sale nt his farm 4
miles southwest of North Platte and 1 mile west of the
stale experimental farm, on
Thursday, May 10,
Commencing at 10 O'clock a. m.,
Consisting of '16 cows and 70 steers and heifers, one
and two years old. Heds and White Faces.
TERMS All sums up to $20 cash; above that sum six
months time at 10 per cent interest. Two per cent dis
count for cash. FREE LUNCH AT NOON.
GEO. T. SMYTH, Owner.
Col. Matson; Auct. Ray C. Langford, Clerk.
I Lumber & Coal Coj
All Kinds Building Material
Everything New.
Phone 20 1 Block East Freight House
L. L. Wnlkor transacted buslnoss in
tho vostorn part of this stato yosior
dn Attorney J. S. Honglaud wont to
Lincoln yoaterdny morning on business.
Sale of
Has all of the lat
est improvements
and is an unusual,
ly quiet and
smooth running
It will pay you
well to investigate
before buying.